Carrabelle Area Chamber of Commerce 105 St. James Avenue (Hwy 98),PO Box DD Carrabelle, FL 32322 (850) 697-2585 [email protected] The Pearle of the Panhandle Events-May th st Thurs Apr 30 & Fri 1 US 98 Ochlockonee Bay Bridge in Panacea will have eastbound lane closures 9 am-4pm for routine inspection/maintenance th May 1st-11 Forgotten Coast en plein air Throughout the area (See page 4 for Area Events) nd Sat 2 Giving Words to Our Forgotten Coast FL State Univ. Coastal & Marine Lab-4-8:30 pm. Must be registered [email protected] th Thurs 7 Canvas & Cocktails 7-9 pm hosted at the Franklin County Senior Center for The Carrabelle Artist Association (These classes will be held weekly) (850) 228-0422 Or th Sat 9 I-Quit 10 am Carrabelle Branch of the Franklin County Public Library (850) 697-8974, Toll free (877) 848-6696 or May 8th & 9th The 20th Annual -Camp Gordon Johnston Days (See page 3 for full schedule) Dedication of New signage & Flag Pole Gulf Unmanned Systems Center, LLC th Sun 10 Mother’s Day th Wed 13 Noon Board of Directors Meeting Carrabelle Library-BYO lunch. th Thurs 14 Coming to Pass: Florida’s Coastal Islands in a Gulf of Change 7 pm FSUCML Auditorium Thurs May 21st Chamber Mixer 6:00 p.m. The Old Carrabelle Hotel nd Fri 22 5-7 pm C-Quarters Liquors Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting rd th Sat 23 & Sun 24 Red Snapper Tournament C-Quarters Marina th Mon 25 Memorial Day Hurray, Hurray, it’s the first of May !!! Turtle Season begins today….. Friday, May 1, 2015 New Members John & N. Jill Rees Welcome Back: Apalachicola Bay & River Keeper, Inc. BayMedia Join today!! Call or download our Membership Application on our website The New “Carrabelle-Snapshot Tour” Walk, Cycle or Drive Sights & Landmarks Along Carrabelle’s Scenic Coast Brochure was delivered in time to give out at the Riverfront Festival. If you haven’t seen it yet, stop by the Chamber Office to pick one up! A BIG thank-you to all who helped put it together! Lighthouse Shinings by Laurel Newman The Carrabelle Lighthouse Association (CLA) had a vendor booth at this year’s Carrabelle Riverfront Festival to raise funds for painting the Crooked River Lighthouse and the Keeper’s House Museum. We enjoyed visiting with lots of lighthouse friends and supporters and met many new potential lighthouse friends, many of whom received a free ticket to climb the lighthouse. We had a visit Sunday (04/26/15) from Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers - Tom wrote the prize-winning song for last year's Lantern Fest, and he and his band performed it (Shine, Crooked River, Shine) at the Riverfront Festival in Carrabelle this weekend. Tom is now a member of the CLA, and hopes to come perform for us again at this year's Lantern Fest in October. He and his “pirate crew” are a delightful bunch from Nashville, and we hope they will come back soon! Also on Sunday, we were blessed with a visit from Flat Stanley, in the company of Ms. Julie Stephens, a longtime lighthouse friend. Flat Stanley is representing Julie’s granddaughter Chelsea, adding to his list of travel destinations. We hope they all come back soon! Delores R. Hardin, President Carrabelle Lighthouse Assn. 850-697-4700 or 697-2732 Let us know what’s happening with you so we can include YOUR accomplishments here! See our website under “Things to Do” Entertainment/Events for More info Events Further afield: Listen to WOYS 100.5 FM Oyster Radio Or go to or (Reminder: Please forward your events for the next month by the third week of the prior month in order for them to be included in the Coastline Newspaper under area events) Chamber officers President-Cher Novaria/At Your Service Concierge Vice Pres./Treas-Sheila Hauser/Century 21 Collins Realty Secretary-Tonia Chisholm/FC Public Library-Carrabelle Executive Director-Lisa Munson Chamber Directors Ann Wilson/NHC Homecare Lewis Christie/Christie’s Cottage Living Dr. Lois Kaitland/Phoenix Family Health Care Welcome New Chamber Directors: Skip Frink/Old Carrabelle Hotel Paul Marxsen/Marxsen Accounting Bo May/Rio Carrabelle Pamela McCreery/The Beachtrader Visitor’s Center 2014 2015 Brochures Sent % Inc 2014 2015 % Inc Jan 51 106 208 30 75 250 Feb 111 167 150 27 63 233 Mar 163 171 105 25 74 296 Apr 118 178 151 41 47 115 May 66 26 Jun 64 66 Jul 80 36 Aug 52 36 Sept 56 21 Oct 76 22 Nov 79 19 Dec 62 32 978 381 Totals Total Web Website Visitors Jan 1-April 12: 52,623 Total New Members Year-to-date: 34 (Includes return Memberships of pre-2014 Members) Chamber Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Closed Sunday Franklin County Visitor Center Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Closed Sunday Natural Resource Fish Display Installed at Carrabelle’s River Walk The spirit of this project is to identify the varied fish available in the Franklin County region and lead the visitor to the businesses that can show them off. The display shows fiberglass fish replicas of our waters and will have Quick Response Decals to lead visitors to sites such as FWC, Franklin County Tourist Development Council and the Carrabelle Chamber of Commerce websites. This display enhances the look of Carrabelle’s waterfront while providing an educational aspect. There will be descriptions explaining what information the QR decals will provide. These QR websites will expand the display’s usage by providing a wide variety of information ranging from fish identification, boating safety, and locating local businesses. This colorful and eye catching Natural Resource Fish Display is funded by Franklin County Tourist Development Council and Visit Florida. This is an ongoing project in cooperation with Carrabelle’s Waterfront Partnership and Community Redevelopment Agency with additional enhancements to follow in the coming months. Thank you, Mr. Chester Reese, for envisioning this project and carrying it through to completion. Visible promotional and educational aids such as “Chester’s fish display” have a dramatic effect on visitors and local citizens as well. Submitted by: Brenda La Paz, Carrabelle Commissioner CRA & TDC Board Member Franklin County Tourist Development Council: The winner of the Carrabelle Adventure Getaway Vacation Contest is Chrissy Petty from Jackson, TN. She was randomly selected from almost 2,000 entries. Ms. Petty & her daughter will be here coming to Carrabelle for the first time, so let’s give her a warm Carrabelle Welcome!! Franklin County Emergency Management Information about Residential Construction Mitigation Program is on Home page-applies to single family site built homes, does not cover mobile or manufactured homes. Services page-Hurricane preparedness-apply for transportation assistance or your re-entry tags. Everyone who attended the Riverfront Festival had a great time! (the threat of rain didn’t scare us off!) I’ll get a photo gallery on our website soon. Thank-you to all the volunteers and participants! st Christie’s Cottage Living had a wonderful 1 weekend in their new location..Best wishes for continued success! The 20th Annual Camp Gordon Johnston Reunion Days A celebration for America's veterans The Annual Camp Gordon Johnston Reunion Days were established to celebrate historic wartime Carrabelle and the service of our veterans from WWII to present. All veterans and their family, friends, and supporters are invited to Carrabelle from Friday, May 8, 2015 through Saturday, May 9, 2015. Friday, May 8th, registration will continue throughout the day. If you wish to register on-line to be in the parade, please: call Sidney Winchester at: (850) 524-3927 or Mike Horvath at (850) 251-3928. Boat excursions to Dog Island, where many practice beach landings were held during WWII training, will be provided by Towboats U.S. Passage for each participant will cost $25.00. There must be a minimum of three persons before the boat will leave. This is a sightseeing trip—we will not disembark on Dog Island. For reservations call: (850) 697-8909 or 697-3360. At 6 P.M., the Lanark American Legion Post 82, Camp Gordon Johnston, will host a southern seafood buffet. Legion members, WWII veterans and active duty troops only are invited to attend this event. Saturday, May 9th, all participants are invited to begin the day with breakfast at the Masonic Lodge, 108 NE First Street, in Carrabelle. Breakfast will be served at 7:30 A.M. at a cost of $6.00. Breakfast is free to active-duty troops and WWII veterans. At approximately 10:45 A.M., on Highway 98 in Carrabelle, the parade will begin featuring WWII vehicles, tanks, and modern military equipment. Marching bands, active duty soldiers, civic groups, and re-enactors will participate in the parade festivities. This year the Military Vehicle Preservation Association, First Florida Chapter, will be bringing their restored vintage military vehicles to participate in the parade. Afterwards they will form up at the old Gulf State Bank location in Carrabelle to conduct their “swap” business. The public is cordially invited to attend this parade, paying tribute to veterans of all branches of service, from all past and current wartime and peacetime efforts. The public is also invited to come to the” Swap” location to view the vehicles, purchase souvenirs and talk to the participants. Saturday evening will feature a dinner and dance at 6:00 P.M. at the Franklin County Senior Center. Live Entertainment & DJ Dance. Join us for an evening of fun at the newly revitalized Senior Center. $ 10 Donation per person. No charge for WWII, Active Duty Troops, and veterans with valid ID. For tickets Please call (850) 697-3760 or (850) 320-8201. Proceeds will help keep our Senior Center alive and well. The CGJ Museum will be open for visitors on Thursday 1200–1600 hours, Friday 0900–1600 and Saturday 0900–1500 hours. The Museum is closed Sundays. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy good food, fun and to honor all our veterans. All veterans/friends and interested persons are welcome to attend the festivities. For More Information Please call (850) 697-8575 Or visit Carrabelle Area For a full schedule of events, visit Maritime Collection th May 1st-May 9 - 12:00 pm-5:00 pm Rio Carrabelle, 102 St. James Ave (Hwy 98), Carrabelle Painting Station: Views from Marine Street th May 5 - 9:00 am-6:00 pm Marine Street Pavilion, 701 Marine Street, Carrabelle Florida’s Finest Plein Air Ambassadors Cynthia Edmonds and Mary Garrish will coach novice and first time painters to create their own painting “en plein air.” Pre-book your session online. Select from three time slots, 9-1 am, 1-3 pm or 4-6 pm each day, $25 per person includes all supplies. If you do not want to stay for two hours, stop by and try your hand on a “Community Canvas” just for fun. Demonstration: Marine Street Panoramas th May 5 2:00 pm-4:00 pm Marine Street Pavilion, 701 Marine Street, Carrabelle Watercolorist, Luke Buck, and oil painters Gene Costanza and Larry Moore Reception and Presentation: Exploring Watercolor th May 5 -4:00 pm-6:00 pm Rio Carrabelle, 102 St. James Ave (Hwy 98), Carrabelle, FL Enjoy a presentation by Luke Buck discussing his mastery of watercolor in the plein air process. Meet the artists Gene Costanza and Mary Erickson and enjoy the hospitality of the Carrabelle Artists Association.
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