receive the transmission ... …select from our affordable line of Antennas and Sensors! The Aaronia series of antennas and sensors represents a quantum leap in performance, functionality and design. They are the perfect solution for precision, broad frequency range applications including test and measurement, compliance, data linking, mobile measurements, directional finding and laboratory use. Aaronia antennas and sensors offer a cost-effective alternative while maintaining above-industry specifications and standards. With over 25 models of antennas and sensors to choose from, Aaronia has your antenna solutions. 651 Amberton Crossing, Suwanee, GA 30024 TEL 678-714-2000 The HyperLOG EMI Series The HyperLOG 20300 and 20600 EMI antennas represent the ultimate EMC/EMI pre-compliance test antennas, featuring unmatched ultra-high accuracy and very high gain over the full frequency range. The 20300 has a range up to 3GHz and the 20600 meets the latest EMI/EMC standards up to 6GHz. The antennas combine the advantages of a biconical antenna and those of a log periodic antenna in a single high end EMC/EMI antenna. They “ offer an extremely EM A tru high accuracy of 0.3 dB over the full specified frequency range and therefore can even be used as reference antenna. singular technology and versatile features C e The HyperLOG EMI series can be used as a powerful broadcasting antenna with up to 310 watts. These antennas are suitable even for immunitytmeasurements, est price where very high field strengths are needed by more than 10 V/m. an br d m eak eas -th ro The Series ure BicoLOG me ugh i Biconical, radial isotropic antennas (the BicoLOG Series) are the perfect tool for performing highly accurate measurements in the lowernfrequency t w nranges. the orl usage. These high-quality laboratory grade antennas are very lightweight and perfectly suited for mobile application, as well as in-laboratory Handheld or connected to a PC – Ergonomic, easy to hold handheld unit with LCD d!! ” Everyour BicoLOG antenna goes PC through rigorous testing in our laboratories before dispatching, and ”typical” calibration data is offered for all models display and easy-access menu. Or, use it with custom, intuitive software. (calibration sheets can be ordered per antenna for selected models). The RF connection uses a high-quality “N” connector and each antenna Real time PC Software – USB connection, spectral and waterfall displays, exposure limit features standard tripod mounting capability. criteria, click & drag zoom, custom profiles …calculates several authoritative exposure BicoLOG antennas are offered in a variety of frequency ranges, with the greatest covering 20MHz to 3GHz (model: BicoLOG20300). Selected models are also offered limits, precautionary limits and recommendations (simply selectable via a button). with “E” optimization which provides for an extended linear gain response. Other options include a high-impact carrying case, SMA to “N” adaptor and cabling. Huge 3.5” LC display – High-resolution, superb,crisp digital display (80x60mm)! FSTN with various numeric indicators, multi-function graphics display Thequality HyperLOG Series with 25x51 pixels = 1530 pixels, large bar-graph and various text DSP signal processor – Integrated high-performance signal The HyperLOG display functions.series of LOG Periodic antennas are made to fit your demanding broadband applications. Each antenna is equipped with top quality gold-coated elements processor for super-fast providing excellent linearity over the entire frequency range. They are sealed within an advanced technology radome housing offering(DSP) protection against calculations and display updates. For external power and harging the Power input – mechanical damage, oxidation and supply corrosion andreagainst environmental influences that could affect consistent measurement readings. USB 2.0 connector – For computers or notebooks, for optimal internal battery. Every HyperLOG antenna comes in a lightweight aluminum carrying case and includes a desk stand that doubles as a handheld pistol grip. The free professional PC analysis software and for utilization of our SMA connector is–via High-end gold-plated 18 GHzEvery design with antenna goes through rigorous testing in our laboratories before dispatching RF connection a gold-plated SMA connector. HyperLOG firmware updates via internet. and includesprotection. industry-recognized “typical” calibration data, (calibration sheets can be ordered per antenna for selected models). With over 15 different over-torque models to choose from, the HyperLOG antennas are offered in a variety of frequency ranges, the greatest covering 380MHz to 18GHz (model: HyperLOG30180). Market Points – Unlimited, on screen markers which indicate frequency, Exposure Limits Standards – ICNIRP, BGRB11, BImSch, TCO99 signal level, and bandwidth between markers. OmniLOG90200 Antennafrom Custom Profiles – Create custom profile settingThe within the PC software accessible a simple pull-down window. The OmniLOG90200 Antenna is specially developed for a quasi isotropic (radial isotropic) measurement in the cellular, GSM and 2.4GHz frequency Long-Term Loggingrange – Indispensable for serious evaluation of exposure appliances and ranges. But even though the OmniLOG90200 published frequency is 700MHz to 2.5GHz, it has excellent signal gain farby below and above which use changing or line radiation strengthAnalyzers. over time. thesemachinery specification. Therefore it makes apower perfectconsumption addition to our of RF Spectrum Compared to our HyperLOG or other LOG Periodic antennas, the OmniLOG antenna offers possibility for direct, measurements radial measurement fieldproprietary strength 3D Magnetic Measurements – 1D,the2D, or 3D Magnetic withofour without the need to move the antenna to the source. The OmniLOG Antenna connection is a high-grade SMAreal-time connector 3D withminiature a 360 degree swivel. sensor coil. Near-Field Probe Sets Our EMC near-field probe sets allow for straight-forward pinpointing and measurement of interference sources from DC to 6GHz. Typical applications include “down to the component level” measurements of signal leakage, radiation, shielding effectiveness, compliance and pre-compliance testing, product design, field measurements, etc. We offer two near-field probe sets: PBS-1 and PBS-2. Both sets include 5 probes - three “H” field probes for magnetic field measurement and two “E” field probes for measurement of electric fields. All the probes are covered with an insulating layer, thus allowing safe measurement of oscillators or power lines. The PBS-2 probe-set also includes a high-performance pre-amplifier, allowing measurement of significantly weaker interference sources and boosting the sensitivity by up to 40dB. The near-field probe sets include a lightweight carrying case and the probe connection is BNC. ® Technical Specifications – Spectran EMC Spectrum Analyzers Antenna Frequency Chart 1Hz Spectran® NF-1010 10Hz X 2kHz 10kHz 400kHz 1MHz 30MHz X Total 10Hz-2kHz 1V/m 2kV/m 10nT 100µT HyperLOG 20300 EMI HyperLOG 20600 EMI 5Hz 70 2 5 10kHzHyperLOG5% HyperLOG 7 0 4 0 HyperLOG 7 0 6 0 HyperLOG 6 0 8 0 HyperLOG 6 0 1 0 0 HyperLOG 6 0 1 8 0 HyperLOG 4 0 2 5 HyperLOG 4 0 4 0 HyperLOG 4 0 6 0 HyperLOG 3 0 8 0 HyperLOG 3 0 1 0 0 HyperLOG 3 0 1 8 0 BicoLOG 5 0 7 0 BicoLOG 3 0 1 0 0 BicoLOG 2 0 1 0 0 BicoLOG 2 0 3 0 0 OmniLOG 90200 PBS-1 & PBS-2
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