2015 April Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Recently the Misunderstanding about the 13th Sign Resurfaced Every few years an article like the one posted here surfaces saying almost everyone has the wrong astrological sign because our Sun Signs are NOT what we believe them to be and of course there is usually reference to a 13th Sign called Ophiuchus. These types of articles come from a HUGE misunderstanding about the Difference Between Signs and Constellations. In 2011 there was a big article about the 13th sign that was similar to the misunderstanding in the above article. So I created a YouTube with visuals that shows the seasonal signs and how they relate to the constellations and how the seasons are moving through the constellations at a rate of about one degree every 72 years. The image to the right shows the logo for the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and how the seasonal signs are related to the constellations at this time. I also wrote a short article giving the dates of when the Sun is in the Seasonal Signs and the dates for when the Sun is traveling through the zodiacal constellations. Looking at this article you can see what constellation the Sun was in when you born. For example, I have a Pisces Sun by season but the Sun was located in the constellation we call the Waterbearer a.k.a Aquarius. It helps to call the constellations by a different name than the seasonal signs as a way to keep the difference straight! Otherwise it is easy to get confused and stay confused. Also if you did not get a chance to see this Google Hangout I did with KG Stiles it still has a lot of relevant information about the ongoing Uranus Pluto Square at the Turning of the Ages and why this is such a powerful time. Happy Birthday Gratitude I was thrilled and delighted to receive many wonderful Birthday Greetings and Blessings. There were so many of them I didn’t get a chance to properly say Thank You to everyone so please know that I did receive your birthday messages and they all have meant so much to me - words don’t adequately express how much. Peter and I had an extra special fun time celebrating my birthday this year in Prescott, Arizona. I hadn’t been to Prescott since the early 1990’s and had forgotten how beautiful it is. See the collage of pictures below on the next page. When I thanked everyone for the birthday greetings on Facebook I also shared about how I decided a few years ago I was done having "So So" birthdays and especially done with really awful stressful birthdays. For years my birthday Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 1 was lost in the celebration of my beautiful twins, Ian and Jenna, who were born two days after my 29th birthday. They just celebrated their 30th birthday. Woohoo…that means for years, and rightly so, their birthday was the more celebrated event. Now they are off leading their own lives and I am enjoying taking time to really celebrate MY birthday. Since my declaration and decision to have FUN birthdays, with the help of my beloved Peter, we have been creating magical birthday experiences. In 2013 and 2014 we went to Sedona. In 2012 we went to Tubac, Arizona. The two years before that we went to special places around Tucson. It has been fun to connect with these places in my home state where I have lived for the last 37 years. I have loved each and every birthday adventure we have created and each is has been better than the last. So this birthday I have been calling my BBSF (Best Birthday So Far) as of course I imagine they will just keep getting better. One of the magical things that happened in Prescott was a dear friend of mine from Sedona, her birthday is two days before mine (we have been ceremonially celebrating together the last 3 years), connected me with a local card reader. One of things my cards showed is it is my job to help bring Magic back to the world. I loved hearing that as I have been saying it for years now. I immediately thought: “YES” that is so my life and having FUN birthdays is a great way to energize that. I hope my sharing this with you inspires you to create FUN birthdays if you aren’t doing that already. I have an audio story about Celebrating Solar Returns or Birthdays and the magic that comes from doing that. I created this audio story a year or two ago. It includes the story of my 46th birthday ceremony, where I was hiking the Mountain of Initiation (Wasson Peak in Tucson) and encountered the rabbit and the old man (or magician of the mountain) that is described in a Rosicrucian understanding of initiation. That birthday intention and experience accelerated massive changes in my life that I needed to have so I could get to the life I was meant to live. What does the name April Mean? April may have come from the Greek name for Venus, or Aphrodite, or from the Roman name Aprilis derived from aperio, aperire, apertus, that later became the word “aperture” meaning "to open" referencing the season when trees and flowers are opening with new growth. Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 2 The Month of March is named after Mars so it makes sense that the month of April is named after Venus as the Romans had anApril 1st festival honoring Venus Veneralia. Some scholars feel that the name for this month Aprilis was originally called Aphrilis, or the equivalent name Aphrodite (Aphros), or from the Etruscan name Apru. It seems easy to imagine that the name April appropriately honors the Divine Feminine as Venus! Interesting Facts about April. It was a month that originally had 29 days. Julius Caesar added a day when the Julian Calendar was created. In the current Gregorian calendar April always starts on the same day of the week as July. During Leap Years April begins on the same day of the week as January. The day of the week that ends the month of April is the same day of the week that ends the month of December every year. Special Events June 19-21 Summer Solstice Venus Ascension Event with Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk at Faywood Hotsprings, New Mexico Details HERE Evening Star Venus Tele-class series - The Ascent of the Goddess - you can still join us! All the classes are being recorded if you can’t make the live class. If you have questions contact Tami Brunk [email protected] or call 505-948-7621 Night Sky in Nevada September 20 – 23 Camping Event with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell. Find out more HERE The Inner Sacred Marriage and Relationship Intensive October 7-11 Tubac, Arizona near Tucson. with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell Details are HERE Overview of 2015 and a Look at the RARE Lunar Standstill with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell Details are HERE Bonus Offerings April 25, 2015 RESONANCE REPATTERNING and More Specifically Celestial Timings Resonance Repatterning Contact Teri Bybee [email protected] April Planets and Sky The 5 visible planets are visible at different times in the April Night Sky. As the month begins Mars sets at 8:13 pm, Venus sets around 9:40 pm, Jupiter sets at 3:39 am. Saturn rises at 10:42 pm - rising at 8:41 pm by the end of April. Mercury is illusive as it shifts from morning sky disappearing on April 1 and reappearing in the evening sky on April 18. This is the time when Mercury is on the far side of the Sun reaching conjunction with the Sun on April 10. By April 19, Mercury is -1.4 magnitude and may be visible to the naked eye very low on the western horizon about 45 minutes after sunset. Mercury is just to the left and slightly lower than the brand new Crescent Moon. (see April 19 for star map and details) Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 3 Venus continues to climb into the western sky this month brilliantly shining at -4.1 magnitude for most of April - continuing to brighten throughout the month. Venus sets about three hours after the Sun as April begins and about 3.5 hours by month’s end. Venus enters The Sacred Hoop of Stars when passing 3° to the left of the Pleiades on April 11. Then Venus passes 7° to the right of Aldebaran on April 19. On April 20 and 21 the crescent Moon joins Venus at the 5th Gate. (see Daily Timings for details). Venus completes the month near the star Elnath (one of the Horns of the Bull). See April 11, 19, 20, and 21 for star maps and details.) Mars begins this month at +1.4 magnitude sinking into the sunset after its eight month journey through the evening sky technically disappearing on April 15. This month and next Mars is moving through the stars of the Ram. (See April 15 for more about Mars in the underworld journey and catching up to Mercury in the New Moon Window on April 19) Jupiter spends this month between the constellation of the Crab and the Lion dimming a bit during the month of April from a -2.3 magnitude to a -2.1. Jupiter stations direct on April 8 passing 5° East of the Beehive Cluster and heading toward Regulus (the heart star of the Lion) once again. By the end of April Jupiter is setting around 2 am for mid northern latitudes. (See April 8 and 26) Venus and Jupiter move within 60° of each other this month. In two months Venus and Jupiter reach their long-awaited rendezvous. Retrograde Saturn begins April at +0.3° magnitude brightening to +0.1 during this month rivaling the brightness of Arcturus and Vega. On May 23 retrograde Saturn will be opposite the Sun so at its brightest and closest to the Earth. Saturn rises in the SE visible near the head of the Scorpio in alignment with Dschubba. By the end of April, Saturn is rising around 9:30 pm daylight time. (see April 23 for more on Dschubba and Saturn) The Moon in April Includes a Total Lunar Eclipse The waning gibbous Moon rises less than 3° from Saturn late night on April 8. On April 19 the waxing crescent Moon passes Mercury and Mars very low on the western horizon in the afterglow of the sunset. The Moon hangs well to the lower left of the Pleiades on April 20 passing Venus on April 21 and the Moon is approaching Jupiter on April 25, conjunct Jupiter on April 26 and with Regulus on the night of April 27. (see Daily Timings for details and star maps for these dates) The April 4 Libra Full Moon Eclipse is visible in North America before dawn. On the evening of April 4 the slightly waning Moon is rd visible about 3° from Spica. This is the 3 Total Lunar Eclipse in a series of 4 (called a Tetrad) that ends this coming September 28. In a total lunar Eclipse a nearly 30 day cycle is compressed into a few hours. That means whatever we are holding as an intention is speeded up or accelerated in its manifestation. Whatever is NOT in alignment with the intent will be evident very quickly. For additional information see the Daily Written Timings and the monthly audios (this link will only work if you are logged in as a Paid Subscriber) and this FREE YouTube that describes the acceleration effect of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 4 Moon in the Signs for April 2015 Date Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 7 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 14 Apr 16 April 18 Apr 18 Apr 20 Apr 22 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 27 Apr 30 Time 7:25 am 5:06 am 12:04 pm 10:08 pm 5:47 am 8:44 pm 10:44 am 1:12 pm 2:00 pm 11:57 am 2:31 pm 4:28 pm 9:25 pm 6:13 am 4:55 pm 6:07 pm 7:03 am Moon Sign/Phase Libra Full Moon 14 Libra Eclipse Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Last Quarter 21 Cap Aquarius Pisces Aries New Moon 28 Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo First Quarter 5 Leo Virgo Libra NOTE: All the events listed in the Celestial Timings have a minimum three day impact including the day before and the day after. In many cases, the planetary effects extend into weeks, months and even years. Noting the sign and degree of the aspects and planets helps you to know if these events are directly affecting your own natal chart. The Celestial Timings are a guide for sensing into how these energies affect us collectively while also paying extra close attention to the personal initiations we all go through. If you want to know more about this applies to you directly I am available for personal sessions. All our life activities are structured by the day, month, year cycles but we forget that these cycles are founded on astronomical data used by astrologers since very ancient times. ~ Cycles of Becoming by Alexander Ruperti Resources for the Celestial Timings Include: Definitions of Terms Used in the Celestial Timings The Astronomical Calendar 2014 by Guy Ottewell The Celestial Guide 2014 by Jim Maynard Solar Fire Astrology Software EarthSky.org and Sky and Telescope Website Sky.org Star Maps are from Starry Night unless otherwise noted The Daily Timings provide details and interpretations of what is happening each day of the Month. This is a great way to learn more about how these cycles work for you personally and for the collective. The technical information is followed by an interpretation. You can skip the bolded technical part and go straight to the interpretation for those who find the technical talk challenging. The Technical part is included for those who want to Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 5 learn and those who already have a background in these mysteries. It can help to get a personal session so you know exactly what is going on for you and what to look for in the Timings. Daily April 2015 Celestial Timings SAMPLE All times are PDT unless otherwise noted April 1, Wednesday. All Fools Day. The genesis of our current understanding of April Fool’s Day grew out of the 1582 change in the calendar instituted by Pope Gregory shifting New Year’s Day from April 1 to January 1. News traveled slowly in those days and for various reasons many continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April First and became known as April Fools. This was a way to pressure individuals into conforming to a calendar that was designed to focus awareness on physical evidence and promote materialism and commerce. This intention has been highly successful not only in focusing consciousness on materialism but also in disconnecting us from the magical world of the natural cycles between the Earth and the Sky. The mission of Shamanic Astrology is to remind us of this magical connection in ways that enhance our intuitive knowing and consciousness connection to Great Mystery. Venus (18°Taurus47') is sextile Chiron (18°Pisces47') at 7:51 pm suggesting the energy of deep healing is present for the divine feminine regarding her ability to fully receive the gifts of Sacred Pleasure when they are offered from the Heart - as Venus has just passed through the 4th gate where she reclaimed a healthy Heart Chakra. What beliefs and perceptions do you have around sacred pleasure and intimacy with yourself and others? Are they holding you back from experiencing a more joyful ecstatic life? If so what activities could you say YES to that would bring a deeper sense of pleasure and joy into your life? Perhaps April Fool’s day is a time for seeing how foolish we have been in ever thinking and believing the full on embodied experience of healthy pleasure is sinful? April 2, Thursday. Mercury (04°Aries38') is trine retrograde Saturn (04°Sagittarius38') at 5:21 am and Saturn (4 Sagittarius 38) is trine Jupiter (4 Leo 38) at 10:20 am again activating the Grand Fire Trine that began forming last year. Not only that, today we have a short lived Grand Earth Trine with Pluto, Venus and the Moon. Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 6 What is the relationship between Fire and Earth? Fire needs Earth to exist because without fuel to burn Fire quickly dies out. So Earth provides the stable basis for Fire to express. Fire provides the active energy needed for Earth to move. When imbalanced Earth can find itself overwhelmed by the fast energy of Fire and Fire can be impatient with how slow Earth tends to move and change. Together when balanced Earth supports the active energy of Fire embracing the changes that Fire craves. Fire of course needs Earth to exist but can often be racing ahead without considering what is needed for a sustainable existence. It is interesting to note that Saturn (an Earth Element planet) is in Sagittarius (a Fire Sign) so for the next couple of years the journey of Saturn is to integrate the Fire element in its more earthy nature. When they work together Fire and Earth can accomplish great things. However, when they work against each other, Earth can put out Fire and Fire can scorch Earth. Now is a time to consider how these two elements are showing up for you? One way to being is to ponder these two questions. Do you make decisions so quickly you miss important details? Do you take so long to make decisions you miss important opportunities? (See April 6, 7 and 8 for more on the Grand Fire Trine, the Phoenix/Fire Bird and how this Timing connects to the Bird Tribes Plus…Find out more about the elements and your own elemental make up HERE) April 3, Friday. Good Friday. For many Catholics and Christians around the world this marks the anniversary of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and then on Easter Sunday (April 5) is the celebration of his Resurrection. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are also celebrated as the two feasts of the Pasch; the Pascha staurosimon (the passage to death), and the Pascha anastasimon (the passage to life – as in the Resurrection). Some Christian traditions still observe every Friday as a Feast Day, or Holy Day. Good Friday is the holy of holy Fridays and there are those who believe that Good came from the historical reference that it is "God's Friday". (It is also interesting note that Friday is named after the Goddess Freya (Venus) so maybe from one point of view Good is For Goddess?) These Feast Days, or Holy Days, commemorate aspects of Great Mystery or the Sacred Mysteries depending on the cultural traditions and the original intent to inspire greater commitment to a spiritual life. Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 7 Easter Sunday is determined by the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. It is not a fixed holiday but is still linked to the remnants of a time when the more ancient Holy Days were determined by the New or Full Moon phases nearest the solar gates. It turns out that tomorrow is not only the Libra Full Moon but also a Total Lunar Eclipse, accentuating the importance of these Holy Days this year. The Moon enters Libra at 7:25 am opening the Libra Full Moon window and drawing our attention to the importance of conscious relationships and partnerships that are guided by Spirit or Great Mystery. Sobanfu Some` speaks about this in her book The Spirit of Intimacy, Ancient Teaching in the Way of Relationships describing the spiritual dimension to every relationship no matter what its origins, whether it is acknowledged as spiritual or not. She reminds us that two people come together because spirit wants them together. Once in a relationship it helps to see that relationship as spirit-driven, instead of driven by the individual. That doesn’t mean the relationship is meant to last over time. The length of the relationship is part of the great mystery and may only be needed for a short time. …Spirit helps us fulfill our own life purpose and maintain our sanity…Spirit refers to the life force in everything…people in the West can begin to strengthen their intimate relationships by maintaining their connection with spirit – through prayers, through walking in nature, and dealing with natural forces, through connecting with the earth, the mineral, the fire or the mountains. By spending time in nature and taking time away from the mundane day-to-day living, we allow the part of ourselves that can hear natural beings to listen, so that we can find our connection… ~Sobanfu Some` Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 8 Celestial Timings Template for April 2015 April 1, Wednesday. All Fools Day. Venus (18°Taurus47') is sextile Chiron (18°Pisces47') at 7:51 pm April 2, Thursday. Mercury (04°Aries38') trine Saturn (04°Sag38') at 5:21 am Saturn (4 Sag 38) trine Jupiter (4 Leo 38) at 10:20 am. April 3, Friday. Good Friday. The Moon enters Libra at 7:25 AM April 4, Saturday. Passover. The Total Solar eclipse at 14 Libra 24 is exact at 5:05 am. Mercury is conjunct the South Node (10°Aries01') at 11:20 pm. April 5, Sunday. Easter Sunday. The Moon passes 3.4° North of Spica before moving into Scorpio at 12:40 pm. The Sun (15 Aries 31) is square Pluto (15 Capricorn) 8:58 am. April 6, Monday. Mercury (12°Aries36') trine retrograde Jupiter (12°Le36') 6:26 am. Sun conjunct Uranus (16 Aries 27) at 7:08 am. April 7, Tuesday. Mercury (15°Aries31') squares Pluto (15°Capricorn31') at 5:07 pm. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:09 pm. April 8, Wednesday. Mercury occults Uranus (16°Aries34') within 2° of the Sun at 5:20 am. The Moon is with retrograde Saturn (4 Sagittarius 25) at 6:30 am. Jupiter (12°Leo35') stations direct at 9:57 am. The Moon passes Antares about 5 pm. April 9, Thursday. Mercury is conjunct the Sun (19 Aries 58) on its exterior track or on the other side of the Sun at 9:01 pm. April 10, Friday. The Moon enters Capricorn at 5:47 am April 11, Saturday. Venus enters Gemini at 8:29 am. The Moon is conjunct Pluto (15 Capricorn 32) at 9:32 am just prior to the exact Last Quarter Moon (22 Capricorn) at 8:44 pm. April 12, Sunday. Mars (08°Taurus 52') is sextile Neptune (08°Pisces52') at 10:22 am. The Moon enters Aquarius at 10:44 am. April 13, Monday. Pluto is aligned with the fixed star Vega and opposite the bright star Sirius. April 14, Tuesday. The Moon enters Pisces at 1:12 pm. Venus enters Taurus at 3:52 pm. Venus is (04°Gemini08') opposite retrograde Saturn (04°Sagittarius08') at 9:25 pm. April 15, Wednesday. The Moon conjuncts Neptune (08°Pisces 59') at 3:52 AM. April 16, Thursday. Neptune is conjunct Vesta (08°Pisces59') at 11:24 am. The Moon enters Aries at 2 pm. Pluto stations retrograde (15°Capricorn 33') at 8:55 pm. April 17, Friday. Mars (12°Taurus 44') is square Jupiter (12°Leo 44') at 5:29 pm. The Moon passes .08° SW of Uranus at 5:35 pm in one of the closest occulations of this series. April 18, Saturday. The Aries New Moon (28 Aries25) is exact at 11:57 am. Then the Moon moves into Taurus at 2:31 pm. April 19, Sunday. Mercury (09°Taurus03') is sextile Neptune (09°Pisces03') at 12:12 am. Venus (09°Gemini03') is square Neptune (09°Pisces03') at 3:29 am. The Moon is passing 3° SSE of Mercury (09 Taurus) at 6:12 am. The Moon is passing 3° SSE of Mars (14 Taurus) now only 15° from the Sun so very likely not visible at 1:39 pm. April 20, Monday. The Sun enters Taurus at 2:42 am. The Moon enters Gemini at 4:28 pm. Venus passes 7° North of Aldebaran (10 Gemini) and then squares Vesta (10°Pisces57') around 6:56 pm. Mercury 12°Taurus50' is square Jupiter 12°Leo50' at 9:15 pm. April 21, Tuesday. The Moon passes 1.5° NE of Aldebaran in the fourth occultation of 49 occultation series the last until 2019. The Moon passes 6.6° S of Venus at 12:53 pm at (11 Gemini 48). Mars 15°Taurus32' trines Pluto (15°Capricorn32') at 2:31 pm. April 22, Wednesday. Earth Day. The April Lyrids meteors peak. Mercury is trine retrograde Pluto (15°Capricorn32') at 6:26 am. Venus (12°Gemini54') is sextile Jupiter (12°Leo54') at 11:41 am. Mercury is passing 1.3° NNW of Mars (15°Taurus32') at 4:03 pm, too close to the Sun for either to be seen. Moon enters Cancer at 9:25 pm. April 23, Thursday. Saturn (3 Sag 39) is returning to alignment with Dschubba (2 Sag 47) exact on May 6. April 24, Friday. Mercury (20°Taurus00') is sextile Chiron (20°Pisces) at 3:36 pm April 25, Saturday. The Moon enters Leo at 6:13 am and reaches the exact First Quarter Moon (5Leo27) at 6:13 am April 26, Sunday. The Moon is with Jupiter (13Leo06) at 8:04 am. Venus (17°Gemini36') sextile Uranus (17°Aries36') at 2:31 pm. April 27, Monday. The Moon moves into Virgo at 6:07 pm passing 4° SSW by Regulus. April 28, Tuesday. Venus (20°Gemini12') squares Chiron (20°Pisces12') at 9:32 pm. April 29, Wednesday. The Sun is sextile Neptune at 4:11 pm. April 30, Thursday. The Moon enters Libra at 7:03 am. Mercury enters Gemini at 7 pm. Please feel free to share the Free April 2015 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell giving credit and link to cayelincastell.com Also see Video Interview on Uranus Pluto Transforming Change And Chaos Into Conscious Evolution Page 9
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