The set includes: A - Checkbook/Datebook Cover 6-1/2˝ X 3-1/2˝... Eyeglass/Sunglass Case 4˝ X 7˝ (10cm X 17.8cm) and C -...

The set includes: A - Checkbook/Datebook Cover 6-1/2˝ X 3-1/2˝ (16.5cm X 8.8cm), B - Double
Eyeglass/Sunglass Case 4˝ X 7˝ (10cm X 17.8cm) and C - Key Ring 3˝ X 3/4˝ (7.5cm X 2cm).
SUGGESTED FABRICS: Faux Leather and Vinyl
SUGGESTED LINING: Cotton and Cotton blends
YOU WILL NEED: Checkbook/datebook cover:
• 14˝ X 8˝ (35.5cm X 2cm) piece of fabric, lining and
sew-in interfacing
Double eyeglass/sunglass case:
• 18˝ X 9˝ (46cm X 23cm) piece of fabric, lining and
sew-in interfacing
Key ring:
• 6˝ X 6-1/2˝ (15cm X 16.5cm) piece of fabric and
sew-in interfacing
• One 1˝ key Ring and 3/4˝ Swivel Clasp
• Please read all the instructions
before you get started on your
• Note For Synthetic Leather:
Where basting is necessary, use
tape, paper clips or fabric glue to
prevent permanent marks. Finger
press seams.
• Pin pattern pieces to corresponding fabric sections. Make sure all
the pieces are correctly laid before
cutting out the sections.
• Transfer markings.
©2009 The McCall Pattern Company, All rights reserved
Checkbook/Datebook Cover A
5. With right sides together, pin Cover (2)
to cover Lining. Stitch, leaving an opening, as shown. Trim.
2. With right sides together stitch Pocket
(3) to pocket Lining at upper edge.
1. Pin Interfacing to wrong side of each
Pocket (1) and Cover (2) having edges
even, baste.
6. Turn right side out, turning in remaining seam allowance; press. Topstitch 1/8˝
(3mm) from edge.
2. With right sides together pin Pocket (1)
to pocket Lining. Stitch, leaving notched
edge open.
Double Eyeglass/Sunglass Case B
3. Turn right side out; press. Baste raw
edges together. Topstitch 1/8˝ (3mm)
from upper edge.
3. Turn right side out; press. Baste raw
edges together. Topstitch 1/8˝ (3mm)
from long edge.
1. Pin Interfacing to wrong side of Pocket
(3) and each Front And Back (4) having
edges even, baste.
4. For front, with right sides together
stitch one Front And Back (4) section to
front and back Lining at upper edge.
(Remaining sections of Front And Back
and Lining will be used later.)
4. Pin Pockets to cover Lining (2), having
right sides up and matching symbols.
Baste raw edges together.
©2009 The McCall Pattern Company, All rights reserved
Key Ring C
1. Pin interfacing to wrong side of each
Key Ring (5) having edges even, baste.
5. Turn right side out; press. Baste raw
edges together. Topstitch 1/8˝ (3mm)
from upper edge.
8. With right sides together, pin back to
front, having edges even; baste.
2. With right sides together stitch Key
Ring (5) sections together, leaving open
on one side, as shown. Trim.
3. Turn right side out, turning in remaining seam allowances; press. Topstitch 1/8˝
(3mm) from upper edge, as shown.
6. Pin Pockets to front, having right sides
up and matching symbols, baste. Stitch
pocket along stitching line.
9. Pin right side of back lining to wrong
side of front; baste. Stitch, leaving upper
edge open. Trim.
4. Insert one end of key ring through
swivel chip, folding end along foldline.
Stitch close to end.
10. Turn right side out; press.
7. For back, turn in upper edge seam
allowance on remaining sections of Front
And Back and front and back Lining;
11. Edgestitch back sections 1/8˝ (3mm)
from upper edge.
©2009 The McCall Pattern Company, All rights reserved
5. Insert remaining end through key ring
folding end to opposite side along
foldline. Stitch close to end.
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
For Front
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
For Front
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
Fabric: Cut 2
Lining: Cut 2
Interfacing: Cut 2
Fabric: Cut 2
Lining: Cut 2
Interfacing: Cut 2
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
Stitching Line
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
1/4˝ (6mm)
Fabric: Cut 2
Interfacing: Cut 2
1/4˝ (6mm)
1/4˝ (6mm) Seam
1/4˝ (6mm) Seam
©2009 The McCall Pattern Company, All rights reserved
Produced in the USA
©2009 The McCall Pattern Company, All rights reserved
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
Fabric: Cut 1
Lining: Cut 1
Interfacing: Cut 1
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
Fabric: Cut 1
Lining: Cut 1
Interfacing: Cut 1
) Se
2˝ (
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
Stitching Line
1/2˝ (1cm) Seam
Center On Fold