Officv of ti-:a Directo: C. D6AX/URGENT/AT ONCE From : Home New Delhi DY. No_ e9) 11044N DIRECTOR C 6 cc-to e4/:0•46.1:147.: WM1" t gw. The Chief Secretaries and DsG(P)s of all States / UTs ..... Directors - IB/CBI/SVP PA/SPG/NEPA/NICFS/CFSL/ DCPW/NCRB. DsG - BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/NSG/RPF/BPR&D/SSB 3. /NCB/NIA/Assam Rifles (Through LOAR) Commissioner of Police Delhi. 4. 5.UT Division, MHA k- 4 JUN 2015 ..0.4 Dated the 04 th June, 2015 NEW DELI INo.21023/22/2015-PMA py CC Subject : - Vacancy announcement : PoC (Protection of Civilians) Site Coordinator, P-4 for UNMISS to be deployed at various locations within the Mission area in one of the Protection of Civilians Sites. PMI to UN vide their E/Fax No. 27 dated 02" ci June, 2015 (P/32-C) has sought the nomination of Individual Police Officers for the position of PoC (Protection of Civilians) Site Coordinator, P-4 for UNMISS to be deployed at various locations within the Mission area in one of the Protection of Civilians Sites for an initial period of one year with possibility of extension : Post title Number of post Level of Post Organization Duration PoC Site Coordinator (P-4) Not mentioned. P-4, [SP/DIG] UNMISS 12 Months (extendible) QUALIFICATIONS Education: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in one. or more of the following disciplines: Law, Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Administration, Business or Public Administration, Development Studies (particularly in law enforcement) or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combination of relevant professional level experience in law enforcement, including police management, may he accepted in lieu Of the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or Other law enforcement training institution is required. Work Experience: At least 7 years (9 years in absence of advanced university degree) of progressive and active relevant service/experience at the field and regionaVdistrict headquarters level including 5 years of direct supervisory/operational command. experience, experience in organizational management, public order and crime prevention management, strategic - planning, and administration related to project development and management of police / security agency. Previous experience in UN peacekeeping operations or international policing in the area of community policing is an advantage. 1 r{ e/i Dy No...... L014-DO (Pers) idc° 6 c • 4,-rw-o-i, P Pers-1, 20 %WOW! Daubbi— ... —1-0-1-49#7 Languages : English and French are the working languages of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of a second official UN language is an advantage. Preference will be given equally qualified women candidates. It is requested that nomination of eligible and willing officer of the level 2. of SP/DIG (P-4) may be submitted to this Ministry by 10th July 2015 along with the following documents duly completed in all respect:i. United Nations Personal History Profile (PHP) form (P.11) duly completed and signed by the nominated candidate. United Nations Employment and Academic Certification [attachment to personal history profile (P-11)] Form duly completed and signed by the nominated candidate as well as the relevant local authority. iii.Personal details as per Annexure-I. 3. The nominated officers may be advised to send the above document as per the format enclosed through electronic mail at e-mail address ([email protected] or 4. No modified format other than the specimen enclosed duly typed will be entertained/accepted as it invites lot of observations from UN HQ (UNDPKO) while finalizing the nominations. Hand written PHP/EAC will not be entertained/accepted. It may be ensured that the photographs of the officer applying for the post should be placed on the front side of P-11 form and signature in the last page at relevant place. 5. It may please be ensured that the nominees are clear from Vigilance angle. 6. No direct application will be entertained. Aort ( Dinesh Mahur) Director (Pers) :23092933 2,:23093750/2398 [email protected] Copy to 1. Commissioner of Police Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai and Bangalore. It is requested to forward the nominations of eligible and willing officers though State Government only. 2. SO (IT), MHA - With the request to upload the above communication on MHA website. 6;zt•to ,x 41 ' (Dinesh Mahur) Director (Pers) M:23092933 8:23093750/2398 ‘it.:[email protected] rt, Annexure BIO-DATA PROFORMA Recent passport size photograph 1. Name of Post applied. 2. Name of the Officer 3. Designation/Rank/organization with present place of posting. 4. In the case of officers of deputation with other organization. (a) Name of Parent organization. (b) Name of organization presently employed. (c) Date of deputation (d) Expected date of repatriation to parent cadre/organization. 5. Date of Birth 6. Education/Qualification 7. Date of Joining Police Service 8. Service/Cadre/Batch 9. Educational Qualification 10.Previous UN experience Telephone No. a. Office b. Residence c. Mobile No d. Fax No. e. E-mail id I hereby certify that, I fulfill the eligibility requirement notified for the post applied for. (Signature of the applicant) 3 )31 Nations United 'pop`4,1Eryeeeeri■efo . eonn Post title and level Organizational Unit Duty Station Reporting to Duration Deadline for applications ose cepne clique/w/o itte4te.ieeeeeyen „nient 4 044;0.jiziateteed - otifeeisPenuer.iation PoC Site Coordinator, P-4 United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan Various locations within the Mission area in one of the Protection of Civilians Sites Deputy Police Commissioner 12 Month (extendible) 24 July 20.15 United Nations Core Values; Integrity, Professionalism and Respect for Diversity RESPONSIBILITIES In compliance with the mandate and under the supervision and substantive guidance of the Deputy Police Commissioner the PoC Site Coordinator 'will be responsible for operational oversight of the maintenance of public order and security within the UNMTSS Protection Of Civilians (PoC) sites and any other mandated UNPOL activities related to the POC sites. .The incumbent will be responsible for, but not limited to, the performance of the following duties; • Management, accountability and oversight of kill relevant tasks and aspects of maintenance of public .safety and security of UNMTSS PoC sites within his/her Area of Responsibility (AoR) including Maintenance of standards, rostering, .Individual Police Officer (IPO) time on duty accountability, internal. training, effective reporting and. incident investigation and reporting; • Serve as . UNPOL Focal Point for other mission components, agencies, funds, and programs, and other humanitarian partners engaged within the UNMTSS Poe.: site(s) within their AoR; • Ground Commander for any major security incident within the ITNIVIl$S PoC sites within AoR; consultation with Main Headquarters, facilitate and implement modalities and mechanisms of Community Policing Within the AoR; • Line management of all allocated LTNPOL personnel working in or directly supporting POC sites within AoR ensuring proper mandate implementation; preparing reports of activities through the chain of command; supervising disciplinary and social envifonment among subordinate staff; • Effective monitoring, reporting, f011ow-np, analysis and redress of security incidents (including Sexual and Bender Based Violence (SGLIV), which will be addressed in conjunction with the Women's Protection Advisers) within UNIVIISS PoC sites within their AoR; • Operational coordination with appropriate stakeholders in relevant protection-focused tasks affecting POC sites within their AoR; • Reinforcement of Human Rights issues and compliance with, set standards applicable to Poe sites within AoR; • Reinforcement and monitoring of all UNPOL community interaction. within UNMISS PoC sites, including with the Informal Mitigation and •Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (IMDRMs) and Community Watch Groups (CWGs); • Reinforcement and monitoring of all Gender Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection (GCVPP) Policing programs and approaches within allocated UN PoC sites within the AoR; • Support the UN-wide early warning system, including a coordinated approach to inthrmation gathering, verification dissemination, and response mechanisms, including effective planning aimed at preparation for further potential attacks on United Nations personnel and facilities within POC sites; • Ensure compliance with the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (TIRDDP) in the work of •UNPOL assigned to POC sites and within the AoR; • Identification of appropriate projects in support of mandate implementation which are HRDDP compliant and applicable to POC sites within the AoR; • Perform any other duties and assume other responsibilities as may be directed by the UNMISS Police Commissioner through the established chain of command. COMPETENCIES • Professionalism: Shows pride in work and achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence When faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work. Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to democratic policing, law enforcement; experience in planning, development and implementation of policing guidance; ability to apply technical expertise to resolve police related issues and challenges; strong analytical and organizational. skills s....,s and a demonstrabilyeshproitandl,coriteandmohwrkftes. • • Planning and organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategics; identifies activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently. • Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way commimication; tailors language, tone. style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing inlbrmation and keeping people informed. Excellent report writing skills. • Teamwork: Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national, linguistic and cultural backgrounds with sensitivity and respect for diversity. Willingness to solicit inputs and learn from others, to place team agenda before personal agenda. Willingness to share credit for team accOmplislunents and joint responsibility for team shortcomings. QUALIFICATIONS Education: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in One or more of the followinu disciplines: Law, Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Administration, Business or Public Administration, Development Studies (particularly in law enforcement) or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combination:of relevant professional level experience in. law enforcement, including police management, may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or other law enforcement training institution is required. Work Experience: At least 7 years (9 years in absence of advanced university degree) of progressive and active relevant service/experience at the field and regional/district headquarters level, including 5 years of direct supervisory/operational command experience, experienee in organizational management, public order and crime prevention management, strategic • planning, and administration related to project development and management of police / security a,gency. Previous ckperience in UN peacekeeping operations or international policing in the area of community policing is. an advantage. Rank: Lieutenant-Colonel/Superintendent of Police or other service equivalent or higher. Languages: EngliSh and trench are the working languages of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and wvitten English is required Knowledge of a second official UN language is an advantage. Preference will be given to equally qualified women candidates. • Date of Issuance; 1 June 201 5 In accordance with the new Policy ou Human Rights Screening of UN Personnel; an individuals who seek to serve with the United Nations are requested to make "self-attestation" that s/he has not committed any serious criminal offences and has not been involved in violations of international human rights or international humanitarian law. The exact wording of the self-attestation is outlined in 1)A ra. 52 of the above mentioned Policy. The final decision an the selection of an individual to Serve with the United Nations will also be subject to human rights screening. APPLICATION PROCF,DURES FOR PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTED POSITIONS IN UNITE!) NATIONS POLICE COMPONENTS IN PEACEKEPING OPERATIONS OR SPECIAL POLITICAL MISSIONS REQUIRING OFFICIAL SECONDMENT FROM NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS OF UN MEMBER STATES Outlined below are the procedures to be followed by Permanent Missions for the presentation of candidates to professional poSts requiring •secondment from active police services, which are open for recruitment within UN peacekeeping operations or special political missions. In the interest of promoting an orderly process and to avoid delay in the consideration of applications, Permanent Missions are respectfully requested toadhere closely to these procedures. 1. The above mentioned posts are reserved only for candidates recommended by Member States through their Permanent Missions to the United Nations. Candidates applying independently will not be considered. It is requested that applications be submitted as soon as possible but not later than deadline specified in each Job.Opening announcement: Applications received after the deadline. will not be considered. 2. All applications must be submitted in a duly completed typed (not hand-written) and signed United Nations Personal History Form (P.11) along with Academic and Employment Certification Form (attachment to P-11 form). Applications-using other formats will not be accepted, but additional information may be attached to the P. 11. For the convenience of the Permanent Mission, a P-1 I form and attachment are enclosed as samples to be phOtocopied as heeded. 3. Selection for service with the United Nations is made on a competitive basis. It is therefore essential that all the Personal History Forms be completed with a view to requirements presenting the candidates qualifications and experiences as they relate to as set out in the relevant job Opening, in the event a Permanent Mission wishes to recommend a candidate for several posts, a separate Personal Ffistory Form should be submitted for each post. 4. In accordance with the new Policy on Human Rights Screening of UN Personnel, all individuals who seek to serve with the United NatiOnS, are requested to make "selfattestation" that s/he has not committed any serious criminal offences and has not been involved in violations of international human rights or international humanitarian Jaw. The self-attestation must he attached to the P-11 form and contain the following wording: I attest that I have out committed, been convicted 01, nor. prosecuted for, any criminal or disciplinary Offence. Iattest that T have not been invehred, by act or omission, in any violation of human rights law or international humanitarian law. The applications without signed individual self-attestations will not be accepted. 5. Permanent Mission are requested to-present their candidates in one single submission, in accordance with the deadline date specified in the Job Opening, under cover of a note verbale listing the names of the candidates, post. title(s) they are nominated for and the corresponding vacancy announcements. 6. Applications must be hand-delivered by Permanent Mission to the Police Division Selection and Recruitment Section, Office of Rule and '. AIN and Security Institutions, Department. of Peacekeeping Operations at 1 UN Plaza, 7th floor, room Del 0776, in accordance with the specific directions in the relevant Note Vcrbale. 7. Upon delivery of the applications. the Selections and Recruitment Section will .acknowledge the receipt to the individual making the delivery. 8. Communication regarding this process will be through the Permanent Mission only. The Secretariat will not entertain personal queries from individual applicants. - December 201 4 UNITED NATIONS Employment and Academic Certification to Personal History Profile (P11) TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATE: Personal Data: Family Name: Given name: 'Middle names: Gender: MT e- mail address: 'Position for which you are applying: (Note: if 'ou are a lying for more than one position, please submit separate P11 and Yil attachment for each Job Opening) - . Job 0 ' • Number: Military Service History/Police Service History Date. of Commission (for military officers) or date of en] istm ent/eotry to service (for police officers): Current rank Date Last Promoted Date eligible for Projected Retirement date from current promotion to next rank rank ng Sub SpecialiSaticm/additional qualifications Degrees and iteademic Dixtinctions Obtained: Graduation from the Staff/War College or Police Academy (and/or similar law enforcement institution) University Degree/s . NANIE of INSTtili 17 UN, A'ITENI5ED:DEGREES and ACADEMIC PLACE AND COUTNRY. Please ,- DISTINCTIONS OBTAINED give complete address. 112.0M:TO: Month/Year Month/Year Experience in peacekeeping operations: Specify UN or other International Ex. erience starting with your most recent experience and list in reverse order Description of duties Dates mm/yy-mm/yy Mission/ Position/title. Operation/Location (Milob, IIQ Staff, Contgt, Adviser Command Ex lerience, starting with your most recent experience and list in reverse order Si gnificant Unit Activities Datcs initilyv-minfyy Unit/Position/Orr, Significant Planning Experience, starting with your most recent experience and list in reverse order Dates nun/r-y - tnin/yy Position/Org Operation/Activity (Other) international Exposure other than peace keeping operations, starting with your most recent experience and iist in revrrse .rifer Date: itim/yy - nun/yry POsition/Org Function/Activity 1)ir3 3■ iViilitnry rind/or Police Training C.:ontses/Seminsrs: (last two years) Name of Course Additional Date: routiyy — inin/yytustinition Comments: I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions ore complete and correct. i understand that any misrepresentation or material omission made on a Personal Ilistory 'form or other document requested by the Organization renders a staff member for the United Nations liable ineligible for further consideration. I declare that I have never committed, been convicted of and am not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for any criminal, human rights, civil action or disciplinary offence, with the exception of minor traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving are not considered minor traffic violations for this purpose). I declare that I have not been involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any violation of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. I am not able to attest to the proceeding paragraphs for the following reasons! Date ............ Signature N.B. You will be requested to supply documentary evidence which supports the statements you have made above. Do not, however, send any documentary evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organization and, in any event, do not submit the original texts of references or testimonials unless they have beet) obtained for the sole use of the Organization. TO BE COMPLETED BY TUE RELEVANT LOCAL AUTHORITY: I certify that the information provided by On behalf of is complete and awed. I further certify that the nominated candidate has never been convicted of, or is not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for, any criminal or disciplinary offence, or any violations of international human rights law, civil action or disciplinary offence. The Government of is not aware of any allegations against the nominated candidate that she/he has committed or been involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amount to violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. . In the case of the nominee who has been investigated for, charged with or prosecuted for any criminal with the exception of minor traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or cureless of driving are not considered minor traffic violations .fOr this purpose), but was not convicted, the Government is requested to provide information regarding the investigation(s) or prosecutions concerned Date Official Stamp no nos Write in Thi Spare INSTRUCTIONS UNITED Please answer each question clearly and NA1 'IONS completely. TY 1' P. OR PRINT LEWDLY. Read carefully and follow all directions. 1.1-amily name 2Date First mane PERSONAL HISTORY Present Nationulity(ics) ti.Sex I of (day/month/yr) 13. Place of birth 4.Nationall y(ie.$) at birth Birth 7.Height8 .Weight I Maiden name, if ai,y Middle name 9. Marital Status: Widow(er) n Marr Separated 11] Sinoc )i vorce d 10.tufty into United Nallons service might require assignment to any urea of the world in which the United Nations might have responsibilities. Ni) ❑ (a) Arc there any limitations on your ability to perform in your prospective field of Work? YES ❑N-( (b) Are there any limitations on your ability lo engage- in all travel? YES ❑NO ❑ Permanent address 12.Present address Telephone No. ( Telephone/Fax No. ( 13, Office Telephone No. 14. Office Fax No. ( E - mail: YES NOD lithe unswta is "yes', give the following information: SDo you have any dependent children? ❑ Nationality Place of Rirth Date of Rirth (day/ma/year) Name of Children Gender 15.(a) Name of Spouse 16. Have you taken up legal permanent residence status in any country Other than that of your nationality? YES UNO If answer is "yes", which country? 17. Have you taken any legal steps towards changing your present nationality?YES ❑NO If answer is "yes", explain hilly: 18. Are any of your relatives employed by a public international organization*/ If answer is "vas". give the following informarion7 NAME u YES ❑NO ❑ Relationship Name of International. Oritanization 19. What is your preferred field of work? 20. Would you accept erulnymcm for less than six months?12 I. 1-hive you previously submitted au application for employment minim undergone any tests YES 171 NO ll with U.N.? YES ❑ NO ❑ If so, %Own? 22. KNOWLEDGE: OF LANGT1AOES. What is your mother to we? OTI-IER LANGUAGESREAL) WRITE EasilyI Not Easily EasilyI Not Easily 0❑❑0 . 0000 ❑ ❑❑❑ 23, For clerical grades only ❑ ❑❑❑ Indicate speed DI lunrds per month: EnglishFrench Other languages SPEAK UNDERS'rAND FluentlyNot Fluently E;r127-1— Not Easily ID❑ O 0 O ID ❑ ❑ 117 ri 0 ❑ 0 List any office tnachines or equipment and Computer programmes you use. Typing Shorthand P.11 (7 0.1).E cy 24. EDUCATION. Give full details -• Iv D. Nleast give exact titles of degrees in original language. Phase do not translate or equate to other du.rees.. A. University or equivalent NAME, PLACE AND COUNTRY Please give complete address. ATTENDED 1'ROM/I0 Month/Year Month/Year DEGREES and ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS OBTAINED MAIN COURSE. OF STUDY R. SCHOOLS OR OTHER FORMAL TRAINING OR EDLTQATION FROM AGE I I (e.g., high school, technical school or apprenticeship) ATTFNDI30 CERTITICATC$ OR DIPLOMAS YEARS NAME. PLACE AND COUNMY TYPE Please give complete address. FROM TO OBTAINED 5. LIST PROFESSIONAL SOCTF:TMS AND ACIIvrilES IN CIVIC, PlITITTC OR 11:RNATIONAL AFFAIRS 26. 27. f.11 . ANY SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS YOU HA V r WRITTEN (DO NOT AiTACH) EMPLOYMENT RECORD: Storting with your nresent post list in REVERSE ORDER every entpkyrnc-it yon have had t !sr: a separate block for each post. Include also service in the aimed forces and note any period during which you were not gainfully employed. If you reed more space, attach additional pages of the same size. Give both gross and net salaric5 per annum for your last or present post. A. PRESENT POST (LAST POST, TE NOT PRESENTLY IN EKPLOYMENT) TO FROM SALARMS PER ANNUM MONTH/YEAR moTrn u y LARSTARTING i FINAL NAME 01 Emmor• ADDRESS OP EtvIPJ.0YER: EXACT TITLE OF YOUR POST: TYPE OF BUSINESS NAM P. OF SUPERVISOR NO. AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED BY YOU: REASON FOR LEAVING DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES: P.11 (7413)41 B. PREVIOUS POSTS (IN REVERSE ORDER) FROM TO MONTI 1/YEAR MONTT 1/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNUM STARTING EXACT TITLE ON YOI IR POI: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OE BUSINESS: ADDRESS OF EMPI OYER: 'NAME OF SUPERVISOR: NO. AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED I3Y YOU: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES FROM TO MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNUM STARTING EXACT TM REASON FOR LEAVING; • n OF YOUR POST: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPP. OF BUSINESS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME OF SUPERvISOR NO. AND RIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED BY YOU: REASON FOR LEAVING: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES FROM TO MONTII/YEAR MONTII/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNUM STARTING EXAC I TITLE OF YOUR. POST: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE Of BUSINESS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME OF SIIPE.RVISOR: NO, AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISES.) DY YOU: REASON FOR LEA VIN(.3: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES P. I I (7 .0 2.).E. If , S. HAVE YOU ANY OB.1FCTIONS TO OUR I ■ IAKINU INQUIRIES OF YOUR PRESENT EMPLOYER? YES ❑NO 4 ❑ 29.ARlI YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A CIVIL SERVANT IN YOUR GOVERNMENT'S EMPLOY?'YES ❑NO ❑ If umwer is -ses", WHEN? 30. REFERENCES: list three pcvso»s, not related 10 you, and are not cormin United Nations statT members, who tue familiar with your character and qualifications. On nor repeat names of YIrpervisors listed under ILTIII 27, FULL. NAME 31. BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION RILL ADDRESS STATE ANY OTHER Ith LEVAN T FACTS. IN -.:J.UDE INFORMAIION N.:RIM:1)1M; ANY RESIDENCE OtirSIDE THE COUNTRY OF YOUR NATIONAL'. F Y. 32HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ARRESTED, INDICTED. OR SUMMONED INTO COURT AS A DEFENDANI . IN A CRIMINAL PROCEEDING, OR CON V iCTED; FINED OR IMPRISONED FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY L AIN (excluding rminir traffic violations)? YES ❑NO ❑ If "ycs. ', aivc nill varti ■mlaia ut sqwli case in un wombed statement. • 33. OTHER AOF.NClES OF THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTENI MAY BE INTER ESTED IN OUR APPL1C.ANTS. DC) YOI I HAVE ANY OBJECTION TO YOUR PERSONAL HISTORY FORM BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO THEM? YES NO ❑ 1 certify that the statements made by me in answer to the tinegoine questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission made on a Personal History form or other document requested by the Organization renders a staff member of the United Nations liable to termination. or dismissal. 34. DATE (day, month, year) SIGNATURE! N,B.You will be requested to supply documentary evidence which supports the statements you have made above. - Do not, however, send any donumentary evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organization and, In any event, do not submit the original texts of references or testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization. P.1 I (7 - 03) - F EMPLOVMENT__RECOHI) SI INT EMENTA RN' SHEET 5 31 PL-'.ASE: LIST, in rcvcrse order, EVERY EMPLOYMENT YOH HA VP. TUse a se )aralr bock tiff s uli potil. Include aim) service in the aimed Puree: and not ;,,ny peric4 during which you were no gaintbIlY employed. Sec next pit= for mote blocks_ FROM TO MONTH/YEAR MONTHAEAR h:LAL I 1111.1 OF YOUR POST : SAL:V(113 i PTIR ANNUM STARTINGIMAI. I NAME OF t..mPLOYER: TYpE OF BlIS1NEss: NAME lit JlirtRviSOR7 ADDRESS OF PMPLOYER, NO. AND KIND OF Elvil,LoyEES SUPERVISED BY YOU: REASON FuR LEAviNO7 DESCRIPTION OF YOUR MIDI'S TO ii11/yEAR FROM MON II liYEAR SALAUES PER ANNUM $ IARTING FXAL:r TITLE OF VOUR POST: FLNAL NAME 01, INPLOYER.: TYPE OF BUSINESS: ADDRESS OP EMPLOYER: NAME OF STIPEN.VISOR: NO 'ANTI KIND 91: - ENfpi.oyEEs SUPMVISE0 II`c YOU: REASON FOR 1.TAV1NU. OrSCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES FROM MONTH/YEAR 'II) MONTH/YEAR SAI ARMS FR ANNUM STARTING FINAL 11)(...V2T TO-VR.0F YOUR POST; NAME OF EMPLOYER: ' TYPE OF P.UsIN EMS: ADORliSs (.)F EMPLOYER: NAME OF fillPliR V NOR NO. ANI) KIND OF EMPLOYIES SUPI , RVISED BY YOI.i: REASON FOR i .1:,\ VING: DP.SCRfrTION OF YOUR DU ilt.,S FROM MON71 VVT.AR TO NIONTII/YEAR __,I SALARIES PER ANNUM STAKIINli - /- EXACT nil .i: OF YOUR PONT: is FINN. NAM!: OF EMPLOY 1-,R: TYPE 01: BUSINESS. ADDRESS OF Elvwt.0YER: NANO; OF SUPERVISOR: NO. ANI) KIND OF EM PI,OYEES SUPER -y-(5m.) By you: It i ASON FOR i.EAVINO. DEScRIPTIoN OF YOUR DI atES Pi a- 01 4m ) EMPLOYmENT RECORD — SCIPPI.EN.1ENTAR NITIE:17 -1* P!.FASE LIST, ill D reverse order, FVERY EMPLOYlvitINT YOI I HA VF. HAD Use ii 'eptiratc block for eadi post Include also !7CIN'Leei in (he tinned forms and 110E., :my period during which you were not uinfully cmploycd. TO MON TH/V I.Alt MONILI/VEAR STARTING ER ANNUM FINAL E.X.ACT MIS; OF YOUR FL/SI NAh i: OF !WV! OYER: TYPE OF HUSINES5: ADDRESS OP P:MPf .oytiRi NAME OF ST ATI:VISOR: REASON FOR LEA %/TWO - AND KIND. OF PMPLoYEES SUPERVISED SY YOU; NO. IN fic.!R.IPTION OF YOUR D111•11 ,..5 FROM MON 1 11/YFAR TO MONTH/YEAR. SA:LARIES 1,ER ANNUM FINAL STARTING EXACT MLR. OPNOUR Fo5T. NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OF li I 1$1NLSS: ADDRESS OF EMI ,LOYFR, NAME OF SUPERvitlOR: NO. .4.NO KIND OF EMPTOVEES SUN: it MU) RV YOU: REASON FOR LEAVINCP .L./1:ScR I PTION OF YOUR IN i rtF.. • fi 1 . E tt FROM MONTH/YEAR TO MONTI IirEAR SAI ARES PER ANNI MI STARTING FINAL i EXACT I rILE OF VOT At POST: NAM I: OF EMPLOYER: TYPE GI:SIUSINESS: Al) )R PiS OF EMPLOYER: NAMI OF SUPERVISOR: NO. AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES 1 P 1 .A.SOINT FOR LEAVING; SUT'ERVISIi( ) 1W YOU: DESCRTPTTOM 01, YOUR DUTIES• I i' f, ; ti FROM MONTIWPAR TO MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNUM S'i AR'1 MO FINAL I.•XACT TITLE OF YOUR YOST: NA:s4E OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OF BUSINESS! ADDRESS OF EMPLO Y I:12 ; NAME al: N I iPER.VISOR: NO. AND KIND OF EMPLOYLES 1.TERVISED Ti't YOU: RI:ASON FOR L1:A VINO. DESCItirritm OF VOOlt DUTIES P. i1/0 (°-00) ~~ What Forms Nominees Should Submit? Each nominee should complete the following 3 forms: 1. United Nations Personal History Profile (PHP), P 11 - 2. Employment Record (Supplementary Sheet), if needed 3. Academic and Employment Certification UNITED ANS•es•17, 0,{.2a<1110,1,131 UNTIED NATIONS HATTON 3 1.04 litek .011,61.0 P.., 1 NU& ,=•■ wos 62: • 70ECCULF-f fr., DV t:017P)ar: t211 tret: Tr, NW lian. "Tre,=-N-rrpr=o 411,,,1114,1r•an c ..lraimaOr wif I. C ' Z A, MO a. a....telleiWiL/Wa ....9,LQUs....141,ror11.• h.tort.s *NJ. A ruitles On P.vol Wm., 14.1Di 0111 rall •■ 13 NASMIel.,T1 4.1 t. • 1•0 :liedIraishiGI I Mkt Employment and Atildori: Cer/Ifitmilos Cr. d, fr. C F wt.I PERSON 4.L telt mg, as ol vitt.: =.1 II X.,N,M1 11 cr•CUME -----.1 1.1...-.1..ima •.....n.o... r. N...u....” iiiivii to !UP =.12 1flirr Sonia 1*,74iN t nit.. WMilk, D.. elf cr,.../....(tnnlitar,1..11karole Ir.:v1,1.1aa14 m! Kii NAMINIntarons. Ma.), rsa DiM I wIt• [11S . ,... .Et/utz ftiTne 01.171,0( Mane.. 1, 7 MI 7 4,1,10, 34.4. PI .11‘.41.1 ■ tt, arz ••■ ••,6I 1 • • aa:refr- Lu vetetv,r....4 fFl-A m. n ri, lira_] Ct.,. Xunrcryt "TM :111 etC 7:0°. 0 JT, tll 2 r r... t,ut, tre..a1L.1..1 tr:bro 470t9lITZ7% •• 1 me. a... M o I. riu.ner ?II 2DITII vi otiatstbru.4 .1:8 Cp ■fingl M OpetisiS ;Mr. C (Attachment Form to P-11) 1. ne,-..fup etz • fur „..,..,,,,,„,„ , „ , rl :real- N ∎ . .1n11 men. dr, Nn, um.. W1 st.elJI.ox.a,1&....-m1.7113Ka ware eigr1/44b) eswit Before filling the forms... • Candidates are strongly encouraged to review and understand the functions and responsibilities of the position to which they are applying as well as the qualifications necessary. By doing so, candidates will: Improve their ability to position themselves to meet the needs of the hiring office; Save time and reduce frustration that results from applying to jobs which do not match their strengths, aspirations and personal circumstances. Understanding the Job Opening (JO) All JOs are organized in the following 5 sections: 1. Title United keiONations 2. Organizational Setting and Reporting 3. Responsibilities/functions 4. Competencies - Professionalism - Planning and Organizing - Teamwork - Communication (for P-4 and above), when applicable 5.Qualifications: - Education - Experience - Languages 6. Assessment Methods - Written Test - Competency Based Interview b Openiirg ;Oolitic M.8.ttary C =murk otiot ; P ilyand F4ti r; acRartontni 0 ((Ice: DEP1P.714D,7 OF Lo cotton: nAtIKE5'ING OPERATIONS n- w1:0?..K Portia retied: :7.TttrutirF to 2S May 2013 job Ope..hoz umber: DPY 0;1 M 1 ■ tutied 5atiens Corr Vahan:. iattgit -, Proletioaallua Ropta for Diversity Grptio oJ 341 tintR op* rtino Thrpqt AfflirsOfEst slcutiva; how:vet, dv to thicamre o fill rer:2=thailiel doe p*sttsecte-o-i Doporteteri of FleZti Stipp o CkarrauuiestiaasTeDITDD:oryDiyAl000. 'Me iccuxtert criltri.vialaJiter.Coto.tarlicotiot.P4.,:yozi F. izoipito DutOfE-D:r Ind too o tit; id'xration Coo-JamS:AD)as tict. • • • • • • • • bititkx:ThaIncumi._isaffilha,.athefoile•:ygmtinrzyvnsilti•C•t3 F sihatt ec Al7-ith tioaprolviliem of tethriziecivicerepthm; the imez.oprito: of military eomzustications sad, tio olgwygriatei Advi s g th.inear5ct b4tynt-a2 co agry end :maw:41UnanTtnis11.4011 DIM') c1:31Ind :3•3:•L111 in the eld 1 ts t rith. miiitor/Laterfaczoirect cin k3e piszti.s.t. X1 sir nsaintcrance cimissice ialeco tosrauok.asiecuxierifaietsti Dnt e.Dhir Leneqtipmcystmn; asst the plarriavfLex cparriDsc.stioe re,i1 ion of =gem cpestical tle 3 a:e ten= (sit cr 2lith•it011; with 1LaUc.-th tro contub cci to on lusx+ the FuntLisity of :klacab.E: .!t tr. with, e_nti 0.3tiftrucksrst .cl::rtz of, cogninuciAlandmilituy c=nsuniar'San natomrks nolrKilloacartiat !Ltidsas:+ ata Al sist 7. itfrviirw*ignoilitirc orzczciczti crolizsf co-rasa:I star ave.:fel tolotortativeicsionizolisifernototo rAti DLD ecrip marl E.11311f*mil.:tar•sattiivilisa sysIm3 eft Z.:, orbit 24. tO 5 mri.".34 czntorirdecicren Lab ilicror ®::P erras vast nested :Mitt ..2s ":iodartio these or iiitailaritrheI xar-,-Itre riar.l.rN stivai•ters ,coll al a DitolliEno:deitlogmlatto tho =Loam fccvpr . 904- 1 C4 wet encic:-. Pro fe=ionnfixm: Komi fdge tho.or; mil cone-7713 relr.ra t o CCICItalt.:IrLx.:- and tnIne:n ati on to drio'tose: plIrtfc-rva ti. *twit(L2,3 °Ravi my:: 40Alk■• t"1 Vttii allej Form 1: UN Personal History Profile (PHP), P-11 • Each nominated candidate must complete and sign the UN Personal History Profile (PHP), P-11 • If a candidate is being nominated for more than one post/JO, a separate and additional UN PHP, P-11, is required for each post/JO. NOTE: Incomplete and unsigned. P-11 forms will not be accepted ((AA) ,0,411 ftrigo Form 1: UN Personal History Profile (PHP), P-11cont Information requested from the nominees • Personal Information • Education and Publications • Employment History - in detail in the next slide • Languages • References Form 1: UN Personal History Profile (MP) / P-1 1 cont. Employment History Description of Duties Summary of Achievements • Duties: • Achievements: • What is done in current job • Describe responsibilities with careful attention to the job opening for which you are applying How well performed in the job Provide specific examples where an impact or contribution was made in the positions held • Use of Grammar • Current job: present tense O Past job (s): past tense 7 Form 1: UN Personal History Profile (PHP), P-11cont. Additional Tips • The UN will first know a candidate through their application/PH P • Candidates should: - be truthful, accurate and specific - make words count - prepare application/PHP offline using a word processor application (e.g. MS Word) - proofread before finalizing/signing Note: In the situation where the candidate is being nominated for more than one post, a separate and additional employment record form P11 and a supplementary sheet (if needed) are required for each post. 8 Form 1: UN Personal History Profile (PHP), P- 1 1 cont. Sample Da 0.k k i tut,. VSTRIXTIONS tnTED hoom :33.3.33: mt cors:os clo :to ad .17114Kgy. TrIPt at VIVI LE MILLI% Al sdl utooLlysk fang A othmou. issat. n Zs. 1&74snik, . Tom soy NATIONS 7ERSONAL lasTeRv ...ioarsenT >Lis... , x A 1 •wetomil4...1or I 1' 1 ,,...p1 ,.. lice. f aaer. i 5n5furia 1 14145,'nrd,6tn " um s.,,,k no,..{.Lea ■ a, 7W .1r g I ALek7 1t. Veit I, . quartn, rt. of I.i W Am &a *s; tisk.. 3fl poi 1:4 7 s totem .:4 pimps i I:1,AM 4tred .T-M'b:10 0 (14 I.e. r■ litisee is:acr Ni. e estr 440WTES0VC ❑ 11. i•tio!Te4113..34 IL Noel WM :,.itorAn raw ■ () 34. Ornt feeNs TelziAmet-st Na. () () 7444.= 1:•, () CIA, It' 11Drym.113n is, tind.driflit 1 0 1p0 2 cm omddi -ro'.03.4.00.•+rio33.4..' no es..4 itwoonee• :cm odrkideo Moo Ma: lideisan :..k. 1,3,:4 nor cd ilxme 14. N4apa 3::. of 3.341p334.33•314.4 3:141. icy vra.rirYr fal Ex it,....1car VESUhl, t.i X nano 4,3.r...4:x k tome U. non pla ■••I 4. nr19.4 man *nth tioca.g ,wa,.......t wag;YES UNO 0 Vass teyi. ariM SIT U . A...Fa yr. eila no .30.5.r. to, rag: ismr-rinalops...20YES jNO U E "wee it "se , t.t 4.if.......• x ud A. It■kiese7 1 Lass 4 lumingil Ostaa-n- ri,L,,p.r..., su 4.4' tx ri".44n. 3.34:334otIrcor I: boo to. cd 3334.Win dm " incrosay =cot .min4,4 to opfnmeaw max escgms 4, 11 VI TES 0NO Li 1.aor.YES ❑No PI •..irtme X. CISCIACIR or L.o43=tmi :tun rev rod:o. ion* VISERIAIZGVAX.S &IAD LadyI:tor.a44 L3AA 0 o 00 .... .4 7- x 4.3.1 Fula dr luta21 kw d o 4,74. po a*, 11 NIA hart n MUM bat`,1 Frara. ID0 0 0 00 nn UtgrAljaps STMAN Nal'i Wertaa? 01:3 00 00 n 1:NIX3c.troI•9 2.0I S:eanty Li 00 00 n Lai mo Warr ••12,4‘ 34 norms M cvageNts pozmaxpos3vntge ine.4 +112 II i/I4t43 9 tiePtA Vt" Form 2: Employment Record Form (Supplementary Sheet) • The supplementary sheet should be used to include additional working experience • If applicable, for each candidate nominated for a post, a duly completed and signed employment record form (supplementary sheet) may be required • If a candidate is being nominated for more than one post, a separate and additional employment record form (supplementary sheet) is required for each post. 104::#11 Form 2: Employment Record Form (Supplementary Sheet) Sample nnTrOTWKI 000.0 - 1/MT ryrnrAn wen Atiairnno• aslar277:3XLISL77193TITSCSAVEM V1.a msg. Ueda laz ■kr.16.44 oulist• taaransiSaat ad tau saFismal ail •a.0,$.1 -1 I 14110 1,Kv..2 trcsct 1.a...I =SIM .1.1611141%. Ms... KITI113:4 IN A....0 $0 0 ff.ttr.11-3.1 A.71ra.M.Irt Mt , juu-Itro.*L10241 C tkua I" WY C* VOX prn gi AN: if. AI ..101 r' i 1.0•Kat r64 ...fn. RtMtaro...RR 1.) ,,,,T an.fl ■ 4;1 ICal - rcrECritlaCIO .171201,I7t SA.,..., 1.114.0 4 •t is, A,L.Wc.s na411S3 1),..1, Ibl 1 i .1..9 2 allivlif, RI TX. Cah.IUMX., 0 II.CRI12110 I. `'... own.. Nata51. r1./r11our.. ‘1 *C/ ,K, I. et 1 .I. K01 TOWS SAO. X93.11,•0110..irsk 1:.,coi 161i% Vac 11/. . 10 /7101.4.11 I.Alet1 ZS Call ADM: CI ‘ a S Inn= 0.- MMMTMNONi neilii-il-WAC- aMOZIMIENICZMII.11 NU,.1111EZIENIetr2CMINE I uotaGs limo-! Kt.= 4 001 .11r. 1.11- 0 ./WY., Pe46tr1If 04(411xt a arsnl IA ni ■••= 1/2 L0.3.701. 14 4in igjg, 1 11.40g7ct 1.6.0N1 li At° Vka de- %\ --2 \*°••--j• Form 3: Academic and Employment Certification (Attachment to P-11) • For each nominated candidate for a post, a duly completed Academic and Employment Certification form (Allachment to P-11) must be signed by the candidate and the relevant Local Police or Military Authority NOTE: Incomplete and unsigned forms will not be accepted ® If the candidate is being nominated for more than one post, a separate Certification is required for each post • The Certification must contain details on the candidate's military/police academic degree/courses and employment record as well as his/her commission date (for military officers) or date of enlistment/entry to service (for police officers). N,) 12 (1-4 Form 3: Academic and Employment Certification (Attachment to P-11) Sample Employment and Acadtmle Ceittfleation Atiltairoard to Itirsonol history lYo tr.u) ro ES COUPLE:MD BY CANDIDATE: l'n.ranaall Family 11 +in Div rii Midair citans. roan:. C>-t210i1.(14144'7.0V: 1 CI rILkles Porition for auhult yam or* applyIng: rill arr, sprlyiug Lr IIITIOlet inmplm ■rtwpm mitt P1 1 )41.$) P11 311.1z,:liisemi rosuli Ada Orr, ■■■ 11%) Job Opel:lin Nuzzle-1: Servirotrollieo Sentlre Hiatory 1J ate al t: °Aim essLon.(for nulitacy officers) or date of cull stamat , cotty to serrtc c (Mir p clic o attic era): 4;:3rrer:e rera Dote LoatYromoted Ll ate eligible tar prat:natio:Ito nen rank Pro,' tete P. Kate* tt cant date !iv, an curl cot rank 11 fm me1Vr:or.plitt, )11tArifft NI:11 elperlill IR ntintOrnirlitin rwil rvinirt 1 -:/fileITS Ilkemid Ara, thnentle 1/irtiva tin-ow Il ►taiftral. NANCE of IlilITITIITION, PLACE AND COUTI RY, 7 le .v.. give complete riddrees. ATTESD RD: PROM: Month/Your TO: LCoorn/Vo as D EGREE:5 and ACADEMIC: mr.,T1Ncaloitz OBTAINED 011.04.1111W31 the. Staff/War College or Police A rat !nay (muilos similar Law enforcement Mstieuti or lira i% - tJnArcratty Doeraeic fifiV tv 6 Form 3: Academic and Employment Certification (Attachment to P-11) Sample (continuation) I orrify that the statement node PT me an use► u b the foregoing gitrdens coqlet & I taxa I luderstaral that any minegresninian Efinoty form n otkr &Ailment evaesibd by the alganizaiion (mules staff miler for dm VnitEti Wins brlij jEr far fiad ►er amulerati cfeeer,.:.Para .10e: ccrrim:ttec mien mulcted :1 ?Ir.: at:1Pb; c..n 1tv xn'er AP)Yes!.Tatior, or piosecvi e for a ;1; cargnal, mar; rign%ecfar) 4!) to excagor, OF rpror wafF:c (-LwingvAite jeoXicatE0 ...:allgerai)a or carehs2 .d.wir,g are n31 cor.skierKt mri:r?•:arr:c r:ofetioris ;or INic.0561:!. 1 '16 :istetit L'esp ovo.'eth, b/ .1c! oP ordIssico; 1.1! cf..7rvimi:nY hff caelnistianalhVIPM rig,tts I svo diltei. ast a?) h ...raptaiien IL : a-A not dr..° ale 3t. to the roc tertingpv.agisp:1 ex the :doom; reesons: D aL3 U..' O. &aicvn , „...,„ I ..... ....... .„, ......... . ....... •• N B. Vace rave ste ;o rapf.y ck cunuattry evidence crlich surlier..: the gide/Lefts you hava mute 61.10'76 D no', C/411741,any cionntentery EvAAIC3itav oar. Esker to lo o tt, the C7gEttliZEt1011114 in 0.7 Phut:114c tti:gir.i: ton cflefeemze.. or tasitocith wee as -.hay haii.bee:-. ea-.airod ht le 301E e-F, fg oft?. Cigtrizati:n Form 3: Academic and Employment Certification (Attachment to P-11) Sample (continuation) TO BE COMPLETED EY THE RELEVANT LOCAL AUTHORITY: Ori loehae of complete and mzrect. I cexiify tintinfbtmatiati provided. by ftirther certify that the nominated candidate has never been convicted of and not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for any criminal, hvman rights, civil action or disciplinary offence, with the exception of minor traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving are not considered minor traffic violations for this purpose). I also certify that the Government of is not aware of any allegations against the nominated canddate that she/he has committed orbeer) involved; by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amount to vio:ations of international hUman rights law or international humanitarian taw.
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