GRAMS: REMEDY Fax: 011-28521060 Tel: 011-28521162,5523,5749 EPABX Board: 28525831,852, 862 dsUnzh; gksE;ksiSFkh vuql/a kku ifj‘kn~ ¼Lok;Rr fudk;] vk;q"k ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½ CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY (An Autonomous Body of,Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India) tokgj yky usg# Hkkjrh; fpfdRlk ,oa gksE;ksiSfFkd vuqla/kku Hkou Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homoeopathy Anusandhan Bhawan 61&65 laLFkkxr {ks=] Mh&Cykd ds lkeus] tudiqjh] ubZ fnYyh&110058 61-65,Institutional Area, Opp.D-Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi–110058 Advt. No. 16/2015 Date: 1st June, 2015 Recruitment of Pharmacist (Homoeopathy) The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) intends to engage 01 (one) Pharmacist (Homoeopathy) through Test/Interview to be held on 11th June, 2015 (Thursday) on contract basis at a remuneration of Rs.16000/- per month. Further details regarding educational qualification, experience required etc. are available at Council’s website (Rakesh Anand) Assistant Director (Admn) The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), an autonomous body under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India intends to engage one Pharmacist purely on contract basis as per details given below. The selection will be made through Test/Interview. Name of post Pharmacist 01 (One) [Unreserved] No. of post 1. Matriculation or equivalent. Qualification and Experience 2. Certificate of Pharmacy of minimum of 2 years duration from a recognized Institution 3. Two years experience preferably in the dispensaries/Hospital of Homoeopathy of repute. Failing which 1. Matriculation or equivalent. 2. One year Dispensar’s course of a recognized Institution. 3. Three years experience in dispensing of Homoeopathic drugs in a Hospital/Dispensary of repute. Failing both 1. Matric or equivalent. 2. Five years experience of dispensing Homoeopathic drugs in a recognized Hospital/Institute managed by Govt./Semi-Govt. or Autonomous Body/ Homoeopathic Practitioner approved by CCRH. Not exceeding 30 years. Age Rs.16,000/-(consolidated) Emoluments 01(one) year or till the post is filled on Period of engagement regular basis, whichever is earlier. 11th Jun, 2015, (Thursday) Date of Test/Interview 09.30 AM to 10.30 AM Reporting Time for Interview Central Council for Research in Venue Homoeopathy, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. D- Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi110058. General Instructions: 1. The vacancy is tentative and may vary depending upon the requirement at the time of selection. 2. The candidates reporting after the prescribed time may not be allowed to appear for the Test/Interview. Interview will commence after the verification of documents. 2 3. Qualification (s) relaxable at the discretion of the Council in the case of candidate otherwise well qualified 4. The eligibility of candidate will be determined as on the date of advertisement. 5. The candidate who fulfills the requirements may attend the Test/Interview along with an application in the prescribed format (Annex-I), along with Original documents and self attested photocopies of certificates of qualifications, experience, mark sheet, birth certificates, and caste certificates, passport size photographs and Registration Slip duly filled in. 6. Applicants appearing with incomplete documents will not be entertained for the interview. 7. The candidate, if employed with any Autonomous/Government or private sector may bring “NOC” from their employer at the time of interview. 8. The competent authority reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment exercise at any stage. 9. In case of large number of candidates reporting for Test/Interview, the competent authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates by adopting appropriate criteria, including holding of a written test. Keeping in view the number of candidates, the interview may also be held the next day. 10. The selected candidates shall have no claim for appointment on regular basis by virtue of being appointed on contractual basis. 11. Interested candidates may also in their own interest ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions. Ineligible candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview. 12. Candidates are requested to visit Council’s website ( on regular basis for any new announcement in this regard. Communications, if any, with the candidate will be through his e-mail ID. Therefore, the candidates are advised to indicate his main and alternative e-mail ID in his application. 13. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending Test/Interview. 14. Canvassing in any form OR on behalf of a candidate will be a disqualification. (Rakesh Anand) Assistant Director (Admn) 3 Annex -I CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY NEW DELHI APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PHARMACIST 1. Name of the applicant in full (in Block letters) 2. Gender : 3. Father’s/Husband’s name: 4. : Affix one self attested passport size colored photograph Male/Female Religion and Caste : (Attach attested copy of Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC in the prescribed format issued by the competent authority) 5. Address in Block letters with PIN code a) Present : b) E-mail Id c) Mobile phone no. d) Land line phone no. : 6. Date of Birth and age as on the date of Test/Interview: : 7. Educational qualifications (Please attach attested copies of relevant documents) Qualifications Year of Awarding authority passing 8. Experience, if any (Please attach attested copies of relevant documents) Experience Period Duration in year From … To … 4 Name of the Institute Year of completion of internship training Area/Subject of Research / Teaching 9. Particulars of registration, if applicable Registration Date of no. registration Authority giving registration Status of renewal of registration 10. In case of physically handicapped person Candidate must attaché attested copy of Certificate issued by Medical Board constituted by Central/State Govt.: 11. Particulars of publications in the reputed Journals, Magazines, etc. if any: 12. Other information, if any 13. List of enclosures: I hereby declare that the information supplied by me, as above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my candidature may be summarily rejected or employment terminated. Place : Signature of Applicant Note: Please attach documentary proof in support of age, educational qualification and experience. All enclosures should be self attested by the candidate. 5 CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY *** POST: PHARMACIST Name …………………………………………. Affix one attested passport size colored photograph Whether SC/ST/OBC/PH/Genl……………………. Father’s/Husband’s Name Address …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. Date:…………………. Registration No…………. Sign. Of the Candidate Sign. of Rep. of CCRH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY *** POST: PHARMACIST Name …………………………………………. Affix one attested passport size colored photograph Whether SC/ST/OBC/PH/Genl…………………… Father’s/Husband’s Name Address …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. …………………………………………. ……………………………………….... Date:…………………. Registration No…………. Sign. of the Candidate Sign. of Rep. of CCRH 6
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