Calvin Christian School Courier th 547 West 5 St. Hamilton, ON L9C 3P7 905-388-2645 [email protected] Thursday, April 30, 2015 Volum e 19 #33 From the desk of Mr. Postm a: ! We had an excellent Open House Week! The Public Relations Committee has been tremendous in hosting Open House Day and Grandparents’ / Grandfriends’ Days (Tues. & Wed.) The turn out on both days was fantastic. Thank you for all your hard work. We express a deep appreciation to the teachers and students who participated in the programs. The programs were great and enjoyed by all. Job Opportunities at CCS! We are planning a third grade 6 class and invite applicants to submit their resumes to [email protected] no later than Friday, May 22. The resume should include a brief autobiography that also touches on faith life. ! We also express our appreciation to all the students and teachers who participated in the Student Council hosted Talent Show last Friday. What a wonderful show! You demonstrated a variety of talents and you did so with confidence and skills. Well done. We especially thank the Student Council and their coaches, Mrs. Sennema Robinson and Mrs. Wikkerink for organizing the program. ! Last night, we were privileged to enjoy the “Sounds of Spring” program. This program was brought in to take the place of our standard Spring Program. It gave our Concert Band, Jazz Band, Woodwind Choir, our Chamber Choir and our Praise Team an opportunity to present their talents and achievements to the CCS community. They all did a splendid job. The concert was enjoyable with a good variety of pieces and genres. We compliment Mrs. M. Heeg and Mrs. S. Streutker on their amazing talent in their “two pianos” performances. They were awesome. Our thanks go out to Mrs. M. Heeg, Mrs. Van Egmond and Mr. Wensink for their efforts in preparing the students and we thank the intermediate UPCOMING AT CCS faculty for their work in hosting the evening. The evening was a P.A. Day (No School) Friday, May 1 fundraiser for our special education program - $2200 was raised. We BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 5 thank you for your gifts. ! Tomorrow will be a curriculum focused PA day. We will be updating some of our programs as well as updating our discipline policy and beginning a rework of our report cards. There is no school for our students. Building Committee Meeting Finance Committee Meeting Golf Committee Meeting SunRise Fest Spring Membership Meeting Victoria Day - No School Field Day at CCS Tuesday, May 5 Wednesday, May 6 Thursday, May 7 Saturday, May 9 Wednesday, May 13 Monday, May 18 Wednesday, May 20 ! Our upcoming spring membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13. The budget for the school year 2015-2016 will be presented along with committee reports. In addition there will be voting for new BOD members. The nominees are: Rob Ouwehand, Hennie Schoon, Kim Sytsma-Hill, Susan van der Heiden, Mike VanHouten and Pauline Zandberg. The membership meeting will also include a presentation by Mrs. Amanda Breimer on project based learning. The CCS faculty is beginning to provide PBL among other teaching strategies and so we encourage you to attend to learn more about PBL. ! Next week Saturday we will have the annual SunRise Fest. Please plan to join us for breakfast and sales, and enjoy the school community. It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow parents and supporters of CCS. ! Looming on the horizon is our annual Field Day, Wed., May 20 (rain date: May 21). More information will come your way in due course. At this point, we need to obtain volunteers for Field Day. We welcome your assistance! Please use the handy form on our website if you can help out. We are also hoping parents of younger children will volunteer to tag along with their child’s team in order to help keep an eye on the younger children. 2 Volume 19 #33 April 30 , 2015 The next order for gouda cheese from Dutch Toko is going in tomorrow on Friday, May 1. Please call or email the school with your order! CCS presents the 21st annual Nepal Disaster Relief: The disaster in Nepal has produced an out pouring of relief aid. CCS would like to contribute to that aid. The CCS vision statem ent explains how we are trying to equip our student for "every good work". The Nepal situation is an opportunity for us to teach our students how we can support others in their tim e of need and to do good works. Furtherm ore, we also want to engage in actions of support in a financial way. As a result, next Tuesday, we will be asking the students of CCS to consider m aking a sm all donation for relief assistance for the people of Nepal. W e have not figured out all the details, but we hope to share our plans with the student body on Monday and give you m ore inform ation about our plans via Facebook and Twitter. planned for Saturday, June 6, 2015. Enjoy a round of golf at the Willow Valley Golf Course in Hamilton, followed by a dinner at the course club house. There will be games and contests, and a chance to win a trip, a car, and other specialty prizes. We welcome golfers, sponsors, and prize donations. Proceeds provide much needed assistance for the Special Education Department at CCS. To register or make donations, visit Track Day: Track Day is only 3 weeks away! On Friday, May 22, students in grades 4-8 will be participating in the 200 m and 800 m races, as well as som e high jum p com petition. You are invited to join us for the day. A schedule of events will be sent hom e a little later. W e could also use som e parent volunteers for tim ing and supervision. If you are able to assist, please let Mr. Boonstra know (aboonstra@ ccsham For All God’s Children Golf Tournament SUNRISE FEST On Mother’s Day weekend, Saturday May 9 th , we will be holding our annual SunRise Fest from 7:30-11! The Sunrise Fest is only two weeks away! Come on out Saturday May 9th for a great morning of fellowship, food, and vendors. Treat your mom to a yummy pancake breakfast, shop the wares at the vendors market and check out the planters. The fundraising committee is looking for volunteers to help with serving for the morning (specifically Honouring W alter: Next W ednesday our grade 1A and 6A class will be hosting an assem bly. W e have also decided that we would like to honour our long tim e volunteer W alter Elgersm a at this assem bly. W alter has recently m oved to Shalom Manor and will no longer be able to assist us here at CCS. W e would like to take som e tim e to recognize his contributions to CCS. The assem bly begins at 9:15 a.m . Please com e join us for this special occasion! TRIP Summer Orders - A rem inder that the TRIP sum m er order form was attached to last week’s Courier. It is also available on our website. Please com plete the form and return it to the office by W ednesday, May 27. Your order will be ready for pickup or delivery by June 9. Cheques m ay be postdated for June 19, July 17 and August 10. Late orders will only be filled if stock perm its. To avoid disappointm ent, please subm it your order by the due date regardless of the quantity needed. Many sm all orders add up! Thanks! Please be reminded that, according to the CCS Student Dress Code, active wear is permitted, however no tights, yoga, or spandex bottoms are allowed. 9:00-11:00). Please contact the school or Amanda Breimer at [email protected] if you can help serve at this event. Also the annual walkathon will be coming up Saturday May 30th. Watch for pledge forms soon. Prayer for the week. “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit… . And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” Joel 2:28, 29 and 32 Lord God, thank you for your gift to us of the Holy Spirit, to guide us and em power us on our way. Holy Spirit, we want you to work am ong us. In this race of faith, we need you. W e all have tasks to do for our God along the journey, and only you can give us the power to do these things, and to discern the way. Lord God, continue to pour out your Spirit on us, so that we and our children m ay continue to call on your nam e, and m ake it to the end of the race in faith. In Jesus’ nam e we can pray for this! Am en.
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