May 2010
In March, 31 pilgrims completed our six-week patient advocate training. We now have 70 trained patient advocates at Pilgrim Place. Forty Pilgrims currently have a patient advocate.
I want to suggest several other ways in which persons are already filling important needs and how we might build
networks to improve the ways we stand beside one another in times of stress or need.
Bill Moremen did much research more than 10 years ago when he faced decisions regarding prostate cancer. Since
that time, he continues to do research and to keep himself informed about the latest facts and treatment options for
men with prostate cancer. When Dwight Vogel followed up on his primary care physician’s recommendation that he
see a urologist and have a prostate biopsy, we were told that Bill was willing to talk with folks in our circumstances.
We called him, set up an appointment and he came to our home and shared WEB articles, his experience, and answered
our questions. We also talked with other Pilgrims who have traveled or were currently traveling this road.
I have fibromyalgia and a group of us (twelve in number so far) have met sporadically to talk about our experiences, new medicines that become available, and just to give each other support and understanding. When a Pilgrim
faces breast cancer, it is not hard to discover other women pilgrims with whom one might talk.
So it seemed to me that it might be useful for the Patient Advocate Coordinator to make a list of persons who
deal with other medical conditions and who would be willing to have their name given to a Pilgrim looking for
information or support around a particular issue. I don’t see this as needing to be very complicated. To begin with I’d
ask persons who deal with particular medical conditions or issues and would be willing to have their name given to
someone who asks, to give me their name. The information will be kept confidential and only shared with any
Pilgrim who is seeking information and support about your condition. This would just provide a little structure to
what we do informally now but would make such information available to any Pilgrim who asks and who might not
want their circumstances widely known or who do not know who to ask.
I would serve as a “broker.” When you give me your information, I will ask whether or not I can share it, confidentially, with our clinic nurses who might also know of persons who could benefit from talking with you. It may be
that there are enough persons with a particular issue or condition to form a peer support group. Please consider how
you might join in this network of offering and/or receiving information and care.
Finally, recent experiences of Pilgrims who are
sent to the hospital (especially the emergency room)
demonstrate the need to have a team of folks who
“Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe.
would be willing to take turns being with a spouse
Earth, our home, is alive with a unique
and/or taking a shift at the hospital when it seems
community of life. Religions to recover and
important to have someone there. I encourage each of
recreate a language - both ecological and ethical us to form such “teams” (4 or 5 persons) who agree to
which reroots us in the Earth as our home.”
do it for each other so that when a medical crisis
World Wonder, Religions Enter Their Ecological Phrase
comes, this is already in place.
-Mary Evelyn Tucker
Thanks to all who serve in so many ways to make
our community one where burdens are shared and
even the most difficult paths don’t have to be walked
-Linda Vogel, Patient Advocate Coordinator
Page 2
Moderator’s Musings
To say that change is surrounding us at Pilgrim
Place is an understatement. CCRC, resident-centered
care, and LEED-certified construction are but three of
the more obvious changes we are undergoing. At the
recent Admissions Advisory Group Forum, we learned
of their wrestling with new admission guidelines.
TMX in April continued our efforts to gain perspective on our ever-changing institution for over 90 years
and to prepare for the influx of new residents in the next
two years. We identified:
• changes in governance both for the Board and in
Town Meeting
• a new Pilgrim story for Festival
• increased informality in Abernethy Dining Room,
the buffet, better alternative options, and socially
responsible food purchases
• the establishment of an Exercise Center and more
yoga and wellness programs
• a memorial garden
• excellence in our staff team with more interaction
between staff and residents
• more aging in place including increased care for
Pitzer residents
• steady or increasing participation in peace vigils
on and off campus
• debt—to build our new buildings
• changes in individual sensitivity in response to the
needs of others in the community
• increased support for Beta Center
• the impact of women’s leadership at the same
time we have moved away from wearing purple
on Thursday in recognition of women’s suffrage.
This abbreviated list reminds us of the changes that
have occurred here from Pilgrim Place’s very beginnings
when residents were furloughed missionaries (and their
families) who taught at Pomona College in exchange for
room and board. (If you want to read the full list, see
the TMX minutes in the library.)
TMX talked about hopes for the future and fears of
change as two sides of the same coin. As I look back, I
see many gradual and subtle changes. I celebrate the
resiliency of this community over the years as many
changes have challenged long-established patterns of life.
I recognize that looking ahead has far less certainty.
Nonetheless, I have great confidence in all of us that we
have the resources, the vision, and the compassion to
move into the days ahead of us.
(continued next col.)
Festival is still 6 -1/2 months away but time travels
swiftly if your name is Mary Russell and you have
sewing deadlines to meet. We here at Pilgrim Place work
hard on our Festival all year long and not the least among
our efforts is our attire! Our Pilgrim costumes make our
Festival a Festival and not a giant yard sale. Our guests
love to see us dressed up like the Pilgrims of yore. They
and their children enjoy taking numerous pictures of us
in our costumes running around and doing our thing!
So if you are new to Pilgrim Place or need an update
on your present outfit, please see Mary Russell soon. She
can sew you a Pilgrim costume for a reasonable fee or
lend you patterns so you can do it yourself. She is also an
expert in alterations for older costumes that may be fixed
up for you for a modest price. Mary can’t do all the
costumes the few weeks preceding Festival, so if you
want one, please contact her in the coming weeks. She
works full time so her hours are limited.
Our Pilgrim costumes add a special flavor to our
Festival and our guests really appreciate them! I also hear
that it puts them in the mood to spend money!!!! Don’t
worry that you will look silly running around in a
costume—we all do and we all look the same —
-Pudge Hartmire
2010 Festival Chair
The Town Meeting will gather for a second spring
meeting on Friday, May 14, at 11:00 a.m. in Decker Hall.
Three main agenda items will be before us. We will adopt
the principles of a pet policy for residents. This policy
will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for ratification. Bill Cunitz will share a video on resident-centered
care and provide an update on Pilgrim Place’s progress
toward establishing neighborhoods at HSC. We will also
hear from Bill a report on other Board and Administration initiatives.
Your participation in this meeting is very important.
I hope to see you there! -Janet Vandevender, Moderator
On another and related note, I am deeply grateful
for your energy and your thoughtfulness at the first
spring Town Meeting. Many of you have commented on
the meeting’s complexity and grace. Thank you, one and
all, for being an active part of this community.
-Janet Vandevender, Moderator
Page 3
Pilgrim Place News / May 2010
Considerations from the CEO
A Delicate Balance
I don’t have a lot of experience with other retirement communities, but have enough to know that the
balance of power between residents and staff and board
members at Pilgrim Place is not necessarily the norm.
Indeed, the shared nature of our governance and
decision-making can lead to some blurred lines of authority and interesting complications in reaching decisions.
“Who’s in charge here?” has been articulated by all three
legs of the governance stool at one time or another.
You’ll not be surprised to learn that there have been days
when I asked the same question with furrowed brow.
When the Board redesigned our By Laws in the
early 2000’s, we made an attempt to delineate as clearly as
possible how Board/staff/residents all had distinct
responsibilities and oversight. Matters of policy, planning and finance vs. budget, administration and staffing
vs. community life and program were each acknowledged
to have a primary constituent “home.” But then consider
also that we now have a fully engaged Board that is
exploring what it means to be “generative” and not just
“reactive”…… an increasingly professional and highly
skilled group of staff associates and extraordinarily gifted
and experienced residents. Well, you get the picture. It’s
not unusual for the responsibilities or prerogatives of one
group to overlap another.
As challenging as this can be for some, I believe it’s
also the secret of our success as an intentional community. The shared expertise and commitment that blur the
lines of decision-making also contribute to better decisions! Our entire community benefits by the give and
take of getting from point A to B and beyond.
The development of a Household Model of Resident Directed Care for the Health Services Center will
test collegial decision-making and teamwork as never
before. Teams of front line staffers, administrators,
residents, Board members and families will share responsibility for a complete transformation of long term care
as we know it. Turf and control issues will need to be
subordinated to foster breakpoint change. Patience and
generosity of spirit will be required. It will make interior decorating decisions seem like kindergarten play.
Yet, I have great faith that the values and beliefs that
form the soul of Pilgrim Place will triumph in the end,
that we will lift up particular expertise and learn how to
celebrate the gifts that all parties bring to the table.
Biting our tongues may draw a little blood now and
then, but allowing everyone to have their say is well
worth the pain.
-Bill Cunitz, President/CEO
We all know that Noel Paul Stookey played to a
“sell out” crowd on March 20. However, what were we
able to raise to support the Health Services Center after
all the dust settled? I am happy to report that the final
figure is $25,000!
This outstanding effort will help us to move towards implementing our vision of person-centered care
and the creation of intimate “household” environments in
our Health Center. A place for residents that feels just
like home – something all of us hope we will have when
it comes time for someone else to care for our needs.
Many thanks to all involved for an outstanding start
to this important initiative.
“I long, as does every human being, to be at home
wherever I find myself.” - Maya Angelou
-Joyce Yarborough
The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
(ICCR) coordinates the efforts of stockholders to influence policies, products and procedures of major corporations. This year ICCR participants total over 275 institutions with collective investments of $2.1 trillion! 274
resolutions have been drafted calling for corporations to
effect changes on such items as health care, governance,
environmental impact, human rights, global warming and
sustainability. Pilgrim Place has reviewed these resolutions and found that 14 of the corporations in which we
have investments will face a total of 22 stockholder
The focus of these resolutions is as follows:
Corporate Governance - 6
Environment - 9
Health - 2
Human Rights & Worker Rights – 1
Inclusiveness -2
Lobbying - 1
Sustainability - 1
The proxy committee (nine residents) has reviewed
these resolutions and recommended to the chairman of
the Board of Pilgrim Place that we cast favorable votes in
all of these stockholder meetings.
-Bernie Valek
Current and past issues of the Pilgrim Place
NEWS and Wednesday Announcements are
posted on our website in the Residents’ Section.
Click “Campus News” to see listing.
Page 4
The next regular monthly gathering will take place
on Wednesday, May 5, at 11:00 a.m., in Decker Hall.
Lucia Ann “Shan” McSpadden will share her life story
with us.
-Larry Schulz
The life and caring concern of those of us who live
at Pilgrim Place have been enhanced and strengthened by
those who have gone before us and freely shared their
lives in service to our community and others. We have
opportunity to lift up their names in gratitude and
recognition of their contributions at special memorial
observances each year.
The vesper service annually devoted to the remembrance of those who have died during the past year and
to reflect upon their lives will be held Thursday, May 6,
at 7:00 p.m. in Decker Hall. Tom and Gail Duggan will
lead the service of the lighting of candles and celebration
of their lives. Yasuko Shorrock will accompany the
singing at the piano.
Also, as is the custom, a brief service will be held in
the Pilgrim Place section of the Oak Park Cemetery here
in Claremont Friday, May 28, Memorial Day weekend,
at 9:00 a.m. Hal Shorrock will bring a message and Ruth
Brown will play the flute to accompany the singing.
There is also time to visit the graves of the many Pilgrims
who are remembered there.
All Pilgrims are invited and encouraged to attend
and participate in these services—a time of thanksgiving
for what has been so richly shared with us and reflection
upon our own contribution to the community.
-Linda Tennis for Memorial Committee
B&G Advisory Group will sponsor a community
forum Tuesday, May 11 at 11:00 a.m. in Decker. Topics
to be discussed: Living Faithfully in a Semi-Arid Environment (a PowerPoint presentation on Pilgrim Place’s
successful campaign to reduce water usage by 50%); Saline
or No Saline for Aquatic Fitness Center, and open mic.
-Paul Kittlaus
April 15
Entered Pilgrim Place 1995
This month’s World Affairs Forum on Wednesday,
May 12 at 11:00 a.m. in Decker will feature an “old” but
award-winning documentary.
HELLFIRE: Journey from Hiroshima, is a 1986
documentary by John Junkerman and John Dower. It
was nominated for an Academy Award in 1987 in USA.
It did win a variety of awards.
HELLFIRE focuses on the work of two Japanese
artists, Iri Maruki and Toshi Maruki who witnessed the
hellfire of Hiroshima in the immediate aftermath of the
atomic bombing of the city. Later, after authorities
banned pictures and public discussion of the bombing,
they decided to paint Hiroshima. The movie is their story
and it is more. It traces their initial paintings of
Hiroshima. It shows their subsequent artistic and personal attempts to understand Nagasaki, Okinawa, the
Holocaust, and environmental destruction.
The U.S. is again engaged in “nuclear diplomacy”
and our Congress may approve a treaty the administration has proposed. It is again time for we citizens to rethink the history of atomic/nuclear warfare and preconditions for peace and the future of human civilization.
The Nobel Prize winner Kenzaburo Oe, novelist,
short-story writer, essayist, and possessor of “political
preoccupation” asserted - ‘The beauty of the Marukis’
work is rich with inspiration.”
-Herman Ruether
Rev. Sandie Richards, Pastor of United Methodist
Church in Los Angeles, will speak at Woman’s Perspective Forum Wednesday, May 26 at 11:00 a.m. on “Children in Los Angeles and in Philippines.” [Room TBA]
With her church’s signficant ministries in downtown Los Angeles, Sandie recently led a United Methodist delegation to the Philippines, expressing the concern
of her congregation and many others, including the
World Council of Churches, over the detention of the
43 health workers who were arrested in February in
Morong, Rizal, on suspicion that they were communists.
Sandie spoke briefly with the persons who went on
the Pilgrim Tours visit to Los Angeles last year. All
Pilgrims and guests are invited to this interesting and
informative forum.
-Rosemary Davis
With ordinary talents and extraordinary
perseverance, all things are attainable.
-Sir Thomas Buxton
Page 5
Pilgrim Place News / May 2010
As I See It
A supplement for Pilgrim Place NEWS
for expression of mind and heart offered
for common thought.
This ”As I See it” is really a big “Thank You” from 40+ Pitzerites, to who
know how many there are out there for whom a “thank you” is very
inadequate expression of our gratitude for the many ways, so many folks
that helped make the Pitzer renovation as smooth as possible. It was indeed a
group effort and there were many things that went on “behind the scenes”
I’m sure. At the risk of leaving out some person or some group here are
special “thanks’ to some special people.
-To the Pitzer and other staff – including those in the dining room,
kitchen – and those from Administration who were very much with us –
lending a helping hand or cheerful word. Some of the assistance was very
visible but a lot was not, answering the repeated questions (which way do
I go?) or (where do we eat?) The offering of an arm or a ride was often
accepted with gratitude.
-The volunteers who especially helped at Scrooby and made sure we
were all served and when we finished eating made sure we all got back to
our rooms.
-To the workmen who were always courteous and made such an effort to
make sure we had ways to get around.
It is a temptation to single out individuals but listing some 30+ people would
end up leaving out many whose names we might not even know.
There is no denying that it has been a trying time for us at Pitzer – but it is
my feeling that the positive attitude and cheerfulness shown by those who
live here is a true reflection of the “Spirit of Pilgrim Place”. We look forward
to the “New” Pilgrim Place and hope we have a part in keeping the “Old”
Pilgrim Place the vital, caring community it is.
-Ruth Thomson
2010 Goal #1
Donations received
Pledges to be paid
Total Giving to Date
To Meet Goal #1
Goal #2
100% Participation
200 Pilgrim Households
Contributed to date
62% of Households
To Meet Goal #2
38% of Households
In May Sunseri Construction and subcontractors
will be working on items as follows:
Norton Garden:
Pitzer South:
Carport Framing
Masonry wall construction
Landscape grading
Some interior finishes
Interior finishes
Cambridge Way:
Pitzer Friendship Court/ Landscaping
Amistad Apartments:
Carport repairs
Framing 1 floor walls &
2nd floor joists
-Paul Kittlaus, Resident Liaison
Page 6
About Pilgrims
Introducing Steve & Pat Smith
How dull it is to pause, to make and end/
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!
Ulysses’ advice to his men, in Tennyson’s poem by
the same name, might well sum up the lives of Steve and
Pat Smith. They were born many miles apart, she in Los
Angeles, he on a farm in Iowa. Now that they have
found their Ithaca here at Pilgrim Place, they hope to
continue to “follow knowledge like a sinking star,” just as
Ulysses called his companions to new adventures of the
mind if not on tempest-torn seas.
Pat found her first spiritual home in the Moravian
Church, Steve within the Quaker Community. When
she took a position at Claremont McKenna College, in
1988, Steve was already teaching in the department of
philosophy. He had earlier graduated from Harvard with
a degree (Ph D) in the same field. Their marriage in 1991
was, as Pat puts it, “A dream come true and a perfect
match for both of us.”
Steve’s interest in the deeper questions of life,
sparked in his youth by his father’s deep, spiritual
example, led him later on to explore the practice of Zen
meditation. For the past 14 years, he has facilitated
groups that include several Pilgrims in this particular
prayer form. “Paradoxically,” he says, “ this has
confirmed for me my identity as a Quaker and a
Christian.” I am not surprised that this has happened.
Pat’s love of art finds an outlet in the pottery studio
here and at the First Street Gallery Art Center for
disabled adults. Both of them “enjoy sharing the love of
both our children and our six grandchildren.”
Their plans for life here at Pilgrim Place only prove
anew that “age hath yet his honor and his toil.” And the
journey goes on.
-Peter A. O’Reilly
When I came to Pilgrim Place I was told by people
I met that this is a great community. It wasn’t until the
last two months when I went into the hospital for knee
replacement surgery and gall bladder surgery that I really
understood what that meant. The love I have received
through prayers, cards, food and visits, both here at
home and those who came and sat with my daughters at
the hospital showed me what the word “community”
really means. I am so happy and honored to be a part of
this “God-loving community.” I love you all!!!
-Donna Klein
Ward McAfee is being inducted into the “Hall of
Fame” for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
at California State University, San Bernardino on
Saturday, May 15. Ward is a member of the founding
faculty for the university, being the first Dean of the
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences— the largest
College (by enrollment) at the university and home to
eight academic departments (including the School of
Social Work) with over 17,000 alumni.
Director of the International Museum of the
Reformation in Geneva, Switzerland, has announced that
Jane Douglass and her work are to be featured in an
exhibition opening in October 2010, which will become
part of the permanent collection of the Museum.
Gesine Robinson has been invited to present a
paper at the international convention of the Society for
New Testamanet Studies in Berlin. The paper, “An
Update on the Gospel of Judas,” will be part of the
SNTS Apocryphal Literature Seminar.
Yasuko Fukada Shorrock will perform an organ
recital Sunday, May 23 at 4:00 p.m., UCC Sanctuary,
that includes Toccata and Fugue in Dorian Mode, J.S.
Bach, Symphony #4: Andante Cantabile C.M. Widor.
Many of us spend delightful hours at Pendleton Arts
and Crafts Center, as well as worship with our friends at
the HSC in the [Jeanne] Biane Room, swim at the G.
Worth George Activity [Aquatic] Center and look
forward to gathering in the [Davie & Joy ] Napier
Center for Creative Change, just some of the places
named after influential people in the life of Pilgrim Place.
In this same tradition the Pilgrim Brass have adopted
a new name: the Winsor Brass [of Pilgrim Place] to
honor our friend and original member Gordon Winsor
who died last November.
When we formed the brass ensemble, Gordon had
not played trumpet for over 60 years, although he was an
accomplished musician, both singing and leading the
Pilgrim Place Recorder Group. Displaying his usual
discipline, Gordon purchased a trumpet and went to
work to relearn his craft so he could be a part of the
brass ensemble where he gained great satisfaction doing
his part to inaugurate this new group. Upon his death
the members of the ensemble agreed to rename the group
the Winsor Brass in Gordon’s memory and honor.
-Jim Fiske
Page 7
Pilgrim Place News / May 2010
As with everything at Pilgrim Place, changes and
reminders are frequent. With many new residents
since Guest Room Committee last published a Guest
Room protocol, here is an updated guide
• Each month a member of the Guest Rooms
committee serves as reservation clerk. Their phone
number is published in the Pilgrim Place NEWS and
on the Bulletin Board in west entrance to Decker. This
is the only person who has the reservation book and
can make reservations. If they become ill or are out of
town, a backup person will then have book and keys.
• Reservations can be made up to four months in
advance and a room can be reserved, if available, for
up to two weeks of use. There is a limit of four rooms
reserved for the same person during the same days of
occupancy. NOTE: When a Pilgrim is physically
unable to make the reservation for their family
member or other guests, that person may call and
reserve a room giving the Pilgrim’s name as the host.
• Rooms available: one room on first floor, two
twin beds, (We try to hold this room for people who
cannot climb stairs); one two-room suite on second
floor, twin beds in one room and a day bed in the
other; four rooms with two twin beds each, one room
with a single twin bed. All but two rooms share a
The suggested minimum donation is: Single ($45)
- Double ($55); and a Suite ($65) (both rooms have to
be cleaned even when only one room is used). Many
have given generous donations beyond minimum
Courtesy To Others
A request has come to the Dining Services
Advisory Group to remind us all that for greatest
harmony around the noon table, we would be wise to
increase our thoughtfulness to those who eat at the table
with us, e.g., being very brief at those times we feel it
necessary to talk to those sitting at other tables. We do
well to make the table experience a good experience but
can always seek ways to make it even more pleasurable.
-Jim Fiske, Dining Services Advisory Group
Keys & Payment
• The keys include one to the room and one to
Porter Hall
• Keys are delivered to the Pilgrim Host at the
noon meal, or in the case of Pitzer, the host resident’s
mail box. The exception is the Health Center and
occasionally Pitzer when the envelope is left at Nurses
station as arranged between the Guest and the Reservation Clerk.
• “In Case of Emergency” information, suggested
fee, and check out time information, along with the
parking permit, are also in the envelope. PLEASE LEAVE
paying for the room, please inform your guest that
you will do so. Also let Reservation Clerk know
when you make the reservation. Pilgrims are responsible for all reservations they make.
Method of Payment:
Payment can be made in cash or by check - placed
in the envelope along with the keys. The envelope is
then to be placed in the drop box inside Porter
Lobby. (It is located on side of stair rail.) If paying by
a charge card, the guest or residents needs to go to
Administration. This can only be done Monday
through Friday during business hours. It is helpful if
the person processing the card is told how much is for
room use - and the name of Pilgrim host. This is a
bookkeeping issue for Guest room Committee.
If you desire to use the Pitzer Guest Room, call
Judy Garcia; if you need an apartment, call Janet
Cromwell, Director of Recruitment and Admission,
to inquire about the Sabbatical apartment availability
and rental rates. Thank you! -Jean Rosewall, Chair,
Guest Room Committee
4th of July is coming in a couple of
months. Bless her heart, Anne Stokes has agreed to
coordinate the Pilgrim Place “entry” in the 2010
Claremont Independence Day parade - and needs
names of willing participants or co-workers, ideas
about how we should participate this year, and our
gratitude. Please offer them to her.
-Gene Boutilier, for Scrooby Club.
Sunday, May 2
10:15 a.m.
HSC Worship
Leader: Jack Jackson
Pianist: Eloise Dale
Soloist: Shirley Washington
Monday, May 3
11:00 a.m. - Bakes and Sweets Mini-Sale
Tuesday, May 4
6:00 p.m.
Alternative Supper
Wednesday, May 5
9:00 a.m.
ERG Q&A Session
11:00 a.m.
Andiron Club •
Thursday, May 6
7:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Memorial Service •
Pianist: Yasuko Shorrock
Sunday, May 9
10:15 a.m.
HSC Worship
Leader: Henry Hayden
Pianist: Eloise Dale
Soloist: David Held
Tuesday, May 11
11:00 a.m.
B&G Forum •
Wednesday, May 12
11:00 a.m.
World Affairs Forum •
7:00 p.m.
Emily Dickinson Conversation
Thursday, May 13
7:00 p.m.
Leader: Ward McAffee
“In the Bulb There Is a Flower”
Pianist: Norma Puntney
Friday, May 14
11:00 a.m.
Town Meeting •
Sunday, May 16
10:15 a.m.
HSC Worship
Leader: Ken Dale
Musician: Norma Puntney
Tuesday, May 18
1:30 p.m.
Copy deadline for June NEWS
3:00 p.m.
Resident Security Council •
Thursday, May 20
7:00 p.m.
Leader: Virginia Nickerson
“Peripheral Vision”
Pianist: Ken Dale
Sunday, May 23
10:15 a.m.
HSC Worship
Leader: Wes Brown
Pianist: Catherine Thompson
Soloist: Dean Gilliland
Wednesday, May 26
11:00 a.m.
Women’s Perspective Forum •
Thursday, April 27
7:00 p.m.
Leader: Willie & Ron Grable
“Living Waters”
Pianist; Janyce Pixley
Friday, May 28
9:00 a.m.
Memorial Day Service •
Sunday, May 30
10:15 a.m.
HSC Worship
Leader: David Anderson
Pianist: Eleanor Dornon
• Denotes NEWS Item
HSC Chaplain
Ann Appley
May Guest Rooms:
Primary / Pat Beswick / 626-6624
Backup / Linda Tennis / 624-1953
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