2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 1 01/07/2014 11:17 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 2 01/07/2014 11:17 YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU DO SO MUCH. ARE TOO BUSY. HAVE NO TIME NEVER ESCAPE. FORGOT YOU. NEVER RELAX. JUST KEEP GOING. NEED A TREAT ARE NOT A ROBOT. NEED TO RECHARGE, NEED YOU BACK. MIGHT RUN AWAY. MAY HIDE. RUN WITH ME. HIDE WITH ME. SPA WITH ME. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 3 01/07/2014 11:17 D MS AN OO BR R EW N THE SECRET’S OUT FI N D YO U R SA N C T UA RY I N O NE OF OU R E L E V E N BRAN D N EW LU XU RIOU S TRE ATME N T ROOMS . A N I N V I T I N G H AV E N O F T R A N QU IL IT Y. E XPE RIE N CE PU RE LU XU RY AN D TOGE TH E RN E S S IN OU R D UA L T R E AT M E N T RO O M S. E NJOY COMPL IME N TARY U S E OF TH E S PA FACIL ITIE S , TOWE L S , ROBE A N D SLI P PE R S W H E N YO U I N D U LGE IN ON E OF TH E E S PA TRE ATME N TS L IS TE D BE LOW. S S S H , TH E SE N SAT I O N A L SPA AT T H E B E LFRY WON ’ T S TAY A S E CRE T FOR LON G. SSSH... LUXE DUAL TREATMENT ROOM 90 minute treatment / 30 minute relaxation / £350 for two people Spend time together in your own private room, lounge and relax in exquisite surroundings. Enjoy a light lunch together and share a bottle of Champagne. Then luxuriate in our totally indulgent ESPA experiences made for two. Take home your gift of an ESPA Soothing Candle each. Pure bliss. ESPA LUXE TREATMENTS MAY WE SUGGEST... ‘HERO’ - BACK, FACE & SCALP TREATMENT 1 hour 25 minutes / £89 ADVANCED ENZYME FACIAL 1 hour 25 minutes / £115 LIFT & FIRM FACIAL 1 hour 25 minutes / £115 25 minutes / £55 HOT STONE MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 ESPA MASSAGE AROMATHERAPY BODY POLISH 55 minutes / £89 TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 4 01/07/2014 11:17 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 5 01/07/2014 11:17 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 6 01/07/2014 11:17 SPA OPENING TIMES Monday & Tuesday - 10am to 7pm | Wednesday & Thursday - 10am to 8pm Friday & Saturday - 9:30am to 7pm | Sunday - 10am to 5pm CLUB OPENING TIMES Monday to Sunday - 6:30am to 10pm SCHEDULING AN APPOINTMENT To schedule an appointment for your perfect treatment, please contact Spa Reception who will be able to guide you to the right choice. To ensure your preferred time and service is available we recommend to book in advance. All spa treatments and packages will need to be guaranteed with a credit card. Please call 01675 477024 to book. SPA ATTIRE Correct fitness attire is necessary to use the gymnasium and pool. For treatments, it’s quite normal to wear underwear, we can provide disposable briefs if you prefer. WHAT TO BRING WITH YOU We recommend that you bring warm comfortable clothing to change into after your work out, class, spa experience and pool sessions. We have hair dryers and amenities. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 7 01/07/2014 11:17 ESPA FACIALS O U R FAC I A LS B E G I N WI T H A DE TAIL E D CON S U LTATION AN D IN - D E PTH S K IN AN ALY S IS U S IN G SK I N V I SI O N ™ T E C H N O LO G Y TO ID E N TIFY S K IN CON D ITION S N OT VIS IBL E TO TH E N AK E D EY E . YO U R FAC I A L I S SPE C I FI C A LLY TAILORE D TO YOU , TO IN CLU D E CL E AN S IN G, E XFOL IATION AN D A T R E AT M E N T SPE C I FI C M A SSAGE , MAS K AN D IN TE N S IVE S E RU M. FIN AL LY, S K IN CARE PROD U CTS ARE C H O SE N FO R YO U R I N D I V I D UAL N E E D S TO ACH IEVE TH E BE S T POS S IBL E RE S U LTS . TO MAIN TAIN T H E U LT I M AT E I N H E A LT H Y RAD IAN T S K IN WE RE COMME N D A FACIAL ON CE A MONTH. INTENSIVE & AGE DEFYING LIFT & FIRM FACIAL 1 hour 25 minutes / £115 An advanced facial using Super Active™ products to improve skin tonicity and firmness and enhance cellular regeneration. This facial uses Tri-Active® ingredients combined with specialised facial massage lifting techniques to help combat the signs of ageing, stimulate collagen production and deliver intensive results, the benefits of which can be seen immediately. ADVANCED ENZYME FACIAL 1 hour 25 minutes / £115 A powerful and highly effective facial to boost cell regeneration and give an instantly smooth, softly glowing complexion. A deep brush cleanse is followed by an intense Enzyme Peel containing botanical extracts and Pumpkin Enzymes to deeply exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. After a soothing massage using Rose Quartz Crystals to help cool and calm, a Lifting and Smoothing Mask is applied, containing concentrated Seaweed Extracts, Argan Oil and Menthol, to give your skin a more plumped and firmer appearance. AGE-DEFYING FACIAL 55 minutes / £89 A luxurious and regenerating facial for maturing skin to help minimise lines and wrinkles around the eyes, neck, lips and jawline to help combat the signs of ageing. This treatment visibly improves the appearance of the skin by using special age-defying massage techniques and a selection of age-defying products to replenish and revitalise the skin, leaving your complexion toned, radiant and rejuvenated. TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 8 01/07/2014 11:17 SKIN SOLUTIONS ENZYME FACIAL 55 minutes / £79 This powerful and highly effective natural facial peel dramatically smoothes, softens and evens skin tone. A brush cleanse, followed by an intense Enzyme Peel containing botanical extracts and Pumpkin Enzymes deeply exfoliates and removes dead skin cells, followed by an application of soothing Rose Quartz Crystals to help cool and calm, revealing an ultra smooth, glowing complexion. SKIN RADIANCE FACIAL 55 minutes / £79 This revitalising facial treatment helps refresh tired skin, giving a noticeably brighter and naturally radiant appearance. A special application of ESPA Skin Radiance Moisturiser; rich in natural AHAs and BHAs from Hawaiian Algae and Meadowsweet, helps to smooth, reduce irregular pigmentation and brighten the skin to deliver instant results. RE-HYDRATOR FACIAL 55 minutes / £79 An intensive and regenerating facial for dehydrated skin leaving it supple and nourished. Gentle cleansing and exfoliation help the skin absorb replenishing face treatment oils and masks to deeply moisturise and soothe the complexion. This rehydrating facial leaves skin smooth and feeling rejuvenated. DE-SENSITISER FACIAL 55 minutes / £79 A comforting facial for sensitive skins prone to redness and irritation, leaving skin calmed and nourished. De-sensitising natural plant extracts and calming aromatherapy oils such as Chamomile and Benzoin are used to gently cleanse, nourish and hydrate fragile skin. This soothing facial helps to reduce skin sensitivity leaving skin calmed, nourished and comfortable. SKIN PURIFYING FACIAL 55 minutes / £79 Ideal for oily, congested and problematic skin, or those suffering with hormonal imbalance. This deep cleansing facial helps to regulate oil secretions and refine open pores. Essential Tea Tree and White Thyme oils, which are naturally decongesting and anti-inflammatory are used to soothe and calm the skin, encouraging a more balanced and clearer complexion. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 9 01/07/2014 11:17 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 10 01/07/2014 11:17 EXPRESS OR ADD ON EXPERIENCES 25 minutes each / from £39 per experience 25 minute ESPA express experiences are designed for you to enjoy when you are limited on time and need a boost to get you back to your fantastic self. These express experiences can also be ‘added on’ to complement your existing spa experience, when you need a little more time to yourself; PERSONALISED EXPRESS FACIAL Your therapist will select the most suitable facial for your skin. Every ESPA personalised facial includes a consultation, SkinVision analysis, cleanse, exfoliation, personalised facial mask and finishes with an application of a booster serum to suit your skin. LIFT & FIRM EYE TREATMENT Perfect for those who are concerned with the first signs of ageing around the eyes. This effective firming and hydrating treatment, helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and relieves tension from eye-strain and computer headaches. Incorporating a facial cleanse, exfoliation, targeted massage for eyes and an application of our Lift & Firm Intensive Eye Serum. SHOULDER, NECK AND SCALP MASSAGE This massage focuses on the key areas of tension in the upper body, using an ESPA Body Oil chosen to your specific needs. BACK, NECK AND SHOULDER MASSAGE This massage focuses on the key areas we hold tension in within the back of our bodies, using an ESPA Body Oil chosen to your specific needs. SALT & OIL SCRUB /REFINING BODY POLISH This exceptional skin softening body exfoliation combines sea salts with essential oils to leave your skin nourished, smooth and supple. The perfect pick me up when you want to look glowing and feel invigorated. We also recommended this prior to enjoying an ESPA Massage. For a lighter application Body Polish is applied instead of Salt & Oil Scrub. INVIGORATING FOOT TREATMENT Perfect for tired post shopping or party feet suffering with heavy legs, this mini miracle will reduce puffiness, soothe aches and pains while indulging you with a refreshing exfoliation combined with a deeply therapeutic foot and lower leg massage. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 11 01/07/2014 11:17 ESPA BODY EXPERIENCES WE O FFE R A H U G E R A N G E O F S OLU TION L E D E S PA BODY TRE ATME N TS AN D MAS S AGE S , E ACH O N E D E SI G N E D A N D TA I LO RE D S PE CIFICAL LY TO E N S U RE YOU E XPE RIE N CE TH E BE S T PH Y S ICAL A N D E M OT I O N A L T H E R A PE U TIC BE N E FITS D E PE N D IN G ON YOU R N E E D S . ‘HERO’ - BACK, FACE & SCALP TREATMENT 1 hour 25 minutes / £99 Renowned as our ‘Hero’ treatment and loved by all, this ESPA experience delivers triple results by targeting three key areas; the back, the face and the scalp. These ideal indulgences for all will leave you truly relaxed and feeling wonderful. Included within this experience is a back exfoliation, a back massage with the additional choice of hot stones if you wish, a personalised facial and a scalp massage with or without pink hair mud. AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 ESPA aromatherapy massage is essential, professional and specific, using a blend of individually chosen oils. A personal consultation will ensure that you receive a unique treatment to suit your specific needs. Includes: Aromatherapy massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders HOT STONE MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 A therapeutic full body massage using an ESPA Body Oil chosen to your specific needs combined with hot volcanic stones. We will soften and warm target muscles to ease aches and pains as well as helping to relieve deep muscle tension. The powerful oils, heat and the soothing rhythm of stones on your skin will help you to unwind, switch off and relax. Perfect if you suffer from stress or have trouble sleeping. Includes: Hot Stone Aromatherapy massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders SWEDISH MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 A traditional full body massage using firm pressure to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension. This treatment is ideal as an introduction to massage; stimulating movements help sooth tired aching muscles to leave you relaxed and revived. Includes: Swedish massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 12 DEEP MUSCLE MASSAGE – with or without hot stones 55 minutes £89 A powerful massage designed to alleviate deep-seated tension and muscular stress. Specialised techniques concentrate on specific areas of concern and alleviate common discomforts such as a stiff neck, lower back pain and sore, tight shoulders. Includes: Specialised massage to specific areas of concern 01/07/2014 11:17 LIFT & FIRM HIP & THIGH TREATMENT 55 minutes / £89 This is a highly effective, stimulating treatment for great results immediately. It targets cellulite, fluid retention, bloating and uneven skin texture. We combine potent marine extracts with iced mitts and a deeply detoxifying massage with specialised stomach massage techniques to help cleanse and purify the colon. Ideal for those of all shapes and sizes concerned with the appearance of cellulite. A course of 6 treatments is recommended. Includes: Skin brushing – detoxifying salt and oil scrub – detoxifying massage to specific area – specialised colonic massage techniques ESPA BODY WRAP 55 minutes / £89 This is a personalised body wrap tailor-made for your own experience, designed to deliver just what you need. Do you want your skin to feel firmer, softer and smooth? Would you like to be mentally or physically more relaxed? Perhaps you need to be awake to shake off jet lag or seasonal ailments? You tell us and we’ll also make sure you get the best of both worlds. Firstly we will skin brush and exfoliate your body then wrap you in a warm cocoon of Algae or Marine Mud combined with the essential oils needed to meet your specific requests. Your body temperature will be comfortably raised, to increase the effects and absorption of the wrap. A soothing scalp massage during your wrap will ensure you’ll be left totally relaxed while your skin will feel nourished and hydrated. Includes: Skin brush – body exfoliation – wrap – scalp massage GOLFER’S RECOVERY 55 minutes / £89 After a hard day on the course, this treatment soothes aching muscles and targets the back, neck, legs and feet. The back is gently exfoliated with our ESPA Exfoliating Body Polish and then massaged with one of our chosen ESPA aromatherapy oils. This is followed by a leg and foot massage, the perfect treatment to restore energy to a weary back, feet and legs. Includes: Back exfoliation – back massage – foot and leg massage ESPA MATERNITY I T ’ S A S P E C I A L T I M E I N YO U R L I F E A N D T H E B E G I N N I N G O F A N OT H E R J O U R N E Y, YO U N E E D TO L O O K A F T E R YO U R S E L F A N D B U M P, L E T U S H E L P YO U R E L A X W H I L E YO U C A N . PRE & POST NATAL TREATMENT 55 minutes / £89 A deeply nourishing body massage designed to target areas prone to stress and tension during or after pregnancy. Gentle back exfoliation, your choice if you would like it, is followed by a soothing body massage to suit your individual concerns. We will focus on requested areas to help alleviate muscular aches as well as helping you and bump to relax, restore and revitalise. A course of 6 treatments is recommended following the first trimester of pregnancy. Includes: Back exfoliation, body and scalp massage – this treatment is tailored to your specific needs. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 13 01/07/2014 11:17 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 14 01/07/2014 11:17 SPA WEDDING PACKAGES THE JOURNEY TO BRIDAL BLISS - SPA DAY One for the Ladies - 4 hours - £349 per person We start with a trial session of your hair and make up for the big day and then it’s time to take time out. Enjoy our spa facilities and then a light snack with a glass of bubbles before a bit of a lie down. ESPA Advanced Back, face and scalp treatment with hot stones is a total body experience which will relax, unwind and prepare you physically and mentally for your big day. All of our aromatic oils and skin care will be personalized to your own needs. You will enjoy a back exfoliation continuing with a deeply soothing massage incorporating the use of hot stones followed by a tailor made facial with scalp massage. Leaving you looking and feeling rejuvenated while ensuring your skin is super smooth and glowing. This Spa Day can be just for you, the Bride or if you would like to invite another female, or more...from your bridal party to join you, we would love to welcome you all on the same day at the same time to enjoy the Journey to Bridal Bliss. As a congratulations gift, to add to your celebrations on the day, we would like to complete your spa experience with a complementary manicure or pedicure for yourself and each of your guests.* This Spa Day also includes your hair and make over on the day of the Wedding either in the spa or your hotel room. An appointment will be pre-arranged for this experience. Pre-booking is essential. N.B – please either bring each of your dresses on the day or a dress with the same neckline and colour as your wedding day dresses to ensure that your hair and make up has the desired impact on your big day. *Maximum number of guests is 2 plus the Bride To be. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 15 01/07/2014 11:17 THE HEN PARTY SPA DAY 50 minutes / £99 per person Let each of your party choose their own spa day or break from those below and we will make sure that you are all in the spa at the same time, enjoy a light lunch together and a glass of bubbles each. Hide With Me – Express Facial and Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage Relax With Me – Salt & Oil Scrub and Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage Dance With Me – Express Facial and Express Manicure or Pedicure HEN WITH ME - SPA BREAK from £125 per person (based on 2 people sharing a room with one night bed and breakfast plus one treatment each. Single supplement applies of £59.) Choose one treatment from either; A Personalised Facial, Aromatherapy or Hot Stone Massage or a Manicure or Pedicure. THE BRIDAL PARTY SPA DAY OR SPA BREAK FOR LADIES AND/OR GENTLEMEN This is one for the Maid of Honour or Best Man to organise. Let each of your party choose their own spa day or break and their additional indulgence, we will make sure that you are all in the spa at the same time, enjoy a light lunch together and a glass of bubbles each. We have a great choice of Spa Days and Spa Breaks available to suit everyone in your Bridal Party and we understand you all want to look and feel your best so you can really enjoy the big day. Please ensure you let us know you are ‘The Bridal Party’ when you make your group spa reservation. It’s good to party with four or more. For a £30 supplement per person, why not choose an additional treatment from the list below to add to your experience. t"OBEEJUJPOBMNJOVUFTPGNBTTBHF t4BMU0JM#PEZ4DSVC t&YQSFTT'BDJBM t-JGUBOE'JSN&ZF5SFBUNFOU t'JMFBOE1PMJTIGPSëOHFSTPSUPFT TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 16 You will be in individual treatment rooms unless 2 people in your Bridal Party would like to spend more time together and share their spa experience within our Dual Treatment Room please let us know as requests are based on availability. 01/07/2014 11:17 THE BRIDE & GROOM SPA DAY £145 per person Remember what it’s all about and enjoy some peace and quiet in the Spa Facilities for the day as well as a light lunch and then some time relaxing together in our Dual Treatment Room. Smooth and soften with an express facial followed by a full body massage of your choice; aromatherapy, deep pressure, hot stones or Swedish. THE MAIN MAN SPA DAY 4 hours £229 per person Take some time to unwind, ease you muscles and your mind and make the most of our spa facilities. A light lunch with a glass of bubbles or the beverage of your choice and then it’s down to business. You need to look every bit as good as the Bride so you’re going to need some help but we’ll make it enjoyable. As a congratulations gift, to add to your celebrations on the day, we would like to begin your spa experience with a complementary salt and oil scrub for yourself and each of your guests.* A little treat from us to you to make you smooth as well as suave. Then a specific deep muscle massage especially designed to concentrate on areas of tension accumulated during everyday activities like driving, computer work and lifting, focusing on the neck, lower back and shoulders to leave you feeling more agile. The Age Rebel from ESPA will make you feel like a legend;soft brush cleansing combined with an enzyme peel and amazing facial massage will give you immediate visible results so you look younger and fresher. Next it’s on to your hands and nails, we’ll make them clean, tidy and smart ready for your big day. This can be just for you, the Groom or if you would like some moral support why not ask the guys to join you, we would love to welcome you all on the same day at the same time to enjoy the experience of being The Main Man. *Maximum number of guests is 2 plus the Groom 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 17 01/07/2014 11:17 TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 18 01/07/2014 11:17 HERE COME THE GIRLS Your own Therapist available per hour, prices upon request Getting ready on the Big Day, whether it’s a last minute file and polish for fingers or toes, little girls in need of some glamour or make up for your Mum we can be there to make sure the girls are ready to go! BRIDAL GLORY £100 per person Complete make-up applied for that special day, to create a natural effect. Includes pre wedding day trial. BRIDAL PACKAGE £189 per person Bride’s hair and make-up (including trial date), Manicure and Pedicure, Mother of the Bride wash and blow dry. BRIDE & CO PACKAGE £99 per person Bride’s hair and make-up (including trial date), Mother of the Bride wash and blow dry. BRIDESMAID’S HAIR & MAKE-UP TRIAL from £50 per person MAKE-UP ONLY £40 per person BRIDESMAID’S HAIR & MAKE-UP from £70 per person HAIR-UP ONLY £35 per person GROOM / BEST MAN PACKAGE 60 minutes / £89 Full Body Massage for total relaxation and full use of the Leisure Facilities.* Light lunches are available upon request at an extra charge. *Excludes Fire & Ice Experience. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 19 01/07/2014 11:17 PERFECT FINGERS AND TOES JESSICA MANICURES & PEDICURES Deluxe Manicure Manicure Deluxe Pedicure Pedicure Jessica Deluxe Manicure and Pedicure File & Re-varnish 60 minutes / £45 45 minutes / £30 60 minutes / £45 45 minutes / £35 120 minutes / £80 30 minutes / £20 PRETTY FINGERS OR TOES, JUST GELERATION Clear Gel Overlays Colour French Gel Overlays 45 minutes / £40 60 minutes / £40 75 minutes / £45 SUNLESS TANNING SPRAY TAN £25 St Tropez provides a deep, honey-dipped glow with potent age fighting, skin firming and cell rejuvenation properties. An all in one innovative product. WAXING TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 20 Forearms Underarm Half Leg Half Leg & Bikini Full Leg Full Leg & Bikini Basic Bikini Brazilian Hollywood Facial Waxing 30 minutes / £25 30 minutes / £20 30 minutes / £25 45 minutes / £35 45 minutes / £30 60 minutes / £40 15 minutes / £15 30 minutes / £25 45 minutes / £35 15 minutes / £10 per area 01/07/2014 11:17 FINAL FLOURISHES IT’S ALL IN THE EYES 1 hour 30 minutes / £70 In-Fill 45 minutes / £30 Semi-permanent eyelash extensions, naturally curled, weightless on your eyes, Lash Perfect are water resistant. These lashes will enhance your natural beauty. Eyebrow Shape* Eyelash & Eyebrow Tint* Eyebrow Tint* Eyelash Tint* 15 minutes / £12.50 30 minutes / £17.50 15 minutes / £15 15 minutes / £15 *A test patch may be required 24hrs before treatment. MAKE UP BY MII MAKE ME OVER 1 hour / £45 Detailed help with finding what make up and colours suit you best. SPECIAL OCCASION MAKE UP 45 minutes / £35 When you have a special event or a big night out and want to look your glamorous best. BRIDAL MAKE UP TRIAL 1 hour / £45 We will take photos and notes for the perfect match to your wedding style and dress so you can look amazing on your special day. BRIDAL - ON THE BIG DAY MAKE UP 1 hour / £45 (including trial £70) When you have a special event or a big night out and want to look your glamorous best. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 21 01/07/2014 11:17 ESPA FOR MEN O U R E SPA FAC E A N D B O DY T RE ATME N TS FOR ME N ARE S PE CIFICAL LY TAILORE D TO YOU R S K IN T Y PE , E AC H O N E D E SI G N E D S PE CIFICAL LY TO E N S U RE YOU E XPE RIE N CE TH E BE S T PH Y S ICAL A N D T H E R A PE U T I C B E N E FI TS D E PE N D IN G ON YOU R N E E D S . AGE REBEL FACIAL 1 hour 25 minutes / £109 The Age Rebel from ESPA will make you feel like a legend; steam and soft brush cleansing combined with an enzyme peel and amazing facial massage will give you immediate visible results so you look younger and fresher. MENS’ SHOULDER, NECK AND FACE MASSAGE 55 minutes / £89 This is a specific deep muscle massage especially designed to concentrate on areas of tension accumulated during everyday activities like driving, computer work and lifting. The Therapist works focusing on the neck, lower back and shoulders to leave you feeling more agile. ‘HERO’ - BACK, FACE & SCALP TREATMENT 1 hour 25 minutes / £109 ESPA Advanced Back, face and scalp treatment with hot stones is a total body experience which will relax, unwind and prepare you physically and mentally for any day. All of our aromatic oils and skin care will be personalised to your own needs. You will enjoy a back exfoliation continuing with a deeply soothing massage incorporating the use of hot stones followed by a tailor made facial with scalp massage. Leaving you looking and feeling rejuvenated while ensuring your skin is super smooth and glowing. AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 ESPA aromatherapy massage is essential, professional and specific, using a blend of individually chosen oils. A personal consultation will ensure that you receive a unique treatment to suit your specific needs. Includes: Aromatherapy massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 22 01/07/2014 11:17 HOT STONE MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 / 85 minutes £109 A therapeutic full body massage using an ESPA Body Oil chosen to your specific needs combined with hot volcanic stones. We will soften and warm target muscles to ease aches and pains as well as helping to relieve deep muscle tension. The powerful oils, heat and the soothing rhythm of stones on your skin will help you to unwind, switch off and relax. Perfect if you suffer from stress or have trouble sleeping. Includes: Hot Stone Aromatherapy massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders DEEP MUSCLE MASSAGE with or without hot stones 55 minutes £89 A powerful massage designed to alleviate deep-seated tension and muscular stress. Specialised techniques concentrate on specific areas of concern and alleviate common discomforts such as a stiff neck, lower back pain and sore, tight shoulders. Includes: Specialised massage to specific areas of concern SWEDISH MASSAGE 55 minutes £89 A traditional full body massage using firm pressure to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension. This treatment is ideal as an introduction to massage; stimulating movements help sooth tired aching muscles to leave you relaxed and revived. Includes: Swedish massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck & shoulders MUSCLE REVIVER 40 minutes / £59 A condensed massage for those who suffer with tension related headaches and neck strain. If you have little time to spare, this deeply soothing back, face and stress releasing scalp massage is an ideal way to melt away tension and relieve tight muscles. You’ll feel revived and invigorated for the day ahead or relaxed and calm for a peaceful night’s sleep. Includes: Back massage – facial massage – scalp massage MEN’S WAXING Waxing available upon request 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 23 01/07/2014 11:17 FLOAT AWAY FOR A DAY SPA DAYS ALL SPA DAYS INCLUDE ROBES, SLIPPERS AND TOWELS, AND USE OF THE SWIMMING POOL. ACCESS TO THE FIRE & ICE EXPERIENCE IS FROM £39 PER PERSON HIDE WITH ME 50 minutes / £99 An Express Facial combined with an aromatherapy Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage. You will look and feel fresher after some well needed relaxation. RELAX WITH ME 50 minutes / £99 A Full Body Salt & Oil Scrub followed by an aromatherapy Back Neck and Shoulder Massage. Exfoliate and smooth your skin with this softening salt and oil scrub and then enjoy a deeply relaxing back, neck and shoulder massage with a personalise blend of aromatherapy essential oils. ESCAPE WITH ME 90 minutes / £129 Including lunch This ESPA experience delivers triple results by targeting three key areas; the back, face, head and scalp. Sheer bliss that delivers a solution led facial treatment, a relaxing back massage and an Indian head & scalp massage. NATURE. BE A PART OF IT 60 minutes / £109 Including lunch A Full Body Salt & Oil Scrub with a Hot Stone Massage. This exceptional skin softening body exfoliation combines sea salts with essential oils. A therapeutic full body massage using an ESPA Body Oil chosen to your specific needs combined with hot volcanic stones. We will soften and warm target muscles to ease aches and pains as well as helping to relieve deep muscle tension. The powerful oils, heat and the soothing rhythm of stones on your skin will help you to unwind, switch off and relax. SPOIL ME 115 minutes / £149 Including lunch Radiance Ritual. This signature treatment experience promises to improve skin texture and relax tension in your muscles, starting with a deeply relaxing back massage followed by a revitalising facial with a brightening mask which leaves the skin radiant, smooth and hydrate. Your lower legs and feet receive a therapeutic massage and the experience concludes with a calming scalp massage. TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 24 01/07/2014 11:17 SHINE. INSIDE & OUT 55 minutes / £119 ESPA Body Wrap & Prescriptive Facial. This is a personalised body wrap tailor-made for your own experience, designed to deliver just what you need. Firstly we will skin brush and exfoliate your body then wrap you in a warm cocoon of Algae or Marine Mud combined with the essential oils needed to meet your specific requests. A soothing scalp massage during your wrap will ensure you’ll be left totally relaxed while your skin will feel nourished and hydrated. This treatment experience also includes a revitalising facial treatment that helps refresh tired skin, giving a noticeably brighter and naturally radiant appearance. DANCE WITH ME 50 minutes / £99 Express Express Facial and a Manicure or Pedicure. Prepare for that special occasion with a Radiance Facial Treatment and a manicure or pedicure for pretty fingers or toes. FREE ME (DE-STRESS FOR MEN) 65 minutes / £115 Deep Muscle Massage 40 or 50 minutes and 25 minutes Scalp Massage Deep Muscle Massage 40 or 50 minutes combined with 25 or 15 minutes Scalp Massage. A powerful massage designed to alleviate deep-seated tension and muscular stress using relaxing aromatherapy essential oils. Specialised techniques concentrate on specific areas of concern and alleviate common discomforts such as a stiff neck, lower back pain and sore, tight shoulders. A deep, Indian head and scalp massage eases stress and tension. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 25 01/07/2014 11:17 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 26 01/07/2014 11:17 SPA BREAKS THE GREAT ESCAPE from £139 per person (based on 2 people sharing)* 2 nights bed and breakfast. Plus choose one treatment from either; Radiant Facial, Relaxing Back Massage, Express Manicure or Pedicure or choose one treatment from the Express or Add On Experience menu BREAK AWAY WITH ME from £125 per person (based on 2 people)* 1 night, bed and breakfast. Plus choose two treatments from the Express or Add On Experience menu STAY WITH ME from £145 per person (based on 2 people sharing)* 1 night, bed and breakfast. Plus choose one 55 minute treatment from either; a Personalised Facial Treatment, Aromatherapy Massage or Hot Stone Massage LOVE ME. PAMPER ME. from £135 per person (based on 2 people sharing)* 1 night, bed and breakfast. Plus choose one treatment from either; The ESPA Hero Treatment or Express Facial with either Luxury Manicure or Pedicure FIRE & ICE EXPERIENCE. from £115 per person (based on 2 people sharing)* 1 night, bed and breakfast. Plus a Fire & Ice Experience *all spa breaks are based on 2 people sharing. Single supplement applies of £59. Prices vary dependent on day of the week. Prices are subject to seasonal change. Call 0844 234 7790 to book 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 27 01/07/2014 11:17 THE FIRE & ICE JOURNEY A 9 0 M I N U T E R E L A X AT I O N E X P E R I E N C E T H RO U G H 12 B I O T H E R M A L RO O M S , A L L D E S I G N E D TO E N H A N C E YO U R M O O D A N D I N V I G O R AT E T H E S E N S E S . FOOT SPA The perfect way to soak away the stresses of a busy day; immerse your feet in these warm pools infused with essential oils to help put a spring in your step. FEATURE SHOWERS Choose between an invigorating Ice Drench Shower, tiny freezing peppermint infused droplets shadowed with a mix of brilliant lights, or a warm Tropical Rain Shower with large, warm droplets combined with soft lighting to give a soothing all-over body massage - a multi-sensory experience. CALDARIUM Designed by Romans, this mild relaxation room is created for warm air bathing. The soft lighting, citrus aroma and warmth generating from the walls and floor, create a calming and purifying effect, promoting a feeling of well-being. AROMA CAVE A light aromatic steam room with a mix of humidity and invigorating essence; combined, act as a decongestant to help clear the mind and purify the body. The warming walls and floor stimulate circulation. SAUNA The warmest of our thermal experiences, the 100-degree dry heat stimulates circulation and is believed to boost the immune system. The warm and quiet environment creates a sense of peaceful relaxation and well-being. TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 28 01/07/2014 11:17 IGLOO The chilled floor, walls and seating create a cold environment where ice remains frozen. The cold ait balances the warming effects of the thermal experiences. For a stimulating and refreshing feeling, ice can be rubbed over the body, leaving you feeling completely energised. SANARIUM Combining the benefits of both a traditional sauna and steam room, the deeply relaxing atmosphere is perfect for escaping the stresses and strains of the modern world, leaving you feeling relaxed, invigorated and calm. SHOWER GROTTO Cool and refreshing the three types of cold showers are ideal between heat treatments. Benefits to both body and skin are felt with sudden temperature changes closing the pores, improving tone and clarity. Skin will be glowing and invigorated. CRYSTAL STEAM ROOM Revitalise the mind and body with a combination of warm steam and aromatic oils. This comforting experience of warmth and humidity helps to cleanse and purify the skin. HYDROTHERAPY POOL Relax with the next best thing to a full body massage. The multi-featured hydrotherapy pool offers the perfect surrounding to relax and ease tired, tense muscles. TRANQUILITY ROOM In need of peace and tranquility, allow yourself to drift and doze in and out of sleep. You will be lulled sby the low light and soothing sounds creating the perfect cocoon in which to rest, relax and recharge. CONSERVATORY To complete your journey, take time to relax on comfortable loungers in our peaceful conservatory. USE OF THE FIRE & ICE JOURNEY Residential Rate - £49 per person Non-resident Rate - £59 per person If you’re enjoying a spa package or having other treatments, add our Fire & Ice Journey for just £39 per person Please note The Fire & Ice Journey is not recommended before or after Spa Experiences that includes heat, waxing or our advanced-ageing facials. Depending on your Spa Experience reserved you may be advised to enjoy the Fire & Ice Journey and lunch prior to your treatments. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 29 01/07/2014 11:17 SPA ETIQUETTE Essential reading to get the most from your spa day. ARRIVAL TIME Please allow sufficient time prior to your experience to complete a Spa Consultation Form and/or Health Questionnaire. We recommend that you arrive up to 30 minutes in advance of your treatment so that you can change, relax and enjoy the spa facilities. Please be advised that late arrivals will result in a reduction of treatment time. The spa will provide luxurious towels, robes and slippers and any amenities required for use during your spa visit. CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations within 48 hours will be refunded or rescheduled. 24 hours or less, cancellations will incur a 100% charge. MEDICAL CONDITIONS Some of the treatments that are offered are not suitable for guests with certain medical ailments and conditions. We request that you draw to our attention any of the following conditions at the time of booking: Epilepsy, Allergies, Heart Condition, High/Low blood pressure, Scar tissue, Varicose veins, Skin conditions, Diabetes, Cancer, Thyroid, Pregnancy, Recent operations. We have specially designed treatments for expectant women or nursing mothers. Please allow our spa team to guide you in selecting which treatments are most suitable during this special time. SPA ETIQUETTE Our spa environment is one of relaxation and tranquillity. Please respect all spa guests’ right to privacy and serenity. In light of this, The Spa is a mobile phone, Blackberry, pager, camera and smoke free zone. TREATMENT TIME Your treatment time as advertised in the brochure includes before and after care as a complimentary service. TREATMENT MENU 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 30 01/07/2014 11:17 CHILDREN’S TREATMENTS POLICY We do not offer treatments for children under 16 years old. GIFT VOUCHERS An ideal gift for someone special. Please contact Spa Reception for details. HOMECARE To continue your spa experience at home, most products used in our treatments are available at Spa Reception. LOST PROPERTY All lost property found on the premises should be handed in at Spa Reception. Items will be stored for four months, if they are not collected within this time they will be donated to local charities. Liquids, under garments and hair brushes are kept for 24 hours only. PRICES All prices are quoted in GBP and are subject to change at any time. Gratuities are not included and are welcomed at your own discretion. 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 31 01/07/2014 11:17 The Belfry Club & Spa The Belfry Wishaw Sutton Coldfield West Midlands B76 9PR Opening hours for spa treatments Monday and Tuesday 10am to 7pm Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 8pm Friday and Saturday 9:30am to 7pm Sunday 10am to 5pm 0844 980 0600 [email protected] www.TheBelfry.com 2492-DVH-Belfry-Spa Brochure v3.indd 32 01/07/2014 11:17
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