TO WHAT HOW ELIZABETH TO EAT AND IT PREPARE A. MONAGHAN WHAT TO TO HOW EAT AND PREPARE IT BY ELIZABETH A. WITH SARAH A MONAGHAN PREFACE GERTRUDE BY BANKS, M.D. /*""" NEW GEORGE H. ^%SJT YORK DORAN COMPANY COPYRIGHT, BY GEORGE PRIKTED TO IN EAT THE AND COMPANY DORAN H. S 7/ WHAT 1922, HOW UNITED TO STATES PREPARE IT. OF AMERICA I PREFACE and diseases, the are of the now means, not of food, obtained. increasing How ills of the remains be to learned. satisfied. are treated today there That be can Meantime what the not. least only safeguard of "foodless is flooded elements happens is "Foods." some these such foods best of the we more ills which dietetic are errors what of degree and " most what to human happens can a when these be ous numer- which the is food; the body; constitute contain as the with essential the elements and small The and be against knowledge a functioning daily dietary in to foods" positively are when Only due are rapidly deficiency" will lesser the in question. no the and there of negligently packages market That many "food same lack elements traced be cently, re- ciency" defia of the more shall this to until "food of right the many race definitelynailed cause of or many- of food, but lack a research science result the more because This baffled be to and discussion which known kind right food the of cause which ; of becoming is profession. medical the among health to subject the more food of relation The ishment nour- what portion of they do elements " rightly classed complete foods at as being Preface VI obviously those which contain all the elements the rightproportion. approximately This littlebook placessuch knowledge within in the of every reader with a clearness which is simplicityitself. Miss Monaghan has given not easy grasp only a clear vision on the subjectof food and what and is food; she has taught how combine to select, prepare it. She has told not only what to do but with equal deftness how to do it. Her book should be an to inspiration well if every and live every mother housewife. in the land It would could have a be copy thereby. Forty years ago such knowledge. We thrived there Natural on less imperative need was foods were these natural knowing why, nor needing to know. I have long and very active practice the results of both the old and Malnutrition with new easier foods tain. ob- without Throughout a seen methods its consequent to for evils and noted of living. has kept steadypace with the refinement of foods. Today with our splendidknowledge of sanitation and the preventionof contagiousdiseases (knowledge in the earlydays),we which was not ours are threatened with an evil which is more deadlybecause and rouse it is stealthy.It does not strike us down it. It robs us a littleat a time, leavingus to fight us ill. Thus lose sightof the we easy prey to every Malnutrition has many cause. phases. Food refinement began innocently enough. It has "Food been carried too far. disease" deficiency Preface started investigation findings of of and It makes It it contains the Alfred of in greater the if earnestly belter equal Columbia versity Uni- and courage right of repute applicable followed, Her done in health. much made in the diet is carefully cannot fail to to Gertrude open Miss Mon- this edge knowlThe home. also a outlined bring Banks, stride plan, results health. Sarah not or and subject. has pages life or elements. has this on "fine" is whether to these book simplicity direction. difference a it public and food necessary robs following the in make elements the practical to of whether McCann's W. eyes urge does food "Refining" aghan of men difference no "coarse." the other Sherman C. The experimentation. questioned. be cannot and Henry Dr. vii M.D. in INTRODUCTION little book This enthusiasm dietetics be to and "The help a these suggestions Science of their with which all value his book accordance in consult with the of pages the fighting for my feet by I feel a an my tounding as- "The everywhere the of and thing on which thoroughly I and II Reason the food. our destroyed. best value, it is It is very I go the sess pos- years of my having put myself and food will Chapters wantonly from away in all of value so enthusiasm in are old- and They understand twelve study of along. but food health get who those to been to eating. clearly having spent word who simple been points given have life good of the conserving that habits therefore who the very has greatest familiar are effort The fancy perverted After read Eating." fashioned. Values designed familiar through recipes given The for on It is all that already are unveiled facts and assumed is, therefore, It dietary work findings. his with also have their plan to writer's the remarkable Eating." who those to desire who of Science of outgrowth McCann's Mr. over " is the a desire to wonder pass the to be mented compli- change in my pleasant the no on really counts pearance ap- is the Introduction feeling of vitalitywhich wonderful is my actual possession. book McCann's Mr. forcefullythe and follow to and preached with and always with from these I ?" Why before %" It is there that not food preparing our all gospel are results. ably Invari- list of questions"How a discussions to came took compile to me this little book. difficulties any in this the to ailing friends or and tests of habit and creatures this ? Where these cially espe- " illness in the with recipesand suggestionsinto these are deluged thought the friends beneficial most was of times Dozens is the enthusiasm any children undernourished test in again I put and family. Again and simple and so with or clearly so resistance of my children had who those imbued gospel to all its me Remedy the I became that easy to low of my cause vitalityand made lack of place pointed out (old) new be to met but way, we change of routine any always upsetting. The reasons) when easier than This between step over (with routine new its definite established once health-giving found will be even the old. little book the old then routine is designed to and the new; act as a bridge making easier,requiringless personal thought. E. A. M. the CONTENTS mmu Preface by Gertrude Sarah M.D. Banks, vii . . ix Introduction Part The I: I The Corner II The Necessity III Food IV Calories V The Need and Stones Remedy New the of Routine \$ Change the for Its 20 Classifications 25 Vitamines vs. 29 . Stones Corner 36 Again . VI Getting Your Mind VII Getting Your Kitchen VIII IX Reflections Whole Part X on Wheat II: Ready Bread the breakfast Ready 43 Situation the " the Preparing Preparing 39 The 50 Staff Food: of Life 54 Recipes 63 Food 64 grains milk 68 BRAN 71 soups 73 vegetable 78 sauces vegetables 80 BREADS 88 SALAD HINTS SALAD DRESSINGS 96 101 FRUIT ... si . . . 103 Contents xu PAGE 105 NUTS DESSERT 106 SUGGESTIONS SOME UNUSUAL 114 TONIC VEGETABLE SWEETS FOR SWEET 110 RECIPES THE SANDWICH KIDDIES 116 FILLERS 117 120 CANDIES Part XI III: the Combining Foods Mineral for Food: Menus Vitamines and 125 . breakfast menus 126 luncheon menus 128 fourteen (4-course) meatless ner din- 131 menus seven dinner menus including meat seven dinner menus including meat 135 137 substitutes fourteen without Are A You About Part XII for the IV: Underfed XIII The XIV Margaret's Girl Who XVI The Semi-milk Thk Story Appetites Children 149 and Successes 153 158 Works 161 165 Cure Milk 169 Diet Application of the 145 147 Thyroid Genuine Personal . Children The XVIII 140 Overweight? Obstacles XV XVII menus meat Approaching Word Don'ts dinner simpler 172 Kronprinz Wilhelm . 178 I PART REMEDY THE NEED AND ITS EAT TO WHAT STONES CORNER THE IT PREPARE TO HOW AND NEW THE OF ROUTINE suggestions and The follow which For of those on before For what to this let purpose Eating" and from separate two central of stones these our two corner preparing strong The and first of these chapter return" " on "Dust pages however, fund serve as to and " know why. of Science of information the foundation thorough knowledge a and can't you will make go of in wrong children your strong. "Central thou 55 to Get which them responsibility "The take us facts stones menus keep working pages housewives. is necessary, its unlimited dietary. the rests are you and practical lessons these end in the given mothers It family. undertaking exactly the shoulders whose the feeding directions for are STONE CORNER FIRST and Facts" and art 61, 15 unto where we is found in the dust thou shalt are told forci- What 16 bly what all known have we How and Eat to Prepare It to in hazy a sort of way " viz. : " There sixteen minerals are animal food the as mighty designedby the Alof the vegetableand elements kingdoms. about this for these sixteen There can be minerals are found nature. Analyze chemicallya handful a glassof milk elements. and or How repeatingthemselves an spellshealth. We absence of earth or Through food from the earth as there. When a has Before farmer taken he from knows crop will not Yet a reaps he knows crop the soil certain plantinganother to the soil by means Because with " " rightproportion ance, spellslow resist- plant absorbs them from the earth. We them from the plant as food. These sixteen elements are just as necessary the growth and health of our bodies as they are for the growth and life of the plant. next even sixteen same The crop or death. even can't absorb these minerals found through in the presence Their all wheat will find the Their sickness and grainof a they there ? came food alone. or egg You body. own your doubt no that crop he of without a food for essary nec- that said elements. replacesthose fertilizer. these get ments ele- Why? minerals his thrive. have been pre(?) humans intelligent paring and eatingour food to pleaseour palates only no thought whatever of the mineral elements we What 18 and Eat to How In this for the sake of clearness illustrationwith Dissolve of cream which we we given an are all familiar,viz.: are " baking soda and stir into some (ormolasses tartar It Prepare to it some vinegar). Instantly or they bubble and froth. The of cream baking soda we is an call the alkali the When the two Some acids all acids are This each other. are very strong, others neutralized "bases" with "base.") togethertheyfightit out until come they neutralize when feeble,but are brought in contact (alkalis). point is very important. Bases acids neutralize and of neutralization is process our (or vinegar)is an acid, the alkali. (In the mixing of the two tartar each and other this constantlygoing on in bodies. bodies Our There constantlymanufacturing acids. are be bases must enough in our food neutralize to them. of Certain are foods our base-forming. If all is well " forming food are these acid-forming. Others it is clear that if but and another and food without sufficientalkaline trouble ensue. must Unless properlybalanced are by brought about. bases a an acid- another or acid-forming food base-forming the acids manufactured neutralized eat we condition in our of bodies Acidosis are is of the Stones Corner The Acidosis is the Routine New 19 of nine-tenths of primary cause our illnesses. called is sometimes Acidosis breakdown, nervous neuritis, All foods found as in The etc. The little difference. makes anemia, sometimes is the cause nature form it takes same. taining (con- "balanced" are forming elements) always mineral and when both acid and base the bases But wasted have described we are . minerals our have in the way thrown our away Whole wheat is "balanced." hereintofore bases and only the acid-formingelements. left Thus: White we have " flour is acid- forming. Baked potatoes Boiled potatoes acid-forming. are In both This Now instances " We will in this from And to we the must acids and THE ISt. 2nd. by CONSERVE BALANCE sanely and whole grain. our by cooking our meal on by insisting food properlybalanced bases. CORNER THE THE two minerals our have our sentence: one conserve vegetablesmore made lost the minerals millingor cooking. is what we are planning to avoid. we can sum knowledge of up our stones corner have we of methods as "balanced." are STONES MINERALS. ACIDS. II THE NECESSITY There is also third a intelligence before is: THE FOR Fact Big to well are you CHANGE present to your and launched that " Why are the It is rule. mineral these body in enough not The be to to necessary tain sus- of health"? state a elements with presented intelligence demands arbitrary an for Reason a that rule. All of knowledge existence the years ago Previous of of taken juggling In disease the to with order your that Their purpose world the unchecked " now only fifty us frightful knew their through food. our you the on on may dead on the children our the prevent mind feed time from that Germs to knowledge noranc ig- cause. years steps given was germs The waves. Pasteur. to epidemics Fifty of by " in comes food And see will manufacturers they will it following from know clearly now, have why. trate concen- sequence: tissue. earth is to bodies. Live, healthy tissue resists germs. decompose dead Necessityfor The the Change 21 In the process of tearing livingthere is a constant down and buildingup of the tissues in our bodies. Every thought you think destroysa brain cell. Nature repairsthis waste duringsleep. Same with breathing. Same with every movement of your body. like an army Along come your blood corpuscles of miniature rebuild new soldiers to carry off the waste and tissue. Constantly constantlythe The process of living. " little army works. But:" Suppose the littlearmy has not the proper tools? Suppose it has not enough calcium, enough phosphorus, enough manganese, enough iron*? For all these food minerals work togetherin beautiful harmony. The iron in the blood unites it enters the lungsand carries it with the oxygen as the waste tissue is burned to the body cells where by the oxygen and carried off through the lungs with the aid of other minerals during the process. The blood meanwhile busilyrebuilding. is not Suppose then our little army properly equipped? Then it cannot repairthe waste. The dead tissue remains. Suppose this More waste Then along And you cannot " condition more continues? dead comes resist. an tissue. epidemic of pneumonia. What 22 And why Because can It is not which cells in food for germs feed and multiply. livingbody are just the same dead cells in a dead body. a the germs which you fear: it is need to bodily tissue the dissolute condition of your own which to enter and a state of health. invites the germs Keep tissues in your It resist it? to the as Prepare to enteringyour body found dead the germs dead How not you cell tissue upon The and Eat to feed. Right food will do it. Again : feed Germs laugh at can No need tissues The to a tissues and pure Live, healthytissue tissue. germs. in are dead on fear attack an your of health. state kept in are of disease when perfectblood. a state The of health blood must only by have its sixteen elements. What A causes lack of iron and Why A is it that so much anemia? other mineral thin sick hair and lack of silicon and its in the blood. baldness? accompanying minerals. and other forest animals have no squirrels difficulty retainingperfecthair, nails and teeth through the natural span of their lives. Why? Nature They eat the food which Mother vides. proNo part of its buildingmaterial is removed it more to make more or or "digestible" "palatable" more pleasingto the eye. What tooth decay? is it that causes The Necessityfor The she did not Because blood. The have to of his little bones. formation from she mothers young almost always calcium in her drained He cannot see cium the cal- other stores, readily.This so often succumb so for the the calcium also robbed He her teeth. the result of which why enough have had baby 23 her teeth? has serious trouble with is mother is it that the young Why Change in the blood. lack of calcium A the to losis. tubercu- Resistance is lowered. Their GOOD RESISTANCE HEALTHY MEANS TISSUES the result of pure Healthy tissues are perfect and blood. Perfect blood is made food alone. and and From kept perfectby other no source can food get we the sixteen elements. This is in all of why must we food. our conserve The all the food little army must value have its tools. Oh, the wonder "Science of of a drop of blood! (See p. 74, Eating.") CONDENSATION And up the sum in now a to knowledge which sentence, (a) as our again,before starting We is to be routine our we can foundation viz.: must have bases and acids. our food properlybalanced What 24 (") of our (c) We Fix mind. blood tissues our Only It the minerals in all the supplied in a with state of the proper health. Way. three-part is be must keep the that It Prepare " to is all conserve to because Our materials Food must food, How and Eat to gospel permanently sentence of the new routine. in your What 26 and Eat to How found is the element protein is the carbohydrate It Prepare to in meats, element etc. and in starches sugars. Protein food. tissue-building Carbohydrates and fats are chieflyheat is a foods. energy of Proteins are Animal Proteins milk and kinds two agree be should that of demonstrated one found oats, in fish,eggs, whole nuts, and etc.), beans, in of at meat should least one-half of your Also ounces in normal health can proteins,which one and take one-half equals about (The fat in the six proteins it has of that overloads than mal ani- eat tists all,but all scien- three more fish. you that about about means or at whether vegetableorigin. person day. Any to the form proteinin meat in meat, Animal. cheese. Opinions differ as This Vegetableand etc. lentils, peas, a " found are Vegetable Proteins are grains(wheat,corn, rye, all and proteinis of in care the ounces ounces meat been kidneys. animal of lean is estimated as fat.) on great majorityof you have been overeating of it. take care proteinfoods. The kidneys cannot A The overload is a slow protein. Carbohydratesbeing poison. Cut starches and down on sugars, the your Classifications Food will guide you intelligence own Starches abundant most are cereals,beans, peas, etc. parsnips, All dietitians that balanced a process of duringthe the academic use 10 to 2nd. Fats 25 60 to on this fourth it until very This 4th all; without MAKE USE is most burned. OTHER FOOD functioning.Food Combustion balance Fats is must sweeten The this important be Vitamines of properly element must is necessary be digested and placewithout the in the blood. diet of Proteins, Carbohydrates The purely acid-forming. present in the blood The were a been ELEMENTS. take cannot of mineral Furthermore ever cannot body In other words, the mineral for proper has stress the the it THE is mentioned, recently. division OF 15% 30% 65% to division much not agree consist of diet should not, but digestion. division and Protein sometimes and carrots, turnips, " 1st. Sometimes proper potatoes, bread, tubers 3rd. Carbohydrates 4th. Mineral Salts laid locatingthem. contain very little. All starches " turned into sugar are in The etc. in 27 sufficient mineral quantitiesto and make it alkaline. are with the minerals sailors on board the ment ele- " able. insepar- Kronprinz Wilhelm fed on the perfectly balanced diet accordingto old academic division,and we know what hap- What 28 pened suffered they it that and homes today balance and impossible to its potatoes, of millions element pare pre- without (meat, Fats in mineral the meal and while butter) bread almost is Carbohydrates Proteins, mineral no old-fashioned ordinary an had It Prepare to consequences.1 the remember Just How They them. to and Eat to is American almost totally absent. The fair of germs thing Don't See Kronprinz feeble, and removed following pages have divisions. found Proteins but the Not that. the in ten glu- the found Proteins This health-giving. in a of milling only 178 for Wilhelm " the dramatic and what story happened of to the her German crew. the precious flour. white minerals the in but lost. are page food the The rich forget the " are are Proteins all more wheat is germ 1 of balance One in given menus raider" the IV Someone should I believe that ; but family do "What " them will you should Vitamines the about know housewife In asked has we VITAMINES VS. CALORIES about well as soon very why see what foods the everyday needs that Vitamines?" as know every contain the of the everyday require a knowledge not calories, of calories. first place : WHAT IS [First definition] " CALORIE? A It is the raise the to of four Food in the and heat with body food [Second heat of when water Fahrenheit. (oxidized) hence quired re- ture tempera- pound one degrees is burned energy, of amount used and in duces pro- tion connec- : definition] " A calorie of amount to represents food produce amount of required this heat the same in the body. For A example: medium-sized slice of bread 29 equals 100 calories. What 30 This means produce in Eat and that a to body the In other words, It is How medium slice of bread will of these heat units. 100 calorie is a It Prepare to not food element. a measuring unit. a The calories in the bread not are nor any part of of the bread. They simply represent the amount heat and energy produced by the bread. A calorie, then, is a measuring unit the same representingquantityof heat. quart or pound a as " much It takes very it does of another kind of food than one of heat in the produce this unit to body. The calorie expressingit. The of more is chosen as the uniform caloric value half of lettuce is the same as of that of pound a of way and a slice of bread. a in the highestcaloried foods are the ones bohydrate academic division alreadygiven,viz.,Proteins,CarThe and The ones Fats. with salts and You see are eral the min- vitamines. the minerals heat, and Without the low caloric values a and calorie is the mineral a vitamines measure element do not duce pro- of heat, but in the food " the impoverished,the tissue waste is not repairedand the food is not properlyburned. Thus it is clear that all of these high caloried foods will not build the body unless accompanied mysterioussafeguards minerals by Nature's own caloric which have practically and vitamines no blood becomes " " value. Now: " Vs. Calories WHAT Vitamines food stored stalks and ARE in of the whole Here juicesof fruits,in the leaves of green butter fats and germs of elements life-giving in the nature 31 i VITAMINES essential are by Vitamines in milk and in vegetables, the outer covering (bran) and grain. vitamines is how discovered were " very recently. advanced super-civilization began juggling with the foods which God had placedupon the This jugglingwas earth in their perfectstate. done them more to make pleasingto the eye, or more easily cooked. (The jugglerbecoming rich therefrom.) well until certain strange diseases began All went who were to break out caught among groups of men As under denatured food. their chief food where circumstances The man firstof these The disease baffled science. of the Japs had died the disease army. the absence of certain vital elements white rice. An extract from made the was this incident mediately began on These rice not as sands thou- traced to in the beautiful the outer which had been removed (thepolishings) and they promptly recovered. to the men With Japanese After was this was covering, were fed basic fact scientists im" a exhaustive research and ments experi- animals. efforts proved that only the minerals in the but two polishingof the other vital ele- What 32 Eat to hitherto ments "existed in, and to to Science proved that elements same It Prepare by been had these removed were moved. re- elements same milling of the still further research rye, etc., and corn, the How unknown research Further wheat, and cated lo- in other essential articles of food. Animals developed disease from withheld were The given them. sick made were their food sick will at the world Funk were made were elements these and recovered when the well well, or by jugglingwith " first gave scientists who The when these elements. these discoveries to and McCollum. Although these substances defied chemical succeeded Funk they "Vitamines" name further were "Water the the Soluble eggs and B and in milk, the in skim germs later A" Soluble and C" stalks of green these elements butter,cheese, of whole milk, in whole juices of fruits. "C" thus far in fruit juices. chiefly Without Soluble third "Water is found A Soluble leaves A "Fat and stilllater. yolks of Water " given them was as specified B." Soluble being added Fat isolatingthem crystals. minute The in analysis extremely in the grains, grains,in in vegetables, has been the located food, health not can- be maintained. The eye disease which developed among the What 34 Eat to and How It Prepare to -" bread white and " all sick. they were On the Donald McMillan expeditionthe food supply depleted and for nearly a year the crew lived chieflyon whole wheat biscuits and they returned in perfect " health. Verily "Wherefore the calorie?" " Of what that a is it use certain to housewife,to know a portionof food will produce a certain of heat in the amount as you, life? are only body, if that food will same sustain not These of the two pointswhich destroy faith in caloric values. [The caloric value of a fried Fat counts. ] a poached one. of The calorie is without foods, but Since qualityof the your proportioning energy of calories blood depends the food which don't you attention upon the see your qualityof the digestive organs, You scientific and very " upon center doubt the dietitian in helpfulto very egg is greater than emphasis was the enters think it behooves you to said quality? laid on the importance ered previousto the time that science discov- recognizedthe importanceof and lutely abso- minerals and vitamines. You per could eat day and in Anemia a the number prescribed short time developanemia. is result of the absence mineral in the blood. of calories of iron and other Calories could You and day per is is but right be addition and to Plan acidosis, the calories etc. mineral them ; your food balance to vitamine overeat vitamine a direct of of the daily food and a generous foods will the Proteins Menus. these supply help and do should proportions of the to to approximately knowledge you thing supply in that necessary your best hence divisions without will of some proportions, alone the of four reached Habit measure that the their and all not remember to contain can will calorie foods of absence the of case of blood. the The a 35 number prescribed develop Acidosis sweeten the eat Vitamines Vs. to calories. foods, energy of curb Starches. the the eral min- dency ten- V CORNER THE We said have routine 1st. Conserve 2nd. Balance And must The of plan with So of food mysterious and are we which wonder this article on shrouded hazy One does neither does as shall we written at sea not flict con- it plicate. com- see. the on subject analytical arbitrary and feel we stones. corner them on sions divi- when have we is writing semi-scientific and chiefly mysterious. " told learnedly of vitamines vaguely that we are elusive, something fragrance of the is food other these divisions, recently been of feel something so no new reading. much We sight of dietary our food much it is finished So basing of discussion lose not has the acids. " so " that " the reallysimplifies much of stones corner minerals. the other It the AGAIN " all this with we that be to were STONES "Fat a Soluble in mystery and A that our trying almost flower; and for to minds at grasp ethereal again will Water instance " like come an B" Soluble receive but impression. When thing is certain. 36 you have finished a Corner The of Nature's Again 37 "Science of readingMr. McCann's impressionremains. one Stones Eating" no such Clear as the crystal depths of springsstands out the ringing own Slogan: Eat earth for Refuse to God which everything food but it have it eat as has he put put on the there. it juggled. Just that. A the list of foods in the chapter foods will show you that all the purelyacid-forming are "juggled"foods. Some portionof the natural article has been removed either in the preparation foods are the cooking;while all the "balanced" or complete as found in nature. In other words firstthought in to our (referring Chap. I) the sixteen elements repeat themselves all throughnature, so that whether we choose our food from vegetableroots, or stalks,or leaves,or seeds; from animal products as eggs or milk the mineral or element is always present. It is only when a portionis chosen from the whole glanceat next " " that the mineral element unavoidable as " and it is then that we other foods to in our " be lost. This may in the need to balance case conserve of fish is sometimes or meat, the minerals the acids thus formed. (See "Meat," Chap. VI.) Don't are meat. you proteins.The chances have had a vast oversupplyin the form of All the proteinwhich your body needs will worry about your What 38 be found fats (No In in to bread and other very simple You will words the one. You need not in All of natural and element. have state, prepaid ing advis- are them just to article the as in do is without to by a and of (such food mingled inter- of colors of ray food wasting a arithmetic. blended these get is terms. separate single one unadulterated them are routine an technical " blended are you we new need not learn perfect one any wheat) rainbow etc. " the to will to all values of vegetables; nuts, meat road " grain and butter bohydrates car- your of mixture eliminating not milk; it.) of Food and cream It Prepare How judicious a are we less wheat whole in in your and Eat to foods as the light. in their manufacturer, any life-giving a VI GETTING Once before more and they taking recipesit McCann's dietary accordance in to their desire make to find it somewhat from the The and who in are confusing serve as desires that shall contain the who and findings. They his will pages housewife her children that change their routine are in earnest to who get away customs. tissue-buildingelements time Mr. change complete and established in her kitchen to read to having who, difficult and following busy the old that those the gestions sug- say with designed especiallyfor following opportune seems book, desired the up for those compiled were READY MIND YOUR which all of her it satisfies their handbook a shall to food the pared pre- blood-making, insure household the at appetites and health same pleases their palates. established Once smoothly of the old and call for the there doctor This has been proven a The first thing then is where will to and be find the minerals acid-forming and fix and which 39 no run sudden etc., with the unlimited hundred to will routine new tonsilitis,high temperature, hurried are as the as tacks at- the worry. times. clearly in our minds vitamines, also which base-forming foods. What 40 to let Hence long until make us a to Prepare tabulated It It won't list of them. them have we How and Eat in our be brains clearlyand permanently. forming Foods AcidWhite bread. Boiled potatoes. rice. Polished Cornstarch. Corn flakes. Corn meal (denatured) of wheat. Cream Pearled Whites barley. of eggs. Cheese. Lard. Fat of any kind. salt meat). (especially Meat Fish. All white flour products " as Crackers Biscuits Pastry,etc. Denatured rye flour. Denatured buckwheat All refined cereals. All refined sugars. flour. Macaroni. Spaghetti. Tapioca. The to followingfoods bases and acids. predominance of The alkali- are ones naturallybalanced marked * contain (base) forming as a elements What 42 and Eat to How Prepare It to everythingwhich God has put on the earth for food but eat it as He put it there. Refuse to have it juggled." "Eat " It will be nature noticed found things as in the fruits,the grains, The "balanced." are all that and also the animals. vegetables, but : Your body is balanced The minerals (bases)are found blood. This is why " " and in the bones " MEAT Is food. acid-forming an forest who feeds food. He eats anced" gets his "bal- animals other on of the wild animal The and blood. the bones We do not. This does from your meal you fruits meat. to the eliminate that at mean a meat meat salads and sufficient vegetables, have And must it does (base)balance give the mineral back go that you mean dietary.But must to of the not it does old that you mean routine to of meat, the acid must boiled not (or mashed) potato and white bread, all three of which are acid- forming. It would be impossible at a to offset singlemeal to eat sufficientother vegetables the acids of the above 1st Now for the New To establish it you " Use make methods a combination. Routine. will have little ingenuity in changes in some of cooking. your to do two things: marketing and 2nd kitchen " utensils and VII GETTING The YOUR first started get The will "eating 100 white flour contains going to for breakfast find. contain may I foods. But of clean whole a bread our and whole the miller a whole wheat friends. I tains con- and children are whole grains grains are and in own : " twenty-five got to its I did what I also got not locality my I divided grain which planned we needs body experience my grain,which corn the wheat localitywill present own three of my among in lay to whole suggestions.Here's some to course, important of them, wheat Your is most Since none personally visited pounds health" which perhaps " for whole have problems must first. element every to do, of we grains being the those READY foods. cent per whole secure easy that thing on of supply KITCHEN pounds of ten grind into corn meal. Then rice. He would He I talked said there That pounds). others Next was was I got easy wanted who a box take to grocer sale for it. no sale if he promise me leading a the guarantee made with with would one-half I knew " about brown I told him get the a I could case I rice. (30 divide it some. of Scotch 43 oatmeal, but later What 44 learned takes that the steel How is cut littlelongerto cook. a coming in sealed time.) That will cans, just as good only it (The Scotch, however, " keep better in the my summer of breakfast grains, questionabout the flours. and so-called "Whole The It Prepare to supply completelyanswer me gave but it didn't meals and Eat to flour" which wheat is on only about 80 per cent whole wheat. This is a vast improvement,but I wanted 100 per all of the grain. Although I inquiredat all cent the leadingretail and wholesale grocers I did not real corn I also wanted some succeed in finding any. the market is " meal and some were not to flour which buckwheat entire be found. (The rye I I knew not so these 100 was ticular par- about.) It became I would cent meals and grind them. "but the kiddies AccordinglyI learned that for about that if I wanted evident ten have "Some visited has with plentyof home Why and a I " " it." hardware arrived a attachment. motor and merchant be bought order for friend of mine bought quitean money grains thought adequategrindercould ($10.00) dollars. I left an who elaborate affair I went to her ground three (10 pound) lots. couldn't be worked the whole an electric an buy nuisance" worth are but before it had one to per out an arrangement between good grinder among you a and your party like this somewhat friends? of friends " or One in a Getting Your neighborhoodand Kitchen Ready 45 high school boy for distributor. of the small grindersshared by three Or even one four whose funds are not over-plentiful. or (Inquire about the Straub Milling Machine. told it is I am a very good one.) still more fortunate. Later I was Glancing I ran through the liner ads of the local newspaper the followingadvertisement: across a "Have eaten genuine Southern you ever these and sweet Southern meal corn make whole Will corn. deliver to corn-grits?I made from the you. "Price Milling Co., Street." "418 Anthon It was a found it and told who me there he had rather a he had starvingfor was district of the remote city,but I located superioryoung started this business because he of the some white sweet in the South. eaten negro He ucts prod- corn had built up nice little business his (chiefly among making a good living. He quitea people),and was clean. scrupulously corn grain); and meal He I tasted ever also whole making the was wheat (from own was most derful won- the whole meal (100 per cent). Later this mill was taken over by a very energetic who is buildingup a remarkablygood man young business. He delivers in any locality week once a and our This is in Detroit. in any up a troubles about 100 The Couldn't some community to fair trade among per cent flour are incident is given as enterprising youth be start such those who a center knowl and over. a gestion. sug- found work What 46 How and Eat to be worked Anyhow, it can Prepare It to will find the You out. If you can't get case. particular center started,there is always the small grinder a and worth the money is very practical which pended. ex(You might almost as well eat sawdust as meal you have been eating.) Moreover, the corn for your best way once genuine article back to would you the other And is a willingto value not were the Straub (The enough. go lished is estab- the routine once will be easy rest be never if food even chief consideration. the flavor of the tasted the wonderful have you grinder.) small UTENSILS COOKING arranged about your flour and meal, the next thing to think about is the proper cooking utensils for your vegetables. Since the juicesof vegetablescontain the mineral salts they Casserole cooking is the ideal be wasted. not must After way, two two are hence and " a now from " recommended you. a One through each into and same to two as at least gas good from " will cook which These time. at There savers. one has through each a least steamers on top They six compartments. are several merchant first class hardware steamer casserole one arranged in tiers,one the market on have steamer the vegetablesat types which show should you is better of the other are have you will chimney running which the compartment. steam You capes es- will Kitchen Getting Your find the double string beans, hasn't treble or for you. him order one immediately use You one contrive can it if you steamer. wish cook to vegetables. two Much been has "Pressure Cooker" it reaches a the article in The Ladies There cast of twenty in pounds. It will cook minutes. If all thirty-five the Pressure on Home Cooker called Stroluminum. ware be cooked can vegetables as spoonfulsof water (thesame potatoes the fire with " If you do list, An can can be cooked no water at afford to cream (Real summer.) a few casserole table- cooking) in their skins" over all. add a freezer is also ice and cream bakers' those of you fireless cooker to the who wheat bread" worthy of the excellent possession. fresh fruit ices in the buy your bread,the problem. The so-called by the average baker is The soft,puffy stuff is must made name. an bread bread will be the hardest "whole with In these so. ice To will be found February,1921. now a very heavy the market on be ideal. for Journal utensils and the confined until steam for it is true, it would is also aluminum is also which toughestchicken An recentlyin favor of said pressure that is claimed not don't get you old-fashioned divide to dealer catalogue.Make on If,however, your cooking If your etc. in stock he has them one 47 ideal for steamer carrots, young Ready What 48 next worthless. to under various they I believe but the whole used 80 per of mixes Most and most of them mixture of white and Everyone the 80 per use it a I are. the some know even flour,yet he own United States there Culture Restaurant. wheat bread have even but the bread " is worth has a home flour should which generous a is a vast provemen im- going after. can frequenthome cent added be is 100 on supplement the made muffins per cent. and If you the market, add to littlebran. But to this is added genuine whole flour with biscuits. The "set will sell it for outside consumption. who bakers' bread all bakers work not his bread. a of these Some poorly. The hence To an bread, wheat flour will cityin the Physical of these make made have white there you flour with every tasted it. never grinds his McFadden's a " and who he doesn't like succeeded flour. white " In almost is wheat flour white Eating of genuine whole handle to baker one It wheat, and consumer. bakers they have whole cent few some make to sponge" with whole are and he has " that effort with breads substitutes he thinks honest out dark Prepare tasteless,unappetizingqualities bread wheat methods The of them their these miserable on to only to disgustthe serve whole How masquerading (Health Bread, etc.)are in the None of because and names class. same Eat to make if you your are in earnest food lay the all in your foundation of at desire health VIII REFLECTIONS When quiet of the Why Why of Why 100 per I improvise And The their flour or some one single entire per of pounds the the not sold demand to grocers what the make flour day. a 100 demand stare per it? in you people Why the demand. know. not grocer local a hood? neighbor- my every last will the to start bolted, denatured compelled to do flour and do and who tell you there was no sale for rice? "But Only a find or cent grocers Didn't say, grinder 100 answer the people brown in buy to wheat machine Why the face. a millers flour? And whole manufactured the not cent cereals me milling a of being are cent buy supply to Hundreds are this roundabout ? must center impossible for it was meal will obtain to it. take to me in state? natural corn order in course sit down " about think for it necessary SITUATION marketing and home your was pound finished have you THE ON "the it to seems could grocers yesterday me," I saw suggestive mind your help to placards 50 educate and the will people. slipsexplaining Reflections the of use breakfast salad oil and a 51 of demonstration a "but from will hear you " " Situation a new food." "Oh, yes" mind the on those demonstrations the manufacturers. is concerned That's reasoning paid for by your were advertising.The the bulk of his business. with packages sell." "Well, then" you will " on go with grocer All advertised ing reason- your They are people ever know? vertisin constantly being miseducated through justsuch adWhy doesn't the government compel the will the "how " manufacture of 100 meals'? cent per The ment govern- does know." And there your mind will And while your mind is racinglike to there will rise before go on, innumerable The power to a standstill. a motor, its vision eager vista of a possibilities. word a come "Government" consciousness had you of power. thought very Politics hadn't will call up Your power littleabout interested you denly sud- very until " a now. You particularly. satisfied to were But when legislate your home. invade your home politics rule " that's different. When, have in order obtain the foodstuffs which you absolutelyessential to maintain and the health of your family,you must go out combat single-handed the effects of a National folly you learned to know are that the time Just where for action has the road lies that leads come. to legislation What 52 do you your yet know not to but you " It Prepare will learn. That is decision. And as The Mr. As But what thinkingyou children the education to for demand come. the roads are carry people learn,the the food will per cent its is the firststep. The That taught. They will their homes. with on goes McCann. schools. be must mind your with agree 100 How and Eat to " what the gateways are that lead to school curricula1? of Schools,boards of education, Superintendents citycouncils,state legislatures. be brought If the Superintendentsof Schools can face to face with the facts as revealed through Mr. of knowledge,if they can be made McCann' s fund fathers' to feel the importanceof these facts with the adophearts; theirs is the power to recommend tion " of The nutrition a to power with the boards in the school curriculum. course act and on such If legislatures. is not heard, the superintendent vote lies recommendation the voice of the voice of the women's will be. "Isn't it appalling*?" you foodstuffs per cent are beyond peopleeven if they should the wife a laborer with of her household cares today1? It would dependenton the And the more go out be corner you will think. the reach them. want a and 'These of the How 100 plain could largefamily and do what impossible.She grocer." think, the more I have is all done absolutely clearlywill Reflections become place they the fixed for know land. the the in mind your " education voice the on to of the Situation yes, begin. Mothers the And will 53 school is when be the once heard in IX WHOLE WHEAT BREAD" THE STAFF OF LIFE Most table your forms of part a family of single article elements, whole grain with And bakers' The bread other no more ishment, nour- made were from from made and nothing be cannot any tissue-building flour added nothing of the taken in bought the shops. pleasant of face the they must it what to one it that that your consider, and health whole have the is If children the bread precisely what occasional whole it wheat 54 we them keep to came would amounts muffins a an not a now us sturdy cannot we through problem we not children, let our Since it is since yet to wheat. do? to we bread own directly. To problem are managing making means nursing The derive they Honest ber mem- every from And this bread that such problem know food. it day of it than more on go every and blood-making, flower. wheat which times Each could the provided whole away. food of more Three consumes of foods the menu. your single article other all bread. is your of your Yet of important choice illness buy tween beor hesitate. to. or gems will Whole Bread" Wheat Life of Staff The 55 everyday bread which counts ; the building,the building which steady continuous do. not It is the spellsresistance Mothers: wheat to disease. If the children have " bread and milk and plentyof nothing else you whole need not worry. And element The the is this: reason " Wheat contains every right portions. probody needs in the signed Undoubtedly these elements are deand proportioned by an All Wise Providence. amazing fact is that nature pickswith such a which the moved nicety that if any of the mineral elements are reshe rejects the others in like proportion. For example: If only one-half of phosphorus is left in the amount use only one-half the iron,manganese, " one-tenth of any one-tenth of all the others. This law governs No same matter how mineral one rich etc., if it is poor a in the flour she etc. is left she plantsas soil may can well be in iron phosphorus or required If use can only only as animals. or calcium, potassium the proportionwith plantselects and uses the former in the available quantities of the latter and thrives Well or ill,accordingly. None of us possesses such knowledge of the mysterious all to be able with as workings of nature our to select and intelligence proportionour foods herself proportionsthem. nature as (Who knows where the to get the in deficiency balance exact mineral white flour*?) to make up What 56 Wheat Bread and Eat to is nature's from made How formula own all wheat is It Prepare to perfectfood. a " verily"The Staff of Life." Shall or solid a frail and children give our we sturdy one"? shall Apropos of me tell you the fightand this buildinglet who made won. to came She ago. joy of and her three York 2). a million with deter her not revelingin love all-abiding an dollars was and work own preciouskiddies made Some day, of course, grind a song. going to have here was Today busy-ness. of three fact that she The happinessof it. The City about then the mother was of her most the New finishingpoint did the to doing tinuously con- WON little woman one littlegirls(aged 7, 4 and from grow steadilyand we steady,continuous Mrs. F. C. Wheeler educated let them we WHO the story of years staff porous their resistance? MOTHER A seven Shall or susceptible, build up hollow a the monotonous Mr. but " F. C. was meanwhile all its unpurchasable joy-and Believingin the value of the home product Mrs. Wheeler had just succeeded in making white bread of the finest and most perfectqualitywhen Mr. McCann What a arrived a on the scene. lucky lady she friend lifelong and thus was to to have have known derived him as the bene- What 58 One Eat to hundred per in New cent flour she made no! them. The in this way She whole wheat 100 sounds. total failures. she had what promised whole per bread. sentence make to have not With wheat were managed not had did managed to consume tried mixing some (as almost everyone She good. it was Wheeler overcome. It flour is obtainable wheat sixth they with the whole But Prepare to Mrs. to firstbatches not was whole easilyas that so Her cent so stumblingblock not How York that But and a set Five of but it " white flour does)and good bread. very out Oh, do. to wheat. Accordingly she experimented and gradually worked is perfect.For six years out a recipewhich she has made bread from this recipe. She never varies it and satisfied with not White sweep. are bread flour her household. pie crust fails. But it never alone. made a was clean from muffins, waffles,cookies, even of whole made She Wheeler banished practically was Her Mrs. The wheat. recipesfor given here after having been tested by the writer and found to work equallywell in strange all are hands as Since little in Mrs. Wheeler's. this innovation girlshave come of whole the to wheat Wheeler four more household (therebeing a five-year-old pair of twins for good measure),and if you doubt at all the value of whole I wish you could wheat as a safeguardagainstfrailty see those fourteen kiddies to " three. seven Not ranging in age from oh no juststurdyand in all fat " " picturesof colorful and never The Bread" Wheat Whole see Life of riotous health. and doctor a Staff 59 They dentist's bills are most alknown, un- though previousto their whole wheat diet they all had crumbly teeth. bottle in the little girlsand no Seven cascara and never of tonsilhouse ! Seven littlegirls a case itis nor other illness save a slightcold in any seven years! And don't forgetthat the firstthree frail and susceptible six years ago. were " Mrs. in her came, teeth and bless the But due to will all admit that much Wheeler's until she won, From and " so " all sides from be made which won make of whole wheat. She persisted change complete. her you. hear that excellent bread per cent Mrs. cannot flour. Good wheat Wheeler's bread It is the best bread true. her of the credit is courage. she made good. that this is not own can we 1 oo tastes ence great differ- proofs which the value Mrs. As she other many she learned day we of the very me physicalcondition at the time these of the splendidcondition of her own last babies own told Wheeler " bread proves I have ever eaten. Try Try it yourself. (See recipe, p. it " household. and work If you out have Surely the promise of will are sweeten your own a a the maid maid " plan for your can't you definite the request for the 88.) sum extra in own bribe her? extra work. pay If you let something else go and give What 60 kiddies the Build their up a fair be at the would your the bake friends. good to work. some It Prepare Staff genuine Bread find might price spreading How resistance. you or and chance a Perhaps at Eat to will alone capable the bread for By doing this woman your you of Life. do it. who borhood neighwould PART PREPARING THE II FOOD: RECIPES X PREPARING It is assumed a of: supply that 2nd. Whole 3rd. If you made have you of 100 per You 4th. even acid If get proper food the road not definite cent on shelves your in how will in to be your and ply sup- sibly (Pos- steamer. a minds balance You a future meals. and haphazard easy. 63 start proper way. knowledge (See think you can't the a them. these, don't supply your cooker.) them*? start and meal. corn milling machine, about plans flours whole small a casseroles have and better all, don't have haven't you now flour, and wheat fireless a goods have your grains. have You 5th. FOOD " Breakfast 1st. THE p. you without utensils. Start of 40.) had the Above right and What 64 Eat to and How BREAKFAST The entire wheat needs. One The outer per element Food cent the which bran, contain in removed are which the body Value. covering,includingthe to It Prepare GRAINS contains every hundred layersnext vitamines to bran and the brown the preciousminerals and millingwhite flour. Hence for: Breakfast Wheat Get the entire wheat Cook in salted No. i grain unground. " for water five six or hours in double boiler. In and the heat the morning with milk serve thin or quantitydesired cream. Breakfast Wheat Get who what will sell you Some whole the whole is broken the wheat and grain will therefore in double Serve with milk a boiler thin or at cooks have corn succeeded meal, prepare in as also sell this. minutes Serve in a with double thin boiler. cream. In it quicker. result by puttingthe hour. one Meal getting(or grinding)undenafollows : " through the fingersslowly into all the time to keep smooth. Cook stirring Sift the meal water, miller Any cream. Corn If you least 2 wheat." peoplehave secured the same grainthrough a nut grinder. Cook tured No. call "cracked the millers for breakfast the boiling for twenty What 66 and Eat to How Prepare to It Oatmeal By oatmeal old-fashioned This do we not cooked be We oats. the mean steel-cut oatmeal. coarse, should rolled mean least at hours two through in the morning. Cooking it thus at nightit continues at night and warmed time after the fire has been turned thick with thin Serve medium Whole iy2 cups 5 level 1 level 2^2 Griddle Wheat for steam to a long out. cream. (Mrs. Wheeler) Cakes (100 per cent)whole wheat flour. of baking powder. teaspoonfuls teaspoonfulof salt. of of cups milk. 2 eggs. l teaspoonfulof 1st, mix the molasses. flour,bakingpowder and salt. 2nd, stir in the milk. 3rd, stir but necessary, 4th,add 5th, mix the cakes it makes is (the molasses in the molasses brown the eggs, well beaten. thoroughly and bake on more a absolutely easily). not hot, well greased griddle. Wheat Whole (These 100 per 1 cup cakes cent. whole and can't wheat buy it Griddle Meal delicious,but are You Corn at the the corn cup must grocers'.Grind flour. meal. (undenatured)corn 1 level teaspoonfulbaking powder. salt. x/2 level teaspoonful l meal Cakes be it.) the Preparing 2 level Yz teaspoonful soda. baking Buckwheat The 67 milk. sour cups Food buckwheat flour Cakes which is the on market is tured, dena- whole grain also. If grind it of succeed can you yourself, in what could rice or cakes oatmeal be of some the delicious more than a and fast break- cakes? buckwheat Rice Griddle getting can or also porridge. Oatmeal be made Cakes from the leftovers of the What 68 How and Eat to It Prepare to MILK Few peopleunderstand the very great food value of milk. Most people give little thought to it. Like the whole grains it contains every element which the body needs " and it contains furthermore form. Therefore valuable more milk. The wise elements bone and calf (The and of more all that the food that of only food milk in the To green but This invalid understand tissue absorbed by the milk to in the of milk milk this it From cow. is five times he is its protein. The because they are in child milk into his blood for milk " making, leaves and if the Right blood blood of iron. meat growing the world. that make for of valuable more form. the meat. value are value for least five times at found the materials could that tissues of assimilable And Science has proven in all- an build passedon are in the greater than and seeds found to food materials food are be clear amount The is Nature thrive, and and grow and even all found are is the cow materials must food the essential are of life to these than The must it is grains. of muscle.) feed the calf. to milk assimilable most convalescent or necessary the grasses from cow in the for this is obvious. reason provider. The calf. the the invalid to than 'the whole sixteen The them except, obtain can more is the greatest go the has in itself every perhaps, a from teins pro- food stituent con- sufficient his whole grains raisins. or the undernourished curative value or convalescent of milk! Any of energy to digest. requiresa certain amount effort of digestion.Almost Milk requires no immediately This blood it enters as beinga blood maker. your blood such wonderful has achieved is why the genuine milk cure other food " " Preparing results blood in even " which cases eliminate will the disease Food incurable. seemed and " 69 milk will Perfect make perfect blood. In hot weather breakfast try the combination luncheon. or If you But, besides (Do of milk add not and fruit for to this mixture.) starch overweight,use skimmed being the most beneficial food are milk. milk for man, is also the greatest germ carrier in the world. Every drop of it should be pasteurized before using unless it is certified. " Certified milk is milk be can and have your is is In is does a from heat for 30 several to may minutes. Turn but where the herds, pasteurization or law. If you live where pasteurizeit yourselfas day, and pint a day a quart every " you small of strained ever out in a double the fire and boiler and let stand in (The temperature will drop to about at once. placein the refrigerator, have milk in some the family should drink at every growing child should Milk a a the milk Put 165 degrees degrees.) Then of Every member To you cleanliness of the and cows this is exist you not 145 Have their necessity. thermometer. it a and : heat least spected in- are where cases measure; necessary communities this law form pasteurizedin of the health very absolute an some Get a mixture a follows which cows if you Even of the persons handling the milk. their regularinspection own cows by the Health Authorities milk is better than absolutelysure cows, from their health, their food regularlyas to generalsurroundings. Raw milk raw combined glassof heated honey. Here is better. and Honey milk and (nothot) milk is a drink It is great. honey? to add a teaspoonful give the children. What 70 Even the weather Use it a patient doses the in milk time of taking medicine, though like Prepare to milk will dissolve It enjoy the it. honey) In hot and then cool. colds irritated or pneumonia about cured two with (combined How (to to of case and don't refrigerator of knows the who ones heat in put Eat to quarts the under honey) the throats. on this of milk and The alone, treatment a day other no watchful writer care of in small food a or noted physician. But restful of tea." wait don't and to refreshing Treat your be at friends ill to enjoy time. any to it. this Far It beverage. better than "a cup is the Preparing 71 the Diet Necessityin Its BRAN" Food working in offices, made whom the obtainingof hometo etc., and livingin rooms bread wheat whole even or genuine whole wheat I wonder grains for breakfast food is an impossibility. this means if you realize what to you? is There It is of laxatives grainsis White kind any start discard all pillsor own a whole on artificial bran The month. of the laxative. all refined food and bread who within nature's are those that grain food today will wheat whole fact absolute an people who of horde a is the inevitable result. Constipation fact that it The indifferently. packs in the intestines. Don't this is ailment common a ter mat- only discomfort. within your body. Millions It is disease. It is putrefaction their poisonsconstantly for your body of bacteria excreting absorb. And to body becomes saturated with these your which poisons. This is auto-intoxication (self-poisoning) does not it less serious. make in time leads to the most It is treat serious and not awful illnesses. If the then danger of such illness does not frightenyou think of constipation as seen plain filth. Have you ever of putrefactionalive with bacin a state teria? a pieceof meat " " Do you body? manicuring. own Pills and like You other to who think are of that condition within so dainty as artificiallaxatives do not to bathing and relieve constipation they aggravate it. Take one cathartic and result the second day. Continue and to take them become helplesswithout them. (And there will results.) contain the formulas Right food Nature's which will positively constipation.If prevent ; " " your note you be the will worse elements you are What 72 of one food the Bran bran be part and of She take the she envelope she box. put a You mix can with milk. or Also and the start the take a from the the " this " for The night regulate his just turn little at pocket. a it into time a of plenty a and water both tablespoonful extreme It The but breakfast until you work scavanger precious into regulated. fails. mineral will case Under double extreme very will the win the salts bran it no fight. case if may persist. you will carried to need may regulated. will help give with to it wheat. careful, however, Be bran doing blood your to it. handkerchiefs. with require cathartic. never month Besides a very a prunes at each sealed and went or it down right. case treatment take of enema circumstance Take until evening an cereal may Into breakfast. at Wash follow band. traveling hus- her bran envelopes it Let to easy husband's her your cases severe of use This it. addition the these it with Severe morning with restaurant chew to try box little milk. a of package a envelopes. tablespoonful it contain buy be for small " morning. every this get grains get those to lady very way: whole It will certain of of one it in the used a in the Every morning don't The not can following cleanliness. by a put who tablespoonful a day's bought saucer the laxative. contrived plan He in help yourself It Prepare to above right proportion. Failing of These How mentioned is Nature's in the the horde then " and Eat to bran just Pillsbury's. as it to comes get an from un-processed, the wheat, " uncooked such as What 74 and Eat to Cream Same flowerets In Cream as convenient follows boiler. This I served deliciousness. friends I put a generous sieve,but careful was and " at This as soup let follows Take two as same and and three potatoes or stalks of Cut all. quarters of party a form. in any onion through telltale leaf appear. The its deliciousness. a mineral value in of asparagus cream or or three a dozen stalks of bunches),leaves, pieces. Boil about threesoft). Put throughsieve. small (or until hour an into two about and milk and heat. butter, seasoning Add Do to : celery(the outer roots their at of CelerySoup be made may Cauliflower luncheon They ate with relish and remarked is wonderful There them. on joke was the liquidfrom boiled onions. Cream or like onions to of some serve. the well boiled not vegetable is will be amazed not scald to milk, add of Onion the former they did quantityof more thickened and the scalded You said who the soup When Cream try them. to sure find it may be seasoned may eaten never for desired milk the have be " the : vegetable is cooking. the If you Soup 1/3 of about you soups, liquidinto the vegetablethrough the sieve the the of the above quantityof drain done Put Asparagus Soup. proceed as in the double of of Cauliflower Soup of any to the while It Prepare to through sieve. making Put How allow not No milk is thickening to boil. needed Mock Take a bunch one-half-inch of oyster lengths,cover with above. OysterSoup plant (salsify), scrape, with water and cook cut into slowly Preparing one-half about with them if hour. an or sieve and desired.) When the Food small (A pepper and salt and If desired the oyster the 75 onion chopped done, thicken,add cooked ter, milk, but- serve. plantmay be omitted. thickening through a put colander VegetableStock tonic (Fine mineral fresh once Do a for the children or adults. Make week.) peel but scrub, cut and boil togetherall kinds of carrots, parsnips, vegetables, turnips, cabbage,leeks,celery, Let of each. onions, beet leaves,etc., about equalquantities not simmer about Drain Add keep liquidin cool place. this the liquidfrom spinach, onions and to as Use hours. two happen you have to stock for soup and rice,then diced vegetables exactlylike of cream any tables vege- it. day one or with unpearledbarley,then as even spinach. Or a cream it serve made soup as plain vegetable consomme. Before of cooked tomatoes vegetables.About This cupful table or however, add servingconsomme, to part one stock is excellent could be taken kill the tomatoes to an First. Put to Take one three of stock. acidosis patient.A served at the one very slack level Soup tablespoonfulof brown boil. one carrot, Put of the not. Vegetable Cream rice flavor whether day a sufficientquantity sweetish alkali for once a fair sized potato, three four or through grinderor Let the rice get a one stalks of one parsnip, celery. dice very ten-minute largeonion, small. start; then add vegetables What 76 boil and Eat to to a Add will The above excellent and to four serve with wheat bread and butter makes an VegetableSoup of celery,includingthe Boil and complete luncheon. the tuber vegetables (about " size) potato, parsnip,carrot, onion, Dice burning. ing bring to heat- generously. whole of each one avoid to boil. Plain Take boil into the vegetables. water pint milk one It Prepare to all of the add serve milk allow This How butter, seasoning. Stir ready to point. not Let pulp. When Do and into small leaves. Some three four or cabbage same stalks of leaves. pieces. about thirtyminutes. pieceof butter generous Add and seasoning. Add parsley if desired. quitethick. Serve The above makes all of the contains excellent luncheon an preciousmineral for children with salts and whole wheat bread. Bean Thick Soak over drain. not Boil and night This Soup cupfuls two of liquidcontains the soluble six simmering point about at white dry beans. mineral Do salts. hours, adding butter salt. Stir frequentlyand When soup Do not be water serve the beans rich and thick. ready to should add strain. The outer as needed. should be broken shell of the bean has open its definite value. Serve with whole wheat bread or oatmeal and crackers. the Food Preparing Thick the Get bean dry green Soup Pea same as soup. strain. not Do Thick Lentil made lentilssoaked and Dry to the make and yellow peas or 77 (Whole wheat make. Keep crackers hand, on It is much like fine oatmeal. to to bread be bought largecracker serve or " with soups serve can a bean as same unleavened " Bread Health Swedish Soup and with soups or in pea soup. are and very easy salads.) packages anywhere. is made of entire salads. tendencyto make puree soups of all vegetablesor legumes which contain any roughage is one of the evils of present-day cookingmethods. the realized that in straining of us perhaps have None are doing with these splitpea or bean soups, etc., we what the miller does to our grain. legumes precisely lose part of the food value in this It is not only that we is necessary for the but the roughage of this bran way of the body. work scavenger Some ible" people think that this outer coveringis "indigestFine absorbable. it is if by digestible so you mean The " " " packs in Our We of civilization. All curse the intestines. The tastes not are is the food absorbable have even been result is cultivated constipation. until they are perverted. thick These willingto chew. reallyvery delicious. Cultivate a soups are in the children. them The thick bean them milk The to cook such food ioned old-fashtaste for be improved by allowing pea, soups may until very thick and. then adding a little or when ready to serve. only puree which our system allows is Cream of What 78 Corn. Eat to Cook the and of can through sieve,add milk How for corn and was a Eating" to revelation learn to peeledmy time I had the had etc., as throwing the thrown for the also be used small a there should the had you, boiled all the Many away. a of its mineral know. not the sauces of amount follows as for be to serve 1 seasoningand hand at whole a sufficient for thickening. meal butter, rub in the flour until smooth. vegetablejuiceinto stir until thick and the saucepan, heat and serve. beaten yolk of an stir in the Put mixture, Into this put the drained smooth. egg : When water. justenough water vegetable.Prepare as follows: of butter The in savingjuice. Have vegetable, Melt water the sole purpose No. amount the best part of of most of Science spinach,onions, cauliflower,asparagus, should form the basis for soups. (See vegetablesin tilltender Drain I, like lost the best part of it. I did cooked are the sauce been turnips,et al.; spinachfor "Soups".) Vegetablejuicescan cooked reading "The in which water Cook when sink. and out eaten benefit and The me potatoes, carrots, minerals precious serve. SAUCES that I had vegetablesdown my minutes, put 10 or seasoningand VEGETABLE It 5 It Prepare to will greatlyimprove the table, vege- above sauce. people find Some follows Drain No. 2 it easier to make the above as sauce : savingthe juice. Stir vegetable, amount of water. Stir until thick. the drained flour which been has Add back vegetables into this moistened butter and into the sauce, a with a small little seasoning. Put heat and serve. the Preparing White (For Put a of pint milk of milk, heated Sauce into rub it thick until and Melt scald. to tablespoonfuls two this Pour smooth. stirring boiler double the butter, until Stir flour. 79 Vegetables) into of tablespoonfuls two Food into slowly Season smooth. the with salt. This thinned with For For a scalloped fish sauce be can sauce little kept milk dishes twice on as a as hand the refrigerator and needed. well-beaten much in butter egg should is added be used. to above. What 80 and Eat to How It Prepare to VEGETABLES after preparingshould stand in cold water vegetables hour before cooking. at least one-half water-soaked. nor Vegetablesshould not be overcooked Learn "time" to your cooking so that everythingwill be done together, always allowingyourselffive to ten minutes and serving. for preparingsauces in all vegetables Mineral The element be conserved can habits will discard the old and form new very easilyif we All of cooking. The of value It serves this mineral as for balance a element meat be cannot other or mated. overesti- acid-forming keeping down the acidityof our blood. The of cooking conserve all the minerals. followingmethods Don't forgetthat these minerals are needed by the blood of health. to keep the tissues in a state foods " thus Carrots Young, not tender possess which the strong has been in vitamines on off the and our They should eighthsand may 1st. carrots Cooked sweet are flavor for stem mineral of a generous 2nd. dab Steamed delicate. They do the larger(winter)tuber long time. They are rich salts and should appear quently fre- very menus. scraped,cut lengthwiseinto be be in a in three ways plainlyserved casserole with enough to keep from burning),a a and a very quarters or : little water (just very little(orno) salt and of butter. and served with butter 3rd. If boiled they should be See VegetableSauce Nos. 1 and served 2. or white in their own sauce. juice. What 82 of the great and Couldn't go back to pretend"there is only one family tires of his brown for two table, entirely or he when Prepare It to Baked, the minerals inate predom- neutralize the acid of the starch. than we How of starch. amount more and Eat to childhood our of way habits three "Let's ? If the cookingpotatoes let him coat and days. disappear from He the come wel- will be very back. comes however, potatoes may be served variety, the followingways : and Baked 1st. (thoroughlyscrubbed first) in any For of " in (or cut two mash, slice off a makes them above. as milk. for oven five to ten bake done the out in cut inside, this Return and skins, pin togetherwith toothpicks mediately im- soggy. When lengthwise), scoop salt,butter and with season this bake For Stuffed. 2nd. Standing done. when served to the moderate minutes. jackets.They must be removed the moment from steamerthey are cooked, otherwise they are They may then be peeled (remove the brown soggy. New skin only) and served plainor mashed. potatoes are whole in butter browning and over delicious turned over in a fryingpan. 4th. Scalloped. Sliced into a casserole with plenty of milk in their Steamed 3rd. and seasoned with butter, pepper 5th. Au gratin. Same* gratedcheese. Steam them 6th. Lyonnaise. Same sliced The as 4th first " as and with salt. generous layersof in skins. 4th with layersof thinly onions. raw last three ways the potatoes are are not so peeled. However, good as their the first because juicesare not tirely en- lost. Onions Onions vitamines. are sulphur,iron and other minerals and grandmotherspinnedtheir faith to the cura- rich in Our the Food Preparing tive value of "Onion Try Besides are onions in have to Syrup" in colds with and " form some 83 twice or once good reason. week. a they contain they splendidbody regulator.They are reallya leafy the minerals a vegetable but There is humble vitamines and you which alternate may with them vegetableof greater probably no tubers. your value the than onion. Chopped and used as seasoningthey are well appreciated, but as a vegetablein their own rightthey are not half so popular as they should be. They may be served: in their skins. Baked 1st. (They requireabout as much time as potatoes.) Then peeled and served with butter. They are delicious. " 2nd. Steamed 3rd. Boiled butter as the " served with butter for soup saved water they may be served in carrots)to which is added or for and and their white or and " own sauce. (prepared sauce the beaten with served yolk of an egg little cream. a Cooked 4th. in a with milk butter and casserole ing. season- Cabbage Cabbage rich in is very value is greatest served indigestible by very should be an 1st. before Steamed dish, cut with fine and white sauce It will cook It also 2nd. seems Boiled soaked cooking,then one hour served thinned quickerif more about meats. greasy or in cold made cooking. over Instead it should for water It at least " until tender,placedin shallow with with cut Its food It is sometimes cooking or wrong prepared,quarteredand hour in salads. raw be boiled with not sulphurand hydrogen. salt,pepper and butter or cream. into coarse shreds. delicate this way. of three-quarters an hour in an What 84 uncovered same kettle the " above as Eat to If you and How liquidused It Prepare to for soup stock served and " creamed. or of cabbage making soup stock try cream the cabbage. soup or else steam 3rd. Cooked in a casserole (1 hour) with a little water, butter,pepper and salt. Never use vinegaron cabbage. not are Savoy {Curly Cabbage) It should be digestible. as cabbage. It takes less time preparedand served the same to 30 minutes to cook, 20 being sufficient. cabbage is very This delicate and Brussels The delicate of most the loose remove same as the all the same Steam To cabbage family. leaves,let stand outer ^4 "f an cabbage. They may as cabbage. 30 minutes. Sprouts nour pare, pre- in cold water (untiltender),and serve also be cooked in a casserole Cauliflower Separateinto hour, then 2nd. 54 Boil the of as same 3rd. in cold let stand water one " and Steam 1st. flowerets and " serve about flowerets 20 for with butter minutes. cream sauce Use soup or the and white juiceand serve sauce. about cauliflower above. Au gratin " casserole,pour over first cook it white some cauliflower,then placein the sauce thinned with sprinklegrated cheese over top and brown. 4th. Au casserole with milk, butter,pepper and cream. salt. Celery The outer and stalks which beneficial when are cut not fit for the table into stwed pieces, are and tizing appe- served Preparing in their flavored and The sauce. own with and 85 be thickened should same butter the Food the beaten with of yolk meal an egg added. Asparagus Rich in mineral delicious with butter There or are The soup. entire stalk The the cream toast on cream into inch white else or a most of serving are: lengthsand served sauce. dishes,but always save -fancyasparagus soup, makes water simple ways cut or or many liquidfor Boiled, the value. the asparagus steam cook in or a casserole. Spinach Rich iodine. the on 1st. all of Like fine Cut cooked Boiled in and the " with salt,pepper may It may and be sliced and be: a appear chopper(to reduce meat casserole without seasoned water, (about 20 minutes.) butter used water should and " put through the or with salt,pepper vegetablesit the green often. menu its bulk) and 2nd. value, especially potassium,iron in mineral for The butter. arrangedon cream hard and soup boiled served yolksof eggs top. the fire over 3rd. Spinach may also be cooked directly without water. (This, however, requireswatching to keep then be creamed from burning). It may by adding a little milk, butter and seasoning. several fancy ways of preparingspinach, all of There are which are good providedthe juiceis not wasted. Beet other greens top and spinach and (Never use the water used vinegaron cooked are for soup in the same way as stock. greens.) StringBeans Stringbeans a casserole and or butter beans served with may butter be steamed or white or sauce. cooked in What 86 Eat to and How Beans Lima Almost how to the remove directions from the wheat To double skin mind. The boiler and boil well let simmer and pepper Do not of it. remove fire about down, then transfer about minutes. 30 milk (Add serve. these skin like the bran outer to as Dismiss over beans, cook directly lima water letting salt and of the bean. its definite value. fresh minutes 20 directions givesyou explicit outer your has stew cook good every It Prepare to or to Add a ter, butalso if cream desired.) Dried beans lima morning do point,turn They should should drain not add " fire and down be served butter. The for the last half thyme. of bone roast Dried Prepare the used as hours soup, lamb 3 4 hours. or juicewhich, own when ficiently suf- a quitethick. Flavor generously is improved by boilingwith them small bag of sweet Marjoram and cook to with them the left over for flavor. White same Beans \ Peas lima as served beans plain or and Lentils whether baked. they They to are need be several cooking. tireless cooker The is ideal for the above. Brown Brown as rice is many Following are 1st. with simmer to be flavor hour soaked allow peoplelike French overnight. In the sufficient water, bringto boiling in their cooked, should with be It may so ways some 2nd. rich in nutriment possibleto as that it is wise serve it to trive con- appetizingly. : suggestions " be served butter, pepper Rice and It is delicious as salt. with a vegetableinstead (For directions see fricassee of chicken of potatoes 65.) (or other p. the Preparing fricassee) with around arranged of plenty or: gravy, Rice Boil l cup rice : Put slowly to season of cups taste; it into l is rice served and of of and flour milk (or a into butter stock rice the make cooking tablespoonful vegetable over pour mounds Eggs tablespoonful l rub 1^2 Poached while and in platter 87 " with " and melt, stir of follows as the Food a ; pan, sauce- this into water) or with serve ing dress- ; poached eggs. The dressing juice instead sieve), or of above the stock mixture a onions. and for The of (rub canned juice tomato latter a rice layer until in any Brown of on salt cheese, a mushrooms chopped Rice it. Arrange another layer Moisten top. through tomatoes and tomato of of layer a rice very well for macaroni and with and rice so milk on " and brown. rice Brown tender, grated cheese having bake of until using by delicious. is Scalloped Boil varied be may your rice may be substituted for recipes fritters are the latter. delicious. or spaghetti What 88 to How and Eat Prepare to It BREADS importanceof bread. wheat Following is the recipegiven to your whole us by Mrs. Wheeler, the story of whose whole wheat family be found on can page 56. this recipeexactly,not Follow approximately. Mrs. much Too Wheeler To varies never be cannot stress it successfully you use it it and have must dough is very reason for this is obvious ; the bran cooking,hence the fails. never stickyand thin, very the laid upon hard The handle. to in the moisture absorbs dough requiresmore The mixer. bread a other than water flours. Lighten your flour before using; i.e.: handle it twice. it from It packs too heavy in the bag. Transfer bag to sift it and before measuring. You other receptacle may but the siftings must for cleanliness the siftings examine " " into the flour. be put back Do fillthe bread not in the Also do enough. bottom Do use not They must not flow over- deep use good tins bread sized tin is 2^2 " 8^ in. to by 3^2 3 in. is in. deep by 2^4 in- measurements. the bread cut very sharp it with The full. too cooking. A not a pans a knife. dull Dissolve one You can day and after it is baked ruin a good loaf by ting cut- knife. recipefollows: Whole until the Wheat " {Mis. Wheeler) Bread" cake of yeast in one cup of lukewarm water before you do anythingelse. Set it aside to dissolve. the followingingredients, combine Next being sure to 90 What pans in the and the of How It Prepare to that all sides will bake so occasionally removing from the oven, butter the tops of the loaves, and method and oven On evenly. Eat to let them stand baking the the bread cool. to loaves As will have itself will be a light. Don't result of a thick,firm this crust, the bread cut till day, and when you do, use a very sharp knife. In the crumbs board save cutting, by sweeping them off the breadinto a special crock. They can be used for thickennext ing. will You bread note that into loaves. forming or risen in the then take the into directly Heat is In mixer, soft bread or even Test of sound The hands which " a few times, and should put it be hot. real factor all the way a oven. your kneading the ciently dough is suffi- crank your tins of the the mixer dough right in the buttered quarter a is made When turn through. recipevaries and just one way the above for cooking. Sometimes time and mention no before hour an it with the bread straw a removing from and a and need an hour half, depending on listen for the absence oven. of the loaf is flat and appearance may that is the brown almost like a fruit cake. Put raisins into If you have flour,use a two or cannot The dough be (about use must not 1/3 cup sugar wheat like fruit cake. procure 100 per cent the market (80 per cent)plus each pound), plus to tablespoonful on graham. With above recipe. It until you whole to locality of Plain cups a is be so softer considerably Persist 2 It will be much failed in your cups you must loaf. the kind which little bran one a secure Whole flour thin and than 100 a per Wheat this mixture, however, will flour. requiremore stickyas above and yet white flour dough. cent flour. Muffins Preparing the Food 91 rounding teaspoonfulbaking powder Y2 teaspoonfulsalt 1% cups sour milk y2 level teaspoonfulbaking soda 1 I egg 1 butter (melted). tablespoonful the dry ingredients.Beat Mix then the melted well and bake Very hot If butter, then in milk sweet the omit is used tins the soda to 17 and added minutes. 20 to heaping use two this recipe. (Mrs. Wheeler) Fruit Muffins Wheat the milk, minutes, then moderate. of baking powder. teaspoonfuls Chopped raisins or dates can be Whole add dry ingredients.Beat greased gem 12 first 5 oven the egg, " (One Dozen) 1/2 cup brown 1/2.cup of butter 2 or y2 of sawtay cup eggs Y^ yz 2 sugar cup of milk cup chopped cups raisins and of whole wheat dates flour level of baking powder teaspoonfuls y2 level teaspoonfuleach of cloves,salt,allspice, ginger, 2 cinnamon and nutmeg. 1st. Cream 2nd. Add the beaten 3rd. 4th. Mix the Bake Put the butter and sugar. eggs. togetherand dry ingredients in muffin tins for about 35 minutes. O Id-Fashioned 4 of whole wheat Have After that oven." cups them. in the milk. very hot for the first five minutes. 3^2 add Nut Loaf flour of baking powder rounding teaspoonfuls use the a oven ate moder- What 92 and Eat to How to It Prepare %. cup sugar salt l teaspoonful l cup chopped nuts l cup chopped raisins " egg 2% cups of milk butter. 1 tablespoonful Mix the flour,baking powder, salt and egg, stir in the milk; into this stir the dry and raisins last. Let stand in warm the nuts minutes bake and in moderate also,like plainbread, sometimes it with Unless straw. add ingredients, placefor 20 for 50 oven takes dry it is not minutes. longer to cook. It may take done. the beat sugar; This Test 1 1/3 hours. Bread Date For raisins " or 1 cup use dates 1^ and Date 2 ^ dates cups instead of nuts and nuts. Gems eggs 54 pound 1 cups cup dates milk \x/zcups flour 2 baking powder teaspoonfuls Yz teaspoonfulsalt. Beat the yolks; add the milk, the flour and beat until smooth; add the baking powder and the dates, chopped. Mix thoroughly. Bake in twelve greased gem pans, in a Serve hot. quick oven 30 minutes. Chopped raisins may be substituted for dates. Whole Wheat (Unleavened Mix y2 pintof quart of flour,two milk whole with Crackers wheat y^ pintof bread) water. Rub into 1 of butter; add gradually tablespoonfuls the Preparing and the milk Knead dough. it with this hatchet a You water. enveloping the each piece just squares, lay moderate oven in them until a be must well Whole 3 cups of 2 cups of milk 2 eggs 3 level l level 1 tablespoonfulof and slightlybrown. the dough must rounds or bake in The only be very a hard Waffles" (Mrs. Wheeler) flour wheat the Mix melted butter. salt. flour, baking powder and 2nd. Add the milk. 3rd. Add the eggs, 4th. Mix thoroughly,and well beaten. bake Southern cups into teaspoonfulsof baking powder teaspoonfulof salt 1st. 2 into quarters ; roll manipulated. Wheat whole pound pounder, folding it possible. Cut lightlygreased pan, is that dry fifteen minutes, then as crisp and be remembered thing to and thin as for 93 hard, almost a ordinary beefsteak air. Cut the dough or over, have must dough Food Corn on hot waffle iron. a Pone milk sour y2 teaspoonfulsalt y2 (level)teaspoonfulbaking powder butter 1 tablespoonfulmelted 2 cups Mix milk coarse corn salt and and "pones" Place meal. meal, add stir into meal. about in y2 inch greased pan melted butter. Stir well. Dissolve Make thick. and bake until brown. small soda in oblong What 94 Eat to and How Johnny 1 cup l cup whole wheat It Prepare to Cake flour meal corn 1/3 cup sugar l rounding teaspoonfulbaking powder x/2 teaspoonfulsalt 1%. cup sour milk Yt level teaspoonfulbaking soda 1 egg l butter (melted). tablespoonful Mix the dry ingredients.Beat then the melted well and bake Very hot The in greased first 5 oven above butter, then may Whole have wheat of whole for Pie Crust wheat top and of a y% of a cup butter of tablespoonfuls Whole with wheat white singlesheet. strips. It and cold pie crust flour, and tastes flour ; be can little using a bottom crust for flour teaspoonfulof salt teaspoonfulof baking powder 9 minutes. 20 (Mrs. Wheeler) " a of to muffins, etc., of ^ 24 17 (slackcupfuls). followingrecipemakes pies. 3 cups milk, tins if desired. for white The two tin in gem may wheat Wheat the dry ingredients.Beat shallow be baked whole substituting less of the whole the add egg, minutes, then moderate. Any good recipeyou used the sawtay, or any good ing shorten- water. is more is therefore brittle than difficult equallygood,however, to that made roll into when cut a into the Preparing Whole Wheat Flour (Mrs. Put one continually of the roast, satisfactory the flavor whole cup over a with fire the can flour be made 95 Thicken Gravy Wheeler) whole consistency. wheat than of to Food flour wheat till it is brown. of amount Add gives with a a in a Add this water necessary pinch of gravy white of much flour. dry to the to give This salt. more stir skillet; juice it use delicious a of What 96 Eat to and How SALAD thingsof with all kinds. and Mix left Use It HINTS salad, salad, salad. Have Prepare to utilize raw green vegetables but always the delicious,nourishing over " the crisplettuce leaves and dressings. Don't use vinegar use lemon juiceinstead. In the good old days when "cider" it was not so bad, but vinegarwas keep the acids which are called "vinegar"today,out of the reach of the children. Lemon juicetastes better,it is a food and it bringsout the flavor of other fruits and vegetables. " All green contain leaves rich in minerals. are their than state raw Have a salad Have a crisphead and young at of these Many when " greens, or or varietyis Mixed are green leaves effective in more cooked. lettuce The All dinner. every dandelion beans, etc., etc. the vitamines. water cress or " left lettuce with water over cress string endless. VegetableSalads May be made from any available raw vegetables. : Suggestions Asparagus and green peas served French dressingor mayonnaise. mixture of cooked or " Left over boiled beets may be on diced a lettuce leaf with and served on a such as diced apple or something white shredded cabbage. Boiled dressing celery nuts. and greens the raw vegetables During springand summer should be used as much as possible.Two which should be with any mixed used as often as possibleand vegetable combination are spinachand gratedor ground carrots. lettuce leaf with " " " What 98 Eat to and How Cabbage The an Strip the thick leaves given me by the head the tenderest leaves. Cut out leaf vein. center Lay three or four of these half as tightas possible.With a very sharp through the roll. The shavingsshould roll together, sections extremelyfine. Rub a onion to was housewife. from knife shave be Salad followingrecipefor cabbage salad old German It Prepare to salad bowl with the taste, mix garlic(or mix some finelychopped cabbage),placethe shavingsin bowl, season well with night (or for over with French several and dressing,cover hours before let stand using). Tomatoes Are popular,and very in minerals salads bowl are with vitamines. and combinations Their With numerous. They reason. the seeds filled with diced cucumbers and are and scoopedout served on rich very fancy and the lettuce leaves mayonnaise or boiled dressingthey are delicious. If served plain sliced ther they should be eaten with neivinegar. Just salt or any salad dressing. sugar nor Soluble C in tomato The juiceand discoveryof Water that cookingdid not destroythis vitathe further discovery This is mine have given to the tomato new a significance. the vitamine which protects againstscurvy, hence tomato juiceis now given to infants who are fed on pasteurized where milk in cases juiceis not available. orange with " " Cucumbers The peelingof cucumbers water for thin and should at then least served the cucumber on one stand hour should in very before be cold using. lettuce leaves with quitethick. The iced) (preferably Then French sliced very dressing. Preparing Cucumbers used in all are of these the seeds Cucumbers If you has made them the meaty soaked In most part diced. in vinegar. It people. many "disagree"with of the are one possiblyeat them, cucumbers valuable of the springvegetables.If they have heretofore gar disagreedwith you perhaps you ate them with vine- most can with or starch the wrong with combination boiled (such as combine which cucumbers. Your other white foods. them Try potatoes not once white nor Plain bread) will distress may all. at neither eat you of potatoes and the fault of the cucumbers at and be served never 99 of combinations. sorts scoopedout are should is this which the Food have at bread. a not been meal The genuine " Combination Is head lettuce leaves,sliced cucumbers is best served But there with are French so and tomatoes. It dressingor mayonnaise. "combinations." many Waldorf Is diced apples,chopped nuts dressing. boiled Salad Salad and celeryservea with sweet Fruit Salads combination Any leaves with with fresh salad Cooked fruits The raw served were fruits served raw dressingand is delicious and nuts are boiled of intended fruit combinations without sugar. salts. for salads in both The lettuce generouslysprinkled rich in mineral never on salads nor tails. cock- and tails cock- original " Fruit Salad 'Was grapes a combination and nuts, of served oranges, with boiled diced bananas, Malaga dressing. What 100 banana A a lettuce split banana lengthwise, salad juice, mixed Carrot Carrot of parts the and and of mixture. le-duc of made mixtures the cheese cheese cooked grinder. and (or is of made about with carrots to with is honey.) any small with served also canned) Crushed and and delicious are Cream with the juice oil Salad Season (Bar-le-duc lemon olive equal about 1/3 flavor and taste juice. familiar are is ground Cheese you diced a of parts Cheese nuts. but on drop. Salad and lemon Cream of Cheese chopped with generously by served nuts dressing equal Cottage cheese cottage with best drop Cottage quantity Most is with boiled with It Prepare to sprinkled also served nut and lemon and is leaf How and Eat to good with pimento the a Fruit cream cheese of combination A similar fruit jam red paste or bar- and rants, cur- be can jelly. These crackers. chopped which has raisins been or put figs through or Preparing SALAD When lemons dressings.There food in itself ; it will it bringsout Don't use be had three are givea the natural do not use The reasons. better flavor to vinegarin salad lemon juiceis a the dressing ; and flavor of other fruits. plainvinegaron anything. French Real 101 DRESSINGS to are the Food Dressing French dressingis made with 4 parts oil to l part lemon juice. The lemon juiceshould be beaten into the oil drop by drop. A pinch of salt and a dash of paprikaare added to taste. It will keep indefinitely in a cool place. For fruit salads where French dressing is desired it should be equalparts of oil and lemon juice. The latter bringsout the flavor of the fruit. This is good with a grapefruit or diced banana salad. Mayonnaise Place two bowl, which first. Add dry mustard yolks in small sized old-fashioned mixing Beat with a fork to a pointat the bottom. runs one-half teaspoonfulsalt,one-half teaspoonful egg and a dash of cayenne. Then take Dover egg beater (theone with the wheel and rotary motion) and have some one drop in olive oil drop by drop while you beat the mixture constantly.When drop in the gets very stiff, about one-half tablespoonfulof lemon same juice. way This thins the mixture. then more lemon juiceand and consistency small lemon go in very When to Then add It half pint can slowlyat it is smooth the and oil until very thick, until dressinghas right usuallytakes the juiceof one so flavor. a more start about on of olive oil. The or the mixture oil must will separate. half made, the oil may be What 102 added Eat to and How to Prepare It faster wise (one-halfteaspoonfulin a tinystream),likethe lemon juice. This dressingshould be tightlycovered and kept in a It will keep for several days. refrigerator. If it separates, either during mixing or after standing, it be made smooth can again by takinganother egg yolk and beatingmixture into it almost as slowlyas above. "Droppers" for making this dressingcan be bought at hardware any for store ten cents. Cream Make Mayonnaise justbefore serving beat into it very thick well whipped cream usingabout equal and mayonnaise. Thin will whipped cream parts of cream This not answer. dressingis delicious with crisphead lettuce with " lettuce and tomatoes Boiled Salad 2 eggs 3 1 tablespoonfuls sugar juiceand cup lemon 1 cup 1 flour tablespoonful teaspoonfuldry mustard level teaspoonfulsalt tablespoonfulbutter. 1 1 1 Put above mayonnaiseexactlyas or water milk the milk togetheruntil smooth; eggs. Into this stir the hot milk. flour until the eggs cook three minutes. the sugar, salt and Return fire and to constantly.When boiler; melt butter; rub scald in double to and or fruit salads. with Dressing butter and and Return add to the double beaten boiler two cooked; stirring constantly are from Remove mustard (moistenedin cook until almost done stir in the fire and thick add and a slowly little water). smooth, stirring the lemon juice. Preparing the Food 103 FRUIT ing, blessingto man, delicious,appetizthe flow of gastricjuices. Grateful it stimulates to parched throats of the sick; eagerlyeaten by children is Fruit the of God's one it has, unknown people whose With themselves, saved to bodies salts in of the soluble mineral waste fruits have indeed been to the last water soluble vitamines Cultivate B for fruits in abundance also contain and mineral are the C. for fruits of all kinds taste your our God-send; a degreeand laden grains and the cookingour vegetables, from removed many starved. otherwise mineral were minerals the lives of the Increase the the fruit farmer, which thereby encourage increase the supply and thus fruits will be cheaper. all help to get these preciouslife savers within the us demand will Let and of the poor. Eat fresh fruits and reach and every meal much underestimated. of candy. fruit enough to you need the whole Sugar up a eat sugar does well their sufficient fruit not without mix is with in the sugar fruit sugar. starches it is table and They is " own good not should you " very relish (Habit). often sets the children Teach habit the means its Why meals between stomach. Serve contains the at instead this " let it alone. " been appetizer. an fruit acids sweetened and children quantities.If state or any has cocktails. not All at " value the without sugar fruit without sugar to sliced oranges on providedthe It is the al. et in its natural fermentation enjoy as in sugar them Sugar always season Their in salads and them grapefruit,oranges, natural Give sugar. fresh Serve fruits in meals. between Serve latter without fresh will like it never to just formed. (white bread, cake, etc.), 104 What eaten with fruit It A on is hot thirst. summer of lemon day is fruits destroys Some is the stomach not the forming Eaten and acidosis contain in them for minutes few Sun-dried {beautiful and is acids no and acid certain illnesses. in changed alkaline is thus salts, of body. your for food better an of looking) sulphurous for and sun Soaked the morning of food. overnight and article other any way. in dates fruits cheaper Ask Cooking they an are cellent ex- fruit. raisins Give than available every a iron more breakfast are your patient. Raisins with in or the there sugar fruit that their neutralizing without and raw for quench immediately are into water vitamines. and milk acids cold fruits. raw idea with eaten converted bases as ferments false Fruit true. ance. disturb- not.) good so will and will of glass a refreshing the be not in juice natural have must This boiled the people therefore Use of some intestinal fruit. not are It Prepare to cause lemonade (Sweetened Cooked the rarely very How sometimes which tablespoonful a and Eat to acid all dried fruits. children kinds Select of instead excellent. are peaches (poison). better. dried the to and The apricots the dark ones. are candy. pale dried They What 106 and Eat to DESSERT How SUGGESTIONS Any plaincake recipewhich the 80 (100 white food and white. be made can equal parts The Sunshine and in fancier cake, will, of while, anyhow, you a desserts. There fresh flaky-crusted, the with or " have you whole with wheat cakes, such as require course, flour. Once your cent) per Angel flour cent per It Prepare to children),and will will "cheat" -little on a the day for a delicious, berry pie (do not give the crust to for the ever-popular, always-welcome come of be made These, however, can strawberryshortcake. whole wheat. Try them. is carefully But if the body of your meal planned and the bulk of your dietaryis along health building lines,a It is the general little spree now and then won't hurt you. livingplan that we are fightingfor. Following are some lightdesserts: " Prune Cook and twenty beat to a large,meaty pulp. Add Whip to tender,stone, shred until prunes them a teaspoonfulof juice. Beat the white of 3 eggs until stiff. Add spoonfulsgranulated sugar. Fold in the prunes in moderate time beatingconstantly.Bake a fifteen minutes. Serve with whipped cream. two a oven lemon table- little at about Queen of Puddings Very similar of whole wheat. soak in one to old-fashioned Take the quart of milk this the beaten yolks of 2 pudding,only made bread dry piecesof about one eggs; sweeten whole hour. wheat Then with brown bread, stir into sugar Preparing and with season slack add spread over four whites egg to 20 ovtn 30 top generous jelly. Beat the egg whites of sugar, spreadover tablespoonful top Marshmallow Beat 107 in moderate and oven Food until made of home dabs from Remove minutes. Bake nutmeg. the and stiff, brown. Pudding to a stiff froth. Dissolve one of powdered gelatine in one-half cup tablespoonful add one-half of cold water cupful of boilingwater. ; then When cool beat slowly into the egg whites and whip in one-half Add flavoringor a few fresh or cup of sugar. to a pulp. Stir until mixture evaporatedapricotsmashed Serve with whipped cream. hardens. rounded Charlotte Russe pintof best qualitywhipping cream, add one teaspoonfulvanilla and one heapingtablespoonful generous of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat with Dover egg beater until very stiff. (No gelatineor other thickening is needed.) Line five or six sherbet glassesor small teacups with splitladyfingers.Fill with above mixture and put on ice until ready to serve. To one-half Custard Noodle Cook Drain. one cupful of Add two well salt and with sugar, bake in moderate oven fine homemade beaten eggs in hot water overnight. Boil for two the juiceand boil down to a with or without pint of milk, season cream. the over and noodles and brown. Figs largepulledfigsfor or Serve a until thickened Stewed Soak to Pour nutmeg. until tender. noodles or three thin syrup. six or eighthours minutes. Pour Drain over the off figs. What 108 Eat to Fruit If you get and fruit and are home Whole the fruit recipesfor ices made better infinitely made is cream Fruits than will above with "store" gelatine ice cream inexpensive. very Real real juicetaste The It Prepare to Frozen freezer cream freezer. the accompany How Ices and ice an and ice in once a while made " with fit for the gods. treat a cream Wheat Layer Cake (Mrs. Wheeler) " 3 eggs \y2 Y2 3 of cup \y2 of cups butter of cups of cups sugar milk whole J4 teaspoonfulof 3 salt teaspoonfulof y flour wheat nutmeg level teaspoonfulsof baking powder (Royal). 1st. Beat the well. eggs 2nd. Add 3rd. Add the flour 4th. Add the Have the that bake Use the oven hot very kind for oven of for cake inch spring make Get recipe). lengths. the batter Serve and Stir bake with any the first five minutes; after minutes. forty-five icing. budding Rhubarb In the nutmeg. gradually. baking powder. in moderate any butter, milk, salt and sugar, a batter cups of in moderate pudding above strawberry young two on sauce. the oven. recipe(or any cut into rhubarb into rhubarb uncooked on the Preparing Huckleberry Make same as instead huckleberries the of 109 Pudding using above, Food two of cups fresh, uncooked rhubarb. Shortcake Bake a butter them, with of pan them. fruit Serve should muffins wheat of serving generous The whole be cut them berries and open or (see the on sliced sugared recipe). dessert peaches a half on hour serving. This Serve is better hot. than any kind of white-flour shortcake. Split plate top. before What 110 Eat to SOME and How Prepare to UNUSUAL It RECIPES (To Vary Monotony) Chicken Take small about three cupfulsof pieces, placein fryingpan stir or Chop Suey fire until brown. over left with surplusgrease. To this add inch pieces, two cups of onions into of oriental cover, and but enough to keep moist paprika and let simmer about " and add add oriental Cook each if desired of brown cup have of meat The above chicken. Cut proceedas It will shallow also can the raw be meat also " two fireless cooker made 2 l 1 Eugene with season three hours. When two is not cups enough to salt,pepper Stir ready to with serve celerycut and not water, at sionally occaserve necessary. above. hand with into inch found be set to easier other squares, than meat brown to put the mixture the dish inside of an, old-fashioned For this use less water. three hours. is ideal for above. of salt tablespoonful grated onion tablespoonfuls of butter tablespoonfuls tablespoonful grated cheese 2 of drain put three cups (equal parts with quantityof Celery and Nut 1 fire and small cut fat, shake or cups into and above. dish steam rice and onions celeryand cooked). two though this " oriental sprouts not from if needed. water sauce one If you and this add To sprouts. butter Remove off any chicken, cut over Christian. Loaf1 into steamer The a Preparing 2 the Food 111 eggs \% cups toasted bread crumbs \l/2cups strained tomato Y^ cup chopped nuts l cup celerychopped fine. Add the strained tomato all to ingredients the stifHy beaten last add Bake in a cream 3 40 minutes. or Roast1 Corn 1 35 meal. meatless a well and parsleysauce. or is fine for This mix eggs. well oiled tin about with Serve ; of stewed (or canned) corn teaspoonfulsof grated onion cup 54 chopped cup 1 cup 2 eggs nuts milk toasted bread \l/2cups Salt, pepper Beat the crumbs and or paprika. and eggs and nuts is fine for milk, add onion. 15 minutes, then bake This crumbs in Mix let stand and 35 or 10 or 40 minutes. meal. meatless a well well oiled pan a bread salt, pepper, corn, ScallopedSalmon Make add a for one a a white well beaten largecan layerof salmon layer of Cover and 1 sauce egg and and salmon for 20 to Eugene Christian. then and cracker on Grease a layerof a so crumbs 30 minutes. or This white To this is sufficient baking dish White on. 79. page stir until thick. of salmon. the top with bake per direction as sauce, sauce rolled bread and then on put other an- top. crumbs What 112 and Eat to How Cook dish. one Flake of large can one line well rice and of brown cup Rice and Salmon It Prepare to greasedbaking Make dressingas salmon. follows: Beat and 2 with casserole in water littlerice and a have must with milk l small without or and 1 paprika. cup crumbs. stir white l baked, of pan sauce. well beaten well with Season dish in well buttered Bake If hour. l Loaf of salmon can for (preferably)in set Salmon Into of butter tablespoonful salmon, placein nest of l steam and cover Serve oven. milk, Stir this into the seasoning. rke, cover of l/2 cup eggs, egg, x/2 cup salt,pepper and fifteen minutes. for hot. Serve fish for salmon. of the dishes of the above Any Some be may tuna substituting made peoplepreferthe delicate flavor more fish. tuna Tuna Fish Salad equal part chopped celery. has been thinned well with boiled dressingwhich Moisten with lemon juice. Season with salt,pepper and paprika. A French dressingmade of equal parts oil and lemon chopped sweet peppers may also be used juiceand some Flake the fish arid use about with above. or Serve the tuna fish salad and combination plainat eat them Coddled Instead cold water of over boilingeggs fire. When cook meal same with an excellent together. Eggs as follows: the water " reaches Place eggs in boilingpoint What 114 Eaf to How and VEGETABLE fine mineral (A Get of all kinds with ones young bunch a " turnipsand TONIC tonic for children fresh of two fresh carrots and and adults.) or " vegetables. If the tops on, or It Prepare to in get the season Get juicy. thing every- tops, beets and tops, parsnips,onions, spinach,lettuce leaves, cabbage leaves,cucumbers, etc. (Never use rhubarb leaves they are poison.) Put all through a grinder. (Placea receptacle under the grinder. The juiceswill flow.) When chopped put into jellybag and let dripovernight. In the morning press the remainingjuices with a small out fruit press or any instrument contrive. (Will not you can tops, " devise someone and put the market on a hand small press?) Keep the juicethus obtained covered the children a tablespoonful or a cool place. Give wineglassful day. every The value uncooked of the and unadulterated. everybody in the Quite a lot of trouble To Plac" over it some way on to " press your in small a fact that it 'is is,therefore,a concentrated minerals and It is vitamines. to spring especially " the anemic or Do not your yes ; but the kiddies worth are it. Steep Bran a own boil. the bran hands. " package of bran in a largekettle and sufficient boilingwater it. Contrive to cover of contents pour hours and individual. down run It rich in both vegetableessence fine for tonic lies in the above table vege- stove Drain through to maintain off the a the heat liquid.You for 12 will need sieve,vegetablepress or with the Preparing in Keep (Do The cool imagine not dry value bran for and place must an that be the used acidosis l use or 2 is above for Food that.) patient. 115 glasses a per laxative. The above day. It has is not. eral min- What 116 Eat to SWEETS they marmalades How to FOR THE KIDDIES Prepare It jams and jellies quick low) followingare some stock of homemade Besides your (or when and run which be made can in winter and which spreadsand sandwich fillers. In addition to the regularthree meals it is a good plan to give the children a systematiclunch after school. Not much. Perhaps justan apple or two sandwich cookies or a sweet a or glass of milk or And and raisins, etc. just the amount nuts given Not a continuous them. "piecing." If there are excellent for bread are two children, let more or that his share is justthat and will you coaxing and once know and 2 cups your rests weaken succumb begin. with to dren Chil- you. Cranberry Marmalade'1 and togetherfor 1 pound of of brown but " troubles will It understand Don't more. trouble no their power. Date Simmer have no " child each 40 minutes stoned dates in l 30 to quart of 1 pint of water berries cran- with sugar. Dried ApricotConserve in 2 cups of water. overnighty2 pound of apricots In the morning add 1 cup of raisins,the juiceof 1 lemon; sliced thin and cut into small piecesand 1 1 whole orange When almost 1 to 1^2 hours. cup of honey. Let simmer Soak done add ^2 cup cut If nuts. too tart add brown taste. Use these marmalades *Tech. Educational as bread Bulletin No. 30. spreads. sugar to Preparing SWEET 117 FILLERS SANDWICH Sandwiches Date Put the Food chopper. pound of stoned dates through a meat Add the juiceof l orange and rub to a paste. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread. l Date Put half a y pound add " Dip the box in hot the mixture mixture figsand dates,y, pound of washed of (or other nuts) through a meat chopper juiceof an orange (or a little warm water) mixture into a half pound bakingpowder box. the pack the are pound of almonds and out Fig Sandwiches and and between for Let stand water. 10 minutes. into thin slices. Put cut thin slices of buttered two a Turn slice of the bread. These better than cookies. Walnut Mix l chopped cup thinned with between two Sandwiches Place cream. (For Make a pound chopped orange juice. 2nd. pecans Tarts1 Children's paste with or or Rorer. Parties.) y pound chopped dates almonds moistened wheat with bread and of these pieceswith above and a cut stars. 3rd. Spread y 'Mrs. thin thin slices of whole Cut into circles a y2 cup boiled dressing layeron a lettuce leaf slices of buttered bread. Date 1st. with nuts paste. y little same What 118 Take 4th. holes center (not more Eat to the other with than and a half the bread biscuit slices and cutter \l/2inches across.) Butter fill holes It Prepare to of small very top of first slices and on How with or these home cut wine glass rings,place made jellyor jam. Plain ]/2cup Whole cup 1 cgg 2 tablespoonfulswater sugar level 2 teaspoonfulbicarbonate tablespoonfulsmilk. 3 cups whole Beat the well. in wheat butter to add cream, a in the tablespoonfulsof 2 of soda flour. beat Gradually the add the then the milk water, slowly. The quantityof flour be quite stiff. Knead dough must together. Roll bake and Like difficult and board with pin all whole is well dusted the hands with roll. to flour after mixtures When with well as about oven wheat as each Make knead. dough Add same y2 cup chopped raisins and (about three spoon bake same as milk inches 7 to this to 10 the trifle. The will greased pan minutes. brittle is very that roll, see your flour, pat the dough down every dust the rolling sweep. Hermits up or last mixture the dough possiblefirst,and above nuts cookies. white Wheat as a again dissolved and vary until ready and Whole may beat soda thin, places in well very in moderate and egg sugar, flour hold Cookies butter 1 y2 Wheat to water kneading point. and 1 cup Don't each (spicesif desired.) Drop apart) on well greased pan of from and the Preparing Yz of cup l cup l cup Yi brown of molasses (optional) raisins and nuts of each teaspoonful and 2 sugar chopped level 1 Wheeler) butter of cup 119 (Mrs. Cookies" Wheat Whole Food salt, cloves, allspice nutmeg, ginger level of teaspoonfuls soda, in dissolved % cup hot of water 5 Mix 1st. 2nd. the 3rd. Add the 4th. Add the 5th. Roll Sometimes milk if this molasses. soda. flour. mixture bake it and sugar salt. and dissolved the and cutter brown butter, spices Add flour. wheat whole of cups is mixture to in a moderate to necessary is J/2 inch too dry thickness ; cut with a cuit bis- oven. add to 1 or roll. 2 tablespoonfuls of What 120 to Eat and How to It Prepare CANDIES Peanut Spread the 1st. peanuts buttered pan, dust with 2nd. Put a Brittle singlyover the bottom of granulated(cane)sugar into a hot fryingpan (itmust be smoking hot),with no stir very rapidlyuntil all melted. and Pour this over the peanuts well little salt. very cup of l a and let stand ing smokwater until cool and crisp. DivinityFudge 2 granulated sugar cups x/2 cup water Yz honey 1 cup nuts cup Whites l of 2 eggs teaspoonfulvanilla. Put the sugar, fire until the "hairs" " or whites beaten from is sugar forms a stiffand the and water honey into melted, then hard the fire and ball in saucepan. boil water. the sugar moment Stir over slowly until Have mixture the it egg "hairs" slowly into the egg whites while some else beats latter constantly.When one all mixed continue to beat rapidly. The mixture will become white froth. It is sufficiently beaten when a you can feel the grain in your fingers The taste or same. success of the candy lies in the beating. It may take ten, fifteen or remove twenty even toward Add when minutes. pour very It is very stiff and hard to beat the end. the vanilla at any it beginsto stiffen. time while beatingand the nuts PART COMBINING III THE FOOD: MENUS XI AND VALUES MINERAL FOR FOODS VITAMINES First, milk. Second, whole the vegetables, edible fresh the Third, grains. leaves and the way fruits. pick we health. to and C" all and organic ble solu- "water vitamines. the " On and lime, iron, phosphorus up salts; also "fat soluble A" mineral B lead roads three These MENUS The in following bridge the and "Meat the on dinner bread, which chief aim bases (white) shall as and right. After you judgment will be is change dinner to "Whole start a wheat salad." with judicious a in food balance a about the of balance values. Their is health. sufficient number start chiefly of a left butter" consist planned well and are last step have and vegetables and as You bread the as you bridge the were menus and It fresh two of to routine. new and potatoes plan handed are your side acids to to other These A menus will add to, variety of a and combinations while your vary them own are given ingenuity so that to make and monotony impossible. a most in his wise diet thing once in for a everyone while. 125 Almost a everyone radical eats What 126 much too Meat of is some not There How thing. This one all at and Eat to a is food. necessary Prepare to It of meat. true especially Its only value is protein. is plenty of proteinfor your needs in your other foods. Most peopleeat meat because they like it or because the habit is formed. Let us modify the habit and, for the children anyhow, let us have meat only about twice An overload of protein is the cause of much illness. a week. At a meat than one-fourth meal not more the quantityof " food be meat and " not that much if eaten day. every of the One food of should eaten is because food why reasons it is so the table. on often If generallyfavorite only reallytasty article is such meat the much as care a were exercised to substitutes taste good there would meat or vegetables be less danger of cravingor eatingtoo much meat. should both be lightmeals. Breakfast and luncheon of suggestions For these,therefore,a lesser number are given. The followingwill suffice: make Breakfast Menus (For the Anemic or Convalescent 1. fruit Fresh Milk Bran 2 " 4 " l " kinds (y2 pint) glasses tablespoonful. 2. fruit Fresh Milk Whole Bran " 2 or 3 glasses (l) (ifconstipated). wheat muffin or Undernourished) Combining Prunes with 1 coddled 2 or 2 the Food: Menus 127 cream egg 3 whole wheat muffins glassesmilk. Good Breakfastsfor All I. Stewed Cereal figs cream (whole grain), Whole wheat Milk l " or toast and butter glasses. 2 2. Fresh fruit Baked banana Milk " 1 or 2 (2) glasses. 3- Fresh fruit Whole wheat Maple syrup Prunes with griddlecakes or genuine cane syrup cream. 4fruit Fresh (whole grain),cream Coddled eggs (1) Whole wheat (or corn) muffins. Apples may be eaten every morning with just as good Baked best bananas results as though the fruit varied. are instead of a muffin and in the body of the meal eaten as addition to other fruit. When eaten raw they should be so ripethat the skin is discolored. ing Change the cereal from morning to morning, rememberonly that it must be prepared from the whole grain Cereal " thus : What 128 and Eat to How to It Prepare 1. Orange juice Brown Corn meal Prunes l raisins rice with gems with cream glassmilk. 2. Canteloupe(or fruit in season) wheat Whole grain with cream 5 or 6 figs l glassmilk. 3- Grapefruit (without sugar) with Oatmeal Whole l wheat cream toast glassmilk. 4- apple with Baked meal Corn or 1 egg l slice whole cream rice with brown wheat cream toast. 5- figsor Stewed Whole l or wheat 2 stewed and glassesof In cold weather no menus your own either. mention corn raisins cakes, butter and meal maple syrup milk. the milk is made discretion. be lukewarm. should of tea or coffee. That Children, however, should In these is left never to have What 130 and Eat to How to Prepare It 2. Whole wheat Fresh Milk bread and butter spinachor asparagus l or 2 glasses " Dates and nuts. 3Corn Buttermilk Any l or " cream Whole soup wheat Water cress Nuts glasses 2 raisins. and Cheese muffin, butter or pone muffins or and or cake Johnny lettuce raisins. 5Corn on Milk or Baked cob (l ) , buttermilk bananas Nuts butter " l or 2 glasses (l ) raisins. and 6. Poached egg Toasted whole Milk buttermilk or wheat bread Fruit. For with the younger children honey,a glassof milk whole and an wheat bread applemakes and an butter excellent luncheon. Also an bowl a of soup, whole wheat bread and butter and apple. Dinner Proving how of a Menus unnecessary delicious meal, is meat in the preparation followingare fourteen full four dinners which course springand available those who there include seven without will start you "nothingto will grow it prove eat to eat" far meal your it. Try " again and again even had always thought meat essential. " The meals contain every If after follow menus : Fourteen Meatless Spring and Menus Summer l. of asparagus soup crackers Radishes Oatmeal " potatoes turned Asparagus. Whole The over feeling;more- I have in the was case New wheat Combination Charlotte over in brown beets in butter bread salad russe. " Cheese butter seen of the great element eatingone you crave meat it is a sign that the "appetite"has possessionof This cravingwill disappear. New as plentifully more like these meals. out who Cream those for the menus the stuffed,uncomfortable you The in salads than you have hitherto will rise from the table satisfied, but You need. The meat. vegetablesand done. men 131 vegetablesavailable when result will be that you of the include these meatless seem were Menus in the winter. eat first time, it will though not the second summer; are To do include the fresh first seven which Food: the Combining you sure you. What 132 Eat to and How to Prepare 2. Cream of Whole wheat Young onions New corn soup oatmeal or potatoes in Green peas Whole wheat Crisp head lettuce cheese and Cream of New carrots bread Cream fruit with crackers. crushed spinachsoup wafers Oatmeal cream Young " wafers " potatoes turned Spinach Young " Whole wheat Carrot and onions Green radishes or in brown over butter carrots bread cottage cheese salad Raspberry ice,made of Nuts " fruit. fresh 4Cream of Whole wheat New celerysoup potatoes Stringbeans Whole " wheat Crisp head crackers " Celery baked " Young, very tinybeets,leaves bread lettuce or water High grade gelatinedessert cress " Nuts. 5- Any of the Oatmeal "VegetableStock" wafers " Radishes or soups celery and all It Butter beans Whole Very tinybeets,tops " bread wheat salad Combination Peach ice Menus and all Nuts " fresh fruit,or strawberryshortcake. 6. Any cream Oatmeal soup whole or rice Brown Green peas wafers wheat " Young bread Whole wheat Mixed vegetable(or combination)salad Figs and onions (Served as a vegetablewith butter) Young carrots " cheese cream Fruit. 7- Any cream Whole soup crackers wheat Sliced " Young turnips(steamed and Corn cob on Young carrots wheat Crisphead Charlotte bread lettuce russe or or tomatoes mashed) or " Whole young mixed Whole noodle custard. and Winter Hubbard soup wheat crackers " Celery squash (steamedand mashed) Baked onions Whole wheat bread beets vegetablesalad 1. bean , Milk " Fall Thick 133 Milk " from Made " Food: the Combining 134 What Combination and Eat to How to Prepare salad Figs with cheese. cream 2. Vegetablecream Whole soup wheat crackers Scallopedpotatoes Johnny cake Endive head or Prune Celery " Brussels " lettuce sprouts Nuts " whip. 3- Thick soup pea wheat Whole crackers Scallopedrice Celery " Creamed " parsnips bread Whole wheat Mixed vegetablesalad Nuts, raisins and figs. of cauliflower Cream Oatmeal whole or Stuffed potatoes Whole wheat Waldorf wheat wafers Cauliflower " " Spanish onions " Lima beans bread salad of Queen peach shortcake. puddings or 5Mock oyster soup Whole Stuffed Johnny crackers wheat potato cake " " Creamed Celery carrots " Stewed celery It Food: the Combining Menus 135 Fruit salad Nuts raisins. and 6. (see"Vegetablestock") wheat crackers Celery Vegetableconsomme Oatmeal Corn whole or " roast mashed Scallopedpotatoes " Whole bread wheat Head lettuce Noodle custard. Cream of Whole wheat celerysoup oatmeal or Creamed Savoy " Home baked Whole wheat Fruit turnips salad Charlotte You plan one parsnipsor " Celery carrots beans bread Nuts " russe or two whip. prune will find several or crackers meals Seven a without menus week Menus without potatoes. Learn them. IncludingMeat dinner course Following are seven with a judiciousbalancingof meat menus which include off-setting (alkaline) foods. 1. Chicken Whole soup wheat crackers " Celery Fricassee of chicken Brown rice Parsnips (turnedover Whole wheat bread " to in brown butter) 136 What Eat to and How to Prepare vegetablesalad Mixed Fruit. 2. of Cream Oatmeal spinachsoup wafers Celery" Roast lamb Baked potatoes wheat Whole Spinach bread salad Combination Raisins " and figs. Cream of asparagus Whole wheat soup crackers Radishes " lamb Roast (steamed in skins,then mashed) or stringbeans asparagus Potatoes Fresh Fruit salad Huckleberrypudding Thick Oatmeal bean or soup crackers " Celery- Crisp broiled bacon Oysterplant Brussels " Whole wheat Combination Noodle sprouts bread salad custard. (See "VegetableStock") crackers Ripe olives Vegetableconsomme Whole shortcake. wheat " It 138 What Head lettuce How and Eat to raisins. Nuts, figsand 2. of asparagus Cream wheat Whole crackers Radishes " fish Tuna New soup potatoes in Fresh Whole asparagus bread wheat salad Combination Prune cream whip. 3- Plain vegetablesoup wafers Oatmeal Celery " Corn Sweet roast " Spinach potatoes salad Endive Figs and cheese. cream Vegetable cream Whole wheat soup crackers oysters Scallops, Baked squash Whole wheat Fruit Stewed bread wheat Whole " or fish Stewed " celery bread salad figs. 5- Cream of onion Whole wheat soup crackers " Radishes to Prepare It Broiled Baked white Food: the Combining Menus 139 fish potatoes onions Baked " bread Whole wheat Head lettuce Prune whip. 6. Pea soup Whole with Rice crackers wheat Ripe " or carrots young bread Whole wheat Mixed vegetablesalad Fruit ice gelatinedessert. or of Cream celerysoup wafers Oatmeal (See recipe) poached eggs Stringbeans olives " Radishes Scallopedsalmon Stuffed potatoes Young beets in butter Whole wheat Apple and Charlotte Any sauce bread carrot salad russe. of the foregoingmenus can be used without the soup if desired. It will served be the remainder of the dinner is If, for example, you of plentifully and so on. thick soups noted, however, that where it you do are not fond are lighter. of bean need potatoes at soup the same and eat meal, What 140 .Eat to and How If the entire to these serve dinner family are home completesoups at without to for luncheon that time and et the voice of comes she hasn't time says al.,and who She omit to fresh take may for the wants bread, two wheat good then is way plan the Menus Consisting of Fresh Bread, Two Vegetablesand Wheat There a It them. Simple Dinner Whole Prepare any a Salad busy mother who making of soups, salads, some hear about the "Whole more and a salad" plan. vegetables of the foregoingmenus and for the pose unless the soup is made purof using the juiceof the vegetablecooked in the soup " " that case she must either make the soup or cook the vegetablein a casserole or steamer, or in its own juice. For the simplermenus the above plan there is on always your whole wheat bread or muffins, varied by corn muffins or johnny cake and in the spring such combinations as potatoes, young new carrots . and (always with a little chopped spinach and nuts or perhaps some ground raw carrots).And again Asparagusand beets and combination salad,etc., down through the list. And after all it doesn't take long to make or asparagus spinachsoup; and on a hot day a fruit cocktail is these things cost less refreshing.Moreover very peas, and head lettuce " than of meat. In the winter parsnips and brussels there is the combination sprouts, or carrots and the Combining cauliflower with vegetableor plus a bit of and like " thus in or good as is and Carrots make of which mixed tire, never we combination some or which you forgetthe nuts and raisins. planningyour "two fresh vegetables" which one : in 141 combination, same fruit salads cheese Menus don't Always have the Food: a and root a one which parsnipsbeing both combination as carrots roots is not do " not and asparagus parsnipsand cauliflower. Following are one dozen of these simple menus the reach of all. within Spring and Summer l. Scallopedpotatoes Baked Beet onions tops Sliced Corn (or any greens) tomatoes muffins Prune " Milk whip. 2. New potatoes Asparagus (withbutter sauce) Young (casserole) carrots Head lettuce Whole wheat Cream cheese Nuts and " Young onions bread raisins. 3- Young carrots Spinach (creamed or Celery in a casserole) What 142 Whole wheat bread Combination Custard Lima How and Eat to salad figsand or cream cheese. beans Young Greens carrots Whole kind any " bread wheat Fruit salad Nuts raisins. and Scallopedrice beet tops Young Young Any carrots green Whole salad bread wheat custard. Noodle 6. Young New Corn carrots turnips or peas cob on Whole wheat Carrot and bread cottage cheese salad Shortcake. Fall and 1. Corn Sweet roast potatoes in Cauliflower Whole wheat Head lettuce Figs and cream cream bread " Celery cheese. Winter to Prepare It Combining the Food: 2. Baked potatoes Baked onions codfish Creamed Whole bread wheat Lettuce and Stewed salad tomato figsor any fruit sauce. 6' Potatoes au Brussels sprouts Creamed parsnips Whole gratin muffins wheat salad Any green Cup custard. 4Sweet potatoes (with butter) Corn (in a casserole) Ripe olives Celery Johnny cake Carrot and Queen of cottage cheese salad puddings. Cauliflower gratin parsnips Creamed Whole wheat Combination au bread salad Nuts, raisins and figs. 6. Creamed Home turnips baked beans Celery Ripe olives " Corn muffins Menus 148 144 What to Fruit and salad Baked How to Prepare It apple. simplerstill: Or x nut and Eat and Carrots Whole peas bread wheat butter salad Combination Cream and cheese raisins. and Nuts Young turnipsand Whole wheat Lettuce muffins and Cream asparagus tomatoes cheese raisins. and Nuts Eat the latter combinations plenty of and it is all you need. and Now and meal potatoes have fish Ripe olives Young good a fish or chicken,etc., thus *" carrots Green Corn good thingto leave out having a starchless meal. thus " a White it is then peas cob on salad Combination Charlotte russe. Chicken Celery Parsnips Brussels sprouts Buttered beets " Head lettuce Prune whip. or savoy (mayonnaise) : " both At bread such a 146 What skimmed use skimmed Eat to milk and milk. How All to the minerals the fat is in the " Prepare It in the are cream. Begin a systematiccuttingdown of the starches and increasing of mineral laden foods in your diet. "Two fresh vegetables and a salad" makes a splendid guide,plusthe necessary protein. You will get this from your whole wheat and (skim) milk. Do not use mayonnaise nor oil on your salads. Use a boiled dressing sparingly.(You can make a boiled dressing without flour.)Never use vinegar. Lemon juiceinstead. Eat plentyof fruit. Go through the menus and select and change same for yourself this plan. on how little Gradually eat a little less no matter you think you have been eating. Remember bread your be whole must is the starches without the mineral do the bread White damage. does wheat. balance not It which nourish you but it does fatten you eliminate it entirely. Breakfasts and luncheons of skim-milk and fruit " without the best thing in the world for (To this combination add no other food.} you. You will be sufficiently nourished and from these mineral laden foods your blood will graduallyregain are sugar its alkaline element. alkaline it will sugars. Too of mineral On power fat is one much the to of the blood burn becomes the starchevidences surest starvation. the above feel better but fat. regainthe As system you will of diet you will graduallylose not the only fluous super- Combining A Hunger when WORD gnawing ABOUT is the natural the Food: the body Menus 147 APPETITES desire for food. needs When will flow into the mouth It is nourishment. in the stomach. not a hungry the saliva thought of food the at It is present " food. any The gnawing in the stomach is the result of wrong eating. The best way to cure this is to make a complete change in your diet. Appetiteis the cultivated desire for certain (soit is satisfied, the greater called)foods. The more it becomes. The more season you highly spicedcondiments, the Highly to. foods seasoned more be food artist and a When one can not get a a foods will you destroy the finer flavors and natural foods. to your "Teach slave to rich,creamy with want taste for palate salt and grease." mayonnaise why your spoilthe food value of a delicious salad with a highlyspicedmixture, with its burningcayenne and ? puckeringacid (nicknamed vinegar) The more certain any The is no The a to satisfyyour cravingfor meat (or come. food) the greater will that craving beyou with the woman different than individual who again is on habit or candy habit the drunkard. is "alwayshungry" dissatisfied feeling after eat tea " a the wrong meal who has and is alwaysready road. He should stop. What 148 Eat make radical a Cultivate often and Often foods. (injurious) Don't " disguise other Why why not eat them with the until or at do for lamb all? you Worcestershire roast lamb and strong ill*? steak1? do, sauce enjoy this sooner. are or If it the you the do condiments'? seasoned eat didn't distaste beef then and Invalids you. a and flavors delicate wait roast flavor the highly Why like you don't you acquire days three diet. they why they his It Prepare to or for good are two for wonder also in taste a How for change which things fruit but nothing and Eat to that% If why or "DON'TS" FOR Don't give children Don't give them (Teach beets them Don't to fried beets. more flavor delicate of sauce.) vinegar them give 149 potatoes. the enjoy Menus CHILDREN THE pickled butter with Food: the Combining on salads nor on any vegetable. Don't give Don't put sugar give them pie Don't give them milk Don't force his a child taste grapefruit their on Don't cultivate " condiments. them or " fruit. any crust. and to along meat what eat sane the at he lines same meal. really dislikes You " can. PART OBSTACLES IV AND SUCCESSES What 154 Mothers voice doesn't know call out Prepare in the loudest other mother every who children can contains the be made sturdy if blood-building MENTS." ele- these elements found blood-building are in the fancy,highlyadvertised package but of foods in their natural state. plainest not " the Give these delicate children (about a quart milk six months you It " food And to : to : "Delicate their How know command can you who you " and Eat to wish and watch whole some a whole day) and them thrive. grainsin the Add in bread, wheat plentyof " fruit for to this if morning and one vegetablesat dinner and the children need in the form of sweets nothing else unless some honey, raisins and dates. (See page 104.) There comes the voice of some indulgentmother or two " who asserts foods that Jane is "very fond" of certain (possiblythe injuriousones) or that she "won't eat" something else. Perhaps you haven't thought of the fact that formed children's appetitesare by what they are fed (though they will naturallylike some things better than others). The baby who is gradually weaning will eat her prunes, her sifted carrots, her sifted spinach,her (ground) breakfast wheat and if she does show extra gleewhen will love them, even given a little honey. Take that same baby and give her a mixture of flavors humor her by givingher her dessert or some " Underfed jellybefore her meal and raise away this stage at foods. a to Children and she will It rests like what she 155 push her wheat with you. Begin cultivate the child's taste for right rumpus. She learns to eats. Repetitionis habit. All habits, good and bad, formed are by repetition.Abnormal appetitesare formed in the same (The candy fiend is an way. example.) If a child has an abnormal appetitefor meat or chili-sauce, pickles, strong food it is because she has already had too much of these foods. Her for fine flavors has been perverted. taste To scold which to eat try to If she any coax nor form this and correct nor bribe. is good for her it let the matter on (Itis far her do not Don't comment. give her the other food. see that an her reach if she should better for her " Simply put the food plate. If she refuses little at that meal fruit is within habit new pass without force her but don't eats the apple or want it. nothing at all than to the rightfood will eat wrongly.) Keep this up taste good when she is hungry. Disguiseit if you wish. A date muffin may The start the good work. She wheat bread. one eat is whole thing she must choose her vegetables and fruits and if she is may fond of meat she may have a small piecetwice a week. see (For sweets page 116.) If she is pretty badly spoiledas to her diet it*may be necessary for of the simple menus the entire family to try some the precedingpages. It will pay. on to eat " " Don't force a child to eat what he reallydis- What 156 but likes " You Eat to cultivate Prepare It and How to his taste along lines. sane can. foods Keep a listof 100 per cent kindly. Let them appear on do tire of the not which to he takes the table often. foods same dren Chil- the nor same stories. Apropos of what children,let me M. Mrs. giveyou Boston the value of whole his to sister children Those few a brother is Her path osteo- an hobby is diet. He grainsand milk and gave whose " known never Result: rules peremptory have for do of three children,the eldest is ten, the youngest three. knows will illustration. one is the mother in practicing diet correct a a single day's illness. Asked seen never a bread and milk soup with pieceof a or " more and or has to for breakfast. fruit. For dinner, week. granulatedhoney One statement " of the children a and have in the house." For milk be curbed. they fruit,cereal (whole grain), and three times which bread bread One and they want white have children The did, she replied:"Nothing much all the milk they have " she what The There or a lunch bread and mixture is overfond family have is always the home-made usually " of vegetables. of meat a honey meat two supply of cookies,etc., children love. day her littlegirlcame I know "Mamma, : !" pickles in with a the horrified littlegirlwho eats Children Underfed That With the could once Both Mr. she ever you same not the to and they dates musicians they a She with who a In spite tapering own bread wheat no hatred. deadly her have keeps didn't"?) week whole hence " wealth. forget that germs and the these epidemics but succumb, the through children on which eldest the first mixed diet worth thinking was which to their quite her resistance child year exposed are of her possible about. to bors' neighis fect. per- handicapped was thrive. It is provided thrive. and until artist twice Moreover, birth of an make children are housework see ing (includ- school. M. ladder this, however, hands after " hates children at the troubles. they candy raisins nuts, Mrs. the and Don't the and climbed white her the day a buy her that promise not had she store the would all have wanted of elicited father) the (Did candy corner she Finally maid perfectly how works. system not of idea some conveys 157 life. that she It was began XIII THE Are rooms GIRL girl who you a and eats The is Let us and For be to if see lunch is the best will can't be say talk salts and vita- food your it Milk " To you. in the fast break- Your out. enough. easy fruit. and to and will of the average the then do not because chapter it the on breakfast some cooking of the whole the manage I but manage, (Read you. this you that order work Now can you With who " joke. it is easy Diet.) grains, if for one to a can't we thing for Semi-milk grain. is breakfast your still worse " values, mineral obliged this because say harder a eating house average and works, grains, food and mines WORKS in restaurants? problem of whole WHO be well nourished. of breakfast You and toast coffee. For or of whole the The light lunches buy an b? get electric at to access a that two same time. 158 made or They just fruit or green Menu ; or or a with three cost any Section. dinners. your kitchenette are the in the managing grill. They so fruit something suggested compartments cooked and with lies in problem cannot Milk " bread wheat you three lunches your gas If plate, two things twelve anc? can to The fifteen dollars. the save in the share the Who of cost Works 159 is a lot of money, but you can in a short time by the difference meals, besides having what Perhaps eat. to one of your cost want That of cost Girl two and one three of you central some or eat at you could point. ment (That'sfine.) If not, then buy one on the installplan and pay for it with the money you don't give the restaurant. Imagine going to the market and having for your dinner tonightfresh asparagus (or green peas) and head lettuce with and butter. food will how potatoes. mean a The as possible " don't a Don't Now will you drain let the " little milk then you on and boil in or a greasy fried it will cook can is a grill your as little water boil into water when the ter pieceof butflavored. deliciously a real lamb chop scrupulouslyneat met you for the sake sometimes. can almost of your But bling stum- if you always get health. I or meals a block will be has water then your spring chicken and even won't cost you what they do at the restaurant. Perhaps your landlady will object. This even der won- generous keep turningthem until fry. and of this kind firelesscooker manage quitewell down, add and a bread to you. Slice them them, then add boiled also get thing you can't potato. soon crisp wheat alongon chops and can great deal whole how and carrots idea what no and you got If you one baked have to ever you olive oil and You mean tender young am are sideration con- not What 160 and Eat to How These talking impossibilities. tical. out and money bread. Culture her list of a bread is the At there as and work Five of started bread, plan taking They eat never bugbear. a have dinners it there value find or Promise The word. in at dishes 5:45, at plan similar both and doesn't in the plan for and noon. have now "Whole a salad" meal. the early That part very human, object to he is at the on He their yourself. and is the proves ap- taking believes right. and cost lunches get through morning. I think the They twice agreeable an preparing superintendent is part made there night. in Detroit girlsand ten vegetables turns better, and they work wheat McFadden's your rooming. green their The of that Start two the of the keep they share their promptly wash a buy eight or girls are getting wheat if you light nutritious have those But it for you. bake They whereby arrangement the about men. young many whole leading battery depots employed are with important of all. most of the one and and customers been your Find get it. will who be 47.) Restaurant housewife eome will p. to sure prao home. a "Bread" be health Physical care without (See suggestions are experience,having the biggest problem Your your had I have It Prepare to that What 162 "Oh, Of and Three laughed her all that day. was days later she came food your littlebubble merry " with accord and It Prepare to food." your she course that How dear," I pleaded. "Iodine in my iodine,iodine in " and Eat to to of her me serious for her eyes very "Say, Lady dear," she said,"where " own : once " I get the can iodine?' "Chieflyin grainsand whole I don't like that whole "But of habit. matter You'll stuff." wheat "Margaret, dear, you'llgrow a things." green to like it. It's just dislike white to grow bread." She looked dubious. "Anyhow," I pressed. "Couldn't spoonfulof whole wheat or brown for the sake of your throat?" "Ye-es, I suppose I could. What "Do She you reallywant to eat a rice every tableing morn- else1?" try*?" nodded. "Well then," I said, "the been starvingfor iodine for the firstthing you the iodine a you must poor tonic which you long time. a do is bearingplantsyou littlethyroidhas to can will take every Therefore gathertogetherall think of and make day for months." "How?' "Well, springis justhere get the green " go to the market leaves of all the rhubarb. Never poison.) Get use rhubarb and vegetables(except leaves. They are beets, turnips,carrots, young cab- Margaret's Thyroid 163 onions bage leaves,spinach,lettuce,celery, of the carrots too.) Cut (Use some thing. every- " less (theyoccupy up of them. Pour of the leaves. the rest the liquor " and once evening. Get should you let simmer three all in. them have at least a Drain quart off sibly pos- " small cup of this every morning bran and take that Also steep some Take more. and water kettle full a As the heat shrinks the mixture, add four hours. or hot on stuff space)and them a day." a "Is that all?" "No tonic that's your " make to up for starving thyroid. For your breakfasts eat the whole wheat can as grains as much you the " " and bread fruit. "For and whole your get radishes green or " Or corn. whole wheat bread bringsome things watercress, celery,lettuce, lunches " fresh peas fruit and nuts and if you are just eat home or an ear of raisins for lunch. "For wheat salad the folks and a "And, oh in She "You bread, two dinners whole as yes, try to work are in fresh vegetables doingnow. ley some unpearledbar- soups." made a grimace. see, dear," I added, "none of the minerals singly. They come togetherin vegetables, in the fruits and grains. But the most iodine comes things and the whole grains carry a full green supply." come What 164 Ten have whole at she she all times to But one and They they time at twice Yes, house a whole it is hard but " fried exist on nibble, I be might worked out. can't grow work I in dear work little flat. between for of any restaurant while bread or and and them of most they get always the bitious am- once biscuits. harder and a little home. bread a want sisters who a in their potatoes, a package being housekeeper wheat not that girlswho of muffins pan a must goitre of three at batch desk diet. pleasure a for " her or diet Her Once make to and together in McFadden's. trying the raisins. so perfect harmony their week and later one turns lot of and fruit of you is then on If she way. tonic that on is buy pork-chops as her and now of cherries box a is certain: their a a like to Somewhere on how keep and or It saying: me beginning little a interest There They I'm other Margaret have at six months Not take week. the were for the who up " wrong thing that say twinkled nibbler. a tell you Just to it bigger. any is far go I wish Prepare cheats I look can't able she you'll find of raisins. she to bread." course thing How and 'fess up to wheat Of one later days "I'll Eat to not diet* than half cooking so hard XV GENUINE THE To and taken will requires courage, of value The Diet" persistin it through to weeks ten genuine "Milk the take the to CURE" "MILK such a period a be cannot course It will diseases stomach, appetites anemia, misery There the where The six writer afterwards chronic right at home with It is useless obey you those go of who as a have it. tariums sani- various occasion one how) for results; and beneficial the are heroic suffered with their a of case any took the results and course without physician. attempt It is through health to on equally good rule and every discomfort. of these learned the given scientifically. is cure wonderfully the attendance even Almost of abnormal tract, the country over one (having nervous permanently helped by milk attended with weeks be can scattered are intestinal the alcoholism. even " chronic of verance. perse- ulceration positively cure to mated overesti- exhaustion, emaciation, general breakdown, ills,etc. be of six and power sufferingfrom person it should as willing to goal. 165 the who all unless tolerate and measure much it, with at course are it is some only willing promise of to restored What 166 and Eat to How Prepare to It The generalrule is six quarts of milk a day (with In extreme other food) for six weeks. the no cases lengthof time is extended to eight,ten and twelve If six quarts weeks. the quantityis reduced and age, average The assumed wish six is the aver* stick to stay that you looser the bowels. the six quarts. to " right at home and sick do that. are enough to It is rest. If you gain in weight,stay rightin bed. Nature is busy taking care of six quarts of milk per day. to very There is no 1st. any 3rd. to energy waste. Twenty-four take 2nd. and milk more 4 and It is best five. But to directions follow: The looseness of the bowels changed by caprice. The is severelyconstipated by less than person Rule Obey a be not must six quarts. milk causes a dose of For kind On one castor day except hours eat startingon the oil. fruit only bananas. the second before " No all you want, other food. day start at once on the six quarts a day. (Don't begin on a less quantityand work up.) A one-half pint glassof milk every half in the morning tillseven hour from seven at night. (about two quarts of water) 4th. An enema night. every 5th. A quick hot bath every night. It is.a process of elimination as well as rebuilding. After ten days or two weeks you will beginto sweat. Possiblythree or four spellsevery night. Then the real benefit begins. Genuine The After "Milk Cure" 167 glassof milk take a few drops of juiceor a littlegrapefruit.Milk must curdle sists digestiontakes place. The lemon juiceas- lemon before every this. Drink it the milk through a Here's few Some people take straw. where your milk days the littlelime slowly,sipit. courage is needed. nauseate may The If you. first take so a increase the quan(preferably) tity of lemon juice. This will pass away when your system gets clear of its poisons. Stick to your six water or quarts. Most peopleget along all rightfor the firsttwo weeks. You will not feel hungry you are three or " well nourished. begin to feel bloated have even about the fourth week But Don't the heart. and uncomfortable. smothered a worry. there will be ultimate and stick Just much the milk diet mixed diet only and day take two a a benefit. care Use whole want, in You goingon. immediately. The as or cannot and fruit of food. whole bread wheat No middle mixtures. coming off go back first day three quarts of milk. in (preferably wheat or will power your be exercised in must quart of milk For dinner kind may of feelingand palpitation In spiteof the discomfort eat The on fruit second (withoutsugar) for breakfast and another quart and one You will the six quarts. to as you of fruit for lunch. day),eat only You may have fricasseed chicken, all you bread and spinach, or a baked and What 168 How and Eat to potato with add the celery,etc. The article (a parsnipor one chicken),etc. It is best for the for You add may a breakfast wish but under or crackers The week a or whole second day you may carrot or celerywith to keep up the milk two and muffin or or wheat the milk and circumstances eat grain to no any fast for break- trouble which supposed. whole some fruit if you bread white patented"cereal." from ensues the fault of the fruit not It time. some wheat " for meals two Prepare to this combination (withoutsugar)as It is the starch which is is generally the causes trouble. Immediately after coming off the milk diet not feel begin especially strong. to feel like a from about person. All a week the do you poisons body. The milk blood which has been busy every minute has made new rebuildingyour tissues,and carrying off dead tissues thus fortifying body againstdisease. your Don't go back on your old mistaken diet. Study the Science of Eating and live accordingly.Plenty will want of green things and raisins. You iron. I The benefits of the milk cure are far-reaching. of neuralgiaof the optic nerve which knew a case have been eliminated new After you your " had cured resisted all medical in ten treatment for three weeks, the emaciated thirty-five pounds. An osteopathic treatment once or while taking the milk is beneficial. years, patientgaining twice a week What 170 For 4th. Eat to and dinner: How Any mixture. sane It Prepare to (Consult precedingpages.) The combination which wheat bread give excellent results is: Whole plenty of butter,two fresh vegetablesand a the The whole which body needs. your mixture mineral There balance a contains of all the also,in is with salad. protein this simple fats,carbohydratesand salts. of Most have us "Food eaten Values" this semi-milk On bread wheat will was and much too too lessly. care- unknown an quantity. complexionwill diet your eyes and clear,your step will quickenand there will be gain in weight after the second firstfew days you in less than away pass One meal thing: The sounds Less than like feel not may that will do. and your at it if necessary once then dress for the day pint with your bran. bran The to prevent constipation. (Also,we or two are laxative.) Under are An nights,and enema an no in and take the is necessary might add, one three or four constipating; circumstances if necessary enema one pint of milk a fruit glassesof milk at uninitiated. the to Take take Upon rising sittings. other " quart of milk a two " The week. but this will right deal great not ceptible per- week. a takingof a a once a the week take a thartic. ca- first couple of all through the course. When sanely. you have It would finished the semi-milk be well to continue diet the " eat milk Semi-Milk (three for four or meal one The a the knew from straight milk he at drank He food. other mixed on a on the ate He diet milk. He and weight did too felt of the and and it was up the milk put about At and for thoroughly was very two restaurant a lost of a " all desire back going to year, cured. a did every obliged over on neither he mistake was stomach was quantities, else nothing made He need. the soon of salesman auto glass kept pep in not an a he anywhere. go back gained sistence Per- it. Haphazard, never As whenever hours, in but home. sugar) discharged was ulceration smoke). inhaling He active. for of " stay who man young a diet (without indefinitely. because army (caused day 171 fruits and glasses) writer from Diet accomplish intermittent, anything. slipshod methods will XVII PERSONAL THE One thing which is how become the get the of case is and " fail absolutely yet that had he spending him sent back a and health. the of copy success his time to ill and was about man achieved has find the road trying to his illness and of others like many learned book any " relative, a a and I had stand under- to personal application. He his money book a contents fifty,corpulent, overfed. now hard seems read its over in mind I have always people some enthused to APPLICATION of nature "The Science Eating." Two later I weeks There sat, his he joints swollen pathetic in Almost book foot immediately sent to propped he's he began talking convincing book "Oh, he's got After for a his pasty, eyes to enthuse about the "That fellow knows about." most he chair, his a him. "The proofs," on up misery. great stuff !" he said. "That's him. see aching, his face and their dull I had what went the I dope right " I read," ever and he's replied. got the answered. while I said to him yourself,John?" 172 : "What are you doing "Doing?" I've been for now the on but I can't dope " "It looks job a says " He are to the you She doctor "The acid in much too " of the acid?" cause eating?" By this time his wife had come smugly confident, unassailable methods. bit better." his head. shook "What gallonof a d a do? I said. result of acidosis," Doc that's what "Yep system." "Did he say anythingas my I've taken that I'm see like to me and to I've had months. two over 173 is there "What he answered. here three doctors Application Personal The givehim plentyof to in prim,precise, " household her for him. answered says in red eliminate fresh and meats to vegetables." did you "Well, for instance,"I said, "what eat for dinner?" "Let's eater, you see," he answered. know. I had my mashed some and a potato, some pieceof celery." own a pretty share of roast good lamb, cauliflower, a dab of jelly "Any bread?" "Yep, a coupleof piecesof Annie's "I'm bread and a pieceof cake." "John," I said. "Have you any brains?" grinned. "Why?" the use of readinga lot of facts and rec"What's ognizing them as facts if you don't apply them?" doctor if he of having a "What's the use "Some," don't " he What 174 "Yes, John, but brains for a and Eat to he minute How to hasn't. Now listen and to It Prepare use own your You me. have just finished reading'The Science of Eating,'then the know you sick sailors story of the board on the hundred one and ten steamshipKronprinz Wilhelm." He nodded. made "What beyond cause. those sailors sick1? It was proven questionof doubt that their food was the And what had they eaten ? Meat, potatoes a and white over and bread; meat, for nine over and potatoes months with bread white canned some in for thrown vegetables good measure. "All that stuff is acid- forming and when their bodies were saturated with acid they collapsed. sufficiently Now, John, what the sickness of these Perhaps but the there is is the difference between and men your trouble? own difference in the symptoms, some isn't it*?'* is acidosis, cause He agreed. the only "And and Call theirs is that yours it rheumatism you by your " acid That or foods, " You gave celeryand fruit and gave you slower in was nervous it is acidosis like white bread. and difference between some meat, breakdown just the boiled a yourself so on mineral collapse coming about. your same or " thing any- caused potatoes and dab of cauliflower all through the years. salts but not enough. always predominated and so the acids graduallypiledup in your body until the small Your acid foods Personal The Application foods of off-setting amount nothing compared "I don't think I which be there must The sailors as " John, and others form was quite'getyou.' repeatedthe illustration of of Tartar explainingthat one other an acid (seep. 18) and see, ate you it." to the Soda I "You 175 some alkalis an then went enough bases to on: foods (orbases)in Cream alkali,the was of your and form acids body, and your neutralize the acids. didn't get Kronprinz Wilhelm bases and they collapsedin nine months. any You've setting always been pretty lucky in gettingthe offfoods so it took you forty years to go to But, John, smash. or a the sore every time you throat,or the grippe,or cause down the on the was tissue,no same. Too had any much a cold, severe of those things acid, broken resistance." his wife Here to say: interrupted everybody has always eaten "But and "No (Those bread and have and tatoes po- butter." they haven't, Annie, who meat not white bread. showing the results.)Forty in not years ago the present millingprocesses were existence. It is the present generationwhich is suffering the consequences of white flour. Why, Annie, if the people knew and would white flour cut out productsalone and go back to whole wheat it would be comparatively easy to get a balanced diet without thinkingmuch about it." While are his wife and I discussed the value of whole What 176 grainsand and Eat to How Prepare to It steamed vegetablesand the "why" all,John had picked up "The Science of Eating" and was glancingthrough it. "Well," he broke in. "You evidentlyhave been thinkingabout this stuff some. Suppose you had a dose like mine, what "Do?" I said. "I'd and you'relookingat which board on He the you page I would 206 of that book exactly the take McCann scription pre- the sick sailors gave Wilhelm." John'?" see, neutralize McCann I overloaded were saturated body Mr. to to blank. sailors'bodies In order Mr. do1?" you turn Kronprinz looked "Can't would with wanted proceeded. "Those with acid,so is yours. that acid you must get your alkalies,as found in nature. those sailors to lies get these alka- faster than they could eat them, so he gave them in solution. Why shouldn't you do the same thing"? Forty-sevenof those days ! men were on their feet in ten respondso quickly. Your trouble But it is the came more on slowlyand insidiously. logicalanswer justthe same." cision "I believe you're right," he said in a tone of deafter a few minutes of pondering. !" I said. "It's logical.And I'd say "Of course the same thing to anyone who had a heavy cold, or any You other mineral taken won't of the salts lesser effects of as (oralkalies) in solution will There ensued a cure found acidosis. in natural The foods acidosis." discussion between his wife and XVIII THE STORY KRONPRINZ Previous a the to WILHELM the war palatial transatlantic converted high North the to into sink to seas the Allies. to its officers and could not again They were out their the each coffee, and with refined of the vessels Two whole the (Some meat, into the occurred to of vessels these supply before Germans took being tically prac- flour, white (or oleo), potatoes, condensed milk, tea sugar. sunk were of fresh cargoes crammed system. Each crackers, butter vegetables, fresh canned over. before record fuel them they they captured, bombed vessels. and 3, 1914, was months to plies sup- that war was the on with Aug. the nine this time of bound things. Plenty of white same biscuits,sweet and about of its food From sunk. are fourteen sunk robbed was we for out understood until port it 1914 sent Hoboken sea During men. and touch and vessels thoroughly at which tragedy raider Leaving crew In Lloyd. merchant was ing steamship belong- passenger German Wilhelm Kronprinz German a THE OF their own for These meats. they salted 178 bound Liverpool the mans Ger- perfect refrigerator and corned.) They had The Story of the Kronprinz Wilhelm meat enough to feast Two other whole the vessels From wheat. available upon and laden were 179 last them to with definit in- of cargoes these the Germans took only flour, butter, potatoes, and white ham, bacon, etc. They sent the vegetables, had If the Germans preciouswheat to the bottom. known what was bodies, if going on in their own value to themselves of they had known the priceless the phosphorous,potassium and calcium salts contained have gathin that whole wheat, they would ered and stored and guarded it as so much unalloyed canned gold. But They did the Germans did not know not know they sick. were of these minerals that the absence slowly robbing their tissues of life and bringingabout a condition of acidosis,which would was of them to drop without warn100 ing, eventuallycause paralyzed,to the deck. meals American plenty eatingtypical They were " of fresh meat, boiled bread white vegetables, and coffee with sugar mashed or and potatoes, canned condensed and in various appetizingforms day plusa substantial mid-afternoon the fresh air of the open typicalAmerican very meals (or oleo),tea butter seas milk. three they ate "fed These times a Out in lunch. up" with these ing they should have been feel- fitindeed. They paid little or no attention and of lowering vitality symptoms to it lesser ills or was not until What 180 Eat to the conditions How and became extreme Prepare to and the men It pletely com- that the ship'ssurgeon incapacitated (Dr. Some of the Perrenon) became seriouslyalarmed. men collapsedafter they had been out six to eight but in April,the ninth month, they began months going down like tenpinsat the rate of two to five a of them keeping up until the last minute day; some and then droppinghelpless to the deck; 1 10 of them down. Dr. Perrenon found himself totally were unable One to relieve the sufferingof the men. thinghe knew : That he must make a dash for some neutral port at once or they would be out on the with 500 dead bodies. ingly Accordhigh seas manned and on they headed for America April 11, in the James River 1915, arrived at Newport News after having been out on the high seas just eight and eightdays. months Immediately on their arrival the best medical aid of New York City was called to their relief. Every else was barred from the ship. one Mr. Alfred W. McCann at that time working was the New York Globe on conductinga campaign to educate the people in food values and food science. Mr. McCann had devoted a lifetime to the studyof " malnutrition and anxious intensely He he was close to and its causes to get several on board therefore was the stricken most ship. high officials but although " pulledevery wire he knew of both in New and Washington he could not break the ban. barred. men were especially York paper News- The Story brooded. He of the Kronprinz Rumor said there Wilhelm beri-beri was something very closelyresemblingit on ship. What had doing his utmost America. needed eaten? men fightthe this perhaps his point*? to Was to His the prove Mr. board or that McCann was flour evil of white the 181 lesson very he in the interest of humanity. He resorted to stratagem. He had a card printedwith of an eminent hired a launch the name physician, and climbed on board the ship presenting his card. work was " He ushered was medical twelve almost But by a New " courtesies said: and the he was a when secrecy McCann student on a is man York not a moment and were to York City " for lose. He to there was of due a Globe." And all the hundreds to not moment that he shipwhy nized recog- sprang of malnutrition. that there in New nature same there was was beri-beri was of the New that it was knew was officer who "Gentlemen, this neither " because he health this is McCann repliedthat there York McCann Mr. the sat in consultation. men he immediately on entering his feet and physician into the salon where at once if hysteria of cases the same cause. He said justenough to interest the ship's surgeon, Dr. Perrenon, who stepped forward and extended his hand have to say When and saying: when "Mr. I will hear all you these gentlemen have finished." McCann, the doctors had returned to the finished their consultation cityDr. Perrenon and Mr. Mc- 182 What Cann discussed the situation in detail. called Dr. H. by it of men degerminatedfoods would of malnutrition the upon It was then of food which forming of the shown the bread men and McCann certain to findings of Columbia sity Univer- and repute in diet of demineralized, a bring about a condition less gravity, or depending cause. in discussion that every had eaten had been boiled potatoes, canned meat, " white of greater extent Mr. equalcourage that It Prepare to attention proven was How C. Sherman and of other which and former's the made Eat to item acid- vegetables, butter (or oleo),cheese and sweet biscuit. There had been absolutely alkaline element. no The alkaline necessary for the body to function had and therefore been taken blood of their of the become the The bones tissues, blood and sues tis- thoroughlysaturated acid. with What then Dr. Perrenon repliedthat with them bodies. own had men from the was asked remedy? the question. Mr. since the bodies of the acid the logicalremedy vegetablealkaline He solution. as fast and therefore suggestedthat The would men be able men McCann were would be ated saturto give freelyas possible. they be given in as to get the alka- in this way than by eating. quantities his suggestions : were Definitely hundred pounds of bran be steeped 1st. That one in 200 and a largeglassof the pounds of water liquidfed to the men each morning. lines in greater " Story of the Kronprinz Wilhelm The 2nd. That 183 all kinds of available leaves and tables vege- (notpeeled),boiled,the liquid fed to the men as (vegetables soup in generous quantities thrown away). 3rd. That potatoes be scrubbed and peeled;the the peelingsboiled and the potatoes thrown away, a small glassonce a day. liquidgiven to the men should have milk, egg-yolk, 4th. That the men also a small and fruit in prescribedquantities; be scrubbed " of whole amount above the treatment, Under no bread wheat and after week a of of vegetables circumstances the soup. should they have any food. acid-forming After due deliberation Dr. Perrenon since the men alkaline the 2 be wrong to On the 5 men to This treatment. were withhold decision from day. April 17th there ment treat- them made was April 16th. Up still going down at the started treatment time thus far resisted all medical had it would decided that on to rate the and that of a were no new cases. Neither In four days day on. a marked improvement and in ten dismissed from the ship's days 47 of them were tims hospitaland one of the completelyparalyzedvicable to stand on his feet without help. was Dr. Perrenon faction expressedastonishment and satisand said the completenessof the cure at there any showed the men were that to from that the lesson in food Germany. values would not be lost What 184 Mr. and Eat to How It Prepare to McCann reportedthe facts in detail to the that here Surgeon-Generalat Washington believing last was the proof which, if spread broadcast at would the eyes of the public. We not were open with Germany and Bernstorf suppressed then at war Thus the publichas not yet learned the incident. the danger to their bodily resistance of livingon denatured diet. a demineralized,degerminated, "But" disastrous effect occasional give to bodies our breakdown. who them'?" the eat by the Germans acid-formingmeals (meat, boiled potatoes, ate bread and rob the tissues of resistance. of alkaline (mineral)element collapse " but thus the tissues, The white vegetables, canned eat ment (mineral)ele- alkaline some is greedilytaken up postponinga as home at equally an or lettuce,etc., apple,or pieceof celery, which such We who "Why " have the Americans on is this: answer someone meals typicalAmerican don't these The questionfrom the comes " leaves us butter),gradually small The taken amount prevents to susceptible plete com- every ill that blows. There process to the The is was no such thing as slowlygoingon "Sudden for a death." The long time previous collapse. Germans took just nine know they were had months no to foods "offsetting" break them. They sick until the break Beri-beri is the extreme end and didn't came. of mineral it starva-
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