Our Lady of Perpetual Help 4588 Roblin Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3R 0G4 Phone: Office (204) 832-1993; (204) 832-2649 Rectory (204) 632-5848 Pastor’s cell phone (204) 781-0720 Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. PASTORAL TEAM Msgr. Maurice Comeault Maureen Fernandes Heather Ryczak Cristy Calma Pastor Religious Education Music Coordinator Office Staff HOW TO CONTACT US: Office Phone: (204) 832-1993; (204) 832-2649 Fax: (204) 888-4295 Parish Hall/Kitchen: (204) 896-0030 Religious Education: (204) 832-4336 [email protected] Music Coordinator: (204) 832-1993 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: Msgr. Comeault: [email protected] SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Sacrament of the Eucharist SATURDAY (anticipated) 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Before all Masses...let Msgr. know if he happens to be in the gathering space Sacrament of Baptism Please call for available dates, times and options. Sacrament of Marriage Call the office for available dates and contact Msgr. at your earliest convenience. The earlier the better. Communion Calls Please call the parish office. Sacrament of the Sick Please call Msgr. Comeault PARISH WEBSITE www.olphwinnipeg.ca PARISH SCHOOL: – K to Grade 8—St. Charles Catholic School—331 St. Charles Street Phone: (204) 837-1520 November 23, 2014 Christ The King Christ The King bg Saturday November 22 7:30 AM Mass at Sisters of Charity 5:00 PM † Frank & Jean Liebzeit—Carol Huminicki & family Sunday November 23 9:00 AM † Delfin Gillo—Judy Kaczmarz 11:00 AM For Parishioners 2:00 PM Memorial Service for André Comte Monday November 24 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF November 23, 2014 Sunday 9:00 AM For the Intentions of the Celebrant Monday 9:00 AM 7:00 PM † Joseph Peakin—Jo-Anne Eilers For the living and deceased family members and friends of Ann Patterson Tuesday Tuesday November 25 Wednesday November 26 9:00 AM † Herbert & Marie Spraggon—Marion DeWiele 9:00 AM † Karen Lyn Kirkpatrick—Mary Harness 9:00 AM For the Intentions of Deacon Peter Nemcek —Florence Marcino Thursday November 27 Friday November 28 First Sunday of Advent Saturday November 29 7:30 AM Mass at Sisters of Charity 5:00 PM † Deceased members of the Hoff family —Joe & Margaret Lafreniere Sunday November 30 9:00 AM For Jessie & Jacob Braun—The Braun family 11:00 AM For Parishioners Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 1Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Matthew 25:31-46 St. Andrew Dúng-Lac & Companions Revelation 14:1-3, 4b-5 Luke 21:1-4 Revelation 14:14-19 Luke 21:5-11 Revelation 15:1-4 Luke 21:12-19 Revelation 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9a Luke 21:20-28 Revelation 20:1-4, 11-15; 21:1-2 Luke 21:29-33 Revelation 22:1-7 Luke 21:34-36 Isaiah 63:16b-17; 64:1, 3-8 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 WELCOME to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish PASTOR’S VIEWPOINT The Lord has patiently been trying to teach me how to act out of love. It has been years of patience by Our Lord, and I have to confess I am a slow learner. It is so easy to act out of self-preservation or for reward. To act out of love, I would have to have a sincere concern for the needs of others, and here comes my problem. Am I allowed to question the needs of others? Joe Blow walks in and wants some money, or maybe food, or a pair of boots. So here is some money, and food and boots, go on your way, Joe! But Joe returns and has been coming back at the most inappropriate time, it seems. What really is his need? Is it really a good response to his ‘needs’ for me to give Joe what he wants? Seems to me, when I pray, the Lord always listens, but my perceived need is not what the Lord sees as my true need…which is so good, because the world would quickly become a chaos. I am not allowed to play God…and so I have been duped in a trust worthy naivety. The Lord did say beware of the wolf dressed like a lamb. I quickly forgive myself with a prayer to myself, better be punished for being too merciful… and even such a prayer does not seem like the right conclusion after a good night’s sleep. Lord teach me, again and again, how to act with love, especially toward those most in need. And, Lord, am I falling off the rails when deep down where I like to think, I discover floating thoughts that in your love and justice and mercy, you could even find a way to confront evil and find a way to push it gently towards a transformation and find some good reason to forgive, or just ‘re-create’? Paul reminds his readers that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. St. Francis speaks about ‘sister death’. After this week’s funerals, just where does my experience has taken me so far? I must admit, some days I seem to be surrounded by the memory, or is it a presence, of many I have been with before they rushed through death. My belief in life after death, in the resurrection of Christ and the Communion of Saints, is so present to my life that I catch myself speaking to my friends and saints I have read about...I suspect these lines will seem weird to some of you readers. Yet, in my heart, I am so grateful for the experience, and yes, I consider it a response by the Lord of life and love, to one of my real needs. ~ Msgr. Maurice Comeault ~ THE WEEK AHEAD…Meetings/Events (See front of bulletin for Mass schedule) Monday November 24 9:30 am Coffee and Scripture 5:30 pm Children’s Choir Practice 6:00 pm Catechism 7:15 pm Adult Choir Practice Tuesday November 25 1:00 pm Good Shepherd 7:30 pm Pastoral Council Meeting 7:45 pm 4th Degree Knights General Meeting Wednesday November 26 9:30am—6:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (With Evening Prayers & Solemn Benediction) 7:00 pm Practice 5PM Music Group 7:30 pm Prayer Group Thursday November 27 9:30 am Knitting Group 7:00 pm Catechists Meeting Friday November 28 Saturday November 29 9:30am—12:00pm First Reconciliation Retreat Sunday November 30 9:00 am Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) —Breaking and Open the Word in the Library 11:00 am Installation of the Altar Servers “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?.” ——-Matthew 25:44 YOUR GIFTS TO GOD November 15/16, 2014 (Includes donations from pre-authorized contributions) Regular Offertory $5,496.95 Other Church Funds 123.00 Sharing God’s Gifts 606.25 Chalice 38.40 School 52.00 World Mission 30.00 Donations that children bring up to the “pot of gold” during the offertory are used for children’s charities. Are You Coming To The PARISH MISSION? You are cordially invited to attend the OLPH Parish Mission with Fr. Larre from December 6th to 11th, 2014. If you need a r ide call the par ish office at 204 832 1993 and we’ll arrange it for you. Don’t Miss this ver y r ar e oppor tunity. Thank you. Reminder That After All Masses On Sunday There is the Craft & Bake Sale ongoing downstairs. The Knights of Columbus are serving up a delicious breakfast as well. There will be Bake Table, 2nd Time around Table, Personalized Ornaments and some Crafter’s Tables available. Raffle tickets for the Rainbow Auction are selling 3 for $1 and the Auction draw will be 1:00 pm. Please pick up your prize if you are in attendance or we will call you and you may come down to pick up your prize. The doors will be open until approximately 2:15pm Don’t forget to stop by the member ship table to renew your membership ($30) to Catholic Women’s League of Canada/or to just ask questions about becoming a member. There will also be religious Christmas Cards and Christmas Fruit Cakes for sale, as well as lovely Alpha House pins to help support this home where mothers and children go to seek refuge from an abusive relationship. Hope to see you there! May Our Lady of Good Counsel bless us all! Open Invitation To All Altar Servers What: Installation/Investiture When: Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 11:00am Mass OLPH Please Come at least 15minutes before the 11am Mass. Thanks & God bless. ~ V ic The Family of Tom Antonick A heart-warming thanks to all who attended the funeral service with your presence, prayers, Mass Offerings & cards and to everyone involved in our tribute to Tom. ~Sincere thanks from Ann & family Sponsored By The Couples For Christ Living Rosary at 9:00am and the Holy Mass at 10:00am on Saturday, December 6, 2014. For more information please call Vic at 204-416-4994. Important Catechism News Grade2/First Reconciliation Retreat Saturday November 29th 9:30-12:00pm This retreat is for the child and parent/ guardian. It is on Saturday November 29th 9:3012:00pm. Please RSVP to Maur een and let her know if one adult/guardian, or both parents will attend. Both are welcome but only one needs to attend with your child. This will aid in the planning for this retreat. [email protected] or call 204 832 4336. On Monday December 8th we will celebrate Mass with Father Larre at 6:30pm. Parents please attend with your child for this Special Mass. There will be No Class or children’s choir practice this night so that families and catechists may attend the first night of this Mission. Children’s choir members, please join Heather in the Choir area so that you can sing during this Mass. Solemn Vespers For Opening Of Centennial Year The Centennial Year will open on Thursday, December 4, 2014 with Solemn Vespers at St. Mary’s Cathedral beginning at 7:30pm. His Grace, Archbishop Richard Gagnon will preside. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”——-Psalm 23 Knights of Columbus This Sunday November 23rd after both Masses we invite you to our Big Breakfast. Net proceeds in support of Villa Rosa. Your generous donation will be gratefully accepted at the door. Once again the Parishioners of OLPH with the assistance of the Knights of Columbus have been called to feed the hungry. The hamper program will do just that. You will find collection boxes in the gather space for non-perishable food items, toiletries and limited gifts. Items most needed are: canned soups, vegetables, fruit, salmon and tuna, pork and beans. As well dry cereals, oatmeal and pasta. Pasta sauces, tea, coffee, jams, hot chocolate, sugar, peanut butter, cookies, crackers, biscuits, pancake mix and syrup, pudding and jellies. A container is provided for your convenience to accept cash donations. Harry Laarveld, Grand Knight All Are Welcome The parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish are very pleased to have Father Larre preaching their 2014 Parish Mission. Father will speak at all Satur day & Sunday Masses on the weekend of Dec. 6th & 7th, to introduce the Mission. Then on Sunday afternoon he will give a special workshop, on helping children with their problems, from 3:00 to 5:00pm, in the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free. Each day, from Monday, Dec. 8th to Thursday, Dec. 11th, there will be Confessions from 12 to 1 pm and 4 to 6:25 pm. Rosary will be at 6:00 pm with Mass at 6:30 pm. The Mission Talk will be at 7 pm each evening followed by Confessions. Wednesday. Dec. 10th, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be from 9:30 am to 6 pm, Rosary at 6pm, Mass at 6:30pm & Evening Talk at 7pm. Make ever y effor t to attend the Parish Mission. A Note From Music Ministry As we begin the new Liturgical year the weekend of November 29th/30th, we will start singing new Mass parts found in your new blue missals on pages 639-641. The St. James Knights of Columbus Invites you to our Keep Christ in Christmas Concert to be held at St. John XXIII Church at 3390 Portage Ave, on December 15th from 7-9pm. We have an all new program this year featuring the: Violin Ambassadors composed of students from St. Charles Catholic School & St. John XXIII Choir under the direction of Danielle Defries. Wrapping up the evening will be the popular Murray Riddle Big Band with a wide range of classic swing numbers which never grow old. There will be coffee and light snack available & Admission is by donation. Everyone is welcome for this wonderful evening of music and song St.Benedict’s Is Offering The Following Opportunities In December * Dec.6, 10-4 The thir d and last of the Art & Soul series: Dreams and Drawing…come with a dream and enjoy experiencing it through drawing. $60 for the day, includes lunch * Winter Stillness, a differ ent kind of preparation for Christmas; Dec.19, 7pm -21,1pm This is the perfect time to slow down, come back to yourself and prepare your heart for the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Christ. A silent retreat with spiritual direction. Year-End Retreat- A Day Dedicated to Prayer for Peace, Dec. 31, 10-4; J oin Sr . Mary Coswin in a day of storytelling, quiet reflection, sharing from your own experience and shared meals and ritual. $60 lunch included. For details call 204-338-4601 or visit www.stbens.ca St. Charles Catholic School 331 St. Charles Street Wednesday, November 26th Kindergarten Fair & Open House 6:30 p.m. Pre- register today and reserve your spot! Please call Norm at 204-837-1520. Our Open House presentation “A Day in the Life of a Kindergarten Student” begins at 7:00 p.m. St. Charles is a K-9 school, offering full day, every day kindergarten, Before and After School Care, a Violin Enrichment Program, K-9 French, Arts Program, as well as a Hockey Skills Development Program. Academy Kids Daycare is also located on the premises. For more information, please visit our website at www.stccs.ca or call 204-837-1520. Irreplaceable The feature-length movie/documentary that was seen by 16,000 Canadians during the 2-night theatre showing in May, is coming to national television on Sunday, November 23rd at 6pm CST on Vision TV (Shaw Channel 119) or at 8pm on Hope TV (Shaw Channel 11). The movie asks, "Why does family matter"? Follow host Tim Sisarich as he seeks to uncover whether or not family still matters in today's society. Sisarich travels to many countries. Along the way he meets with experts who explore what family means, why family is necessary for a healthy society and factors contributing to the breakdown of modern families. Though there are a number of hard issues to grapple with out of these expert interviews, what he ultimately found was hope! Hope, that no matter where we are on our journey, it's never too late to become a better father, mother, husband, wife, son or daughter. Irreplaceable is a powerful film that will help you understand the need for Christ's redeeming power in today’s family and the importance of family in society – now more than ever. If you missed Irreplaceable in theatres, be sure to watch and/or record it. Check it out ahead of time by going to www.thefamilyproject.ca/irreplaceable
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