Saint Ann’s Catholic Church 1906 West Texas Avenue, Midland, Texas 79701 Sunday, March 22 – Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:30 a.m. "Victoria & Nijib Jabagi by Marlene Blumentritt (Msgr. Droll) 10:45 a.m. For All the People of the Parish (Msgr. Droll) 1:00 p.m. Stephanie Navarro by Silvia Cevallos (Msgr. Droll) (Spanish) 5:00 p.m. "Nina Hernandez by Isabel Reyes (Msgr. Droll) Monday, March 23 – St. Turibius 8:00 a.m. Sanctity of Life by the Altar Society (Msgr. Droll) Tuesday, March 24 8:00 a.m. Holy Souls in Purgatory7 by Diann Dow (Fr. Francis) 6:00 p.m. Confesiones en la Capilla 6:30 p.m. Acción de Gracias Eloisa Armendarez by Ana B. Martinez (Msgr. Droll) (Spanish) Wednesday, March 25 – The Annunciation of the Lord 8:00 a.m. "Encarnación Duran by Torivio & Norma Duran (Fr. Francis) 5:00 p.m. Confessions in the Church 5:45 p.m. "Caleb Frerich by KOC #3071 (Msgr. Droll) March 22, 2015 432-682-6303 ! health resources in the community and other types of family assistance in the parish. Journey through Lent with the “Little Black Book” and “The Word Among Us.” Available in the Commons. Dear Parishioners, Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. I urge you to bring your families to the very special liturgies of Holy Week. Let us also support our catechumens and candidates with our prayers. Msgr. Larry Droll Thursday, March 26 8:00 a.m. "Bob Pope by Alison Pope (Msgr. Droll) 7:00 p.m. Adoration Friday, March 27 8:30 a.m. Special Intentions by the Garcia Family (Fr. Francis) 10:30 a.m. Kirk Cevallos by Silvia Cevallos (Msgr. Droll) Manor Park 5:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 28 8:00 a.m. Darlean Holeva by Cheryl Jones (Msgr. Droll) 4:00 p.m. Sacrament of Penance in Church 5:00 p.m. Christians in the Middle East (Msgr. Droll) Sunday, March 29 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 8:30 a.m. "Paul Hernandez by Isabel Reyes (Fr. Francis) 10:45 a.m. For All the People of the Parish (Msgr. Droll) 1:00 p.m. "Gonzalo Cano by Wife (Fr. Francis) (Spanish) 5:00 p.m. "Caleb Frerich by Eric & Rita Michaelson (Msgr. Droll) Everyone is invited. Coffee and Donuts are being served in the Commons today after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. R!O!S!A!R!Y Remember the rosaries at Noon, every Friday at Choose Life Midland – 2500 W. Ohio Come join us for 20 minutes! Women seeking assistance with health needs, especially related to pregnancy, can contact Sr. Elsa Garcia, CDP, at St. Ann's Parish Office. She will have information on Freddy Medina, Director of Deacons in the Diocese of San Angelo, will lead a group of West Texas Catholics to Austin on March 24, 2015, for Advocacy Day 2015. Catholics from across the Lone Star State will unite that day for the Texas Catholic Conference's 2015 Texas Catholic Faith In Action Advocacy Day. The biaannual rally is hosted by the Texas Bishops to promote the Church's values of Life, Justice, Charity, and Religious Freedom to members of the 84th Texas Legislature. The Bishops and event participants will address a broad range of diverse issues including advance directives reform, school choice tax credit scholarships, payday lending, Medicaid expansion, and abortion facilities regulation. aa ADVOCATE by traveling to Austin. Email Deacon Freddy for info: [email protected]. aa LEARN more about Advocacy Day and JOIN the Texas Catholic Conference : YOUTH NEWS Life Teenaa Life Teen will meet this week, March 22nd.. Pizza Lunch—All High School students are invited to join us in the Commons on Tuesdays during MISD’s lunch breaks for pizza lunch. Cost is $4 per person and includes pizza, drinks, chips, and dessert. Peer Ministry—Peer Ministry is open to all High School students who have celebrated Confirmation. Join us in the FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT A Big Thank You to Jeff and Jodi Lander for feeding the Edge students and Core this week!!! Thank You for your support!! Attention EDGE Parents!!! We still need help with 4 Edge meals, please consider helping us out!! Call 682.6304 ext. 314 for information. Thanks! ATTENTION!! 8TH Grade EDGE studentsZ Steubenville West Youth Conference – available for you to attend. Travel to Tucson AZ for three days of music, speakers, and fun! The event is July 9a13 and is open to all those currently in grades 8Z12. Cost is $300. Registration forms are available at EDGE or in the Church Office. Space is limited and the deadline to register is March 29th. Adults if you are interested in chaperoning, contact Alison in the Youth Office 682.6304 ext. 313. St. Ann’s School FUN RUN PSR NEWS Elementary Sunday PSR a Sunday Classes promptly RESUME today Sunday March 22nd @9:30am. See you at Mass, and see you on Friday @5:30pm.for Stations of the Cross. Come join us on Wednesday, March 25th and Thursday, March 26th for the 6th Annual Fun Run. This is a PTO’s most profitable fundraisers. Please join us to cheer on the students while running to raise money for the school and help count laps. Look in the Tuesday Folder or call the school office for information. PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) NEEDS YOU Elementary Monday PSR a Monday Classes meet this week Monday March 23rd @6:30pm. See you at Mass, and see you on Friday @5:30pm.for Stations of the Cross. Parents, we need you! PTO is a great way to be involved with your child’s teachers and other school families. We are seeking individuals who would like serve on the PTO board. If you are interested or know of someone who would like to help, please call Martha Ramos or school office. First Communion Retreats TODAYZ Sunday March 22nd 2:00pmZ4:30pm OR Saturday March 28th 9:00am.Z 11:30pm. Both meet in the school cafeteria. Parents must attend with their student(s). Parents and students need only attend One of the Two offered. These retreats are for students in 2nd grade, or Saturday Sacrament Preparation classes, or Saturday RCIA for children classes. Questions??? Still wondering if these retreats pertain to you, please call 682.6304 ext. 314. Saturday, March 28th will be the last chance to attend a Communion Retreat. This is a time for families to explore the Sacrament of Communion as well as a time for Mass practice with the children for their special day. The retreat will begin at 9:00 AM in the cafeteria. Nursery is available for siblings, ages five and under. EDGE a promptly RESUMES today Sunday March 22nd after the Life Teen Mass – “Conversation with Christ – What Do I Pray About?” FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT Why the name change? Because everything you'll find at Glory Be! Gifts gives glory to God! So when you are looking for a little inspiration for yourself or someone else, stop by and spend a little time browsing our uplifting selection of gifts, books, sacramentals, and devotional items. Saint Ann’s Catholic Church 1906 West Texas Avenue, Midland, Texas 79701 Shop Monday thru Thursday from noon until 3:30 or Sundays following the 8:30 am Mass. The Sunday Morning Catechism Class will be watching DVD’s and listening to CD’s for Lent on March 22nd and 29th. Please join us. We meet in the Parlor from 9:40 – 10:40. Refreshments are served. St. Ann's Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes & More July 21 Z 30, 2015 A pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, Burgos, and more will take place this summer. The pilgrimage will be led by Steve and Janet Ray with Msgr. Larry Droll as the spiritual director. Brochures are available in the parish office and at the information desk in the Commons. If you have general questions about the pilgrimage please contact Pat Collier at 432a230a5499. To register for the pilgrimage please call Suzanne at Corporate Travel Service at 1a800a727a1999x121. During the Lenten Season The Glory Be Gifts Book Gathering Group is reading The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen. Join us Tuesday mornings 9:15a10:15a in the Commons. Come early for coffee, visiting, and a light breakfast item. Amy Kerr [email protected] 325a227a3364ac March 22, 2015 432-682-6303 ! Time to clean out the attic, house or garage? Want to make some cash on those items? Want to donate those items instead? The St. Ann’s Moms Club is organizing a parishawide yard sale! Donated items to Moms Club drop off is in the school gymnasium, Friday April 10th 5pma8apm. Where: St. Ann’s Gymnasium and adjoining parking lot When: Saturday, April 11th 7 am to 12 pm Cost: $20.00 for a spot to sell your goods A yard sale spot will include a single table and designated 12’ x 12’ (approx.) space. Sellers are responsible for item setup, sales, and cleanaup. Space is on a “first come, first served” basis. To reserve your space, pick up a Moms Club Yard Sale reservation form in the parish office. You can also contact Amy Hernandez (432a210a6181) or Jessica Stoltz (817a988a 0820). You do not have to be a St. Ann’s Parishioner to participate. All profits from yard sale reservation fees will be used by the St. Ann’s Moms Club for activities and ministries. That Man Is You is a program of spirituality for men, especially for husbands and fathers! We start at 6:15 a.m. with breakfast and end the program by 7:45 a.m. Every Tuesday until April 14. New participants always welcome. Just show up! Call the pastor for more information. CHRISTMAS IN ACTION 2015 This year the Knights of Columbus and St. Ann’s Parishioners will be repairing and painting the home of Bill & Verna Johnson of Midland. He is disabled and both are in their 70’s. Work will consist of replacing windows and siding, then painting. Work will continue on Saturdays until painting day scheduled for March 28th. No skills or experience necessary. Any amount of time will help. Contact Bill Huck at 664a9077 with any questions. PARISH Sat u r d ay, Ap r i l 11t h FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT LivingWords… !" Sister mef ort h of Life… "CoWords The St. Ann’s Mom’s Club would like to invite all mothers and mothers to be of the parish to our weekly Coffee Chat. Each week we discuss topics relating to our vocation as mothers and ways to bring our faith into our home. We meet in the Parlor on Mondays from 9:15 – 11:30 am. The nursery is available but you are welcome to bring your infants and toddlers to the chat. This month we will have the following topics: March 23: Photography basics with Molly Frieri March 30: Diane Ochs with Life Center Mark your calendar now for Eucharistic Minister training. The training will be held on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 pm in the church. The nursery is available on request. If you feel that God is calling you to the ministry—respond! If you have question about this ministry call Carol Ann at the church office. Carrie Miller, SLW will lead us in a reflection on the Scripture story of raising Lazarus. Jesus Our afternoon will include time for quiet, personal reflection, opportunities for small-group faith sharing, and prayer together. The words of Scripture will be our focus, as we are called to deeper faith and sent forth to serve. Pleasejoin us on Sunday, March 22, 2:00- 4:00pm St. Stephen’s Church – Parlor (Optional free-will offering at theevent) PleaseRSVP by March 16th to Barbara Aretz – 432-689-7291 Looking for a way to serve? Your parish is in need of drivers to pick up parishioners who cannot drive themselves to weekend Mass. For more information call or email Jack Mangan 432 697a7394 or [email protected]. This is an easy way to serve and has great benefits for all those involved. What if life changes in the blink of an eye, and you find yourself widowed, separated, or divorced? It’s not easy, and it hurts…..but you don’t have to hurt alone. Beginning Experience is a retreat for those suffering from the loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death. You’ll meet people who have gone through the same things you are going through. 4th Degree Members of the K OF C please consider joining or updating your information for Midland Assembly #2229. Call Faithful Comptroller Joe Reed at (432) 528a3056. Next meeting in on Thursday, April 9th at Choose Life Midland located at 2500 W. Ohio at 7:00 p.m. Reflections on the Year of Consecrated Life On April 10 – 12, 2015, Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo will be hosting a Beginning Experience Retreat. The cost for the entire weekend includes room and meals. For additional information, please contact Brenda Collier at 432a 288a2712 or Margie Schillo at 325a651a5352 or via email at [email protected]. “CELEBRATE HOLY WEEK AND EASTER WITH EWTN: As we approach the end of Lent, continue to learn about your precious Catholic Faith to experience a renewed sense of joy and peace. Tune in to EWTN's live coverage of Holy Masses, events, and the finest Easter programming available! Get program details at and learn how to access our channel at We wish you and your family a blessed and joyous Easter. St. Ann’s Boy Scout Troop 84 is asking any former boy scouts if they have any merit badge books they would consider donating. Please drop them off in the Church Office or call Jeff Lander at (432) 889a1602. Cultivate spiritual friendships in your own life. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux lived in a Carmelite convent with her older sister Pauline. Pauline was with Thérèse throughout her brief life, illness, and death at the tender age of 24. It is no accident that Jesus sent out his disciples in pairs. Having a spiritual companion, as Thérèse did, can be of great help and comfort on the sometimes difficult spiritual journey. Cultivate spiritual friendships in your own life.—Take Five for Faith BUILDING THE DOMESTIC CHURCH Saint Ann’s Catholic Church 1906 West Texas Avenue, Midland, Texas 79701 Knights of Columbus encourage attention to Family Life. Check out pages 20a21 of Columbia magazine, or visit Church. The March focus is on education, as provided by mom and dad. Psalm of the Month is Psalm 78.1a7. A family activity suggested would be a pilgrimage to a religious site, with friends. An activity could be volunteering for Special Olympics or a similar event. There are good “Questions for Reflection” too. Greetings Everyone….. Hope your Lenten time is going according to plan Choose Life Midland will be showing the Passion of Christ Friday, March 27th 7:00 PM. Refreshments will be provided. March 22, 2015 432-682-6303 ! Frank Qualia, Maria De Lourdes Duran Whatley, Joe Luis Duran, Robert Gomez, Virginia Glenn, Linda Dusek, Fernando Serrano, Rudy Sanchez, Joe Angel Barron, Lorenzo Sanchez, Jose Luis Pando, Barney Hernandez, Diann Ervin, Carol Piantes, Maria Gonzales, Betty Munsell, Aimee Sanchez, Luis Zamora, Debbie Menchaca, Kirk Cevallos, Juanita Galindo, Lilly Zaragoza, Michael Gonzales, Stephen Marroquin, Xavion Bautista, Dcn. Jesse Guajardo, Fr. David Herrera, Fr. Terry Brennon, Bobby Mills, Stephanie Navarro, Amaya Garcia, Rosa Rodriguez, Tiara Doucet, Iris Palmer, Brittney Tarin, Darlean Holeva, Ouida Glenn and Rosa Vargas. Intercessory Prayer Line: If you are in need of personal prayer, please call: 694a0701, (call or text 528a1873) or 570a 4103. We start praying as soon as we receive your requests. All are invited! Gina Aaron CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services' Lenten faith formation program for use in parishes, schools, religious education programs and by families and individuals in the home. It is a program that connects our Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving with the Church's mission to serve those in need. Rice bowls are available in the Commons. Pick up one for your family and teach your children that little sacrifices are for the common good. Help feed the hungry. Full rice bowls can be dropped off at the parish office and after Mass in the Commons during the last week of Lent. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Cada año, los católicos en los Estados Unidos ayudan a casi 100 millones de las personas más pobres del mundo a través de CRS. CRS es miembro de Caritas Internationalis, una red global de más de 160 agencias católicas que trabajan para erradicar el hambre y la pobreza. All day c Sun ch Age hildre Easter r M a th 5th s 3 thr n EGG 9 2 Are grade u 5 1 SCRAMBLE : 2 1 We . lco p.m me! d l e Fi to t nex ym Bring your own (In case of inclement weather, we will move to the Gym) basket! “If anyone would serve me,” says Jesus in today’s Gospel, “let him follow me; where I am, there will my servant be.” In what ways is Jesus inviting me to follow Him? What service is He asking of me? Collection from the Week of 03/15/15 Envelopes Loose Plate ADA Envelopes Catholic Relief Services $28,202.40 $1,478.28 $685.00 $3,146.00
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