Good News! The January 11, 2015 James Catholic Church St. 9025 Larimore Avenue, Omaha, NE 68134 402-572-0499 Fr. Tom’s Thoughts . . . This Week’s Activities . . . * Sunday, January 11 * Baptism of the Lord * Baptisms, 12:30 p.m. * EMHC Workshop, 7:00 p.m. * Monday, January 12 * Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. * Celebrate Recovery, 7:00 p.m. * Tuesday, January 13 * Removal of Christmas Decorations, 7 p.m. * SVdP, 7:00 p.m. * Community Concerns Meeting, 7:00 p.m. * Olio Practice, 7:00 p.m. * Legion of Mary, 7:00 p.m. * New Parishioner Registration, 7:30 p.m. in Parish Center * GIGG Core Team Meeting, 8:00 p.m. * Wednesday, January 14 * Helping Hands Play Group, 9:00 a.m. * MS Group, 11:30 a.m. * PRE, 7:00 p.m. * James GANG, 7:00 p.m. * Thursday, January 15 * Hospital Ministers, 9:00 a.m. * RELCO Board Meeting, 11:00 a.m. * Children’s Choir Rehearsal, 4:30 p.m. * Alanon, 5:30 p.m. * Blue Army, 7:00 p.m. * Stephen Ministry, 7:00 p.m. * RCIA, 7:00 p.m. * Olio Practice, 7:00 p.m. * AA, 8:00 p.m. * Friday, January 16 * Bulletin Collators, 8:00 a.m. * Faith Sharing, 9:30 a.m. * Ablaze Worrship Night, 7:00 p.m. * Saturday, January 17 * TMIY, 6:45 a.m. * 55 & Alive, 6:30 p.m. * Olio Practice, 1:00 p.m. * Spethman Group, 5:30 p.m. Mass * Sunday, January 18 * Adult Choir, 9:30 a.m. Mass * Confirmation Student & Sponsor Retreat, Dear Parishioners, As we come to the end of the Christmas Season, my heart is filled, not only with joy, but also with a deep sense of gratitude. We all marvel at the reality of God becoming man - how could God be so incredibly generous to us? Does He really love us that much? We simply must celebrate! We struggle to respond by giving gifts, sending cards, decorating, putting up lights and trees, having parties, repenting of our sins and going to Mass. This can build new bridges and heal relationships. Our world is a better place because God has joined us as a little baby. Thank you, God!!! Thank you! I would also like to thank all who are members of our parish. Every week we gather together to celebrate our salvation and participate in Christ’s very act of redemption by coming to Holy Mass. What a privilege! I also want to thank all who contributed generously to our parish during the Christmas Season. And thank you to all who sent cards, cookies, sweets, meals and other gifts to Fr. Michael and myself. I know I really feel blessed! St. James is truly a wonderful parish! Thank you so much! Today, as we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, we come to a transition in His life and in all of our lives. His silent years are ended and He is about to enter into His public life. The time He spent as a baby, a little boy, a teenager, and a young adult have ended and He is about to begin His public ministry. Immediately, after His baptism, He goes into the desert for a retreat and is there tempted by Satan. Jesus triumphs over Satan’s temptation and then He goes to work proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God. For all of us, we now begin Ordinary Time which will continue until Ash Wednesday, February 18th. This is a time to watch the ministry of Jesus unfold and have us reflect with heart-felt amazement for all that He did for us. We can now claim for our own this salvation He won for us because of our baptism into Him. Again, gratitude comes into play. Celebrating our baptism is celebrating our past (the forgiveness of our sins, Original and personal), our present (our actual participation in the saving actions of Christ) and our future (our eternal glory in Heaven). Everything He did was for our benefit. He came to save us and show us the way to greatness in Heaven. All we have to do is accept His gift and let it grow within us. As we change our seasons, let us ask ourselves - what difference does Christ’s presence make in my life? How can I possibly say thank you well enough? Frankly, it is a lifetime project, but let’s start with the Holy Mass (Eucharist actually means thanksgiving in Greek), it is the perfect way to praise God and say thank you for all His gifts. Then let us continue with prayer, sacrifices, generous service, acts of kindness, and basically practicing our faith seriously. Everything we do for Christ and His Church is a way of saying thank you in the best possible way. Thank you all and may God bless you abundantly! Calling All EMHCs Fr. Tom will lead a workshop for all current, substitute and recently mandated EMHCs TODAY at 7 p.m. in our Church. Please plan to attend. If you’d like to get involved, catch-up on current-events, read Growing In Faith together with your children, witness the good within our 1:30 p.m. school, re-read Fr. Tom’s Thoughts on the Feast Celebrate Recovery of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph or Support Group meets every Fr. Michael’s Message on the Epiphany...visit Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish our church website! We also have beautiful Center to help adults experiencing issues, Symbolon videos available for you to watch! including, but not limited to, addiction, There is so much Good News! available to us divorce, abuse, etc. ~ Larry Davenport, and best of all its right at our fingertips...begin Jr., 402-572-8876 or [email protected] with our Church website. January 11, 2015 2 Special Collection for Seminarians—The Seminary Collection will be held THIS WEEKEND. The Archdiocese of Omaha is currently blessed with 29 men studying for the Priesthood. We humbly ask for your continued prayers, sacrifices and generous financial support. A Message to Adorers Thank you for signing up for adoration. If you signed up or would like a holy hour, and have not been contacted, please call the parish office and leave your contact information. ~Thank you, Fr. Michael Good The News! - - Life Lines - - Pray To End Abortion Regretfully, abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood, 3105 N. 93rd St. every Thursday approximately between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Prayer Warriors are urgently needed at the site during these hours! There is a special Priest led hour from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Also, every Saturday there is a structured hour of prayer from10:0011:00 a.m. Please continue to pray and fast to end abortion and sustain human life. Thank you. ~ Caroline Parys, 402572-1923 - - Annual Celebration for Life Dinner The Annual Celebration for Life Dinner and Auction sponsored by Nebraskans United for Life is Friday, January 16th, at the Il Palazzo (American Italian Hall), 132nd & Fort Street (South West Corner). The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a Silent Auction and a social hour, followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. The Keynote Speaker is Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life for America. Cost is $40.00. Contact Ann Bowen at 402-3990299. Please Remember In Your Prayers . . . WTeresa Clark, mother of Janis (Pat) Dotzler WMary Anne Doran WChelsey Henkenius, grand-niece of Vicki Coon Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. Prayers for Special Intentions To request prayers for your special intentions, please contact Kristi Mancuso, at 402933-6509 between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. or [email protected]. You may also request prayers for your special intentions from the Catholic Daughters Our Lady of Faith Rosary Chain. Please contact Barb Hilton at [email protected] or 402571-6815 Perpetual Adoration Jesus asked to be baptized in order to identify himself with us. The voice of the Father came from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Open hours are: Sunday: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 a.m. and 2, 3, 4 and 5 p.m.; Thursday: 12, 1, 2, 3 and 9 a.m.; Friday: 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 a.m.; Saturday: 1 and 2 a.m. and 12, 3, 4, 7, 8 9, - - Pro-Life Mass and Walk 10 and 11 p.m. To schedule your weekly holy hour please for Life contact Deacon Pat and Rosie Lenz at 402The annual Pro-life Mass and Walk for 572-0139, [email protected], Life in Lincoln, Nebr. is Saturday, Janu- the Parish Office 402-572-0499 or Mary ary 31st. Mass will begin at 9:00 a.m. at Reed, 402-708-1264. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 14 & K Just a reminder, if you are unable to keep Street. The walk begins at 10:00 your scheduled holy hour, please notify your a.m. More information to follow. prayer partner or secure a substitute for your holy hour. Our Church Overflows With Christmas Love and Flowers Given in Honor and Memory of Loved Ones: Sunday, January 11 7:30 am Lauretta & Dwayne Muff 9:30 am St. James Parishioners 11:30 am WDon Snoddy 5:00 pm WJoe and WScott Svehla Monday, January 12 6:30 am WMr. & Mrs. Virgil Guerra 8:15 am WDan Rohde Tuesday, January 13 6:30 am WLeRoy Grote 8:15 am WMary Armstrong Wednesday, January 14 6:30 am WKatrina West 8:15 am St. James/Seton School Alumni Thursday, January 15 6:30 am Roncalli Catholic High School Staff and Students 8:15 am WDon Snoddy Friday, January 16 6:30 am WEunice Scavio 8:15 am Intentions of St. James Seminarians Saturday, January 17 8:30 am Intentions of Jack Zuerlein Family 5:30 pm WLauritz & WHelen Pedersen Sunday, January 18 7:30 am WRosemary Bales 9:30 am WLinda Dierks 11:30 am St. James Parishioners 5:00 pm In Thanksgiving Scripture Readings Sunday (1/11): Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 67/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner Boy Scout Troop 380 invites everyone to their Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, FebruJoe & Dolores Pritchard Jake Jackson Warren & Rosemary Bales ary 8th from 4:30-7:00 p.m. in the St. Lori Salvatori Adelaide Jamrog Margaret Blanke James/Seton Gym. $7 per person, under Bernadine & Raymond Schneider 12y are $4, and 5y and under and youth Boy/ Jim & Dottie Klug Tony Bullinger William “Bill” Shafer Sophie Grace Jim & Janet Cottrell Girl Scouts in uniforms are free. Seniors 60+ Joe, Scott & Donne Svehla Cathy Kueny Ralph & Catherine Dierks are $6, Family pricing at $25, Carryout packDorothy & Leonard Lewandowski ages available. Meatballs to go: $6/dozen. Stan & Frances Kurtz Linda Dierks Louis H. Meyer Anthony Lahr Pius & Mary Ann Engelhart Richard “Butch” Milota Will & Cecilia Lamb Sue & George Grillo Are You Moving? Fred & Louise Ourada Maureen Lehan Jim & Marilyn Hannam Before you move, please give Lloyd & Virginia Patterson Robert Lehan Eileen Hermann Paul, Carol, Dalton & Audrey Salber the Parish Office your new address. This Bill & Agnes McCafferty Sylvester & Viola Hermann will help our Parish pay less po$tage fee$ Loretta & Leland Seibert Jim Parys & Deceased Members Jerry Hurtz Frances & Howard Zimmerman for returned mail. Thank you! of the Parys & Berger Families January 11, 2015 3 Good The News! New Member Registration We welcome you to St. James, a caring, faithfilled parish community. Below are three steps to become a registered parishioner. 1. Call the parish office at 402-572-0499 to register for the New Parishioner Registration Meeting. 2. Attend the next meeting on Tuesday, January 13th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. These meetings occur once per St. James/Seton School News [email protected] “St. James/Seton School Community provides a safe and nurturing learning environment in which our students grow in mind, body and spirit through a quality, faith based and service oriented Catholic education.” Turn-In Your Fedoras by January 12th % Upcoming Activities: month and alternate between 10:30 a.m. Sun- % January 12: Anniversary T-shirt Day; Geography Bee for grades 4-8 in Parish day and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Center 3. Complete the forms you received at the % January 19: No School, Teacher In-Svc. meeting and return them to the parish office. % January 25: Open House at SJ/S Congratulations, you are now registered! % January 25: 31st Catholic Schools Week % January 29: 8th Grade Mass at Cathedral Receive the Sacraments % January 30: 1:20 p.m. Dismissal V Anointing of the Sick is a healing sacrament for young and old, when seriously, chronically, or termi- % January 31: Spring Fling, “Life’s a Beach” at St. James Parish nally ill, and prior to surgery. Please call the parish office, 402-572-0499. V Baptisms are celebrated on the second and last Sunday of the month. Our Baptism preparation class occurs on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Please call the Parish Office to register. V Holy Orders: If you’re discerning a call to the priesthood or the diaconate, please call Fr. Tom Weisbecker, 402-572-0499. If you are interested in religious or consecrated life, please call the Vocation Office at 402-558-3100. V Matrimony: Please contact one of the parish priests six-months ahead of the proposed date. V Penance: Saturday, 3:30-5:00 p.m. or by appointment. Meet the Pastoral Team Fr. Tom Weisbecker, Pastor…...402-572-0499 [email protected]...…….ext. 14 Fr. Michael Voithofer, Associate Pastor [email protected]…………..ext. 15 Deacon Pat Lenz, Pastoral Minister [email protected]……....ext. 16 Jolene Meyer, Parish Secretary [email protected]…….ext. 11 Jeff Guinane, Administrative Services Mgr. j j guin an [email protected]. 13 Deacon Ron Hesson, Accounting Manager [email protected]………ext. 17 Josie Clarey, Parish & School Liturgy Coordinator [email protected]...………………..ext. 22 Ken Whetstone, Parish Maintenance Vikki Cervantes, Editor & Volunteer Coord. [email protected]……ext. 12 Mrs. Chris Arnold, St. James/Seton Principal [email protected] ............... 402-572-0339 Jo Kusek, Faith Formation and P.R.E. Director [email protected] ............ 402-572-0369 Hannah Keisling, Youth Minister [email protected]…....651-331-0971 Cathy Wyatt, Parish Council President [email protected]……..402-661-9611 Meet the Deacon Community Gregg & Carol Drvol, Jerry Gau, Randy & Pam Grosse, Kathy Hecht, Rich & Linda Hopkins, Rita Kessler, Stan & Pat Kurtz, Pat & Rosie Lenz, Steve & Lisa Nelson, Lyle & Jackie Simmons, Wayne & Chris Young SJSEA Soccer—St James Elizabeth Ann Youth Soccer registration opens January 5th for the Spring 2015 season. All kids age 4-14 are eligible to play. Registration for U7 and above ends on February 1st. Registration for U6 ends on March 15th. For all levels, a late fee will apply and participation will be subject to availability if you register after the deadline. For more information and to register visit St. James/Seton School is participating in the Godfather’s Pizza Funds for Fedoras Program. Fedoras are hats that are located on the side of medium, large or jumbo size pizza boxes. Each fedora is worth 25-cents for our school! Simply cut the fedoras off of the boxes, and place them in the collection boxes located in the school entryway and in the Church narthex by Monday, January 12th so they can be submitted prior to this month’s deadline. For questions, contact Linda Lytle at (402) 431-9790 or [email protected]. SJ/S Athletic Association Announces…Life’s A Beach The SJ/S Athletic Association will host a fun-filled casual evening on Saturday, January 31st in the Parish Center. The evening will include cocktails, dinner, special presentations and dancing. SJ/S Athletic Association is a self-funded parent organization which sponsors the folAccept the Challenge lowing competitive sports programs for SJ/S: St. James/Seton was presented with an Volleyball, Football, Basketball and Track. "Incredibly Amazing" donation of $500 from Purchase tickets at: B & B Plumbing Services, LLC on Wednes- Thank you for your continued support! day, December 10th. Eagle Platinum Level - $750 Along with his donation, Brian Bales, B & ¨ Recognition in the Catalog as an B Plumbing owner & SJS parent, is challeng“Event Sponsor” ing every other business, family and friend of ¨ Banner with Company Logo St. James/Seton School to match his pledge ¨ Table of 8 donation. These gracious donations will be used for renovation and upgrades that are ¨ Table Service—Drinks & Silent greatly needed for our current playground. Auction Bid Check-in I shared our story with a family, which has Eagle Gold Level - $500 no connection to SJS, in a casual conversa¨ Recognition in the Catalog as an “Event tion. I explained how a parent was helping Sponsor” start this pledge challenge, and they were so ¨ Banner with Company Logo touched by it, that they were the first to match with a $500.00 pledge. Their actual comment ¨ Table of 8 to me was, "Merry Christmas to your kids." So within 12-hours we received our very first Monthly School Newsletter pledge for the playground updates. Check out our Monthly School Newsletter Let's see how many others will step-up and by visiting the school website at: match B & B Plumbing Service's pledge to and click on the newslethelp SJ/S. ter link at the top of the page. For more information, please contact Ms. Paulette, Assistant Principal/ iVolunteer makes signing up to volunteer Development Director, 402-572-0339 or easy! Visit: [email protected] January 11, 2015 4 Good The News! Our Community Events . . . Ablaze Worship Night Join Fr. Michael for Ablaze Worship Night, Friday, January 16th at 7:00 p.m. in St. James Church. Ablaze evenings are filled with “vibrant praise, worship and adoration.” Ablaze is family friendly, no cost and you are welcome to come and go as you like. That Man Is You! Join us on Saturday, January 17th at 6:45 a.m. in the Parish Center. Session 14: St. Joseph: The Heart of a Father à Natural Formation and Virtue à Home at Nazareth à St. Joseph’s Relationship with God à St. Joseph as the Spouse of Mary à The Pathway of Mercy à The Start of the Christian Home à The Birth of the Church That Man Is You meets Saturday mornings in the parish center at 6:45 a.m. for a light breakfast, coffee (bring your own mug) and fellowship. A presentation will begin at 7:15 a.m. and is followed at 7:45 a.m. with breakout groups. Men are invited to join TMIY anytime during the year! For more info contact Greg Morrison, 402-426-8152 or [email protected] Parenting for Purity: An Evening Presentation for Parents— Mark your calendar for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3rd, at S. Wenceslaus Church (15353 Pacific Street, Omaha). “Ever feel like you can’t keep up with the messages your kids are bombarded with? Or struggled For more info, visit: to guide your kids through all the traps the world 2015 Ablaze Schedule at St. James: sets for them? There is hope yet! This dynamic Friday, January 16th at 7 p.m. presentation by youth expert, Jason Evert, is perfect Friday, February 6th at 7 p.m. for parents desiring to present the liberating mesFriday, March 13th at 7 p.m. sage of chastity to their children. A question and Friday, April 10th at 7:30 p.m. answer session will follow Jason’s presentation. Friday, May 15th at 7 p.m. Jason Evert is a Catholic author and chastity Friday, June 26th at 7 p.m. speaker. He founded Totus Tuus Press and ChasFriday, July 24th at 7 p.m. tity Project, an organization that promotes chastity primarily to high school and college students. He is the author of more than 10 books, including How Ø Bible Study On the to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul Gospel of John—Explore the and Theology of the Body for Teens. Jason has a Gospel of John in this video series featurmaster’s degree in theology, an undergraduate ing Jean Vanier, the Founder of L’Arche. degree in theology and counseling, with a minor in 55 & Alive (Vanier is a Canadian Catholic philosophilosophy from Franciscan University of SteubenLet it snow...but not on the roads! Come pher turned theologian and humanitarian. ville.” ~Sponsored by the St. Wenceslaus Knights celebrate the beauty of winter as we gather L’Arche is an international federation of of Columbus and 102.7 Spirit Catholic Radio. communities for people with developmen- together on Saturday, January 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. tal disabilities and those who assist them.) Young dancers from the Jewish CommuLove or Lust? This fourteen-part video series filmed nity Center and the UNO Women’s Acapella Mark your calendar for 7 p.m. on Wednesin the Holy Land began on Friday, JanuSingers will entertain us. Dues are no longer day, February 4th, at S. Wenceslaus Church ary 9th but participants are still welcome being collected, so the cost is $10 per per(15353 Pacific Street, Omaha). “Jason Evert gives to join us. Women of St. James and St. son. you, the young adult/teanager, the truth about chasElizabeth Ann are welcome to join an Please RSVP with Faye, 402-571-2889, by tity. His seminar is challenging, entertaining, enexisting women’s faith-sharing group that Monday, January 12th. All are invited to couraging, and healing. Chastity is a lifestyle that meets on Fridays for conversation and bring a non-perishable food item for the St. brings freedom, respect, peace and romance withcoffee at 9:30 followed by study from Vincent de Paul Society. Pray for clear out regret. Come hear his Catholic centered, life10:00-11:00 a.m. in St. James’ changing message!” This talk is free and intended Family Room. Please call Jo Kusek at 402 roads! for 7th to 12th grade youth. ~Sponsored by the St. -572-0369 if you would like to join this Wenceslaus Knights of Columbus and 102.7 Spirit group. Keep the Heat On SAVE THE DATE! “KEEP THE HEAT Catholic Radio. ON!” Chili Cook Off is January 31st from St. James Catholic 5 to 8 p.m. at Creighton Prep to benefit the Ø Psalms: The School of SVDP Emergency Assistance Fund. Daughter’s Trivia Night Sample and vote on FIFTEEN unique chili Prayer Join us on Saturday, January 24th! This Bible Study will be offered in St. recipes. Fantastic raffle items and entertainDoors open at 6:00 p.m. and Trivia beJames Parish Center from 7:00-8:30 p.m. for ment! Celebrity Chefs! Face painting for gins at 7:00 p.m. Come as an individual ten Mondays beginning January 26th. It is the kids! Also available: Hot dogs, delior get a table (up to 8 persons) toa DVD Bible Study featuring both Jeff Cavcious desserts (including Village Inn pies), gether. Table theme, decorations and ins and Dr. Tim Gray. In this Bible Study, costumes for participants are encouraged, soda, and beer. Proceeds will help us help participants will discover a rich school of those who desperately need to keep their but not necessary - a prize for best table prayer for all of life’s circumstances, and heat or electricity on or avoid eviction. will be awarded. Cost is $15/ person study the many ways the Psalms foretell the To be a contender or to find out more, payable at the door. Beverages are inlife and mission of Jesus. Please contact Jo cluded with admission - adults only. For visit our website at or call Kusek at 402-572-0369 or Mary Egan at 402-850-0033. Join the fun, reservations or questions, please call [email protected]. (Optional - $25 Pamela at 402-498-3574 or Angie at 402- have some chili and help "KEEP THE notebook) HEAT ON!" See you there!! 319-8321. January 11, 2015 5 Good The News! Service . . . Community Concerns Afghan Project The St. James Community Concerns ComCommittee will meet Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church mittee supplies hand-made Afghans to domestic violence shelters. The Afghans provide library. For more information or questions, contact Gary Kluthe, 402-763-9201 young Mothers and children with some of the warmth and comfort they need during difficult family times. We now have 10 cases of yarn and some pre-assembled squares but we desperately need help making squares and assembling them into child and adult size Afghans. Please prayerfully consider where God might If you, or someone you know, can help us have you serve. Perhaps you’d like to accept with this meaningful task during the Christone of the opportunities below: mas season, please contact Gary, CommuChildren’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW): nity Concerns at 402-763-9201. Thank you!! We need help with CLW at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Current SET is required. Please call Renovation—Can You Help? Mary, 402-571-7763. The Parish Center Restroom Renovation Church Cleaners: Committee would like to hear from parishioners who are interested in helping with their treasure, time and talent. Before we can begin the renovation part of this project, we must secure the necessary funds. If you’d like to donate to this project please Collators for the Good News!: contact the parish office at 402-572-0499. Would you like to help collate the Good News! Donors and volunteers are welcome anyBulletin in good company? Call the Parish time! For more information call the Parish Office, 402-572-0499. We especially need Office or visit the link on our parish website: help on the 5th Friday Team. If you’d like to help clean our beautiful Church and make some new friends, please call the Parish Office, 402-572-0499. Each team cleans about 4 times a year on Friday or Saturday mornings. January 17 & 18 Saturday Sunday January 17th January 18 Happy New Year! But is it really a “Happy” new year for you? Are you experiencing post holiday stress due to the let down after the holidays and difficulties of finances, job, family or marital relationships? Would you like just to talk to someone who you can trust, who will not judge you, and not tell you what to do? A Stephen Minister provides confidential help with a non-judgmental, “listening” ear. Maybe it's time for you to consider starting the New Year with a new friend, a Stephen Minister. If so, take the first step and call one of the Stephen Leaders: Colleen 402571-6296 or Lori 402- 571-6838 to see how a Stephen Minister could help you. Rosaries Wanted Homeless and low-income neighbors-inneed are requesting Rosaries. Please consider donating a rosary or two. This also makes a great opportunity for a family, group or school project. Donated rosaries can be placed in the basket on the window-sill in the Church Library. All rosaries will be given to the poor through ODM Streets of Omaha. ~Sandy Powers 402-250-7000 Christmas CleanUp—All are invited to come 5:30p 7:30a 9:30a 11:30a 5:00p Presider/ Deacon Fr. Michael TBD Fr. Michael TBD Fr. Michael TBD Fr. Tom W. Young Fr. Tom R. Grosse EMHC () Team 1 Team 3 Team 5 Team 8 Team 11 Lectors Team 1 Team 3 Team 3 Johnson & Yanike Team 3 Team 3 Servers J. Crouch A. Rutten S. Copas L. Copas C. Greer G. Eaves M. Wilmes J. Wilmes S. Patterson S. Cervantes M. Pearson D. Anderson J. Dotzler L. Sprakel B. Gregurich T. Evangelisti E. Aken A. Aken L. Luebbe T. Maxwell Musicians Spethman Group Congregation Adult Choir 11:30 Music Group R. Kessler C. L. Word Erwin n/a Genoway & Tunink n/a n/a help remove our Christmas decorations from the Church on Tuesday, January 13th at 7 p.m. Good News! Collating Team #3 will work Friday, January 16th: Faith Sharing Group Church Cleaning Team #13 will work on Saturday, January 17th: Carolyn Kozel, Capt., 402-571-4184, Dorothy Fischer, Suzanne Lampert, Linda Thomas, Marge Shade, Faye & Paul Ryba, Mary Kay Finnigan, Amy Pierce, Holly Luebbe, Kaylene Kartanas-Ostapowicz Good News! Deadlines Please submit articles to: bullletin@stjamesca before 11:30 a.m. on the following dates: Monday, January 12th, for the January 18th Good News! * Candle Ministry: January: 10—Elaine Meyer; 11—Mausbach, Hecht; 12—Kriener, Cutsor; 13—Zimmerman, Striplin; 14—Flint, Stuckey; 15—K/A Kloewer, Ponec; 16—D/J Zabawa; 17—Coghill; 18—Wandrey, Decker January 11, 2015 6 Good The News! Your Stewardship December Adult……………….... Loose Bills/Checks... Children Loose Bills.. Children Envelopes.. Dollar Bill…………… ACH (1st/20th)…….. WeShare Total General Contributions…... 2014-15 Budgeted Wkly Off YTD Weekly Offertory……………. YTD Budgeted Offertory……….... YTD Difference……………………. Mortgage Balance………………... Holy Days: Immaculate Conception……………. Christmas……………..…………….. Solemnity of Mary…………………. Assumption ………………….……. Special Collections: Religious Retirement……………… 25th $2,187 $2,296 $169 $n/a $1,311 $n/a $0 St. James Youth Ministry Hannah Keisling, Youth Minister 402-572– 0624 [email protected] Deacon Pat Lenz 402-572-0499 [email protected] Youth Ministry Information $16,339 $23,500 $617,309 $611,000 $6,309 $874,964 Weekend Mass Schedule: $90 $27,760 $100 $10 $2,775 $869 $170 $55 Your Stewardship 1st James GANG Rev. James V. Brown OAR Youth Center 9124 Tomahawk Boulevard 402-572-0624 $4,653 $n/a $n/a $n/a $n/a $874,964 Seminarians January 28th $12,075 $2,795 $270 $n/a $410 $n/a $1,200 Parish Information $91 4th Adult……………….... Loose Bills/Checks... Children Loose Bills.. Children Envelopes.. Dollar Bill…………… ACH (1st/20th)…….. WeShare $26,641 $466 $n/a $n/a $453 $n/a $n/a $12,544 $2,070 $110 $3 $623 $n/a $n/a Total General Contribution…. 2014-15 Budgeted Wkly Off... YTD Weekly Offertory………... YTD Budgeted Offertory…….. YTD Difference……………….. Mortgage Balance…………… Holy Days: Immaculate Conception……… Christmas……………..……… Solemnity of Mary…………… Special Collections: Religious Retirement………… Seminarians………………….… $27,106 $n/a $n/a $n/a $n/a $848,855 $14,727 $23,500 $659,142 $634,500 $24,642 $848,855 $62 $1,825 $410 $350 $395 $30 $50 $215 Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Vigil Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Schedule: 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Penance: Saturday: 3:30—5:00 p.m. or by appointment. Rectory and Parish Office: Business Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excluding Holidays Telephone 402-572-0499; Fax 402-573-9345 Email:: [email protected] School Information We are back this Wednesday, January 14th at the Youth House from 78:30pm. Join us for cookies and pizza rolls and some powerful time with the Scriptures. Teens are also invited to attend the Overflow Youth Group which meets on Sundays at the St. Elizabeth Ann Parish Center from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Overflow starts up this Sunday evening (January 11th). Both groups are centered on the Eucharist and Word of God and help to foster a true and meaningful relationship with Christ as well as with the parishes of St. James and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Sign up deadline for the Nebraska Walk for Life has passed, but sign ups for the Spring Retreat, BCYC, and NCYC are opening up! Check the parish website for forms and important information. St. James/Seton School, 4720 N. 90 Street School office…………………………………402-572-0339 Email………………………………[email protected] Web site…………………………… Fax…………………………………………....402-572-0347 Religious Formation Office………………..402-572-0369 Includes Adult Faith Formation, 5-day School, and Par- God’s Kids Do & Say the ish Religious Education (PRE). Funniest Things— Email…………………………[email protected] Love is when you’re missing some of your Website….……… teeth but you’re not afraid to smile because you Help Our Parish Excel (HOPE) Office…….402-572-7897 website:………………………… know your friends will still love you even if Email:………………………………[email protected] some of you is missing.” ~ Emma, 6 Joyful Noiseletter March/April 2015 Becoming Who We Were Meant to Be Happy New Year! These words represent an opportunity for us to transform ourselves into the people that we hope to be. The people God knows we can be. This year, we can We gratefully acknowledge these gifts: bring true joy to our lives by transforming ourselves for God. $2,660 given in loving memory of Start by seeking God everywhere. Whether it is by acknowledging the constant genWKen Treinen erosity he shows toward his children or by accepting opportunities to receive him in the $10 given in loving memory of Sacraments, God is waiting for us to seek his presence in our lives. All we have to do is WCecilia Lenz look and listen. Nurture a healthy faith. To strengthen our faith we must separate ourselves from the Komayoho! Gracie! Cam on! habits that distract us from our spiritual needs. That can mean turning off the TV or comMerci! Arigato! Danke! Doh puter, reevaluating friendships or just accepting our struggles as opportunities for grace. Transformation by God can only come if we give ourselves to him completely. je sin! Muchas gracias! Xie Maintain a clean slate. After we are cleansed through Confession, it is important to xie! No matter what language one says quickly surround ourselves with graces, such as receiving the sacraments more fre“Thank you” it means gratitude and grateful- quently, or studying religious materials. These “vitamins” for the soul will keep us spiriness for the gifts you have bestowed upon St. tually sound. James Parish. Through the first six months of Aspire to the greats. Throughout history, the saints have experienced every situation 2014-2015 you have exceeded the budgeted we can imagine. When we look for inspiration, we can look to them and let them guide us collection needed to pay the bills for St. by their examples (Growing In Faith, January, 2015) James. No money has been taken from savings to pay expenses. Please keep up your generous contributions through the second half of the year. Thank you! ~Deacon Ron The January 11, 2015 7 Good News! Ø Adult & Child Faith Formation Jo Kusek, Director 402-572-0369 Ø Generations of Faith Today we have come to the end of the Christmas season with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. I once visited a Greek Orthodox Church on this Sunday, and the priest blessed each one of us with holy water before we left. I walked out into the cold January temperature, and little ice crystals immediately formed in the midst of my curls. The front of their bulletin had some words about Jesus blessing all the waters of the earth by His baptism in the Jordan River. After doing a little research, I found these words by St. Maximus of Turin, one of the Early Church Fathers who lived during the late third and fourth centuries. “Someone might ask, ‘Why would a holy man desire baptism?’ Listen to the answer: Christ is baptized, not to be made holy by the water, but to make the water holy, and by His cleansing to purify the waters which He touched. For the consecration of Christ involves a more significant consecration of the water. For when the Savior is washed all water for our baptism is made clean, purified at its source for the dispensing of baptismal grace to the people of future ages. Christ is the first to be baptized, then, so that Christians will follow after Him with confidence.” One of my former students had it right when he turned from blessing himself at our classroom holy water font. “You know, I think all water is holy,” he said. Merry Christmas! Let us celebrate with joy, the Baptism of Jesus. Ø Meeting for First Graders and Parents Ø P.R.E. News—We have regular P.R.E. classes this Wednesday, January 14th. New Year’s Blessing O God of ancient blessing, your servant Mary pondered in her heart the treasured words spoken about her Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Bless us as we gather in His name, and prepare our hearts to receive His Spirit, that we may confess Him Lord, every day of this new year, and for ever and ever. Amen. (From Blessings and Prayers for Home and Family) Ø Question of the Week Mark your calendars! There will be a meeting for first graders and their parents this Sunday, January 11th at 2:00 p.m. in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. This meeting is for first graders from St. James/Seton School, the PRE program and home schools. If you are unable to come on Sunday, the meeting will be repeated on Thursday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. Fr. Michael Voithofer will speak about sharing faith at home. Ø Student-Sponsor Confirmation Retreat There will be a retreat for 8th grade Confirmation students and their parents on Sunday, January 18th from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the St. James Parish Center. If sponsors are unable to come, another adult may come instead. This retreat is for students from St. James/Seton School, the PRE program and home schools. If any students and their sponsors are unable to come on the 18th, the retreat will be repeated on Sunday, January 25th from 1:30-4:00 p.m. in the St. James Parish Center. Question of the Week for Jan. 11-17 Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 Key Passage: “On coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens being town open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’” (Mark 1:10-11) Ø Preferential Option for the Poor Question for Adults: What meaning does your Baptism have “Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not for your everyday life? small to one who has nothing. Neither is it small to God, if we have Question for Youth: You were baptized as a member of the Christian community. What does it mean to you to belong to this given what we could.” Quote by St. Gregory of Nazianzen; his Feast day is January 2nd. community? How is it a support in your life? Question for Children: Why does Baptism make you special? Ø Women’s Morning of Reflection 2015 Symbolon—Parishioners of St. James can access Symbolon videos free by going to the St. James Church website, and scrolling down to Parish Headlines. Click on Symbolon and create your own user name and password. We are able to watch these videos free until November 2015. This beautiful 20-episode video series presents the “big picture” of the Catholic faith. “Symbolon is a beautifully produced and engaging presentation of the Catholic Faith. Symbolon is not only orthodox compendium of Catholic teaching, but also one that speaks to the questions of those searching for meaning in a secularized culture. I recommend “Symbolon” to any bishop or pastor who is looking for help in carrying out New Evangelization” (Quote by Bishop Michael J. Sheridan, Diocese of Colorado Springs). January 11, 2015 8 Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21st. The annual Women’s Morning of Reflection will be held on that morning in St. Elizabeth Ann’s Parish Center. Our speaker this year is Dr. Karen Dwyer, author of Wrap Yourself in Scripture. Save the date! Aim for Perfect Faith—Imagine if you had perfect certainty that God was with you in all things. Think how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, or hardships if you were convinced that God was in all of it and would use it for good. Worry would be a thing of the past. That’s perfect faith and it is possible. Here’s how. Believe in God’s love. God is love, so to believe in God is to believe in his love. If God loves you, then he wills your good. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love” (1 John 4:16). Perfect faith comes from believing in God’s love (GIF, January, 2015). Good The News! A+ HEARTLAND CONCRETE, L.L.C. • Driveways • Insured Enrolling Now! • Retaining Walls • References 402-571-7670 16 Years BBB Member 731-2094 402-572-4044 We create Happiness by Inspiring your Lifestyle in your home and Enhancing business Environments. 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Dodge Rd • Omaha, NE 68118 Financial Planning • Investments • Insurance Employee Benefits • Retirement Plans Mike Beacom is a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. Securities offered through Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker/dealer. Member SIPC. Insurance offered through Lincoln affiliates and other fine companies. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. CRN-1075392-120914 Justin Evers, Parishioner • Cell: 402-871-0093 Email: [email protected] Website: NOT FDIC INSURED | MAY LOSE VALUE | NO BANK GUARANTEE | NOT A DEPOSIT | NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY 6032 Ville de Sante Dr. Omaha, NE 68104 (402) 571-6770 In Patient & Out Patient Skilled Therapies Our therapies are your bridge to recovery! Contact Greg Nickolite to place an ad today! 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Mary Kay Ernst Realtor®, Parishioner [email protected] Cell: 402-650-8878 Visit me at JILL E. HILD, D.D.S. Miranda Thomassen, DVM Parishioner HILD FAMILY DENTAL Parishioner 402-397-4344 COMMITTED TO TOTAL PET CARE 134th and Fort • 492-9303 Searl Auto Body Se 402-334-6708 254 N. 114th New Patients Welcome Breakfast Anytime, Even For Lunch Your You Trustworthy Collision Repair 7805 Military Ave. (402) 393-2532 MARK & STEVE SCHUMACHER Tue-Sat 6am-1pm Sun: 7am-2pm 2515 N 85th Street - 4 Blk S of Maple 9630 Redick Avenue • 572-0200 Steve Larsen Realtor (402) 672-5450 [email protected] HAIR AND TANNING SALON 7809 MILITARY 571-3071 Jaye Toth - Parishioner TWO NORTH LOCATIONS 4827 N. 90th • 3304 N. 120th Buy or Sell with results. Over 85 million sold. Nacho Typical Restaurant 90th & Blondo 391-8870 Parishioner RICHARD A. DREWS Attorney At Law 7018 North 102nd Circle Julie E. Olson & M. Victor Monson 3628 N. 90th St • Omaha, NE 68134 402-571-1108 (402) 391-3712 DOWD, HOWARD & CORRIGAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW We Service & Sell Appliances 402-706-9931 1411 Harney St., Ste. 100 4826 S. 24th St. 402-341-1020 John Corrigan - Parishioner Right across the street from the church 4839 N. 90th St. , Omaha, NE 68134 • (402) 571-0944 15% discount with this ad Worried about debt? Student loan payments too high? 4919 S. 72nd St. Parishioners Westlake Hardware 90th & Maple 399-8381 Call Credit Advisors for immediate relief 402-390-1111 Helping people get out of debt for 58 years 825 N. 90th St. • Omaha, NE 68114 402-391-7246 558-8198 Don’t Let Pain Stop You. Let Us Help You Get Your Life Back. Call Today DELIVERY RY • CATE C CATERING ATERING • CARRYOUT CARRY (402) 614-0600 • 6516 Irvington Rd. Serving Omaha For Over 50 Years Where the Smart People Drink! 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