CONVERSION OF ST PAUL HYMNS & READINGS (St Aidans): Almighty God, who caused the light of the gospel to shine throughout the world through the preaching of your servant Saint Paul: grant that we who celebrate his wonderful conversion may follow him in bearing witness to your truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. St Aidan’s: Ruth 4 & Luke 1 v.68-75 St George’s: Psalm 146 Please pray for: + the preparations for ‘Believe... in Barrow’, the town-wide Mission; for +Sentamu and Canon Roger Simpson, the Mission leaders. Pray too that as a Team we will grasp this special outreach opportunity. ST AIDANS MISSION PRAISE 109 Crown Him with many crowns 204 Hail to the Lord’s anointed 148 from heaven you came 373 My hope is built ST GEORGE’S 31 Amazing Grace 501 O Jesus I have promised The ‘Believe in Barrow’ Prayer + those who are unwell & for those Almighty God, who called your who care for them - especially Mike Church to witness that in Christ Blakeborough, Kerrin Crooks, Mavis you were reconciling the world to Davies Amanda Maitland, Audrey yourself: help us so to proclaim the Knagg, June Evans, Minnie Grant, good news of your love through Jake Fearon, Margaret Pearce, Paul & the Believe in Barrow Mission, that Claire Coulson, Abigail Whitaker, Doreen Royal, , Marjorie Gorry, Edna all who hear it may be reconciled Dobson, Brian Cottam, Linda Phelps, to you through him who died for Eddie Creagh Alan Dickox, Elizabeth us and rose again and reigns with Hogg, Frank Armer & Alec Ham. Pray you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for the lonely, anxious or bereaved one God, now and for ever. Amen especially the family & friends of Joan Martin, Gordon Potter & Vera SCHOOL GOVERNOR Hapgood-Strickland. Following the retirement of Sandra Adams as a Foundation Governor at + those sitting beside you & around St Georges CE Primary School Revd you. Thank God for them. Matt Hornby has been appointed. The Parish of St George with St Luke & St Perran and The Parish of St Aidan A very warm welcome to today’s worship at St Aidan’s & St George’s. This morning at St Aidan’s we conclude the ‘HOPE’ sermon series, based on the Book of Ruth. While at St George’s we launch a new MORNING WORSHIP when we will explore God’s Promises! The baptism of Letty-Gray Northcott will be at St George’s at 12 noon. As a church family in South Barrow we seek to learn more about God and encourage one another in Christian faith and life. For more details about Sunday and Mid-week activities please pick up the new Spring 2015 Programme at the back of church. Also, there are still a few copies of the December/January 2015 edition of TEAM TALK available - pick up a copy today! Sunday, 25th January 2015 *9.30 am Holy Communion At St Aidan’s with Revd. Matt Hornby *10.30 am Morning Worship at St George’s with Revd. Jo Northey 12 Noon Baptism of Letty-Gray Northcott at St George’s Officiant: Revd Matt Hornby Gary is at St Francis & St Matthew today Next Sunday, 1st February 2015 *9.30 am Morning Worship at St Aidan’s with Revd Jo Northey *10.30 am Holy Communion at St George’s with Canon Gary Cregeen Preacher: Revd Matt Hornby 3 pm MESSY CHURCH @ St George’s Items for Sunday 1st February 2015 Newsletter to Judith Cowsill (829710) or email: [email protected] or Gary Cregeen by Thursday 29th January. Thank you TEAM TALK NEXT SUNDAY: 3 pm until 5 pm Fun, faith, friendship & food for all the family... and it’s free! Items for the February 2015 TEAM TALK should be with Gary by tomorrow, 26 January, at the latest. Thank you. We hope the magazine will be available next Sunday! SHARING YOUR STORY Some Christians seem to be incredibly confident about sharing their faith, but most of us feel unsure. We would love our family and friends, and even the people we meet, to somehow get to know a little of what our Christian faith means to us, and might mean for them. But how? Barrow Mission 13th -17th May This Week in South Barrow... A town-wide celebration of Faith and Outreach Monday 26th 10 am The Pulse Steering Committee @ The Rectory (Gary) Guest Speaker - the Archbishop of York – John Sentamu With many special events including, Dance, Music, Mega Messy, Party in the Park and the TK Vikings ! 11.30 am Funeral of Joan Martin at the Crematorium (Jo) 5 pm St Aidan’s Rainbows 6.30 pm Brownies @ St Aidan’s Hall 'Sharing your Story' is not designed to give you all the answers or turn you into an embarrassing or annoying God-botherer. It is designed for ordinary Christians who would like to be a little braver and a little better about helping others connect their life with God. Jesus last words to His disciples were "you will be witnesses for me". 'Sharing your Story' will help you gently, carefully and more positively witness to people around you. Each of the sessions will be led by Bishop Robert. He writes, "Although I often get to stand up and talk about my faith, I really struggle making conversation with family and friends. It just doesn't come easily for me. So in many ways 'Sharing your Story' will be about me learning along with everyone else. What we look at will be simple, practical and do-able. This isn't a course for 'high power' Christians who want a boost. 'Sharing your Story' is for 'ordinary' Christians who want to use the opportunities around them to bring God into the picture." Pray too for Local Church Events - not least in SBT! 'Sharing your Story' will be at 9.15 am (until 1 pm) on: ‘GETTING READY!’ 4.30 pm Rainbows @ St George’s Saturday 7 February (Trinity Church, Abbey Road) If you were going on holiday you would need to be prepared. As Christians we are charged with preparing people for the ultimate journey—eternity! ‘ Barrow’ will provide a unique opportunity to do that so let’s ‘Get Ready’ - Saturday 21 February! 6 pm Brownies @ St Georges Hall This session will be led by Bishop Robert and will be both informal and informative—no one will be ‘put on the spot’. Refreshments will be served. The first COFFEE CLUB was such a success it’s now going to be FORNIGHTLY! So come along to Roose School, North Row, this Thursday! The school has kindly agreed to host a monthly coffee morning on the first & third Thursday of each month between 9.30 am and 10.30 am. Children in Year 6 will be providing cakes, so come along for a coffee and meet up with friends old and new! Everyone welcome! As the programme continues to develop - please pray for those involved in the organising, that they may hear God’s voice and heed His direction. Pray too that BiB will be a means a blessing to people of all ages across Barrow and the surrounding area. 7 pm Churches Together in Barrow at URC Ramsden St. (Pat Hughes & Gary) Tuesday 27th 9 am Barrow Mission Community Prayer Mtg. at St Francis’ Wednesday 28th 9.15 am Mid-week Team Communion at St Aidan’s (Jo) 10 am Staff Meeting at The Vicarage, 31 Middle Hill (Gary, Jo. & Matt) 1.30 pm Home Group the Pennington Room, St George’s Hall (Matt) 2 pm Barrow Foodbank Trustees at The Rectory (Ted Fenton & Gary) 6 pm Youth Club at St Aidans (Jo) 8 pm Home Group at The Vicarage, 98a Roose Road (Matt). Thursday 29th NEW! THE COFFEE CLUB at Roose School (9.30—10.30 am) USEFUL CONTACTS: 10.40am St George’s Assembly (Jo) Team Rector: Canon Gary Cregeen Tel. 877367 Email: [email protected] 2 pm St Luke’s MU with Ted Fenton Team Vicar: Revd Jo. Northey Tel. 364246 Email: [email protected] 4 pm St George’s School Governor’s Meeting (Jean Mease, Matt & Gary) Assistant Curate: Revd Matt. Hornby Tel. 877755 Email: [email protected]
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