EASTER SERVICES in South Barrow MAUNDY THURSDAY - 2nd April 7.30 pm Holy Communion at St George’s Church (Ramsden Chapel) With Canon Gary Cregeen. Preacher: Revd Matt Hornby GOOD FRIDAY - 3rd April 10.30 am Good Friday Service at St Aidan’s Church With Canon Gary Cregeen. Preacher: Revd Jo. Northey (followed by a lunch of Fish & Chips) The Magazine of the Parishes of St Aidan’s, St George’s with St Luke’s and St Perran’s, Barrow-in-Furness TEAM TALK EASTER DAY - 5th April 9.30 am: Easter Communion at St Aidan’s with Revd Jo Northey. Preacher: Canon Gary Cregeen 10.30 am: Easter Communion at St George’s with Revd Matt Hornby. Preacher: Canon Gary Cregeen 3 pm MESSY CHURCH CELEBRATES EASTER! At St George’s Come and explore Easter with us - you’ll be amazed! Team Away Day At Abbots Hall, Kents Bank Saturday 6 June With Canon Roger Simpson March 2015 50p Book the date! Team website: www.sbtchurches.co.uk 16 Sunday Worship during March 2015 1 March 8 March 15 March *9.30 am Morning Worship (CW) at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s 3 pm Messy Church at St Georges *9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s *10.30 am MOTHERING SUNDAY TEAM SERVICE with Holy Communion at St Aidan’s 3 pm START at St George’s 22 March *9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s 29 March *9.30 am Holy (CW) at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Morning Worship at St George’s 12 noon Baptisms at St George’s 5 April EASTER DAY (see page 16) *Refreshments will be served after these services. ‘START!’ got off to a good start last month! Start! is a basic six-session introduction to the Christian faith which meets once a month on the third Sunday afternoon of each month. Ed Northey is leading the group of adults and Caroline Hornby is overseeing the children’s activities; they are helped by a small team of volunteers. START! provides a relaxed and helpful opportunity to learn together, enjoy food and have fun! The South Barrow Team - Useful Contacts Team Rector & Rural Dean of Barrow: Revd Canon Gary M. Cregeen, The Rectory, 98 Roose Road, Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9RL. Tel. 01229 877367 Email: [email protected] Team Vicar: Revd Jo Northey, The Vicarage, 31 Middle Hill Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9HD Tel. 01229 364246 Email: [email protected] Assistant Curate Revd Matt Hornby, The Vicarage, 98a Roose Road , Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9RL. Tel. 01229 877755 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: Mr Ted Fenton (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) 01229 820408 Mr Peter Gardner (St Aidan’s) 01229 825870 Mrs Geraldine Southam (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) 466327 Mrs Madge Wignall (St Aidan’s) 01229 820484 PCC Treasurers: Mrs Pat Liddicott (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) Mrs Sheila Simpson (St Aidan’s) 01229 839563 PCC Secretaries: Miss Alison Otto (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) Mrs Carole Williamson (St Aidan’s) ON THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH @ 3 pm until 5 pm @ ST GEORGE’S Fun, faith, friendship & food for all the family... and it’s free! Vergers: Mrs Geraldine Southam (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) 01229 466327 Mr Keith Cockburn (St Aidan’s) 01229 826692 Hall Lettings Secretaries: Mr Ted & Mrs Ruth Fenton (St George’s & St Perran’s) Mr Keith Cockburn (St Aidan’s) 01229 820408 01229 826692 Weekly Team Newsletter: Judy Cowsill 01229 829710 Team Website: Matt Hornby (details as above) 15 2 01229 825802 01229 826017 Pause for thought... THANK YOU... NEW PIONEER CURATE! To all those who participated and supported last weekend’s Table Top Sale at St George’s; special thanks to Geraldine for organising this event where almost £170 was raised for St George’s. Well done & thank you! A new Assistant Curate will be joining us in the summer! The Team Rector, with the Bishop’s permission, has invited Robin Ham to serve as a Pioneer Curate. Robin is married to Zoe and they have a young daughter, Evie, and are expecting a second child in May. The Ham’s will live at Holbeck and part of Robin’s remit will be to exercise a pioneering ministry in that area. TEAM TALK The next edition of TEAM TALK will be published in APRIL 2015 Jesus - His Passion is for you News items and articles should be forwarded to the Team Rector by SUNDAY 22 MARCH at the latest. PANCAKE PARTY Shrove Tuesday saw an amazing atmosphere as around 150 people joined us for pancakes in the Hall at St Aidan's. A huge thank you to all those who worked so hard to help make this event such a success. We raised about £130 but the real success is the potential of so many families wanting to get involved to have more such events in the community. Well done everyone! Please see contact details on page 15 Thank you. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 23 FEBRUARY—8 MARCH The SOUTH BARROW TEAM is committed to supporting FAIR TRADE and will endeavour to use & promote Fairtrade products whenever possible. 14 The annual subscription for Team Talk is only £5 for the year (if posted, please add £5). Cheques should be made payable to ‘St George with St Luke PCC’ and forwarded to Miss Pat Hughes, 24 Kent Street, Barrow-in -Furness, LA13 9 QT. If you pay UK Income tax please consider making your subscription into a donation and Gift Aid it. Thank you In the meantime, please pray for Robin as he completes his studies at Oak Hill College and for the whole family as they prepare for another baby and move to Barrow in June. Robin will be ordained at Carlisle Cathedral on Sunday 28 June. Also, give thanks to God for His generous provision and for the sending the Hams to us! Buildings Update... The Service of Celebration & Thanksgiving for St Perran’s Church was well attended; this closing service provided an opportunity to give thanks to God for all those who had served the church and the local community throughout it’s history. The Service was conducted by the Team Rector, Canon Gary Cregeen, and the Revd Ron Wilson gave the Address; various people took part in leading prayers and reading the lessons. Towards the end of the service everyone received night lights which were lit from a solitary candle representing Jesus the Light of the World. Following a Prayer of Dedication the candles were then placed around the cross on the Holy Table as the Church (the people of God) embarked on a new chapter in their ministry and mission in the Roose, Holbeck and Yarlside area. The appointment of the new Pioneer Curate, Robin Ham, is a demonstration of the Church’s continued commitment to the area, despite not having a physical building. St Perran’s was put up for sale in December and has subsequently been sold (subject to contract). Monies from the sale will be re-invested in South Barrow and will be divided equally between St George’s and St Aidan’s. Plans to develop St Aidan’s as a worship and outreach centre, with a Community Cafe, are progressing. Planning permissions are being sought and grant applications are in hand. Also, at the time of going to press we understand St Luke’s has now been sold and the buildings will be demolished to clear the site for development in the near future. 3 The South Barrow Team Register CONFIRMATION 2015 Baptisms 25 January 22 February 22 February 22 February Letty-Gray Northcott (B: 24/9/2014) @ St George’s Frankie J. Bull (B: 30/5/2014) @ St George’s Demi Claire Kernaghan (B:22/2/1996) @ St George’s Ruby Tamara Holmes (B:20/8/2014) @ St George’s Funerals We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of: 2 February 3 February 6 February 13 February 17 February 19 February 19 February 20 February 25 February 27 February Eric Pickston (89) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Vera Hapgood-Strickland (86) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Joan Guy (84) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Marlene Hubbold (80) at St George’s Church Sheila Hall (68) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Ettie Doughty (97) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Nan Perry (96) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Peggy Galloway (85) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Minnie Grant (100) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Dorothy Crosby (96) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium There is to be a Confirmation Service in South Barrow on Sunday 21 June 2015 with Bishop James. Adults and young people (school year 9 & upwards) who wish to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ please contact the Team Rector, Gary Cregeen (01229 877367) for details of Confirmation preparation. Alternatively, if you would like to know more about Confirmation then Gary, Jo or Matt will be glad to help you. The COFFEE CLUB has been such a success it’s now going to be FORNIGHTLY! So come along to Roose School, North Row, on: THURSDAY 5 MARCH and THURSDAY 19 MARCH - the first & third Thursday of each month between 9.30 am and 10.30 am. Children in Year 6 will be providing cakes, so come along for a coffee and meet up with friends old and new! Enquiries about Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child, Baptism, Weddings, Renewal of Marriage Vows and Funerals should be directed to any of the clergy (see page 15 for contact details) Thank you The Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners co-operative Gatehouse Est.1993 funeralcare Using ‘NINJA’ fast-dry system, carpets, rugs and suites cleaned in your own home. Stainguard specialist Fully insured Domestic, Commercial and Insurance Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Barrow-in-Furness 103-105 Roose Road 01229 820 517 All works guaranteed Ulverston Higgin House, Cavendish Street Free No obligation quotes Tel..01229838317 / 07801625809 01229 582 167 E-mail [email protected] 4 The ‘Believe in Barrow’ Prayer Almighty God, who called your Church to witness that in Christ you were reconciling the world to yourself: help us so to proclaim the good news of your love through the Believe in Barrow Mission, that all who hear it may be reconciled to you through him who died for us and rose again and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen REMEMBER: Put you clocks FORWARD 1 hour before you go to bed on Saturday 28 March! 13 Barrow Foodbank News Community groups are encouraged to visit the Foodbank, and 11th Barrow Scouts recently “volunteered” for an evening sorting food in the warehouse, and Barrow Ladies Rounders Club were shown around the warehouse, and kindly donated money and food. If your group would like to visit, or perhaps have a guest speaker from the Foodbank, please ring them on 343436. Volunteers are needed for the occasional supermarket collection team, fundraising team and the bank of volunteers who provide cover for absences of regular volunteers. If you can help, please e-mail Therese at [email protected], or ring 343436. You may remember the Barrow AFC drive last December at home games, when fans’ donations were matched by the club, and raised an incredible 658 kgs of food, plus Christmas gifts. They are hoping to repeat these drives throughout the year, at Easter, summer holidays and Christmas. If the man in your life is going to a match during one of these drives, don’t forget to send him off with a tin or two! The Foodbank are currently short of UHT milk and fruit juice, tinned sponge puddings, fruit and tomatoes, small 500g bags of sugar and instant mash. Please donate whatever you can, and remember that if you cannot brings goods to church, there are collection points at most Co-op stores, Morrisons, Tesco Extra and Santander bank in Dalton Road. Thank you to everyone who helps the Foodbank in any way, and do not forget to register with easyfundraising.co.uk to raise money for the Foodbank when you shop online. Sheila Simpson, SBT Foodbank Co-ordinator St Aidan’s weekly envelopes There are still a few sets of weekly envelopes available at St Aidan’s. If you do not currently use the envelopes, why not consider it? The envelopes are especially useful if you are a UK taxpayer, as you can Gift Aid regular weekly donations, and if you do not pay tax, they enable you to give a regular weekly amount, even for weeks you cannot attend. If you would rather pay direct from your bank account, standing order forms are available. Please ask Sheila Simpson, or the churchwardens if would like envelopes, Gift Aid forms or Standing Order forms. 12 LENT 2015 : During Lent there is an opportunity to link up with one of a number of Lent Groups happening across Barrow in preparation for ‘BELIEVE... IN BARROW’. ‘BELIEVE... IN BARROW’ is a town-wide celebration of faith and of sharing the life-changing good news about Jesus Christ. The Archbishop of York will be a guest speaker and he will be accompanied by a mission team who will work alongside local Christians in sharing the love of God across our local communities. As we prepare for this outreach you are invited to join a Lent Group which is aimed at deepening our understanding of what we believe as Christians and enabling us to become more confident in sharing this Good News of Jesus naturally and faithfully. There will be 10 Lent Groups meeting across Barrow Deanery for ‘Two ways 2 Live’. The beauty of ’Two Ways To Live’ is that the sessions do not assume every Christian will have the same gifts or opportunities to share the gospel, but they will inspire and encourage us to ‘Go and make disciples’ - which all Christians have been commissioned by Jesus to do, yet most of us find hard. It’s not too late to link up with one of the local Lent Groups: Tuesday 7.30 pm - 9 pm at 31 Middle Hill, Newbarns Wednesday 1.30 pm - 3 pm at The Pennington Room, St Georges Wednesday 8 pm - 9.30 pm at 98a Roose Road Thursday 2 pm - 3 pm at The Pennington Room, St Georges The ’Two Ways 2 Live’ Lent meetings will be relaxed, enjoyable, informative, & helpful - why not come along! These meetings are open to everyone! WEEKDAY HOLY COMMUNION Following discussion with those who attend the weekday Holy Communion at St Aidans is has been decided that from this week the service will be on THURSDAYS @ 9.45 am Anyone is welcome to attend this half hour service. 5 The Annual Parochial Church Meetings will be held on Sunday 19 April at 10.30 am within the context of worship at St George’s (it would normally be a Team Service on this day) We will gather in church for a short time for an opening hymn, prayer and Bible reading before meeting separately, as St Aidan’s and St George’s, to elect our respective Churchwardens, members to the PCC’s, and appoint stewards (sidespeople) for 2015/16. The Annual Parochial Church Meetings will also provide an opportunity to be updated on the different aspects of God’s work in the parishes and Team, as well as a means of looking ahead to consider the opportunities and challenges in South Barrow and beyond. Group leaders please forward your Reports to the PCC Secretary by Sunday 21 March at the latest please. Do please make the APCMs a priority in your prayers and by seeking to be present. A possible timetable would be: 10.30 am Worship together 10.45 am Separate APCM’s 11.35 am Worship Together 12.15 pm Either light refreshments or a Agape Meal Together? CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL The Electoral Roll is effectively a ‘Roll of Membership’ - it is a list of those who wish to identify with and support the local church and God’s work here in South Barrow. Please note - quite a few people’s names are not on the Electoral Roll—might you have forgotten to register last year? If so, please check the Roll and if your name is missing and you are a regular worshipper at St George’s or St Aidan’s then please complete an Electoral Roll form by Sunday 22 March at the latest. St Georges Mother Union Our first meeting of 2015 was held on January 5th, it was our A.G.M. Thanks were given to Betty Fullard and Alison Taylor for their help in the last 12 months. Janice Edington our Deanery Leader gave an interesting talk about her journey in her Christian life. On January 20th we held our Christmas dinner at the Lisdoone, we all enjoyed the afternoon. For our February meeting Andy Ward our youth worker came to talk about his work with young people. He gave us a very inspiring talk and asked us to pray for the young people in Barrow. Sad news this month, we lost one of our faithful members, Marlene Hubbold. We send our prayers to her family. Our next meeting is on March 10th. Sylvia Groves. St Luke’s Mothers Union On Thursday 12th February Canon Gary Cregeen showed us slides of ‘Believe....in Barrow’. There will be a lot going on including a marquee in Barrow Park and a Hog Roast! On Thursday 14 May, Ascension Day, the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, will be speaking at St George’s Church, followed by the MU’s ‘BIG TEA’ in the hall. This is an opportunity to invite friends and family who wouldn’t normally attend church or the MU. We are looking forward to the Lent Talks in the Pennington Room each Thursday during Lent. We were sorry to hear of the death of our oldest member, Minnie Grant. Minnie was 100 on the 4th February and attended meetings well into her nineties. She will be sadly missed and we assure her family of our thoughts and prayers. Doreen Finch MOTHERING SUNDAY SPECIAL TEAM SERVICE on 15 MARCH at 10.30 am At St Aidans Church Preacher: Revd Jo. Northey 6 11 St George’s CE Primary School & & Nursery School Calling all musicians & singers! Here is a brief résumé of school activities during January and February when children and staff have been as busy as ever... I would be very grateful if you would inform your Church members who are involved / interested in worship about an intention to help give Worship a high profile during the ‘Believe...in Barrow’ Mission and a legacy to build upon for the future. The aim to enthuse and equip individuals to use their gifts for God and to benefit others - both during the May Mission and beyond. If you are a musician or singer and feel that you would like to be involved in contributing to the success of our Believe in Barrow Mission and help others to know the wonders of His word, please get in touch with Owen Dutton via [email protected] or on 01229 838105. If you are not sure, why not just Come and see, - and then decide? The first meeting will be on Saturday 14th March 1.00pm - 4.00pm @ St Mark’s Church Nursery and reception children made educational visits to the Dock Museum and Dalton Animal Park and every class in school visited the Life Boat Station on various dates. 14 children from Year 5 visited the outdoor adventure water park in Coniston, taking part in paddle sports - I am lead to believe very cold weather on the day didn’t spoil the fun! The ‘Open The Book’ team, mentioned in last month’s TEAM TALK, made two visits this term: “Jesus and the Storm on the Lake“ was acted out in January followed by “Be Alike“ in February; these visits are always enjoyed by the children. Year 6 had a great time football training with Marc MacAloone from Barrow AFC, and six children (chosen from Years 3 and 4) took park in an indoor cricket competition held at the Academy (Ready for the World Cup in Australia?). Gaining second place whilst competing against 42 Schools, the gymnast team with children from Year 2( 6 year olds ) has to be congratulated, especially as they were only half a point behind the winners!! The School Council requested a Talent Show should be held; this took part during school time and was a huge success with children show casing their talents, watched and enjoyed by the whole school, including Mrs Kent and the members of staff. I cannot finish my report without mentioning Mrs Gwynne, a valued member of staff at St George’s School; Mrs Gwynne would have loved the Talent Show. Sadly, Mrs Gwynne lost her battle with cancer in December. A condolence book was placed in school where parents/carers were able to write their own prayers and memories of Mrs Gwynne who will be greatly missed. Sandra Adams Sometimes we give things up for Lent... this year why not DO something? Show God’s love and care in word and deed . . . 10 Encountering Scripture: a quiet day with the Ven. Penny Driver Thursday 5th March This day seeks to encounter scripture in a different way so that we might not only engage with those for whom it is written but also consider how it impinges on our lives today. We will consider three different biblical passages and will have personal time and space for reflection, including silent reflection. The day is the second in a series of six quiet days throughout the year reflecting the Christian journey. They offer individuals a brief oasis of space in their busy lives to reflect upon the spiritual life and to pray in the peace and beauty of Rydal. The day will commence with coffee at 9.30am and conclude with tea at 4.00pm. The cost per person, including a simple lunch and refreshments, is £20. Penny has been in the Diocese of Carlisle for three years and is currently the Archdeacon of Westmorland and Furness, with a brief for ministry strategy. She was born in Yorkshire and worked as a teacher before moving to serve the church as an adviser for children and young people, a Diocesan Director of Ordinands, a priest of three rural parishes in North Yorkshire and Archdeacon of Exeter. In her spare time she loves to cook and entertain, sing in choirs and walk her dog, Jess, on the fells. 7 HOW? Some time ago the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, expressed his desire to be involved in town and deanery missions across the north of England, and as a result of various conversations between me (as Rural Dean of Barrow), Bishop James, Canon Roger Simpson (the Archbishop’s Evangelist) and Barrow deanery clergy and lay leaders, it was agreed unanimously that the time was right to engage in an outreach across Barrow TOGETHER in 2015. The suggested ‘title’ for the Mission, ‘BELIEVE... IN BARROW’, recognises both the issues we sometimes contend with in Barrow - such as low self-esteem and lack of aspiration, and the conviction that belief in Jesus Christ can transform both individuals and communities. And so, in May 2015 we hope to have a town-tide celebration of faith and to let everyone know that God believes in the people of Barrow, He loves the people of Barrow and He longs for them to know and experience that love when they believe and trust in Jesus Christ. We hope to build on some of the growing activities where Christians across Barrow are already seeking to work together - such as through the Foodbank, the development of Open the Book teams, the deanery Marriage Preparation Course, Barrow Deanery Network Youth Church, Churches Together Pentecost Service, etc. This WORKING TOGETHER will be vital if ‘Believe...in Barrow’ is to truly be a blessing across the whole town. +Sentamu, along with Canon Roger Simpson, will be meeting a variety of people and speaking at different venues across Barrow; the TX Vikings (a group Norwegian Strongmen) and Springs Dance Company (from London) will run shows and workshops in most schools and at a 500-seater marquee in the town’s park; and Christian singer/songwriter, Steph. Macleod, will be performing a live concert in the Park – interspersed within these performances they will share how Jesus has saved them and changed their lives. In addition to this, churches are planning other events – including a MEGA MESSY Church in the marquee, ‘Pints of View’ in The Railway pub, a Curry Night, a Musical Marks Concert and Healing Service, and a Mother’s Union ‘BIG Tea’ at St George’s. There will be a Movie & Tea at St Paul’s, BBQ and Games on the Beach, ‘Tunes and spoons’ at St Mary’s Walney, and Gospel magic and puppets and games in the town centre. All these things will be happening between 1317 May, and will conclude with a combined Celebration Service on the Sunday morning with Canon Roger Simpson & Bishop James, followed by a Hog Roast Party in the park! WHAT? RESULT? As well as drawing Christians together in shared outreach we hope that these few days will be a catalyst for re-constructing people’s view of the Church – the Church can seem irrelevant and sometime exclusive. But more importantly, it is hoped that ‘Believe...in Barrow’ will provide people with an opportunity to hear the life-transforming good news of Jesus Christ – He said “I have come that they may life — life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). We can encounter many challenges in our society and we tend to seek solutions in a variety of ways without reference to God or recognition of our dependency on Him. However, St Augustine of Hippo discovered the secret of inner peace and purpose, both in the present and for eternity, when he acknowledged before God: “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.” Thus our hope is that ‘Believe...in Barrow’ will let everyone know that God believes in the people of Barrow, He loves the people of Barrow and He longs for them to know and experience that love when they believe and trust in Jesus Christ. Please pray about Believe... In Barrow, get involved and think about who you could invite to come along to hear the good news! The ‘Believe in Barrow’ Prayer Almighty God, who called your Church to witness that in Christ you were reconciling the world to yourself: help us so to proclaim the good news of your love through the Believe in Barrow Mission, that all who hear it may be reconciled to you through him who died for us and rose again and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
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