The Parish Family of St. Catharine and St. Margaret Spring Lake, New Jersey Rev. Harold Cullen, Pastor Mass Schedule St. Catharine Church 215 Essex Ave, Spring Lake, NJ 07762 Saturday: 5 PM Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM Monday- Saturday (except Wednesday): 8 AM St. Catharine Chapel Sunday: 12 Noon Wednesday: 8 AM Monday - Friday 12 Noon Parish Directory Rev. Harold F. Cullen PhD, Pastor Rev. William Dunlap, Associate Pastor Rev. Charles Weiser, Senior Priest Edward Jennings, Deacon Dr. John Little, Deacon Marianne Kelly, Parish Administrator Rich Baier, Buildings Marilyn L. Castellano, Ed.D, Principal Patricia Rowan, Vice Principal Tammy Sablom, Religious Education Sister Margaret Tierney, SC Pastoral Care Lisa DeFillippo Cole, HR/ Publicity Mark McNulty, Youth Ministry St. Margaret Church 300 Ludlow Ave. Spring Lake, NJ 07762 Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Catharine Chapel, Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM St. Margaret Church, Saturday 3:00 – 4:00 PM NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move into St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in the parish. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 [email protected] 732-449-5765 MASS INTENTIONS ST. CATHARINE CHURCH MONDAY, February 2 8:00 AM 12:00 PM (Chapel) Peter Connolly Mary D. Hatrak TUESDAY, February 3 8:00 AM 12:00 PM (Chapel) Terrence Gallagher Robert DeWyngaert WEDNESDAY, February 4 8:00 AM (Chapel) 12:00 PM (Chapel) Thomas Steets Vincent Marino Christopher Marron Virginia Abad The Don & Eileen Ahern Family Anna May Kaufmann Agnes & William Poplaski THURSDAY, February 5 8:00 AM 12:00 PM (Chapel) Gayle Britt Peter Nelan FRIDAY, February 6 6:45 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM (Chapel) Jack Ryan Anna Tinh Thi Nguyen Elaine Linder Joseph Bich Van Nguyen Raymond Schrader Anna Hong Thi Lang Jack Ryan SATURDAY, February 7 6:45 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM John Ryan Carmelite Intention Mary L. Linstrom SUNDAY, February 8 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM (Chapel) Eileen Venables Joan Ivins Carl C. Mennie Theresa & Phillip LoBiondo ST. MARGARET CHURCH SATURDAY, February 7 4:30 PM Thomas & Mary Hanlon SUNDAY, February 8 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM John & Patricia Reilly Paul Marion People of the Parish Please remember our sick: Sheila Lillis, Joseph Bozza, Henry Schroeder, Kevin & Susan Walters, Tom Murphy, Hanna & Rudolph O’Brien & three children Henry, Richard & Peter O’Brien, Donna DeSolis, Krystal Rossi, Dr. Paul Miguez, Baby Max Pogers, John P. Tully, Jr., Robert McNamara, Penny Struble, Pillar “Bundy” O’Connor, Florence Skinner, Mark Pavliv, David Stevens, Jane Magovern, Tiffany Hanke Benner, Charles Williams, Bob Patrignelli ** Please pray for the deceased: James Levers, Sr., Joan Repetti, Petrina Perretti, Frank B. Duffy, Frederick A. Williams, Richard Leahey, Sr., Baby Ellie Dawn Gillon, Rachel Fields, Virginia Purcell, Gerardo “Gerrry” Bibbo, Rachel Fields, Susan McMenemy, Baby Adriana Rose Frisina, Paul Marion, Alida Scheuermann, Anne D. Umbach, Stephen J. Kennelly, Peter O’Brien, Fr. John McGovern** 1 513 St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family Faith to Move Mountains A Campaign for the Diocese of Trenton Throughout 134 years as the growing Church of the Diocese of Trenton we have worked hard to fulfill our mission to make disciples, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Numbering 800,000 strong in 2014, we Catholics have come this far by faith. The challenges before us appear formidable, indeed mountain-like, but the faithful of our Diocese have always responded to the challenge of the Gospel through their generosity in many ways. They have always believed that faith is greater than the mountain. Fiscally we have been prudent with wise management of our resources. Proactively, as we seek to nurture new seeds of faith in our church through vital and dynamic programs and services, we must secure additional resources that will work for us in supporting our efforts. Secure endowments have long been mainstays of wealth for universities and hospitals, generating perpetual restricted income, funding specific programs and services. Like the tiniest mustard seed, which grows into the largest of plants, diocesan restricted endowments will nurture a multitude of lives through specific ministries that foster strong faith by strengthening our parishes and schools,; forming and supporting our seminarians and clergy, growing our lay formational and educational programs and broadening our social services. We are seeking to raise a minimum of $75 million to facilitate not only keeping the faith, but living, professing, witnessing and spreading it. Although the goal is ambitious, we remain confident that it can be achieved. Jesus said “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Members of our Parish who have family or friends in the service have given us their names which can be found in our Remembrance books in both churches in front of one of the side altars. We encourage you to stop there, say a prayer for those listed and for all our service people. To add a name to our prayer list, please call Barbara 732-449-5392 or Karen 732-685-7065 [email protected]. or I have become aware over recent years, especially since I became a pastor, that there are two, and maybe more, mentalities within the church, and it is difficult to see how they can be reconciled. Based on letters that I receive from time to time, it seems to me that a true reconciliation between the two mentalities may be a losing proposition. In a church so universal and so diverse as the Catholic Church it is inevitable that there will be different and maybe, even irreconcilable attitudes. For me, the question is not so much how we can reconcile the two outlooks, but rather how can we find a way that we can live together in peace and without recrimination. This issue became very apparent at the Synod of Bishops last October in Rome. Some people might describe the divide as between those who are “traditionalist” or “conservative” or “liberal” or “progressive”. Some will say that using labels like these disagree on some matters; only if they agree to put forward the best arguments for what they believe to be the way forward, while living with, and worshipping with people who disagree. When one side resorts to coercion or punishment for beliefs or opinions , we have a problem. Is it unrealistic to ask that differences and tensions between members of the church should not be smothered and denied? Many traditional Catholics, for example, look to Jesus primarily as an legislator, and they cite tests from the New Testament that make it quite clear that Jesus was against divorce and remarriage. Those who take a different approach do not deny this. What they assert however, is that while Jesus held out ideals of what ought to happen in a godly life, he was moved to compassion always by the plight of those who failed to reach the ideal. Fr Harry Cullen the fact that these labels do represent significant differences within our church. Catholic Numbers Rise An article in the Tablet (a British Catholic Journal -3 January 2015) described Pope Francis’ closing address to the Synod on the Family as a “preemptive strike According to the Vatican news agency Fides, the number of Catholics in the world has increased with growth across all five continents. The number of Catholics in the world stood at 1.23 bullion people, with an overall increase of over 15 million over the 2013 numbers. The world percentage of Catholics stood at 17.49 per cent. The global number of priests increased by 895 to 414,313. This growth was seen especially in Africa and in Asia against the extreme wings of opposing Catholic camps”. Suggesting, according to the author “a path of détente, maybe even of disarmament, for the year ahead as the church prepares for the Synod’s second part in October, 2015”. In some respects, the divide in the church is partly about the use of power to impede the free discussion of ideas. There are people in our church who do not believe that agreeing to differ is a good thing, even when it does not relate to matters of faith and morals, and even if those issues do not pertain to official church teaching. Peace can only come about if the two sides agree to 2 513 St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family Globally, the church runs 71,188 kindergartens, 95,245 primary schools and 43,783 high schools. Charity and health care centers in the world run by the church total 115,352. CALENDAR MONDAY, February 2 Enrichments Girl’s V Bball Boy’s JV Bball CYO School School School School 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM TUESDAY, February 3 Pastoral Care Healthy Bones Pastoral Care Enrichments Cheerleaders CCD K-5Th Grade CCD 6th -8th Grade Allaire Hall Brandywine School School School School 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, February 4 Women’s Bible Study Pastoral Care Daisy Troop Girl’s JV Bball Girl’s V Bball Boy’s V Bball Respect Life CYO Convent Sunrise School School School School Convent School THURSDAY, February 5 Healthy Bones Pastoral Care Altar Sewing/Craft Guild Enrichments Girl’s JV Bball Boy’s JV Bball Girl’s V Bball Children’s Choir FRIDAY, February 6 Girl’s V Bball Boy’s JV Bball Boy’s V BBall Hall Wexford Hall School School School School Chapel School School School 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:15 PM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM SATURDAY, February 7 Regular Collection………… $17,835. Second Collection $ 3,800. First Collection Summary By Mass St. Margaret’s Saturday 4.30PM $1,948. Sunday 8.30AM $1,420. Sunday 10.00AM $2,722. Sunday 11.30AM $2,184. Total St Margaret’s $8,274. St. Catharine’s Saturday 5.00PM $1,065. Sunday 7.00AM $1,437. Sunday 9.00AM $ 988. Sunday 10.30AM $2,028. Sunday 12.00PM $1,524. Total St Catharine’s Church $7,042. Second Collection Total Cash Second Collection $1,416. Total Checks Second Collection $2,384. Miscellaneous Contributions that come in the mail $1,693. SUNDAY, February 8 Charismatic Prayer Gourp BLD January 25-26, 2015 Hall 1:00 PM Loose Cash $826. Total Miscellaneous Communion Under Both Kinds Following the advice and counsel of health conscious parishioners, we will not begin offering the Communion Cup until after the flu season is over. This will also give us time to invite additional extraordinary ministers of Communion to help us in this ministry. $2,519. Update of Christmas Collection Total St Margaret’s church $37,905.00 Total St Catharine Church $46,810.00 School Mass Christmas Eve $4,803.00 Total for all Christmas Masses $89,518.00 Contributions through the Mail $74,820.78 Parish Pay at Christmas $6,818.44 Total Christmas Collection 3 513 St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family $171,157.00 End of Year Contributions To 3 Special Projects Parish Pastoral Council (24 Hr Streaming Video System; STEM Lab: Pre-Kindergarten Class) As of 1-25-2015 Total Contributions .. $119,000.00 World Meeting of Families The World Meeting of Families is the largest Catholic gathering of families. It is held every three years and is sponsored by the Holy See's Pontifical council for the Family. A theme is chosen that enlivens and energizes the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. - Philadelphia 2015 is “LOVE is Our Mission: The Family fully alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. Since its inception by Pope John Paul 11 in 1994, the World Meeting of Families has strengthened the bonds of families across the globe. The Pope is Coming! Yes, it’s official! The Holy Father will be present to conclude the World Meeting of Families. It is likely that Pope Francis will arrive for a public welcome on the evening of Sept. 25 and end his visit with a public Mass celebrated on the Parkway on Sunday, Sept. 27. For Current Information visit: The website is well organized with information on the World Meeting of Families program and schedule, ways to volunteer or donate, places to stay, things to do. You can sign up for email alerts, like the Facebook page, and follow the Twitter account for more information as well. 4 513 St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family Members Dana Puharic Maureen Martin Maureen Liddy John Fudge Susan Marks Becki Rubel Michael Mastrocola Claire Mullen Joseph Iorio Liza Keefe Jack Kirnan Elizabeth Perry St. Catharine-St. Margaret Pastoral Council held its first meeting on Saturday, Jan 10. The council discussed its structure, role and function and future course. Although there was agreement about meeting once a month, it was decided to meet again in two weeks (January 24) to continue the re-organization process. The following officers were selected by the council members: Facilitaror --- Susan Marks Recorder-------Jack Kirnan Spirituality---Maureen Liddy/Michael Mastrocola In the months ahead, the members of the council will be meeting to initiate and structure a plan of pastoral planning for the parish. The process will involve researching, considering and proposing pastoral goals for our parish family. Eventually through the pastoral planning process, the council will discern what needs to be changed, supported or enhanced in order to keep the parish faithful to its mission. Some council members expressed their view that the parish needs to make people feel more welcome. Other members of the council commented on the large influx of summer visitors and the need to reach out to them in practical terms, perhaps through a reception or a summer carnival. It was also expressed that the parish, and pastoral council members, need to be more active in greeting and connecting with parishioners at Mass. We pledge that through this bulletin and in other ways, you will be kept up to date on everything that the council is considering. I thank the twelve members of the parish who stepped forward, and enthusiastically and lovingly accepted the call to serve the church as members of St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish Pastoral Council. Mission of Mercy in Uganda Update To the Benefactors of our 2014 Ugandan Collection: Thank you so much for your MOST GENEROUS donations to the 2014 Ugandan Collection at St. Catharine/St. Margaret Parish that amounted to $50,000!! The total amount collected so far for Mission of Mercy for 2014 was $86,448.65. We are also grateful to Kerry Mooney and Moms on a Mission who raised $50,000 this year. They will be sending $10,000 to us this month to begin construction of the Children’s Ward at the Alanyi Health Center. We have been able to give the following assistance in 2014. $6,000 for the construction of St. Kizito’s final classroom in the forest of Lwetunga $1,578 to finalize construction of the Maternity Unit $1,105 for the refrigerator, solar panel, battery in the Maternity Unit $828.41 for the solar and battery panel for the convent $3,156 for the Heater on top of the convent $2,000 for the baseball field for the Alanyi Primary School $150 for a cow for an orphan, Rabinah $16,569.00 for the construction of the doctor’s house $800 to hire two watchmen for the Alanyi Health Clinic and Alanyi Primary School. $42,000 for tuition and food assistance for 100 orphaned/needy children at St. Kizito School and other schools in Uganda $5,000 for mailing boxes of supplies to the Alanyi Health Clinic plus postage and note cards sent to benefactors. $250 for rice and beans for Moms Appreciation Day at the Maternity Clinic. $430 for Father Moses to buy liturgical books for Apac Catholic Parish in Uganda $300 stipend for a seminarian $900 stipends for Masses and school transportation for Father Pontian $2000 to a women’s support group by providing them training to make jewelry. Proceeds from Beads of Hope organized by Joy Foley, Susan Mclean’s African note cards, and the birthday cards created by Joanne Gibson were also given to benefit Mission of Mercy. Many boxes of medical supplies, religious items and clothing are being sent monthly for the benefit of the Alanyi Health Clinic and donated by the physicians and parishioners from our parish and school. Lovely comfort dolls were knitted by women here and in Rhode Island. Clothing for babies have been given during our “Giving Tree” event at Christmas. Vestments and chalices were sent to the priests of St. Thomas More Parish in the bush area of Lira, Uganda, in memory of parishioners. A large outdoor statue of Our Lady of Fatima was also donated and sent to the new Maternity Unit in Alanyi . We want to thank you most sincerely for all that you have given to our Mission of Mercy organization. . Your prayers and financial support have made a tremendous difference in offering quality education and health care to so many people. Throughout the year we have Masses celebrated for you in gratitude for your generosity. We are especially grateful to: Father Harry Cullen for allowing us to continue this outreach program. To Dave Wright for assisting us in the coordination of this project with the Social Concerns Committee. To Marianne Kelly and Sue Keating for coordinating the financial matters and wiring the funds to Uganda To Tesa Carlson and Rachelle Maget for coordinating the tuition assistance program To Marion Shuler and Irene Burns for packing the items to be shipped To Jerry Gallagher for assistance in shipping the items To Anita, Ellen and Anita Kruse in coordinating the benefactors’ thank you notes To Dr. Laura Tesoriero for coordinating the distribution of the brochures to the benefactors To St. Catharine School for supporting the School Ugandan Store and for donating money to the children. Gratefully, Sister Carole MacKenthun, RSM and Joy Foley, Directors of Mission of Mercy in Uganda. Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Margaret Church Saturday, February 7th & Sunday, February 8th Celebrant SAT. 4:30PM SUN. 8:30AM SUN. 10:00AM SUN. 11:30AM Fr. Weiser Fr. Pecklers Fr. Will Fr. Weiser Shane & Liam Tennyson Michael Liddy Tyler Capristo Kieran Flanagan Steve Mazur Daphne Nesney Curran Magnusson Chris Clark Elizabeth Baker Nora Judge Julia Ventura Noelle Ventura Tom Panepinto Maureen Liddy Frances Scuilli William Clark Liz Nesnay Jesse Novak Florence Tedesco Altar Server Mary Cate Pilla Lector John Nugent Eucharistic Minister MINISTER NEEDED Helen Nugent Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Margaret Church Saturday, February 7th & Sunday, February 8th SAT. 5:00PM SUN. 7:00AM SUN. 9:00AM SUN. 10:30AM Fr. Cullen Fr. Morley Fr. Cullen Fr. Cullen Lector Joseph Francolino L & B Marks James & Jeffrey Vitale Gia Beyer Elizabeth Perry Thomas Perry Connor Martin Jane Kulaga Ryan Maguire Russel Parentela Nathaniel Riehl Isabella Maguire Maeve Cosgrove Erin Paniscotti Shane Leddy Carol Morris Eucharistic Minister Peg Gontkof Sr. Margaret Tierney John Hillyard Betsy Ryan Maureen O’Reilly Teresa Rigney Mary Ann Conte Jim or Virginia Piccolo Celebrant Altar Server Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Chapel Saturday, February 7th & Sunday, February 8th 12 NOON Celebrant Fr. Gallagher Altar Server Kellen & Declan Hogan Bridget Salmon Maura McDermott Lector Eucharistic Minister Theresa Abel ATTENTION PARISH PAY PARTICIPANTS We have begun our switch to Parish Giving for the Electronic Fund Transfer program. We will no longer be using Parish Pay. All parishioners currently enrolled in Parish Pay are encouraged to contact the rectory or visit the parish website WWW.STCATHARINE-STMARGARET.ORG and follow the prompts to enroll in Parish Giving. Is God Calling You? Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation with other like-minded men through prayer and sharing vocation stories and experiences. The group meetings are not meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your true vocation and build your relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month's discernment meeting on January 25th, from 4pm to 6pm at Saint Joseph Parish, 685 Hooper Avenue in Toms River, New Jersey. Join Rev. Scott Schaffer, as he shares his experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and concluding with a great meal and conversation. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling 609-406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! 5 513 St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family VOCATION PRAYER: Dear God, bless our family life and nurture us with your love and care. Help us to be attentive to the needs of one another. Guide us to reach beyond our home in service to others. We ask you to open the hearts of our children to hear your voice, to know their true vocation, and to find true happiness in you. Amen. St. Catharine - St. Margaret Men’s Group Meets in St. Margaret Hall at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for prayer and discussion of the Scripture Readings for the following Sunday Liturgy. All men are welcome. PARISH INFORMATION BAPTISMS: 2nd 4th Baptisms are usually on the & Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Class must be taken before the Baptism. The next class is Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Convent. We urge parents to take the class before the baby’s birth. Please call 732-449-5765, ext 102 to arrange for Baptisms and the Preparation Class. CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD: All children, ages 4 and up are invited to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:00 AM Mass in St. Margaret's Church. There is no fee or registration required. MARRIAGES: Those planning marriage should notify the pastor at least one year in advance. The Church sees marriage in one’s own parish as the most proper arrangement, therefore, people who reside in St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish have a right to be married here. Others should receive the sacrament in their own parishes. The bride, the groom, or their parents must be registered and living in this Parish for at least one year. Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter Weekend is required as is participation in FOCCUS; a self-diagnostic inventory designed to help couples learn more about themselves and their unique relationship. Please call 732-449- 5765, ext. 166. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: After the 8:00 AM Mass on Monday. QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY: Sunday at 3:00 PM, St. Catharine Church. EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION: Weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held EVERY Wednesday after the 8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel, Benediction at 4:00 PM. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move into the boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in the parish. Parish Bulletin: [email protected] PARISH WEBSITE: WWW.STCATHARINE-STMARGARET.COM PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL E-MAIL: [email protected] OFFERTORY PARTICIPATION Parishioners are encouraged to bring the Offertory Gifts up to the altar at the masses, especially if mass is in memory of your loved ones. If you would like to do this please ask the ushers before the mass begins. 6 513 St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family PASTORAL CARE: 732-449-5765 If you are going into the hospital, our priests will be happy to anoint you by appointment before admittance. If you are IN the hospital, please call us to let us know so we can visit you, since hospitals no longer list patients’ parishes. If you wish someone to visit you or your loved one in your home or assisted living, please notify us directly. Sr. Margaret Ext. 124 Bereavement Support Group: The next session is Thursday, January 8th at 1:30 PM in the convent. If you have lost a loved one do not feel alone in your journey, we are here to support you. Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732 449-5765, Ext. 124. Prayer Shawl Makers: The next session will be on Wednesday, January 14th at 7:30 PM in the convent. Some Interesting People Facts According to a press release from the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, nine percent of the 114th Congress are Jesuit college and university alumni. Among the 535 members, 47 graduated from Jesuit Colleges or universities. Of these, 11 are in the Senate and 36 are in the House of Representatives. Georgetown University has the most with 23, followed by Boston College with six, and four from Fordham University. Lay Carmelites Have you ever had the desire to grow deeper in your Faith? We offer you the opportunity to fulfill that desire. This desire is the movement of the Holy Spirit in you to pray. Let us be the instrument to bring this to fulfillment. If interested in discussing or attending one of our meetings, please call Jim Morrissey at 732-489-2031. Women's Bible Study Women’s Bible Study Group is an opportunity for women of all ages and all levels of Biblical knowledge to gather in fellowship and talk about scripture and its meaning to the challenges in our lives. The group will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am-11:00am in the St. Catharine’s Convent living room. For more information about the group, please contact Catherine Pavincich at 732-449-5623 or at [email protected]. WANTED: Slightly used First Communion dresses, suits, shoes, veils and accessories. Jeff Newman, a parishioner and member of Helping Hands, Catholic Charities Monmouth County Youth Group, will be collecting these items for distribution in Monmouth County. Please email Jeff at [email protected] to arrange for drop off or pick up of your donations. St. Catharine ~ St. Margaret Parish Family 215 Essex Avenue Parish Administration Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762 ~MASS SCHEDULES~ Street and Telephone Numbers Rectory, 215 Essex Avenue 732-449-5765 Convent, 211 Essex Avenue 732-449-5765, ext 126 School, 301 Second Avenue 732-449-4424 Religious Education Office, School 732-449-4424, ext 305, 310 St. Catharine Cemetery, W Chicago Blvd. Sea Girt 732-681-6269 St. Anne Cemetery, Allenwood Road, Wall 732-681-6269 St. Catharine Church Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 AM Friday, Saturday: 6:45 AM St. Catharine Chapel Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 12:00 Noon PARISH WEBSITE: WWW.STCATHARINE-STMARGARET.COM Wednesday: 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon Sunday: 12:00 Noon PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL E-MAIL: [email protected] St. Margaret Church SCHOOL WEBSITE: Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 AM -4:00 St. Catharine School PM. Evenings and Saturdays by appointment. If you wish an apWeekday Mass for individual classes: 9:00AM pointment with a priest, please call beforehand. On Holy Days & on Wednesdays and Fridays during the school Holidays, the rectory office is closed. year. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council Finance Council Altar Sewing & Crafts Guild Bereavement Group CYO Youth Group Health Ministry Holy Innocents Society Knights of Columbus Respect Life Committee School PTA Social Concerns Third Order of Mt Carmel Susan Marks PJ McMenamin Madelyn Curtis Sr. Margaret Tierney Mark McNulty Cathi Breslin Marion Mullarkey Tom Dorney Joan McGurty Angelo Moliterno Barbara Griffin Janet Schneider Dave Wright James Morrissey 732-449-3491 908-230-4085 732-449-0059 732-449-5765 x124 732-449-5765 x125 732-449-6824 732-449-8406 732-449-9589 732-859-4358 732-974-7258 732-774-0790 732-359-7707 732-282-1998 732-489-2031 And Finally…. Some Catholic Humor One four year old prayed: “ And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.” SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Catharine Chapel Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM St. Margaret Church Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM PARISH PROGRAMS RECTORY Receptionist Administration Adult Education Baptisms Bookkeeping Buildings & Grounds Bulletin Envelopes, Registration Funerals Music Office Pastoral Care Publicity Receptionist Scheduling Weddings Youth Ministry Tax Letters 732-449-5765 Ext 100 Ext 106 Ext 102 Ext 102 Ext 107 Ext 104 Ext 110 Ext 109 Ext 102/101 Ext 103 Ext 124 Ext 169 Ext 100 Ext 173 Ext 166 Ext 125 Ext 178 Remember St. Catharine’s in Your Will Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the St Catharine School/Parish , Spring Lake, NJ, the sum of $___________or_______ percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works”. Stock may also be donated to the parish. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We, the Catholic community of St. Catharine ‑ St. Margaret, gather in Christ's name to nurture spiritual growth through the various stages and challenges of life. We are committed through liturgy, sacraments and parish activities ‑ to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to provide a quality Catholic education for children and adults, to continue to build community and to serve those in need. Rich in the traditions established in this community during the last century, we challenge ourselves to live our faith in loving service to the community's residents and its many summer visitors. We affirm our concern for all members of the Mystical Body of Christ everywhere and particularly those who require assistance. And always, we seek to know and love God and to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us.”
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