St Anthony’s Parish Picton Bargo – Balmoral – Buxton – Couridjah – Douglas Park – Lakesland – Menangle – Picton – Pheasants Nest – Tahmoor – Thirlmere – Wilton – Yanderra ————————————————————— Parish Priest : Father John Ho 20 Stratford Road, Tahmoor NSW 2573. Parish Bulletin SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME —YEAR B ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name. FIRST READING: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 A reading from the book of Leviticus As long as he is unclean, he must live alone, outside the camp. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. SECOND READING Corinthians 10:31—11:1 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited his people. Alleluia! Sunday 15 February 2015 WEEKEND MASS TIMES: St Anthony’s Church - Tahmoor Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 7.30am & 9.30am WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Tuesday5.30 pm—Tahmoor Wednesday- 8.00am—Tahmoor 10.00 am—School Hall, Picton 7.00 pm—Tahmoor ASH WEDNESDAY Thursday8.00 am—Tahmoor 10.30 am—Queen Victoria Hospital Friday9.30 am—Picton Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 5.15– 5.45 pm Tahmoor and before Sunday masses GOSPEL: Mark 1:40-45 The leprosy left him and he was cured. Adoration: Tuesday 1st Tuesday 4.30pm—5.15pm 9.00am—9.45am COMMUNION ANTIPHON: They ate and had their fill, and what they craved the Lord gave them; they were not disappointed in what they craved. St Patrick’s Church—Menangle 6.00 pm Mass on the First Sunday of the month. NEXT WEEKS READINGS: FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT—YEAR B Gen 9:8-15; 1 Pet 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Second Saturday of the Month Arabic Mass—4.00 pm Tahmoor LIVING LITURGY OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 3.00p.m. Parish Phone 4683 2230 Fr John’s Mobile 0408 671920 Parish Fax: 4683 2248 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: The healing for which I need to ask Jesus is … What Jesus wills for me STEWARDSHIP CORNER is … What I will for others is … In today’s second reading, St. One way I reach out to outcasts is … Paul urges the Corinthians to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards! 9.30 am next week: D & T Ingrey & R Tirk OUR PARISH WELCOMES : Bobby Nolan, Noah Kostopoulos, As Members of St Anthony’s Parish, we share the Louis Phillips, Thomas & Oliver Kearns who will be welcomed responsibility of building up the spiritual and ma- into the Parish this weekend, and all our visitors and new terial welfare of our community by promoting parishioners. VISION STATEMENT: God’s values of love, justice and peace and extending this message of goodwill beyond our im- DIARY DATES: Tuesday 17 February, AIM meeting, 7.30 pm in the mediate boundaries. demountable. Thursday 19 February, Parish Finance Committee PRAY WITH THE POPE IN FEBRUARY meeting, 7.30 pm in the demountable We pray that prisoners, especially the young, Saturday 21 February, Youth Mass and Commismay be able to rebuild live of dignity. We alsioning of Staff of St Anthony’s parish School so pray that married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Amen FOLLOW POPE FRANCIS: “Jesus is not a figure from the past: he continues now and always to light the way for us.” Pope Francis WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? God is calling. Do I have space to listen to the call placed in my heart? Seek time and space to pray. Share your hopes with others, deepen God’s call. Need guidance? Contact Fr Richard Healey, VoRECENTLY DECEASED: Bill Whiteman ( Fr Vince Whiteman’s cations Director, on 0401 621 591, brother), Fr Peter Mai Dao Hien, Claris Burley, Fouad [email protected]. stani, Botros & Mario Azzi, Barbara McCann ANNIVERSARY: Brendan Debono, Jean Newell ANZAC 100 YEARS – Our Relatives who served MEMORIAL: Bernadette (Bernarda) Blazic PRAY FOR THE SICK: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Ian Mac- MASS: To commemorate ANZAC 100 YEARS, Fr John will namara, Stephanie Macnamara, Barba Asplet, Fr David Cat- celebrate Mass at 6.00 am at Picton church on the 25th teral, Alma Reynolds, Barry Smith, Jim Matthews, Elizabeth April 2015. The Mass will finish in good time for people to Linsell, join the shire’s procession at 7.00am. The weekend Masses at Tahmoor will also include commemorations for ANZAC GREETERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK DAY. Vigil: G Mason Youth PHOTOS: The Liturgy Committee is inviting any family who Ashleigh & A Ferrara Youth had relatives, male and/or female serving in any of the 7.30 am S Porter J Coughlan wars, in whatever capacity, (e.g. medical/nurses) to bring 9.30 am A & D Ingrey K & J Knight along a copy of a photo of your relative(s) with name, where and when they served, if they died in the war, and their relaREADERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK tionship to you, for a display. Finished size: A5 (i.e. half an Vigil: M Campbell Youth ordinary A4 sheet of paper.) Please see SAMPLE on foyer T Monro-King Youth whiteboard. A box for all entries is on the table under the 7.30 am J Coughlan D Turvey whiteboard. The box will be cleared after each Mass. Dead9.30 am A Van Dantzig T Hancock line for contributions: Sunday March 8th, so we have time to A Ingrey TBA prepare the items for display. If you do not have a photo, please give us names and details to be included. A separate EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER page for each relative please. If you need help to get your THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK photo copied please contact Cathy Boughton at the parish Vigil: M Chaumont A Buckley office. M Cronin G Mason MEMORABILIA: If you have some special memorabilia which M Cronin B Nolan might be used in the display, please see the whiteboard for 7.30 am S Cichocki L Amato further details. P Coughlan A Cordingley Queries: See whiteboard for contact persons. 9.30 am A Vannan A Vannan Thank you. Sr Cathy Dulhunty P Wyatt A Cox S Spiteri N Maxfield GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRY – A small group of Parishioners CLEANERS WEEK COMMENCE: 15.2.15 WEEK COMMENCE: 22.2.15 have been visiting local people who have recently lost a C Morris & B Kiss M Azzi & M Wright close family member for some time. Fr John would like to form a Ministry to do this with a few more people involved, FLOWERS THIS WEEK 14.2.15 NEXT WEEK 21.2.15 and invites everyone who is interested in contributing their E Stevens NO FLOWERS DURING LENT time to this very important work to a meeting in the Demountable on Thursday 26th February at 7.00 pm to discuss SACRISTY WEEK COMMENCE: 15.2.15 WEEK COMMENCE 22.2.15 this further. For more information please speak with Fr M Gilbert G Dobson John after Mass, or just come along to the meeting. PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Lord grant them eternal peace & joy and to their families and friends strength and comfort CHILDREN’S LITURGY: This Week— MORNING TEA 7.30 am next week: J & J Maher HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS & COMMUNION If you have a car and 15 to 20 minutes after the 7.30 am or 9.30 am Masses on Sundays, your help is needed to take Holy Communion to sick & housebound people in our parish. Fr John will assist and commission you as a Eucharistic Minister for the sick, and will introduce you to your designated housebound person. Please give this matter your serious consideration as the need is great. The custom of taking Communion from the Sunday Mass to the sick goes back to the very early Church. The first YOUTH MASS of 2015 @ St, Anthony’s Parish Church , Tahmoor/Picton will be @ 6-00pm Vigil Mass on Saturday February 21st Come along and join in the celebration with a great choir –Huge band and all the students /parishioners that make this so SPECIAL. Refreshments will be served after Mass THE CREED Until the end of June we will have the Apostles’ Creed at Mass, and from July to the end of December the Nicene Creed. The aim is to help us all memorise both creeds for those occasions when we do not have words up on the screen. PASCHAL PRECEPT; Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of abstinence from meat for everyone over 14 years of age, as well as days of fast for those bound to fast All who have completed their 18th year and have not yet begun their 60th year are bound to fast. All who have completed their 14th year are bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Pastors, teachers, parents are to ensure that those who, by reason of their age, are not bound by the laws of fasting and abstinence from meat, are taught the true meaning of penance. INFORMATION DAY FOR YEAR 7 ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 AT JOHN THERRY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ROSEMEADOW Date: Saturday 14 February 2015 Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm with an information session at 10.30am in the school hall Where: John Therry Catholic High School Demetrius Road Rosemeadow. For further information regarding enrolment please contact the school Secretary, Mrs Josephine Geer, on 4645 8100 or visit our website or email the school at POPE FRANCIS – SEEKING GOD Reflecting on: Genesis chapter 2: “God said, 'Let us make man in our own image…” & Mark chapter 7: “And Jesus said to them, ‘How ingeniously you get round the commandment of God in order to preserve your own tradition!’ “Christians who are just sitting, staying still, will not truly see the face of God. They have not seen it. They may say, ‘God is like this and that’ but they don't really know. To move forward, you need that restlessness, that God Himself has planted in our hearts. It moves us forward as we seek God…Those who never set out on this journey, will never know the image of God, will never find the face of God. Sedentary Christians, lethargic Christians will not know the face of God: They do not know Him. They say: ‘God is like this...’, but those who are lethargic do not know Him. You need a certain restlessness to set out on this path, the same restlessness that God placed in each of our hearts and that brings us forward in search of Him”. “In the Gospel, Jesus meets people who are afraid to set out on the path (in search of their identity) and who content themselves with a caricature of God. It is a fake ID. These lethargic people have silenced the restlessness of their heart, they depict God with commandments and forget God: ‘You, by neglecting the commandment of God, CLERGY APPOINTMENTS: Bishop Peter has appointed observe the tradition of men', and in doing so they turn Fr Graham Schmitzer as Administrator of the Parish of away from God, they do not journey towards God and when Unanderra, effective 17 February 2015. they are insecure, they invent or make up another com Fr Richard Healey as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of mandment…Today the liturgy invites us to reflect on these Corrimal, effective 17 February 2015. two texts, which are two identity cards, which we all have. Fr Joseph Nguyen OFM Conv has been appointed to the The Lord has made us this way. One tells us: ‘Set out on Parish of Camden as Assistant Priest. the path and you will discover your identity, because you are the image of God, you are made in the likeness of God. ENROLMENT—ST ANTHONY’S PICTON—Enrolment packagGet up and seek God’. And the other: ‘No, do not worry: es for Kindergarten 2016 will be available from the school fulfil all these commandments, and this is God. This is the office from this Monday 17 February. If you have a child face of God’. May the Lord give us all the grace of courage who will commence school next year please collect an apto always set out on the path, to seek the Lord's face, the plication package from the school office. Completed appliface that one day we will see, but which we must seek cations should be returned to school by Friday 27 March 2015. Should you know of any new families who might be here on Earth”. Rome 10/02/2015 considering enrolment for next year would you please pass on this information. For any enquiries please phone the school on 46771689. LAST WEEKEND: MAGDALENE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 7, 2016 Open Day/Information Evening - Monday 9 March 2015. School Tours running every half hour from 3pm to 6pm. Formal information session (including talks by school Leadership Team) from 7pm to 8pm in the CAPA block. Enrolment packages will be available for collection on this evening at the information session, and thereafter from the School Office. 1st COLLECTION 2nd COLLECTION CODE: Very Good Good Hangin’ in HELP When patronizing our sponsors, please thank them for supporting our Parish Bakery Blinds & Awnings Williams Blinds Funerals THIEN DINH HOT BREAD * Verticals * Security Doors * Roller Blinds * Awnings * Venetians * Roller Shutters * Roman Blinds * Panel Glides * Plantation Shutters U14/Picton Business Park Tel:(02) 4677 2777 15 Henry Street Fax: (02) 4677 2919 Picton NSW 2571 Shop 4 Argyle St, Picton 2571 Tel: 4677 2800 Open 7 Days Catholic High-School Take Away Australian Family Owned and Operated 24 Hours - 7 days Pre – arranged funeral plans All Areas PICTON - 4677 1644 365-367 Argyle St CAMDEN - 4655 6433 67 Broughton St Auto Mechanic Mechanical Repairs 4683 2529 Tyres & Batteries 4683 2529 4681 0760 Cnr Bargo River Rd & Rememberance Dr Tahmoor NSW 2573 Local Member The Hon. Jai Rowell MP Member for Wollondilly Office : Shop 1- 117 Remembrance Dr Tahmoor Phone : (02) 4683 2622 Mail : PO Box 1005 Tahmoor 2573 Email : [email protected] Auto Mechanic Funerals SUPPORT THE LOCALS DIAGNOSTICS SERVICING & REPAIRS REGO & L.P.G. SAFETY CHECKS 403 HUME HIGHWAY (B.P.) PICTON NSW 2571 PHONE: 4677 2555 FAX: 4677 1755 EMAIL: [email protected] AUTOMOTIVE– PETROL—L.P.G. DIESEL—TYRES Play Cricket BEQUEATHING In 2Cricket Juniors Senior BEQUEATHING Carpentry & Home Maintenance Boys Girls Rego during August Contact: Kevin Dries 0417 448 561 Andrew Murphy 0418 612 054 Jane Eva 0419 296 508 Would you like to remember the parish in your will? Property, money, artwork, plants… there are many ways you can be remembered. Please contact the parish office for further info. Phone: 4683 2230
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