St Anthony’s Parish Picton Bargo – Balmoral – Buxton – Couridjah – Douglas Park – Lakesland – Menangle – Picton – Pheasants Nest – Tahmoor – Thirlmere – Wilton – Yanderra ————————————————————— Parish Priest : Father John Ho 20 Stratford Road, Tahmoor NSW 2573. Parish Bulletin FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT —YEAR B ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast. FIRST READING: Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 A reading from the book of Chronicles The wrath and the mercy of the Lord are revealed in the exile and liberation of his people RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! SECOND READING Ephesians 2:4-10 A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Ephesians When we were dead through sins, he brought us to life. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! God loved the world so much, he gave us his only Son, That all who believe in him might have eternal life. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! GOSPEL: John 3:14-21 God sent his Son into the world that we might be saved through him. COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Jerusalem is built as a city bonded as one together. It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, to praise the name of the Lord. NEXT WEEKS READINGS: FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT—YEAR B Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Sunday 15 March 2015 WEEKEND MASS TIMES: St Anthony’s Church - Tahmoor Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 7.30am & 9.30am WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Tuesday- 5.30 pm—Tahmoor St Patrick Wednesday- 8.00am—Tahmoor Thursday8.00 am—Tahmoor 10.30 am—Queen Victoria Hospital St Joseph, Husband of Mary Friday9.30 am—Picton Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 5.15– 5.45 pm Tahmoor and before Sunday masses Stations of the Cross: 7.00pm on every Friday during lent Adoration: Tuesday 1st Tuesday 4.30pm—5.15pm 9.00am—9.45am St Patrick’s Church—Menangle 6.00 pm Mass on the First Sunday of the month. Douglas Park—Sunday 9.00am Mass SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS 1. Where was the last place you saw the sign - "John 3:16"? 2. Share how you experience God's love for you. 3. How would you describe “eternal life" ? 4. What does it mean for you to believe in Jesus? OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 3.00p.m. Parish Phone 4683 2230 Fr John’s Mobile 0408 671920 Parish Fax: 4683 2248 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: STEWARDSHIP CORNER All that we have and all that we are comes from the Lord. “We are truly his handiwork,” says St Paul in the second reading, “created in Christ Jesus to lead a life of good deeds which God prepared for us in advance.” CHILDRENS LITURGY: VISION STATEMENT: This Week— O Upton & D Spiteri Next Week—Youth Mass— Saturday Vigil As Members of St Anthony’s Parish, we share the responsibility of building up the spiritual and material welfare of our community by promoting DIARY DATES: God’s values of love, justice and peace and ex- Wednesday 18 March, PPC Meeting, 6pm in the tending this message of goodwill beyond our imdemountable. mediate boundaries. Saturday 21 March, Youth Mass, 6pm at Tahmoor. Tuesday 24 March, AIM Meeting, 7.30pm in the PRAY WITH THE POPE IN MARCH demountable Wednesday 25 March, Disability Workshop, 7pm We pray that those involved in scientific re- search may serve the well-being of the whole human person. We also pray that the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. Amen PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Lord grant them eternal peace & joy and to their families and friends strength and comfort RECENTLY DECEASED: Josip Basanovic, Catarina Oanh Nguyen, Liam Harding ANNIVERSARY: Mirko Celan, Tony Byrne, Robert Wright, Lisa ‘Grace’ Gordon, David Cook, Jayke Rutherford, Helen Axiak, Paul Wise MEMORIAL: John Marsden, Maria Pham Thi Mung. FOLLOW POPE FRANCIS: “ In the roughest moments, remember: God is our Father; God does not abandon his children.” Pope Francis EMBRACING ABILITY – WORKSHOP ON INCLUSION & HOSPITALITY Wednesday 25 March 7pm-9pm Parish Centre, St Anthony’s Parish, 20 Stratford Rd TAHMOOR This workshop focuses upon how we can embrace the ability of all people who come to participate in the worship and communal life of our parish communities, especially people with disability and their families. For more information and registration contact: [email protected] PRAY FOR THE SICK: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Ian Macnamara, Stephanie Macnamara, Barba Asplet, Fr David Catteral, Alma Reynolds, Barry Smith, Jim Matthews, Elizabeth PALMS WANTED: If you have any suitable palms that could be used for Palm Sunday, could you please bring them to Linsell the Church on the afternoon of Friday 27 March or on the GREETERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK morning of Saturday 28 March, so they can be prepared for Vigil: L McSweeney Youth use on Palm Sunday. S Ryan Youth 7.30 am J Coughlan S Porter PALM SUNDAY: If you have a Sunday Missal could you 9.30 am A & D Ingrey A Cox & S Tasker please bring it to mass on Palm Sunday, so that you can help play the part of the crowd. READERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Vigil: C McSweeney S De Zilva D Turvey O Upton A Van Dantzig Youth Youth J Maher T Hancock S Tasker NEW MEMBERS NEEDED FOR PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL - PPC members commit to giving two years to this 7.30 am Ministry of the Parish, and they can only give two consec9.30 am utive terms. Most of the PPC members must stand-down at this time, and we are therefore asking all parishioners to give prayerful consideration to who they would like to EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER have doing this work for the Parish. THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK You are invited to recommend as many parishioners as Vigil: M Chaumont A Buckley you wish. M Cronin T Earnshaw You may also recommend yourself. M Cronin B Nolan 7.30 am S Cichocki L Amato This is NOT a preferential system. All those whose A Cordingley D Turvey names are put forward will be invited to consider their 9.30 am A Vannan A Vannan willingness to accept nomination. The number of times A Cox A Schutt that any person is recommended will have no influence P Wyatt S Spiteri on the final membership of the council. There is NO NEED to ask a person before recommending CLEANERS WEEK COMMENCE: 15.3.15 WEEK COMMENCE: 22.3.15 them for the Pastoral Council. C Dunn & M Garvie Every person recommended will be invited to attend a FLOWERS THIS WEEK 14.3.15 NEXT WEEK 21.3.15 discernment session in the next few weeks (Date to be NO FLOWERS DURING LENT advised) at the end of which they will be asked to accept or decline nomination. SACRISTY WEEK COMMENCE: 15.3.15 WEEK COMMENCE 12.3.15 Recommendation Forms are available in the Foyer and in G Dobson M Gilbert the leaflet rack. Completed forms need to be returned MORNING TEA 7.30 am next week: T Cichocki & A Connell to the Parish Office or posted in the PPC box before 17th March. 9.30 am next week: K Devine The next YOUTH MASS @ St. Anthony,s Church , Tahmoor is @ 6-00 pm on Saturday , March 21st . Come along and join in the celebration with all your fellow friends from your past years in Primary School. There will be GREAT singing, HUGE band and refreshments after Mass. some drawing things if you like to draw, a cushion perhaps if you feel the need, all else is here. For more details and booking please contact Petrina 42 36 0533. And visit our website JESUS SAVES – WE CONDEMN When I was a young man in university, I felt condemned. I was successful in my career, but empty on the inside. Despite all my hard work, life seemed meaningless. I worked YOU ARE GOD’S WORK OF ART As God’s work of art, you are hard at uni, but not at being a Christian. In fact, I fell away to be shared, to reveal God to others. You have a vocation. from God at university, I stopped going to church. I never God is calling you. Need guidance? Contact Fr Richard Heaprayed or read the Bible. I didn’t even think about serving ley, Vocations Director, on 0401 621 591, priestpeople who suffered. [email protected]. You see, I condemned myself – to a self-centred, Godless life that felt empty because I was so empty. ENROLMENT—ST ANTHONY’S PICTON—Enrolment packages for Kindergarten 2016 will be available from the school office Sometimes we think God is busy watching for opportunities to condemn us. But Jesus clears up all that in this week’s Gosfrom this Monday 17 February. If you have a child who will pel. God doesn’t look for opportunities to condemn us, but to commence school next year please collect an application package from the school office. Completed applications save us from lives without meaning and to save us for life should be returned to school by Friday 27 March 2015. eternal. We condemn ourselves if we ignore Jesus’ recipe for Should you know of any new families who might be consider- living. Through sin and selfishness, we can build our own prising enrolment for next year would you please pass on this on. information. For any enquiries please phone the school on But God wants to free us. So God sent Jesus to show us the 46771689. way. Isn’t it great to know that God’s only desire is for us to live full lives now and into eternity? And even if we spend COME, CELEBRATE THE 500TH BIRTHDAY OF ST TERESA most of our life looking in the wrong places, God withdraws OF JESUS(AVILA), THE FOUNDRESS OF THE DISCALCED the offer of salvation. CARMELITES. When: Saturday 28 March 2015 Eventually I took the Lord up on the offer and decided to folWhere: OLMC Parish, 193 St Andrews Road, Varroville low Jesus and shine his light for the world. And since then I’ve Contacts: Phone 9603 7373 or email varrobeen free. [email protected] | Do you have any sinful habits that are slowly condemning Bring your friends for a very special day including: you? If so, talk to God this week about finding help to break 10am Mass with Bishop Peter Ingham them. 12noon Sausage Sizzle lunch 2pm Concert till 4:30 pm (Entry by donation) The Action Response 7pm Dinner/Dance (Entry pre-purchased ticket $25 pp) Invite one person who is missing from your local community to come to Mass with you between now and Easter. YOU ARE INVITED TO “A DAY OF PILGRIMAGE” 12 th April At Benedictine Abbey Jamberoo There are sites all over the world to which seekers of God go “on pilgrimage”, and in so doing come to know more deeply the landscape of their own present journey. You are invited to come to the Abbey for such a pilgrimage day. We will share Eucharist ,at 9am, walk within our grounds, stop and reflect, listen to some input, be silent, walk again, sing with the Community at prayer and meet the God who will likewise be on Pilgrimage with you. Just bring your own lunch perhaps a journal or paper to write on, This week we meet Sarita who was struggling to grow enough food for her family on her tiny farm plot in Nepal. In 2007, with the assistance of a program run by Caritas Nepal, she started a fish-raising business with 11 others. Now, they have a life-long source of food and income. Please donate to Project Compassion 2015 and help people in rural Nepal create a life-long source of food and income to benefit entire communities. 1800 024 413 (from GPBS—Gather Proclaim Break Send) EASTER MASS & RECONCILIATION TIMES 2015 Holy Thursday Good Friday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday 7.30 pm 10.00 am Stations of the Cross 3.00 pm The Passion 7.00 pm Vigil 7.30 am & 9.30 am Second Rite of Reconciliation: Thursday 26 March at 7.00 pm First Rite of Reconciliation: Good Friday after 10.00 am Stations of the Cross & after 3.00 pm The Passion LAST WEEKEND: 1st COLLECTION 2nd COLLECTION CODE: Very Good Good Hangin’ in HELP When patronizing our sponsors, please thank them for supporting our Parish Bakery Blinds & Awnings Williams Blinds Funerals THIEN DINH HOT BREAD * Verticals * Security Doors * Roller Blinds * Awnings * Venetians * Roller Shutters * Roman Blinds * Panel Glides * Plantation Shutters U14/Picton Business Park Tel:(02) 4677 2777 15 Henry Street Fax: (02) 4677 2919 Picton NSW 2571 Shop 4 Argyle St, Picton 2571 Tel: 4677 2800 Open 7 Days Catholic High-School Take Away Australian Family Owned and Operated 24 Hours - 7 days Pre – arranged funeral plans All Areas PICTON - 4677 1644 365-367 Argyle St CAMDEN - 4655 6433 67 Broughton St Auto Mechanic Mechanical Repairs 4683 2529 Tyres & Batteries 4683 2529 4681 0760 Cnr Bargo River Rd & Rememberance Dr Tahmoor NSW 2573 Local Member The Hon. Jai Rowell MP Member for Wollondilly Office : Shop 1- 117 Remembrance Dr Tahmoor Phone : (02) 4683 2622 Mail : PO Box 1005 Tahmoor 2573 Email : [email protected] Auto Mechanic Funerals SUPPORT THE LOCALS DIAGNOSTICS SERVICING & REPAIRS REGO & L.P.G. SAFETY CHECKS 403 HUME HIGHWAY (B.P.) PICTON NSW 2571 PHONE: 4677 2555 FAX: 4677 1755 EMAIL: [email protected] AUTOMOTIVE– PETROL—L.P.G. DIESEL—TYRES Play Cricket BEQUEATHING In 2Cricket Juniors Senior BEQUEATHING Carpentry & Home Maintenance Boys Girls Rego during August Contact: Kevin Dries 0417 448 561 Andrew Murphy 0418 612 054 Jane Eva 0419 296 508 Would you like to remember the parish in your will? Property, money, artwork, plants… there are many ways you can be remembered. Please contact the parish office for further info. Phone: 4683 2230
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