100 ANTIQUES FOR SALE, one-horse-drawn sleigh. Call for photo, make offer. 715-3275567, evenings. 16-18p BUYING ANTIQUES: One piece to estates. 715-829-1061. 17-52p BUYING OLD GAS STATION pumps, signs, pop machines, etc. 715-8291061. 17-52p 105 APPLIANCES FREE APPLIANCE DISPOSAL: Call 715-790-7687, Rice Lake. 14-17p KITCHEN REMODELING estimates, 715-553-0733. 15-18p FOR SALE: Commercial over-under double Altosham oven. Great upstart or second unit, $1,950. Call 715-4623818. 16-17p 110 ATVs FULL THROTTLE SPORTS: Servicing all makes & models. Genuine & aftermarket parts. ATV/UTV tires & accessories. Quality service and best prices. DNR registration station just west of Hwy. 53 on Hwy. 48, Rice Lake, 715736-9494. 30tfc CASH PAID FOR ATVS: Running or not. 715-646-1525. 3tfc A RARE BREED INDEED! Intimidator UTVs, made in the USA. intimidator.com. Duffy’s Sales, Barron, 715-537-3259. 37tfc 2002 YAMAHA WARRIOR 350: Black, racing exhaust, many upgrades, good condition. Race ready! $1,850/B.O. 715-566-3626. 16-17p 2005 ARCTIC CAT 500 w/plow, 1,300 miles, $3,900 or B.O. 715-205-1834. 17p ATV & SIDE-BY-SIDE HEADQUARTERS: Huge blowout pricing. Doorbuster youth ATVs starting at $699 plus FSD. Over 100 Honda CF Moto at liquidations. 866-955-2628, americanmarina.com (wcan). 17p 120 AUTOS WANTED: JUNK CARS & TRUCKS, $200 - $500. 715-651-5420. 19-18p CASH PAID FOR JUNK CARS & farm machinery. 715-410-9245. 25-24p WE ACCEPT USED WASTE OIL: Stokley Truck & Equipment, Milltown, 715-825-5858. 25tfc I WILL PAY YOU MORE FOR YOUR JUNK CAR at your home than what you would get if you took it to a scrap yard yourself. 715-553-1652. 15-18p FOR SALE: 2006 Toyota Corolla, 152,000 miles, well maintained, runs great, 35 mpg. Perfect second car or student car. $3,900. Amery, 715-6849142. 16-17p !!!!! JUNK VEHICLES WANTED !!!!! Top prices paid!!! Cash on the spot. You call, we haul. Call Larry, 612-2403290, Frederic, WI 16-19p WANTED TO BUY: Junk cars, trucks & good used vehicles. Highest prices paid. Nitchey Muffler & Tires 715-2654606. 17c TOP CASH FOR CARS: Any car/ truck, running or not. Call for instant offer, 800-454-6951. 17p WANTED: Older, smaller, reasonably priced car. Must be in good condition. 715-689-2340. 17p CHECK US OUT! Save money! Affordable advertising in many papers! Wisconsin Community Papers (WCP) and the Wisconsin Classified Ad Network (WCAN). Call toll-free. 800-727-8745 or visit our website, www.wisad.com (wcan). 17p DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-day vacation. Tax deductible. Free towing. All paperwork taken care of! 800-856-5491. (wcan). 17p FONDY VINTAGE AUTO CLUB ANNUAL SWAP MEET! Sun., March 15, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Fond du Lac Co. Fairgrounds Expo, Fond du Lac. Adm. $5. Info, Greg 920-579-8450 or Gary 920-579-0077. (wcan). 17p USED CARS & TRUCKS from $1,600$7,000. Call Dave at Midway Auto Sales, 715-865-2581. 17c 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT: Very clean, V6, power seats, $5,990. Dan, 651-252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 2005 AUDI A6: 3.2L Quattro Bose, navigation, excellent condition, $7,900. Dan, 651-252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 2005 SUBARU FORESTER: AWD, excellent condition, $6,800. Dan, 651252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 2003 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED: Very clean, 3.8L, V6, $5,900. Dan, 651252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 2002 FORD FOCUS HATCHBACK: Great gas mileage, $2,500. Dan, 651252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 2003 MAZDA MPV MINIVANS: V6, very clean, looks/runs/drives great, 116K miles, $4,150. 715-791-8028. 17p 130 AUTO PARTS / 130 SERVICE USED & REBUILT ENGINES: Transmissions, alternators, starters, fuel pumps & more. Delivery available. Bradwell Enterprises, Milltown, Wis., 715-825-3400. 22tfc TURTLE LAKE TIRE: Used and new tire sales. 715-541-2000. 12-22p 135 BOATS EMERALD BOAT REPAIR: Floors, carpet, transoms, gelcoats, paint & graphics. Rivet tightening & replacement. 715-781-0325. 12-17p BOATS & PONTOONS R US!! (Over 700 new/used in stock.) Visit the largest marine & motorsports showroom in the USA & save huge. American Marine & Motorsports, Shawano. Call 866-955-2628, americanmarina.com (wcan). 17p WE BUY BOATS/RVs/PONTOONS/ SLEDS/ATVs & MOTORCYCLES: Cash paid now. American Marine & Motorsports Super Center, Shawano. www.americanmarina.com 866-9552628. (wcan). 17p WHY BUY AT A BOAT SHOW when you can save much more? The 3rd-Annual Boat & Outdoor Extravaganza is Feb. 25-March 1 at American Marine in Shawano. Free parking. Free tickets. Free food & drinks. Over $40,000 in prizes given away. Free shallow water depth finders to the first 100 people at the door every day. americanmarina. com for details. (wcan). 17p 140 BUILDING SUPPLIES FOR SALE: New windows & doors. Price reduced. 715-327-8505. 46tfc LUMBER SALE: Curly bird’s-eye maple, walnut, oak, cherry, lots more. Flooring & panneling. 715-762-3737. 17p 145 BUSINESS / 145 OPPORTUNITIES www.bign.com/molson-mckenzie: Learn how to become a smarter consumer. 8-17p SEEKING CREATIVE VENDORS for new shop. Karen, 702-439-1588. 1518p 878093 - FAMILY RESTAURANT located in Rice Lake includes all operating equipment & customer off-street parking. Business shows a nice profit. Call Team Realty at 715-234-1991 for the details. 17c 180 CONSTRUCTION 195 ELECTRONICS DIRECTV’S THE BIG DEAL SPECIAL! Only $19.99 per month. Free premium channels, HBO, Starz, Cinemax & Showtime for 3 months & free receiver upgrade! Call now! 800-3202429. (wcan). 17p DISH TV RETAILER: Starting at $19.99/mo. (for 12 mos.) Free premium movie channels. Free equipment, installation & activation. Call, compare local deals! 800-374-3940. (wcan). 17p SWITCH & SAVE EVENT FROM DIRECTV! Packages starting at $19.99/ mo. Free 3 months of HBO, Starz, Showtime & Cinemax. Free Genie HD/ DVR upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket included with select packages. New customers only. IV Support Holdings LLC - an authorized DirecTV dealer. Some exclusions apply. Call for details, 800-918-1046. (wcan). 17p 198 ENTERTAINMENT FIND THE LOVE YOU DESERVE! Discover the path to happiness. New members receive a free 3-minute love reading! Entertainment purposes only. 18 & over. 800-308-9105. (wcan). 17p MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now, 800-387-3590. (wcan). 17p 200 FARM 130 MISCELLANEOUS CAIN’S SLAUGHTERING, on-farm slaughter - beef, sheep, hogs. Meat transported in enclosed trailer. Professional, fast & emergencies 24/7. 715222-2630. 12-17p NORTHWOODS LOCKER: We do onfarm slaughter and processing. Beef, hogs & sheep. We do emergencies 7 days a week. Drop off day every Thursday. 715-948-2554 or 719-313-6448. 15-18p 210 FEED / SEED FIRST-CROP ROUND BALES: 5x6, avg. 1,600 lbs., various types, $35$50/bale. Turtle Lake, 715-986-2178. 15-17p ALFALFA, ALFALFA-GRASS: Netwrapped, 4x5-1/2’ round bales, first & second cutting. Alfalfa-grass small squares, fourth cutting. Misty Ridge Farm, Sarona, 715-234-3781. 15-17p SELL HARVESTORE CORN: 715558-1850. 16-19p 4x5 ROUND BALES: Grass hay, stored inside. 715-781-4248. Call before 8 p.m. 16-18p SM. SQUARES OF TIMOTHY ALFALFA MIX: Second crop, $4; $3.50 for first crop. Turtle Lake, 715-641-1134. 16-20p HAY: 1,100# round bales, $50-$70. Wrapped baleage, $75. Or B.O. 715205-8451. 16-18p FOR SALE: Grass hay, 1st crop, 5x5 round bales, no rain, $35; sm. squares, 2nd crop, no rain, $3. 715-635-4987. 16-17p SM. SQUARE BALES, 1st crop, $3.50, Rice Lake. 715-495-1351. 16-17p SMALL SQUARE BALES, $4 per bale. 715-781-6501. 16-17p WHEAT STRAW FOR SALE from 2014 harvest, 450 square bales, 3x3x8 size, located in Rice Lake area. Delivery not available. 507-993-1804. 17-19p FOR SALE: 4x5-1/2-ft. round bales, net wrapped, no rain. 715-541-0727. 17-18p SMALL SQUARES MIXED HAY: $2.75-$3 per bale. 715-859-6287. 1718p HORSE HAY: Alfalfa grass, small squares, $5 average, 45 lbs. Lg. rounds, 4x6, net wrapped, $70 ea. Big squares, 3x3x8, $60 to $100 ea. Delivery available. 715-790-0050. 17-22p DAIRY-QUALITY ALFALFA GRASS: 3x3x8. Also, 3x3x6 alfalfa baleage, $50 to $65 ea. All hay has been tested. Delivery available. 715-790-0050. 17-22p HAY & STRAW FOR SALE: 3’x3’x71/2’, delivery available. 715-949-1378. 17tfc GRASS HAY: Small squares, $4, Almena. 715-357-6459. 17-20p ROUND BALES HAY: 19-bale loads, delivered, $44 - $64 per bale. 715-3710310. 17p HAY FOR SALE: 4x5, $20 - $40. 715434-6274. 17-18p GRASS HAY, stored inside, no rain, $3.50/bale, small squares, Trego. 715416-0283, delivery available. 17-20p LARGE ROUND BALES: 1st- and 2nd-crop alfalfa-grass mix, $40 per bale. 715-416-2586. 17-18p BEEF HAY 4x5, round bales, alfalfa/ grass, $35/bale. Frederic, 715-3278360. 17p HAY FOR SALE: 3x3x6 wrapped baleage, clover/Italian ryegrass, RFV140, protein 21%, moisture 39%. Semi load delivery available. 715-684-9968, Pete. 17c 220 FOR RENT AVAILABLE NOW! Woodville & Roberts: 1-BR ground-floor units for seniors 62+ or disabled persons of any age. Rent based on income. Onsite laundry, close to everything. Call 715-749-4480, Horizon Management Group is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. 30tfc GLENWOOD CITY - 2-bedroom available soon w/rent based on 30% of income. On-site laundry, off-street parking, ground-floor units. Call 715749-4480, Horizon Management Group is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. 11tfc CLEAR LAKE MOTEL ROOMS, $120/ wk., utilities paid. Bobbie 715-2208841, Dick 715-607-0054. 13-20p 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT: 715531-8109, 715-222-6300. 15-18p FOR RENT: 2-BR apartment, $25 discount for on-time rent payments, large closets, newer appliances, patio/deck, laundry facility on-site. $519. 500 S. Pine St., Turtle Lake. Call Rich, live-in park manager, 715-986-2028, for viewing and an application. 16-17c FOR RENT: 3-bedroom house, 2-car garage. Cushing. $925. 715-553-0595. 16-17p HOME FOR RENT: In New Richmond, WI. 2 BRs, 2-car garage, no pets, $900/ month plus utilities. Security deposit required. Available now. Jamie, 715220-8577. 16-17p 3-BR, 1-BATH HOUSE, 2-car garage, on river, downtown St. Croix Falls, $1,250 + utilities. 651-361-9968. 1619p SPOONER: 1 bedroom for people 62+ or disabled of any age or 2 beds for all ages available soon. Rent based on 30% of income. Call today! 715-6352155. Hilltop Manor Apartments. Horizon Management Group is an Equal Opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. 17tfc 42’ SNORKEL LIFT FOR RENT: Will deliver and pick up. Call for pricing. 715-733-0276. 17-18p 230 FOR SALE PACKAGE BEES: Limited quanitites. Order early. 715-327-8656. 15-18p FOR SALE: 2-1/2-year-old used sleep lift chair. Like new. $800/cash. Daytime, 715-357-3397. Almena. 16-17p FOR SALE: One-horse-drawn sleigh. Call for photo, make offer. 715-3275567, evenings. 16-18p FOR SALE: Maple-syrup equipment. Bag holders, approx. 2,000 used spouts. 715-554-2731. 16-17p WOOD BOILER: Was used for heating. Use for maple syrup. $50 or B.O., in Frederic. 970-749-9129. 17-18p 100 MAPLE-SYRUP TAPS: $1.50 each. 715-268-2872. 17-18p MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS: Custom-built stainless cook pans. Will build to suit your need. Call for pricing. Boyceville Stainless, 715-651-7305. 17-20p DAD’S ESTATE: 23-acre farm. 40-gal. electric water heater, $100; 6’ French door, $200; flooring nailer, $150; 100,000-BTU LP heater & 100# tank, $200; dry wall lift, $200; Barco leather recliner, $250; John Deere snowblower, $450; 45-piece 8’ galvanized roofing, $500; LP boiler, $750; 24’ camper, $1,000; 2003 Ranger, $1,750; 8’x18’ enclosed snowmobile trailer, $2,500; 2 burial vaults, above ground, inside, E.C., $8,000. Chetek. 715-458-4444. 17p NORTHLAND INSULATION: Since 1971. Free estimates on blown or batt insulation. We do new construction, remodel, sidewalls & pole buildings. Also, insulation removal. 715-3549720. 17tfc SPIRAL STAIRWAYS: Wrought-iron railing. Welding repair. Clear Lake Iron, 715-263-2816. 40tfc SCHMITZ EXCAVATING: Septic systems, soil testing, basement excavation. Call for best price and service. Serving Northwest Wisconsin, 715468-2434, www.digupnorth.com 18tfc NIEMI INSULATION SPRAY FOAM & BLOWN INSULATION: 715-6354740. 10-35p ASPHALT AND STEEL ROOFS. Decks, siding and windows. Licensed and insured. 715-468-7649. 11-19p CHRIS’ DRYWALL: 715-648-5301. 14-21p VALLEYVIEW CONSTRUCTION, INC.: All residential construction, Int./ext. painting & staining. Licensed & insured. www.valleyviewconstructioninc.com, 715-357-6542. 17c CUSTOM FABRICATION, welding stainless, alum., steel. Mobile TIG 250 GOOD THINGS welding. 30 years’ experience. Fully 130 TO EAT insured. Boyceville Stainless, 715-651FROZEN ORGANIC BLUEBERRIES, 7305. 17-20p RASPBERRIES & STRAWBERRIES: Grass-fed Angus beef, pastured pork & free-range eggs. 715-468-2591, bashawvalley.com 43tfc FRESH EGGS, $1.50 dozen. 715-8252192. 17-18p ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered to the door Omaha steaks. Save 78% plus 4 free burgers, the Happy Family Banquet, only $49.99. Order today, 800-307-1674, use code 43285DVA or www.OmahaSteaks.com/osmb51 (wcan) 17p WHOLE OR HALF HOGS: Also roasting hogs available. Call for pricing. All natural, hormone free, from small farm. $2.29/lb. for whole or half. Includes processing. Satisfaction guaranteed. EBT and credit cards accepted. Call 715-483-3386. 17c BEEF HALVES & QUARTERS FOR SALE: All natural, hormone free from small farm. Grass-fed beef also available at 70¢ extra. Halves or quarters, $3.09/lb. Includes processing. Satisfaction guaranteed. EBT and credit cards accepted. Call 715-483-3386. 17c 260 GUNS CLEAR LAKE TRUE VALUE: New and used guns. 715-263-2375. Mon. through Fri. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 25tfc GUNSHOT: Open Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call anytime. 175 305th Ave., Frederic (15 miles east). 715-653-2634. Ruger Sale. 43tfc WANTED: M1 carbine or military .45s or parts or ammunition. Call Roger, 651-433-2916; days, 651-777-1554. 51-24p OVER 800 GUNS IN STOCK: Reloading supplies, ammo at lowest prices in area. Gregerson Hardware, Baldwin, Wis. Store Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 715-684-3246. 17tfc CASH LOANED ON OR PAID FOR GUNS: John’s, Birchwood, 715-3543313. 12-21p SHELL LAKE GUN & KNIFE SHOW: Feb. 27 & 28, Shell Lake Arts Center. Fri., 3 to 8 p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $5, good for both days. Contact Ray at 715-292-8415. 15-17p BEARING ARMS GUN SHOWS: Feb. 6-7 Eau Claire, Feb. 13-14 Abbotsford, Feb. 20-21 Baldwin, April 17-18 River Falls. Info at 715-3088772 or www.BearingArmsGS.com 15-17p SPOONER GUN SHOW: April 10 & 11. For info, call 715-635-2319. 16-17c GUN SHOW: New Richmond, Ready Randy’s Banquet Center, Hwy. 65 south of New Richmond 1 mile. Fri., March 20, 3 to 9 p.m.; Sat., March 21, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $25 table rental. Call Bob, 715-607-0379. 16-20p FEBRUARY SPECIAL: Ruger SR-Series, SR45, SR40 SR40c, SR9 & SR9c centerfire pistols, $415 cash. Does not include sales tax, debit or credit card fees. Willow River Outdoors, Deer Park. www.willowriveroutdoors.com 715269-5556. 16-17p GUN SHOW: Cameron High School; Saturday, March 21, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday, March 22, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Info call 715-828-1377. 17-20c PERMIT TO CARRY CLASS: Gives you 34 states. Wisconsin & Utah permit, March 8, Sunday 2 p.m., Hotel Chequamegon, Ashland. March 13, Friday 5 p.m., Community Center, Solon Springs. March 14, Saturday, 1 p.m., Flat Creek Eatery, Hayward. Fee $60, fingerprints & photo, $30. 320-2450474. 17p AMERY SPRING GUN SHOW: Amery Hockey Arena, April 17, 18, 19. Fri. 3-9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Table rental fee, 8’, $25. Call Diana, 715-607-1898. Show sponsored by Amery VFW Post 7929. 17-22c FOR SALE: F-Class Benchrest rifle, custom built. S.S. Remington 700 limited action in 7mm. Remington mag. jeweled bolt Shilen match grade bull barrel. XLR ind. fully adjusted chassis lots of upgrades. Vortex Viper scope 4-16x50 lighted moa reticle, too much to list, $4,485. Serious inquiries only. [email protected] 17-18p GUN SHOW: Feb. 27, 28 & March 1, Barron Community Center, 800 Memorial Dr., Barron, WI, Fri. 3-8 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Adm. $5, 14 & under free. 608-752-6677, bobandrocco.com 17p NAMEKAGON RIVER VALLEY CHAPTER RMEF BANQUET: Hayward Steak House. Almost 50 guns, Feb. 28. Contact Chris Rugowski, 715634-1742. 17p GUN SHOW FEB. 27, 28 & MARCH 1: Barron Community Center, 800 Memorial Dr., Barron, WI. Fri. 3 - 8 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Adm. $5, 14 & under free. Free gun raffles. 608-752-6677, bobandrocco.com 17p IRON RIVER GUN & KNIFE SHOW: March 13 & 14, 2015, at the Iron River Community Center. Look for signs. Fri. 3-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission $5. Good for both days. For info, contact Ray Kangas at 715-372-4654, cell 372-292-8415. 17-19p 270 HEALTH & FITNESS CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today, 800-2617523 for $10 off your first prescription and free shipping. (wcan). 17p GOT KNEE PAIN? Back pain? Shoulder pain? Get a pain-relieving brace, little or no cost to you. Medicare patients call health hotline now! 800-4313924. (wcan). 17p MEDICAL GUARDIAN: Top-rated medical alarm & 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waterproof alert button for free & more! Only $29.95 per month. 800-281-6138. (wcan). 17p 280 HEATING / COOLING CLASSIC CENTRAL BOILER. Outdoor wood furnaces, 25-year limited warranty. Central fireplaces. Radiant floor systems. 888-447-4328. 19tfc FIREWOOD: Green or dry oak, 100” lengths or cut, split. Call 715-4919732, 715-648-5553. 8-20p PORTAGE & MAIN BOILERS: Burn 1/3 to 1/2 less wood. Only refractory-lined boiler for better combustion, cleaner emissions, longer life and higher efficiency. EPA says Dec. 31, 2015, is your last chance to buy a conventional boiler in the U.S. Order now before it is too late. strawbalefarms.com, 715-6357811. 11-27c NORTHWOODS STOVES LLC: Selling corn/pellet stoves, furnaces and fireplace inserts. Call Northwoods Stoves LLC at 715-637-1662. 14-6p DRY OAK FIREWOOD: Local delivery. 715-755-2346. 14-17p CENTRAL BOILER E-CLASSIC OUTDOOR FURNACES: Heat your entire home and hot water. EPA qualified. Call today about limited-time, money-saving offers! Northwest Wisconsin Ent. Inc., 715-635-3511 or 715-520-7477. 15-17c FOR SALE: 3 used wood boilers, $4,200 to $5,200. Mark, 715-790-6097. 15-21p SMALL WOODSTOVE: New firebrick, $275. 651-587-7177. 15-17p HEATMOR STAINLESS STEEL OUTDOOR WOOD BOILER: Purchase before EPA’s new rulings. Financing available. Cedar Heating, Cameron, 1-800-355-6846. 17-33p OAK FIREWOOD FOR SALE: $90 per cord, Spooner, Shell Lake, Cumberland, Rice Lake areas. Call 715-9318291. 16-17c FOR SALE: Cast-iron radiator for home or outside fire unit. You name the price. Call 715-468-2360 or write P.O. Box 85, Shell Lake, WI 54871. 17c FIREWOOD: $85/fp cord. Local Delivery. 715-327-4472. 17-18p CORN/PELLET STOVE, Countryside, 3,500 BTU, $850. Hammond area, 651307-5232. 17-18p DRY OAK FIREWOOD: Local delivery extra. 715-866-8885. 17-18p 12-CORD SEMILOAD: Clean 8’ hardwood, delivered, Frederic area, $1,104. 715-653-4222. 17p 285 HELP WANTED WANTED: Talented professional instrumentalists, guitar, lead base and drums to perform country, ‘80s and alternative rock. If interested call Ken, 715-768-5586. 15-18p EVERY OTHER WEEKEND POSITION AVAILABLE in our Adult Foster Care home. Hours: Friday 3 p.m. to Sunday 8 p.m. Experience working with elderly/DD adults preferred. Call 651-257-6012. Ask for Sue. 16-17p SIREN PHARMACY is looking to hire a flexible and friendly part-time or possible full-time employee to work as both a cashier and pharmacy technician. Applications available at Siren Pharmacy. 715-349-2221. 17-18p FREE company-sponsored CDL truck training & employment. Complete an online application at www.HMTT.net or call 1-800-835-2540. 16-17p HANDI-LIFT TRANSPORTATION is hiring drivers to transport disabled clients to and from appointments. Work from home with company-provided vehicle. Full time with overtime available. Good driving record, drug test and background check required Call 715822-5077 for application. 17-18p MEDICAL - PHLEB - MA - RN - LPN - MT: Need recent venipuncture do mobile insurance exams. Set your own appt.! Good $$$. Email: [email protected]. Web: www.appslive.com (wcan). 17p DRIVERS WANTED: Scheduled home time, steady miles. Newer equipment. No East Coast. Call 800-645-3748 for more details. Ask about sign-on bonus. (wcan). 17p OTR TEAM & SOLO DRIVERS: Solo avg. 2,500 - 3,500 mpw, team avg. 5,000 - 6,500 mpw, 100% no touch freight, repeat customers, great pay package w/bonus, health/dental/ vision/HSA, 401(k)/vacation & holiday pay. 1 yr. Class A exp. preferred. 888545-9351, Ext. 13. Industrial Dr., Jackson, WI. doublejtransport.com (wcan). 17p COUNTRYSIDE AUTO TRANSPORT INC. of Menasha, WI, is looking for drivers for specialty auto transport. We have 25 years of business experience. We offer: Full-time position, consistent weekly miles, paid by Hub miles, higher rate of pay for east miles + .10 no NYC, paid per vehicle, late-model equipment, EZ load 7-car trailers, 5 - 10 days out. Paid vacation, 401(k), health/dental/vision insurance, accident insurance, critical illness insurance & direct deposit. If you have a Class A CDL w/3 years’ experience & a good driving record, we will train you to haul cars! 800-739-0701 M - F 8 - 5. 17p NEW YEAR, NEW PAY PACKAGE: Strong miles, consistent home time! Small company atmosphere with big company benefits. 800-227-0020 or apply at www.windyhilltrans.com 17p USE YOUR TAX RETURN to train for a CDL. Call SCDTI at 715-942-2700, Ext. 101 today to get started. 17p SABERTOOTH COMMERCIAL DRIVER TRAINING INSTITUTE, located in Waupaca, is looking for a sale consultant to work between incoming students, our fleets and our state partners. This position helps students get into our commercial driver’s license training program. If you would like to help people make a change that can change their lives, this position may be for you. Please contact us at 715-9422700, Ext. 101 and set up an interview. 17p PCA NEEDED: All shifts, nights/weekends. Help care for disabled man in his home, $13/hr. Please call Gail, 715222-5593. 17p GENERAL LABOR: Roofer. Call 715553-0733. 17-20p PART-TIME EVENING POSITION AVAILABLE in our adult foster-care home. Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 3-9 p.m. Must have experience working with elderly/DD adults. Duties include cooking, cleaning, personal cares. Call 651257-6012. Ask for Sue. 17-19p 289 HOME 130 IMPROVEMENT ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing. Finishing. Structural repairs. Humidity and mold control. Free estimates! Call 800-991-1602. (wcan). 17p 290 HORSES WANTED: All kinds of horses and ponies. Sonny Kruse, 715-458-2779 or 715-491-1792. 10tfc EXCELLENT FARRIER: 715-8371507. 17-44p 2012 LAKOTA CHARGER HORSE TRAILER: 3-horse slant, pop-out, living quarters, bath/shower, TV. Used approx. 6 times. Call 715-472-7701. 17-19p 300 HOUSEHOLD KITCHEN REMODELING: 715-5663977, [email protected] 1419p NEW MATTRESS SETS FROM $89: All sizes in stock! 9 styles! 2133 Eastern Ave., Plymouth, WI. Open 7 days a week. PlymouthFurnitureWI.com (wcan). 17p 310 LAND / SALE - RENT WANTED: Cropland to rent for year 2015 & beyond, in Washburn, Polk, Barron, Dunn & St. Croix counties. Competitive prices paid. Call 715-6435851 or 715-505-4943. 13-20p WANTED: Hay & crop land to rent, 2015 & beyond. Preferably within 10 miles of Emerald. Call 715-529-0977. 14-23p 10 ACRES FOR SALE: Partial woods and field in the country in Clear Lake. Great building site or recreational. $38,500. Call 651-248-7984. 16-19p 877409 - 80 ACRES of prime hunting land with mostly wooded with some marketable timber. Located off blacktop road east of Rice Lake. $176,000. Call Team Realty at 715-234-1991 for all the details! 17c 320 LAWN & GARDEN SAVE 35% ON ALL PREORDERED BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES: Order online, bashawvalley.com or call B.V. Greenhouse. 715-468-2591. 14tfc 330 LIVESTOCK WANTED: All types of beef cattle, cows, calves, market cattle. All types dairy cattle, also bulls. Brent Besser, East Central Livestock, Mora, Minn., 320-679-4333. 29tfc WANTED: Dairy and beef cattle. Also, lame and slow cattle. Also, sheep and goats. 715-458-2779 or 715-4911792. 10tfc LIVESTOCK/BEEF CATTLE WANTED: Please call 715-466-5333, Link Family Land & Livestock. 4tfc BEEF BULL SALE: April 18, noon, UW River Falls, WI, SCVBT.com. 1724p SHEEP SHEARING: Call Steve, 715357-6077. 17p QUALITY HOLSTEIN BULLS, calving ease, Legacy Farms, 715-520-2884. 17-32p BLACK ANGUS COWS now calving. 715-483-3866. 17tfc CUSTOM DEHORNING & CASTERATING: 715-410-1358. 17-20p WANTED: Beef bulls, any size, & feeder cattle. 715-816-0285. 17-18p 345 LOANS / FINANCE COLLATERAL LOANS: Pawn to $5,000. 715-948-4900. 16-19p REDUCE YOUR PAST TAX BILL by as much as 75%. Stop levies, liens and wage garnishments. Call The Tax Dr. now to see if you qualify. 800-8190736. (wcan). 17p SELL YOUR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT or annuity payments for cash now. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 800-761-1572. (wcan). 17p 370 MACHINERY 130 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FOR RENT & SALE: St. Croix Truck, New Richmond, 715-2465363. 39tfc 380 MACHINERY - FARM FARM TRACTOR REPAIR: Major and minor repairs. All brands, pickup & delivery available. Northland Equipment, www.northlandequipment.net, 715263-2119. 27tfc FOR SALE: Push blade. Will fit 3010 JD or older IH or JD, wide front or narrow, $450 or B.O. 715-698-2148. 16-18p FOR SALE: 2 used 14x9x38 tractor tires, $250 or B.O. 715-698-2148. 1618p FOR SALE: Hay rake IH on rubber, for parts or fix. Needs bearings and gear box, $250 or B.O. 715-698-2148. 1618p WANTED: Tractors, skid steers, running or not. Fast cash! 715-948-4900. 16-19p 2012 KUBOTA HST L4400 DIESEL TRACTOR w/loader & cab, 184 hrs., $25,500. 715-205-1834. 17p FARMALL 400 with loader & extras, LAKE HOME: Burnett Co. Two-BR, runs great. Call after 4 p.m., $3,000 or 1-bath rambler, .8-ac. lot w/bunkhouse. New furnace, has gas log frpl. B.O. 715-645-0016. 17p $180,600. [email protected] 1518p 390 MISCELLANEOUS GOT PROBLEM BEAVER? Will trap for you. Call 715-419-2591. 14-17p OLD MOVIES TO DVD: Transferring 8mm, VHS, slides and all formats. Pro equipment and service. Save your memories! WI/MN, Gene. 651-2784273. 16-19p NEED CAR INSURANCE NOW? Lowest down payment - canceled? State letter? Accidents? Tickets? DUI? Instant coverage! insuredirect.com, 800231-3606. 17p DISH TV RETAILER: Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & highspeed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available). Save! Ask about same-day installation! Call now! 800-615-4064. 17p CASH FOR CARS: Any make or model! Free towing. Sell it today. Instant offer. 800-864-5784. 17p AIRLINE CAREERS: Get FAAapproved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call AIM, 866-453-6204. 17p DISH TV: Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.). Save! Regular price $34.99. Ask about free same-day installation! Call now! 877-477-9659. 17p MAKE A CONNECTION. Real people, flirty, chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it free. Call now, 888909-9905. 18+. 17p PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical & continued support afterward. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 800-721-2862. (wcan). 17p DENTAL ASSISTANT. Be one in just 10 Saturdays! Fan us on Facebook! WeekendDentalAssistant.com. Next class begins 3/28/15. Call 920-7301112, Appleton. WI approved. (wcan). 17p ACORN STAIR LIFTS. The affordable solution to your stairs! **Limited time - $250 off your stair lift purchase!** Buy direct & save. Please call 800598-6714 for free DVD and brochure. (wcan). 17p DO YOU NEED TO ADVERTISE? Make one call to affordably advertise in 82 Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guides! Reach nearly 1.6 million households! As low as $2.19 per paper! Call us today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.), 800236-0737, www.pdsadnet.com (wcan). 17p FROM YOU FLOWERS. Send some love this Valentine’s Day. 50% off our roses. Delivery available in 4 hours or less. Shop online www.fromyouflowers.com/roses or call 800-815-1908. (wcan). 17p FRUIT TREES LOW AS $16: Blueberry, grape, strawberry, asparagus, evergreen and hardwood plants. Free catalog. Woodstock Nursery, N1831 Hwy. 95, Neillsville, WI 54456, toll-free 888-803-8733, wallace-woodstock.com (wcan). 17p SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets. Less than 4-inch step-in. Wide door, anti-slip floors, American made. Installation included. Call 800-940-3411 for $750 off. (wcan). 17p SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We can help! Win or pay nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 800-960-0307 to start your application today! (wcan). 17p MAPLE SYRUP EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Sippl’s Sugarbush, 715-449-3426. 17p 400 MOBILE HOMES WE BUY AND SELL MOBILE HOMES. Single and double-wide. Pine Crest Homes, 715-296-7724. www.pinecresthomesinc.com 17tfc AREA’S LARGEST DISPLAY of Northland’s best-built modular and manufactured homes. New model homes are arriving. 320-629-8110, www.pinecresthomesinc.com 24tfc NORDQUIST MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT/EXCAVATION: Buy, sell, demolition. Licensed installer. 715222-6300. 17p 410 MOTORCYCLES 480 RVs & CAMPERS STAPLES LAKE CAMPGROUND: 16 new seasonal RV sites. Low-key, quiet, lake views, trees, bar and grill next door, $1,200 per year. Call Dave, 612221-2043. Between Cumberland, Turtle Lake, WI. 49-21p 2010 268RL KEYSTONE OUTBACK PULL-BEHIND TRAVEL TRAILER: $15,500. Well below retail, living rm. slide-out, elec. hitch, 1 owner. Used 3 times. Call 715-634-3774 after 5 p.m. 16-17p CAMPING FUN AND COMFORT: 2011 Jayco Jay Flight Swift, 18’, air, heat, canopy and more. $13,500. 715566-1416. 16-17p CAMPER PALOOZA! March 5-8. Free admission. Deep discounts. Huge inventory. Motor homes & campers. Trades welcome. Financing. King’s Campers, Exit 188, Wausau, WI, 715355-5556. www.kingscampers.com (wcan). 17p 490 SERVICES INJURED AT WORK or by another individual? Contact Novitzke, Gust, Sempf, Whitley & Bergmanis, trial lawyers. Serving Wisconsin and Minnesota. 888-596-6049. No fees unless we win your claim and the initial consultation is free. 24tfc BEECROFT DANWELL COMPANY: Wells, pumps & service. 715-653-2635. 3tfc PROFESSIONAL HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDING: Sandman Flooring. Greg, 715-689-2692. 15-18p WOODY’S PORTABLE WELDING: Alum., steel. 715-520-0136. 16-19p www.drugtestmidwest.com, background screeners serving NW Wisconsin. 715-698-3111. 16-25p HAVE YOU SUFFERED A WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INJURY? Your claim is too important to trust to an attorney who doesn’t have the knowledge and experience in workers’ compensation claims. Erspamer Law Offices have 28 years’ experience. Our reputation is well-known in thousands of claims throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota. Call for a free, no obligation appointment. No fee unless your claim is successful. Erspamer Law Offices, Amery, 715-268-2550. www.injurywis.com 17c 500 SNOWMOBILES USED SNOWMOBILE AND ATV PARTS FOR SALE: Call Adamark Repair, 715-646-1525. 51tfc CASH PAID FOR SNOWMOBILES: Running or not. 715-646-1525. 3tfc FULL THROTTLE SPORTS: Servicing all makes and models, parts, sales, service, riding apparel, helmets. DNR registrations. Located on Hwy. 48 just W. of Hwy. 53, Rice Lake, 715-7369494. 7tfc WWW.AMERYSNOWMOBILECLUB. COM 8-18c 1993 ARCTIC CAT 440 JAG: With reverse, thumb and hand warmers, $750 or B.O. Mon.-Sat. 9-5, 715-327-8656. 17p 2006 SKI-DOO REV GSX 600: 4,200 miles, studded tracks, electric start & reverse, wife’s sled, excellent condition, $3,800 B.O.; 2009 Ski-Doo Rev Renegade 800R, 4,200 miles, 1-3/4” ripsaw track, electric start & reverse, riser, frog skin, hooks, handguards, mellow exhaust, C & A Pro skis includes stock track & exhaust, excellent condition, $5,800 B.O. Both sleds 1 owner, adult ridden & garage kept, $8,800 B.O. for both, will deliver. 715296-5415. 17p 510 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW AND ICE DAM REMOVAL: Residential & commercial. Fully insured & licensed in state of Wisconsin. Allcity Insulation, 715-6410323. Toll-free 866-205-1108. 10% senior discount. 4-17p ARIENS SNOWBLOWER, Model #926001, 2-stage electric start 24”, like new. Used very little, $700 firm. Health reasons. Call 715-466-4893, Trego. 1617p 2014 NORTHSTAR STEAM/PRESSURE WASHER: Used 4 times, 150’ hose, $1,650 or B.O. 715-245-3072. 17p 2002 HD TOURING CLASSIC: Fire- 525 STORAGE fighter edition, 11,400 miles, $10,500 SELF STORAGE: 715-468-2591. or B.O. 715-268-2872. 17-18p Bashawvalley.com 3tfc WANTED: ‘60s and ‘70s motorcycles. Dead or alive! 920-371-0494. (wcan). 530 SUVs 17p 2000 OLDS BRAVADA: AWD, black, fully loaded, 1 owner, like-new condi420 MUSIC tion, 95K miles, needs nothing, $6,500 charliesbackstagemusic.com 49tfc or B.O. 715-822-4657. 16-17p PIANO TUNING: Michael, 866-2939663. 10-19p 555 TRAILERS REDBIRDMUSICSTORE.COM: New TRAILER CITY: Sales, parts & service. & used instruments, repairs, strings, Assorted sizes and GVWs. 715-463straps, tuners, picks & more. 17p 2100. 26tfc PETE’S TRAILER SALES: P.J., 430 NOTICES goosenecks, pintle hooks, dumps, REPENT! And believe in the Gospel, deckovers, car haulers, ATV/utility, thechurchthatisintheirhouse.com 12- tilts, skid steers. Stealth enclosed, Corn Pro stock trailers. Rice Lake, 19p WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Net- 715-234-1993. 15-22p work) and/or the member publications FOR SALE: 12’ skid steer trailer tanreview ads to the best of their ability. dem wheels, 6,000-lb. axles, ramps, Unfortunately, many unscrupulous surge brakes, $1,400 or B.O. 715-698people are ready to take your money! 2148. 16-18p Please be careful answering any ad TRAILERS AT LIQUIDATION PRICthat sounds too good to be true! For ING: For boat, ATV, sled or ponmore information, or to file a complaint toons. Two- or four-place/open or enregarding an ad, please contact The closed. American Marine, Shawano. Department of Trade, Agriculture & www.americanmarina.com, 866-955Consumer Protection. 800-422-7128. 2628. (wcan). 17p (wcan). 17p 440 PETS APPLE RIVER PET FENCE: 715-5547281. 2tfc SAVE MONEY ON SPAY≠S, NEUTERS & ROUTINE VACCINATIONS at Northwest WI Veterinary Service. Dr. Jill Armstrong, 715-268-6226. 6-17c YORKIE POO PUPS, $500, 10 weeks, 1st set of shots, dewormed at 8 wks. Call evenings, 715-638-2622. 16-17p ST. BERNARD PUPPIES: 2 females & 1 male left. Ready Feb. 17, $750, $150 deposit/nonrefundable. 715-924-3985 or 715-642-0359. 16-17p 11 STANDARD COLLIE - GERMAN SHEPHERD CROSS PUPPIES: 5 female, 6 male, parents are AKC. Tricolor and black & tan. Excellent family dogs. Born 1/4/15, $400. Taking deposits, call for pictures. 715-416-2143. 16-17p 6 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: 1 male, 5 female, black or black & tan. Will be big. Excellent temperament. Born Jan. 4, $800, taking deposits. Call for pictures. 715-416-0527. 16-17p AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES: Shots, wormed, dews. Beautiful pups. Females $600, males $500. 715483-9127. 17-18p AUSSIE BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES: $100 cash. 715-553-0662. 17-18p GOT AN OLDER CAR, BOAT OR RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 800-9907816. (wcan). 17p AKC RED & BLONDE GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS: Mini goldens too. $700. www.horsesponiespets.com, 715-645-2231. 17p DO YOU HAVE ITEMS TO SELL? Get results! Affordable advertising that fits your budget! Reach over 300,000 homes! Place your ad in many weekly Wisconsin shoppers and buyers’ guide papers for as low as $36.00. Call today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Incorporated) 1-800-236-0737, www.pdsadnet.com 17p CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES: 2 M, shorthaired, very small, $200 ea. For info, call Bonny at 715-689-2641. 17p 2 SHIH-POM PUPPIES: Males, 8 wks., ready now, small, cute, cuddly, love people; 1 silver merle, 1 black w/white & tan markings, $400. Call for pictures, 715-416-2143. 17p 460 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2-BR time-share condo near Disneyland in Orlando, $900. 715327-8505. 10tfc BUILDABLE 3-1/2-ACRE LOT: 3 miles south of Spooner, WI, on old Hwy. 63. 320-251-7224. 3-22p COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE: 2 BRs, 1 bath, attached garage, new 30x40 pole shed, $134,900. Amery, 715-2224154. 14-17p 1917 4-BEDROOM, 2-BATH HOME: Old World charm with modern updates. Located in central Polk County. Unity schools. $149,500. 715-5572199. 15-18p 560 TRUCKS / PICKUPS WANTED: JUNK CARS & TRUCKS, $200 - $500. 715-651-5420. 19-18p 2008 FORD F-350 4x4 CREW CAB: Loaded, 6.4L, very clean, $17,500. Dan, 651-252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 1997 DODGE RAM SUPER CAB 4x4: 135K, V8, $3,990. Dan, 651-252-8600, Peterson Repairs. 17p 1998 DODGE QUAD CAB: With fiberglass topper, 180,000 miles, runs but needs work, $1,200 or B.O. 715-5530023. 17p 570 VANS TOYOTA SIENNA XLE: Silver, 130K miles, fully loaded, $12,500. 715-2051834. 17p 580 WANTED BUYING: Coins, gold, silver, platinum, rings, diamonds, currency, foreign coins, jewelry, pocket watches, slot machines. I will travel to you. Butch Flor, Chetek, 715-790-8030. 43tfc WANTED: Snowmobiles, dirt bikes, ATVs, running or not. 715-646-1525. 13tfc WANTED: MILITARY ARMY TRUCKS & VEHICLES: Any condition. 715-7602120. 2-1p MOTORCYCLES WANTED: Used & damaged. Also buying ATV & dirt bikes, running or not running. 651-285-1532. 9-20p DON’T SCRAP YOUR VEHICLE: I may pay more. 715-419-4175. 13-18p I PAY TOP DOLLAR for old advertising signs, gas pumps, Coca-Cola, farm signs, old gas-station equipment and coin-operated machines. 218-3484196. 14-17p BUYING SCRAP OF ALL KINDS and cars, farm cleanup. Pay cash on spot. Demolition of buildings. 715-377-2999. 15-30p CASH FOR YOUR AUTO: Truck, travel trailer, motor home, motorcycle, tractor, 4-wheelers, skid steers, Clayton Wheels & Deals, 715-948-4900. 16-19p CASH PAID: Up to $25/box for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips. 1-day payment. 800-371-1136. 17p WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. 17p ADVERTISE to 10 million homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at [email protected] or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information. 17p WANTED TO RENT: Small rural home. Call 715-822-5769 early a.m. 17-19p
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