100 ANTIQUES BUYING ANTIQUES: One piece to estates. 715-829-1061. 17-52p BUYING OLD GAS STATION pumps, signs, pop machines, etc. 715-8291061. 17-52p HUGE SALE: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fri. & Sat., March 27 & 28, 2304 Cty. Rd. I, 6 miles north of Somerset. 1,000s of items. Antiques; collectibles; musical; jewelry; Avon; vintage firearms; custom knives; fishing; car & motorcycle parts; buffalo skulls; deer & elk horns; 2001 Harley FLSTCI; 1996 Harley Road King; ‘60s Coke machine; much misc. Prices slashed. Dealers welcome. 21p TWO ANTIQUE CLOCKS: 1 grandfather. 608-574-7967. 21p 105 APPLIANCES FREE APPLIANCE DISPOSAL: Call 715-790-7687, Rice Lake. 19-22p 110 ATVs FULL THROTTLE SPORTS: Servicing all makes & models. Genuine & aftermarket parts. ATV/UTV tires & accessories. Quality service and best prices. DNR registration station just west of Hwy. 53 on Hwy. 48, Rice Lake, 715736-9494. 30tfc CASH PAID FOR ATVS: Running or not. 715-646-1525. 3tfc A RARE BREED INDEED! Intimidator UTVs, made in the USA. intimidator.com. Duffy’s Sales, Barron, 715-537-3259. 37tfc 2004 KAWASAKI KFX 700 V-FORCE: One owner, low hours, extras, $2,900 or B.O. 715-857-5516. 21p ATV & SIDE-BY-SIDE HEADQUARTERS: Huge blowout pricing. Doorbuster youth ATVs starting at $699 plus FSD. Over 100 Honda CF Moto at liquidations. 866-955-2628, americanmarina.com (wcan). 21p 120 AUTOS CASH PAID FOR JUNK CARS & farm machinery. 715-410-9245. 25-24p WE ACCEPT USED WASTE OIL: Stokley Truck & Equipment, Milltown, 715-825-5858. 25tfc I WILL PAY YOU MORE FOR YOUR JUNK CAR at your home than what you would get if you took it to a scrap yard yourself. 715-553-1652. 19-22p WANTED: JUNK CARS & TRUCKS, $200 - $500. 715-651-5420. 20-44p 1998 CHEVY LUMINA: 4 dr., 3100 engine, head gasket just done 50 miles ago. New brakes, good tires, 146K, $1,300. 715-554-0364. 20-21p WANTED TO BUY: Junk cars, trucks & good used vehicles. Highest prices paid. Nitchey Muffler & Tires. 715-2654606. 21c TOP CASH FOR CARS: Any car/ truck, running or not. Call for instant offer, 800-454-6951. 21p NEED CAR INSURANCE NOW? Lowest down payment - canceled? State letter? Accidents? Tickets? DUI? Instant coverage! insuredirect.com, 800231-3603. 21p 2003 JEEP WRANGLER: Silver, 148,000 miles, 4.0-cyl. engine, automatic, removable hardtop, nice shape, $10,000 or B.O. 715-410-8933. 2122p FOR SALE: 1999 Chevy Cavalier, runs good, $1,500. 715-671-3482. 21p 2003 TOYOTA CAMRY: Red, spoiler, great car, 230,000 miles, $4,100. 715634-8638. 21p FLORIDA, 2000 EXPEDITION: Like new, 70,000 miles, loaded, $7,900. 715-327-8988. 21p CHECK US OUT! Save money! Affordable advertising in many papers! Wisconsin Community Papers (WCP) and the Wisconsin Classified Ad Network (WCAN). Call toll-free. 800-727-8745 or visit our website, www.wisad.com (wcan). 21p DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-day vacation. Tax deductible. Free towing. All paperwork taken care of! 800-856-5491. (wcan). 21p 1998 SATURN: 4 dr., auto., 1 owner, no winters, auto start, runs & looks excellent, 40 mpg, $1,850. 715-7810569. 21p 1996 BUICK PARK AVENUE: Runs great, 3.8L, V6, $1,295. Dan, 651-2528600. Peterson Repairs. 21p 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE: $1,995. Dan, 651-2528600. Peterson Repairs. 21p 2002 FORD EXPLORER: Needs work, $1,500. Dan, 651-252-8600. Peterson Repairs. 21p 2002 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN: 125K, loaded, $2,900. Dan, 651252-8600. Peterson Repairs. 21p 2006 CHEVROLET 1-TON CREW CAB: Duramax diesel, 4WD, $13,800. Dan, 651-252-8600. Peterson Repairs. 21p 1999 TOYOTA SOLARA: Exc. cond., $2,650. Dan, 651-252-8600. Peterson Repairs. 21p 2004 GRAND PRIX: 167K, $3,000. 715-434-6274. 21p JUNK VEHICLES WANTED: Top prices paid! Cash on the spot. You call, we haul. Call Larry, 612-240-3290, Frederic, WI 21-24p 2002 BUICK CENTURY: Approx. 155K, clean interior, nice exterior, runs excellent, $2,995. 715-296-2927. 2122c 130 AUTO PARTS / 130 SERVICE USED & REBUILT ENGINES: Transmissions, alternators, starters, fuel pumps & more. Delivery available. Bradwell Enterprises, Milltown, Wis., 715-825-3400. 22tfc TURTLE LAKE TIRE: Used and new tire sales. 715-541-2000. 12-22p WANTED: Ford 2.0L SOHC motor, complete 98-02. 715-690-5423. 21p MECHANIC SPECIAL: 2002 Ford Explorer, 4.0 engine, runs good, needs rear differential, not driveable, $800. Webster, WI, 612-787-8207. 21p 135 BOATS EMERALD BOAT REPAIR: Floors, carpet, transoms, gelcoats, paint & graphics. Rivet tightening & replacement. 715-781-0325. 18-22p 2010 PREMIER GEMINI: With many extras. Call or text to 715-497-7313. 21-24p BOATS & PONTOONS R US!! (Over 700 new/used in stock.) Visit the largest marine & motorsports showroom in the USA & save huge. American Marine & Motorsports, Shawano. Call 866-955-2628, americanmarina.com (wcan). 21p WE BUY BOATS/RVs/PONTOONS/ SLEDS/ATVs & MOTORCYCLES: Cash paid now. American Marine & Motorsports Super Center, Shawano. www.americanmarina.com 866-9552628. (wcan). 21p OMC SST PROP, 12-1/2”x21 pitch. 715-852-6262. 21p 140 BUILDING SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE: (160) 16’ tongue-and-groove cabin logs; (8) 42” low-profile ceiling fans; AC Hydroseal 3000; plygood-ultra 3/8” 4’x8’ sheets; concrete blocks; claw tub & other bathroom fixtures; (5) 48”x48”, (1) 36”x48” vertical slider windows, (1) 24’x36” horizontal sliding window (still in wrapping); fieldstone; old jars. 715205-8290. 21-23p 160 COMMERCIAL 130 RENTALS FOR RENT: 4,600-sq.-ft. commercial cold storage, cement floor, loading dock on roadside. ground-level overhead garage door. $550 per month. Call Steve at 715-651-2965. 21c 180 CONSTRUCTION NORTHLAND INSULATION: Since 1971. Free estimates on blown or batt insulation. We do new construction, remodel, sidewalls & pole buildings. Also, insulation removal. 715-3549720. 17tfc SPIRAL STAIRWAYS: Wrought-iron railing. Welding repair. Clear Lake Iron, 715-263-2816. 40tfc SCHMITZ EXCAVATING: Septic systems, soil testing, basement excavation. Call for best price and service. Serving Northwest Wisconsin, 715468-2434, www.digupnorth.com 18tfc NIEMI INSULATION SPRAY FOAM & BLOWN INSULATION: 715-635-4740. 10-35p CHRIS’ DRYWALL: 715-648-5301. 14-21p ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFS: Decks, siding and windows. Licensed and insured. 715-468-7649. 20-42p SIKKENS PAINTING: Recoating and Sikkens restoration are my specialties. References. 715-431-0134. 20-31p BASEMENTS UNDER EXISTING HOMES: 40 years’ experience. Free estimates. 715-651-5420. 20-27p ROOFING, ROOFING: 715-866-8310, Thomas Construction. 20-22p G.C. GARAGES & ROOFING: Concrete slabs, siding, soffit, overhead doors, replacement windows, decks. 715-948-2390. 20tfc VALLEYVIEW CONSTRUCTION, INC.: All residential construction, int./ext. painting & staining. Licensed & insured. www.valleyviewconstructioninc.com, 715-357-6542. 21c LARRY’S QUALITY CONSTRUCTION: New, remodeling, additions, siding, decks, roofing, garages, etc. 715-653-2649. 21-35p RAPID ROOFING: 25 years of experience, fully insured, references available upon request. For a free estimate call Dan owner/installer. 715-781-5035. 21p 195 ELECTRONICS AT&T INTERNET PACKAGES starting at only $14.95/month for 12 months, with qualifying voice service. One-year term required. Learn more: 800-4864478. (wcan). 21p DIRECTV’S THE BIG DEAL SPECIAL! Only $19.99 per month. Free premium channels, HBO, Starz, Cinemax & Showtime for 3 months & free receiver upgrade! Call now! 800-3202429. (wcan). 21p DISH TV RETAILER: Starting at $19.99/mo. (for 12 mos.) Free premium movie channels. Free equipment, installation & activation. Call, compare local deals! 800-374-3940. (wcan). 21p SWITCH & SAVE EVENT FROM DIRECTV! Packages starting at $19.99/ mo. Free 3 months of HBO, Starz, Showtime & Cinemax. Free Genie HD/ DVR upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket included with select packages. New customers only. IV Support Holdings LLC - an authorized DirecTV dealer. Some exclusions apply. Call for details, 800-918-1046. (wcan). 21p 198 ENTERTAINMENT OUTDOOR HD ANTENNA, $129.99, Amery & New Richmond Electronics. 21c FIND THE LOVE YOU DESERVE! Discover the path to happiness. New members receive a free 3-minute love reading! Entertainment purposes only. 18 & over. 800-308-9105. (wcan). 21p MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now, 800-387-3590. (wcan). 21p 200 FARM 130 MISCELLANEOUS CAIN’S SLAUGHTERING, on-farm slaughter - beef, sheep, hogs. Meat transported in enclosed trailer. Professional, fast & emergencies 24/7. 715222-2630. 19-26p NORTHWOODS LOCKER: We do onfarm slaughter and processing. Beef, hogs & sheep. We do emergencies 7 days a week. Drop off day every Thursday. 715-948-2554 or 719-313-6448. 20-22p 210 FEED / SEED HORSE HAY: Alfalfa grass, small squares, $5 average, 45 lbs. Lg. rounds, 4x6, net wrapped, $70 ea. Big squares, 3x3x8, $60 to $100 ea. Delivery available. 715-790-0050. 17-22p DAIRY-QUALITY ALFALFA GRASS: 3x3x8. Also, 3x3x6 alfalfa baleage, $50 to $65 ea. All hay has been tested. Delivery available. 715-790-0050. 17-22p HAY & STRAW FOR SALE: 3’x3’x71/2’, delivery available. 715-949-1378. 17tfc EXCELLENT HORSE HAY: No rain, no dust, 2nd crop, small squares & large rounds. 715-948-2932. 18-21p HAY FOR SALE: 4x5 net grass, $50; 2nd- & 3rd-crop 4x5 net alfalfa/clover, $60. 715-825-4065. 19-21p GOOD QUALITY GRASS HAY ROUNDS, $20; small squares, $3. 715766-2511. 19-21p HAY FOR SALE: Large rounds, big squares, small squares, 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-crop alfalfa-grass mix. 715-3543924. 20-21p LARGE ROUND HAY BALES FOR SALE: Tight, 4x5 bales, net wrapped, no rain. Fine grass: $50. Mixed hay: $60. Delivery available. Call Dan, 715222-0352. 20-25p FOR SALE: Alfalfa wrapped baleage, real nice, 1st, 2nd & 3rd, Turtle Lake, 715-986-2185. 20-22p SMALL SQUARE BALES OF HAY FOR SALE: $4. Spooner/Trego area, 715-635-6789. 20-21p HAY FOR SALE: Small & large squares. 715-828-7770, Rog. 20-22p LIVESTOCK WHEAT: Grown with organic standards. 715-822-4104. 2022p STRAW FOR SALE, $5 bale, small squares, tied with plastic twine. Also great for planting your garden. Darwyn Brown, Siren/Frederic area. 715-5662343. 20-21p NET WRAPPED 4x5-1/2 ROUND BALES: First and second cutting, $40 to $60 each. Alfalfa and alfalfa/grass. 715-234-3781. 20-22p 4x5 ROUND BALES: Grass hay, $30. 715-327-5531. 20-21p 4x6 CORNSTALK BALES, $50 each, can deliver. 715-977-0036. 20-21p FOR SALE: Hay, alfalfa, clover, orchard grass mix. Solid bales, dairy quality, $4 per bale. 715-986-2487. 21-22p GRASS ROUND BALES: Buy one or 20. $35. 715-653-2370. 21p 2ND-CROP SMALL SQUARES: $5/ square, stored inside, good hay. 715566-2340. 21-22p SMALL SQUARE BALES GRASS HAY, $5/bale, 400 available. 651-2608815. 21p 50 BALES OF STRAW, $1 per bale, Hayward. 507-402-9411. 21p 4x6 ROUND BALES: 2nd crop, alfalfa, $35, Balsam Lake. 612-328-0258. 21p 4x5 ROUND BALES: Grass hay, stored inside. 715-781-4248. Call before 8 p.m. 21-23p CLEAN LACEY BARLEY FOR SALE: 90% + germ. 715-554-1507, 50#, bag or bulk. 21p ATTENTION STRAW BALE GARDENERS: Clean barley straw bales. Large and tight and bright. $6 per bale, $5.50 10 or more. 715-554-1507. 21p 4x5.6 ALFALFA GRASS MIX: Can deliver, stored inside. 715-643-5800. 21-22p CERTIFIED FEED OATS: Rockford, midseason; Horsepower, early season, $10 bushel. Call 715-653-2551. Please leave message. 21-22p ROUND BALES 5x6: Average 1,600#, mixed hay, various types, $35 - $50. Turtle Lake, 715-986-2178. 21-22p 1ST-CROP MIX or 2nd-crop grass, $3.50 a bale. 715-440-4283, Clear Lake. 21-22p ROUND BALES: 4-1/2x5, $40; sm. square bales, $4. 715-458-4207. 2122p 5x5 ALFALFA GRASS MIX: Net wrapped hay, $40. 715-635-2336. 2122p ROUND BALES HAY, $42 - $60, free delivery by the load. 715-371-0310. 21p HAY FOR SALE: Large squares & big rounds, $45 & $50. 715-554-2882. 21p 220 FOR RENT AVAILABLE NOW! Woodville & Roberts: 1-BR ground-floor units for seniors 62+ or disabled persons of any age. Rent based on income. Onsite laundry, close to everything. Call 715-749-4480, Horizon Management Group is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. 30tfc CLEAR LAKE MOTEL ROOMS: $120/wk., utilities paid. Bobbie, 715220-8841. 21-28p CLAYTON: 10 miles from Amery. Nice lower-level 1-BR apartment. All utilities included. $460/month, laundry on-site. No dogs. 715-948-2005. 21tfc GLENWOOD CITY - 2-bedroom available soon w/rent based on 30% of income. On-site laundry, off-street parking, ground-floor units. Call 715749-4480, Horizon Management Group is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. 11tfc SPOONER: 1 bedroom for people 62+ or disabled of any age or 2 beds for all ages available soon. Rent based on 30% of income. Call today! 715-7269414. Hilltop Manor Apartments. Horizon Management Group is an Equal Opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. 19tfc NEW 1,200-SQ.-FT. SPACE available in prominent location. Good for small retail or office setting. Right along 63 in Spooner. 715-635-3220. 20-21p ROOMMATE WANTED: To share 3-BR home. All utilities included, $200, Amery. 715-338-1342. 20-21p 4-BR HOME, 2 baths, pets subject to approval. All appliances, $1,400/mo. + damage deposit. 1 home in Hudson, 1 home in Roberts. 715-386-8255. 2122p AVAILABLE APRIL 1: Newly remodeled, 3 BRs, 1 bath, garage, 4-season porch, large yard, no pets, no smoking. $650 + utilities and security deposit. References required. Shell Lake, 715828-5838 for application. 21-22p AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: 1-BR, 1-bath lower-level apartment in Turtle Lake. Includes water, sewer, trash, all appliances, patio, on-site laundry, offstreet parking. $500/mo. $400 security deposit. 715-986-2228. 21tfc DOUBLE BUNGALOW: Attached garage, Clayton, no smoking, no pets, references, damage deposit, $525. 715-948-2620. 21p FOR RENT: 2-BR apartment, first month free rent! $25 discount for ontime rent payments, large closets, newer appliances, patio/deck, laundry faclity on-site, 500 S. Pine St., Turtle Lake. Call Rich, live-in park manager, 715-986-2028 for viewing and an application, $519. 21-22c LOG CABINS FOR RENT: Forest Co. ATV trail, lake access, dock, $350/ week. gilliganlodging.com 715-6747752. (wcan). 21p FOR RENT: 2-BR rambler, 1 bath, 2-car attached garage, deck, no smoking, no pets, $695. John, 612-9915220. 21p APARTMENT - DRESSER: 1 BR, yard, appliances, remodeled, $465/mo. 715-357-8157. 21p 230 FOR SALE MOULTRIE A-5 TRAIL CAMERA, new $80/2 or $45 a peice, API portable stands, $30, Amery, 651-247-7297. 20-21p USED BICYCLES: Variety of speeds & prices. 715-986-4684. 20-22p OLD MORGAN AMERICAN SILVER DOLLARS: Late 1800s to early 1900s, $100 for 3 or all 10 for $300. 715-3710223. 20-21p SUNPORCH WINDOWS: Combination storm/screen, color hunter green, size 30 wide by 50 long. Like new, quantity - 10, $50 each. Must take all, $500 total. 715-354-7859. 21p SEARS 10” RADIAL SAW: Any reasonable offer, 715-416-1860. 21p SUN TROPHY 4-MAN, 8-HOLE PORTABLE FISH HOUSE: Like new, $225. 46” Hitachi big-screen TV, great condition, $175. EdenPURE space heater, $135; large handcrafted wooden coat tree, $250. 651-283-1518. 21p 3’-12’ EVERGREEN & SHADE TREES: Pick up or delivery! Planting available! Detlor Tree Farms. 715-3354444 (wcan). 21p BEST BEEF JERKY IN THE USA: $10 off the original beef jerky sampler. Free shipping, great gift idea. Call Bulk Beef Jerky. 800-244-8852 (wcan). 21p SEPTIC COMPANY FOR SALE, 715656-4001. 21p DAD’S ESTATE: 23-acre farm. Floor nailer, $150; 6’ French door, $200; Barco leather recliner, $250; J.D. snowblower, $450; 2 Weather Shield casement Gothic windows, $600; LP boiler, $750; 24’ camper, $1,000; 42” ZTR lawn mower, $1,500; 2003 Buick Century parts, $750; 2003 Ranger, $1,750; 1992 Explorer 4x4, $1,750; 8x18’ enclosed snowmobile trailer, $2,500; 2 burial vaults, Eau Claire, $8,000. Chetek, 715-458-4444. 21p 250 GOOD THINGS 130 TO EAT FROZEN ORGANIC BLUEBERRIES, RASPBERRIES & STRAWBERRIES: Grass-fed Angus beef, pastured pork & free-range eggs. 715-468-2591, bashawvalley.com 43tfc ORGANIC HERITAGE HOGS: By the half or whole, $3/lb. Certified by NICS. 715-790-3123. 20-21p WHOLE OR HALF HOGS: Also roasting hogs available. Call for pricing. All natural, hormone free, from small farm. $2.29/lb. for whole or half. Includes processing. Satisfaction guaranteed. EBT and credit cards accepted. Call 715-483-3386. 21c BEEF HALVES & QUARTERS FOR SALE: All natural, hormone free from small farm. Grass-fed beef also available at 70¢ extra. Halves or quarters, $3.09/lb. Includes processing. Satisfaction guaranteed. EBT and credit cards accepted. Call 715-483-3386. 21c ENJOY 100% guaranteed, deliveredto-the-door Omaha steaks! Save 78% plus 4 free burgers, the Happy Family Banquet, only $49.99. Order today, 800-307-1674, use code 43285DVA or www.OmahaSteaks.com/osmb51 (wcan). 21p 260 GUNS CLEAR LAKE TRUE VALUE: New and used guns. 715-263-2375. Mon. through Fri. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 25tfc GUNSHOT: Open Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call anytime. 175 305th Ave., Frederic (15 miles east). 715-653-2634. Ruger Sale. 43tfc WANTED: M1 carbine or military .45s or parts or ammunition. Call Roger, 651-433-2916; days, 651-777-1554. 51-24p OVER 800 GUNS IN STOCK: Reloading supplies, ammo at lowest prices in area. Gregerson Hardware, Baldwin, Wis. Store Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 715-684-3246. 17tfc CASH LOANED ON OR PAID FOR GUNS: John’s, Birchwood, 715-3543313. 12-21p AMERY SPRING GUN SHOW: Amery Hockey Arena, April 17, 18, 19. Fri. 3-9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Table rental fee, 8’, $25. Call Diana, 715-607-1898. Show sponsored by Amery VFW Post 7929. 17-22c LOAN, BUY, SELL FIREARMS, Hayward Pawn, 715-634-1096. 18-21p RIVER FALLS GUN SHOW: April 10 & 11, Wildcat Arena, Fri. 3-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Bearing Arms Shows, 715-308-8772. Win a Marlin .243 rifle! 18-22p GERMAN 7MM MAUSER: Sporterized, beautiful, $700 or B.O. Bond Arms derringer, new, 410-45 Colt, extra 22LR barrel plus holster, paid $800, $695 or B.O. 612-554-2808. 20-21p WANTED: 12 ga. shotgun with slug barrel. 715-986-3003. 20-21p TROLLHAUGEN GUN SHOW, Dresser, WI, April 3, 5-9 p.m., April 4, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Dan, 612-695-1425, trollhaugengunshow.com. 21-22p TRADE GUN COLLECTION for car, truck, van, motorcycle, tractor, ATV or etc. 715-760-0307. 21p WINCHESTER MODEL 1200: 12 gauge, 2-3/4”, trade for great canoe or 243 rifle. 715-760-0307. 21p TRADE NEW-IN-BOX 45 AUTO. for good canoe or kayak, or alum. fishing boat. 715-760-0307. 21p CHECK OUT OUR FIREARMS AND SPORTING GOODS online auction. Also accepting consignments for upcoming auctions. Willow River Outdoors, Deer Park. 715-269-5556, www.willowriveroutdoor.com 21-23p NEILLSVILLE GUN SHOW: April 3 & 4. American Legion Post 73, 6 Boon Blvd., Fri. 3-8 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Adm. $5. Buy, sell, trade, browse. Gun Buyer Shows, 608-548-4867. (wcan). 21p HAYWARD GUN-KNIFE SHOW: March 27 & 28, Fri. 3-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. LCO Casino Convention Center. Adm. $5, good for both days! Info call Ray, 715-292-8415. (wcan). 21p 270 HEALTH & FITNESS FOR SALE: Food grade 34% hydrogen peroxide, Frederic, 715-491-1861. 20-21c CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today, 800-2617523 for $10 off your first prescription and free shipping. (wcan). 21p GOT KNEE PAIN? Back pain? Shoulder pain? Get a pain-relieving brace, little or no cost to you. Medicare patients call health hotline now! 800-4313924. (wcan). 21p MEDICAL GUARDIAN: Top-rated medical alarm & 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waterproof alert button for free & more! Only $29.95 per month. 800-281-6138. (wcan). 21p 280 HEATING / COOLING CLASSIC CENTRAL BOILER. Outdoor wood furnaces, 25-year limited warranty. Central fireplaces. Radiant floor systems. 888-447-4328. 19tfc PORTAGE & MAIN BOILERS: Burn 1/3 to 1/2 less wood. Only refractory-lined boiler for better combustion, cleaner emissions, longer life and higher efficiency. EPA says Dec. 31, 2015, is your last chance to buy a conventional boiler in the U.S. Order now before it is too late. strawbalefarms.com, 715-6357811. 11-27c NORTHWOODS STOVES LLC: Selling corn/pellet stoves, furnaces and fireplace inserts. Call Northwoods Stoves LLC at 715-637-1662. 14-6p FOR SALE: 3 used wood boilers, $4,200 to $5,200. Mark, 715-7906097. 15-21p HEATMOR STAINLESS STEEL OUTDOOR WOOD BOILER: Purchase before EPA’s new rulings. Financing available. Cedar Heating, Cameron, 1-800-355-6846. 17-33p DRY OAK FIREWOOD: Local delivery. 715-755-2346. 18-21p TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO BUY A NEW CLASSIC OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler. Call today for more information and special pricing! Northwest Wisconsin Ent. Inc., 715-635-3511 or 715-520-7477. 19-21c EARTH OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE: Save money, order your new stove before new rule change takes effect, 1/2” thick firebox. More info, 715781-7005, earthoutdoor.com. 19-38p FIREWOOD PROCESSING: Cutting at your location. 715-205-1526. 1930p FIREWOOD: Green or dry oak, 100” lengths or cut, split. Call 715-4919732, 715-648-5553. 21-28p APPLE RIVER REFRIGERATION & HEATING: 30 yrs. in business, new & used, reconditioned a/c with warranty, free estimates. 715-246-3504. 21-22p 285 HELP WANTED PART-TIME BARTENDER, COOK, WAITSTAFF: Must be able to work nights and weekends. Apply within Barronett Bar and Grill. 18-21c HELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM: Milking and chores, Clear Lake area. 715-607-0553. 20-21p IT’S A NEW YEAR: Think about a new career. Call SCDTI to train for a CDL. 715-942-2700, Ext. 101. 21p NOT ALL TRUCKING COMPANIES ARE THE SAME! It’s all about atmosphere! Apply at windyhilltrans.com or call 800-227-0020. 21p HELP WANTED: Auto/light truck mechanic. Must have experience. Call Bradwell Enterprise, Milltown, WI, 715825-3400. 21c FULL-TIME POSITION ON DAIRY FARM: Milking, feeding & other chores, New Richmond. 715-2465454. 21-22p EVERY OTHER WEEKEND OVERNIGHT POSITION: Available in our Adult Foster Care Home in Lindstrom, MN. Hours: Fri. 3 p.m. to Sun. 8 p.m. Excellent pay, experience working with elderly/DD adults preferred. Call 651-888-0839, ask for Sue. 21-22p MAINTENANCE PERSON: For small dairy farm. 715-554-2882. 21p 289 HOME 130 IMPROVEMENT ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing. Finishing. Structural repairs. Humidity and mold control. Free estimates! Call 800-991-1602. (wcan). 21p 290 HORSES WANTED: All kinds of horses and ponies. Sonny Kruse, 715-458-2779 or 715-491-1792. 10tfc EXCELLENT FARRIER: 715-8371507. 17-44p FARRIER: Hoof trimming, 715-5531296. 20-23p WHOLESALE TACK by appointment, 715-377-2655. 21-23c CENTRAL WI HORSE SALE: Clark County Fairgrounds. April 15-18 horses, tack & equipment. Neillsville, WI, www.centralwihorsesale.net, 715-2388088, R Reineck #594. (wcan) 21p TIM NOLAN ARENA HORSE SALE: Anniversary sale featuring quarter, paint & Appaloosa horses. April 11, 2015. Tack 9 a.m., horses noon. Consignments start Friday, April 10, from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and on Saturday, April 11 at 9 a.m. No call-in consignments. N11474 State Hw. 110, Marion, WI. (wcan) 21p FOR SALE: Circle Y saddle, exc. condition, 8” gullet, $850. 715-815-0418. 21-22p 300 HOUSEHOLD OAK TV CABINET: New, $100. Oak book cabinet, new, $100. 715-2058249. 20-21p TV STAND; pair of living room lamps; Duncan Phyfe dining room table w/ pads & 6 chairs. 715-357-3503. 2021p FORMAL DINING TABLE: 6 chairs, 3 extensions, $300. 715-472-4677. 21p NEW MATTRESS SETS FROM $89: All sizes in stock! 9 styles! 2133 Eastern Ave., Plymouth, WI. Open 7 days a week. PlymouthFurnitureWI.com (wcan). 21p PINZGAUER BULL: Gentle, very good breeder. 715-458-4207. 21-22p GREAT QUALITY ITEMS FOR SALE: Antique oak library table; antique oak buffet w/mirror; small oak curio cabinet; new Amish quarter-sawn oak rocking chair; floral tapestry couch; Norman Rockwell picture; Red Wing 3-gallon crock jug. Call 715-488-2222 for details and prices. 21p 310 LAND / SALE - RENT WANTED: Hay & crop land to rent, 2015 & beyond. Preferably within 10 miles of Emerald. Call 715-529-0977. 14-23p WANTED: Cropland to rent for year 2015, Southern Polk, St. Croix, Northwest Dunn Counties. Call Joel, 715246-9860. 19-22p 886424 - JUST LISTED: 27 acres of exclusive prime development land located not far from the golf course, adjacent to residential home development. Call Team Realty at 715-2341991 for the details. 21c POSKIN LAKE LOT: 1.35-acre lot w/187’ of lakeshore. Looking west. Great views, gravel bottom for swimming. Nicest shoreline. Will sell on contract, $119,000. Call Tom Schaffer at 715-296-1846. Coldwell Banker Johnson & Johnson Land Co. 21-24c 320 LAWN & GARDEN SAVE 35% ON ALL PREORDERED BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES: Order online, bashawvalley.com or call B.V. Greenhouse. 715-468-2591. 14tfc FOR SALE: 2012 LTX 1050 kw Cub Cadet lawn mower, Frederic, 715-4911861. 20-21c BOLENS QT17: Needs engine, 48” deck, many newer parts. 651-5832600, $500 or B.O. 20-22p 330 LIVESTOCK WANTED: All types of beef cattle, cows, calves, market cattle. All types dairy cattle, also bulls. Brent Besser, East Central Livestock, Mora, Minn., 320-679-4333. 29tfc WANTED: Dairy and beef cattle. Also, lame and slow cattle. Also, sheep and goats. 715-458-2779 or 715-4911792. 10tfc LIVESTOCK/BEEF CATTLE WANTED: Please call 715-466-5333, Link Family Land & Livestock. 4tfc BEEF BULL SALE: April 18, noon, UW River Falls, WI, SCVBT.com. 1724p QUALITY HOLSTEIN BULLS, calving ease, Legacy Farms, 715-520-2884. 17-32p BLACK ANGUS COWS w/calves at side. 715-483-3866. 20tfc KIDS ‘N PIGS SHOW PIG SALE & CLINIC: Sun., March 29, at 12:30 p.m. Sale held at Valley Feeds, 1620 Indianhead Drive, Menomonie. 715-2200484. 20-21p SHEEP SHEARING: Call Steve, 715357-6077. 21p JEFF KEGEN DEHORNING & CASTERATION SERVICE: (Get on the horn and call Jeff), 715-665-2509. 21p CUSTOM DEHORNING & CASTERATING: 715-410-1358. 21-24p INDIANHEAD POLLED HEREFORD ASSOCIATION: Annual 2015 Spring Opportunity Sale, Saturday, April 11, at UW River Falls, Mann Valley Lab Farm. View cattle starting at 10:30 a.m., auction noon. Selling 8 cows, 19 heifers, 3 bulls. View catalog online at www.indianheadherefords.com. Contact Liz at 715-781-2584 to request a catalog. 21-23p EXOTIC ANIMAL & FOWL AUCTION: March 27, 10 a.m. Buffalo, all types of cattle, ponies, donkeys, llamas, deer, potbelly pigs, sheep and goats. Rich Prairie Livestock, Pierz, MN. 320-3962025 or 612-390-6972. 21p ROASTER PIGS FOR SALE: Large pig smoker for rent. 763-286-2629. 21p WANTED: Beef bull, 2 years old or older. 715-816-0285. 21p LARGE HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALF: Nice, $450; Holstein bull calf, nice, $400. 715-948-2794. 21p WANTED: Holstein feeder cattle. 715816-0285. 21-22p 345 LOANS / FINANCE EQUIPMENT FOR RENT & SALE: St. Croix Truck, New Richmond, 715-2465363. 39tfc COLLATERAL LOANS: Pawn to $5,000. 715-948-4900. 20-23p DO YOU OWE OVER $10,000 TO THE IRS or state in back taxes? You could get a settlement for as low as 25% of previous IRS settlements. Call now! 800-342-7481. (wcan). 21p HELP PREVENT FORECLOSURE & save your home! Get free relief! Learn about your legal option to possibly lower your rate and modify your mortgage. 800-277-6830. (wcan). 21p REDUCE YOUR PAST TAX BILL by as much as 75%. Stop levies, liens and wage garnishments. Call The Tax Dr. now to see if you qualify. 800-8190736. (wcan). 21p SELL YOUR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT or annuity payments for cash now. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 800761-1572. (wcan). 21p SENIORS 62 YEARS AND OVER: A reverse mortgage may be the help you need. Call Fred at 715-472-3038, serving area since 1971, I am a senior and will make house calls, NMLS #282795 & #150953. 21tfc 370 MACHINERY / 130 CONSTRUCTION 2014 CLOSEOUT: Terex TSV70 skid steer, 74 h.p., 2,650-lb. vertical lift, cab, heat, a.c., HQA, 2 spd., $39,950 cash price. Duffy’s Sales & Rental, Barron. 715-537-3259. 21-22c 2015 TEREX MINI-EXCAVATORS, up to $7,500 cash back or 0% for 48 months. Duffy’s Sales & Rental, Barron. 715-537-3259. 21-22c 380 MACHINERY - FARM FARM TRACTOR REPAIR: Major and minor repairs. All brands, pickup & delivery available. Northland Equipment, www.northlandequipment.net, 715263-2119. 27tfc WANTED: Tractors, skid steers, running or not. Fast cash! 715-948-4900. 20-23p FOR SALE: Weaverline 521, electric feed cart, excellent condition, $4,000, 715-651-7134. 20-21p J.D. 4640: Low hrs., weights, duals 20.8, great shape. 715-553-1306. 2021p FOR SALE: Dearborn 2-bottom plow. 715-472-8318. 20-21p FARMALL M WIDE-FRONT LOADER: Has 2-speed transmission, runs good, $2,150 or B.O. 715-410-8933. 21-22p JOHN DEERE 640 HAY RAKE: Exc. cond., rubber mounted teeth, no welds, good tires, $1,000, Star Prairie. 715-688-9036 after 5 p.m. 21-22p FARMI 3-PT. LOGGING WINCHES; Valby 3-pt. PTO chippers; new 3-pt. rototillers, loader attachments, 3-pt. attachments, new log splitters. 866638-7885, threeriversforestry.com (wcan). 21p FOR SALE: International model 470 disc, 12’, good blades, $1,300. 715554-0261. 21tfc FOR SALE: J.D. 8430, only 4,500 hrs., very good, B.O., 3-pt. backhoe, $2,250. 715-825-4065. 21-23p FOR SALE: 6’ 3-pt. tandem disc, $500. Perfect for food plots. 715-2682758. 21-22p IH 475 18’ DISC: Hyd. wings, tandem wheels, rear hitch, disc blades 18-1/2” - 19”, 7-1/2” spacings, excellent condition, $3,500 or B.O. 715-653-2551, leave message. 21-22p IH 756 GAS TRACTOR: Narrow fronts, new Tri Ribs 11L-15 tires, 18-4-38 rear tires, 50 - 60% tread, 3-pt. hitch, single hyd., always starts, $6,000 or B.O. 715-653-2551, leave message. 21-22p 390 MISCELLANEOUS ALTERATIONS: Prom starting at $38; bridal at $75. Call or text 715-2050731, Mar Z Alterations, 113 N. Main St., Rice Lake. 20-23p CORDUROY LOVE SEAT and treadmill, new. 715-462-9168. 20-21p MAKE A CONNECTION. Real people, flirty, chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it free. Call now, 888909-9905. 18+. 21p DISH TV: Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.). Save! Regular price $34.99. Ask about free same-day installation! Call now! 877-477-9659. 21p AIRLINES ARE HIRING for those with FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Get the A&P training at Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 866-453-6204. 21p DISH TV RETAILER: Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & highspeed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available). Save! Ask about same-day installation! Call now! 800-615-4064. 21p BETWEEN HS AND COLLEGE? Wanting entry-level position? Rapid advancement and huge earning potential! Must travel. $500 signing bonus! 480-718-9540. 21p CASH FOR CARS: Any make or model! Free towing. Sell it today. Instant offer. 800-864-5784. 21p OLD GUITARS WANTED: Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, 1930-1980. Top dollar paid! Call toll-free 866-4338277. 21p MAPLE SYRUP EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Sippl’s Sugarbush, 715-449-3426. 21p PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical & continued support afterward. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 800-721-2862. (wcan). 21p DENTAL ASSISTANT. Be one in just 10 Saturdays! Fan us on Facebook! WeekendDentalAssistant.com. Next class begins 3/28/15. Call 920-7301112, Appleton. WI approved. (wcan). 21p ACORN STAIR LIFTS. The affordable solution to your stairs! **Limited time - $250 off your stair lift purchase!** Buy direct & save. Please call 800598-6714 for free DVD and brochure. (wcan). 21p DO YOU NEED TO ADVERTISE? Make one call to affordably advertise in 82 Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guides! Reach nearly 1.6 million households! As low as $2.19 per paper! Call us today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.), 800236-0737, www.pdsadnet.com (wcan). 21p SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets. Less than 4-inch step-in. Wide door, anti-slip floors, American made. Installation included. Call 800-940-3411 for $750 off. (wcan). 21p SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We can help! Win or pay nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 800-960-0307 to start your application today! (wcan). 21p CANS 48¢ LB.: Anderson Recycling. Batteries, copper, brass, aluminum, steel, cars. Call about. 715-483-9527. 21p 400 MOBILE HOMES WE BUY AND SELL MOBILE HOMES. Single and double-wide. Pine Crest Homes, 715-296-7724. www.pinecresthomesinc.com 17tfc AREA’S LARGEST DISPLAY of Northland’s best-built modular and manufactured homes. New model homes are arriving. 320-629-8110, www.pinecresthomesinc.com 24tfc 2000 SKYLINE 26x48 DOUBLE-WIDE: 3 BRs, 2 baths, all appliances & central air included, on cement slab, skirting is concrete blocking. Deck surround on 3 sides, 836 Elmer Ave., Amery, WI. 715-268-7203. 2023p 1990 FAIRMONT 14x72: 3 BRs, 2 baths, $5,000 or B.O. 715-205-8451. 20-21p I BUY USED MOBILE HOMES: 651270-2332. 21tfc NORDQUIST MOBILE HOME Buy, TRANSPORT/EXCAVATION: sell, demolition. Buy, sell, demolition. Licensed installer. 715-222-6300. 21p 410 MOTORCYCLES 2006 XB9R HARLEY BUELL: 1000cc, original owner, 8K miles, with shop manual, $5,500. 715-684-2321. 20-22p MOTORCYCLES WANTED: Used & damaged. Also buying ATV & dirt bikes, running or not running. 651-285-1532. 21-32p 2009 HARLEY-DAVIDSON HERITAGE CUSTOM CLASSIC: 46,000 soft miles. Asking $12,000 or B.O. Showroom condition. Too many extras to list. Serious inquiries only. 920-8725090. 21-24p 2009 BMW 1200 LT, mint, black, 11,400 miles. Excellent tires. BMW maintained. We are retiring from the sport. Boots, pants, ballistic jackets, helmets with comm. Passenger armrests, driver backrest. Brand-new electric vests. Two covers and luggage bags for all cases. New battery. $15,000. What a ride! 715-483-1179. 21p 1999 HARLEY ULTRA GLIDE: Full chrome/Screamin Eagle. All maintenance records, many $ in original parts, 36,000 miles, $9,500. 612-817-9235. 21p WANTED: ‘60s and ‘70s motorcycles. Dead or alive! 920-371-0494. (wcan). 21p 420 MUSIC charliesbackstagemusic.com 49tfc PIANO TUNING: Michael, 866-2939663, 21-30p GUITAR LESSONS: Kevin, 715-5052536. 21-23p STAR CONCERTINA E FLAT, 715852-6262. 21p OSCAR SCHMIDT AUTOHARP w/ carrying case; Paradigm speaker, 3-pc. set; Paradigm subwoofer. Call 715488-2222 for details and prices. 21p 430 NOTICES REPENT! And believe in the Gospel. thechurchthatisintheirhouse.com. 2027p AFFORDABLE STORAGE: 24556 State Rd. 35 in Siren, WI, hereby gives notice to the following occupants. Kendra Drake, unit #8; Jim Blume, unit #16; Paul Peterson, unit #18; Amy Manglesen, unit #48. The contents of these units will be disposed of due to nonpayment of rent on March 21, 2015. Call 715-357-8300 with inquiries. 20-21p WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money! Please be careful answering any ad that sounds too good to be true! For more information, or to file a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection. 800-422-7128. (wcan). 21p 435 PERSONALS THOSE WHO BELONG TO CHRIST JESUS have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24. 18-21p MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO LIVE IN PEACE with all men and to be holy. Without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14. 18-21p THERE IS NO WISDOM, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30. 20-23p MOVIES TO DVD: Transferring 8mm, VHS, slides and all formats. Pro equipment and service. Preserve your family heritage! Gene at 651-278-4273, WI/ MN. 21-24p 440 PETS APPLE RIVER PET FENCE: 715-5547281. 2tfc NEW ZEALAND RABBITS: Full grown. 715-469-3577. 20-21p GOLDEN DOODLE PUPS: Vet checked, shots, health guaranteed. 218-839-4646. 20-23p EIGHT-WEEK-OLD PUPPIES: Mother, Cavalier spaniel, father, Papillon. Vet checked, first shots. 715-349-5233. 20-21p MINI SCHNAUZER, 6 weeks old, salt & pepper, 2 females, 1 male, $400, 715-635-9247, 715-791-0064. 21-22p EXOTIC ANIMAL & FOWL AUCTION: March 28, 8 a.m. Misc., cockatoo, cockatiels, lovebirds, macaws, canaries, finches, rabbits and pocket pets of all kinds. Rich Prairie Livestock, Pierz, MN. 320-396-2025 or 612-390-6972. 21p AKC RED & BLOND GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS. Mini goldens, too. $700. www.horsesponiespets.com, 715-645-2231. 21p DO YOU HAVE ITEMS TO SELL? Get results! Affordable advertising that fits your budget! Reach over 300,000 homes! Place your ad in many weekly Wisconsin Shoppers and Buyers’ Guide papers for as low as $36. Call today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.), 800- 236-0737, www.pdsadnet.com 21p DOBERMAN PUPS: White F, white M, blue F, black M. Great temperament, shots & wormed, $1,250. 715-2532011 (wcan). 21p GOT AN OLDER CAR, BOAT OR RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 800-990-7816. (wcan). 21p ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL mixed w/Corgi breed for sale, 2 boys & 9 girls, $175 each. Call 651-285-4747 for information. Location Luck, born 2-14. 21p AKC LAB PUPS: Polar bear whites. Dews/1st shots. 3rd & 4th generation. Info: harborlabradors.com, 715-5824076. 21p LAB PUPPIES FOR SALE: Choc. black. 763-280-1649, 715-483-9527. 21p FOR SALE: Dog kennel with dog house, includes panels with gate, $400 or B.O. 715-815-0418. 21-22p PET GROOMING: Dogs under 40 lbs. Doggie VanGogh, Balsam Lake, 715338-7081, www.doggievangogh.com 21-26p 450 POULTRY FOR SALE: Banties & Muscovies. 715-431-0357. 20-21p EXOTIC ANIMAL & FOWL AUCTION: March 28, 8 a.m. After house birds, pheasants, ducks, peacocks, pigeons, quail, guineas, rabbits and geese. Rich Prairie Livestock, Pierz, MN. 320-3962025 or 612-390-6972. 21p FOR SALE: 7 peafowl, 2 males, 5 females, $200 for all. 715-684-9353. 21p 460 REAL ESTATE BUILDABLE 3-1/2-ACRE LOT: 3 miles south of Spooner, WI, on old Hwy. 63. 320-251-7224. 3-22p LAKE HOME BURNETT CO.: 2-BR, 1-bath rambler, .8-acre lot w/bunkhouse. New furnace, has gas log fireplace, [email protected] $180,600. 19-22p FOR SALE BY OWNER: St. Croix Falls 3-BR rambler w/finished w/o basement featuring kitchenette, whirlpool tub, gas frpl. & patio. Large backyard, close to schools. $169,000. For details, email [email protected]. 20-21p HOBBY FARM: 10.9 acres, small lake, newer well, sewer, roof. 1-story, 4 BRs, 1-3/4 baths, walkout finished basement. Two pastures, 41x62 shed. 715263-2851. 20-21p FOR SALE BY OWNER: Completely remodeled, year-round or seasonal, single-wide manufactured home. Located on small lake, very nice lot, detached garage. Call 715-327-8923. 20tfc
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