[Undated – three typed pages, photocopy, bad condition:] [Page 1:] FISHER'S HOUSE Estate of Freeman Baker 1842, died insolvent – Reuben Ryder licensed to sell. Decree of distribution: Note of hand to the estate of Freeman Baker Jr. $203.07 Uriah Baker Bill of provisions delivered to his father Freeman Baker deceased 312.13 Jane Baker bill of nursing and attendance on her father and mother form Feb. 22 – July 22, 1841 50.00 Silvenus Baker working on farm and taking cair the cattle and cash paid for hay 127.00 Harrey Baker account allowed by judge Aug. 8, 1842 207.93 The account of Alpheus Baker and Harvey Baker of Dennis, marinors, adm. of the estate of Freeman Baker, late of Dennis, yeoman, died intestate. Amount of real estate sold: The deceased barn sold to Obed Baker 2d. $ 25.00 The shoemaker shop & tools sold to Obed Baker 2d 40.00 The deceased homestead sold to Obed Baker 2d 450.00 The Old field sold to " " " 27.56 The east part of Cashes piece sold to Watson Baker 17.43 The west part of same sold to Obed Baker 2d The cranberry Hole lot sold to " " " 7.87 The Gages road piece " " " " " 1.93 The Bassett Pond lot " " " " " 31.77 The Venny Wood lot " " " " " 5.00 8 Aug 1843 Dr. F. Dodge bill $12.67. Dr. Greenleaf Pratt bill $2.00 Watson Baker dissatisfied with settlement, guardian of Watson F. Baker. Inventory taken 15 Feb 1842. Allowance made to widow Susan Baker 8 Mar 1842 Widow's 1/3: To Susan Baker – the front room of the dwelling house by the petition wall of Kitching threw out the west end of the said house – with the front entry and chamber over the same with priviledg to of baking in to the over in the kitchen part of the house and to us a nesesery part of seller and pass through the kitching and out the north door to bring in wood watter and what ever may be needful and also a priviledg in the Buttery and the north room or kitching is to have the priviledg of passing through the front room and up the front stairway to com at the kitch part of the of the chamber that is over the sam – and we also set of to the said widow a bought one half acre of land that is under and ajoining the said dwelling hous and the same is bounded as follows, viz: bg. at the NW corner at the county road in the range of the land of Freeman Baker, dec and then sets S as a fence now stands 11½ rods to a stake and thence a bought E until it comes to a post standing in the doar yard fence about 7 feet to the W of the hous and thence S as a fence now stands to the road and then N by the road to the NE corner of the shoe makers ship that is by the county road and thence W by county road to the first – with all the fence now standing on described land – and also all the out buildings except the barn and shoemakers shop – also one piece of woodland at Bassets Lot – also one piece of land at the oald field – this 1/3 of real estate and value $210.33. March 11, 1842 [signed] Jonathan Nickerson | Nehemiah Crowell | Commissioners Reuben Ryder | [Next page:] Estate of David Baker, 1790. Isaiah Baker, guardian for Warren, Silvanus and House Baker, 16 May 1792. Isaiah Baker, guardian of Freeman and David Baker, 16 Mar 1792. David Baker, guardian of Freeman, Warren, Silvanus, Samuel, the minor children of David Baker, late of Dennis, 13 Jan 1796 David Baker died intestate. Jane Baker, executor, 16 Nov 1790. Jane Baker, widow allowed 34 , 16 Mar 1791. Inventory: The real estate which deceased to him from his honorable father which the old gentleman had a right of dower is in and is undivided. Israel Nickerson, Joseph White and James Nickerson, comm. Will of David Baker, 5 Dec 1768, of Yarmouth, labourer, being very sick, etc. – eldest son John Baker, David Baker and Jeremiah Baker my sloop and money that I have obtained this last summer by her fishing and they three my sons must pay the remainder that is due towards the sloop – a certain piece of meadow lying in Harwich at a place called Boreman's island that I own shall be sold by my executors, Samuel Baker and John Baker, my sons they together shall give good conveyance by deed to pay my lawful debts. Daughter Thankful Swain 40s. Daughter Elizabeth Baker 40s when she becomes 18 and also priviledge to live in house and to cut her firewood so long as she is single. Wife Thankful improvement of real estate, etc., but debts must first be paid before she comes into possession, when she dies or remarries I give the rest to my four sons, John, David, Jeremiah, Paul – beginning at a stake marked on four sides standing the north side of the road standing a little distance from the SE corner of my cleared [land] that lies the E side of the way that goes by my house and from the said stake running N until it comes to Duck Pond, all that land of mine that lies to the E of said stake and range together with an other piece of land and cedar swamp lying to the southward on the first mentioned way beginning at the first cross fence to the eastward of my house running at said fence about south and by west across through said arm of swamp to a pine tree marked on four sides standing on the south side of an upland in the swamp to the pond – all that to the eastward of said fence and range I give to my two sons David Baker and Paul Baker equal divided between the two. And also to my other two sons, John Baker and Jeremiah Baker I give all my land and swamp with my buildings that lies to the westward of the above, equally divided, together with the rest of my lands and meadows at Swan Pond River I give to my four sons. Son Paul all out door moveables after wife done with them. [Witnesses:] Edward Baker, Heman Baker, Allen Bangs. Probated 26 Dec 1768. Book 14, p183. Alpheus Baker and Harvey Baker, adm. of estate of Freeman Baker, to Obed Baker 2d for $605.38 – a certain piece of land with the dwelling house, barn and shoe makers shop and corn crib and other small outbuildings standing thereon, in south part of Dennis, 1 acre – bounded on the N by the highway and on the W by the heirs of Freeman Baker, Jr., deceased, and on the S by said heirs, and on the E by the road – also other pieces of land. 3 Aug 1843. Book 28, p181. Obed Baker 2d to Alpheus Baker, Mariner – the following pieces and parcels of land that was sold to Obed Baker 2d, the estate of Freeman Baker, deceased, which deed bears date of 3 Aug 1843. Signed by Obed Baker 2d and Miriam Baker, 4 Aug 1843. Dennis Book 1, p.442. Edward Baker of Dennis, mariner, for $380 to Freeman Baker, mariner – a tract of land with a dwelling house – bounded beg. at SW corner by the road, setting thence N by said road till it comes to the land of Allen Bangs, E by said Bangs till it comes to James Nickersons woodland then W by said Nickerson until it comes to 1st. Edward & Patience Baker, 15 Oct 1806. [Page 3:] Dennis Book 1, p.444. Venney Kelley, Innholder, for $65 to Freeman Baker, mariner – a certain piece of cleared and brush land with a dwelling house standing thereon laying in said Dennis – W by widow Betsey Nickerson woodland, N by James Nickerson woodland, E by the road that leads from John Bakers to Duck Pond and S by John and Levi Nickerson woodland, 2 acres. Signed Vinney and Esther Kelley, 21 Mar 1810 Dennis Book 2, p224. Thomas Baxter and Prudence Baxter of Providence, R.I., for $50 paid by Freeman and Sylvanus Baker – all our right title and interest in and to our Father, David Baker's, late of Yarmouth, dec. died seized of. 26 Sep 1819, recorded 29 Jan 1820. Dennis Book 2, p229. Samuel Baker Jr. of Dennis, mariner, for $1 to Freeman and Sylvanus Baker – all right, etc., in estate of my father David Baker. 15 Apr 1819. Dennis Book 2, p301. Enoch Nickerson & wife Jedidah of Constantia, Oswego Co., N.Y. to Freeman Baker & Sylvanus Baker, for $100, all right etc. in estate of David Baker, dec. 8 Nov 1819. Dennis Book 2, p.254. Freeman Baker & Sylvanus Baker to Reuben Baker and Thomas Crowell for $6.70 – all right, etc., to that of David Baker has prior to this date deeded to them. 3 Feb 1820. These collections are protected by United States and International copyright laws. Personal noncommercial use of these materials is allowed. Any other use is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the Dennis Historical Society.
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