BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MARCH 2015 THE SEEDLING ! President’s Message As St. Patrick is Ireland's patron saint, shamrock has been used as a symbol of Ireland since the 18th century, in a similar way to how a rose is used for England, thistle for Scotland and leek for Wales. The shamrock first began to change from a symbol purely associated with St. Patrick to an Irish national symbol when it was taken up as an emblem by rival militias, during the turbulent politics of the late eighteenth century. ! The shamrock refers to the young sprigs of clover or trefoil. It is known as a symbol of Ireland, with St. Patrick having used it as a metaphor for the Christian Trinity, according to legend. The name shamrock is derived from Irish seamróg, which is the diminutive version of the Irish word for clover (seamair) meaning simply "little clover" or "young clover".[1]! Shamrock is usually considered to refer to either the species Trifolium dubium (lesser clover, Irish: seamair bhuí)[2] or Trifolium repens (white clover, Irish: seamair bhán). However, other three-leaved plants—such as Medicago lupulina, Trifolium pratense, and Oxalis acetosella—are sometimes called shamrocks or clovers. The shamrock was traditionally used for its medicinal properties and was a popular motif in Victorian times.! Hugs, Sandra Graff! ! ! ! ! ! BOARD MEETING! MARCH 3 TUESDAY! HOSTESS: JOAN SMALLEY! 2729 VALLEY CREEK DR, CHULA VISTA 91914! RSVP 421-0467 [email protected]! ! GENERAL MEETING! MARCH 11 at 9-30am! PROGRAM: CREATING HABITAT FOR HUMMINGBIRDS AND BUTTERFLIES WITH SPEAKER BEN ZLOTNICK OF OLD BEN’S WORKSHOP! ! SET UP: PAT MALONE, ANNE LINN! REFRESHMENTS:ERNIE TRIMBLE, DARLENE MONTGOMERY, GLENNALIE COLEMAN, ANGIE BETANCOURT, ANN VORCE! RAFFLE: ERNIE TRIMBLE, GLENNALIE COLEMAN, DARLENE MONTGOMERY! CLEAN UP: JUDY SILVER! ! FLOWERS: library, ERNIE TRIMBLE, PAT MALONE, museum, ERNIE TRIMBLE ! ! DESIGN FORUM! MARCH 2, at 12-30am Flower Power, 3 Excellent Designers race to finish a "surprise package”, Bring a signature design, create 3 designs in a "round robin”, and finish with "Left Overs" in a new container. Call Susan Currie at 619-892-2933 for information about carpool BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MARCH 2015 PROGRAM FOR MARCH BEN ZLOTNICK Old Ben’s Workshop! Hummingbirds and Butterflies and Bees, Oh MY!!!!!!! So you want birds and bees and butterflies in your garden???! Our March 11th speaker will show you how to create (or add to) a garden which will encourage hummingbirds, bees and butterflies to love your habitat! Ben Zlotnick, a San Diego native, is truly a Renaissance Man. His interests and experience covers the gamut from backyard plants and animals including chickens and Koi as well as wild birds, butterflies and insects. Because of his passion for plants and wild animals, he loves landscaping Besides speaking and consulting, Ben has built a one-of-a-kind business he calls “Old Ben’s Workshop”! Be sure to bring some $$ for the seeds and products you might be interested in.! Background: Ben has a college major in Ornamental Horticulture, 42 years’ experience in retail management and banking. He is a member of National Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Audubon Society, World Wildlife Fund, and Environmental Defense Fund! His interests includes wild birds, landscaping/gardening, and woodworking. 2012 Partnerships with Industry Business Partner of the Year.! Ben is available for consulting on related projects and speaking engagements locally, nationally and world-wide. ! ! ! BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MARCH 2015 Our Photography show is just around the corner. Do you have your pictures ready to enter? We will be accepting entries at our general meeting on March 11 as well as receiving entries on March 13 in front of the museum. If you need any help with mounting or obtaining the mats(paper frames) for your photos please call Carvill at 619-405-5769, or ask a committee member. Mats are available for a very small cost.! Carvill, Jo Lynne, Susan C, Darlene, Jackie and Sarah. A Flower and Garden Photography and Garden Art Competition and Exhibition ! Sponsored by the Bonita Valley Garden Club ! “BONITA IN FOCUS” ! Show Open Wednesday –Saturday 10am-4pm March 18, 2015 to May 8, 2015 ! Bonita Museum and Cultural Center 4355 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA 91902 ! Open to the Public Free Admission ! All Interested Amateur Photographers Invited to Enter ! Exhibitor Rules Available at the Museum For an e-copy of the schedule and all entry categories: [email protected] ! Reservations are required for 3-dimensional garden art pieces Information and Reservations 619-405-5769 ! ! Fri., March 13 – 10am-4:00pm - Entries received outside the Museum Wed., March 18- 10am-4:00pm - Show opens Fri., March 20 - 5:30pm-7:30pm – Reception at the Museum Sat. May 9 - 10am-12pm - Pick up all entries ! BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MARCH 2015 FEBRUARY TEA! Here are some pictures from the tea party, a happening place. We have our groovy characters, and models for the fashion show. Also the far out tables. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, the tables were so inventive, the fashion show inspirational, so many wonderful, talented members. A very special THANK YOU, to Sandy Marking for organizing the event, and Sandra Graff, our President for the wonderful fashion show. Anne, Marianne, Diane and Susan Mary Jane GROOVY FAR OUT Deb BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MARCH 2015 FEBRUARY TEA PICTURES #2. ! Mary Jane, you are our poster girl.! Thank you so much to Jo Lynn and Sarah for these wonderful photographs. BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB Thank you to everyone who donated to the District Meeting Market Table!!The table was a huge success, we made $166.20, all profit for BVGC.! THANK YOU, Darlene and Sarah! MARCH 2015 ALL BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS Enter, visit and enjoy! ! RECON Native Plants, Inc.! Landscape Design and Consultation Services RECON Native Plants is pleased to introduce our new landscape design and consultation services! In order to meet the emerging demand, we are teaming up with landscape designer Rebecca Pozorski. Rebecca brings a bachelor's degree in horticulture as well as 12 years of landscape design experience that she can draw from as she leads our new landscape design and consultation services. With the increased cost of water coupled with the turf removal rebates that are available, the level of interest in drought-tolerant landscaping is higher than ever and growing quickly. With that in mind, we are thrilled to be able to offer a great landscape design service at an incredible value! The details of our landscape design and consultation services are as follows: On-site consultation, Hand-drawn plan (to scale) with plant list, $100 RECON Native Plants, Inc. gift card.! For a total investment of only $325!! This includes a total of 3 hours of designer's time. Additional time is available at a rate of $75/hour. Rebecca is available by phone at (619) 884-5854 or by email at [email protected]. ! ! 2015 CORONADO FLOWER SHOW Saturday, APRIL 18, 1pm—5pm Sunday, APRIL 19, 10am—4pm! Entries accepted Friday, April 17, 4pm—6pm and Saturday, April 18, 7am—9:30am! The Coronado Flower Show is held annually on the third weekend of April in Spreckels Park in the center of Coronado’s Village.! The Coronado Flower Show is the largest tented flower show in the nation. Exhibits are placed inside tents surrounding a central gazebo, which becomes the stage for continuous entertainment, announcements and trophy presentations.! Open to the public. Admission is $5.! FREE entry for children under 12 and for Coronado Floral Association members.! BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB POLKA DOT TABLE! Please bring your clippings, succulents,! extra bulbs or any plant you wish to share! to the meeting and put it on the table. Our! gardens will all benefit and you will smile as! your new items BLOOM!!!! Thank you, Sarah! MARCH 2015 WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE Sunshine Lady!! If you know someone who needs! cheering up, let Marianne Briggs! know and she will send a card! 619-472-0220! THURSDAY WALKS ALONG THE STEPHANIE ROSSI TRAIL! ! ! Please bring to monthly meetings any! unwanted items: household goods jewelry,! clothing, garden accessories,garden tools,! pots,etc to our treasure table. A cute! elephant with basket will take your money! donations!! This is a popular table . Please check the items! early.! Every Thursday a group of people gather in front of the Kumon learning center and quickly set off to clean up the Stephanie Rossi of loosely strewn trash.We will meet at our regular time of 8:30 behind Starbucks in front of the Kumon Learning Center. Rain cancels.. Anyone is welcome to join us. Wear sturdy shoes and bring a bag for collecting trash. Darlene. (619) 267-1585! BONITA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB MARCH 2015 MARGE GREER! DECEMBER 31, 1928 - FEBRUARY 24, 2014! ! This past week we lost a very good friend and long time BVGC member, Marge Greer. Marge was very active in our club she was Treasurer for 3 years, helped with hospitality during the monthly meetings for many years. She was a smiling docent for the Garden tours and opened her own gorgeous rose garden for one of the Garden Tours. Her beautiful African Violets always won the blue ribbons at all Flower Shows. Marge was a very generous Hostess of many monthly Board meetings.! Marge will be missed in the greater community, she was an active member of St John's Episcopal Church, Starlarks, Bonita Museum, Friends of the Library and played tennis 3 times a week with her tennis friends.! Marge came to Bonita as a Navy wife, when her husband retired from the Navy she managed the office of his Dental practice.! We will all miss her lovely smile she was a very charming lady, even during her two year illness she looked lovely. I remember how taking her to treatments she was dressed in the latest fashion, hair and nails perfect. She always maintained her good humor and enjoyed showing us her violets in the kitchen, plus, the beautiful flowers in the garden beside her front door. We will all miss her.! Marge is survived by a son Todd, daughter Betsy and two grandsons. Please mail cards and notes to her address in the BVGC year book, the postoffice will forward to her son.! Sarah Tolley! ! ! ! ! ! ! calendar! Bonita Museum! GUILLERMO VALENZUELA. JANUARY 14 TO MARCH 14! ! MARCH! 18 -May 8 Bonita In Focus, a photography and garden art competition sponsored by Bonita Valley Garden! Club. Wed through Sat 10am - 4pm.! APRIL! 11 Poway Valley Garden Club, 37th Standard Flower Show. The Spirit of Aloha, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Old! Poway Park.! 11 Point Loma Garden Club Standard Flower Show. The Gardens of Balboa Park, 10am - 4pm.! Westminster Presbyterian Church Hall.! 18 Bernardo Gardeners Club's Annual Spring Garden Tour. 6 gardens. 10am-3pm. $20.! 18 & 19 Coronado Flower Show, 1pm—5pm, April 19, 10am—4pm, Spreckles Park.! 25 Fallbrook Garden Club, Biennial Garden Tour. 9am-3pm. $25. 8 beautiful, private gardens. Plant sale. Raffle. Vendors.! 29 & 30 Village Garden Club of La Jolla Expressions in Art and Flowers, creative floral design. Torrey Pines! Christian Church MAY ! 1-3 Sage & Songbirds Garden Tour. 5 Homes And 2 Bonus Sites. $20! 2-3 Vista Garden Club, Flower Show, May 2, 2-5Pm, May 3, 10-4Pm.! 10 Mission Hills Garden Club, Behind The Gate Garden Tour. 9am-4pm. $30! JUNE! 29 at 10 a.m. Master Gardeners.(board meeting) followed by lunch (cost TBA) 2015 El Prado Building, #101 ! Balboa Park, San Diego Ca 92101 Speaker: Robin Rivet on “How to Help Your Trees Thrive with TLC. Certified Arborist, Master Gardener! ! ! !
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