738 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 47, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 Bowtie Patch Antennas and Simple Arrays for Wireless Indoor Communications Sener Uysal, Member, IEEE, Mook-Seng Leong, Senior Member, IEEE, and Chee Hong Ng Abstract— Several bowtie patch-antenna configurations are studied for their suitability for use in broad-band indoor wireless communications. A microstrip bowtie antenna (MBA), based on the design of equilateral triangular patches, is first designed and tested. The same design is used to realize a coplanarwaveguide bowtie antenna (CPWBA) with finite ground plane. The CPWBA is coax-fed from its apex and matched in C band. The resonant slot length of this antenna is around three times that of the guided wavelength. The measured gain for the CPWBA antenna is 8.1 dB. The same MBA is also used in the realization of (1 2 2)-, (2 2 1)-, and (2 2 2)-element MBA arrays. The MBA and resultant arrays use microstrip feed networks matched to the input impedance at around 10 GHz. The gain of the MBA is 6.2 dB; the gains for the arrays vary within 13.7 and 17.3 dB. The 2 : 1 voltage standing-wave ratio bandwidths lie in the 9.7%–10.8% range for the realized antennas. The radiation patterns can be optimized to fit the required diversity for the specific indoor wireless communication environment; the beamwidths are demonstrated to vary between 15 and 85 , which allow for multipath minimization and radiation diversity within the premises, thereby providing interference-free illumination. Index Terms— Bowtie antennas, microwave antennas, simple array antennas, wide-band antennas, wireless indoor communications. I. INTRODUCTION I NDOOR wireless radio communication allows easy setup, reconfigurability, portability, and mobility for phones, terminals, and computers connected within the network. Transmission reliability can also be significantly improved as some of the network failures are due to wired connections. However, high bit-rate transmission is not easy to achieve with wireless indoor communications as compared to the wired connections due to the multipath propagation effect. The resulting delay spread experienced at the receiver results in intersymbol interference when the delay spread exceeds 1/10 of a symbol period. A higher bit rate can be achieved by employing signal processing and architectural modification of the system components [1]. The latter approach involves reconfiguration of transmitter–receiver separation or elimination of reflected rays. The delay spread can be minimized in a number of ways, as reported in the literature. Among those techniques are: 1) using circular polarization instead of linear polarization with directive antennas [2], [3]. The handedness of the circularly Manuscript received December 1, 1998; revised February 1, 1999. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9480(99)04281-7. polarized reflected wave is reversed and employing similar transmit and receive antennas will help to reject multipath components after a single reflection. As channel degradation is primarily caused by singly reflected waves, this approach effectively suppresses the multipaths; 2) using a distributed antenna system [4], in which case, the user is always close to an antenna. This may lead to installation of a base-station antenna to the ceiling of every room within the premises; and 3) using directive antennas with more-or-less line-ofsight transmission. With narrower antenna beams, most of the signal delay paths are eliminated. Driessen [5] has reported a successful implementation of this approach by using directional antennas with 15 beamwidth to reduce the multipath components. A composite notch-wire antenna for polarization diversity reception in an indoor base-station system has been reported by Kuga et al. [6]. A detailed study of the hostile indoor environment, path loss, and delay spread using the ray-tracing method have also been reported in the literature [7], [8]. An interesting paper by Obayashi and Zander [9] reports on the body-shadowing model for indoor wireless communications using ray-tracing and imaging methods. Multiple-beam antennas can be used to illuminate multiple receiving terminals in an indoor environment. Such a radiation diversity can significantly reduce multipath transmission by having narrower beamwidths. Body-shadowing effects can also be significantly reduced or eliminated by employing similar receiver antennas and using space diversity for the indoor base station. A detailed study of bowtie patch antennas and simple arrays using the electromagnetic simulator Ensemble (Boulder Microwave Technologies Inc., Boulder, CO) and experiments are presented for broad-band wireless indoor communications. A rigorous moment solution [10] exists for the analysis of bowtie antennas, which takes a long time for the complete solutions. Instead, a simple but very accurate, technique will be used, which is briefly explained in Section II. The design of a coplanar-waveguide bowtie antenna (CPWBA) at -band (developed for a 5.5-GHz 20-Mb/s transmit/receive radio modem for wireless indoor communications), 2-, and 4-element microstrip bowtie antenna (MBA) arrays with favorable radiation characteristics are presented in this paper. II. DESIGN OF THE CPWBA Generally, the features of coplanar waveguide (CPW) antennas are similar to those of microstrip antennas. Both of them can be considered as open-circuited transmission-line structures with cross-sectional expansion. By drawing an anal- 0018–9480/99$10.00 1999 IEEE UYSAL et al.: BOWTIE PATCH ANTENNAS AND SIMPLE ARRAYS FOR WIRELESS INDOOR COMMUNICATIONS 739 Fig. 1. (a) Layout of CPWBA fed by a 50- SMA coaxial feed on Taconic substrate of "r = 2:2 and h = 0:79 mm. (b) Measured return loss (0–20 GHz) for CPWBA. (c) Measured radiation pattern for CPWBA in the = 0 plane (E ). (d) Measured radiation pattern for CPWBA in the = 0 plane (E ). (e) Measured radiation pattern for CPWBA in the = 90 plane (E ). (f) Measured radiation pattern for CPWBA in the = 90 plane. ogy between them, we are inspired to design a CPWBA by using the same dimensions from the designed microstrip bowtie [11], [12] in order to maintain the same aspect ratios. The expected resonant frequency would be close to that of the single microstrip equilateral half since CPW antennas are typically 75% more compact than microstrip antennas. A finite-ground CPWBA was designed using the equations given for an equitriangular microstrip patch [13], [14]. The resonant frequencies for -independent TM modes satisfying perfect magnetic-wall boundary condition for the equilateral triangular patch based on the cavity-model theory is given by (1) are the order of various resonant modes, is where the relative dielectric constant of the substrate, and and are the dimensions indicated on Fig. 1(a). The side length can be modified to include the nonideal magnetic-wall effect, as reported by Helszajn et al. [15] and Dahele et al. [16] by , with as the conductor thickness. Taking the fundamental design frequency to be 5.5 GHz, the following mm, bow dimensions are computed: side width mm, and an optimum value of mm. length mm and ground width mm were A slot width used. The design parameters are illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The expected resonance of CPWBA with the design dimensions is in the -band. This design is presented because of its inherent simplicity of matching to the 50- coaxial surface mount adapter (SMA) connector in the -band. The return loss was measured from 0 to 20 GHz and is shown in Fig. 1(b). The measured response shows the desired wide-band characteristics. The values of interest are noted as the resonant GHz, bandwidth %, and a frequency return loss of 31.8 dB. Recently, Cai et al. [17], [18] proposed a coplanar waveguide antenna structure with finite dimension of the outside conductor ground plane. The antennas in [17] were fed by 740 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 47, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 SMA’s. The antenna is excited across the slot with the quasiTEM wave as the fundamental propagation mode. It was claimed that resonance would occur when the perimeter of the antenna slots is approximately equal to one (or integral number of) guided wavelength in the slot. Interestingly, the slot length measured in the case of CPWBA is three times that of the guided wavelength , which is calculated from formulas given in [19]. The average width of the bowtie mm and mm was used to determine between , which turned out to be 45.45 mm. The radiation patterns measured showed similar properties to those of the microstrip bowtie and the difference occurred only in and below the direction of the antenna plane (endfire direction), which was caused by the limited outer ground-plane and dimensions. The measured radiation patterns in the 90 plane are given in Fig. 1(c)–(f). plane, both the and components In the are present and the radiation pattern for both components are symmetrical about the 0 and 180 axis. For , a radiation pattern shaped like a butterfly was observed. There are two major lobes recorded above the 90 axis and two minor ) lobes below it. A major dip in the broadside direction ( separates the two major lobes with peak power being measured at 38.9 . The positions of minimum power were measured in the direction of the antenna plane (endfire direction). The component measured its maximum power ratio at broadside with a half-power beamwidth of 38.3 . Besides the major lobe, four almost similar minor lobes were observed: two side lobes in the endfire direction and two minor lobes below the 90 axis. plane, the measured antenna pattern is In the almost symmetrical about the 0 and 180 axis with peak power recorded at broadside and positions of minimum power at 127.8 . A 3-dB beamwidth of 41.9 was measured in the major lobe. A significant back lobe was also observed. For , a “butterfly” radiation pattern was recorded. There is a major dip at broadside with the positions of minimum power at 111.6 . The positions of peak power were observed at 50.2 . The “butterfly” pattern obtained in this case is similar component in the plane. The to that for the difference lies in the average value of the power ratio measured above the 90 axis, which is higher in this case compared component mentioned earlier, i.e., the major lobes to the are broader. Comparatively, the two minor lobes below the 90 axis are less pronounced than their counterparts in the plane. III. DESIGN OF 1 2 AND 2 1 MBA ARRAYS The arrays are simulated in Ensemble and fabricated on , mm) substrates (supported Taconic ( by an aluminum block of the same size as the substrate) response were for measurement. The simulations for done from 9.5 to 10.5 GHz over 51 frequency points to give emphasis to the bandwidth over the resonant frequency, whereas the measurements were made over the -band on the HP8510C network analyzer. 2 Fig. 2. (a) Layout of 1 2 MBA array with spacing /2 (all dimensions are in millimeters). (b) Simulated and measured return loss. (c) Simulated radiation pattern at 9.88 GHz ( E component and E component). (d) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 9.88 GHz. (e) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 9.88 GHz. A. 1 1= 1= 2 MBA Array 2 MBA array with halfThe design layout for the 1 wavelength spacing is shown in Fig. 2(a). The measured return loss for this array is compared with the Ensemble simulated response in Fig. 2(b). From this figure, we can see that the response are shapes of both measured and simulated similar. The resonant frequency of the simulated response is at 9.92 GHz with a return loss of 39.6 dB. This is close to the measured resonant frequency of 9.88 GHz having a return loss of 30.8 dB. Another dip for both the simulated and measured response is seen at 10.36 GHz ( 24.2 dB) and 10.26 GHz ( 28.3 dB), respectively. The measured bandwidth of 9.92% is wider than the simulated 9.27%. Similarly, the radiation pattern for this design was simulated in Ensemble over 9.5–10.5 GHz. The simulated and measured UYSAL et al.: BOWTIE PATCH ANTENNAS AND SIMPLE ARRAYS FOR WIRELESS INDOOR COMMUNICATIONS 741 measured return loss for this array is compared with the Ensemble simulated response in Fig. 3(b). For this design, the simulated and measured response agree well. The simulation predicts a resonant frequency of 10.25 GHz with 39.8-dB return loss. The measured resonant frequency is, however, at 9.97 GHz, having a 35.1-dB return loss. The measured response sees another dip of 29.8 dB at 10.2 GHz. The measured bandwidth is 8.99%, which agrees well with the simulated 9.2%. The simulated and measured radiation patterns for the and components at 9.97 GHz are given in Fig. 3(c)–(e). Both simulated and measured patterns show symmetry about and . At 9.97 GHz, the 0 and 180 axis for experiences a major dip at and has multiple lobes at component sees broadside with no distinct main beam. The and has a 3-dB beamwidth a main beam directed at of 18.9 . The sidelobes at 38.25 are, however, high, with its level at about 3 dB below the main one. C. 2 2 Fig. 3. (a) Layout of 1 2 MBA array with spacing 1 mm (all dimensions are in millimeters). (b) Simulated and measured return loss. (c) Simulated radiation pattern at 9.97 GHz ( E component and E component). (d) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 9.97 GHz. (e) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 9.97 GHz. 1= 1= and components of the radiation patterns at the resonant frequency of 9.88 GHz is as shown in Fig. 2(c)–(e). As seen from the plots, the simulated radiation patterns agree well with the measured patterns. Both the simulated and measured patterns show symmetry about the 0 and 180 axis for the - and -planes. At the resonant frequency of 9.88 component experiences a major dip at , GHz, the component has with multiple sidelobes at broadside. The distinct lobes where the main beam is comparable to the and a sidelobes. The main lobe has its peak power at . beamwidth of 13.5 . The sidelobes are at B. Compact 1 2 MBA Array A compact array is obtained by reducing the element spacing to 1 mm [its layout is shown in Fig. 3(a)]. The 1 MBA Array response for the Both the simulated and measured 1 MBA array, illustrated in Fig. 4(a), are as shown 2 in Fig. 4(b). The simulated response agrees well with the measurements. The resonant dips are at 10.25 GHz ( 29.7 dB) for the simulated response and 10.22 GHz ( 39.9 dB) for the measured response. The measured bandwidth is 10.72%. The simulated and measured radiation patterns for the and components at 10.22 GHz are given in Fig. 4(c)–(e). Both simulated and measured patterns are relatively symmetric about the 0 and 180 axis. At resonant frequency of records a dip at with maximum 10.22 GHz, and . The sidelobes power ratios at are 6 dB or more below the maximum power at displays a broad beam, recording a maximum power ratio. and a 3-dB beamwidth of 83.7 . Slight ratio at asymmetry is observed for 0 –180 due to interference of the feeding network on one side of the circuit. IV. DESIGN OF 2 2 MBA ARRAY Using the same MBA, the 2 2 array is realized for an (15 mm). The layout for this design is equal spacing of as shown in Fig. 5(a). As this array is too large for simulation in Ensemble, it is thus fabricated on Taconic ( mm) and measured. Measurement was made over the -band on an HP8510C network analyzer. The measured response is shown in Fig. 5(b). The resonant frequency is at 9.8 GHz with a return loss of 27.4 dB. The bandwidth of this design is 10.7%. and comThe measured radiation patterns for the ponents at 9.8 GHz are as illustrated in Fig. 5(c) and (d). is relatively symmetric, whereas is symmetric about the 0 and 180 axis. At 9.8 GHz, a major dip at broadside ) is observed for . also has multiple lobes ( sees three distinct lobes and and no distinct main beam. . The main the maximum power ratio is recorded at 742 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 47, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 2 Fig. 4. (a) Layout of 2 1 MBA array with spacing =2 (all dimensions are in millimeters). (b) Simulated and measured S11 . (c) Simulated radiation pattern at 10.22 GHz. (d) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 10.22 GHz. (e) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 10.22 GHz. 2 Fig. 5. (a) Layout of 2 2 MBA array with spacing =2 in horizontal and vertical directions (all dimensions are in millimeters). (b) Measured return loss from 8 to 12 GHz. (c) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 9.8 GHz. (d) Measured radiation pattern for E component at 9.8 GHz. UYSAL et al.: BOWTIE PATCH ANTENNAS AND SIMPLE ARRAYS FOR WIRELESS INDOOR COMMUNICATIONS 743 2 Fig. 6. (a) Layout of 1 2 MBA array with arbitrary spacing x. (b) Simulated radiation pattern (simulations are at 10 GHz) for spacing =8 mm. (c) Simulated radiation pattern for spacing =4 mm. (d) Simulated radiation pattern for spacing 3=8 mm. (e) Simulated radiation pattern for spacing 5=8 mm. (f) Simulated radiation pattern for spacing 3=4 mm. (g) Simulated radiation pattern for spacing 7=8 mm. (h) Simulated radiation pattern for spacing mm. lobe has a beamwidth of 14.85 . The sidelobes are high, only . about 2.5 dB below the main beam located at V. 1 2- AND 2 1-ELEMENT MBA ARRAYS WITH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL VARIATION IN SPACING The radiation pattern can be optimized by adjusting the configuration, mainly by changing the spacing between the elements. This is investigated in this section by using a linear 1 2 MBA array with different element spacing and an offset 2 1 MBA array. For designs with three or more elements, the PC used with 40-MB random access memory (RAM) running at 200 MHz was not able to support the simulation. A. Linear 1 2 MBA Arrays with Various Element Spacing to in steps The 1 2 MBA arrays for spacing of are designed as shown in Fig. 6(a). The corporate of feed network is used as the array feed technique. The designs and were simulated in Ensemble at 10 GHz for both the amplitude is found to radiation patterns. The simulated vary between 18 and 38 dB; the 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidth is found to vary very little from 10%. The simulated radiation patterns are given in Fig. 6(b)–(h). 2 Fig. 7. (a) 2 1 MBA array configuration used for the simulations at 10 GHz with horizontal spacing x and vertical spacing y (all dimensions are in millimeters). (b) Radiation pattern for narrow x and y . (c) Radiation pattern for x = =2 by y = =2. (d) Radiation pattern for x = 1=2 u by narrow y . (e) Radiation pattern for x = u by narrow y . (f) Radiation pattern for x = =4 by narrow y . (g) Radiation pattern for x = =2 by narrow y . (h) Radiation pattern for narrow x by y = =4. (i) Radiation pattern for narrow x by y = =2. B. Offset 2 1 MBA Arrays with Various Vertical and Horizontal Element Spacing and a The MBA array for a horizontal spacing of vertical spacing of is designed as shown in Fig. 7(a). The array feed network was not designed, as the objective is to optimize the radiation pattern. Here, a probe feed is used at each of the MBA elements to simulate the structure. The designs were simulated in Ensemble at 10 GHz for both of and radiation patterns. The 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidths the (not shown here) are found to vary between 10.5% and 11.1%; the radiation patterns are as shown in Fig. 7(b)–(i) for different and combinations. 744 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 47, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 VI. DISCUSSIONS The antenna feed networks for the arrays were designed using MDS by first generating a file for the input impedance of the antenna and then matching this impedance to 50 using a microstrip impedance transformer technique. This approach of matching the antenna input impedance is sufficient for up to around 10% bandwidth; for wider bandwidths more sections are needed, which may lead to excessive microstrip losses in the feed network and a significant increase in size and radiation from the feed network. Stub matching can be used to obtain wider bandwidths; alternatively, a double-layered feed (electromagnetically coupled) [20] or aperture coupling [21] can be considered. The antenna gain was calculated by calculating the losses in the measurement setup used to measure the radiation pattern. A 5–12-GHz anechoic chamber was used for the antenna pattern construction. The transmitter antenna for the MBA and MBAarray measurements was a microwave horn with 16.35-dB gain and 50% efficiency at 10 GHz. The transmitter for the CPWBA was, again, a horn antenna with 14-dB gain and 50% efficiency at 5.5 GHz. The measurements were carried out using an HP8530A microwave receiver connected to the antennas via two 12.7-m-long cables with 3.8- and 8-dB loss port of the receiver at 5.5 and 10 GHz, respectively. The was fed by a signal power sampled from the source power by using a 10-dB directional coupler (has 1-dB maximum insertion loss, including the coupled loss); the input power to the directional coupler was 10 dBm. The port of the receiver is connected to the antenna under test via the 12.7-m-long cable. The antenna under test was oriented such that its apex plane was in the was directly facing the horn and the azimuth. The antenna gains were calculated using [22] (2) is the received power at the receiver antenna where is the input power and (antenna under test) output, is the gain of the transmit antenna (horn antenna), is the free-space wavelength, and is the distance between the two antennas. The calculated gains using the measurements with m were: 6.2 dB for the MBA, 8.1 dB for the CPWBA, 13.71 dB for the compact 1 2 MBA array, 14.5 dB for the -element spacing, 15.3 dB for the 1 2 MBA array with 2 1 MBA array, and 17.3 dB for the 2 2 MBA array. VII. CONCLUSIONS Several bowtie patch antenna configurations have been studied for their suitability with respect to broad-band operation, adjustable beamwidth, and multiple-beam (radiation diversity) capability for use in broad-band indoor wireless communications. We have demonstrated a design for a finite ground CPWBA with favorable features. The presented antenna is compact, allows easy integration with active devices, has wide bandwidth (10.6%), and has good radiation characteristics. The CPWBA is coax fed from its apex and matched in -band. The resonant slot length of this antenna is around three times that of the guided wavelength. The measured gain for the CPWBA antenna is 8.1 dB. Corporate microstrip feed networks matched to the antenna input impedance at around 10 GHz were used in the realization of (1 2)-, (2 1)-, and (2 2)-element MBA arrays. The gains for the arrays vary within 13.7 dB (1 2-element) 2-element). The 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidths and 17.3 dB (2 lie in the 9.7%–10.8% range for the realized antennas. The beamwidths are demonstrated to vary between 15 and 85 , which allow for multipath minimization. It was further demonstrated by simulations in this paper that the radiation pattern can be further optimized by adjusting the configuration, mainly the spacing between the elements. This can be achieved either 2)-element array or by an offset design of a by a (1 (2 1)-element array. The simulations indicate that the latter is more applicable, as it can provide higher gains and slightly increased bandwidths. REFERENCES [1] L. J. 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Sener Uysal (S’88–M’89) received the B.Eng. degree (with high honors) in electrical engineering from Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Cyprus, in 1984, and the M.Sc. degree in digital electronics and Ph.D. degree in microwaves from King’s College London, University of London, London, U.K., in 1986 and 1990, respectively. In 1992, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore, as a Lecturer and, in 1995, was promoted to a Senior Lecturer. His previous appointment was at King’s College London, as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, where he worked on microwave and millimeter-wave techniques involving passive circuits. He has published over 40 technical papers in international symposia and journals, and has authored Nonuniform Line Microstrip Directional Couplers and Filters(Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1993). He has invented bandpasstype microstrip directional couplers and filters. His main areas of research are in coupled lines, filters, and their applications in microwave integrated circuits (MIC’s). 745 Mook-Seng Leong (M’75–SM’98) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (with first class honors) and the Ph.D. degree in microwave engineering from the University of London, London, U.K., in 1968 and 1971, respectively. He is currently a Professor of electrical engineering at the National University of Singapore, Singapore. His main research interests include antenna and waveguide boundary-value problems. He is an Editorial Board member for Microwave and Optical Technology Letters and Wireless Personal Communications. Dr. Leong is a member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology based Electromagnetics Academy and is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), U.K. He received the 1996 Defence Science Organization (DSO) Research and Development Award presented by DSO National Laboratories, Singapore. Chee Hong Ng, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.
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