Fall Quilt Camp at Cedar Lakes October 12 – 17, 2014 Peg Bingham Email: [email protected] Website: www.pegspatches.com 1610 Orchard Dr. Akron, OH 44333 330-666-2575 Welcome to Fall Quilt Camp at Cedar Lakes 2014. This list includes information about the workshops that will be offered. Please feel free to share it with your friends! Workshop sessions: 100 series – two-day workshops – Session 1; Mon. 10/13 & Tues. 10/14 200 series – two-day workshops – Session 2; Wed. 10/15 & Thurs. 10/16 400 series – four-day workshops; Mon. 10/13 through Thurs. 10/16 Along with the Workshop Number and Title, each description includes: Instructor name Skill level of the workshop: o All levels – everyone will enjoy this workshop from the beginner with very little prior knowledge of quiltmaking techniques to the very experienced quiltmakers o Confident Beginner – some experience in rotary cutting and knowledge of ¼” seam allowance. o Intermediate – prior knowledge and experience in piecing and appliqué who is now reaching for new challenges. Approach - Hand or Machine or Both! Processes included such as piecing, appliqué, quilting, embroidery, and general construction Project description to intrigue and excite you! Any pattern or kit fees will be paid the teacher at the beginning of the workshop. More information about each workshop including photos and supply lists are available at The Quilt Camp website. You will also find the registration and housing forms along with teacher biographies at: www.pegspatches.com If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Peg! MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 101 Carpenter Wheel Jean Berk Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ The Carpenter Wheel is a traditional quilt pattern that originated in the early 1800’s. Learn how to construct this stunning quilt without “Y”‐seams. You will be surprised at the quick assembly of this quilt. You can use up to 8 fabrics and 1 background or as little as 2 fabrics and 1 background to complete this quilt. You can elect to put on a border or not. Your options are endless! Pattern fee: $3. 102 Echoes All levels Sandi Blackwell MACHINE; Piecing Create this full size, on point quilt in two days using big easy blocks and the easy Square‐agonals® method of on‐point construction! The blocks are simple, the technique is fun, and you will enjoy piecing this delightful project. This is the perfect quilt to highlight those large print fabrics! Just pick out a few coordinates and you’re on your way! Square‐agonals® is Sandi’s simple, creative technique for creating an on‐point quilt without cutting any setting or corner triangles, doing any math calculation, or sewing in diagonal rows. Kit Fee; $10; includes pattern and instructions, Square‐agonals® Guide and Arrow Tapes, prizes and tons of fun! 103 Creating Shadows All Levels Tresha Cottrill MACHINE; Piecing, Applique, Fabric Manipulation This technique creates an illusion of depth in your quilt. By creating the appearance of shadows on the background the appliques appear to float above the surface of the quilt. Students will learn a bleaching technique to create the shadows on the background fabric. You will then place the appliques to create the illusion of floating. The pattern will contain a variety of applique templates to choose from or you may use your own as long as they are compatible with this technique. Pattern fee: $8. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 2 of 19 MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 104 Carolina Lily Lorraine Covington Intermediate MACHINE; Piecing & Applique In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ Create your own version of this traditional pattern using precision piecing and heirloom appliqué by machine! We will piece each flower using simple techniques, then add an appliquéd stem and two leaves. Covered in workshop will be accurate cutting, piecing and pressing, as well as two methods of machine appliqué for the leaves, and simple bias stems. Come ready to relax and enjoy yourself creating this lovely quilt! Please note; Lorraine will happily help any student interested in doing the applique by hand. Pattern fee: $10 payable to instructor at workshop. Additional supplies needed include: ⅜” bias tape maker and/or Bias Bars from the Celtic Design Company 105 Circular Patchwork Lou Ann Elliott Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing & Applique Circular Patchwork looks like a cousin of Orange Peel, Robbing Peter to Pay Paul or Cathedral Window. It is made totally on the sewing machine and results in a strong, washable quilt. It is a great pattern for using scraps, stored fabrics, or for fabric exchanges. Circular Patchwork is made using three layers: front, back and filling. The front fabric forms the window, which is framed when the back fabric is folded to the front side of the quilt. The filling is not seen, but gives substance to the quilt. This is a fast and easy pattern, so join Lou Ann for a day of fun! Pattern & template fee: $20; purchasable online; see supply list. 106 Pineapple Rita Fishel All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Make this beautiful quilt with no stress, no skewed blocks, no inconsistent sizes using the Creative Grids Pineapple Trim Tool. You can make 6”, 8”, or 10” finished blocks. Make it two‐color, multiple colors, or scrappy. Any way you slice it it’s all good!! Good for any skill level. Ruler and pattern fee: $28; enrolled student discounted price $24. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 3 of 19 MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 107 How to Get That “Art School Graduate” Look Sandy Heminger Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Did you realize that you don’t have to have graduated from Art School to get that A‐S‐G look for your quilts? Learn to turn simple quilts into dynamite quilts, by changing just a few elements. See dozens of beautiful, simple and sassy quilts as well as gobs of slides. The concept was originally created by Mary Ellen Hopkins and Sandy has turned it into one of her personal specialties. Study color, value, speed cutting, progressions, little twists and tricks you’ll learn to use to get a very special look, and anything else that you want to know about. Take a step up from where you are now and see how easy and how much fun it can be! We will be using books by Mary Ellen Hopkins; bring whatever you have to share. 108 Celtic Appliqué by Machine Fran Kordek Confident Beginner MACHINE; Applique Celtic art is intriguing! This workshop will guide you as you interpret these fascinating designs in fabric. We will start with a brief Power Point presentation about Celtic history and a trunk show of Fran’s Celtic pieces. The remaining time will be spent on techniques for appliquéd interlaced designs. Machine appliqué techniques will be emphasized, but hand appliqué is an option. Several interlaced design patterns for 12" blocks will be included. The workshop project is a collection of blocks appropriate for use as pillows, small hangings, or the start of a larger project. Pattern fee: $8 for patterns and some supplies. 109 Handwork Heaven; Hawaiian Wall Hanging Kelly Kout All Levels HAND; Applique This handwork forum is all about opportunities for you to learn new applique techniques by making the featured Hawaiian applique wall hanging. Learn the needle turn applique technique and the unique method of design and quilting style that together create these artistic quilts. Relax on this mini Hawaiian holiday while you stitch and learn about the folklore of Hawaiian applique and listen to authentic island music. Once prepared, this is a great carry around project because there are no pins and just one color of thread is needed. The workshop sample is the breadfruit design. Choose and order your own wall hanging or block size patterns at www.pacificrimquilts.com. Pattern fee: $12. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 4 of 19 MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 110 Machine Quilting Basics Debby Lee Confident Beginner MACHINE; Quilting Back by popular demand – don’t miss it this year! Does your machine quilting involve only stitch in the ditch and a little stippling? Need some new ideas? Come with Debby to explode your machine quilting! We will have a discussion on battings ‐‐ threads – needles. We will begin free‐motion work. You will quilt beads, floor mat, ocean waves, chocolate curls, Venus traps. swirls, kites, shrubs, bushes, pebbles, water, stepping stones, ribbon candy, tendrils, caviar, leaves, marbles, butterflies, stars, hearts, corkscrews, holly, berries, puzzles, bricks, eyeballs, cornflower, prairie grass. We will QUILT a small quilt. Debby’s book and threads fee: $25; payable at workshop. 111 Raise Your Own Log Cabin Janice McMunn All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Always wonder why your log cabin blocks are skewed? No need to worry anymore. Learn to use the Creative Grids Log Cabin ruler for straight, perfect blocks every time. It is the perfect pieced quilt for all levels of quilter. Especially good for beginners who can have success with a long loved pattern and experienced quilters of any level can relax and enjoy making a perfectly straight log cabin quilt. Choose from five different patterns featuring the 8” or the 6” and 12” Creative Grids Trim Tool. Your Log Cabin can be built to your style, be it traditional, modern or out of this world. Ruler and pattern fee: $24; enrolled student discounted price $21. 112 Nine‐Patch & Stripe Karen Novak All Levels MACHINE; Piecing How would you like to complete two quilts at the same time?! It can be done. These quilts are unique because positive and negative nine‐patch and stripe blocks are made at the same time for both quilts. We will be using strips of fabric to create the blocks with Eleanor’s unusual techniques. The negative quilt can be set with a light background while the positive quilt can use a darker background. You can create two quilts that can coordinate together or look entirely different! What fun! Book required: Still Stripping After 25 Years by Eleanor Burns. This book may be purchased locally, from www.quiltinaday.com or calling 1‐800‐777‐4852. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 5 of 19 MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 113 Stars and Strips Remembered Sue Papouschek Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing “Stars and Stripes Remembered” is a Quilts of Valor quilt measuring 67” x 85” which meets the QOV size requirement. This quilt pattern was designed by Sue Papouschek specifically for a QOV guild project. The pattern is a great quick weekend quilt too! Show your appreciation to a veteran or with a color change, make it a college dorm quilt. Such a versatile quilt! Play with the blocks and see what other looks you can create! Give your creative energy an outlet! Pattern is $6 purchased from instructor. Tri Recs tools (packaged together) purchase from your local quilt shop for approximately $14. 114 Gimme Diamonds Kris Pelletier All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Specifically designed to use packs of 10” squares or fat quarters, this pattern is perfect for showing off those special fabrics. Think batiks, orientals, novelty, designer, baby print fabrics or any fabrics you want to cut in large pieces. The sashing does a beautiful job of spotlighting all of those beautiful fabrics. The piano‐key border is an optional fun way to complete the project. We will review methods and techniques to create flat quilt blocks and tops and ensure every square lines up properly with its neighbor. If you agonize over the placement of scrappy blocks, your friendly fellow students will present the perfect solution and reassure you of your final choices! The quilt may be constructed in any of 5 different sizes. Pattern fee: $9. 115 Purple Haze Charlotte Routt Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ This is a fun, easy workshop with delightfully interesting results!! As long as you have good contrast between colors, you can use any group of colors that you’d like. The entire top is pieced and the Creative Grids Curves for Squares ruler is used for the gentle curves that meander through the quilt. Ruler and pattern fee: $37; enrolled student discounted price $22. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 6 of 19 MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 116 A Child is Born Barbara Schafer Confident Beginner MACHINE; Applique Enjoy this lovely nativity silhouette wall hanging celebrating the 'Reason for the Season' for many years. Special one‐time permission was granted to use the copyright design. This might be a great gift for yourself, church, or special friend, plus being finished way before the holidays. Only two fabrics are needed. Your machine must be able to satin and/or zig‐zag stitch. Pattern fee; $1. 117 Modern Quilting Linda Sekerak Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Everything you wanted to know about Modern Quilting, but were afraid to get started. In this class, Linda will show you a slide presentation of the quilts submitted to the first Modern Quilt Show, QuiltCON, to give you an idea of the many styles of modern quilts. She will talk about design, and color, and help you to design your OWN modern quilt. No two quilts in this class will be alike. Linda will periodically updating her blog with design ideas. Check it out at www.cottagegardenquilts.blogspot.com 118 A Wink & a Smile Libby Smith Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Believe it or not, this intricate‐looking quilt is made with very basic stitch‐and‐flip techniques, suitable for confident beginners. Equally stunning in 30s, brights, or traditional prints. Whether you’re making a lap quilt or a king, the large 14‐inch blocks make it go together very quickly. No special tools are required, although an option of using the Easy Angle™ and Companion Angle™ will be demonstrated. Libby Smith has permission from the original designer, Lisa Christensen (Three Kids Design Studios), to reproduce this pattern for teaching purposes and she has added multiple size, setting, and border options. Pattern fee: $7 Available at the workshop. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 7 of 19 MON. & TUES. ‐ Session 1 Two‐Day Workshops 100 series 119 Morning Star Confident Beginner Holice Turnbow MACHINE or HAND; Piecing Design originality still exists in quilt making and Morning Star is an example. The design is the serendipitous result of doodling a special design for a lecture. Based on an eight point star arrangement, the design employs some shifting of lines and selection of color values to produce an entirely different pattern than expected. The technical emphasis is on piecing angles and 8 points which converge into the center. The block design can be made as a one block wall hanging or expanded to multiple blocks for larger pieces. Other techniques are: making templates and cutting from these, piecing “y”‐seams triangles and squares and final binding. Pattern Fee: $10; includes pattern and instructions and sheet plastic for templates. 120 Cabin Fever by Judy Niemeyer Sue Wilson Confident Beginner MACHINE; Paper Piecing This interesting and unique quilt starts with a paper pieced log cabin block and two paper pieced arcs. Take a rotary cutter to the log cabin block, move the pieces around, and you get….an amazing quilt! If you’ve never tried Judy Niemeyer’s paper piecing methods before, you need to know that Judy’s methods are unique, efficient, and fun. Those quilters who say, “I hate paper piecing” MUST give Judy’s quilts a try before they decide. Pattern fee: $45 includes all foundation papers required for 60” sq. quilt top. Fabric kits are available from several locations, including your local quilt store; contact Sue for further information 121 Fluttering Leaves of Fall Mary Jo Yackley All Levels MACHINE; Piecing & Appliqué Many people avoid making hexagon quilts because they are afraid of the dreaded “Y”‐seams. Mary Jo has developed a series of hexagon quilts offered in two versions: with “Y”‐ seams and without “Y”‐seams... she calls them her Y & Y‐not quilts. She had so much fun making these, she developed a nested ruler to make cutting the large blocks even easier. Collect your beautiful fall colors and make a Y‐quilt (13 blocks with “Y”‐seams) in a lap quilt version or a Y‐not quilt (7 blocks – no “Y”‐seams) as a wall hanging or table topper. Pattern: $9. 15½”Nested Y & Y‐not rulers: $25; available from instructor. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 8 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 201 Get on POINT Jean Berk All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Have you ever wanted to create a quilt on POINT? But, you feared the math, therefore avoided making the quilt. FEAR NO MORE! Learn how to set a traditional block on point. In this workshop you will construct an easy 6” churn dash block and learn the basics for on point construction. You will learn how to calculate the size of setting triangles, for any size block. Use any fabric of your choice, such as, Florals, Thirties, Batiks, Civil War and Scrappy, etc. This quilt is fat quarter friendly and also a great scrap buster! Your leftover scraps will be used to make a piano border. This workshop is an excellent choice for a beginner, to learn basic techniques in quilting. And for the veteran quilter, this workshop offers a stress free day of quilting and fun! Pattern fee: $3. 202 Nine Patch Racing Sandi Blackwell All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Want to create an easy, full‐size quilt in two days? Want it to be interesting & on‐point? This is one of Sandi’s most popular designs and it makes for a great on‐point quilt with little effort. It has simple construction and makes an interesting design. It is perfect for two days of productive leisurely sewing! “What is Square‐agonals®? It is Sandi’s simple, creative technique for creating an on‐point quilt without cutting any setting or corner triangles, doing any math calculation, or sewing in diagonal rows. Kit Fee; $10 Includes pattern and instructions, Square‐ agonals® Guide and Arrow Tapes, lots of interesting information, prizes and tons of fun! 203 Raise the Roof Tresha Cottrill Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight – Using a variation of two traditional blocks, the log cabin and the sawtooth star, this pattern makes a beautiful scrap quilt. Simply divide your scraps into lights and darks and you are ready to begin. If you don’t have enough scraps you can collect fat quarters. You will learn quick piecing methods for making three common units in quiltmaking (half‐square triangles, quarter‐square triangles, and flying geese). The finished size of this quilt is 74” x 74” but can very easily be made larger or smaller if you prefer. Pattern fee: $9; available through your local quilt shop or at www.missrosiesquiltco.com. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 9 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 204 Rice Krispie Treats Lorraine Covington Intermediate MACHINE; Piecing This charming quilt can take you straight back to your roots, or, made with contemporary fabrics give a completely modern, graphic effect. Simple but intriguing block construction has one twist that makes it hard to find the block in the finished quilt. You will love the simplicity and ease of this piecing. The simple border frames the center, and the prairie points for the outer edge give a whole new personality to the piece. Pattern fee: $15 payable at workshop. 205 Wonderful 1 Fabric Wonder Lou Ann Elliott All Levels MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ Start with just one fabulous fabric and create a unique, one‐of‐a‐kind quilt. This novel design process and easy construction method ensure knock‐out results. No special tools are required. This fun, fast and ingenious technique will appeal to quilters of all levels of experience. Step‐by‐step instructions are clearly illustrated in the book Wonderful 1 Fabric Quilts by Kay Nickols. Book fee: approx. $14; purchase prior to workshop; available through your local quilt shop or at amazon.com. 206 Kaleidostrips 6 Rita Fishel All Levels MACHINE; Piecing This kaleidoscope quilt goes together amazingly fast and completely stress‐free using the Creative Grids Double Strip 60° Triangle ruler. Pick a fabric that suits your color preference, and then using this technique design your OWN resulting fabric!! Suitable for beginners ‐‐ This is a pattern that most will complete in a 2‐day workshop! Ruler and pattern fee: $38; enrolled student discounted price $33. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 10 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 207 Curved Two‐Patch Sandy Heminger Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing & Applique This is a concept created by Joyce Schlotzhauer in the 1980’s and she produced beautiful books, designs and patterns. Fully updating and simplifying the original approach using today’s simpler tools, Sandy has re‐introduced quilters to these stunning design variations! Join us on this fun, beautiful journey and create geometric designs, flowers and more. See how much fun this can be. It is quite unusual, and very easy. Get delicious curves without sewing or cutting a single curved seam. It is almost magic! Ruler and pattern fee: $10 208 Your Time Fran Kordek All Levels HAND or MACHINE; Your choice! This time is intended for those who would appreciate the opportunity to get away, be with other quilters, and have a chance to work on their own project. Take this opportunity to finish one of your own projects rather than start a new one ‐ all under the watchful eye of an experienced instructor. Supplies: your project(s) and any hand, machine, patterns and other required tools. No class fee. 209 Handwork Heaven; Coxcomb and Cactus Block Kelly Kout All Levels HAND; Applique This favorite traditional design can be used by itself as a center medallion for a striking wall hanging or multiple blocks together in a quilt create a beautiful secondary pattern. This workshop is a perfect choice for those who wish to try applique for the first time, need a brush up on techniques or just like the design. Learn how to create and position applique accurately; make sharp points, smooth curves, perfect circles; and choose fabric for most dramatic effect. The coxcomb plant was a favorite of 18th century gardeners because the distinctive plush flowers bloom for 4‐6 weeks. Your block can "bloom" in your choice of colors; red and green for Christmas or pastels for a spring time bouquet. Pattern fee: $5 available at workshop. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 11 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 210 Machine Quilting Feathers Debby Lee Confident Beginner MACHINE; Quilting Let’s move on to STEP 2 in Machine Quilting! Everyone wants to earn the Feather!! Let Debby lead you into the Feather Frenzy! Fancy feathers. Bump, bump feathers. Victorian Feathers. Feathered swags. Double feathers. Decorated feathers. Feather In A Feather. First day we will practice, practice, practice on paper and muslin sandwiches. Day 2 we will quilt a Feathered Sampler. Recommended that you have previously taken Debby’s Machine Quilting Basics or have some experience with free‐motion work on your domestic machine. Debby’s book fee: $20. Workshop special: $35 for both of Debby’s books. 211 Charmed Arrows Janice McMunn All levels MACHINE; Piecing Perfect for charm squares , using your stash, or trading fabric with friends. Make this quilt any size you choose‐one block at a time. A pieced quilt perfect for beginners and avid fabric collectors! Looks complicated, too simple to describe. Very Fun to work on! Pattern fee: $9. 212 Geese in the Garden Karen Novak All Levels MACHINE; Piecing & Applique Geese in the Garden is made using Eleanor Burns Flying Geese Ruler which makes this quilt fast and easy. We will be using a 10” Layer Cake or scraps of your choice and a background fabric. Once the geese are complete they are set in straight rows. Oversize flowers and leaves are then appliqued from vines up the middle sashing rows. An optional scalloped edge border also ads interest to this lovely quilt. You may use reproduction 1930’s fabric or something more modern such as some beautiful batiks ‐‐ lots of options with the colors and fabrics in this quilt. Pattern required: Geese in the Garden by Eleanor Burns. This pattern may be purchased locally, from www.quiltinaday.com or calling 1‐800‐777‐4852. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 12 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 213 Bridget’s Blossoms Sue Papouschek Intermediate MACHINE; Piecing Make this very cute, bright tote bag with matching baby quilt incorporating easy three‐dimensional pinwheels. In this 2 day workshop you can have a sturdy, 22” x 22” versatile tote bag and a complimentary 36” x 40” baby quilt (pattern includes supply list and cutting directions for lap and twin size). Learn how to make easy 3‐D pinwheels using a special prairie point with accent color strip. You’ll then be able to incorporate these two techniques into other projects for that special creative touch. Pattern fee $9: purchase “Bridget’s Blossoms” by Karie Patch Designs at your local quilt shop or available through the instructor. 214 Cascading Forest Kris Pelletier All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Do you drool over the pre‐cut fabric squares at the store? Figure you could save all of that cutting time if you only knew what to do with them? Or perhaps you have a stash of scraps? The “Cascading Forest” quilt can be made entirely from 5” squares. Buy pre‐cut squares or put your favorite quilt show on and cut your scrap stash into 5” squares, then sort them and you are ready for the workshop. Even beginners can master perfect half‐square triangles and block pieces that fit together like butter. Experienced quilters will appreciate the opportunity to fine‐tune their piecing and pressing skills. And who doesn’t love the look of a scrappy quilt? The project is being offered in four sizes. Pattern fee: $9. 215 Diamond Star Charlotte Routt Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing This spectacular star is easy enough that an advanced beginner would be completely successful!! No “Y”‐seams!! The beautiful blend of colors and choice of background set the stage for awesome results. The Creative Grids Diamond Dimensions Ruler guarantees your success!! Amaze your friends with your skills when you show them this beauty! Ruler and pattern fee: $39; enrolled student discounted price $34. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 13 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 216 Amish Adventure Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Barbara Schafer Enjoy making an eye catching quilt with that special sparkle Amish quilts seem to have. Join in a light study of the Amish quilt culture. Find out why and what colors are appropriate and acceptable. Conquer the fear of using solids and black fabrics with a new confidence and color sense. Several Amish quilt designs will be offered plus methods for marking dark designs. Great for a dorm bed, grand kids, or cabin living. Class Fees: ALL the appropriate fabric colors, except black will be provided; fee based on quilt size desired; Quilt/ $7; or Wall hangings/$5. 217 Nine‐Patch Diamond Star Linda Sekerak Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Expand your piecing skills with this timeless classic. Traditional or modern fabrics can be used to make create this pattern. You’ll begin this quilt with a basic nine patch, then Linda will guide you using paper‐piecing techniques or templates to construct the stars. Check out Linda’s blog for optional color choices for this quilt. You can find it at www.cottagegardenquilts.blogspot.com. Pattern fee: $10. 218 Irish Grandmother Libby Smith Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ An original design by Libby Smith, Irish Grandmother combines two easy traditional block variations to make a charming quilt that appears more complicated than it really is. Minimal matching of seams means minimal stress! This workshop is a great skill‐building opportunity for confident beginners and will provide a satisfying finish for more experienced quilters. Suitable for all fabrics from reproduction prints to brights and everything in between. It would be fabulous in school colors, great for kids and grads. Pattern fee: $7; contains multiple size options; available from the teacher at the workshop. Optional: Simplicity Easy Angle™, available from your local quilt shop around $8. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 14 of 19 WED. & THURS. ‐ Session 2 Two‐Day Workshops 200 series 219 Quilt Green with Me All Levels MACHINE; Piecing Holice Turnbow Let’s return to the days of yesteryear when there was little in the way of specific quilting materials. Quilts were made from scraps of fabric left from dressmaking and other homemade items. These two days will relive those times and give a “green” update to both saving of time, unstructured designing, saving and using the strings and other little bits of saved fabric. This is where creativity begins. Use up, make do and recycle becomes the stimuli us for creating useful and decorative quilting work. Come have two days of play, learn new techniques, and stretch your creativity....just have fun. The plan is to complete or almost complete four projects in the two days. You can do it. Kit Fee: $40; includes all material, fabric, and supplies required for the projects. 220 Focus on Judy Niemeyer Sue Wilson Confident Beginner MACHINE; Paper Piecing Do you have a Judy Niemeyer project in progress, but you’re just “stuck”? Perhaps you ran out of time to complete your project during a previous class or workshop, or you just can’t figure out your next step. This is the perfect workshop for you! Dig out your project, bring it along. Sue Wilson, Certified Judy Niemeyer instructor, will be able to coach you through to your next step. Prior to the workshop, students must contact Sue to let her know the name of the quilt they plan to complete and she will be fully prepared to help you through to the end! No workshop fee; workshop requires a partially completed JN project. 221 Hoosier Wheel Mary Jo Yackley All Levels MACHINE; Paper Piecing This pattern was developed from an antique wagon wheel quilt found in Indiana, thus the name Hoosier Wheel. The original was intricately hand pieced, but this updated version is constructed using VERY SIMPLE paper piecing. This workshop is an easy introduction to paper piecing (for those who have never done it). Experienced paper piecers can add complexity with controlled color placement. You will learn “butterfly seams”, tricks for making smoothly round circles, a great technique for machine appliquéing those center circles and so much more. Fabric requirements & layouts are provided for crib/baby quilt, lap quilt and a bed runner. Pattern Fee: $17 includes pattern and paper piecing packet for 25 blocks. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 15 of 19 MONDAY thru THURSDAY ‐ Four‐Day Workshops 400 series 401 Smokey River Quilt Janet Andrews Intermediate MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ The “Smokey River” quilt (76” x 97”) can have a modern or traditional look depending on the fabrics selected. Be creative with color or purchase a fabric kit (from Keepsake Quilting or Nancy’s Notions). Assembly of this quilt is all straight line sewing with no “Y”‐seams. Learn to use the “Companion Angle” ruler, the “Easy Angle” ruler, and learn the concept of “mirror image” cutting. A fair amount time will need to be spent on cutting before coming to Quilt Camp. Pattern available from Pattern: from Keepsake Quilting (800‐865‐9458 or keepsakequilting.com), Nancy’s Notions (800‐833‐0690 or nancysnotions.com), or from whirligigdesigns.com. 402 Block Party – Welcome to My Studio Cindy Casciato All Levels MACHINE; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ Come and join a sit and sew workshop that allows you to set the pace. You can choose to work on the Studio Project, “Block Party” or finish some projects you already have underway. Cindy is always available to help with any project in the studio and will have planned demos throughout the workshop that demonstrate helpful tips and techniques. The "Sawtooth Star Sampler" utilizes the, "Magic Triangle Method" which allows you to rotary cut all patchwork without ⅛” seams, increasing accuracy and resulting in huge timesaving productivity. Advanced cutting directions provided in the supply list. There are 12 six inch blocks constructed from the leftover half‐squares of the Sawtooth Star block. The “Magic Triangle Sawtooth Star Sampler” pattern will be available from Cindy for $12. As always everyone benefits from the Show n’ Share of the latest quilting notions, so please bring your best tip or notion along to share. 403 Panama Star Quilt Lee Haag You will make the Panama Star block for this quilt using the new Half‐Rectangle Triangle Rulers. These rulers make half‐ rectangle triangles as easy to make as half‐square triangles. They take the “trial and error” and the “rip and restitch” out of making elongated triangles. A whole new world of block patterns will be opened to you. It is easy to master their use so you will no longer avoid patterns with half‐rectangle triangles in them. This will greatly expand the possibilities of designs for your quilts. The accompanying book has fifty block patterns in multiple sizes for these rulers. Ruler and fifty block pattern book workshop special price; $50, paid to instructor. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Page 16 of 19 MONDAY thru THURSDAY ‐ Four‐Day Workshops 400 series 404 Pony Express Sampler Rita Hardman Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing & Applique Do you like Old West history? Then you will enjoy making a history quilt of the Pony Express while learning the SQUARE IN A SQUARE® technique. The blocks represent different aspects of the Pony Express as the riders traveled the trail delivering mail. The blocks are 10” representing the stations that were located every 10 miles and the 5 Pony Express regions. As you progress through the Sampler, you can allow the Pony Express history to come alive. The book and fabric comes as a kit for $175 shipping included. You will also need a SQUARE IN A SQUARE® ruler which will be available for purchase for $20 from the teacher. 405 Transfer Paint with Botanicals Tone Haugen‐Cogburn Intermediate MACHINE; Painting & Piecing Discover a different kind of paint for fabric. Transfer paints rely on heat to bond with synthetic fibers. They can be layered to look like watercolor wash or applied in more defined shapes. Used on synthetic fabrics like polyester or poly/cotton blends, brilliant colors result. Textured fabric like lace will produce textured pattern. Try some small projects with botanical elements, creating a collection of unique samples, as a starting point for more resolved design opportunities. In this workshop we will work on small projects as well as a larger wall hanging. We will also discuss and demo hand embellishment and machine quilting to enhance the designs. Be ready for some surprising results. Kit fee: $27 includes transfer paint and instructions, embroidery floss for hand stitching, and other necessary tools for the workshop. 406 Thread Garden Margy Hill Intermediate MACHINE; Thread Painting/Quilting Draw a garden with thread! Use your machine to create a thread picture of a garden. Fill your garden with trees, flowers, butterflies, birds. Make it the way you want it to be. Techniques covered will include thread painting, machine quilting, use of Angelina fibers. Supplies include a sturdy, thin wooden hoop with a screw, lots of machine embroidery thread, and titanium machine embroidery or topstitch needles. Margy will provide patterns and instructions for thread painting and/or quilting trees, flowers, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Pattern fee: $10; Margy will have additional supplies and tools to sell like hoops, tweezers, stabilizer and organza (used for the thread painting). For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 17 of 19 MONDAY thru THURSDAY ‐ Four‐Day Workshops 400 series 407 Colorful Cubes Sue Jones Intermediate MACHINE or HAND; Piecing In the top ten of 2013 Teacher Spotlight ‐‐ If you have always liked the looks of a tumbling block quilt you will like this version as well. This quilt is like a tumbling block, only the blocks are hollow! It appears to be more difficult than it is. There are no “Y”‐seams to put together. You can use your stash or fat quarters work well also. Participants may even trade strips of fabrics with each other to add color variety to their quilt. There are three (3) fabrics in each block, one light, one medium, and one dark. You may make a wall hanging or a full size quilt. Pattern fee: $12. 408 Folk Art and Feathers Intermediate MACHINE or HAND; Applique Linda Luggen This folk art pattern teaches the fine points of appliqué while allowing you some freedom of expression. A full wreath of red flowers and pink and yellow buds teaches unit appliqué as well as a fine stitch. A feathered friend finds his way into each block. A 20½” block can be a central medallion or used with 3 other blocks to make a 4 block wall‐hanging or a full quilt. Linda will present her tips & techniques for achieving beautiful applique in both hand and machine approaches. Pattern fee: $12. 409 Lemoyne Star Beth Safick Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing Finally! A tool and technique that will allow any quilter to quickly, easily and accurately piece traditional Lemoyne Star blocks in 10 different sizes! The block units are strip pieced, assembled without using any “Y”‐seams, pieced so that the blocks themselves are slightly over sized so at the end each can be trimmed to an exact size. In this workshop, Beth will start everyone off with a traditional Lemoyne Star block and then we can begin piecing several variations using this same ruler. The possibilities are endless! Ruler and pattern fee; $40. For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 18 of 19 410 Grandmother’s Fan – Quick Pieced Mary Lou Wright Confident Beginner MACHINE; Piecing With only 8 pieces per block and a template included which Mary Lou created, there are no seams to match in the 12" block and no sashings. The quilt top will be a breeze and fun for even a confident beginner to piece using a machine during the 4‐day workshop. Don't fear the pieced curves, Mary Lou gives everyone individual attention in her stress‐free room. One can take this very traditional pattern and make it very modern with lots of white, scrappy or country, batiks, pastels of the '30's, etc. With blocks finished, choose the setting which you prefer. Borders can be one fabric. Those who enjoy applique could add it to the border. Pattern includes fancy pie corner borders as well as quilting suggestions. Workshop Fee $9, includes pattern. Workshop photos, complete supply lists, and pre-workshop instructions are available on our website: www.pegspatches.com For more info, see www.pegspatches.com Page 19 of 19
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