june obichaff - Capital Dog Training Club

Proud Member Club
of the AKC Since 1938
The Monthly Newsletter of the
Capital Dog Training Club of Washington, D.C., Inc.
June 2015
Volume 71 • Issue 5
CDTC’s 2015 AKC Agility Trial Rocked!
— by Burton Goldstein, Trial Chair, CDTC
erhaps the sign of doing something well is that all appears
smooth, at least on the “surface”. If that is true, than our trials
were incredibly “great”! But it wasn’t easy and the road to this year’s
trial was beset with potholes and
Capital used to have the same
weekend as the beginning of daylight savings time.That has
changed and losing an hour of
sleep was pale in comparison.This
year, Friday was not only Good Friday, but the first night of Passover.
Sunday was Easter Sunday.These
combined to
really affect
our attendance of both exhibitors,
as well as club members to help.
So we did the best we could,
with what we had.
This was the second year that
we were at the relatively new
site, the Frederick Indoor Sports
Complex—a very popular agility
facility with two rings so that
classes could run simultaneously.
In This
In order to oversee an event
this large and this complex it is
vital to have the best support
people in the key roles.This
year, one of our very long-time
chief course builders moved
away, and the other announced
that they were injured and
couldn’t help.
One of our two chief volunteer coordinators was on the verge of replacement hip
surgery. And since our equipment provider’s local person had experienced a heart attack right after our trial
last year, I had received phone calls from his boss and
his wife.
In spite of these setbacks and glitches,
things went really well.
We were able to get
great people to step up
and fill in. Favorite local
judges were selected a
very long time ago—
they are not only great
veteran judges, but very
friendly local exhibitors.
(continued on page 12
CDTC’s 2015 Agility Trial Wrap-Up ...........................1
From the Editor...........................................................2
From the President.....................................................3
AKC Delegate’s Corner .............................................4
Therapy Dogs Test Results........................................4
Donna Cleverdon Mini Grooming Seminar ...............4
Canine Influenza Virus Alert!......................................5
CDTC Trial Brags....................................................6-9
Pie Serves Up Some Tennis!...................................10
Obedience Trial Trophy Donations Needed ............10
Who Does What at CDTC........................................11
Trialing Your Dog is Hard! ........................................14
New AKC Obedience Regulations .....................15-18
2015-16 Membership Renewal Form ................19-20
Annual Awards Dinner in July!.................................21
Calendar .............................................................22-23
Back Cover ........................................Announcements
2015 Board of Directors
Carrie Solomon
[email protected]
Vice President
Eileen Freedman
[email protected]
Brad Smith
[email protected]
Jake Jurgens
[email protected]
Training Director
Wendy Wilkenson
[email protected]
Assistant Training Director
Abigail Carter
[email protected]
Training Secretary
Shannon Hall
[email protected]
Trial Chair
Burton Goldstein
[email protected]
Trophy Chair
Sue Faber
[email protected]
AKC Delegate
Joyce Dandridge
[email protected]
Obichaff Editor
Pam Coblyn
[email protected]
Associate Editor: Melitta Carter
Members at Large
Lisa Barry
[email protected]
Charma Le Edmonds
[email protected]
Nan Marks
[email protected]
New Membership Information
Charma Le Edmonds
[email protected]
Coordinator for Capital Points
Lisa Daniel
[email protected]
Sunshine Person
Lois Kieter
[email protected]
On-line Roster Manager
Mary Carson
[email protected]
Website Manager
Carolyn Henry
[email protected]
From the Editor
— by Pam Coblyn, Editor, Obichaff
Some Lessons Learned
“The difference between a Master and a Beginner
is that the Master has failed more times than
the Beginner has even tried.” —Anonymous”
y job with Fenway is to show him how awesome learning can
be from a human, and to make it as least confusing as possible.
Learning and teaching are a process.
We come from a culture of fast foods and convenience stores.We need
to let this junk go—seriously. This type of thinking—expecting instant
gratification—only results in failure and sucks the life right out of the
learning process.
Gaining skills to teach your dog new things takes a great deal of time.
Almost always, the Handler end of the leash needs more work than the
dog end!
Not every day will be great. Every day we are a bit different and so are
our dogs. Some days it is brilliance on both ends of the leash, and some
days it is only one of us, and some days it is just plain awful with a complete disconnect. On those days, we should give our dog a stuffed Kong
and make ourselves a drink and forget about it.
All dogs learn at different rates, just like we do. Each dog is an individual, and a living being. Comparing your dog’s skills (or lack thereof) to another dog does neither of you any good at all. It’s an exercise in defeat
and frustration. Plus, you do not know how hard that other trainer has
worked and what hurdles they had to overcome. Learning happens over
a lifetime—not a day, a weekend, or through sporadic training.
Now that I’ve been at it in earnest for over seven years, I believe dog
training is all about observation and discovery. And, that takes time.Watch
your dog’s responses to a variety of stimuli.Are they happy? Excited?
Peaceful? Or, are they bored, nervous, or just plain tired? Let your dog tell
you how they are feeling—slow down, breathe and observe what is going
on and how your dog is reacting.Then humbly go forth and try again!
Website: www.cdtc.org
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Capital Dog Training Club of Washington, DC
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Obichaff is published monthly, except in January, for the benefit of members of Capital Dog Training Club. Members are encouraged to submit articles that would be of interest to other members.
All submissions to Obichaff must have the author’s name. Previously published material must include permission from the publisher to use the material in Obichaff. The Editor has the right to
edit for space, content and tone. If significant changes are made (i.e., more than just for clarity,
punctuation, spelling, etc.), the author will be given an opportunity to review the edited article.
Material published in Obichaff does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor or of CDTC.
Newsletters of other clubs may quote any part of this publication, provided proper credit is given
and a copy sent to Capital Dog Training Club.
June 2015
From the President—June, 2015
can’t believe it is already officially the start of
summer—where does the time go? And Capital is
gearing up for our normal summer time activities.
We have obedience run-thrus scheduled for the first
Sunday of June, July and August, specifically, June 7,
July 5 and August 2. For those of you preparing your
dog for obedience trialing, these are excellent opportunities to get some practice in trial-like conditions. For
the rest of you, you can learn so much from watching
other handlers work their dogs through the exercises
by volunteering to help out. An additional benefit: a
free run for you and your dog! A sign-up poster is up
at the clubhouse so please help us have successful runthrus by signing up to volunteer. Even if you have never
done this before, just sign up—we will help you!
We also have our Annual Awards Night and Instructor
Appreciation coming up July 14th at the clubhouse.This
is the night when we celebrate our successes, show
appreciation for our all-volunteer instructors and
present special awards. It is a human-only event. More
details are in this issue of Obichaff. Please mark your
calendars now and join us for this special night at
the clubhouse.
Finally, it is time to renew your membership at
Capital. Our membership year runs from
July 1 to June 30 each year. The membership renewal forms are included in
this issue of Obichaff and can also be
found on our website. You can pay via PayPal or by
mailing a check along with the completed forms. If you
pay via PayPal, you still need to submit your completed
forms to Marian Hardy, our membership renewal chair.
For instructors and assistant instructors that want to use
their earned points towards their membership renewal,
you will also need to include a spreadsheet or some
type of accounting that lists the classes you taught
and/or assisted along with your membership renewal
for accounting purposes plus a copy to our Training
Director,Wendy Wilkinson. Instructor points earned
are good for two years. This process is slightly different
from previous years in that you are responsible for
maintaining your own records for points earned through
instructor/assistant instructor activities.
Happy Summer to you and your dogs, hope to see
you at the clubhouse soon!
Happy Training!
Carrie Solomon
President, CDTC
The Rally Training Group
Train, polish, learn and have fun with your dog!
Set up for Rally Training Group is 1:00-1:25pm. Walk-thrus 1:25-1:40, run-thrus 1:40-2:45.
IF you need walk-thru—which is highly recommended—please come early enough to do so.
IF you come late and miss the opportunity to do a walk-thru, you can look at the posted map
and watch others. There are always people around to offer help with the course and training ideas.
It can get quite BUSY this time of year with lots of pending trials,
so please come early to help set up the course or stay late to help take it down (it’s easy!).
We want everyone to get a chance to participate!
Also, if you have adequate knowledge of all rally signs, please offer to assist in judging.
Come by on Saturday afternoons—check the back page for dates!
Go Green—Obichaff Print Edition Opt-Out
Don’t want to receive a copy of Obichaff in the mail? No problem. Just email Pam Coblyn at [email protected]
and ask to have your name removed from the Obichaff mailing list. All club members subscribed to the CDTC
listserv will receive notification when the PDF of Obichaff is posted to the web site.
June 2015
Delegates Corner
— by Joyce Dandridge, CDTC AKC Delegate
Our next Delegates meeting is in June—stay tuned!
I received word that the Companion Events Committee in June will be discussing Allowing Deaf Dogs in Agility
and Tracking at the Delegates meeting in June.
If any member has any thoughts they want me to convey to the committee and the VP and Director of Companion
Events, they can email me at [email protected] .
Therapy Dogs
International (TDI)
Test Results
—by Susan Hertz
hanks to Shannon Hall,Tom Hertz, Nan Marks,
Marsha Iyomasa, Robin Siegel (our wheelchair
jockey), Jackie Stilwell, and Naomi George-Hall
(who “lip-synced” her way through the child test!
A total of 7 dogs were tested and three passed all the
test items: Pado (Lab), Journey (Golden Retriever), and Henry (Brussels Griffon).
Congratulations to them all!
Donna Cleverdon
Mini-Grooming Seminar
June 7, 2015
See CDTC website for registration form to register!
This seminar will be held at
Cleverdog Grooming
located at 2621 Garfield Ave, Silver Spring, MD
June 2015
A New Strain—H3N8
Canine Influenza Virus (CIV)
anine Influenza and
acute respiratory
disease (kennel
cough) have been in the
news during the past
two months.
If you have a dog that develops signs of any respiratory disease you should
isolate it and other dogs that
have been exposed to it.AKC
rules prohibit the exhibition,
or the presence on the premises at a show of dogs that
exhibit signs of any contagious illness. !
ALL exhibitors should follow routine precautions
that they would with any human influenza outbreak,
or canine parvovirus outbreak.Wash your hands after
handling dogs and before handling a different group
of dogs. Maintain sanitary conditions at your set-up and
on show grounds. Keep surfaces clean.You should pick
up an dispose of dog feces in appropriate containers.
And of course, wash your hands after pottying your dog
and before handling other dogs.
When showing in the conformation ring, choose to
show the judge your dog’s bite. If you are handling
other people’s dogs, wash your hands between dogs.
circulated in the United States
shelters and among rescue dogs
in transit.
Risk Factors
and Precautions
Risk factors for the infection
are having dogs in closely confined conditions such as boarding kennels, day care settings and
animal rescue shelters.Animals
being relocated from the rescue
shelters seem to be the main
source of the movement of the vius to new locations.
The Symptoms
The clinical signs associate with the infection are
indistinguishable from the traditionally defined “kennel
cough” now more appropriately referred to as Acute
Respiratiory Disease in dogs. Signs of dog flu infection
include cough, runny nose and fever, but not all dogs
will show shigns of illness.The severity of illness associate with dog flu can range from no signs to severe illness resulting in pneumonia and sometimes death.Tests
are available to determine if a dog has been infected.
Consult with your vet!
A Little History
Animal shelters, boarding kennels and doggie daycare centers were the prime reservoir for the 2009
strain of the flu outbreak and it also appears to be the
case with the current strain. It is believed that the
source of this H3N2 strain may have originated from
rescue dogs imported from Korea, and the virus then
Vaccines do exist for CIV. Both of the products
offered are kille vaccines and two doses of the vaccines
are necessary to develop an effective immune response.
While the vacciines may not prevent and infection, they
do reduce the shed of the virus and the severity of
clinical disease.Again, consult with your vet!
Clubhouse Guidelines to Help Prevent the Spread of Viruses:
1. BYOD = Bring Your Own Dish for your dog to drink from if your dog will need water when you are at the
clubhouse. Don’t allow other dog s to drink from your dog’s dish.
2. Cleanliness! If you use a clubhouse crate, wipe the crate with the spray disinfectant and paper towels
provided at the clubhouse after each use. Don’t leave any bedding in the crates.
3. No Sharing! If you use targets in training, bring your own and only use with your dog or, if you use the
ones at the clubhouse, wipe with disinfectant after each use.
June 2015
Brags—CDTC Members & Dogs Take To the Ring!
CDTC Dogs Had Fun & Success At Our Club’s Trial!
Bunny Hops Back In The Ring For Her Third Q To Earn Her CDX Title!
Having earned 101½ All Age field trial points Bunny retired at the age of
11½ on August 31, 2014.Trained and handled by an amateur, she had an
amazingly successful career as a field trial dog who met and surpassed all
the goals set for her. She retired happy and healthy, and her biographer and
co-owner Milly B Welsh sent a notice with a picture to those who might
be interested.
The younger dogs continued to go training every day with co-owner
Charlie Hayden. Bunny was left at home. Her waistline began to expand,
and her dinner portion was cut down. She looked bored. She began to
loose her sparkle. She took long naps in the yard in the sun. But Bunny simply was not ready to be a couch potato.
In the winter of 2010-2011 Bunny had taken some time in the evenings
to train for her CD and rally. In the spring of 2011 she earned her CD, RN,
and RA titles. She loved the work. She earned excellent scores every time showing, including two times High in
Trial. Her short obedience career ended with the start of the spring field trial season.
Perhaps Bunny would enjoy some more obedience work.Was a CDX in her future? Jumps were dragged out of
storage, repaired, cleaned up, and put in the yard. Milly and Bunny began to train at home. She enrolled in a Monday night class. (Neither Bunny nor Milly are “night people”, so most of her training was done at home.) Then
came the coldest, windiest, iciest winter in recent memory.Training slowed to a near halt. Bunny lost interest in
training for the Drop On Recall in the living room. Finally the weather cleared a bit and we could go outside again.
And, it was show time.
There is a reason why Open A is often called Futility A. Gone were the excellent scores and qualifications every
time out. More effort was put into “happy” than into perfect Fronts and Finishes. Imagine shopping to see what
kind of treats Bunny liked better than others! She doesn’t care for string cheese, hot dogs are only OK, but she
loves Zukes (at $11.68 per pound!). Finally, it happened—on May 2nd Bunny earned her third qualifying score and
completed her CDX.
Bunny—now officially FC/AFC Lil Mac’s Black River Rabbit, MH, CGC, RA, CDX—has retired again at age 12
years and 3 months!
You’ve earned a grand retirement, Bunny and have many honors to mull over between naps in the sun!
Scottie Triumphs at Specialty Show!
Joanne Riddle’s Elspeth (Merrie Munro’s Dark Endora) was Reserve Winners Bitch at the Scottish Terrier Club of Greater New
York Specialty show held in conjunction with the Bucks County
Kennel Club show on May 2, 2015 at Erwinna Pennsylvania.
Beautiful Elspeth is on a terrier tear in the show ring!
June 2015
Irish Water Spaniel Leaps To A New Title!
Dede Selph’s Janne (CH Ballyhoo’s Janne O’ Bachlach, CD JH RA DJ
CGC U-SHR UJJ), her 10 1/2 year old Irish Water Spaniel completed her
UKC Junior Dock Jumper title on May 10. Her new title is UKC Junior
What a wonderful accomplishment—you’ve done your breed proud
by proving your water instincts!
Good Citizen Biscuit Pays Her Last Respects To A Dear Friend and Patriot!
Joan Danzansky’s Biscuit (Liberty Run’s Arabesque) passed the AKC Community
Canine Test (The Canine Good Citizen Advanced) on April 19, 2015!
Biscuit was recently invited to attend a funeral at the Stanley Chapel at the Armed
Forces Retirement Home for Athea Gramacke—a
dear woman who loved her—and who Biscuit
loved dearly.
Althea’s funeral service was held on her 96th
birthday. She had served in the Army during three
wars:WWII, Korea, and Vietnam! Althea had been a
volunteer for the Women in Service Memorial at
Arlington Cemetery, and a small reception was held
there hosted by USAF Brigadier General Wilma
Vaught, the President of the Memorial Foundation.
She was interred at Arlington National Cemetery on May 7 with military honors. Joan reports, “I
Althea’s favorite photo
of herself with Biscuit!
did not take Biscuit to that—just as well as it was an Biscuit paid her respects at her
extremely hot afternoon, and rifles were shot!”
friend Althea’s funeral. Photo is by
According to the Chaplain, Biscuit was the first dog ever in the Chapel, not CDTC member) Pat Wells.
to mention the first at any funeral he ever conducted.Althea and Biscuit had been great friends for over six years.
Our club is honored to have such a wonderful and loving ambassador among its ranks.
Atlas Shrugs Off the Competition For His CD Title!
Josie & Dave McAuliffe report, “Our little puppy Atlas earned his companion dog title this weekend, with FIRST place on Saturday May 23, 2015
at the Oriole trial.This is his first real obedience title and he earned his 3
CD legs in just 3 tries! He did it with lots of heeling (on and off-leash) as
well as a recall, stand for exam and 4 minutes of group stays. He was awesome! And although he resisted fraternizing with the judge and stewards
during the competition, he greeted and kissed all the stewards after he received his awards. Now that he is almost two years old, he understands
that first you work, then you PLAY!!!!
Atlas also got first place (with 99%) in Rally Excellent on Friday night, for
his first RAE leg!
You earned that title decisively and efficiently, Atlas! And you will be a
Rally star, too!
June 2015
More and More Brags!
New Puppy Alert!!!
Luann Korona welcomes her new edition, a smooth, tri-color male
collie pup named Bodhi, born February 26. Luann wants to thank
everyone who has supported her over the last year as she took time
off to adjust to life without her beloved corgi, Milo.
Luann is excited about her new adventures with Bodhi and looks forward to calling on the “village” that is CDTC to help her raise Bodhi
and improve her skills as a handler.
We all share in your joy and look forward to watching her grow
and learn! And we wish you all the love, joy and happiness Bodhi
will surely bring!
Atlas Is Wild for Obedience!
Josie McAuliffe’s Atlas earned first place in WILD-CARD Novice on
May 2, 2015 at the Greater Bouvier Club Trial at the Dude Ranch in Glen
Allen,VA. Josie says, “Wild-Card Novice is a wonderful class that allows a
handler to give positive feedback (but not second commands!) to the dog
throughout the exercises.You are also permitted to omit one exercise.
Participating in this class helped me to learn that my dog responds well to
just positive feedback (no need for treats!). In the real novice, I remembered
to praise him consistently between exercises, and it worked!”
It’s hard to believe you are still a pup, Atlas—way to go!
Xena Doubles Down On Her Title Rosettes!
On April 7, 2015, Josie McAuliffe’s Xena earned her RAE2 title at the Lab Speciality In Frederick, MD. For her 20th
leg, she earned two beautiful 2nd
place ribbons, and roses from Auntie
Sue Faber!
Brag #2:
On May 2, 2015, Xena earned her preCDX at the Greater Bouvier Club Trial
at the Dude Ranch in Glen Allen,VA.
Xena earned this title in just 3 out of 4
attempts, and with FIRST place ribbons for each leg! A pre-CDX includes
all the FUN ring work as the CDX, but
no stays! For pre-CDX you are allowed to decrease the jump height, but
of course, we didn’t.
You are a joy and can do anything!
June 2015
Skye Leaps to NADAC Success!!!
Kathleen Sandy and her pretty Sheltie Skye earned their
fourth Q with a 1st Place ribbon in Novice Regular at the
NADAC Periland trial on May 24, 2015!
You are leaping for success and in great form, Skye!
Speedy Races to A Future Start Line!!!
All three of Kathy Sheehan’s dogs have been busy training and trialing! Both Lucky and Dodger earned their
Masters Gamblers titles at the USDAA Touch and Go agility trial at the beginning of May!
Later in the month, baby dog Speed Dawg Racer, aka Speedy, participated in his first trial and qualified in Puppy
Rally on his second attempt! During the first attempt, Speedy started off pretty wild so Kathy touched him to get
his attention and calm him down. He
finished off that run nicely and performed
well in the second round that afternoon.
The goal with Puppy Speedy is to get him
acclimated to the trial environment for
future agility! He attends all of his big
brothers’ trials and spends time at the
practice jumps learning self control. His
start line stay is even pretty good! Speedy
loves jumping so much that he sometimes doesn’t want to take the time to eat
a treat! His first birthday is May 27th!
You are on the road to great success with this wonderful foundation. Learning is fun, isn’t it Speedy?
Show Dogs Have Mad Skillz!!!
Pam Coblyn’s border collie Fenway switched venues in May and
dipped his paw into USDAA agility. Over two weekends, he earned his
Advanced Performance P2 titles in Jumpers and Gamblers with all 1st
place Q’s. Fenway also dominated the P2 Snooker class but since his
handler forgot to take his
collar off during his title
run he could not bring
home another rosette. Bah!
For his Pairs run, Fenway
teamed up with another
Barbie Collie—what agility
snobs call show dogs—to crush the competion with a 1st Place and 20
seconds under Standard Course Time.The two lovely ex-show dogs
taught the naysayers a lesson—Pretty Is As Pretty Does!
June 2015
Summer Fun—Pie & Tennis!
Charma LeEdmond has a new tennis partner!
Pie swept all sets
6-Love, 6-Love, 6-Love
while Ernie snoozed at
the back court!
2015 Obedience Trial
Trophies & Donations Needed!
Our club’s Trophy Chair, Sue Faber is collecting trophies
and donations for the October 2015 Obedience Trial.
Cash prizes should be in the form of a check made payable to CDTC.
Checks should be submitted to the CDTC Treasurer, Nan Marks.
The deadline for trophy/pledges for the October Trial is July 1.
June 2015
Who Does What At CDTC
June 2015
CDTC 2015 Agility Trial, continued. from page 1
We capitalized on a new
AKC. rule that allows a “nonregular” class to be run on
the agility equipment after
the regular trial is completed
for the day.We are the first
trial weekend after the winter off-season.And we are
the first club that held a trial
in the newly renovated facility and the first that would
allow a non-regular class.
For all of the above, we had a great turn-out, the
judges were fabulous, and the fellow exhibitors that I was able to
talk into serving as chief course
builders did a wonderful job.
Seeing that there were still a
few key club members that are
stand-out people, I wanted to find
key roles for those people.
Now is
when I get into trouble.
As I mention people to thank, that
is fine. But if I forget anyone, that
creates a huge problem. So I apologize, up front, for anyone that I
leave out. Mary ran a wonderful
volunteer raffle each day, and
Charma was our visual arts person.
Donna Gomer and Clyde Closson
were exceptional judges. Shellie
and Jane
made sure
that all tasks
got done.
Jean and
Frank stepped up and oversaw
course building.As always, Rhonda
was the best!
We put together a non-regular class that we called
the “Capital Challenge” Two dog/handler teams put
their dogs on each of two pause tables. One dog would
run the first course and end up back on their table.The
second dog would then leave their table, run their
course, and end back on their table—relay style. Several
elements in each of the courses overlapped. One of the
courses was harder for the more experienced dog.
This new class allowed
the judges to compete with
the rest of us. Donna paired
with me, and ran one of our
dogs. Clyde ran and won his
height class.We had one of
our local favorite exhibitors
be our guest judge—Trish
Dunsieth. She is studying to
become a judge and so is
Frank Gilmer, another popular local competitor and allaround nice guy. (I have extended an offer to Frank for
him to be one of our judges next year.) Amanda oversaw
this event.
Continuing our annual traditions, favorite dog breed
or club shirts were worn on Friday, Saturday was tie-dye
day and Sunday honored community service dogs (pet
therapy, working dogs, service animals).This continued
our club’s uniqueness among
trial hosts. Our trial tweaks
the Excellent/Master height
classes so it is not the usual
Tall to Small or Small to Tall.
Instead, the heights split in
the middle and this is another
usual feature of our trials.
An interesting course was
presented in the Friday jumpers course and it has now
become legend among agility enthusiasts. Judge Clyde
had just returned from Reno, NV where he was the
judge for the Final Round of the AKC National Agility
Championship.A truly great guy, hard competitor, and
one of the best judges, Clyde’s course was “at the cutting edge” of today’s agility. It was perhaps more difficult than most of today’s courses, I heard both
extremes. From those that were not use to that level of
complication, to those that couldn’t wait to get home
to set up this course and work on it. Local competitor
Cynthia Horner, who had just won the National Agility
Championship with her border collie Spice, put on
quite a show and ran this difficult course clean and fast
amid cheering crowds. It was pure entertainment at it’s
To this end, I am exploring with the AKC a potential
new “advanced” class called the Premiere class. I have
requested that next year’s judge be thinking about Premiere level courses with unique international-style challenges including sending dogs to the backside of
June 2015
CDTC 2015 Agility Trial, continued. from previous page
jumps, difficult weave-pole entries and many discrimination challenges. Depending on what the regulations
allow this time next year, we might be offering high
level courses to those entered in this new level who
are looking for a more advanced agility course.
Our club did an incredible job this year. Many members came out and helped in any way and contributed
to this great event. For those that stepped up and took
on a key role, we are all greatful to you. Collectively,
we did an incredible job.Thank you.
Kate Green’s Reba
needed to chillax on the
ride home from the trial!
June 2015
Vanessa Andrews’ Ace
celebrated his MACH title at
our trial with a delicious
cake emblazoned with his
agility photo!
Trialing Your Dog is Hard!
— by Carrie Solomon, CDTC President
es, I admit
that. It takes
an act of faith
to trust yourself, your
training and your dog
to go out there in a
public venue and put
yourself through a
trial. I am all Frenchie
all the time and to say that I have eaten a
lot of humble crow over the years trialing my Frenchies is an understatement.
About the only thing my dogs haven’t
done yet in the trial ring is pee or poop
on anything. But, there was the time
when I watched my Novice A dog,Tick
Tock, go out and do a beautiful dumbbell
retrieve, run towards me…and then
right out of the ring with the dumbbell.
Another memorable moment occurred
once when I had this crazy idea that I
could trial all three of my dogs on the
same day at the same trial in multiple
events. At the end of the day I had Ripley in a Graduate Novice class. I got two
good exercises out of him when he lied
down in the middle of the ring, on his
back with paws sticking up in the air,
“I’m done Mommy.” No amount of
coaxing could convince him to come to
me or get up. I had to excuse myself
from the ring so I could pick him up
and carry him out of the ring. Talk
about embarrassing!
But I have observed that even the best
trainers and dogs have their moments.
And good trainers use those failures to
figure out new ways to add clarity to
their training, proof their dogs, make them
better. No excuses, it’s all about the
process. That is what I choose to embrace.
And it’s not easy. I just came through a
weekend of trialing, two days of Open A,
where my dog made two mistakes the
whole weekend, both in the Drop on
Recall exercise, that NQ’ed us both days.
Yeah, it’s disappointing, particularly since
this is one of his best exercises. He knows
the Open exercises well, is very confident
in them! He did all of the other exercises
very well! Why does this happen and
how do I keep myself from dwelling on
the disappointment and move forward?
What I am learning is to focus on the
improvements, what my dog did better
than the last time we trialed. Focus on
the positive and go from there. Find
new ways to train my dog to make the
exercises even better and more reliable.
We will live to fight another day, there is
always another trial. And, after all, it is
about the process and about spending
time with my dog.
We move forward, we get better and
when we finally earn that qualifying
score, that title that we covet, it will be
all the more sweeter!
June 2015
Advance Warning—
AKC Obedience Competition Changes,
Effective December 1, 2015
June 2015
AKC Obedience Competition Changes, continued.
June 2015
June 2015
AKC Obedience Competition Changes, continued.
June 2015
July 1, 2015
Renewal Form
2014 – 30,
30, 2015
Annual membership renewals are due by July 1, 2015
2014. If dues are not received by July 31, 2015
2014, your membership will
Please mark your membership payment category below and make your check for the appropriate amount payable to
CDTC. Please note – you must return:
(1) this form (or copy);
(2) your check or indication of payment through Paypal
the card or the card itself if you have no further need of it); and
(3) a copy of a current rabies certificate for each dog you train at CDTC, or participate in CDTC activities
with, even if this has been submitted previously.
(4) Obichaff delivery method: while email/website is preferred for environmental reasons we know a paper
copy is important to some of you. If you want a paper copy mailed to you please check at end of form and
include a fee of $10 to cover the additional costs of printing and mailing.
__Active Member: $125.00
__Junior Member: $65.00
__Family (Active) Member: $125.00
__Associate Member*: $65.00
__Plus $65.00 for each additional family member
*Members who have not been training or attending club meetings may want to consider Associate (inactive) Membership. You will still receive club
publications and may attend meetings and participate in Club events; however, you cannot take a training class, hold office or vote at club meetings.
You can convert back to full membership status at any time by informing the Club Secretary and paying the additional dues required of Active
Members ($65.00).
Please fill in your name and other information below. Please write legibly. Please indicate if any of this information
is a change from last year’s info. Please make certain to sign the membership renewal form on page 2.
Name: (First) ______________________________ (Last) _________________________________
Additional Family Member(s) ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: (home) ______________________________ (business) _________________________
E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________
Dog Breed(s):_________________________________________________________________
TROPHY FUND DONATIONS—Donations to the club’s
general trophy fund are always needed. This money will be
2015 trial. Your help towards ribbons
used for this year’s (2013)
and trophies for our club events will be greatly appreciated!
deductible)— This money will be used exclusively for 2015
trial operating expenses. Donors will be listed in the catalog
as follows:
Figure Eight Donors
$1 - $25
Drop on Recall Donors
$25 - $50
Broad Jump Donors
$51 - $100
Articles Donors
$101 - $250
Bar Jump Donors
Over $250
CHECK____ (Make check payable to CDTC)
Dues (from above)
$ ___________
Obichaff print fee if applicable $ ___________
Marian Hardy
Trophy Fund Donation
$ ___________
4 Orchard Way North
Trial Fund Donation
$ ___________
Rockville, MD 20854-6128
$ ___________
June 2015
July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 CDTC Membership Renewal Form
I hereby apply for membership renewal for 201-1 in the Capital Dog Training Club of Washington, D.C., Inc.,
(hereinafter referred to as “the Club”) and in consideration of the acceptance of this membership renewal in the
Club, and in further consideration for the services rendered by and through the Club, I (we) agree to hold the Club,
its members, directors, officers, volunteers and agents harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be
alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of any dog while in or upon the
training site or grounds or the surrounding area thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability
for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of
any dog by disappearance, theft, death, or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury to any dog, whether
such loss, disappearance, theft, damage or injury be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the Club or
any other person, or any other cause or causes. I (we) further agree that the Club may publish my name(s), address,
telephone number(s), and email address in print or on the Club’s Members’ Only Section of its website. I (we)
waive any claim related to the information dissemination by the Club related to my name(s). I (we) further agree to
abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures and to be bound by all the rules and regulations of the
Club if accepted for membership renewal.
Member’s Signature __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Member’s Signature __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Obichaff delivery method
The Obichaff Newsletter can be accessed at
www.CDTC.org. If you would prefer to receive
it by US Mail, please check this box
June 2015
Save the Date to Celebrate!
Annual Awards Dinner
on Tuesday, July 14, 2015
starting at 6:30 pm!
Capital Dog Training Club invites all members, family and friends to attend
the Annual Awards and Instructor Appreciation Dinner.
Every member is invited to attend—
you do not need to have completed a title.
This annual event is to celebrate the many successes
our members and our instructors achieved in 2014.
Club members will be recognized for new titles earned.
CDTC Class instructors will be acknowledged for the significant time,
effort and knowledge that they have shared in support
of club training and classes.
All members are welcome and invited to attend.
The social gathering is from 6:30-7 pm, and dinner starts at 7 pm.
The presentation of awards and instructor gifts will begin at 8 pm.
The event is free to CDTC members and a guest.
So please mark your calendar for this special event!
This is a “humans only” event.
The Annual Awards Dinner will be held at the
CDTC Clubhouse on July 14, 2015.
Please RSVP Sue Faber by July 1!!!
([email protected]) for the form.
June 2015
6:00-6:50 pm
7:30-8:50 pm
Mon 5/4-6/8
P. Miller
8:30-9:20 pm
9:00-9:50 pm
Mon C
7:15-8:05 pm
5/19-6/23 6:00-6:50 pm
Thur Sub-Novice 9:30-10:20 am Adler
Thur Sub-Novice 7:00-7:50 pm
Mon C
Thurs C
Thurs C
7:30-8:20 pm
9:30-10:20 am
6:00-6:50 pm
6:00-7:15 pm
C (Beg.)
7:00-7:50 pm McMunn/Cleverdon
C (Retrieve) 7:00-7:50 pm
8:00-9:00 pm Harry (Intermed.)
Mon C
Thurs C
Thurs C
8:15-9:05 pm
6:00-7:00 pm
7:00-8:00 pm
Rally Class Set Up: 11-11:30 am
Thurs C
11:30-12:20 pm Daniel/Comp.
10:00-10:50 pm D. Harab
Sat Rally TG
McAuliffe, et. al.
11:30-12:20 pm Rosen
7:30-8:45 am Melchior/Henderson
6:00-7:15 pm
7:15-8:45 pm
11:00-12:30 pm
5:00-6:15 pm
6:15-7:30 pm
Mon C
10:00-12:00 pm Ely
11:00-12:30 pm Guzman
10:00-10:50 pm J. Harab
6:30-7:30 pm Dwyer
Intermediate 7:30-8:30
Competition 8:30-9:30
Mon C
10:00-12:00 pm Ely (Freestyle)
6:00-6:30 Cleverdon (Open & Utl)
Wed C
9:30-10:20 am McCown
Wed C 11:30-12:00 pm Spodak (Obedience TG)
Wed C 12:00-1:00 pm Spodak (Open Discussion)
Wed C
1:00 pm Spodak (Freestyle TG)
Wed C
4:30-5:30 pm
Thurs C
10:30-11:30 am Holt
Thurs C
12:30-2:20 pm Goldstein
7:00-9:00 pm
12:00-1:00 pm Larkin
1:00-3:00 pm McAuliffe/Harab/Smith
9:00-11:00 am Bob Reinhardt
Tues C
Before 8 am and 1-4 pm
Montgomery Cleaning Company
TG = Training Group
C = Continuing Class
June 2015
10-12 noon
1-3:30 pm
6:00-6:50 pm
Instructor Ring
Freestyle TG
Basic, 5/4-6/8
Building Cleaning
Basic P. Miller 5/27-6/30
Adv.Basic Reinhardt 5/19-6/23 1
Open/Utility TG Cleverdon
Puppy K, 6/2-8/4 Hathaway/David 3
Open Retrieve Skills Merchant
Beg. Open McMunn/Cleverdon 2-3
CDTC Meetings
9:30-10:20 am Novice TG
11:30-2:20 pm TG: Obed. Handling Spodak 1-2
Discussion & Freestyle
Agility: Adv. Handling Tait
Agility: Competition
9:30-10:20 am Sub-Novice
Rally Set-up
11:30-12:20pm Competition Rally Daniel
Open/Utility TG Goldstein
Utility Prep
7:00-8:00 pm Utility
7:00-7:50 pm Sub-Novice
5/14 - 6/18
Open Intermediate Harry
June 2015
Instructor Ring
7:30-8:45 am
9:00-9:50 am
Tricks 5/9-6/27 Melchior/Henderson 2-3
Basic Solomon 5/9-7/4
J. Harab
Beginning Rally D. Harab
11:00-12:00pm Fun With Freestyle Guzman Bldg.
12:00-1:00 pm Heeling Training Group Larkin 1-2
Rally Training Grp. McAuliffe/ 1-2-3
CGC Prep
Basic, 4/11-6/5
Intermediate Flyball Dwyer
Competition Flyball Dwyer
9-11:00 am Open TG
11-12:30 pm Agility: Beginner
deBremond Bldg.
Starts 5/3 - 6/28
* Sunday, June 7 ONLY, Beginner Agility will be held
3:30-4:45 due to the run thru being held in the morning
2:00 pm
CGC Test, 8/23
Agility: Intro
5/3 - 6/28
Agility: Handlng A
5/3 - 6/28
Agility: Handling B
5/3 - 6/28
deBremond Bldg.
More Doings At the Club!
• General Meeting: June 9, 8 pm
• Board Meeting: June 23
• CGC Test August 23, 2 pm
June Rally
Training Group Schedule
Set up at 1pm. Walk-thrus at 1:25.
Runs start at 1:35, end by 3pm.
The next training dates will be:
June 6, 13, 20 and 27.
Please check our club’s listserv for
any cancellations.
Clubhouse/Information Phone: 301-587-5959 (K9K9)
Yahoo! Group: groups.yahoo.com/group/cdtc
Website: www.cdtc.org
Obichaff email: [email protected]
Classes: www.cdtc.org/classes/classes.html
Events: www.cdtc.org/events/events.html
Facebook: Capital Dog Training Club of Washington, DC
Twitter: @CapDTC
eCommerce Site: www.CapitalDTC.blogspot.com
The Monthly Newsletter of
Capital Dog Training Club
of Washington, DC, Inc.
Pam Coblyn, Editor
2758 Garfield Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910-1823
Originators of AKC’s Brace
and Graduate Novice classes
Tuesday, June 9 at 8 pm
CGC Test
Coming this Summer!
Coming this Fall!
Please contact the
Training Secretary to register
Sunday, June 7 at 9 pm