2015 INNOVATIVE TEACHING SEMINAR SERIES A collaboration between the Higher Education Faculties and the Office of Learning and Teaching Embedding digital information literacies Liaison Librarian Team Bernadette, Bandana & Michelle A C D U S T U D E N T R E T E N T I O N P R O J E C T I N I T I AT I V E What is digital information literacy? Is it important? Why or why not? What skill level do first year students have? level 1 – excellent level 2 – okay level 3 – poor As a group think about the above questions and jot down your ideas. Digital Information Literacy “The ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills” (American Library Association, 2012). (Navigate, evaluate, create and critically apply information) Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition Report states “developing digital literacy in practice requires individual scaffolding and support along with helping learners as they manage conflict between practice and different contexts” (2015). How can we support & scaffold learning for first year students to develop these skills?????? Brainstorm ideas in your groups about: • What could you do in your unit? • How could you support internal & external students? • What resources could you use? (interactive & engaging) • Collaborative approach? • How do you make it relevant? • When does it need to be delivered? • Do you need to measure an achieved outcome? If so how could you? Heading in the right direction First attempt: LIT102 Positives What was Learnt First unit to have embedded info lit skills Beginning of a journey Weekly tasks specific to developing students info lit skills Tasks need to be seen as part of weekly content not additional task. Interactive & engaging Variety of learning activities. Short & specific to weekly learning content. Measurable outcome 5% assessable quiz. Pre & post student survey Student’s skills & understanding showed improvement Student Comments LIT102 “Very interesting and informative. Should be a subject compulsory in first year of uni” “Should have been accessed during the first year of University to become familiar with” “Thanks for providing. Having not been to uni before it was a great help” “It was very helpful thankyou” “Handy information, explained simply, thanks” Second attempt: TEP001 LIT102 TEP001 Literacy tasks were additional separate tasks from weekly content tasks Literacy tasks were integrated into weekly content tasks IL tasks went from week 1 to week 10 regardless of weekly unit content IL tasks were integrated were relevant with unit content IL tasks & activities was the IL content, tasks & responsibility of Liaison activities were a Librarian collaborative responsibility (lecturer & Liaison Librarian) Measurable outcome – quiz 5% Measurable outcome – quiz 15%. Quiz questions better demonstrate student skills Readily available resources Delivery of collaborate or face to face Information Literacy sessions Joint ALLSP & Library sessions: Plagiarism & Credible sources or academic writing & referencing Where to from here? Ultimate goal: • Scaffolded information literacy skills embedded/delivered into a course throughout its entirety. Eg: Batchelor of Arts – first year IL generic skills with measurable outcome such as quiz assessment; second year further developing skills such as specific database searching; third year introducing Endnote for referencing & searching outside of the library such as TROVE.
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