The Companion P.O. Box 817 Finksburg, MD 21048 June 2015 From the Minister: The Princes of Serendip It’s best not to make a big decision before sleeping on it. My worst decisions are those that I have acted upon immediately. Somehow, taking time lets whatever I know to seep into the particular situation I’m dealing with. A fairy tale from the early 1300s tells of three princes from the land of Serendip, which is Persian for the country now known as Sri Lanka. The princes went off on missions which might not have been successful. But in the process they made discoveries that turned out to be better than what they had been looking for. Hence, our word, “serendipity” (which is said to be one of the most difficult terms in English to translate into another). When there is controversy, everybody is right. That is, everybody has a point of view that is valid. So trying to figure out who is right and who isn’t is usually beside the point. Pay attention to where the energy is. That “energy” is the universe talking, calling us, drawing us toward what we are meant to do and be. As I conclude my time with you at Cedarhurst—and as I conclude my years as a parish ministry—I think of those princes and the discoveries they made along the way. I’m not sure what exactly I was looking for as I started off on this journey, but what I have found continues to surprise me. In the projects we undertake and the work that we do, what endures are not the results but the connections made with each other. The relationships are what matter; the work sometimes seems what we do to fill the time. We’re all in this together. It comes down to that. What happens to one of us happens to us all. A few discoveries I have made along this journey called ministry. Insight helps but presence is what matters. I agree with Woody Allen: “80% of success in life is showing up.” It’s the same in most situations of human need. Just being there makes a stronger statement than anything we might think to say. As I head off on the journey which is retirement (a fellow UU minister who retired a few years back says she conceives of it as “graduation”), I do have plans, maps to follow, things I’d like to achieve. But I suspect that the Princes of Serendip will have a thing or two to say about what really occurs. There are a lot of people who are smarter than I am—but it doesn’t matter. There is more to life than being smart. I look forward to my journey ahead as I also wish you well on yours. Each of us knows more than we know. We absorb information in many ways which becomes available to us if we have the patience to become quiet, to listen, to wait. Bruce 1 The Companion June 2015 Sunday Services CUU Annual Meeting June 7, 2015 June 7: Letting Go of W hat Y ou K now How we relate to knowledge is one of the defining characteristics of Unitarian Universalism. Rev. David Pyle, District Executive of the Joseph Priestley District will share with us on the power of how we know. The Cedarhurst UU Annual meeting will be held on Sunday June 7 at 12 noon. We will be voting on next year's Trustees, Endowment committee member, and Nominating committee members. We will also be voting on a by-law change, as well as a new budget for next year. Your vote is very important! The Rev. David Pyle has been minister for UU congregations in Midland, Michigan and Ventura, California before taking the position of District Executive. He is also a chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserve and has served in Latin America and in Sarajevo, Bosnia-y-Herzegovina. ***CUU Annual Meeting follows the service. The ballot, proposed budget and by-law amendment are on their way in a mailing to your home. Additional ballots and budget information will be available the day of the meeting, as well as copies of the Annual Report.( The Annual Report will be posted shortly on line, as well) June 14: Flower Communion and Reflections on Compassion Rev. Bruce Marshall I’m not much of a bumper-sticker guy, but I came across one that I might actually put on my car. It’s a quotation from the Dalai Lama: “Compassion: the Radicalism of Our Time.” I would like to conclude my time with you with some thoughts on compassion, as we also observe our flower communion. Please remember to bring flowers to share with others in the congregation. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can drop your ballot off in the Clerk's box at CUU or mail it to CUU any time BEFORE 12 noon on Sunday June 7. It must be received by this time. If you are not a member of the congregation( i.e, signed the book in the last 60 days) you may not vote. If you send in your ballot as an absentee, be sure to print and sign your name at the bottom of the ballot, so your vote will count. Unsigned ballots cannot be considered.( Names are removed after checking membership status, and before the vote is tallied, to keep voter confidentiality) ************************** Summer services begin—services will continue to be held at 10:30, not 9:30 as in previous years. June 21: TBA Hope to see you at the meeting! Lisa Galuardi President, CUU Board of Trustees June 28: J ovonne Lewis 2 The Companion June 2015 community, representing CUU and our commitment to equality and justice. He was one of the speakers at the recent Unity Sunday service at the Baltimore UU church. Lastly, we have savored his wonderful sermons, which are insightful and inspiring. From the President When I decided that my article for the Companion this month would be the approaching departure of our interim minister, Bruce Marshall, I wanted to find one word that would describe him. As a person that loves to read and as one that really loves crossword puzzles, I dug out my Merriam -Webster crossword puzzle dictionary. Unlike a true dictionary, the words are defined by synonyms only, and these synonyms are sorted by number of letters contained in the words (so important for solving a challenging crossword clue). As Unitarian-Univeralists, we may not use the word “blessed’ as often as our Christian friends, but I do feel that we have been blessed to have had Rev. Bruce with us these past two years. He has helped us redefine our mission as a UU congregation and guided us to finding our soul as a member of the greater community. With his leadership, we have created a comfortable, spiritual place of community and worship. He will be with us long after he departs on August 1, in our worship space and in our hearts. We will continue to serve the community, and ourselves, because of the strengths and heart he has given to us. Come to a farewell luncheon/cookout on Sunday June 14 after our flower service, to wish him and Amy well in their future plans, and to thank him for all he has done for CUU. After tossing around many possible descriptive words, I decided on “gracious”. Here are the synonyms in order of letter number: kind, genial, amiable, cordial, tactful, charming, generous, merciful, obliging, sociable, congenial, courteous, good-natured and compassionate. Yes, this absolutely describes our interim minister! Lisa Galuardi _________________________________________ Committee Meetings Are you looking to share your talents? Get involved with a committee. All are welcome. Membership Committee - First Tuesday, 6:30 PM Worship Committee - First Sunday, after service, except holidays Finance Committee - First Tuesday, 5:00 PM Board Meeting - Second Wednesday, 7:00 PM Social Justice Committee - Third Sunday, after service RE Committee - Last Sunday, at 12:30 PM During his stay with us, Rev. Bruce has been kind, genial and amiable when chatting with us after service, taking comments after his sermons, at committee meetings and at our beloved dinners. He has been tactful, generous, and perhaps even charming in guiding us through the rebuilding of our congregation and of ourselves in the past two years. He has been merciful and good-natured with his insights of our strengths and weaknesses, always stressing our strengths, and our ability to move ahead with needed changes and forgiveness from past indifferences. He has helped us to become a “Can Do” congregation that has risen above past attitudes, and made real physical, social and spiritual changes. He has been and continues to be compassionate, having formed a sincere bond with us, and even now, near the end of his term with us, guides the Board of Trustees in our final steps to find a replacement minister. His knowledge and experience has been vital in this long and difficult process. He has been active in social justice activities in the ___________________________________________ OUR IMPROVED WEBSITE IS UP!! Our updated and vastly improved CUU website is now up and functional. It is user friendly, with improved links for mobile devices and is more secure. It has more information, photos, past sermons and Companions. Check it out!!! 3 The Companion Adult Religious Education June 2015 News: Tai Chi (Taiji) Study Group Three Treasures Taiji @ CUU will continue to meet on Mondays from 7 to 8:30 PM. The form is: Old Northern Yang form and Chi Gong as taught by Grandmaster Yin through Dr. Frances Gander. We have 3 qualified teachers who are capable of teaching beginners and continuing students during the same session. We are offering a taiji sword form training from 8:30 to 9 PM to those who are proficient in the form. The cost will remain at $5.00 a class. For more information, phone 410-795-3117 or 410-370-4516 after 6:00 PM every day except Monday. Carroll County Rhythms Drum Circle The Carroll Rhythms community drum circle meets on the third Saturday of every month from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at CUU. Bring a drum or just yourself! Some drums and percussion instruments are provided. All instruments are welcome. In the past, we've accommodated banjos, harmonicas, trumpets, keyboards, flutes, harps, saxophones, mandolins, electric bass, tongue drums, and more! We often have people singing, toning, or reciting poetry. Dancing is encouraged! Open to the public. All levels of experience are welcome. This is a family event, so no alcohol or drugs. No pets. Our goal is to have fun by connecting with rhythm. This event is free. Goodwill donations are accepted to help with the church's expenses. Suggested donations are between $2 and $5. For more information, contact Laurie Precht at [email protected] 4 CUU Silverbacks We are a small gathering of men of the church which meets for a couple of hours on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month 7:30 pm . The Silverbacks provides a venue to address changing issues of contemporary men within our culture, be they religious, political, social, familial or of a more individual nature. For more information [email protected] __________________________________________ The Companion June 2015 Religious Exploration June Calendar of Events Imagine. Inspire. Nurture. Believe. Create. A Message from the DRE Summer is here! It seems like just last week that we were cleaning up snow. Time really does fly when you are having fun. I want to take a few minutes to thank the volunteers who worked in classes and on the religious exploration council this year. You are so precious to me, and I couldn’t do what I do without you. To the students, you teach me so much. Each of you are the “sunshine” on my Sunday mornings. Your smiles, your anecdotes, your joys, your concerns, your laughter...all of it, combines, to bring me great happiness. I hope to see you over the summer for our summer program. We will be working to paint the downstairs over the summer, so please consider volunteering your time and energy to getting things looking awesome for September. If you think you can help, please contact Jennifer Harvilak at [email protected] Please be on the lookout for sign up sheets. Be safe, and enjoy the beautiful weather. Namaste’, Jennifer Harvilak 5 6/7/15 - Religious Exploration Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony, during services. 6/28/2015 - RE Council Meeting, in the Sanctuary, from 12:15 - 2:15 6/21/15—8/30/15 Summer Religious Exploration Classes The Companion June 2015 A very Happy Birthday goes out to: Religious Exploration Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony Christopher Quentin June 7, 2015, During Services Cedarhurst is blessed to have Religious Exploration Volunteers who are committed, caring, and creative. Summer Religious Exploration Classes This year, we will have a summer of fun, games, water balloons, and chalk drawings. Summer RE runs from June 21st, to August 30, Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Students should come directly downstairs. 6 It is our tradition that we honor the dedication of our volunteers, thanking them for the time and energy that they have committed throughout the year. Please come and celebrate with us. The Companion June 2015 With Great Appreciation, we honor the following Religious Exploration Volunteers 2014 - 2015 Christine Bob Bill Jenn Jovonne Barbara Maria Kurt Bruce Cindi Thank you for all you do!!! 7 The Companion June 2015 And most of all, a huge thank you to the congregation for their generous donations of items requested for the Family Shelter and monetary donations to the Social Justice lunches and Eviction Prevention/ Security Deposit plate collections that allow us to continue CUU’s social justice work. As the church year soon comes to a close, I want to thank all of the Social Justice Committee members for their time, ideas, participation and support. Thank you to the Cold Weather Shelter team, Terri and Don Ebaugh, Barb Bradley, Maria Warburton, and Jovonne Lewis, who volunteered once a month checking clients into the shelter. Our volunteer hours contributed to the many volunteer hours needed to keep the shelter open for those seeking shelter on cold winter nights. Thank you Maria for creating the holiday Angel Tree that collected warm clothing items for the Cold Weather Shelter. The congregation’s generous plate collection on Christmas Eve allowed Maria to purchase more warm clothing and other items needed at the shelter. Thank you Sharon Kennedy and Dee Ruppenthal for helping with the Courageous Love Award event. Thank you Patty Koch and Barbara Brown for helping to make the SJ lunches delicious and to the committee members for their contributions. Thank you to choir members for providing their lovely voices at the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Two new programs were added this year to the CUU Social Justice Program. Thank you Lynne Gilliland for making us aware of the situation in Honduras causing the country’s children to make the long, dangerous trek to the U.S. and for involving us with the Association for a More Just Society that is making a difference in the violence and corruption in this country. The Eviction Prevention/Security deposit program was new this year. The congregation’s generous plate contributions once a month allowed us to help prevent 8 evictions and contribute to the security deposit of a family leaving the Family Shelter for permanent housing. 8 The Companion June 2015 Membership Committee FAREWELL-THANK-YOU LUNCHEON FOR BRUCE AND AMY – SUNDAY, JUNE 14TH FLEA MARKET/FLOWER MART THANK-YOUS Although Rev. Bruce Marshall’s official last day is not until July 31st, folks tend to scatter during the summer and we want to give Bruce and his wife Amy Dibner a proper lunch, CUU style (modified) to let them know how much we appreciate the two years they have been with us. Lunch will be after the service and we will have a coordinated pot luck with upgraded meats and vegetarian options on the grill. CUU will buy the grill items and the pot luck is what the rest of us bring to round out lunch. The pot luck part is modified because we would like to know in advance what each person is bringing so the menu is somewhat balanced. Beth Schilpp will coordinate the food and drink so please call her at 443-904-1304 or email her at [email protected] with what you would like to bring. If you have a great food idea that is not listed, let Beth know. WE need: Hot or cold sides/salads Rolls - butter Juice/beer/wine (think we have enough soda) Ice cream Cookies Ice Some music would add just the right touch for this event so calling all musicians – please come with instruments. We love to listen and sing along. Thanks. It definitely takes a village to have a flea market and flower mart. In addition to those who brought items for the flea market, volunteers put up and took down the flea market sign, posted flyers, brought food, worked setting up the flea market, worked on the day of our event by setting up, staffing the flea market and flower mart, cooking and cleaning up. A very big thanks to JoAnn Barlow, Barb Bradley, Barb Brown, Alan Bogage, Dean Camlin, June Clarke, Shirley Eatmon, Don and Terri Ebaugh, Corinthia Elkins, Ben Garber, Lynne Gilliland Garber, Michele Guideman, Francine Hahn, June Horner, Linda Joy, Bonnie Kauffman, Peggy Kern-Payne, Patty and Henry Koch, Nan Nelson and her friend Hal, Christine Pilson, Dee Ruppenthal, Ron Schilpp, Maria Warburton and her sons, Michael and David, Zann Wasiljov and Becky Zimmerman. Many of you did many jobs to make this a successful day – a very special thanks. We truly appreciate each effort that made this day a fun, community building event. An extra thanks to whoever controls the weather – what a gorgeous day! We made $2214!!!! Sharon Kennedy and Beth Schilpp CUU HIKE- SUNDAY, MAY 31 – 12 NOON The hike this time will be at Sandy Mount which is also an easy hike. Meet on the CUU porch at 12 noon to caravan to the park. Bring water and any snack you wish. It is a relaxing and fun time with CUU friends. See Barb Bradley or Beth Schilpp with questions. Support Your Church When You Shop On Amazon with Amazon Smile You can access the link on the church website or here. Any time you buy a product or gift card from Amazon, CUU gets 0.5% of the price of your purchase donated by Amazon-- at no additional cost to you. PLEASE use it! Joys and Concerns Table Don't forget that we have cards to send to our CUU friends for many occasions and a notebook to write joys and concerns. Both are on the table by the entrance to the back porch. Please use this resource. 9 Sun Mon Tu e 1 7 11:30 Worship com. We d 2 6:30 membership Committee 5pm Finance 8 9 15 16 Thu Fri 3 4 10 11 17 18 7pm CUU Board Sat 5 6 12 13 19 20 7 Bridge Club 7 Bridge Club 7pm Tai chi Letting Go of What You Know Rev. David Pyle 14 Flower Commun- 7pm Tai chi ion and Reflections Companion Due on CompassionRev. Bruce Marshall 21 Father’s day Summer Solstice 28 7:45 Silverbacks 22 23 29 30 7pm Tai chi Companion Final Deadline Companion Sent Out 7pm Tai chi 24 25 7 Bridge Club 26 7 Bridge Club Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalists 7pm Carroll Rhythms Drum Circle 27 The Companion To Reach Us— Telephone 410-861-8820 Email [email protected] Web address Minister President Vice President Religious Services Membership Religious Education Dir. Religious Education Finance Social Justice Operations Manager Treasurer Pledge Secretary Clerk Communications Webmaster Administrative Assistant Rev. Bruce Marshall Lisa Galuardi Shirley Eatmon-Creager Becky Zimmerman Barb Bradley Bill Clarke Jennifer Harvilak Terri Ebaugh Shirley Eatmon-Creager Dean Camlin Sharon Kennedy June Clarke Zann Wasiljov OPPORTUNITY! Richard Witte Dawn Doran Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalists P.O. Box 817 2912 Club House Road Finksburg, Maryland 21048 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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