Brevard Gems Web address: NEWSLETTER FOR CENTRAL BREVARD ROCK AND GEM CLUB REMINDERS: Next regular meeting is June 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the Merritt Island Library. Board Meeting is Monday, June 1st at 7:00 p.m. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Meeting Minutes 2 Meeting Minutes Continued 3 Activity Calendar 3 Just for Kids 4 June’s Mineral 5 Open Shop Hours: Sun. 1-4 PM; Wed. 9 AM-12 PM, 1-4 PM, and 6-9 PM; and Thurs. 6-9 PM. (except on meeting nights) V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E President’s Message There will be a meeting at the Library on Thursday, June 4, at 6 pm. Since we had the picnic early this year, we are having a June meeting and will make it as social as we can. We hope everyone will please bring something lapidary to talk about: the most recent thing you made, your favorite piece, samples of what you sell, a specimen or interesting rock you found, etc., and tell us about them. Many of you don’t get to tell us what you make or do in the lapidary field and we would like to know. The Library restricts any private sales so please don’t sell anything in the Library. We will have refreshments and more door prizes than usual also. 6 The shop will be closed on July 4 and 5 for the holiday but otherwise will be open for regular open shop hours all summer. Please come to learn new things and plan to work on any of your projects. We have added four books on casting to the shop library which may be borrowed. Club books may be signed out for your use, but please return them for the use of others. Our meetings are on the first Thursday of every month at 6 pm at the Merritt Island Library on Courtenay Ave (Rt 3), Merritt Island, across the road from the Merritt Island High School. There are no meetings in July and August. At the meeting, ask Craig about faceting, ask Lucy about fused glass and beading, ask John about casting or cold connections work with copper, ask Tom about wirewrap, or ask Michele about cutting opals or wirewrap. Bill will be away J U N E 2 0 1 5 for the summer and plans to teach again in the Fall. We suggest new members start with cutting cabochons at any open shop or in a class with Mario if you let him know. If you prefer to start with metal work, talk to John about cold connections. Faceting instruction will continue at Wednesday morning open shop with Craig over the summer. Silversmithing and cabbing can be taught by supervisors at any open shop session. Please ask so they can assist you with finding materials. Remember our next meeting will be June 4, 6 pm, at the Merritt Island Library. If any member is able to travel to Alabama for the quarterly SFMS meeting on June 6 to represent our club, please let Michele know so she can appoint you as our delegate. Michele Huntington 2015 President VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE 2 Meeting Minutes CBRGC General Meeting—May 7, 2015 Michele called the meeting to order at 1800 hours at the Merritt Island Library. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of minutes for April 2, 2015 as published in the March newsletter was requested by Michelle and approved by the general membership present. 17 members were present. Treasurer’s report was submitted by Eivor Brown and filed for audit. Membership report was presented by Michelle as Sara was absent. Membership total is 100 members for 2015. (unconfirmed) Show 2016 is scheduled for February 6-7 at Kiwanis venue. Show Banner for outside venue is being researched by Roz. Workshop report: Workshop committee met May 4, 2015 at 6 PM. Craig had contacted Diamond Pacific re Genie warranty repair. Vacuum pump sold at picnic has table that goes with it still at shop. No bids were received for the Lortone saw/grinder. New shop light fixture by sink being installed by John. Lighting improvement also planned at saw corner. Table by 18” saw moved by Mario next to refrigerator to hold rolling mill. Thanks to Pete and Roz for trimming palm tree at the front door of shop. Current shop hours are Sunday 1-4, Wed. 9-12, 1-4, 6-9, and Thurs. 6-9. Assistance with cabbing, metal or silversmithing, and any other projects will be provided during open shop as possible. Class Schedule: Bill will teach Faceting 9 am -12 pm Weds mornings until May 20 and Craig will provide instruction through the summer. Michelle will teach either beginner or intermediate wirewrap on Tues evenings from 6-9 dependent upon interest. Mario and Roz will teach cabbing on Mon evenings from 6-9. John and Lucy are offering Beginning Silversmithing on Tues evenings from 6-9. Sign-up sheets are available for classes. Roz will collect a $10 fee when classes are signed up for as a deposit for the first class and to hold your place in class. Members are encouraged not to wait for a class to learn to cut cabochons, silversmithing, chain making, or fused glass. They can come into the open shop to learn and find out what materials are needed for just $5.00. Shop supervisors are still being sought. New Business: 2014 audit status is pending with Roberta. Aluminum can collection has been suspended at shop as it is no longer cost effective. Club mugs are available at the meeting for $5.00 each. Club tote bags will be available at shop for $3.00 each. No new status on cookbook. Library showcase Suntree November. Picnic/Auction was held on Saturday April 18th at KARS Park. Thanks to Cheryl and Rick for coordinating the food, Tom and Craig for grilling, Bill, Emily and Sue Grindle for both the auction or material and equipment and the silent auction, Eivor and Sue N for recording auction bids. Club made $488.00 minus $99.00 in expenses. Part of the expenses will be recovered by the soft drinks/bottled water returned to the shop after the picnic. This will amount to approx. $22.00 which makes the picnic net profit $411.00. A fun day was had by all who attended and we hope to make 2016 an even better event. Announcements: SFMS Federation website is Their newsletter is the Lodestar, which members can receive by signing up via email. There will be a SFMS Meeting in BREVARD GEMS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE Minutes Continued Melbourne in September 2015. Details will be available as received from SFMS in the coming months. William Holland School of Lapidary Arts in Ga has classes May through October – A break was taken for refreshments and Mario selected four raffle prize winners. Bill Dewey presented a DVD “Gems of America” which was informative and well received by the members present. Meeting was adjourned at 1945 hours. Activity Calendar Note: Dates for Kumihimo will be announced at the June meeting BREVARD GEMS 3 VOLUME 4, ISSUE Just For Kids BREVARD GEMS 6 PAGE 4 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE 5 June’s Mineral— Goshenite Physical Properties of Goshenite Goshenite from Russia Goshenite is the white to colorless variety of Beryl. Beryl is best known for its gem varieties Emerald and Aquamarine, as well as the lesser known Heliodor and Morganite, but the variety Goshenite is less frequently used as a gemstone being that it lacks the color appeal of the other varieties. All Goshenite gems are faceted from colorless crystals; white Goshenite is usually opaque and never used a gemstone. The name Goshenite originates from the type locality of Goshen, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts, where Goshenite was first described, but this locality has produced few specimens of interest. Since Goshenite is much more common than the other Beryl gem forms, only very clean and transparent specimens are faceted as gemstones. Goshenite is sometimes coated with a green foil and made to resemble Emerald, as its physical properties are identical to Emerald. USES: Goshenite is used as a minor colorless gemstone, though it is more often faceted for collectors rather than for mainstream jewelry. Chemical Formula Be3Al2SiO6 Crystal Structure Hexagonal Color White, Colorless Luster Vitreous Specific Gravity 2.6 - 2.8 Cleavage 3,1 - basal Mohs Hardness 7.5 - 8.0 Refractive Index 1.57 - 1.58 Transparency Transparent Double Refraction .006 Mineral Class Beryl localities, especially in Brazil, Russia, Pakistan, China, Burma (Myanmar), and Namibia. SIMILAR GEMSTONES: Goshenite is similar to the other colorless gems such as Quartz, White Topaz, White Sapphire, and White Zircon. It can also resemble Diamond, but lacks the fire and dispersion and is also much softer. TREATMENTS AND ENHANCEMENTS: Due to its relative availability and inexpensive prices, Goshenite gemstones are never treated or enhanced. SOURCES: Goshenite is found in many of the Aquamarine Information from: Goshenite from Brazil VOLUME 4, ISSUE PAGE 6 Club Purpose: The purpose of this club is to foster interest in and to promote knowledge and appreciation of minerals, gems, fossils, and the earth sciences. We also disseminate information and instruction in the lapidary arts and the utilization of precious metals in our crafts. These purposes are accomplished through regular meetings with informative programs, workshops, study groups, and field trips. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers: President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Directors: Emily Holston Roz Mestre Tom Brown Lucy Caracoglia Michele Huntington Bill Dewey Sara Fellows Cheryl Ostman Eivor Brown 2016 2016 2015 2015 (321) 799-8536 (321) 453-5594 (321) 453-6901 (321) 890-7530 (321) 635-6572 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Shop Location: 407 Imperial Blvd, Unit D Cape Canaveral, FL (Imperial is located off A1A just south of the Port) Member of Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc. - Affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies - Club Fundraising We need a Fundraising Coordinator to bring in some cash! Do you have an idea for raising money? Would you be willing to lead our efforts? Please contact Michele Huntington at [email protected] NOTE: We are no longer collecting stamps or cans. Mary MacLaughlin, Editor (321) 322-7907 [email protected] Deadline for items for September issue is August 19th. BREVARD GEMS 6 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PAGE 7
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