Y I ork nk

York , Ink .
Issue 47
Print Press Coverage
Visit us at www.yorkwall.com.
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Country Living
March 2012
Circulation 1,625,196
Wallpaper: Bird Toile AT4141 from Ashford Toiles
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
House Beautiful
March 2012
Circulation 871,000
Wallpaper featured: Architectural Panel FN3678
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Ready, Set, Color!
Say goodbye to neutrals and gray weather and look forward to warmer months.
We’re predicting bright days and bold, color-blocked fashions ahead
At Home in Arkansas
March 2012
Circulation 29,000
Wallpapers featured: Open Trellis AP7480 from Silhouettes, Long Grasses FP2664, Ogee FP2688
and FP2690, Wire Dots FP2699, Circles FP2721 and Texture FP2736 from Calypso. Stylist: Mandy
Keener; Photos: Nancy Nolan/Wallpaper courtesy of York Wallcoverings, yorkwall.com
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
At Home in Arkansas, continued
Wallpapers featured: Long Grasses FP2664, OgeeFP2690, Wire Dots FP2699 from Calypso.
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
You Say It's Your...
Birthdays are not just for kids! Why not throw a great, grown-up party on a friend's
special day—or even on your own? Raise a glass to these ideas.
Better Homes and Gardens
March 2012
Circulation 8,100,000
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Better Homes and Gardens, continued
Wallpaper Open Trellis #AP7493, Silhouettes collection—York Wallcoverings, yorkwall.com.
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
York Wallcoverings
Haute Americana blog
February 16, 2012
Readership 525,000
When it comes to decorating, I am
absolutely obsessed with wallpaper. At an
early age I fell head-over-heels in love. This
young obsession might have something to
do with the fact that both my grandma
and mom were also fixated on pasting roll
upon roll of intricate paper on their wall’s
surfaces, not to mention my mom is a
decorating junkie. I spent many an
afternoon looking over wallpaper samples
and picking out my favorite prints in the
wallpaper store located downtown. The
more fanciful and over-the-top the design,
the better. So when my mom recently told
me about Pennsylvania-made York
Wallpaper, I knew instantly I would be
For over 117 years, York Wallcoverings has
been made in the same York,
Pennsylvania, factory producing more
Stacy Garcia's Parisian Poppies for York Wallcoverings.
than 100 million feet of wallpaper a year.
With many famous admirers including the
Reagans, who decorated Camp David with
a hunting scene by the company, and the
set designers of Black Swan, who featured
a York butterfly motif in the bedroom of
Natalie Portman’s character, York
Wallcoverings remains as prevalent today
as it was in the 1800s.
Carolina from Sculptured Surfaces Collection, Ronald Redding Design
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Haute Americana blog, continued
Leone from Contempo Collection, Antonina Vella Designs
Tea House Toile from Sculptured Surfaces Collection, Ronald Redding Design
Christie’s Trellis from Vintage Jewel Collection, The Carlisle Company and Cinnibar
with Swarovski Crystals from Brocades & Damasks, Ronald Redding Designs
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Inspired by sea and sky, designers are using blue in unexpected ways
to pump up the personality in kitchens and baths.
Better Homes and Gardens
Kitchen and Bath Ideas
April 2012
Circulation 450,000
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Wall Treatments: Sculptured Surfaces:
York Wallcoverings
Sculptured Surfaces is a new wallcovering that has a hand-painted or sculpted look and feel to it,
thanks to a combination of century-old presses and actual hand-work of skilled artisans.
January 2012
Circulation 30,000
The line offers 12 designs, such as Chinoiserie-like Tea House Toile, the peacock-inspired Carolina,
and the wavy Reef. All are printed on non-woven substrates. yorkwall.com
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Tango with tangerine, the hot color of the year
Austin American Statesman
January 18, 2012
Circulation 151,520
Wallpaper: Arabella CM2402 from Dolce Vita by Antonina Vella Designs
Prepare yourselves for a spring heat wave.
Reese and Peter Som.
looking costume-y or overdone, the rest of
The 2012 fashion forecast is radiating with
Think orange is a challenging color to
the face needs to be polished."
heat from the color wheel. Pantone, the
wear? Not so, says Austin fashion stylist,
Men shouldn't shy away from orange,
design industry color trendsetter, recently
personal shopper and self-professed
either. Add a pop of color in the band of a
released its color of the year for 2012: the
orange-lover Edith Henry.
fedora, or for those a little daring, chose a
spicy and bold tangerine tango.
"Orange can be a challenging color to wear
bright polo, she said.
Perhaps Pantone chose the color as an
for some, but I honestly think anyone can
Use the color to brighten a wall, spice up
homage to our economic outlook, stating
pull it off in some way," Henry said.
your dinnerware or add a flash of orange
that tangerine tango "provides the energy
Henry suggested making a statement with
with accent pillows in the living room and
boost we need to recharge and move
accessories like "a printed scarf, jewelry or
bedroom. We've selected items with a
handbag. Or pair orange shoes with a
variety of oranges in the tangerine tango
Expect to find various shades of the
skirt, slacks or dress in a print or ‘staple'
family to inspire your search.
"spirited reddish-orange" popping up in
design showrooms, resort wear and 2012
Henry also suggested pairing neutral shoes
fashion collections.
with a tangerine tango-colored dress.
Designers and stylists across the country
Use orange lipstick or eye shadow
eagerly await Pantone trend reports,
sparingly, or pick a bronzer with a hint of
considered by many in the industry as the
orange to add warmth, she suggests. "A
standard authority for color trends.
strong colored lipstick such as tangerine
Designers using the 2012 trend report
tango calls for a neutral or almost nude
include Elie Tahari, Nanette Lapore, Tracy
eye," Henry said. "However, to avoid
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Younger Decorators Spur Wallpaper's
Retro Resurgence
Creator's Syndicate "Small
Spaces by Christine Brun"
December 2011 (ongoing)
Circulation 3,000,000+
Kitchen Utensils with Ovals from Bistro 750
Depending on where you live, wallpaper
incorporate modestly proportioned
homes. The ingenious little houses of
may or may not be popular. We tend to
Arapahoe were designed to sell for
presume that traditionalhomes in New
But these days, wallpaper is enjoying
$10,000, which was affordable in 1949 if
England, the Midwest and the South favor
something of a comeback among younger
you were a schoolteacher or a mechanic.
the use of papers more than those out
consumers, who find use of wall coverings
Some of the houses were merely 900
West. Theoretically, contemporary homes
affordable and smart. Particularly
square feet and featured sliding walls or
use fewer tiny patterns and a bolder blend
interesting is that the selections most
built-ins that maximized the limited space.
of materials, color and more texture; the
favored by the 30- to 40-year-old crowd
In Los Angeles, the Mar Vista Tract was
homes are more sculptural and less fussy.
include patterns. We haven't seen this style
developed in the late 1940s. The
Open floor plans can make the application
in fashion for about 30 years, and because
1,060-square-foot, flat-roofed houses used
of decorative pattern considerably more
I've been around so long, I'm amused by
accordion-style folding walls to allow
difficult because of the blurred start- and
the fact that these retro styles are cycling
homeowners to reconfigure their space.
stop-points. We see bungalow homes all
The homes also offered kitchens that
over the nation that, despite minor
Mid-century ranch-style homes are wildly
opened onto the living room, which at the
regional differences, uniformly feature
appealing to 40-somethings, and these
time was an innovation.
smaller, well-defined rooms such as a
houses traditionally ranged between 1,000
And what more perfect application for
butler's pantry, dining room, back porch,
and 1,400 square feet. Arapahoe Acres in
wallpaper than the exposed wall of a tiny
living room and bedrooms. Cottages and
Englewood, Colo., south of Denver, is a
kitchen? In addition to being much more
the classic Spanish Revival home also
designated historic district of 124 such
cost-effective than a wall of polished
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Creator's Syndicate, continued
granite or glass tile, the pop of color and
Investigate the installation charge and
market resurgence is an instant color
pattern is uplifting.
realize that installers charge by the roll. If
scheme. One can easily follow the colors
Pictured is "Kitchen Utensils with Ovals"
you are handy, even better! You can hang
provided in a wallpaper and further
from York Wallcoverings; the pattern is
the paper yourself.
develop the combination of colors in
printed on harvested renewable stock in
Another desirable feature of textured wall
adjoining rooms. For example, if you focus
vibrant teal, salmon and a sharp lime on a
covering is that it can camouflage
on the teal and coral color for upholstery
white ground.
imperfections in a wall surface. If this is
fabric in a neighboring living room, you
your strategy, seek out textured vinyl
suddenly have a designer-born color
One thing to note: If wall covering is to be
paper or one of the products made from
scheme to follow in window treatments,
used behind or near a cooking surface, it
recycled materials, such as ladies nylons or
seating and accessories.
must be washable. Look for cotton-backed
newsprint, which can easily conceal bumps
Christine Brun, ASID, is a San Diego-
vinyl that has surface texture. You can
on your wall. Yes, there's a wallpaper
based interior designer and the author of
clean these with warm, soapy water, which
product made with 70 percent newspaper
"Small Space Living." Send questions and
makes for a practical surface near the
strips and 30 percent nylon and then
comments to her by email at
range or cook top.
hand-woven on a loom and backed with
[email protected]. To find out
At just $42.99 per single roll, the idea of
more about Christine Brun and read
an accent paper might pencil out under
One more positive delivered by the
features by other Creators Syndicate
$100 for a single wall in a kitchen.
colorful patterns currently enjoying
writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators
Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Overhead and Under-Played, Ceilings
Are Worth Looking up to
Creator's Syndicate "Decor
Score" national column
Winter 2012
Circulation 3,000,000+
Patterns shown: Crowning Shield RD3594 and Wilshire RD3532
from RRD Sculptured Surfaces.
Q: I just returned from my first-ever trip
believed in decorative overheads.
white boxes in pursuit of their mantra that
"less is more."
abroad, where I was really struck by how
much attention the Old World paid to
A proper Victorian house might have as
ceilings! My husband laughed at me
many as three different wallpaper patterns
When less eventually became a bore, we
because I practically came home with a
on the ceilings of the important up-front
first discovered the country look, then
crick in my neck from staring up so much.
rooms: a wide border around the edges, a
cottage style, and then retro Victoriana, all
Not that I want cherubs and goddesses
white-on-white pattern overall, and a
of which revived our taste for pattern,
over my head, but can't we have more than
center medallion where the chandelier was
pattern – and color! – everywhere,
plain white ceilings in our houses today? :
including the ceiling. Designers have
always loved wallpaper designs on ceilings,
For centuries, ceilings were revered as a
fifth wall and received as much attention
Blame the International School of
especially geometrics like trellises,
as the other four. Right up to the turn of
Architecture for stripping away excess
openwork checks, even stripes that give a
the 20th century, in fact, Americans
decoration and reducing rooms to plain
room life and lift. Ditto for metallics, such
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Creator's Syndicate, continued
as silver, gold and copper leaf, and overall
point. And it should complement the
This time, Pantone is calling it tangerine,
patterns like the elegant little scrollwork
color and pattern on the surrounding
"Tangerine Tango" to be exact which
on the ceiling we show here ("Crowning
Leatrice describes as "a spirited reddish
orange." In her colorful words, Tangerine
Shield" from the "Sculptured Surfaces"
collection by Ronald Redding Designs,
Best way to insure this is to choose
Tango (aka Pantone 17-1463) "marries the
patterns that already coordinate and are
vivaciousness and adrenaline rush of red
planned out by the wallpaper designer.
with the friendliness and warmth of
Dancing across a pearl beige background,
With a talent such as Ron Redding
the silver design reflects the light and
orchestrating the design mix, you simply
radiates its glow over the room, abetted by
can't make a mistake.
of last year, "Honeysuckle," which
its coordinating pattern ("Wiltshire") on
the walls. But a few words of caution
Sounds like a lot more fun than the color
Q: Orange you glad to learn this?
"encouraged us to face everyday troubles
with verve and vigor."
about wallpapering a ceiling are in order
before you try it at home. Choose your
A: Just when we thought it was safe to
ceiling carefully. The higher, the better: A
move on past the color orange we've been
Rose Bennett Gilbert is the co-author of
strong pattern overhead makes a room feel
living with, here comes Leatrice Eiseman,
"Manhattan Style" and six other books on
smaller. Also, choose your wallpaper
executive director of the Pantone Color
interior design. pattern carefully: It should be non-
Institute, with its new "Color of the Year
directional so it doesn't end up looking up
for 2012:" orange all over again but with a
upside-down down from any vantage
bit of a twist.
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Hotel Business Design
January/February 2012
Circulation 70,000
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Wall Art coffee-table book
(Dopress Publishing, China)
Flourish WD2912, Meadow WD2950 and Tendril WD2940 from Walt Disney Signature
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Wall Art, continued
Talisman AE2980 and Sumatra AE2982 from Ronald Redding Designs Masters Anniversary Edition
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Wall Art, continued
Fern GC0718 and Velvet Paisley GS4713 from Stacy Garcia Luxury Wallpapers
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Wall Art, continued
Drama Queen GC0873 and Nightclub GS4821 from Stacy Garcia Luxury Wallpapers
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Wall Art, continued
Guinevere RV9654 and Montague RV9661 from Ronald Redding Designs Medley
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Walt Disney Signature Debuts Sequel
Wallpaper Collection
When the designers at York Wallcoverings began creating a second wallpaper collection for
Your Decorating Resource
February 2012
Audience 1,200
Walt Disney Signature, they were given the keys to the kingdom: access to thousands of
images from Disney classic films.
While they borrowed stylistic elements from those movies’ most magical moments, the
designers were shooting for something resonant and, at the same time, more abstract:
enchanting wallpapers as the backdrop to our life stories.
Here are four stunning examples of the wallcoverings in the collection, inspired by the
Disney artwork from Walt Disney classic films. (Also, click here to enjoy a short video
describing the collection.)
Inspiration: Mickey Mouse
The first animated short to successfully use synchronized sound, "Steamboat Willie" (1928)
made Mickey Mouse an overnight star. Mickey’s public debut set the stage for Disney’s
storytelling and artistic influence to flourish for almost a century, with no end in sight.
This bold, Mickey-ear pattern is printed on gold or silver Mylar and is a testament to the
innovation and imagination that Mickey—and Disney—have come to signify.
Wallpaper: Debut from Walt Disney Signature
Featured: Charcoal & Fog on Silver Mylar (WS8002) from Walt Disney Signature Inspired
By Classic Films, $89.99 per single roll. Also available in Beige & White on Silver Mylar
(WS8000); Cream & Beige on Silver Mylar (WS8001); Red on Gold Mylar (WS8003); and
Black on Gold Mylar (WS8004).
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Your Decorating Resource, continued
Inspiration: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1937) was the first full-length cel-animated feature in
motion picture history. Inspired by the film’s opening scene, this design uses glass beading
to add shimmer and dimension. The subtle bird shapes represent the beautifully animated
white doves that surround the innocent princess at the wishing well.
Featured: Glass Beads on Grey Blue (WS8008) from Walt Disney Signature Inspired By
Classic Films, $139.99 per single roll. Also available in Glass Beads on Cream (WS8009);
Golden Glitter & Glass Beads on Silver (WS8010); and Golden Glitter & Glass Beads on
Cream (WS8011).
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Your Decorating Resource, continued
Inspiration: "Bambi"
"Bambi" (1942) was a true challenge for Disney animators to depict a realistic natural
world. Innovations like the multi-plan camera helped create the depth necessary to perfect
the look of Bambi’s forest. This design is inspired by that success, with glass beads adding
dimension and the realistic sparkle of falling snow as it adorns the branches of wind-blown
Featured: Winterscape with Glass Beads on Teal (WS8032) from Walt Disney Signature
Inspired By Classic Films, $139.99 per single roll. Also available with Glass Beads on
Cream (WS8033); Glass Beads on Gold (WS8034); Glass Beads on Glint (WS8035).
Continued on next page
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Your Decorating Resource, continued
Inspiration: "Cinderella"
The box office success of "Cinderella" (1950) allowed Disney to produce more films
throughout the 1950s. In a dramatic scene from the film, the enchanted coach delivers
Cinderella to the ball. The stunning carriage lends its swirling lines and gentle symmetry
to this elegant design.
Flutter, Winterscape and Enchanting from Walt Disney Signature
Featured: Enchanting in Gold on Clay (WS8040) from Walt Disney Signature Inspired By
Classic Films, $69.99 per single roll. Also available in Ash on Dusty Plum (WS8042);
Chalk on Silver (WS8041); Beige on Golden Wheat (WS8043); and Gold on Carbon
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
The Look of Love
Your Decorating Resource
February 2012
Audience 1,200
Close-up of "Smooches" from York
Wallcoverings, described below.
Here are Smooches in Pink & Red with
Gold Glitter on White (RB4249) from
Risky Business II by York Wallcoverings,
$64.99 per single roll. Also available in
Pink & Red with Glitter on Glint
(RB4248), $64.99; Pink & Red with
Glitter on Silver Mylar (RB4327); and
Pink & Red with Glitter on Gold Mylar
(RB4328), $79.99 per single roll.
Here are Smooches in Pink & Red with Gold Glitter on White (RB4249)
from Risky Business II by York Wallcoverings, $64.99 per single roll. Also
available in Pink & Red with Glitter on Glint (RB4248), $64.99; Pink & Red
with Glitter on Silver Mylar (RB4327); and Pink & Red with Glitter on Gold
Mylar (RB4328), $79.99 per single roll.
During the month of February, we all live
in a heart-shaped world. A heart can sneak
up on you in a pretty pillow or persuade
you to perch on a seat at the bar. But it
needn't be a holiday to surround yourself
in the look of love. Passionate palettes,
roses by the dozen and abundant kisses are
always and forever.
Selections from York Wallcoverings,
Chella Textiles, Maitland-Smith and
Pearson are featured.
Images and text courtesy of Anne Martin
Marketing Communications
Bloom in Cream & White (DE8871) from
Candice Olson Shimmering Details, $69.99
per single roll. From York Wallcoverings.
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Martha Stewart beautifies home office
Leave it to Martha Stewart to make sorting
The class will be held 10 a.m.-noon on
through piles of papers seem appealing.
Feb. 25 at the Chanhassen Recreation
She has teamed with Avery, the label and
Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd. The cost is
paper products company, to create a
$25. To register, call 651-643-3601.
collection of office and organization aids.
And because they're from Martha, you
Disney for grownups
know they look good and have lots of
If you haven't outgrown your love for
lovely details in pretty colors.
Mickey Mouse -- but you're too old to have
cartoon characters all over your walls,
Martha Stewart Home Office, which rolls
here's an alternative. York Wallcoverings
out this month exclusively at Staples
has released a line of Disney-inspired
stores, has more than 300 items designed
wallpaper that borrows stylistic elements
to keep your office, purse, kitchen and file
from classic Disney movies and characters,
cabinets organized, efficient and stylish.
then interprets them in an abstract way
-- suitable for big boy/big girl interiors.
The home office line is divided by
organization tasks, including tax time,
So instead of a literal rendering of
portable filing, desk organization and
Cinderella's pumpkin coach, for example,
meal planning. There are plenty of filing
you get a pattern of swirling lines that
options and an assortment of notebooks,
evokes the spirit of the enchanted,
journals and papers. And when it comes
animated carriage in a subtle, elegant way.
to labels, no shape, color or purpose has
been overlooked.
The Walt Disney Signature Wallpaper
collection features designs inspired by
Find the complete collection, with items
"Steamboat Willie," "Snow White and the
selling from $2.99 to $19.99, at Staples
Seven Dwarfs," "Cinderella," "Bambi" and
stores or at www.staples.com
"Alice in Wonderland." Some of the
papers are embedded with glass beading,
to add magical shimmer and sparkle. To
Kitchen gardens 101
see the collection, visit www.yorkwall.com.
Want to grow more veggies and herbs? The
It's sold locally at Hirshfield's.
Minnesota State Horticultural Society is
offering a class on "Kitchen, Small Space
and Container Gardens."
The class will cover everything from
starting a new garden to increasing yields.
Participants will plan, design and choose
seeds and plants for their garden, plus get
tips on tending plants and planting second
crops. The instructor will be Marty
Bergland, a Wright County master
gardener, owner of Heirloom House-MN
and co-owner of Grow-Harvest-Eat.
Minneapolis Star-Tribune
February 11, 2011
Circulation 295,438
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Pantone color authority names 'Tangerine
Tango' 2012 Color of the Year
If you enjoy bright, happy colors in your
Along with wallpaper and textiles, expect
Neither Pantone nor any other color
home and on your body, you will be happy
to see versions of this energetic, radiant
forecaster expects people to go crazy with
to hear that the Pantone has named
color pop up in everything from kitchen
the color, repainting their whole interior
Tangerine Tango the 2012 color of the
and bath decor to floor coverings and
or filling their closets with head-to-toe
window treatments, area rugs, wall art and
Instead, people who will embrace orange
"It's got us fired up," says Anne Martin,
whose company, Anne Martin Marketing
Dawn Cook of Dawn Cook Design in
-- and not everyone will -- might tune in to
Communications, represents York
Shaker Heights says, unlike other Pantone
the trend by painting one wall in a shade
Wallcoverings (yorkwall.com) and Chella
picks of the past, she is happy to see that
of orange that complements their other
Textiles (chellatextiles.com).
orange will be coming on strong in 2012.
walls, update a room with a new throw
rug, or accent a brown couch with an
orange throw.
"Wallpapers and textiles splashed in tangy
"I really feel like it's a worldly color," she
orange hues add vitality to a room, and
says. "It's getting us out of our box and
stay in step with primary colors and
taking cues from color schemes that are
"That color [orange] looks amazing with
modern shades of blue," says Cook.
Pantone is considered the world's
Tangerine Tango and similar potent
authority on color. Its recommendations
orange shades are poised to be a mood
and guides for selecting and matching
elevator for a country that's worn down
Expect to see up-to-the-minute, fashion-
colors influence designers of interiors,
from the recession and where we've been
and homes-forward stores such as Crate &
clothes and home furnishings.
for a couple of years, she adds.
Barrel and Anthropologie go all out with
"You've got to combine it with the right
this hot color, Cook adds.
Cleveland Plain Dealer
January 11, 2012
Circulation 271,118
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17405-5166
Tel: 717-846-4456
Cleveland Plain Dealer, continued
But orange is merely a directional
Sherwin-Williams' blue palette ranges
Spice, Lambswool, Gettysburg and
suggestion, not a dictate.
from dark indigo to blues with violet
undertone, to shimmery shades.
The Echo colors are meant to be
"In home needs such as paint, a little gray
might be added to it to make it more
As for greens, this eclectic palette focuses
reminiscent of a traditional American
consumer-friendly and less shocking,"
on greens that are lush, such as leafy
childhood. The colors are Our Classic,
Cook says.
motifs, rustic natural textures and organic
Pale Cornelian, Montana Sky, Basic
elements along the lines of algae, moss and
Brown, Cirrus and Frog Belly.
Orange is only one of the directional
seaweed. The neutrals this palette is
colors, and color collections, that interior
influenced by raw materials. Picture a
And finally, the Expressive palette
designers and homeowners can look
field of grain, pile of pebbles, weathered
celebrates self-expression with bold,
forward to this year, to add a fresh face to
wood and earthen clay, says Jordan.
vibrant shades. They include Buttery,
dwellings and even office spaces.
Neutrals also warmed up with gold tones
Cerise Delight, Velvet Night, Eucalyptus
Sherwin-Williams and Pratt & Lambert,
and soft metallics.
Leaf, Burnished Bold, Amethyst Phlox
and Twilight Chimes.
both based in Cleveland, have released
their color forecasts, and they're also
Pratt & Lambert groups its directional
enthusiastic about bright shades, tempered
colors and color combinations into five
AkzoNobel is the world's largest paint and
with earth tones, blues and barely there
coatings manufacturer. Its North
American headquarters is in Strongsville.
The Essence palette includes ethereal
AkzoNobel's portfolio includes Dulux,
Dutch Boy, also based in Cleveland, will
shades accented by rich earth tones.
Glidden and other well-known brands.
weigh in come March. Sherwin-Williams
Colors include Sparkling Wine, Siam
The company conducts color-trends
focuses on 40 hues that fall into four color
Blue, Woodland Snow, Hearthstone,
research that's translated into color
families: Reds, Blues, Greens and
Finesse, Lucina and Black Plum.
palettes worldwide. It recently released
International Colour Trends 2012.
Neutrals. As for red, the company believes
in gradations of fuchsias, red-oranges,
The Instinctive group includes
violets and delicate pinks.
unprocessed, raw colors, including Caf
Its dominant color trend for 2012 is
Cubano, Dark Teal, Leaf Sprout, Peridot,
Appreciation, with five related trends
Dusty Mink and Garnet.
stemming from the idea. It, too, foresee
"Red has a renewed dominance," says
lots of variations of lively shades of orange,
Jackie Jordan, director of color marketing
for Sherwin-Williams. "But the old taboos
Enough is the palette that covers clean,
environment-inspired greens and neutrals,
about mixing reds with oranges and
basic colors that the company says lend a
and soothing blues. To see the colors that
purples don't apply. Our red palette is as
feeling of simplicity as an antidote to our
fall under Appreciation and ways to
bold and free-spirited as the color itself."
immersion in technology. The palette
combine the shades, go to colourfutures.
features Corsican, Half-Tone, Orange