The Yarn Allegoro Ribbed Tee designed by Amy McElwain

Allegoro Ribbed Tee
designed by Amy McElwain
The Yarn
70% Cotton, 30% Linen
Allegoro, part of the Verde
Collection, is a blend of organically
grown cotton and linen. In keeping
with its mostly earth-friendly fiber
content, Allegoro is dyed using
GOTS certified non-toxic dyes. These
dyes yield beautiful soft colors, the
kind of colors that are easy to wear
and you’ll never tire of.
The Pattern
A very close fitting, easy to knit tee.
Skill Level: Intermediate
XS (S, M, L, XL, 2XL)
Shown in size S.
Bust: 30¾ (34¾, 38¾, 41¼, 45¼, 49¼)",
to fit 31 (35, 39, 41, 45, 49)" bust.
Note on sizing: The 2 x 2 Rib is very
stretchy and each size will fit a range
of bust sizes. If you are in doubt pick
a larger size or use the back neck
measurement as a guide.
Allegoro by Classic Elite Yarns,
Verde Collection
(70% organic cotton, 30% linen; 50g
= approx 152 yards)
5 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) balls 5650 Cerignola
Circular knitting needles (24" or 32")
and (16") in size US 4 (3.5 mm) or size
to obtain gauge
Double pointed needles (dpns) in
size US 4 (3.5 mm)
Stitch markers
24 sts and 30 rows = 4" in 2 x 2 Rib, blocked; 32 sts and 30 rows in 2 x 2 Rib,
unblocked. Take time to save time, check your gauge.
Note on needle size: I used a needle size smaller than suggested for this yarn
because it produced a nicer fabric. Please wash and block your swatch
before measuring.
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Circular 2 x 2 Rib (multiple of 4 sts): All rnds: *K1, p2, k1, rep from * around.
1. Row gauge is important for this
2. Body and sleeves are worked
separately in the round to the
armhole shaping. Then sleeves
and body are joined and the
yoke is worked in the round to the
neck shaping; then the yoke is
worked back and forth in rows to
beg: begin(ning)
BO: bind off
BOR: beginning of round
CO: cast on
cont: continue
dec(‘d): decrease(d)
EOR: every other rnd/row
est: establish(ed)
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together (1
st dec’d)
LH: left hand
meas: measure(s)
p: purl
p2tog: purl 2 sts together (1 st
pc: piece
pm: place marker
rem: remaining
rep: repeat
RH: right hand
rnd(s): round(s)
RS: right side
ssk: (slip, slip, knit) slip 2 sts, 1 at
a time, knitwise to the RH needle;
return sts to LH needle in turned
position and knit them together
through the back loops (1 st
ssp: (slip, slip, purl) slip 2 sts, 1
at a time, knitwise, to the RH
needle; return sts to LH needle
in turned position and purl them
together through the back loops
(1 st dec’d)
st(s): stitch(es)
WS: wrong side
Straight 2 x 2 Rib (multiple of 4 sts):
Row 1 (RS): *K1, p2, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 2 (WS): *P1, k2, p1; rep from * to end.
Rep rows 1-2 for 2 x 2 Rib.
Circular Reverse Stockinette Stitch (Rev St st): Purl all sts, every rnd.
Straight Reverse Stockinette Stitch (Rev St st): Purl on RS, knit on WS.
Circular Garter Stitch (Gtr St):
Rnd 1: Purl.
Rnd 2: Knit.
Rep rnds 1-2 for Gtr St.
With longer circular needle, CO 184 (208, 232, 248, 272, 296) sts. Join to work in
the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Pm for BOR and work in 2 x 2 Rib for 15".
Divide for Armholes: Work 86 (98, 110, 118, 126, 134) sts, BO 12 (12, 12, 12, 20,
28) sts, work 80 (92, 104, 112, 116, 120) sts, BO 12 (12, 12, 12, 20, 28) sts—[6 (6,
6, 6, 10, 14) sts at end of rnd and 6 (6, 6, 6, 10, 14) sts from beg of next rnd];
80 (92, 104, 112, 116, 120) sts rem each front and back. Slip sts to st holders or
waste yarn. Do NOT break yarn; set aside.
With dpns, CO 72 (76, 80, 84, 92, 100) sts. Divide sts evenly over needles, pm and
join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Work in 2 x 2 Rib for 1¾".
Divide for Armholes: BO 6 (6, 6, 6, 10, 14) sts, work to last 6 (6, 6, 6, 10, 14) sts,
BO 6 (6, 6, 6, 10, 14) sts—60 (64, 68, 72, 72, 72) rem. Slip sts to st holder or waste
yarn. Break yarn and set aside.
Joining Rnd: With longer circular needle, RS facing and yarn attached to
body, beg with front, work 80 (92, 104, 112, 116, 120) sts in est rib, pm, work 60
(64, 68, 72, 72, 72) sts from sleeve in est rib, pm, work 80 (92, 104, 112, 116, 120)
sts from back in est rib, pm, work 60 (64, 68, 72, 72, 72) sts from sleeve in est rib,
pm for new BOR—280 (312, 344, 368, 376, 384) sts. Next rnd: Work even as est.
Shape Raglan, Dec row (RS): [P1, k1, ssk, work to 4 sts before marker, k2tog, k1,
p1, slip marker] 4 times, work to end as est—8 sts dec’d.
(Note: Read the following instructions carefully before beg; front and back
neck shaping beg before raglan shaping is completed.)
Rep raglan dec row EOR 25 (26, 28, 29, 29, 29) more times, and at the same
time when armhole meas 3 (3, 3¼, 3½, 3¾, 4)" end after a work even row. Pm
each side of front center 16 (20, 24, 24, 28, 28) sts.
Shape Front Neck: Work to marker, BO front center 16 (20, 24, 24, 28, 28) sts and
work to end. Working back and forth in rows dec at each neck edge as follows:
Front Neck Dec row (WS): P2, p2tog, work to last 4 sts, ssp, p2—2 sts dec’d.
Front Neck Dec row (RS): K2, ssk, work as est to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2—2 sts dec’d.
Rep these 2 rows twice more then work neck dec row on RS rows only 0 (3, 5,
7, 7, 9) more times.
Allegoro Ribbed Tee • Amy McElwain • page 2 of 3
At the same time when armhole meas 5 (5, 5½, 6, 6, 6)", end after a WS row.
Pm each side of back center 24 (30, 32, 32, 34, 34) sts.
Shape Back Neck (RS): Work to marker, join second ball of yarn and BO back
center 24 (30, 32, 32, 34, 34) sts, work to end. Working both sides at the same time
with separate balls of yarn, work neck dec rows at each neck edge every row for
0 (2, 5, 6, 6, 6) rows then every RS row 0 (0, 0, 2, 5, 7) more times as follows:
Back Neck Dec row (WS): First side: Work to last 4 sts, ssp, p2; Second side: P2,
p2 tog, work to end—1 st dec’d each side.
Back Neck Dec row (RS): First side: Work to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2; Second side:
K2, ssk, work to end—1 st dec’d each side.
Cont with raglan decreases, end after a WS row—20 (24, 24, 30, 26, 26) sts rem.
BO all sts knitwise.
Sew underarm seams.
Neckband: With 16" circular needle and RS facing, beg at neck edge of left
back, pick up and knit 1 st for every bound off st and 3 sts for every 4 rows
around neck opening. There will be sharp corners where the neckline and top
of the sleeve meet; pick up the sts to smooth out this corner—i.e. you will pick
up sts at least 1 st or more in from where you normally would. Join to work in
the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Pm for BOR and work 4 rnds in Gtr St. BO
all sts knitwise. Block pc to measurements.
12 (123⁄4, 131⁄4, 10, 151⁄4, 163⁄4)"
⁄4 ,
(4 1
(5 3
⁄4 ,
Ribbed Tee
Body, Sleeves
and Yoke
71⁄4 (71⁄2, 8, 81⁄4, 81⁄4, 81⁄4)"
⁄4 ,
⁄4 )
My inspiration for this tee shirt was really function over form. I wanted
(needed) a top that would go with everything. The color I chose is even
a neutral for me – almost all of my tops are a shade of pink or purple.
Usually my (knitting) true love is lace and I seem to have an obsession
with leaves. However every once in a while I like to take a break from all
of that and knit something a little more simple.
For this tee I chose a 2 x 2 rib mostly because I love knitting it, but
also because it adds texture without bulk and, more importantly, its
stretchiness eliminates the need for waist shaping. This is a body-hugging
top that doesn’t require much thinking to achieve. It is super comfortable
as well, it almost feels like you are wearing nothing at all!
I love knitting with cotton and I love linen tops but do not love knitting
with 100% linen. Allegoro yarn is a perfect blend – it has the wonderful
drape and washability of linen but it has the feel of cotton when knitting.
Amy McElwain
303⁄4 (343⁄4, 383⁄4, 411⁄4, 451⁄4, 491⁄4)"
© 2011 Amy McElwain and Classic Elite Yarns
122 Western Avenue • Lowell, MA 01851
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This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of this
garment is prohibited unless specifically licensed in writing by copyright owner.
For more information about this design, visit