May 17, 2015 - Catalina Foothills Church

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May 17, 2015
Second Service
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome Dr. Steven Ingino
Today we welcome to the pulpit Dr.
Steven Ingino. Pastor Steve is the candidate for senior pastor selected by
the Pastor Search Committee. Copies
of his resume’ are available at the Welcome Desk.
Congregational Meeting
Call to Worship
Hosanna (Praise is Rising).................................................Baloche/Brown
TODAY after the 11:00 service there
will be a congregational vote to elect
Pastor Steve Ingino as our senior Pastor. Members are encouraged to attend. Thank you for your continued
prayers for the search committee, the
CFC body, and for Pastor Steve Ingino.
Opening Prayer
Women in the Church
Summer Bible Study begins Tuesday,
June 2nd from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Our
study is Lord, I Want to Know You, DVD
lectures by Kay Arthur. Childcare
is provided for NB to 12 years.
Registration includes both women
and children and begins on Sunday,
May 17th. You may also register on
Tuesdays and at MOPS. The book is
$10.00. Volunteer needed to prepare
coffee. Contact Susan at 269-1866 or
[email protected].
Praise Set
Whom Shall I Fear..........................................................Tomlin/Cash/Cash
Forever Reign........................................................................................Ingram
Pastoral Prayer
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Your Love is Strong............................................................................Foreman
Sermon..........................................................................Pastor Steve Ingino
“Don’t Worry”
Matthew 6:25-34
Everest VBS July 6th-10th, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Join us on an expedition that your kids will never forget!
Ages 3 to 4th grade are invited on this adventure.
Cost is $35 for the first child, $25 for each additional child.
Sign up today outside the Nursery!
Questions, contact Anna at [email protected]
This Wednesday, May 20th, will be the
last meeting of the knit/crochet group
until September. Please bring all
finished shawls so that we will have an
adequate inventory to get us through
the summer months. A special thank
you to each and every one that has
contributed their time and beautiful
work to the ministry. You have blessed
many who have received these shawls.
Watch for an announcement this fall
for our start up meeting.
Christian Life Group Leaders
Be a part of a class designed to help
you develop a discipling ministry. Our
time together will include meaningful
discussions and help in answering
questions. Everyone who is or has
thought about becoming a leader is
invited to join us. The first meeting is
on Sunday, May 17th during the 11:00
service in the CCA Library. We will
meet for 4 weeks. For any questions or
to RSVP contact Kara Gilbert at kara@
Short Term Mission Trip
The team that is heading to Honduras to
help Mike & Erin Pettengill from August
15th-22nd is not quite full, so if you have
questions or a desire to participate on
this trip, please contact Jess Lambe at
God uses stories to communicate truth
in ways our brains can easily grasp. C.S.
Lewis understood this concept well
and designed the Chronicles of Narnia
series with metaphors that explain
the Christian life in clear and simple
ways. Join the Homebuilders class as
we study how we can use “Narnia”
and other Christian stories to teach
ourselves and those around us about
what it means to truly walk in the
Kingdom. Homebuilders is a friendly,
from junior high to parents and
grandparents. Please join us Sundays at
11:00 a.m. in CR 2 on the CCA campus.
The Foundation
The Foundation is a ministry for
couples who want to invest in building,
nurturing, and growing a biblical
marriage that will honor one another
and glorify God. All couples are welcome
- engaged, recently married, with kids,
or without kids. We meet on Sundays
at 9:00 a.m. in CR 1 on the Cornerstone
campus. Questions? Contact Todd and
Jenna Henninger at jennahenninger@
Next Reason Why Class (6/14)
Every original biblical text is lost! So,
now what? The foundations of our
faith depend on a text that adequately
reflects what the original author wrote.
On June 14th at 9 a.m. , we’ll explore how
a Christian can respond to questions
about transmission, copying, and
translations through the centuries. The
defending your faith Reason Why class
answers challenges and gives reasons
for the Christian worldview every 2nd
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Job Opportunities
The following part-time positions are
available at Cornerstone for the 20152016 school year: Physical Education
Afternoons, Teacher Aides. To submit
applications, please go online to: www. or contact [email protected].
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Mark Roessler
Pastor, x-108
Rev. Winston Maddox
Executive Pastor, x-107
Rev. Allen Cooney
Associate Pastor, x-105
Ministries Staff
Debbie Graves
Director, Women’s Ministry, x-129
Steve Johnson
Director, Family Ministries, x-126
Tyler Ells
Director, High School Ministry
Trever Cook
Director, Middle School Ministry
Keegan Krell
Director, Family Worship & Vision
Kerry Graham
Director, Communications/Media
Allen Cooney
CFCS Headmaster
Principal: PRCA High School
David Towne
Principal: PRCA Middle School
Jeff Jones
Principal: CCA
Administrative Staff
Donita Van Stelle, Office Mgr, x-103
Kathy Somerville, Pastor Mark’s Asst., x-109
Kristina Graham, Staff Accountant, x-152
Kara Gilbert, Admin. Asst., x-123
Vivi Adams, Office Asst., x-110
Lesley Sasse, Family Admin. Asst., x-136
Scott Farris, Sound Tech, x-117
Steve Booth, Facility Coordinator, x-102
Cara Cone, Nursery Coordinator, x-122
Anna Johnson, Children’s Coordinator, x-135
Bob Davis ‘16
Don DeWoody ‘15
Paavo Ensio ‘16
Walter Hoge ‘15
Jerry Kindall ‘15
Jess Lambe ‘16
Bob McWard ‘15
David Mehl ‘16
Bob Reilly ‘15
Tony Smith ‘15
Dennis Spencer ‘15
Jim Stark ‘15
Todd Vanden Branden ‘15
Stuart Carey, Jr. ‘ 15
Dave Dent ‘15
Mike Gibbons ‘15
Bill Gutman ‘15
Warren Hatcher ‘17
Todd Henninger ‘16
Next week in the life of our church:
Morning Prayer Mtg, Conf Rm
Worship Service, Sanctuary
Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School
Kid’s J.A.M. - 405/407
SAF - CCA Library
Catechism Club - 406/408
5th & 6th Grade Gathering, 402/404
9th-12th Grade Fellowship, Youth Room
Worship Service, Sanctuary
Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School
Children’s SS - CCA Campus
The Valiant Bereans, 406/408
The Foundation, CR 1
HomeBuilders Sunday School, CR 2
Christian Life Grp Leadership Trng, CCA Library
Memorial Service for Baby Santiago Garcia
Boy Scouts, 405/407
Sunday, May 17
Monday, May 18
Tuesday, May 19
9:00am WIC Bible Studies, Sanctuary; Youth Room
1:30pm Staff Mtg, Conf Rm
5:30pm CCA 5th Grade Celebration, Sanctuary
Wednesday, May 20
Jason Clapero
This week in the life of our church:
Ron Hutchings ‘16
Jack Johnson ‘16
Jeff Jones ‘17
Jim Jones ‘17
Kent Laughbaum ‘17
Curtiss Leroy ‘16
Michael Lucht ‘15
Scott Montague ‘17
Danny Morgan ‘15
Elmer Olinger ‘17
Dennis Peceniak ‘15
Scott Polston ‘17
Doug Roper ‘15
Mike Slowey ‘15
Dray Sterling ‘15
Rich Tofel ‘17
Michael Treiberg ‘16
Jim Vincent ‘15
Jerry Walker ‘15
Ottmar Wischki ‘17
Attendance on Campus
9:00am - 378
11:00am - 413
General Fund Giving
Last Week:
Weekly Budget:
YTD Budget:
YTD Actual:
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Fireside Room
CCA 6th Grade Promotion, Sanctuary
CCA Kindergarten Celebration, Sanctuary
CCA Soli Deo Gloria , Sanctuary
PRCA 8th Grade Promotion, Sanctuary
Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Sunday, May 24
Morning Prayer Mtg, Conf Rm
Worship Service, Sanctuary
Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School
Children’s SS
SAF - CCA Library
The Foundation, CR 1
HomeBuilders Sunday School, CR 2
5th & 6th Grade Gathering, 402/404
9th-12th Grade Fellowship, Youth Room
Worship Service, Sanctuary
Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School
Catalina Kids
The Valiant Bereans, 406/408
Christian Life Grp Leadership Trng, CCA Library
Monday, May 25
Memorial Day - Office closed
7:00pm Boy Scouts, 405/407
Tuesday, May 26
9:00am WIC Bible Studies, Sanctuary; Youth Room
1:30pm Staff Mtg, Conf Rm
7:00pm Deacon’s Meeting, 406/408
Thursday, May 28
Memorial Service for Bob Reese
Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Thursday, May 21
Friday, May 22
11:00am Memorial Service for Lois Wallace
7:00pm PRCA High School Graduation, Off Campus
Save the Date
Costa Rica Trip - May 30-June 6
Summer Camp - June 7-12
Primetimers Ice Cream Social - June 27
VBS - July 6-10