Inside CFC Bulletin 032215

Reverend Delton G. Stimson, Jr.
140 Pudding Hill Rd., P.O. Box 344, Scotland, CT 06264
Email Address: [email protected]
Order of 8:30 Service:
Hymn #187 "At Calvary"
Choir "We Believe"
Hymn #308 "Love Lifted Me"
Special Music: Laura Boyden
Creation Story
Special Music: Ryan Savage
Hymn #170 "Now I Belong to Jesus"
Order of 10:00 Service:
Band "This is Our Time"
Band "Lay Me Down"
Band "The Stand"
Hymn #187 "At Calvary"
Special Music: Laura Boyden
Creation Story
Special Music: Ryan Savage
Hymn #308 "Love Lifted Me"
TONIGHT......................................................Teen Service @6:00
March 29 ........................................................Senior Bake Sale
April 3-5 ..................................................Easter Cantata @7:00
April 17-18 .............................................Women's Conference
May 10 ...............................................Baby Bottle Drive Begins
May 30 ...................................................................Walk For Life
Sunday Schedule:
Prayer Meeting: 7:30-8:30 am, Room 6
Sunday School - 10:00 am-11:00 pm Children: ages 3 years through grade 12
Adults: Chapel - Ladies: Basement Room #3
Junior Choir Practice: 11:10 am in the Chapel
TEEN Service: 6:00 pm
Women's Bible Study-CFC Room 3, 4-5 pm, Sue Gosselin 860-208-7532
Young Adult Bible Study - CFC Annex Basement 6:30 pm,
Doug O'Connor 860-450-9492
Bible Study – Scotland 7 pm @ Bill Bartholomew’s, 860-423-0267
John Gilmartin teaching
Men’s Group – Scotland, 7 pm @ Kenny Main's, Todd Osowski
CFC Mama's Bible Study - CFC Wagner Room 9:30 am,
Emily Stimson - 860-546-9212
Senior Bible Study - CFC Annex Room 10, 10:00 am
Heart Healthy Exercise - CFC Fellowship Hall, 11:15-12:15
Joan Light 860-423-4480
Proven Men - CFC Annex, 6:30-8:30, Nick Burke 860-208-7014
GriefShare - CFC Room #3, 6:30-8:00 pm
Financial Class - CFC Chapel, 7:00-8:45, Jay Gillis 860-317-1213
Bible Study – Windham, 7 pm @ George Selleck’s, 860-423-2406
Bob Delamatta teaching Genesis
Women's Bible Study - 6:30-8:00 pm, CFC Room 1, Mel O'Donovan
[email protected] "A Women's Heart, God's Dwelling Place"
Bible Study - Canterbury, 7 pm @ Jim & Donna Sharp’s, 860-546-6560
Pastor Sonny studying "John" (Resumes in April)
Youth Groups – @ CFC for ages 4 years thru 12th grade, 6:30-8 pm
Prayer Meeting – @ CFC Annex Room 15, 6:30–8:00 pm - Meets All Year
Women's Bible Study - @ CFC Basement Room 3, 6:30-8 pm
Amy Horn, 401-378-2872
Library Hours: Sunday 9:00-11:00 & 5:30-7:00 Thursday 6:30-8:00
Senior Servant Bake Sale on March 29, Palm Sunday. Proceeds
will go to either a missionary or a CFC project. Watch for a
signup sheet on our table in the foyer. Donations need to be
dropped of at CFC in the kitchen on March 28, 9:00-1:00 for
pricing. Thank you. If you have any questions call Donna Selleck
GriefShare this coming Tuesday, March 24, 6:30 -­‐ 8:00 pm in room #3. This week's video will have helpful goals to set on your journey of grief, how to deal with those who try to rush you through your grief and how long the journey of grief typically lasts. We have been having great sharing and we thank you for that. Remember that what is said in GriefShare, stays in GriefShare. If you are grieving or know someone who is, please invite them to aTend with you.
Emily Davis is the speaker for the Women's Conference.
She is single and a resident of Washington, DC with a passion to
help women be in God's word everyday.
Word of Life Summer Camp July 12-18
$360 $349 early bird rate until March 31, 2015 (Grades 1-5)
$389 $369 early bird rate until March 31, 2015 (Grades 6-8)
$399 $379 early bird rate until March 31, 2015 (Grades 9-12)
Sylvie Grenier is in the Fellowship Hall this morning.
Help the Unborn - Two upcoming events:
One: Baby Bottle Drive. Fill a baby bottle with change beginning on
Mother's Day and extending through Father's Day.
Two: Walk for Life on May 30 at 2:00 pm from Jilson Square in
We need a volunteer to sort the can & bottle trailer so they can be taken
to the recycling center. Contact Bruce Kinzer 860-617-9245
Dear Friends, thank you so much for your faithful prayer and financial
support over all these years. What a blessing you are and have been to
us. We are very grateful! What a winter, we are so looking forward to
Spring and warmer weather. Howie has had 2 rounds of chemo. Round 3
is scheduled for April 2. No after effects from chemo for which we are so
thankful. He is still with WOLEMC. So nice he can work right here from
home with the computer and phone. Thank you again so much! Lord
Bless, in His love, Howie & Jeannette Bowen, CFC supported
missionaries with Word of Life.
Informing – Encouraging – Challenging the CFC Family
March 22, 2015
Last Week’s Offering
General Fund ......................$14,292.10
Building Fund ..........................1,969.00
Care Packages .............................15.00
College Fund ................................20.00
Deacon Fund ................................95.00
Miscellaneous Income ..................50.00
Todd Memorial Fund ...................115.00
Teen Service Dinner TONIGHT
Join us for dinner prior to the Teen Service! We will be serving Hot Meatball Grinders and Hot Chicken Parmesan grinders. The Grinders will be accompanied by chips and a fresh baked cookie! Suggested dona>on $5 per person with a $20 family max. We will begin serving at 4:45 un>l just before the Teen Service starts. (and, if supplies last, you can get some to go for Monday lunch)
Looking Ahead
April 3-­‐5 Easter C antata @ 7:00
April 17-­‐18 Women's C onference
May 2 G olf Tournament
May 9 L adies B anquet
May 10 B aby B ottle D rive S tarts
May 30 Walk for L ife
June 22-­‐26 Vacation B ible S chool
July 12-­‐18 Word o f L ife S ummer C amp
July 19-­‐25 Family C amping i n N.H.
August 9-­‐14 Teen C amping i n N.H.
Last Week’s Attendance
8:30 .................................271
10:00 ...............................292
Morning Total .................563
Evening Service .............177
Prayer Requests:
‣ Joanne Flannery, health
‣ Frank Maxim, COPD
‣ Janet Reed, health
‣ Sharon Smalley, alzheimers
‣ Jim Lawrence, mass on his
liver, bleeding issues
‣ Arvin Clapper, heart damage
‣ Dean Gorman, concussion,
various health issues
‣ Nick Burke's brother, Bill &
Bill's friend David's family.
David, was accidentally killed
on Thursday.
Teen Service TONIGHT
Who are you going to
invite to the Easter
Weather Cancelation info
can be found at Channel 3
WFSB on TV or their website
Choir Practice 3:30-4:30
Cantata Practice 4:30-5:30
In the Chapel
Hello fellow Greeters and new Greeters in our Greeter ministry: Thank you
for your continued service and filling in when needed. We would like to
welcome and thank our new greeters for becoming a part of the ministry. Since
the Easter Cantata is just around the corner, I will be posting a sign-up list for
greeters needed on those three nights at the information booth. Please plan to
be here a half an hour before the scheduled time you've chosen to greet.
There are magnetic greeter ribbons with names on them for your convenience
in the desk at the information booth. Please feel free to store them in the desk
after you are done greeting. We always encourage new greeters so please let
us know if you would like to be part of the ministry. A friendly greeting with a
smile :) is a warm start to a morning, a welcome to CFC, and says God and
you care that they are here!!!!
Come and Be blessed, Natasha Kurasz & Rhonda Blair
The Jr. Church Ministry is looking for some volunteers to help during night
service. We would like to split the age groups as we do in the morning and to
do so we need a few more hands. Volunteering will commit you to serving in
rotation of one Sunday night every 6-8 weeks. Lesson plans will be provided.
Please contact Mel O'Donovan via email [email protected]
VacaAon Bible School workers needed
Due to the complexity of VBS we need teachers and workers to sign up now. It is June 22-­‐26, 9:00 am-­‐Noon and for ages 3 years through 6th grade. We need teachers, helpers, rec, craSs, snacks, kitchen workers, nursery workers, etc.. Contact Brenda Landry if you want to help out 860-­‐456-­‐8840.
106 CFC men went to Iron Sharpens Iron. What a blessing. Others
would have gone but couldn't. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his
righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Spiritual
growth doesn't just happen, it is based on diet!
Family C amping In New Hampshire
Every year for years and years, Pastor has taken Teens camping on the property in N.H. where he was born. We set up tents in the field and in front of the house. There are two outside showers, outhouses and a fire ring. It is not fancy but it is fun. The Teens will go again August 9-­‐15. From July 19-­‐25 a Family Campout is planned so if you are interested, put it on your calendar. You can come for any or all of those days. T he goal is to have some fellowship in a very beautiful spot. There is swimming, hiking a nd tourist spots such as Whales Tail, Loon Mt., Clarks Trading Post, etc. Families will do their own thing. There will not be any particular schedule. We don't have room for RVs although popups will work. CFC can l oan tents to those who d on't own o ne.
Junior Church – Children ages 3-7 are released at the beginning of
the last hymn during the 8:30 am, 1 st service in the morning. 3-4 year
olds can be dropped off in Room 1 off the Wagner Room. 5-7 year
olds are in Room 3 in the basement. For the 6:00 pm evening service,
they are released after the music portion of the service to Room 3
in the basement.
Thank you all who hosted the Word of Life Students.
Golf Tournament - Ira is looking at May 2 as a date.
The South Africa mission trip will be the week of September 13-20
with the possibility of leaving on the 11th or 12th.
Join us tonight after Teen Service for an Ice Cream Social and
Bake Sale to benefit the Scholarship Fund.
Calling All Guys
We are looking to start our planning for the Ladies Banquet. All
guys are welcome to come brainstorm with us. Even if you are
new or have never participated before, it is a great way to serve
and have fun. Please come to the planning meeting tonight @7:00
pm in the Chapel.
Who is Emily Davis? Answer found elsewhere.
Blood Drive Total was 57 units. We had plenty of
volunteers. Thanks to everyone for your support and
Register for the Women's Conference at the information booth.
Signs Found in the Kitchen
❖ Martha Stewart doesn't live here!
❖ If you write in the dust, please don't date it!
❖ I would cook dinner but I can't find the can opener!
❖ My house was clean last week, too bad you missed it!
❖ I came, I saw, I decided to order take out.
❖ Although you'll find our house a mess, come in, sit down and
converse. It doesn't always look like this: Some days it's even
❖ If you don't like my cooking. Lower your standards.
❖ A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand!
❖ Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall
never cease to be amused.
❖ Countless number of people have eaten in this kitchen and gone
on to lead normal lives.
❖ My next house will have no kitchen...just vending machines.