Chemistry 223: General Chemistry, Spring 2015 Instructors: Ron Backus Marci Moling Office: MH-212 MH-210 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Office Hours: Ron Backus: MW 8:30-9:20 am & F 9:00-9:50 am Marci Moling: TR 11:00 am-1:00 pm Science Help Desk: The Science Help Desk is located on the first floor of Madrone Hall in the atrium area. The Help Desk is manned approximately 20 hours per week. Hours of the Help Desk are posted throughout Madrone Hall and in the Help Desk area. Lecture: R. Backus MW 9:30-10:50 am and F 10:00-10:50 am in MH-208 M. Moling MW 11:00 am-12:20 pm and F 11:00-11:50 am in MH-208 Laboratory: Bryan Nell; [email protected] Tuesday 8:00 am, 11:00 am, or 2:00 pm, MH-214 Brian Reed; [email protected] Thursday 8:00 am, MH-214 Minimum Requirements: College Algebra (MTH 111) and CH 222 with a C or better Required Materials: -Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 7th Ed., Silberberg -Access Code for Sapling -Chemistry 223 Laboratory Manual, Bridgid Backus -Carbonless Lab Notebook -Non-graphing/non-programmable Scientific Calculator Optional Materials: -Lab coat -Personal Safety Goggles Calculator Policy: Students will be required to use a non-graphing/non-programmable scientific calculator for quizzes and/or exams. Department approved calculators are: TI 30xa, TI 30X IIs, Casio fx-260, or HP 10s. If a student does not wish to purchase one of these calculators the department will provide either a Casio fx-260 or TI 30xa for use on exams and/or quizzes. Attendance and Classroom Decorum: Class attendance is very important to the learning of chemistry. Students are expected to attend class regularly and on time. Entering the classroom late or leaving before the class ends is distracting to students and your instructor. There is NO cell phone use in the classroom allowed. The use of a laptop computer during lecture class is approved for CH 223 lecture material only. 1 Homework Problem Sets: To succeed in chemistry, like learning a foreign language, you should study and practice every day. As material is covered you will find the problems are easier to work and not as time consuming as if they are attempted just before the due date. Keep in mind a typical science course takes 3-4 hrs of work per week outside of class for every credit hour. Refer to the schedule for homework due dates and times. ***No late homework will be accepted. Solutions to the homework sets will be available after the due date. Warm-ups: Lecture sessions (excluding exam days) will begin with a short warm-up (practice problem) at the beginning of the period. The warm-ups for a chapter will be collected the day of the chapter exam. If you fail to turn in the warm-ups the day they are due, then you will not receive credit for the warm-ups. The warm-ups will be worth a total of 40 points. No late or make-up warm-ups will be given. Exams: All exams are given in class. Students who have conflicts with exam days due to other College functions, illness, or family emergencies must contact the instructor prior to the exam. Documentation of the College function, illness and/or family emergency must be provided to schedule a make-up exam. Laboratory Reports: Lab reports are due at the beginning of YOUR next lab session after the completion of the experiment. Late lab reports receive a 10% per day mark down. One lowest lab report score is dropped and extra credit is given if all lab reports are turned in (see extra credit). No make-up labs will be given. Also, if you miss more than three labs or turn in fewer than five reports you will not receive a passing grade for the course. This is a lab class and in order to pass the course you must be passing the laboratory component. Prelab Questions: Be sure to check the syllabus for which lab is assigned for a particular week. Most lab experiments described in the manual have prelab questions. Many of these questions are designed to emulate the laboratory experiment that is about to be performed. By answering these questions BEFORE the lab period students are able to understand and perform the experiment more effectively. Prelab questions should be done on separate sheets of paper and are due within the first 5 minutes of the lab period. The prelab assignments are worth from one to five points of the lab report grade. No late prelabs are accepted. Extra Credit: If you turn in ALL of your lab reports, rather than subtracting your lowest lab score, these points will remain in your score as extra credit. Grading: 6 Exams Final Exam Warm-ups 7 Sapling Homework Sets 7 Lab Reports 6 x 50 pts = 300 pts 150 pts 40 pts 7 x 10 pts = 70 pts 7 x 20 pts = 140 pts Total 700 pts 2 Course Grade: 90-100% 80-89% 65-79% 55-64% 0-54% A B C D F An incomplete grade (I) may be given at the discretion of the instructor. However, a student must have a passing grade at the time an incomplete is assigned. Drop/Withdraw Policy: If you are withdrawing from the class you must file a Schedule Change Form with Registration or use WebRunner. If you formally drop the class by Monday of the second week of the term, you will receive a tuition refund. If you withdraw after the Monday of the second week of instruction through the seventh week a ‘W’ will show up on your transcript. No withdrawals are allowed after the end of the seventh week. An instructor may not assign a “W” grade. If you received financial aid or veteran’s benefits PLEASE talk with associates at the appropriate office to determine what effects on eligibility dropping a course will have. Don’t jeopardize your eligibility!! You can contact the Financial Aid Office by calling (541) 917-4850 or by visiting the Financial Aid Office in Takena Hall. If you stop attending the course without formally withdrawing you will continue to accumulate grades (zeroes for all assignments not turned in) and will receive the grade assigned by the instructor. You will also be held accountable for all charges on your account. Academic Integrity: “An instructor has the right to issue a grade of F for the course in which the instructor has reason to believe the student has cheated. A student has the right to appeal such action in accordance with the Students’ Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct Policy.” The preceding statement is Adminstrative Rule No. 7030-01. LBCC Comprehensive Statement of Nondiscrimination: LBCC is committed to providing equal opportunity in all of its programs, policies, procedures, and practices, and the college shall promote equal opportunity and treatment through application of this policy and other college efforts designed for that purpose. For further information see Administrative Rule No. 1015-01 at Center for Accessibility Resources: You should meet with your instructor during the first week of class if You have a documented disability and need accommodations, Your instructor needs to know medical information about you, or You need special arrangements in the event of an emergency. If you believe you may need accommodation services, please contact the Center for Accessibility Resources (541) 917-4789. If you have documented your disability, remember that you must make your request for accommodations through the Center for Accessibility Resources Online Services web page every term in order to receive accommodations. 3 HOMEWORK REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAPLING 1. Go to and click on your country at the top right. 2a. If you already have a Sapling Learning account, log in and skip to step 3. 2b. If you have a Facebook account, you can use it to quickly create a Sapling Learning account. Click “Create an Account”, then “Create my account through Facebook”. You will be prompted to log into Facebook if you aren't already. Choose a username and password, then click “Link Account”. You can then skip to step 3. 2c. Otherwise, click "Create an Account". Supply the requested information and click "Create My Account". Check your email (and spam filter) for a message from Sapling Learning and click on the link provided in that email. 3. Find your course in the list (you may need to expand the subject and term categories) and click the link. 4. If your course requires a key code, you will be prompted to enter it. 5. If your course requires payment, select a payment option and follow the remaining instructions. Once you have registered and enrolled, you can log in at any time to complete or review your homework assignments. During sign up or throughout the term, if you have any technical problems or grading issues, send an email to [email protected] explaining the issue. The Sapling Learning support team is almost always faster and better able to resolve issues than your instructor. 4 Lecture and Lab Schedule: **Note: This schedule of topics, homework due dates, and exam dates is subject to change. Week: Wed. Fri. Laboratory Homework 16.5-16.6 16.6-16.7 Safety and Review (16.1-16.3) Practice Problems Ch 16 Sapling Due Sat (4/4) at 10:00 pm 17.3-17.4 Exam 1 (Ch 16) Application of Le Chatelier’s Principle to Chemical Equilibria 17.5 17.6 Exam 2 (Ch 17) 18.1-18.4 18.4-18.5 Worksheet Pg. 14 18.6 Polyprotic Acid Titrations: Part A Week 5 4/27-5/1 18.7, 19.1 19.1-19.2 Worksheet Pg. 15 Exam 3 (Ch 18) Polyprotic Acid Titrations: Part B Ch 18 Sapling Due Tues (4/28) at 10:00 pm Week 6 5/4-5/8 19.3 Worksheet Pg. 16 19.4 Worksheet Pg. 16 20.1 Buffers Ch 19 Sapling Due Thurs (5/7) at 10:00 pm Week 1 3/30-4/3 Week 2 4/6-4/10 Week 3 4/13-4/17 Week 4 4/20-4/24 Mon. Syllabus and 16.4 Worksheet Pg. 10 17.1-17.2 Worksheets pages 11-13 Ch 17 Sapling Due to be turned in by 5pm on Thurs (4/16) Tuesday, April 14th at 10:00 pm Determination of Solubility Product Constant (Ksp) for Calcium Sulfate Determination of Enthalpy and Entropy Change for a Chemical Reaction Week 7 5/11-5/15 20.2 20.3 Exam 4 (Ch 19) Week 8 5/18-5/22 20.4 Handout 21.1-21.2 Worksheet Pg. 18 Exam 5 (Ch 20) Week 9 5/25-5/29 Holiday No Class 21.3 21.4 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Electrochemical Cells Ch 21 Sapling Due Sat (5/30) at 10:00 pm Week 10 6/1-6/5 Exam 6 (Ch 21) 24.1 24.2 Electrochemistry Ch 24 Sapling Due Sat (6/6) at 10:00 pm Week 11 6/8-6/12 Final Exams 10-11:50 am (R. Backus) 10-11:50 am (M. Moling) Ch 20 Sapling Due Tues (5/19) at 10:00 pm 5 6
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