Chippewa Falls High School Student of the Week Noah Mutter

Chippewa Falls High School
Student of the Week
Noah Mutter-Schulz
Noah Mutter-Schulz, son of Lynn Schulz and
Raymond Mutter, is the Chi-Hi Student of the Week.
He is the grandson of Leo and Cindy Schulz. Noah
has a brother, Elijah who is a junior at Chi-Hi. Noah
attended Southview Elementary School, Chippewa
Falls Middle School and is currently a senior at
Chippewa Falls High School.
Very active in high school activities, Noah has been a
member of the Spanish Club for 4 years serving as
treasurer three years and currently as the president. He is president of the National
Honor Society, a member of the National English Honor Society, incident commander of
SERT, and the Public Relations State Officer for HOSA. As the State HOSA Public
Relations Officer, he helps organize the state conferences. This fall he attended the
HOSA Leadership Academy in Washington D.C. He placed 3rd in the State CPR and 1st Aid
competition as a junior and later competed at the national level. Noah is also a student
member of the high school Crisis Response Team.
Noah uses his first aid and CPR training as a community volunteer as well. He has
volunteered at the Pure Water Days Parade, Country Jam, Chilly Chippewa Run,
Northwestern Wisconsin State Fair, Citywide Vacation Bible School and the Sunrise
Family Care Clinic. He has been a volunteer for Special Kids Day and Special Olympics,
the school blood drive and the elementary vision and hearing check.
As a member of Crossroads Church, Noah is currently the Children’s Church Director and
teaches the Pre K-1st grade Sunday School program. He is part of the church’s youth
group as well as the youth group at Valleybrook Church. As part of the youth group
projects he has volunteered at the Eau Claire Community Table and last summer
participated on mission trips to both Tennessee and Colorado.
Noah likes to bike and walk. He hopes to travel to all fifty states by the time he is fifty.
So far he has been to 14. After graduation, Noah plans to major in nursing and minor in
Spanish at Bethel University in Minneapolis.
We are proud of Cardinal Noah Mutter-Schulz!