Mental Health in All Policies Supporting sustainability and growth in

Mental Health in All Policies
Supporting sustainability and growth in Europe
Scandic Park Hotel, Helsinki, Finland
11 – 12 May 2015
Conference languages: English and Finnish
Simultaneous interpretation: English-Finnish-English
Draft agenda
Day 1: Monday 11 May 2015
Registration and coffee/tea
Opening notes
Introductions by Director Taru Koivisto, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Meeting room:
Vision I-III,
1st floor
Updated on 6 May 2015
Director Veli-Mikko Niemi, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
Director Gauden Galea, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Head of Unit Michael Hübel, Directorate General for Health and Food
Safety, European Commission
• Professor Jose Miguel Caldas de Almeida, EU Joint Action for Mental
Health and Wellbeing
• Executive Director Marita Ruohonen, Finnish Association for Mental
• Head of Health Unit Jacques Remacle, Consumers, Health, Agriculture
and Food Executive Agency, European Commission
Coffee break
Meeting room:
Vision I-III,
1st floor
Plenary session
Costs and benefits of addressing mental health issues
Professor Martin Knapp, Professor of Social Policy, London School of
Economics and Political Science
• Mental health in all policies
Director Ona Davidonienė, State Mental Health Center, Lithuania
• Further development and implementation of mental health activities
Policy Officer Jürgen Scheftlein, Directorate General for Health and
Food Safety
• Promotion of mental health as a collaboration between sectors
Professor Kristian Wahlbeck, EU Joint Action for Mental Health and
Lunch break
Break-out sessions
Meeting room:
Imagine, 2nd floor
Collaboration of social partners to promote mental health in work life
Chairperson: Professor Heinz Katschnig, EU Joint Action
Meeting room:
Vision I-III,
1st floor
(plenary room)
Meeting room:
Explore I,
2nd floor
Intersectoral collaboration to promote mental health at work
Director General Harri Vainio, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health,
• Workforce mental health and productivity
David McDaid, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
• Mental health promotion is a worker’s right
Raili Perimäki, The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK
2. Promoting mental health and preventing mental disorder in early life and
Chairperson: Pia Solin, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
Mental health promotion and public policies across the lifespan
Margaret Barry, Head of World Health Organization Collaborating
Centre, Galway, Ireland
• Intersectoral collaboration to promote mental health in early life
Lorenzo Rampazzo, Veneto Region, Italy
• Synchronising services for children and adolescents
Fredrik Lindencrona, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and
Regions, Stockholm, Sweden
• Education policies and school curricula serving mental health
Jussi Pihkala, Ministry of Education and Culture, Helsinki, Finland
3. Good practices for partnerships across sectors
Chairperson: Maria Nyman, Mental Health Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Involving NGOs in national level health policies
Eeva Ollila, Cancer Society of Finland, Finland
Getting it right for each child by collaboration across sectors
Marie-Paule Martin-Blachais, Managing Director, National Observatory
of Children at Risk (GIPED), France
Updated on 6 May 2015
Meeting room:
Explore II,
2nd floor
Municipal welfare e-reports
Maria Salenius, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities,
• Implementation of the Euregenas suicide prevention project in
Evelyn Huizing, Project Coordinator, Andalusian Health Service, Spain
4. Potential for MHiAP: Case Studies from Romania and Lithuania
Chairperson Nigel Henderson, Mental Health Europe, EU Joint Action
Case study from Lithuania
Jurgita Sajevičienė, EU Joint Action, Lithuania
 Comment from Lithuania
Case study from Romania
Ileana Botezat, EU Joint Action, Romania
 Commentary: Liana Mitran
Coffee break
Key note
Core Values as Targets for Health Policies
Professor Hugo Westerlund, Stockholm University, Sweden
Meeting room:
Vision I-III,
1st floor
Discussion on conference conclusions
Meri Larivaara, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
End of 1st day conference
Reception co-sponsored by the European Commission and the Ministry of
Social Affairs and Health, Finland
Meeting room:
View I, 9th floor
Updated on 6 May 2015
Day 2: Tuesday 12 May 2015
Meeting room:
Vision I-III
1st floor
10:00 – 12:00
Meeting room:
Imagine, 2nd floor
Key note
Mental Health for All New York City: Cities as platforms for mental health
Gary Belkin, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Invited comment: Hedinn Unsteinsson, Prime Minister’s Office, Iceland
Break-out sessions
1. Reducing mental health inequalities
Chairperson Emma Kennedy, Healthy Working Lives NHS Health Scotland
Meeting room:
Vision I-III,
1st floor
(plenary room)
EU Joint Action on Health Equity
Pol Gerits, Belgium
• Breaking down the generational cycle of mental health problems by
intersectoral work
Professor Tytti Solantaus, The Finnish Association for Mental Health,
• Good practice: Integration of migrant youth
Sophie Mortensen, Linking Bridges project, Municipality of Silkeborg,
• Prevention of violent extremism and radicalisation: the links to
mental health promotion
Ari Evwaraye, Ministry of the Interior, Finland
2. Whole-of-government approaches
Chairperson Policy Director Alfonso Lara Montero, European Social
Meeting room:
Explore I,
2nd floor
Involving Whole-of-government
Regional Adviser Matt Muijen, WHO Regional Office for Europe
• Involving whole of commission
Policy Officer Jürgen Scheftlein, European Commission, Directorate
General for Health and Food Safety
• Health in all we do: The new Norwegian Public Health Act
Arne Holte, Norwegian Institute for Public Health, Oslo, Norway
• Mental health: Boost for economic recovery in Europe
Chris Nas, GGZNederland, European Alliance for Mental Health in All
3. Good practices for mental health impact assessment and
Chairperson Mille Pedersen, EU Joint Action
The need for MHIAP in decision making
Professor Vappu Taipale, Helsinki, Finland
Measuring population wellbeing regularly
Dora Gudmundsdottir, Directorate of Health, Reykjavik, Iceland
Updated on 6 May 2015
Meeting room:
Explore II,
2nd floor
Good practice: Mental health needs assessment tool
Jonathan Campion, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation
Trust, England
4. Prevention of crime, violence and suicide
Chairperson Niall Kearney, EU Joint Action
• Work across sectors to combat crime and violence
Marita Ruohonen, Finnish Association for Mental Health
• Successful suicide prevention in Estonia
Professor Merike Sisask, Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and
Suicidology Institute (ERSI), Tallinn, Estonia
• Suicide prevention across policy arenas
Johanne Bratbo, Leader of “One of Us Campaign, Denmark
• Alcohol policy as a tool prevent violence and promote mental health
Jacek Moskalewicz, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warszaw,
Lunch break
Concluding plenary session
Meeting room:
Vision I-III,
1st floor
(plenary room)
14:30 – 15:00
Conference conclusions
Director Taru Koivisto, Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Way forward
Professor José Miguel Caldas de Almeida, Leader Joint Action Mental
Health and Well-being
Michael Hübel, Head of Unit, Directorate General for Health and
Food Safety, European Commission
Farewell coffee
Updated on 6 May 2015
Mental Health in All Policies
Supporting sustainability and growth in Europe
Scandic Park Hotel, Helsinki, Finland
11 – 12 May 2015
Scope and objective:
The conference aims to disseminate evidence and good policy practices based on the outcomes of
activities under the EU Health Programme, including projects and the Joint Action on Mental health
and Well-being. The further development and implementation of Directorate General for Health and
Food Safety mental health activities will be announced.
The thematic focus of the conference will be on intersectoral work to promote population mental
health over the life span, providing good practices of collaboration across sectors from Europe.
Target audience:
150 participants, by invitation only.
The audience will consist experts and decision makers and other relevant stakeholders across
government sectors on national, regional and local level, and will include a strong representation of
relevant NGOs.
Conference hotline:
For more information, please call + or email to [email protected].
Updated on 6 May 2015