1 st Annual Salt Grass Shootout Scholarship Fundraiser Winnie, Texas May 8 th & 9 th Supporting High School students at East Chambers, Hamshire-Fannett,Anahuac, High Island 1st Annual Sporting Clay Shoot Winnie, Texas We are pleased to announce the 1 st Annual Salt Grass Shootout Sporting Clay Tournament & Scholarship Fundraiser , which is to be held May 8th & 9th , 2015 in Winnie, Texas (Located on Hwy 65 between Winnie and Anahuac). We hope this annual tournament and fundraiser promotes friendly competition, fellowship and sporting clay skills to all participates, their families and those in the surrounding communities all while raising funds to help support the future of our youth. This event offers a wide range of competition for both the family and individuals of all ages. This is a family friendly atmosphere where all are welcome to attend and join. The tournament will be open on Friday May 8th at 12 p.m. with registration. The 5-Stand & Flurry Games will be available for practice on Friday for those of you who want to work on your skills until 7:00 p.m. On Saturday May 9th registration will resume at 7:30 a.m. followed by the main event, which will consist of a 9:00 a.m. flight of shooters shooting 100 target rounds of sporting clays. Shooters are to be ready 30 minutes prior to flight time scheduled and attend the safety meeting. The 5-Stand & Flurry games will close at 4:00 p.m. Saturday and “no refunds will be given”. The main even will present a 12-stand 100 clays course. Awards will go to high individuals and team winners. Additionally, top scores in 5-Stand, Two Person Flurry will received awards; along with prizes for our top youth and woman shooters. Plus many various opportunities to win items throughout the day. We invite you to join us for a fun-filled day where families can participate plus build memorable traditions. Refreshments, snacks and lunch will be on hand for the even participants. We are dedicated to helping out our communities and the futures of our youth. Proceeds from the tournament are used to fund scholarships in the East Chambers, Hamshire-Fannett, Anahuac, High Island School Districts. Your participation in the success of our Sporting Clays Tournaments & Scholarship Fundraiser is needed and sincerely appreciated. For tournament information or sponsorship/underwriting opportunities please contact Rachel Touchet (409) 656-0857 [email protected] or Amy Hamilton (409) 267-5507. 1st Annual Sporting Clay Shoot Winnie, Texas NOTE: Games (5-Stand & Flurry) as well as lunch and Awards on Saturday will be at the Home of Skipper & Amy Hamilton’s. Only the Saturday morning clay shoot will be in Monroe City. When: FRIDAY, May 8th 12:00 P.M. Registration Opens 3:30-7:00 P.M. PRACTICE is 5-Stand or Flurry Games – Home of Skipper & Amy Hamilton (Cost $20 per person/game) unlimited entries avalible (Winnings will be split 50/50—50% Scholarship, 50% to Winner) SATURDAY, May 9th 7:30-8:00 A.M. Check-in and Registration – On Hwy 65 Between Winnie and Anahuac 8:30 A.M. Safety Meeting 9:00 A.M. Promptly start station – 100 BIRD Course 10:00 A.M. Shooting Games Available (50/50 spilt payout) Silent Auction 11:30 P.M. Lunch Starts – Home of Skipper & Amy Hamilton Live Auction Awards Ceremonies & Door Prizes following event Awards for Top Shooter, Top 2 Team Scores, Top Woman, Top Youth, & Dead Last SHOOTING GAMES: 5-Stand or Flurry Games (cost $20 per person/game) unlimited entries available. Winnings will be split 50/50 – 50% to Scholarship, 50% to Winner. (Will Temporarily close during Awards) INFORMATION: - Entry Fee $200 per person or $1,000 per Team , Last Day to Register is April 15, 2015 Early Registration is $150 per person or $750 per 5 man team before March 15, 2015 Advanced Registration is GREATLY appreciated call or email Rachel Touchet 409-656-0857 [email protected] All participants must be signed in for Saturday Shoot by 8:00 A.M. ATV’s (4-Wheelers, Mules, Rangers ect.) are allowed, but not provided & HIGHLY recommended Shooters are required to provide their own, Eye protection, Ear protection & Ammo (7-1/2, 8 and 9 only) Ammunition will be FOR SALE on site Friday and Saturday FYI – Salt Grass Shootout ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INJURIES OR LOSS TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY COURSE COSTS TEAMS MUST BE PAID IN FULL IN ORDER TO HOLD THEIR SPOTS, SPACE WILL BE LIMITED Individual Shooter $150 $200 Team Cost per shooter before March 15, 2015 per shooter after March 15, 2015 Last day to Register is April 15, 2015 any other entries will be on day of event & 1st come 1st serve until all entries are full. $750 per 5 Man team before March 15, 2015 $1,000 per 5 man team after March 15, 2015 Last day to Register is April 15, 2015 any other entries will be on day of event & 1st come 1st serve until all entries are full. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES WE WOULD LIKE ALL SPONSORSHIPS PAID IN FULL BEFORE MARCH 15th 2015 SO THAT MARKETING ITEMS CAN BE MADE. Co-‐Title Sponsor $3,000 Includes 2 team entries; Company marketing materials as Co-‐Title Sponsor; Shooter Shirts for team members; 2 reserved tables; 10 game vouchers; encouraged to display company banner in tent area & front entrance the day of the event Lunch Sponsor $2,500 Company name on Marketing materials as Lunch Sponsor, Shooter Shirts for team members; encouraged to display company banner in tent area & front entrance the day of the event. Beverage/Bar Sponsor $1,500 your company logo posted at the bar for all to see (this is a great opportunity as this is always a high traffic area) can be split with other companies Shooter Shirt Sponsor $2,500 Includes Company name on the Sleeve of shooter shirt; Shooter Shirts for team members; encouraged to display company banner in tent area & front entrance the day of the event Corporate Sponsor $1,500 you provide vinyl sign for entrance, station sponsor, sponsor board; Includes 1 team entry, Company name on event banner as sponsor, shooter shirts for team members, 5 game vouchers; encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at Front Entrance the day of the event Team Sponsor $1,000 includes 1 team entry, company name on event banner as sponsor, sponsor shirts for team members, encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at the front entrance the day of the event Target Sponsor $2,000 includes company name on event banner as sponsor; shooter shirts for team members, encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at the front entrance the day of the event Entertainment Sponsor $1,000 includes company name on event banner as Sponsor, shooter shirts for team members; encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at the front entrance the day of the event Gun Sponsor $1,000 (5 Available) Includes; Company name on event banner as Sponsor, Name recognition when Guns are awarded, encourages to provide vinyl signage to be hung at Front Entrance day of the event Game Sponsor $500.00 (5 available) Company provided signage to be hung at games; name recognition on sponsor board. This is a great opportunity for company to provide staff to man stations and hand out promotional items for their company & or snack items. (This is a high traffic area) Trophy Sponsor $1000 Includes company name on event banner as Sponsor, name recognition when awards are awarded, encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at the front entrance the day of the event Station Sponsor $500 Company visibility & networking opportunities as the staff of your company-‐sponsored station, prominent recognition day of the event, signage at station Gold Sponsor $250 Recognition on Sponsorship board, encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at front entrance the day of the shoot Door prizes $150 Recognition on Sponsorship board, encouraged to provide vinyl signage to be hung at the front entrance the day of the shoot Live/Silent Auction We are in need of some great items for our auctions. Please let us know if you have any items you would like to donate PAYMENT Co#Title)Sponsor Lunch)Sponsor Shooter)Shirt)Sponsor Target)Sponsor Corporate)Sponsor Beverage/Bar)Sponsor Team)Sponsor Game)Sponsor Gun)Sponsor Trophy)Sponsor Station)Sponsor $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $500 Gold)Sponsor Door)Prize)Sponsor Live)Auction)Sponsor Silent)Auction)Items Door)Prize)Items $250 $150 $250 Please)indicate)what)items)you)would)like)to)donate)or)may)be)bringing $1,500 Individual)Shooter See)Sponsor)flyer)or)call)for)more)info $200 Company)Name Phone:)409#656#0857) Company)Contact)Person Fax)409#296#2717 Address Email:)[email protected] City,)State,)Zip Phone)Number Email Method)of)Payment: Check Cash x)$200/Shooter Total)sponsorship)or)other)donations TOTAL%AMOUNT%DUE Mail%this%form%with%payment%to: Salt%Grass%Shootout c/o%Swat%Construction%2%Rachel%Touchet PO%Box%1299 Winnie,%Texas%77665 All non-shooters that wish to eat lunch will have to pay $10 the day of the event. Please make all checks payable to the Hamshire-‐Fannett Education Foundation so that all donations will be tax deductible. 1st Annual Sporting Clay Shoot - Winnie, Texas 2015 Tournament Application May 8th & 9th Friday, May 8th 12 P.M. registration opens/ 4:00 P.M. Practice (5-Stand & Flurry only) 50/50 Spilt (50% Scholarship, 50% to Winner) Saturday, May 9th – 7:30 A.M. Registration opens, Flight starts at 9:00 A.M --100 Bird course plus shooting games all day Entry Deadline April 15, 2015 Cost: $200/shooter ($150 before March 15th ); $1,000 per team ($750 before March 15th ) Entries are taken as first comefirst Paid! Preference to Corporate Sponsors and up! Captain: Address: Male////or////Female/////////Adult////or////Youth/ Company: City: Shirt/Size: Phone: Zip: E=Mail: Shooter: Address: Male////or////Female/////////Adult////or////Youth/ Company: City: Shirt/Size: Phone: Zip: E=Mail: Shooter: Address: Male////or////Female/////////Adult////or////Youth/ Company: City: Shirt/Size: Phone: Zip: E=Mail: Shooter: Address: Male////or////Female/////////Adult////or////Youth/ Company: City: Shirt/Size: Phone: Zip: E=Mail: Shooter Address: Male////or////Female/////////Adult////or////Youth/ Company: City: Shirt/Size: Phone: Zip: E=Mail: Shooter: Address: Male////or////Female/////////Adult////or////Youth/ Company: City: Shirt/Size: Phone: Zip: E=Mail: _________/PLEASE/CHECK/HERE/IF/YOU/INTEND/TO/PRACTICE/ON/FRIDAY/AFTERNOON Practice/this/year/will/be/the/5=Stand/&/Flurry/games/with/50/50/split/of/winnings/(Scholarship/Winnier)/$20/per/person/game/ unlimited/entries Home of Skipper & Amy Hamilton: 15901 State HWY 65, Stowell, Texas 77661 Travel 2.5 miles south of I-10 on HWY 124. Turn Right on Hwy 65, in less than a mile it will be on your right Saturday Clay Shoot: Approximately 12 miles after turning right on HWY 65 from 124
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