u —4 ,A. •/ t-CH-Obs*rver-Dispatch i utic«, N. T, .W , Ja* n.. IM'T £ Sefdin's Dry Cleai Wore than just a>d Continuing Our Heavenly HALF-PRICE SALE •7 l Mr. ar.d Mr*. George H. Newicrn. WatervUUr announce the engagement ef their daughter, Jane, to Edwin M. Sakaguchi. *on of the Rev. and Mr*. John Sakaguchl, Ardn-.ore, Ta. An April weddmj Is plar.rvd. Mr.._and Mrs. Ktanrls H. 'MtCat*. H02 'Math^'j Ave., announce the enga|ement"&f their daughter. Suzanne, to Terence WVGreen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Green. 111S Alb.^nv St. Mr. and Mrs. Louli Pnmarolo, 1626 St. Agnei Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Manlyn Joyce, to Thomas S. Sxatko, son of Mr. and Mrs.-Peter W. SzatJco, 1626 Grarsdvie-.v Ave. Tne wedding v\ill take place Aug. 3. STRATOWAVE $ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald \V. Farnngton Sr., 13 Gordon PI., Iiior. announce the engagement of their daughter, Sally Ann. to Pfc. Robert John Reardon, »on of_Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reardon, Mohawk. No date has been set for the wedding. Including Haircut Name Aides For Dinner. To Address AAU W-UnitMrs. John Carrollrfr Shown: * .^jk the feather cut , own-will i The Democratic Women's be the speaker at the member-' •Club of Utica and Oneida ship meeting of the Mohawk ,County wiirrpofHor an "InterValley Branch of the American national Dinner" from 4 to 8 Association of U n 1 v • r s.l t y Jan. 21 at the club rooms, $3 Women, "scheduled for 8 p.m. iDevereux St. tomorrow at. Munson-WUlJams-. Mrs. Joseph Jackaina, . fenProctor Institute. era! charlman, will be assLsted During a six-months tour of' by the following committees:! Jvirope and the British Isles In Polish wpp>r, Mrs. Felix KaJdo 2954, Mra. Brv*"h attended the and Mr*. Vincent WeresxynsJcl; conference of tilt International German -nrpper, Mrs. John Titration of I f n l y e r t l t y' Burke and Mrs. George Breckel; Women la Pirtj. ShYwtU disChinese supper, Mre. Alfred cus* the conference,- as eyeU.sj MJrant* and Mxe. P. Francis other high spoU of her trip. Do7ra»T^—etc" ke~ts, ~ ttrr—Xrav Mrt. Brown, a long- tiro e Curtin and Miss Cell Mitchell; member of AAUW, Is a paat dining room, Mrs. Joseph Czerw president of the Mohawk Valley and Mrs. John NawoJ; recepBranch *niS !• rnrr^nMy »»r^nfr tion, Mr*.—John Raiano—andas legislative -chairman. Mrj. Dennis O'Dowd; publicity. Host eases for the evenlng^wll! Mrs. Elsie G e n e r o u x and be Mrs. Ivan Farquhar and Mrs Mra, Marie B. Myers, 1201mTclitM Ii.de DiSeiavaHe: 78.^W. Swart."'fhe faUowlng will Warren St., announce* the ~ Mrs, Ralano. "president "of "the •erve on the refreshment comengagement of her daughter, club, announced that there w^ll mittee: . Miss Bernlce Gates, - Beverf/'Tane, V> Michael L. be no January meeting but 7** v Mra. Howard Greenough, Miss —Milham. son of Mr. a5id" Mrs. .. . iRclel) there wtl! be a "board meeting i.K,:-t.'t i Catherine Hagel, -Mr*. Louis Abraham D. Milham, 523 Rut* Mrs. Helen BonJ, 22 John-St., Little Falls, anat 8_p. m. Jan. 16 in the club "Haven. Mrs. Richard Henschke. Mr. and Mra.. Jj.ank - Slace.yr -Georgetown.ger St. Miss Myers Is affilinounces the engagement of her daughter, rooms. Si C.,' announce the engagement of their Hiss Mabel Howard. ated withTTie New York Tele- Phyllis Ann. to William E. Cotter Jr.. son of Mr*. Donald Lane will be in daughter. Misa Marilyn Stacey. to Lt. John phone _Co. Her fiance is a Mr. and Mrs. William Cotter, 159 Church S t , Area OES Will Install Thomas ReJ, son of Mr. and Mrs, John ReJ. eharge of floral decorations. sophomore at Siena College. Little Falls. '— TITdn. '" Oriskany Chapter. OES, will Install officers at" the S prru. -JMI. -tn m *Jie MAM-HII? T h e J&n P Temple, Oriskany. Worthy Ms/r-r7 "fl . ft *"^ "* ^ I uar>' meeting of t h r Mr. and Mrs. Georg George ._' tron Miss Marv Thompson and IPu h 1 2 1 Utica Presbytery will be held E ° - Dudley Ave an' Prea-!'.daughter. Jean Irene, to A ?c '.vnl1 P r " ; d e . D. an.. tertin .16 in _ u the . York\ille . The Women's" Club of Our", Church. Luncheon w i l l i R ^ n Kenneth Baird, USAF, Lady of Lourdea School will ! The Rt. Rev. Walter M. Hlg-,w•hierfcontains three dimes. The: >' elect officers at S p. m. Jan. 15 *y. Suffragan Biahop of the'dimes are symbolic of. the tal be seVved by the Ladles Aid a son of Mr. Gordon G. Baird. }l$02 Storra Ave-r In tha.BThool audiloiimn. iDiocese of Central New York, ents which the Master gave hisjgocJftAi: 111 the Mrs Herbert Carey president "W ** guest speaker at the sen-ants to Increase. The flnd-l will conduct the businesa m e e to- n do r nI e) ln!'t 8r i c A " ^ 1 * ^ «>f the-Sec-|ers must" take-them back to t lng, and Mr* Raymond Moon 2 : 3 Epiphany tea at,their parish and put them to will report on the Mothers Com° Wednesday In- Calvary',work for the missionary pro. . .Church House. _. . . . gram of the Women's Auxiliary. mmee# Mrs. Albert Halites U chair-1 A candlellghUng s e r v i c e , : Circle mnmbers of Calvary' Set to Eteet ^ a/, btatters ,l At DistrteHE^^ - Relcher.berger, WELLS BEAUTY SALON Phone •«nr 4-1561 Our fine modern cold wave with nary & crimp or crinkle . . . with a wonderful "way- of "shaping your hair irt a gracious" halo of healthv. flowing curls—primed for the prettiest spring coiffiire you ever-had ! -Phone NOW for this special saving — sale through January only. c s Special HARRIET HUBBARD AYER French Formula Lotion Grace Hartfoni. will meet at will be entertalr.ed bv Mrs E!:i.r'«onre J">r.es. Calvan' Ch,urch. •beth Dick, "- - '' the offerir Mrs '57 - & rr, a f d ecf«ch alrmaTr - ^?^ JOhn Gilroy ba conducted by the Rev. R J v r t n ! f ^ _ . ^ ^ . ^ ' 1 1 . f ? , 1 ° . ^ „ l Mudge, and Mra Michael Dwyef willO. Mo'.nar, St. George's Church. " ^ ^ / J^ T »?. pour. They will be assisted hy Chviwtcka; the Rev. Aubrey ^""U.. vice president of the the foiiowlng; commltteee: 'Artm; Trinity Church; the Rer.-Second District, AIU jwur. The Mesdames J. Wilbur \VU- Arthur Archer. Grace Church; In charge of the event are Hams, John Hleber, Thomas and the Rev. R. Benjamin MO.M. Mrs .Morton McDonald and Mrs. KellLher, William M e t z g e r , d i s t a n t in the Booavllle mis- Murray Wheeler of Calvary Arthur Dirrigrand, H ar o 1 d-ii^n-f-.eM Church, assisted by Mrs. Law-. Croc t lt an Hamellne, Robert Van DeMark/ A l?o taking part in the light- T'*\* i * e , I • V ! r *^ V - ? _Philip Clark, Justin Gsftaey aad.u-yr of-the cAn'-Uea will be Mrs-^ ^h™' S } J ^ n 8 ^ n h l -• - Oster. - •" "Sigmund 'Cyms'Hsgley,. NorAich, diocesan'"Ney.-—lUftfflrd: Mrr~L"l o y d Also J. Donald Price. Leroy president of the auxiliary; Mrs. Ivearried and Miss Bessie Sage. KunkeJ, Edwin Roberts, Edmund.John T. Scanlon. Oneida, pre.*:- Grace Church; Mrs. Roderick B o e r * e r . Paul Cfiristensen/ler.t of- the Second " -District;' ?* m Su i" ^ r "- f ^ ^ ^C hJJ°S' Francis Henael, Nels NV-sorTMrs.' BenjamTn Klish. O n e i d a . ^ - ^M 9 *r s° f fenr <*«wn. *dS ger WtlUam Sears, WiHtam Relllv devotional life chairman of-the *W[ " >" * * %[ S Mark Connors, Joseph "Walter Second District; and Mrs. R o n - " 1 *0 yhs± ^ 5 * "^f"*'. Ti" d Mrs •nd Richard Modllszewskl. aid Muige, branch president of-^* ^'" ^ " h : «^ - ^ Dv Also aamvee Rlggals. Walter Calvary Church " : H u " ! e U M d M r 8 / Herman Her-f Foley. J. Francis Morath, Ellas- I'shers will be ytit Clarence zog. St. John's Church. Whitesboro. Chanatry. Francis Mrs.--- John—Trrtte: Everett Schrteder, George k^n- Mr? George Nos'.mnd and Mrs' • n „-../. u nerknecht. James Curley, E d - . j ™ h cu-mo all of Calvan- (>mup If i l l Ho Id Sale* wardHeaiti. Michael Buckley, ch.rch. *' At MccUnnTnm morrow IP in 1 a r g e r : -y ^ Trinity, wtLri •Jghj Hooper, sjd Divid llarger.. - v rr r„s R„ c~ ^^ .v ». T^^.A \ ^* ' n m B The Mother's Club of 81^ Jtfvr rrch: 'STrT Will'nm Cn>, All 7?** P**t Noblt Grar.da Huh {Alfred r Reg. 20.00 SmoofKs—Soothes Follow-i »t T Jan. 15. Mrs Ur% ^ ^.J ^ j. ^ ,M:chel as a<;*t!or.eer. Mothers *-'U preside at the bui'..-f««| Tr.t main feature of the tea of the first g-rvie class will be matins;. will he the Ep*.phsny cake-h«v.ore«1 d;iring the social hour. Protects Against Winter Weather T R L S T YOUR H A I R TO A T R A I N E D OPERATOR 'v:-^rsr: r •y oamy rich with Lanolin, fragrant with L£mon Oil to soothe, smooth' and protect through any~£eason. A must in cold weather. World-Famous The moit smsxjng offtr of fwo permantnh for rhe price of one. Bring s member ef your fsmlly, • relative, or Chooie s permanent end receive two for trie nd. rhe price of one. REG. Elite Cold Wave Reg. Reg. Reg. • Reg. $7.50 P M M A N l N t S $85<\£ERMANENTS $!0.0CiPE^VANENTS SI5.0Q.FERMANENTS 2 Spring's in ihe Air CLEANSINO--BIAUTIFYING U.00 Never before ho) ihit W«vt bte« leld et thli o—oii^g price LUXURIA CREAM for 2 for »7.50 2 for «8.50 2.for »10.00 . . . 2 for U5.00 ONfLY K A T D M A L I Y ^DVITTlSEO MMERlALsTuSEO 1 j - i ? ^ . ^ ^ ' "arartcj^x**^ •-ran »-• -~,i *.*\,« v-».r irrv&w^zw^-'^'*?»*,• tvj-srvrtv;—.*>.,'S%^"»»*TV,c^'t-"'v-'>*v,o> •»-• EXTRA RICH y2 SWEATER DRESS PRICE SMART CABLE KNIT SWEATER OVER SPUN RAYON SHEATH V Limited iime.only! ... BIG 9-oi. JAR, Reg. 2 50 : i v » r , ~ « - v.— c-' °~- ~:J5*: Elite Beauty Salons. Inc. DOWNTOWN—174 G e m c e St.-D'e! 2-976J UPTOWN— G r «*d U r ' o i S w cpp-5 - Xrf-r,%_Q J ,| 2-?798 ONElbA SQUARE—331 G t - c « e S»ree'-D;*! 2-9S09 EAST UTICA—426 Boeder S»ree!~D:«l 2-9776 NORTH UTrCA—Norfh Utic* Sh C pp> 9 Center—DI«! 2-9227 PLAZA BEAUTY SALON-WV;te,»c-r, S^cpp'^ Center-Phone 6-9932 ROME—MO N. J«rrV« Street P v c ^ 2546 ROME—Mohawk Acrei Shcpp^-.g Cer-.ter—PKcre 2510 ' I VrYrth oe without eppo^tment—Open 9 A. M. 9 P. M. DYED TO MATCH' - r CEV ,«>~-;>'^xcS} - , - I T O This Magnificent facial cream, used and loved by fastidious women for many yearn, is a boon as well M & bargain at thin remarkable naving. Stock up . . . U'a a long term Investment In loveliness. ^"^ .98 --*-» '"iff Fa^srvoned b v v -r~Uir Headed soiKh towards the sun, this smart sleeveless zip-front sheath accented by a gentle collar and soft polka dot how. Its own matching cable knit sweater.- In pink, beige, blue, sizes 9 to 15. Untitled Document WELLS STREET f l O O R Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com WELLS SECOND FLO °v t
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