The Anglican Parish of Croydon Hills & Wonga Park SERVING GOD AND OUR COMMUNITY. OTHER NOTICES Sunday 29th March 2015 Messy Church: Messy Church is an interactive ministry that is designed for the whole family. The April Messy Church dates are 19th April at Wonga Park 26th April at Croydon Hills. Please pray for who you will invite to one of them. Easter services: Maundy Thursday – 2nd April– 7:30pm – at St. Mark’s. Good Friday – 9:00am – St. Mark’s -10:30am – St. James Easter Sunday – 9:00am – St. Mark’s - 10:30am – St. James (including Baptism). Please invite family, friends and neighbours to our Easter services as well as any of our other services. - Diary Dates: April – Removal of St. James Bookshelf. Wednesday 6th May – 7:30pm – Prayer Meeting at St. James. Saturday 9th May – Ladies Breakfast. Wednesday 13th May – 7:30pm – Invitation Part 2. 30th Contacts Minister : Leroy Coote 9876 2600 E-mail : [email protected] Vicar’s day off : Tuesday (emergency contact only) Website : Children and families worker : Becky Sims. Phone Number: 0438 013 000 Main Days: Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday Welcome! Thank you for joining in with today’s time of worship. If you would like prayer or any other assistance, please let today’s Service Leader or Minister know. COOTE’S CHRONICLES Dear Friends. Welcome to our first combined service of the year and we hope that God blesses all who attend today. Today, you will hear from a number of representatives from the parish that attended the 2015 Future Anglican Conference as well as celebrate Palm Sunday today – the start of Jesus’ last week. The events of Palm Sunday are memorable with Jesus riding into town on a donkey being treated as a king as people laid down their coats along the path of the donkey as a sign of reverence. However, the significance of the day is often lost in relation to Jesus’ life and his purpose on earth and is mixed up often in whether we have a Palm Cross on the day or not. The people laud Jesus as a king but then in the latter part of the week, he is committed to death on a cross by many of the people who were praising him on Palm Sunday. We also normally view a king as indomitable. A king is normally someone who exudes power, who exudes authority and can do some amazing things. Dying on a cross is not something that many of us equate with the great acts of a king. With Jesus it was different. His final actions would be the ones of greatest significance and although the people have been told about it, they were not ready for its realisation. You see friends, Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfils God’s purpose on earth. He came to save the world by preaching a message of repentance and belief in the good news. However, what he has come to do ultimately was to save the world from the wrath of his Father – God. In essence, the purpose of the events of Holy Week was for Jesus to complete the work of saving the world – that is his death and resurrection. Once we accept with everything we have that Jesus is the number one reason we live on this earth, then we can truly celebrate the events of Easter in a manner that causes us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Are you saved by believing what Jesus did on the cross? I hope so, because there is no other way to be saved. Blessings Leroy Please stay for Fellowship over a cuppa after the service today PRAYER. Local Mission Pray that we will develop the practice of invitation, welcome and integration. Pray that we become not only a bible teaching church but a Bible obeying church. Give thanks for the start of Messy Church this year at both centres. Pray for strength to continue them well and for them to thrive. Pray for Mainly Music to kick on well. Give thanks for the great start and pray for transition into Messy Church. - Out of Parish Mission Pray for Liz Hawthorne as she ministers in Africa when she leaves Australia on the 7th April. Pray for the Beer Family as they minister in Katherine especially with Tavis’ extra load. Pray that our Archbishop will continue to proclaim Christ in his role as Primate. People Pray for Norm Power in his recovery from his stroke. Pray for Judith Lenthall as she continues to battles a long term migraine and that her doctors find the right treatment. Pray for Joan England as she continues to adjust to life without John. Pray for Robert Lewis as he deals with life in a nursing home. Pray for Loris Fletcher in her nursing home. . Pray for baby Stevie’s as she continues growing stronger at home. Pray that all will remember the real reason for Easter. Prayer of the day: Almighty and everlasting God, of your tender love towards us you sent your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all should follow the example of his humility: mercifully grant that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BIBLE READING READINGS FOR THIS WEEK – SUNDAY 29th March Croydon Hills Luke 19:28-40 Page 1017 READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK - SUNDAY 5th April Croydon Hills Wonga Park Luke 24:1-12 Page 1025 Page 89 UPCOMING MEETINGS OF MINISTRY. 10:00am at Croydon Hills – Holy Communion. Monday 30th March 2015 9.30am – Lighthouse Bible Study Group is in recess. 7:30pm – Parish Council meets at St. Mark’s. st Wednesday 1 April 2015 10:30am – 12 noon – Cottage group meets at St.James. All “Young at Heart” Welcome. Thursday 2nd April 2015 7:30pm – Maundy Thursday service at St. Mark’s Wonga Park. Today See back of pew sheet for the rest of the Easter Services. Saturday 4th April 2015 9:30am – 11:30am – “Sew What” meets at St. James. Due to the school holidays, many of our groups are closed. What is listed below are the dates activities are resuming. If a mistake has been made then please let Leroy know. Monday 13th April 2015 Wednesday 15th April 2015 Thursday 16th April 2015 Thursday 23rd April 2015 7:30pm – Men’s Bible Study resumes in the Vicarage. 10:00am – Mainly Music resumes. 7:30pm – Bible study resumes at the Ackers’ house. 9:30am – 11:30am – Coffee, Craft and Chat Resumes.
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