praying for one another on a regular basis in conjunction with the monthly Prayer Reminder. It is important therefore that it is as accurate and up to date as possible. For anyone already included can you let me know of any changes to your details. For those who have joined the fellowship recently I need to add your details. There are some forms on the board in the Back Hall. I also need photos please. If you have a suitable digital photo please email it to me, otherwise I will have my camera with me most Sundays. If anyone does not have a current Directory and would like one, please ask me. Thank you. Christine Dove churches that have joined in recent years. Some are the fruit of Brazilian or Korean mission workers. Most, however, have simply been planted by people coming to Italy and not finding a Baptist or Protestant church in their city. Please Note information for the weekly notice sheet needs to be given to the Church Office by Thursday. email: [email protected] . Get to know – DBC If you would like to get to know more about church life and the activities at DBC, why not come along to one of the regular Sunday lunches? Please contact Jenny for more details on 01362 638327 . EBA ask us to pray for Ormesby Light of Life Light of Life continues it's journey seeking God's direction as we seek to relevantly share his love, concern and interest for the entire community. In many ways we have had a challenging time recently but see God's generous provision and care towards us. Please pray for us as we journey for a while with Tear Fund as they help us to truly understand the needs of our community and build a project that is sustainable and fruitful as we aim to really "scratch where it is itching". Pray that both as church made up of individuals with individual calls on our lives that we impact those around us with the unrelenting acceptance of God the Father. Please also pray for wisdom as we seek to both grow our work with children and teenagers and older people, as with all projects and churches we need God's practical provision and direction. BMS ask us to pray for Italy Immigration came later to Italy than to other western European countries, but the Baptist Union there is now benefiting from the number of ethnic minority Church Contacts Church Annexe, Norwich Street, Dereham, NR19 1BX Phone:01362 695221 Open 10-12 Mon—Fri email: [email protected] Ministers: Rev: Chris Densham email:[email protected] Rev. Jorge Damasceno email:[email protected] Counselling Service: Phone 01362 851101 Pastoral Contacts: Richard & Frances Cracknell 696214 Or Barbara Yaxley—Church Office 695221 or 695847 Youth Work Contact: Andrew Frere-Smith—690941 email: [email protected] Week commencing 16th November 2014 Pastoral Contacts Meeting. All Pastoral Contacts are Saturday 22nd November Sunday 16th November Welcome to our church .We trust you enjoy being with us today and hope you will be able to join us again in worship. Please join us for refreshments after the service. Portuguese Speaking Service. 6pm. Morning Worship 10.30am Rev Jorge Damasceno & Prof. Sam Leinster will be preaching on Death & Dying as one of the “Who Cares?” specials. Each week we have “Connect Groups” meeting in various homes in the area. These informal small groups aim at connecting with God, one another and the local community. If you would like further details, or be part of a new one, please contact the Church Office or speak to one of the Ministers or Elders. Reminder to parents: Please remember to collect your Sunday 23rd November children promptly from Kidz Church and that after the Sunday Service it is your responsibility to ensure their safety. Crèche available upstairs There is a box available for your gifts towards the Lord’s work in the entrance hall. There are people available to pray or talk to after the service. Monday 17th November U3A Table Tennis Little Fishes at Toftwood Busy Fingers 10-12am 9-11am 7.30-9.30pm Tuesday 18th November Work Club Prayer House Church Member’s Meeting 9am-11.30am 12-3.00pm 7.30pm Wednesday19th November Tots and Tines at the Church Little Fishes at Toftwood 9.15-11am 9-11am E.S.O.L. Class 5.30-7.30pm Thursday 20th November Dementia Café The Hub for Young People 10am—12n 4-6pm Music Group 7.30pm Friday 21stNovember Coffee Shop Y Friday Marriage Minutes 10am -1pm 7.30-9pm 7pm Morning Service 10.30am Preacher is Rev. Chris Densham Little Fishes will be meeting at Toftwood. A team are serving refreshments at Swanton Morley Football Club. Would members of the fellowship please remember that the church is hired out to various groups when we are not using it ourselves, so it’s not always convenient for you to park in the drive or to use the toilets. We still need more people to help on the Coffee Rota for Sunday mornings. Lots of people stay for coffee, but only a few are willing to help make it! At present there is no one to make coffee on 23rd November or 7th December . Please could you help on that day. Contact the church office. 2nd Manse. As part of our plans to continue God's Work in the future, we have decided to progress with the purchase of a 2nd Manse. To enable us to do this, you are invited to consider making a gift, or a loan, or a commitment to monthly giving, to enable the finances to be met. Further details of the plans, and the means of giving, are outlined in the Pledge Forms which are now available. A Gift Weekend of 22/23November has been set aside to receive the pledges. Please speak to any of the Leadership if you require any further information. Dereham Lights ... At the switching on of the Christmas lights on 30th November we have booked to have some stalls in which we want to set up a "stable scene", in which people can have their photo taken. If you would like to help and would like more details, please contact Ian Gardner asap. Thank you invited to a meeting in the church lounge on Dec 11 th at 7pm Weekly Prayer Walk I'm doing a prayer walk round the town every Friday. It takes 45 mins leaving at 6pm from the bottom of the Church drive. It would be great if you would like to come with me. I intend to do this until Easter so feel free to join me anytime. Lyn Milns 01362 289365 or email me for details of route etc. [email protected] Dates for your Diary Marriage Minutes. Taking a minute can sometimes transform your marriage. Anne and Mike Rose would love you to join them on Friday 21st November at 7.00pm. Spice up your marriage! An Evening with Jeff Lucas & Searchlight Theatre Co. at Norwich Central Baptist Church on Monday 24th November at 7.15pm Dereham Churches Together Evening of Prayer, Praise & Fellowship will be held here at DBC on Tuesday 25th November at 7.30pm. Please plan to be here if you can. Toy Service on Sunday 30th November. Please bring gifts of new or good as new toys for the Salvation Army to distribute to needy children in this area. Christmas Fair in the Church & drive on Saturday 20th December. Further details and offers of help, please speak to Trevor. First Aid. We are hosting a First Aid Course on Saturday 28th February 2015 at DBC. The course is available on a “first come—first served” basis and there are only 16 places. Please book early. Contact Andrew Frere-Smith. The course fee of £40 will be reimbursed by the Church. Church Website Anne Rose is now the contact for any news, comments, photo’s etc. to go on our website to keep it fresh and updated. Please contact her on 01362 851490 or [email protected] Directory of Congregation 2015 Each year we produce a Directory containing names, addresses, phone numbers and photos of all those who are part of this fellowship and regularly worship with us. This is an invaluable aid to getting to know one another and
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