J inorg nucl. Chem., 1979, Vol. 41, pp I~g-199 Pergamon Press Printed in Great Britain STRUCTURAL STUDIES ON ACTINIDES C ARB OXYLATES--III [ 1] PREPARATION, PROPERTIES AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF LITHIUM GLUTARATE HYDROGENGLUTARATE DIOXOURAN ATE(VI)TETRAHYDRATE UO2(CsH604)Li(CsHTO4)'4H20 F. BENETOLLO and G. BOMBIERI* Laboratorio di Chimica e Tecnologia dei Radioelementi del C.N.R., Corso Stati Uniti, 35100 Padova, Italy and J. A. HERRERO and R. M. ROJAS Instituto de Quimica lnorganica "ELHUYAR" C.S.I C., Madrid, Spain (Received 5 June 1978) A~traet--The synthesis, thermal behaviour and crystal structure of lithium glutaratehydrogenglutaratedioxouranate(VI) tetrahydrate is described. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2dn with a = 9.143(3), b =26.825(11), c =7.776(2) A, /3 = 101.2°(2) and Z = 4 . The two glutarato ligands behave differently; one is bridging the uranyl groups in infinite chains running approximately in the u axis direction, the second is bridging the uranyl and the lithium ions. The carboxylic groups are chelated on the uranium and monodentate on the lithium. The structure is linked through a network of hydrogen bonding involving water molecules and oxygen atoms from the carboxylato groups. The geometry around the uranium is approximately hexagonal bipyramidal while the lithium is tetrahedrally coordinated with one glutarate oxygen and 3 water oxygens. INTRODUCTION In a previous paper, the synthesis and thermal behaviour of uranyl glutarate and its derivatives with lithium, sodium and potassium have been described[2]. It was found that sodium and potassium uranyl glutarate precipitated in the system glutaric acid-uranyl nitrate-alkaline hydroxide in molar ratio 3:2:6. When this procedure is used in the preparation of the lithium compound, a new product identified as lithium glutaratehydrogenglutaratedioxouranate(VI) tetrahydrate is formed, EXPERIMENTAL The compound was isolated in the system glutaric acid-uranyl nitrate-lithium hydroxide in molar ratio 3:2:5.5 at pH =4.4. Crystals suitable for X-ray work in the form of pale-yellow prisms, were obtained by recrystallization from water. The uranium content of the sample was determined gravimetrically as U3Os, after precipitation with ammonium hydroxide. Carbon and hydrogen were determined by the microcombustion method, using a Coleman mod. 33 microanalyzer. Lithium was measured by flame emission spectrophotometry using a Pye Uuicam mod. SP 90 serie 2 spectrophotometer. Calc. for Li[UOz(CsH604)(CsHTO4)]4H20 (%): C 19.68; H 3.47: U 39.01; Li 1.13. Found (%): C 19.71; H 3.36; U 39.02; Li 1.14). The thermograms were obtained using a Deltatherm mod. D-2000 differential thermal analysis and D-4000 thermobalance assembly. The samples were ignited in static air; precalcined alumina was used as reference material and a heating rate of IO°CIm. was selected. The IR spectra were obtained using a Perkin-Elmer 325 spectrophotometer, with samples in KBr pellets or Nujol mulls. The X-ray powder diffraction patterns were obtained using a 114.8 mm Debye-Scherrer camera and CuK~ radiation. *Author for correspondence. Crystal data. C,oH21Ot4ULi, FW 610.25, monoclinic, a = 9.143(3), b = 26.825(11), c = 7.776(2) ,~,,/3 = 101.2°(2), U = 1871 ~,, Dc=2.16gcm -3 for Z=4, AMoK~=0.7107A, /J,(MoKt~)= 83.5 cm -t, space group P2j/n. The X-ray intensity data were collected on a four-circle Philips PW 1100 automated diffractometer with graphite-monochromated MoKa radiation. The unit cell was determined on the basis of 25 strong reflections found by mounting the crystal at random, varying the orientation angles ,/, and X in the range of 120° each with the detector position varying between O = 6" and d = 10°. For the determination of precise lattice parameters 25 strong reflections with 8 ° < 0 < 15° were considered and the precise diffraction angles # were evaluated as centres of gravity of their profiles I = F(O) averaging over positive and negative O values. Integrated intensities for hkl reflections with k, 1 ~>0 and 3° ~ 0 ~<250 were measured using the 0120 scan method with a scan speed of 1.20° rain ', scan width of 1.3° and two background counts of 10 s at each end of the scan. Of the 3161 reflections thus considered the 1816 having a net intensity greater than 3o- (tr = standard error based on count statistic) were used in the structure determination and refinement. o-(I) = [CT ~- (tc/tb)2(Bi + B2) + (pi)211t2 where CT is the total integrated peack count obtained in scan time tc, B~ and B2 are background counts each obtained in time ~tb and 1= CT - (tcltb)(B~ + B2). A value of 0.04 was assigned to the factor p in the formula to calculate o-(I) to allow for other errors. Every two hours, two standard reflections were monitored to check the crystal stability. These were found to decrease nearly linearly by about 20% during the course of data collection, presumably as a result of crystal decomposition. The observed intensities were corrected for this apparently isotropic crystal decomposition. Solution and refinement of the structure. The uranium atoms were located in a three-dimensional Patterson synthesis. Subsequent refinements and difference Fourier synthesis revealed the presence of all non-hydrogen atoms. The structure was then refined by the least-squares procedure using anisotropic thermal parameters only for the atoms belonging to the uranium 195 F. BENETOLLO et al. 196 coordination sphere and isotropic for all others. During the refinement the quantity minimized was X w(IFoI-IFcl) 2 where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure amplitudes and where the weights w are taken as unitary. Atomic scattering factors for the uranium were taken from Ref. [3], for the other non-hydrogen atoms from [4] and [5] for the hydrogen atoms. The anomalous dispersion terms for U were applied to the calculated structure factors[6]. The structure converged to R = 0.08. Final difference Fourier syntheses revealed only two peaks of about 1/~ 3 in the proximity of the uranium positions but not the hydrogen atom positions. The positions of hydrogens belonging to the aliphatic chains were introduced at their idealized positions, C-C-H 1090 and C-H 1.08/~, and they were included as fixed contributions in a final refinement where the thermal parameter of a hydrogen atom was assumed to be equal to that of the carbon to which it was attached. The structure converged to R = 0.079. All data processing and computation were carried out using the SHELX 76 program package [7]. The final positional and thermal parameters of atoms appear in Table I. A listing of the observed and calculated structures amplitudes for those data used in the refinements is available from the authors. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Thermal analysis and IR spectroscopy. The compound is dehydrated between 90 and 160°C and when anhydrous, it transforms at 200-270°C into a mixture of uranyl glutarate and lithium glutarate, as indicated by the X-ray powder pattern of a sample heated at 300°C. Finally, decomposition occurs between 340 and 700°C; U02 and Li2CO3 can be identified as intermediate products, Li2U207 being the residue at 800°C [8]. The thermal behaviour of the compound (see Fig. 1) can be indicated as follows: 90-160*C Li[UO2(CsH604)(CsHvO4)]4H20 Li[UO2(CsH604) (C5H704)] 200-270°C ) UO2(C5H604) 340-700°C + 1 Li2(C5H604) 1 ) ~ Li2U207 z The IR spectrum of the initial compound shows the bending (8) and asymmetric stretching (vas) vibrations of the uranyl group at 256 and 915 cm -t, respectively. A strong band observed at 1720cm -~ in the hydrated compound appears at 1710cm -~ in the anhydrous one, and can be assigned to the C=O stretching of non-associated carboxylic acid[9, 10]. Overall crystal structure. The structure is shown projected down the c axis in Fig. 2. Table 2 contains the most significant inter and intramolecular distances and the bond angles. This structure is built up from two distinct coordination polyhedrons. One is formed by the uranium atoms surrounded by eight oxygen atoms O(1), O(2), O(3), O(4), O(5), O(6), O(7), 0(8) in the shape of a distorted hexagonal bipyramid. The two apical oxygens, O(l) and O(2), constitute the uranyl group which is perpendicular to the equatorial plane of the bipyramid formed by the other six oxygen atoms. In the second Table 1. Atomic coordinates (× 104, for hydrogen atoms x 103), anisotropict temperature factors and isotrupic (u× 103)with e.s.d.'s in parentheses X U O(1) 0(2) 0(3) 0(4) 0(5) 0(6) 0(7) 0(8) 0(9) O(10) O(11) O(12) O(13) O(14) C(1) C(2) y 275(1) 1532(0) 152(30) 1630(11) 404(29) 1405(10) -2356(19) 1786(7) 3052(19) 1418(8) 2177(19) 2167(8) -683(22) 2376(8) 848(24) 658(8) - 1525(23) 841(8) -4883(29) -778(10) -4154(33) - 1384(12) 5568(27) 815(9) 1727(27) 3198(9) -8046(30) - 1038(10) 1665(29) 5072(10) 3298(34) 1882(12) 4898(32) 2103(11) Z UI l 3602(2) 19.8(5) 1448(23) 33(10) 5699(22) 26(9) 3243(37) 16(9) 4069(39) 13(9) 4312(40) 8(7) 4075(40) 28(11) 3115(47) 37(12) 2870(42) 31(12) 2168(36) 79(9) 477(41) 100(10) 4067(33) 67(7) 4497(34) 68(7) 2341(38) 84(9) 1613(36) 79(8) 4460(44) 46(8) 4942(42) 43(7) C(3) 5208(33) 2411(11) 3313(42) 42(8) C(4) 6783(33) 2624(12) 3863(46) 51(8) C(5) C(6) C(7) 7954(37) - 547(37) - 870(45) 2221(13) 3636(46) 539(13) 2705(47) 11(15) 2165(63) C(8) -2351(49) - 180(17) C(9) -2615(41) -688(14) C(10) Li -4029(41) -6392(76) -948(14) -677(26) U22 U33 U23 UI3 UI2 32.0(5) 13(10) 3104 ) 29(11) 45(15) 55(14) 46(15) 4(13) 39(13) 97.4(10) 282(40) 150(36) 155(25) 165(26) 173(27) 154(27) 196(33) 180(30) 6.3(10) 32(15) - 13(17) 16(13) - 10(15) 16(16) -21(16) 18(18) -23(16) 17.4(5) 23(17) 20(14) 41(13) 32(12) 28(13) 32(14) 23(16) 44(16) -0.1(7) 17(7) -5(8) 8(8) 7(8) 10(9) -4(10) -1(10) -3(10) H(C2) H(C2) H(C3) H(C3) H(C4) H(C4) 51(9) 55(9) 80(12) H(C7) H(C7) 1872(64) 88(14) H(CS) H(C8) 1101(53) 64(10) H(C9) H(C9) 1282(51) 60(10) 3471(94) 75(19) tln the form: exp [- 2¢r22 Ui~aiaihlhj]. x 569 499 439 517 688 697 y 180 234 270 217 294 275 z 523 607 299 220 301 521 - 23 - 49 - 269 - 304 - 169 - 262 - 22 - 5 - 19 8 - 92 - 65 318 95 313 102 170 - 28 197 Structural studies on actinides carboxylates--IIl Table 2. Distances (,~) and angles (°) with e,s.d.'s in parentheses U-O(2) U-O{6) U-O(5) U-O(8) C{6)-O(71 C(6)-O(8) C(61-C(71 C(7)-C(8) C(81-C(9) C(9)-C(1O) C(10)-0(91 C(IO~O(IO} 1.65(21 2.48(2) 2.42(2) 2.47(2) 1.29(41 1.23(41 1.49(5) 1.42(6) 1.49(6) 1.50(5) 1.23(51 1.32(5) Li-O( 13 } Li-O(14)vm 1.86(7) 2.02(7) 0{41.,. 0(5l 0(5)... 0(6) 0(3)... 0(8) 0(12)... 0(5) 0(12)... 0(10)TM 0(141... 0(7)v 0(11).. :'0(8)I 2.18(3) 2.64(3) 2.68(3) 2.80(3) 2.61(4) 2.74(3) 2.99(4) Oil >1!-0(2) 177(1) 0(31-U-0(6l 53(1) O{l i-U-O~3) 89(11 O{I1-U--0(61 93(1) 0(21-U-0{3) 92.(11 U.-()(~>C{51H 94(2) :, -0(6>Ct5) l! 91(2) 0!31J-C(51--0(6t 122(31 Oi3)"-C(5)--C{4) 124(3) 0{6)r-C{5)-C(4) 113(3) Ci5)-C(4)-C{3) 110(3) C~41-C(3}-C(2} 106(2) c (3 ~--('i2)-C(I) 109(2) 0(4)-U-0(51 O(I)-U-O(41 O(1)-U-O(7) 0(2)-U-0(4) 0(2)-U-0(7) U-O(5)-C(I) U-0{4)-C{1) 0(41--C(11-0(5) 0(5)-C(11-C(2) 0(41-C(11-C(2) C(91-C(101--O(10) C(9~C(101-0(9) 0t10~C(101-0(9) 53(1) 91(11 88(1) 88(11 89(I) 97(2) 92(2) 118(31 120(31 122(31 111(31 123(3) 126(41 O{9}-Lb-O(13) 106(4) O(13Y-Li-O(II)*~ 119(41 ( (lO~-Ot9)-Li 166(3) O(9)-Li-O(l 1)m 109(31 O(131-Li-O(14)vm 115(31 U -0{ 1* U-O(3) U4){41 U-O(7) Cil I-0{41 C;I)-()151 C{I ),-C{2) ('{21-C{3t ~713}-C~4~ 7~4)-Ci5} C~51-0{31' ~{5}-0!¢ff 1.68(2I 2.46(2} 2.51{2) 2.45(2) l 29(4} 1.27{7} 1.55(4) I 58{41 1.5~,i41 1.56(4} I 22{a) 1.29(41 1.89{81 ] -0(1~ III ] 04{7) [ I-0{9t 0(3i. (){61 0~7'~. 0(8) 0~41 {}{7) O{ll} . O{14P~ O~111 0(4) !)!12t 0(3) ~ 0(12} 0(131TM 2.20(3) 2.19(3) 2.86(3) 2.82(4) 2.81(3) 2.86(4) 2.90(4) 0(71-U-0(8) O(I)-U-O(5) 0(11-U-0(8) 0(21-U-0(5) 0(2)-U-0(8) U--0(7)-C(6) U-0(8)-C(6) 0(7)-C(6)-0(8) 0(71-C(61-C(71 0(81-C(6)-C(7) C(61-C(71-C(81 C(7)-C(81--C(9) C(8)-C(9)-C(10) 53(11 91(11 89(11 91(11 89(11 92(2) 93(2) 121(31 116(3) 123(3) 121(4) 118(4) 117(4) O{9)-Li-O(141vnl O{1l)m-Li-O(14)vtn 103(4) 104(3) Key fer symmetry II IV ~ 1 ~+x. ~ y, ~+z ~H ~- ~. ~+y, ~ - z t 1 V -l+x, y, 1 ~-x, 1 Vlll - 5 - x , z I 1 ~+y, 1 ~-z 1 -~+y, } - z polyhedron the lithium ion is tetrahedrally coordinated with three water oxygens O(11), O(13), O(14) and one glutarate oxygen 0(9). The U polyhedra are connected through bridging glutarato groups, each ligand being chelated via 0(3) and 0(6) to one uranyl unit and via 0(4) and O(5) to another uranyl unit. In this way infinite chains, glutarato-U-glutarato, are formed in the direction of the a axis. The second glutarato group is chelated through 0(7) and 0(8) to the uranium, thus completing its equatorial hexacoordination and with the other carboxylic group is coordinated to the lithium atom through 0(9). The lithium polyhedra are in the proximity of inversion centers and are linked two by two through relatively short O(14)...O(11)' contacts, 2.81 ,~., that could be ascribed to hydrogen bonding. The fourth water molecule O{ 12), not coordinated, is involved in short contacts either with the non-coordinated O(10) oxygen atom of the glutarato group or with oxygen Ill -x, 1 -y, l--z 1 1 VI ~-x, -~+y, ~--z IX -x, -y, -z atoms belonging to the uranium and lithium coordination sphere. The existence of these contacts suggests the presence of a network of hydrogen bonding connecting the polymeric chains. The uranium coordination polyhedron. The characteristic dimensions for the uranyl group are observed in this structure. (Table 2) The O(1)-U-O(2) angle 177(11° is linear and the uranyl distances close to the usual value of ca. 1.70/k [U-O(1), 1.68(21 and U-O(2), 1.65(2)]. The six equatorial oxygens are coplanar within _+0.06]k. The equation of their best plane in direct space is - 1.3672X 5.0440Y + 7.6305Z = 1.9459 and the deviations (in /I, of the atoms belonging to this plane are: 0(3) -0.050, 0(4) 0.026, 0(5) -0.046, 0(6) 0.058, 0(7) -0.017, 0(8) 0.028, U - 0,007. The highest deviations are presented by the four oxygens of the U-U bridging glutarato group, showing some ~t~in in the structure which is also reflected by the 198 F. BENETOLLO et al. 10- t • 2O r T~ I I 30- I 40- I r 500 100 2OO 3O0 ~00 5OO 6OO 700 800 g00*C T (* C) Fig. 1. DTA and TG curves of [UO2(CsH~O4)(CsHTO4)]Li.4H20. Fig. 2. Cell content viewed down the c axis. different conformations of the two aliphatic chains. In fact, while the glutarato group bridging the uranium and a lithium atom has essentially a trans planar conformation, the conformation of the chain in the glutarato group belonging to the polymeric chains is trans and cis-planar (Table 3). The U--O distances in the equatorial plane range between 2.42(2) and 2.51(2),i~ with an average value of 2.46/~, which is comparable with those reported for analogous compounds, e.g. in Na[UO2(OOCCH3)3] U O(acetate) = 2.49A[11]. The three independent O . . . . O Table 3. Torsion angles (°) C(6)--C(7)-C(8)--C(9) C(7)-C(8)--C(9)--C(10) C(1)--C(2)--C(3)--C(4) C(2)--C(3)--C(4)-C(5) 171.7 162.2 180.0 98.4 The torsion angle W(IJKL) is defined as the angle between the vector Jl and the vector KL when viewed down JK. The signe of W is positive if Jl is to be rotated clockwise into KL and negative if anticlockwise[15]. 199 Structural studies on actinides carboxylates--Ill bite distances across the chelated carboxylic groups [2.19(3)]~ average value] and across the monodentate carboxylic group [2.27(4),~] are comparable to those reported in bis(iminodiacetato)dioxouranium(VI)[l]. The other O . . . O approaches in the equatorial plane are 2.64, 2.68 and 2.86 A, two of them being shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii[12]. The lithium coordination polyhedron polyhedron. The tetrahedral coordination of the lithium ion is well known[13]. In the present study the Li-O distances vary between 1.86 and 2.02 A,, compared with 1.89-2.04 A, in lithium acetate dihydrate[14J, while the angles vary between 1030 and 119°. As the standard deviations are high for all the distances reported in this structure no particular meaning is attributable to the reported difference in the lithium oxygen bond distances and angles. Hydrogen bonding system.+ The contacts between the atoms are related mainly to the water-water and watercarboxylic oxygen interactions. The approaches are illustrated in Fig. 1 and in Table 2 and are attributable to the presence of a network of hydrogen 0onds. In fact, the four non-equivalent water molecules have different roles in the structure. The H20(ll), HzO(13) and H2(Y(14) water molecules act as ligands for the Li + ions while H20(12) binds carboxylate oxygen atoms and H20(13) by means of hydrogen bonding. The HzO(ll) molecules have interactions with H20(14)v~, 0(4) and 0(8) ~ from two different chelated carboxylate groups, besides an electrostatic contact to the lithium ions. [O(11)... O(41 2.81 A: O(11).,. O(14)v~ 2.82 A; O(11)... 0(8)' 2.99 ~,l. Fhese contacts are in the directions of a distorted tetrahedron with HzO(ll) at the centre, and they could be assigned to hydrogen bonding. H20(13) forms onlYo a contact with H20(12) TM [O(13)IX...O(12) TM 2.90A]. H20(14) exhibits two probable hydrogen bonds with H20(ll) and 0(7) of a chelated carboxylato group !O(14)v'... O(11) 2.82 A and O(14)v~... 0(7) 2.74 A], tin the description of the hydrogen bonding system, for the ,,ymmetry related atoms the superscripts of the key given in ]able 2 are used. JINC Vol. 41, No. 2--E thus forming a six membered ring having a chair configuration, with lithium and O(11) and the centrosymmetnc related atoms. The non-coordinated H20(12) TM are approximately at the centre of tetrahedra with, at the corners, H20(13) TM, O(10)TM belonging to the monodentate carboxylate groups and 0(5) ~v, O(3) 1 from different chelated carboxylate groul~s [O(12)'v...O(13) TM 2.90A O(12)~v...O(10) TM 2.61A, O(12)lV... 0(5) tv 2.80 A, and O(12)~v... 0(3) TM 2.86 ]~]. 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