::"W.--' ' :-M '•'< ••. ••. n u •:<--Z,:^<:-.::^:::-^.--:\ • '•; ' • , - • : • • • , . • . ' • •-••:'-.•; ££££§(£3! • • . . > • • . . . 1 . • - : . • > - . " ; - - . ; - •'»•* . • - . [ , ' . . - ' • " ; _ , ' - , - • - . • , - - • '•' '. . \$r\*& PA Q E SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1922. ASKS DAMAGES fOR SON'S DEATH j § Supreme Court Opens With Case arl's Where Schenectady 98c SILK & COTTON TUSSAH! 35-inch Silk and Cotton Tussah in plain colors, stripes and jacquard pat terns. Full range of shades. Silk Sale pric;, yard of Small Boy Hit by Taxi 69c Driver. • Buys 'The 79c BOYS' PERCALE Big Store of Smiling Carl's Where Schenectady Service"^ WAISTS! 79c CREPE BLOOMERS AT 59c ' Boys' percale^ waists in sizes 6 to 16. These were made for other large stores and mail order houses who cancelled their orders. We secured a small [* A lot to sell for today at v«/C —Carl's Bargain Basement. First quality pink and white crepe bloomers with elastic at waistband and knees. Special for today only at 59c —Carl's Main Floor,' Rear. Sirs. Ella >Moollck of this city will this morning start, a legal light in supreme court here for the recovery of. damages for the death of her three-year-old son, John Moollck, Who w a s killed by a taxicab i n A u gust, 1910, driven by Prank Lawrence. The little boy, with a group of other children, was playing in Cutler street, nfar Seventh avenue, in Mont Pleasant, and Lawrence, a taxicab owner and driver, was bringing four passengers' from a funeral service to their home a t 706 Cutler street and w a s proceeding in a westerly direction along Cutler street. A Ford car was parked along the curb, headed in the opposite direction. Lawrence's car hit the littlo boy, who died within half an hour. Lawrence alleged at the time that the little boy ran out from back-of the Ford, directly TO front of the taxi and that he did everything he could to avoid hitting the youngster. The boy died before medical assistance reached him. His mother, who has been appointed administratrix of his estate, is suing Lawrence for $25,000 damages. Supreme court opened yesterday ', with a jammed courtroom, but after JH With ample time for the designing of their Spring costumes, hundreds of women are now choosing the the calling of the calendar, the charge H silks they will need, at these extremely moderate prices which characterize this Silk Event at Carl's. of the grand jury and the call of the jurors, both trial and grand. Justice adjourned until this morn: A Whltmyer ing. Two of the jurors did not answer when their names were called in court and 12 of those that did answer were excused, leaving only 32. It may be necessary, therefore, to call All-silk, 40 inches wide. A good In good range of colors including an extra panel before ^the term i s quality and in a good range of over. The grand jury' started i t s brown, jade, green, navy blue, tan, I work yesterday afternoon under the colors: Jade, old rose, brown, navy, 36 Inches wide, in a full range of grey, purple, golden brown, dark guidance of Assistant District Attormidnight, sea foam, steel, flesh, ney James W. LIddle, who said that colors for afternoon and evening green, Copen, white and other evensunshine, Cuban and many others. ho expected that cases.agalnst 16 peodress wear. Silk fljl £ £ Our $1.50 quality < P | • H»7 ing shades. Regular fljl O f ple would be considered b y the grand' ' S 3 jury. at, yard «PI»£il Sale price," yard V 1 *OU $2.00 quality. Yard «P 1 ,£*0 Former Congressman Rollin B. Sanford of. Albany appeared to plead the case of his l a w partner, Harold D. Alexander, former district attorney of Albany, who is being sued by Attorney Lyman H. Blvens, also of Albany. 36-in. W H l f E HABUTAI SILK— 36-inch BLACK SATIN DUCHESS— The case yesterday w a s simply preliminary to the actual trial of the 98c Regularly $1.85. Silk ( M C Q Regular $1.25 quality. Silk Sale, yard. action brought by Blvens for slander 36-inch W H I T E JTRICOLETTE— Regular Sale, yard . . . - . «Pl.tJ,iF and libel for certain statements made 36-inch BLACK SATIN DUCHESS— $1.85 quality. Silk In t w o letters written by Alexander -to .Judge John J. Brady and i n his Heavy quality, Regularly fl*1 *7Q Sale,- yard answer to -charges filed with former $2.00. Silk Sale, yard «P 1 . I *7 Governor Alfred E . Smith. At the •36-inch SATIN D E SGIE—Extra weight timo of the letters, Alexander w a s district attorney for Albany county. and finish. Regular $2.35 quality. d**| A O Mr. Sanford appeared yesterday In an 40-inch CHENEY SATIN, CHARMEUSE Silk Sale, yard «P 1 . « / 0 effort to have the place of trial of "the action fixed a s Albany county in40-inch BLACK SATIN CANTON CREPE —Extra fine quality, very high lustre. A great stead of Fulton county, where Bivens —Regular $3.50 quality. d*H O C wearing quality in pink, blue, orchid and sea has filed the papers. Bivens appearfi*0 *}£' Silk Sale, yard « p £ . 0 « J foam. Regular $3.00 quality e d , in opposition to the trial being at, yard , $£*%Lit) held in Albany icounty and stated to 40-inch BLACK C R E P E M E T E O R Reg40-inch SATIN CHARMEUSE — Extra the court that he had brought the'acular $3.25 quality. Silk tion in Fulton county because he quality, soft finish and high lustre. In brown, Sale, yard . . . thought'a fair trial could not be obnavy, royal, mallard, green, taupe, burnt or* tained in Albany county. Briefs will 40-inch BLACK C R E P E D E CHINE— ange. .Regular $2.50 quality. (Pi Q f be • submitted to Justice Whltmyer-, Regiilarly $1.50. Silk tt»1 *)"] Yard «P I .»/D who will announce his decision later. Sale, yard «P I • £ t When the .calendar w a s called, 136 36--inch SILK FOULARDS — In dark cases were marked ready for trial and 27-inch BLACK CHINA SILK— C C n grounds, small and medium designs. In colors I £• 36 Were marked off. The new court Regular 85c quality. Silk. Sale, y a r d . . D D C a\ad white. Very choice patterns for dresses / rules were put into practice and, acand waists. Regularly $2.25. cordingly, only six cases were put on today's calendar. . These iwere num33-inch BL&GK_SHANTUN.G P O N G E E Silk Sale, yard \nii 23! (tho action of Mrs&JSli.<aiqq-—Regularly ¥ 3 8 , ' S i l k 7C'/, 40-ihch Extra Quality C H E N E Y SATIN licfc for the death of her son against Sale, 'yard / ; v v : . . . . . ....... . 8 DC AND SILK FOULARDS—In figures, stripes -Frank Lawrence), and, numbers 26, 36. = 36-inch BLACK CHIFFON and scroll designs. All the favored colorings •45, 73 and 75. 36-inch O R I E N T A L HABUTAI SILK— for Spring.. Regular $3.75 § 1 TAFFETA—Regularly $1.49. Silk d»«V J A Fast-black and waterproof. Regular quality at, yard Vfaa.TV ^"Y" GYMNASIUM POPULAR $1J25 quality. Silk Sale, yard - . . . . . . . 2 RncrPFATs'CY-yESTINGS—For P r e s s o r nn.iinc.ss Men Enjoy Exercise m 36-inch "BLACK SILK -POPLLN— 7 Q 36-inch BLACK CHIFFON waist trimming. Large assortment of newest and Recreation. H TAFFETA—Regularly $2.25. Silk Regularly 89c. Silk Sale, yard I * / C colorings. Regular $2.98 quality. 40-inch BLACK CHARMEUSE <M A O Silk Sale, yard Sale, $ 1 OQ The business men's classes at them —Regularly $2.25. Silk Sale, yard. « P l . « 7 0 —Carl's Main Floor, Rear. .' «Pl.O»7 gymnasium are toeing taken "advant- H yard age of by many men of the city who realize the benefit of physical exercise. The class last night at 7 o'clock was held under the direction of C. K Lyon, physical director. The gymnasium is open •every day and games are played nearly every night. Many We give to each case the best advice and service that years of •basketball games have been enjoyed technical study and experience enables us to do. In our opinion, on "the court. The bowling alley has justice is not done unless attention is paid to all the minute details, •been in much demand and the billiard which, if neglected, may mean discomfort and loss of vision. tables accomodate many. In justice to the customers who^find it difficult, if not imAt 4:15 o'clock tonight the Acmy club will meet for supper and its possible, to be served wheji extra stamps are given, we make business meeting. T h e speaker will DOUBLE VISION LENSES the' above announcement. be W. E. Abbott, boys work secretary. with gold filled frame or The advertising class will meet with Six months ago no grocery business—today so much _thc instructor, F. R. Davis,-and wilt nose piece, complete tiiscuss problems of the present day we find it difficult to handle it. That is our situation, B.I-FOCAL L E N S E S E Y E G L A S S E S COMadvertiser. The Y. M. C. A. orchestra Carl's grocery offers you the lowest prices, free delivery, (Double Vision), ground from will meet under the direction of PLETE with shellette. rims Stanley Gabowski. At noon time the 1 piece of glass, (t*Q "Tr* 2^2% saving with Gold Bond Stamps, and we carry nothing and quality lenses, including hoard of directors of the "Y" will per pair «PO» ID examination of but quality food stuffs. meet for luncheon, after which the FIVE Buys $2.50 "PANSY" CORSELETTES! Made in pink Pekin stripe ^brocade, with detachable garters, elastic side gores and hooks in back. Sizes 32 to 40. Regular $2.50 value <M Q O today at —Carl's Second Floor, Rear. .. $ 1 *VO •—Carl's Second Floor. | Every Day People Are Learning More & More, That At Carl's %They Save WSJ&&But on the Prices of Merchandise As Well -•' {S U They're saving on all kinds oi dependable merchandise because the lower cost of doing business the Carl way—buying and selling for cash jj only—enables lis to mark high quality goods at a lower price than elsewhere. Probably the Greatest Value in Men's Neckwear Ever Offered! {ttlt'sSilkJthH his At a lt 500 HEN'S FINEST QUALITY | Lower Price Than You Would Pay Elsewhere KNITTED T-I-E-S at jj For the Same High Quality SILKS In the Season's Newest Weaves and Colorings! 1 THIS IS SCHENECTADY'S GREATEST SILK EVENT! $2.00 ^6-Inch Satins Made to Sell at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 DO NOT MISS IT! Crepe De Chine A Real $2.00 Quality Pyramid Silk Taffeta ' The variety of patterns, the multitude of colors, the astonishing num ber of weaves makes any sort of detailed description absolutely impossible. But this wealth of difference makes it possible to supply the demands of every taste—from the gay to sombre—the daring to the con servative. The Ties are knitted in fibre silk, fibre silk mixtures. They are Ties that were never meant $1.00 and on up to $2.25. mixtures, and silk.to sell at less .than ^ COME P R E P A R E D T O BUY IN NUMBERS, FOR YOU W I L L W A N T T O DO = JUST T H A T W H E N YOU SEE THEM—CARL'S MAIN FLOOR §| Rich Black SILKS! New White SILKS! CARL'S Are Giving FREE Instruction § In the Art of Making LAMP SHADES !% $1.69 Charmeuse and Foulards $2.85 $1.75 iffir-?. „ $tm 98c $1.98 Single Stamps In Grocery In Carl's OPTICAL DEPT. Department Every Day ! $5.25 ; business of the. day will be cared for. your eyes $4.25 VICTOR VICTROLAS i I i ' —Carl's Main Floor, Rear. Only 40 Gold Bond Stamps AND EVERYONE IS I N V I T E D T O MAKE T H E MOST of This O P P O R T U N I T Y T H E R E IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE FOR T H E I N S T R U C T I O N ! The only From in colors to for everyone . g requirement being that you purchase your materials at The Carl Store. '=5 the great variety of materials, table or pedestal lamp shades can be made JUL harmonize with the color scheme of any room. Anyone may now learn = is invited. —Carl's Second Floor, Rear. m This Opportunity, Won't Come Again in a Hurry! m Oneida Community io-Year GH Par Plate' j SILVERWARE At One-Half Price|j| Anld the neatest of all patterns—The;"Monroe!" " TOese pnee^-area§§j possible only for one reason—the factory is .discontinuing the pattern. §§ WHILE THEY LAST TODAY! ( W e Cannot Guarantee Quantities to "" Last All Day.) Regular $1.50 T e a s p o o n s Set of 6, 75c T^^laY"S3:OU"Tal5le^Spoons SeroF67$I750 Regular $3.00 Medium "Forks Set of 6, $1.SCT Regular $2.90 Dessert Forks . Set o£ 6, $1.45 Regular $2.90 Dessert Spoons Set of 6, $1.45 Regular $2.65 Oyster Forks . . Set of 6, $1.32 $1.50 5 o'Clock Tea Spoons Set of 6, 75c Regular $3.00 Soup Spoons . . ' Set of 6, $1.50 $1.50 A. D. Coffee Spoons Set of 6, 75c Regular $4.00 Salad Forks Set of 6, $2.00 And Many Other Individual Pieces. (PLUS WAR T.VX) 26-Piece Chest of Oneida Community Par Plate SILVERWARE Regular $15.00 26-piece set, "Monroe" Pattern (Discontinued by factory), 10-year Guarantee. While they last at half ®"f £ f t (Plus W a r T a x ) price -Car 's Busy Basement, VICTOR RECORDS to Fill a Page •"llillll ' that the hearing is open MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE T0|fon nounced Lean, William Walker. Tetcr A. Car- William L. Mershon, Jr.. Dclos H. France, jr.. ^yalter U. Lundy. Wll- BOY SCOUTS WILL HOLD all who wish to attend. Addison - ^ . Lamb. t>. Ham Wrencke, M. Starthman. penter, jr., George W. Bipwood. Wil- Williams. TESTS IN CENTRAL PARK COME UP AT MEETING OF liam A. . Borden. Walter Sweeney. J. Dewey. Eugene Johnson. John B u Rub o n Sore Throat Leonard. Andrew H. Mcleod. Chris- cinlskl. Fred Partridge. Fred Lath"^ llcrc'n an easy wax to MTP S3, and EDUCATION BOARD TONIGHT Musterolc relieves . sore throat topher Uooney. Gleason Book com- wood. Rev. W. F. Comptori, Robert -• yet h»ve the bent cough remedj REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS quickly. Made with oil of mustard, , you ever tried. pany. Treston Overbaph. C. H. White. Stevens. Hugh F. O'Ncll. Luther Outdoor tests In first class subjects X ; for the Boy Scouts of this city will In addition to tho hearing on the it is a clean white ointment that Mynderse. Alfred G. HcmmingS. v ^ Helen T. BadRley. Samuel R. Dahzlg and wife to Ell AnothcV list of thopo w h o botiRht will not burn or blister like the oldFlorence Goodspeed. AlieX Train- Fred W. Aussicker. Charles P. Kane, be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30matter of discontinuing the teachers' fashioned mustard p l a s t e r . i•'• You've probably heard of this well- Christmas seals lias been Issued by or. John Kovac. Walter H. Ferguson. Kalmah Stark. Peter Munverth., H. Einstein and wife. 13th ward. training school, tho board of educaMac Frances Hogan to John B. o'clock in Central park. Scout Exknown plan of making cough syrup the committee In charpe. Those who Boy Strickland, I. Appleman. H. F. Wilbur. John I. McCann. Prange, Just spead it on with your finger's.' tion will tonight name a' business at home. But have' vou ever used have scal-s or money which are not ecutive C. M. Gray announced yes- supervisor to succeed C. D. Ogsbury Gently but surely "It penetrales to Joseph P. Fleming." William . M. Jerry and wife. Liberty street. itt Thousands of families, the world yet returned are expected to turn Matheson. Mrs. A. Galser, John J. Foley. Fred Socllner. Fred' Botha, ' Ida C." Kelly et al to Joseph .Mors. terday. The tests will all be given whose term expires tonight. Several . t h e ?oro spot and draws out the pain.Lanahan. Charles IT Varncy. Mrs. over, feel that they could hardly keep Rotterdam. Kpting. Mrs. Henry Ich.ipe. GeorRC Robert H. Mauer. Mrs. Ray Tlillby, at'Little Falls, and will bo in charge candidates have appeared for the post'Get Musterole at your drug .store to-:g . house without it. It's simple and therh In as soon as possible. James McAulift and wife to CathE. Volk. Frederick A. • Turnbull. John Carey. L. W. Cooper. MAry arine E. Oliver, second ward. cheap, but the way it takes hold of a The list of givers is as follows: Com- day. 3o & 6-">c in jat*s &. tubes: hosof J. C. Perham. head of the depart- and among them Is Deputy corijjh will soon earn it a permanent Alhert E. Crouch. Charles W. Thomas Rourke, Kfnest Morris. Wil- Clarke. Hugo Yager.' Kmma Hagel, . Felix Sohwermer and wife to Al-ment of training. No merit badge missioner of Public Works John J. pital size. $3. „ place in your home. Hotter Thnn n MusitraV Plaster Curry. WrlKht, Ferdinand Teuber. Clara E. liam Kratsky. Thomas J. Ryan. A. Henry Keitkamp. jr.. Peter OustunK. fred C. Hot or and wife. Rotterdam. Into a pint bottle, pour '2>/a ounces subjects will bo given, these being N. McManus. Salvadorc Frank L Flint. Walter C. WorthrjL Indications point to a large hearLulu-.!-M„.Sha.ttuck ct al to P.ose of.-Piriex; then add plain granulated nernlnp, Kmma Kllneler. Kdsar J. Mlncoff. W. Hiley. Armin Schoenherr, Henry scheduled 'for a later date. ing on the .school matter as the peo«i)«ar syrup to fill up the pint. Or, Smith. Claude rorkins. Kuireno II. i-Scacclc. Kdgar llavlfS. Warren Dc- Hughes. Mrs. McKcan. AHhur Shoudy. Delanson. The tests passed at this outdoor ple of that section and the parents if. desired, use clarified molasses, Trrrtnbley. Frank H. Wnchtoll. James liano. J. C. Aiken. Mrs. R. J. McKce. Welmer. Burt L. Hall, and wife to Andrew • ' period, and any others the scouts honey, or cofrr-syrup, instead of sugar Grant, Casslus M. Davis. Charles Arthur M. Ottman. V. .' W. Holmes. of prospective graduates from the J. Nellta, Norwood aventie. gyntp. Ktther way, it tastes good, Memke, Harrv Newell. Glen Warren. Howard I. Becker. Karl Malloch. Samuel Marshack, Daniel J. Garry W. Van Vranken and wife have passed since December, may be high school are much wrought up approved at the court of honor meetnever spoils, and gives you a full pint S,woeney. C. J. Jandro. Joseph F Fri- , over tho abandonment of teachers' of better cough remedy thffn you Walter F. Myers. ' Henry Kinnum. . George. Duber. Clarence F. Robinson. day. Alphonse J. Glrard, Oscar Hupp, to Peter.'F. Verklas and wife. Rot- ing scheduled for the following training in the school. The board has terdam. could buy ready-made for three .times Julius Eger, F. G. Elbert. Howard B. | Harry LlffcowtU, Fred C. Fisher, F. Tuesday, February 7. This will be Chris. B. Christensop and wife to Xursc. John M. Sanny. Mlldr*cd Mar-i-t. Lyons. N. J. Seek, Edwar) s William H. Aus.flker. Mrs. George its, cost. ' * the first meeting of the reorganized •Tt is really wonderful how quickly tin. Ralph H. Barron, F. S. Stephens Tanim, Howard C. Dalley, Jacob [Fraking. Edwin F. Burr.-Abrat.l.LLf:. A n t o n . P.&vlovsku_.and__\vife, Third court, and will bo held In the third e—this home-made remedy conquers a Krnest F. Clow. George Brewster. E . Schaad, R. N. Ramsey, Frank B . 1 sot. Jules O. Hannerman. John W. avenue. floor of the Fitzgerald building In cough—usually in ii hours or less. .1. Madden, Fred Kcmncr, Arthur'C. Marsh, Fred Klewe. George M.lMitchell! Carl A. Anderson. John F . ChArlcs F. Barden and wife to Clinton street. Special rules regardIt seems to penetrate through every Dunn. I Johnson. RalelgV. J. Baogh. Eugene William It. Chase and. wife. Harrison Fredericks. John A. Sanlckl, Rue J. ing tests and court of honor conduct air passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or , James Ge'ren. Kdward Simpson Aba, Stanley N. Ashley. Edwurd R. avenue. will be sent the various troop leadtight cough, lilts the phlegm, heals Smith! Starry S. Foster. Frank H. Anderson'. William MoenamV^Ueorge Mountain, Peter S. Sclgcl, Ralph the membranes, and gives almost imers this week. The court will be E. Stephenson. John F. Mahonryy^W^ mediate relief. Splendid for throat Jecklln. Joseph A. Mayer, William open to a l l ' s c o u t s and the general The Easiest Way ' j public. exAnder Golden. Kenneth Gllgore. tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis C. Arsem, Charles W. Mcintosh. arid bronchial asthma. Dominic Clalrmont, Lionel Manny, To End Dandruff Charjes J. O'Ncll. Harry Bolacker. The court of honor meeting will Pincx is a highly concentrated comSadie M. Kilroy, Henry I,. Kdmonds. Thcrii Is one sure way that' never be the first* event of scout anniverpound of genuine Norway pine ex- George A. Gould. J. P. Shanlon. LlhBoy H. Kienlc. George MnypArd. falls to removo dAndruff completely sary week, which lasts from Februtract, and has ,-boen used tor genera- crato Martlno, John Rurncr, James Minnie A. Smith. Howard J. Dunbar. and thAt Is to dissolve It. This de- ary I until 14. The feature of tho Joseph llorTntan of 174 Pnlne Street. f;reen Inland, Is Out Strong For tiori* for-throat and chest ailments. McKenna. Miriam Wilcox. John OanIra Browncll. Fred W. SUbe-kraii*. stroys It entirely. To do this, just celebration, which Is for the 12th Tonic CI.NOT nnd In filnd To Tell the World About It. 1 KTo avoid disappointment nsk your annce. William J. Vrooman. Charles EATHER exposure and hard G. H. IngAlls, John Jenny, G. W.«/et About four ounces of plain, or* Anniversary of the formation of the druggist for "2yt ounces, of Pinex Kcnyon, Joseph Nosal. Franklin work bring p & « h » and aches in with directions, and don't swept Any- Becker, Albert O. Watdron. Harris Monroe. Bush. Ruth Irwin, Frank sjinary liquid arvon; Apply H at night scout movement, will bo the cltyfn conversation with Mr. Hoffman, "I did not sleep well and w»«r»/ral«J. rnusctes and joints. Have a StArk. I-co Doyle. Carl W. 8hear, thing else. Guaranteed to give abso- M. Stalker. Sidney. Wright. Albert" A. to eat so you. can see what dcplora lute satisfaction or money refunded. Rankin, Abraham JArte, Charles V. bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy and WIlllAm BArnett, John Kappel. jtlow- when retiring; use enough to moisten wlde-- Scout rally to bo held In the recently, he said: the scAlp and rub It In gently with high -school -auditorium Wednesday Jhe Pinex Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind. "If any one would, have told me A ble condition that I WAS In. TKff ard P. Blades. Barton. WesleyJGah* Miller, LeRoy J. Parrlsb. Marie A. night. February 8. A special program ycAr Ago that I would find A remedy worst of All WAS that nothing holpe< _ Vou will find at onee^ comforting agan, W. C. Wlllsey. Elnver TAbor, the finger tip*. Youngs, Nancy Holallng. George B. By morning, most I f not all. o f your Is'being -prepared, consisting of tslks, Mackey. John J. Poersch. FrAnk Hoi- eense of warmth which will be followed FrAnklln D. Ruhl. JAmes OtNelll. dAndruff will be gone. And three "or movies, singing. And other features thAt one bottle would help me 75' per me at all And I kept getting Wors*£ all the time. cent I would have laughed at them. hrook. Minnie Kronmn. E l l i a b i t h by a relief from thfc soreness and MlrlAn Jones, .. ' 'I four more applkAtlons will complete- of-Interest to the scouts. stiffness of aching ioint*. "But that i s what CINOT did and t "I starte'd taking CINOT .and the Hogen, Michael F. Maloney. Qeotge Blum. E. W. Crowe.) Kro- ly dissolve And entirely destroy every ' Other plans for the celebration of Also relieves rheumatism, sciatica, jmetl Blessing, Courtney T. Male. E . results were immediate and -within-, single sign And ttAce of It, no ;mat- tho week here Include father and I A n e w that within A few days thAt a few A y s I was eating' regular wffh Augustus.R. Bush. Joseph W. B i k e r , neuralgia,sprAi'nsand krains. my troub'les will be gone entirely. >w! Cowle. N. Horstlnger. RJictor. ter how much dandruff you mAy have. son And pArcnts' nights by the vari8am Onnegan. John W. Stapleton, For forty years pain's enemy. Aslr The first bottle surely accomplished no signs of stomach distress and a t . Mrs. Anthony Msrx, Sherman Ki'8ur« Tou will find, top. that all Itching ous troops, and special sermons SunRussell RVAn, Charles H, Schwartz, your neighbor. night I was sleeping A sound and rfcf a miracle. dAm, P. J. Klrkwood. SArAh Scott, and digging of the scalp will stop day. February 12, In the churches In George ..CArmen. W. J. Gardner. M. freshrng sleep. I heArtlly endorsee At all dmggists^-sJSc, 70c, $1.40. Jennie FAulkner, John W. {Toward, Instantly, and y&ur hair will be fluffy" which s c o u t * troops Are located. - "For quite a few'years I suffered CINOT."—— * Friedman. WllllAtn E . Purify, Stephen Frederick L. MArtln, R. G. Grlgg, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and There mAy Also be some form of terribly from Indigestion, with-jraV Mullen, Peter Nelson, Mrs. Msrtln, and bloat and few hrfurs after eatlnk CINOT Is betnjr demonstrated In ThUlp Prelhs. Jease J. Powers^Fred look Ahd feel a hundred times better. outdoor sports program for alt Jessie BrAd\, ChArtes LeonArd, Josm y stomach would turn sour and I Tou can . get llould arvon *t anyscout* oi the city. W. Dill. William 1*. NeAlon, Qhirles eph Kollftth. WiUiAm H. HAthAwAy, SchcneetAdy by An ex perl at Veeder would have dreadful heart-burn and NteholAs F. Clute, HermAn FelthousWltdman. Charles Brlggs. EitKer 1*. drug 'Store. It Is Inexpensive, and belching with sour risings In my A^Telvcrton's drug store, 2S1 State four e-vne-is is al! you will need. This en, Andrew ScAnion. William K l e Fagni. Carl Sertl, Theodore Gnsse, slmpls rthie'iy has never been kn'otfn Baggagefcxpfe*.cady Smith, i»»i)v: throat. : street. •• ' • ^ • w-Aldtj Peter A. Kaiser, MettU Mcr ^Adv. • Charles Page,. • CheSebro, Kenry U HIV . - . . . . " the Best Cough Syrup is Home-made. CHRISTMAS SEAL BUYERS THANKED - I 1 FEELS SO MUCH BETTERPHYSICALLY THAT HE IS GLAD TO TESTIFY FOR TONIC C1N0T W Sloa Liniment The UNEXPECTED is Goingjo Happen! 1 £ . •' : li':: ' ' " ' Untitled Document .1 | Classes unde"r the supervision of Mrs. G. J. Rivenburg are held each morning HH' I from 10 to 12, and from 2 to 5 each afternoon. ==•-.; LIMBERS UP YOUR SORE STIFF JOINTS ... | •? • i»iiwsyi*>vsl»>4^Psyi*«'-u *•*«••• Jsn 1; j I; •: . / • ' ' " " . . —. «f™f? Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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