Cherokee Trail High School Student Leadership Application Packet 2015-2016 “In an effort to leave a legacy and evoke change, WE will stand up, stand out, and include ALL!” CTHS Student Leadership Mission Statement Tammy Johnson - Student Leadership Teacher [email protected] CTHS STUDENT LEADERSHIP APPLICATION PACKET 2015 – 2016 We are looking for students who: want to improve school spirit love to plan and organize events are self-motivated and conscientious are hardworking and organized have the ability to balance academics and extra-curricular activities think outside the box love working with others want to promote positive change and be involved want to leave a legacy! “Bleed BURGUNDY and NAVY” (have a lot of school spirit! ) Want to make a difference at CT Does this describe YOU??? If so… WE are looking for YOU! We want YOU to apply for CTHS Student Leadership Class! Student Leadership is a yearlong class for credit. Members of Student Leadership are responsible for organizing school activities such as spirit weeks, dances, pep assemblies, fundraisers, community service events, as well as acting as representatives for the student body. Student Leadership will also offer you an opportunity to learn and build upon your leadership skills. Lastly, Student leadership is a TEAM and just like athletic teams, the members of this TEAM are held to very high expectations in and out of the classroom. In addition, just like athletic teams, Student Leaders are expected to put in a considerable amount of time outside of school to plan and execute events. It is a commitment but the rewards are great! If your actions INSPIRE others to DREAM more, LEARN more, DO more and BECOME more… YOU are a leader! John Quincy Adams How do I apply? Here is a checklist of things you must turn in before you will be considered for Student Leadership at Cherokee Trail High School. Because we believe in finding leaders that represent ALL students at CTHS, you will be given multiple opportunities to express yourself as a leader in a variety of ways. Please complete the written portion for PHASE 1. If you are selected for PHASE 2, you will also complete the creative and oral portion of the application. All items and directions are included in this packet. Keep this sheet as a reference. PHASE 1: (Written Expression of Leadership) Please put the following items IN ORDER and staple them to this cover sheet: 1. COVER PAGE: Name, grade and contact info. (pink paper - included) 2. Completed Expectations for Student Leadership Form with parent signature (blue paper included) 3. Completed Cherry Creek School District Activities Code of Conduct Form with parent signature. (green paper - included) 4. Completed Dean Approval Form. (purple paper - included) 5. Completed Teacher Recommendation forms. (yellow papers – you must turn in 2) a. Note to ALL applicants: Your teachers will turn these in for your but it is YOUR responsibility to give them ample time to complete them as well as follow up to ensure they have in fact, turned them in by the deadline. b. Returning SL Students: In addition to your 2 required teacher recs, you must also have a recommendation from your class sponsor and Mrs. Johnson 6. Transcript: (YOU get this from counseling or registrar – it must include your GPA) 7. ESSAY: (250-350 words or less) 8. Short Answer/”Remind”: (140 characters or less) 9. Resume: Bulleted list of Leadership Experiences Make sure you follow up with teachers to make sure they have completed and turned in your teacher recommendation forms by Wednesday, March 18th IF ANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR NOT TURNED IN ON TIME YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SELECTION PROCESS! PHASE 2: (Creative and Oral Expression of Leadership) If you are selected to move on to Phase 2, you will need to also complete the following: 1. Creative: a hand made “We are CT!” poster. (poster can not be any larger than 22 x 28”) Make sure this is done by the day of your interview. 2. Oral: 5 – 15 minute interview. No preparation needed! Bring your A-Game! DO NOT LOSE THIS! This is your COVER PAGE for your application! Write LEGIBLY! (Extra copies are available in activities) NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL Address:________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Cell Phone/ Best Contact #:______________________________________________________ In the 2015-2016 school year, I will be a _________________________________________: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior *************************************************************** NOTES TO INCOMING FRESHMEN! Monday April 6, 2015: The list of students who have been selected for the interview portion of applying for Student Leadership will be available on CT’s website. o Go to Activities/Clubs o Go to Student Leadership It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to email Mrs. Johnson between April 7th and 17th , to schedule an interview for Friday, May 1st. Tammy Johnson: tjohnson41@cherrycreekschools Interviews are set up on a first come, first served basis o Friday, May 1st – incoming FRESHMEN interviews (Class of 2019) o You must sign up for an interview time on the day your class is scheduled. Friday, May 8, 2015 o Results from the application reviews and interviews will be posted in the CTHS Activities Office window listing the 2015–2016 CTHS Student Leadership Class o For convenience to incoming Freshmen, results will also be posted on CT’s website under Student Leadership. STUDENT LEADERSHIP APPLICATION Phase 1 - ESSAY and SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS WRITTEN EXPRESSION of Leadership: You must turn in the following! One essay and One written “Remind” One “Resume” Everything must be typed. ESSAY: Write a 250 – 350 word TYPED response to ONE of the following questions. Part of our class mission statement is to “stand up, stand out and include all” Choose one of the following questions to explain how you would lead according to this mission. 1. If you are selected to be a member of Student Leadership for the 2015-2016 school year, you will be a member of a special group of leaders at CT. What about you is unique that will allow you to stand up and be a “leader among leaders”? 2. Being creative and thinking “outside the box” is a critical component of being a leader. What new ideas do you have to create new or improve current traditions at CT that will allow you to stand out as a leader at CT? (Be specific!) 3. What does “WE ARE CT!” mean to you as the overall motto of Cherokee Trail High School? What ideas do you have and what will you personally do to include all and help build community at CT as a member of this class? SHORT ANSWER: In 140 characters or less, write a “remind” about the following: 1. We are holding a class competition at the next assembly and you really want your class to win! What will you send out in a class “REMIND” to hype up your class and get them to the assembly to participate? 140 characters ONLY! RESUME: This is a bulleted list of your leadership experiences with a brief description of each. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday, January 22, 2015 o You will receive your packet and begin to complete all requirements. o Give the two Teacher Recommendation forms to teachers who know you well. They will NOT give them back to you. It is YOUR responsibility to follow up and ensure they turn them in. You have the OPTION to also have a coach or club advisor fill one out for you. This is in addition to the two classroom teachers! Returning SL students must also have a recommendation form from Mrs. Johnson and your class sponsor o Give the Dean Approval form to your Dean. o Go to the Counseling Office and get a transcript printout to attach to your application.. Monday, March 2, 2015 @ 3:00 in room 229: MANDATORY MEETING ALL current CT students who are interested in applying for Student Leadership must attend. (8th graders/incoming freshmen need not attend) Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 8th Graders / Incoming freshmen o Return your completed packet to your Middle School Counseling Office by Wednesday, March 11, 2015 and they will send them to the CTHS Activities Office by the deadline – Wednesday, March 18th. o Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - ALL APPLICATIONS ARE DUE – NO EXCEPTIONS! Completed packets are due to the CTHS Activities office by 3:00 p.m. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED – NO EXCEPTIONS! Monday, April 6, 2015 o The list of finalists who are selected to be interviewed will be posted in the window of the Activities Office. o INCOMING FRESHMEN finalists will be posted on the window of Activities as well as on CT’s website under Student Leadership. It is the responsibility of the student to email or call Mrs. Johnson to schedule an interview. o Tuesday, April 7, – Friday, April 17: Students may sign up for interviews in the Activities Office. Incoming freshmen must email Mrs. Johnson to schedule. Tuesday, April 28th: Wednesday, April 29th: Thursday, April 30th: Friday, May 1st: Incoming JUNIOR interviews (Class of 2017) Incoming SOPHOMORE interviews (Class of 2018) Incoming SENIOR interviews (Class of 2016) Incoming FRESHMEN interviews (Class of 2019) You must sign up for an interview time on the day your class is scheduled. Friday, May 8, 2015 o Results from the application reviews and interviews will be posted in the CTHS Activities Office window listing the 2015–2016 CTHS Student Leadership Class o For convenience to incoming Freshmen, results will also be posted on CT’s website under Student Leadership Monday, May 11, 2015 o Mandatory meeting (except for incoming Freshmen) at 3:00 p.m. in the CTHS Lecture Center for the 2015–2016 Student Leadership Class. o Election materials and guidelines will be distributed for the 2015–2016 Executive Board Elections. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 – Posters are up for elections Thursday, May 14, 2015 – Speeches before the Senior Exit Assembly Thursday, May 14, 2015 and Friday, May 15, 2015 – Voting for Executive Board July 30, 31 and Aug 1 – MANDATORY Leadership Camp EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP CTHS Student Leadership Grade and Behavior Policy If you are selected as part of the 2015-2016 Student Leadership class, here are the expectations: 1. You will be expected to carry yourself, in all aspects of your life, as a leader. 2. Student Leadership takes a great deal of dedication and time. Please be advised, you will be expected to put in a great deal of time outside of school into Student Leadership. 3. You will be required to be at all Student Leadership activities unless previous arrangements are made with your advisor. 4. Grades and removals: a. You will be responsible for maintaining a minimum 2.5 GPA. i. You must maintain a C or better in ALL classes. ii. Regular attendance and punctuality is expected in ALL classes. iii. If you fail a class, or are removed from a class because of attendance or disciplinary reasons, you will be removed from Student Leadership immediately with a grade of WF. iv. If you are suspended from school for any reason, you may be suspended or removed from Student Leadership. v. Behavior referrals will be addressed according to the discretion of your Student Leadership Advisor. vi. If you earn two D’s or one F for any one quarter, for either Student Leadership or any other class, you will be placed on probation and potentially removed from Student Leadership. vii. If you earn two D’s or one F for your semester grade in any class, you will be removed from Student Leadership with a grade of WF. 5. Student Leadership is a class, and just like any class, you will earn your grade. Do not assume that Student Leadership is an “easy A”! Student Leadership members must understand that SCHOOL COMES FIRST! Grade reports will be ran weekly. Any member who has one or more D’s, or has an F in any class, will be warned and face possible consequences of probation and/or loss of Student Leadership privileges By signing this sheet, you are agreeing that you are aware of the policies and their consequences. Furthermore, you are accepting responsibility for your actions. Please return this sheet with your completed application. Student Leadership applicant signature: _________________________________________Date: ________________ Parent or Guardian signature: _____________________________________________________Date: ________________ TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM 2015-2016 CHEROKEE TRAIL STUDENT LEADERSHIP I do hereby give my consent that any and all written records created, used or maintained by the school in connection with the selection process for Student Leadership shall remain confidential from my child and myself, and I hereby waive and give up any and all rights that I may have under the Colorado Public Records Act, or any other statute, ordinance or law to gain access to or copies of such records or materials. STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________ (please print) 2015-2016 GRADE: ______ Student signature Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Teacher recommendations make up 1/3 of the application score to be admitted into Student Leadership. Recommendations are due in Mrs. Tammy Johnson’s mailbox by Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Based on observations in your classroom, please score the student for each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 = outstanding). Assumes a leadership role in group work (voices opinion, speaks up) _______ Uses positive and respectful communication skills within a group with peers and adults _______ Enjoys school, enjoys learning, enjoys a challenge _______ Is dependable and reliable (turns work in on time, is prepared) _______ Is a self-starter and is self-motivated. He/she takes initiative to get things done _______ Thinks “outside the box” / is creative _______ Works well independently AND in groups _______ This student has shown commitment to his/her responsibilities for class and /or extra-curricular activities _______ Is conscientious and takes pride in his/her work _______ In my opinion, this student will do a good job representing Cherokee Trail Student Leadership _______ TOTAL POINTS This student has maintained a C or better in my class throughout the year. _______ Yes No Additional comments (use the back if necessary): Teacher Name: ___________________________ Teacher Signature: ___________________________ How long have you known this student? ___________________ Briefly describe how you know the student. (What class? Team? Club?) __________________________ TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM 2015-2016 CHEROKEE TRAIL STUDENT LEADERSHIP I do hereby give my consent that any and all written records created, used or maintained by the school in connection with the selection process for Student Leadership shall remain confidential from my child and myself, and I hereby waive and give up any and all rights that I may have under the Colorado Public Records Act, or any other statute, ordinance or law to gain access to or copies of such records or materials. STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________ (please print) 2015-2016 GRADE: ______ Student signature Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Teacher recommendations make up 1/3 of the application score to be admitted into Student Leadership. Recommendations are due in Mrs. Tammy Johnson’s mailbox by Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Based on observations in your classroom, please score the student for each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 = outstanding). Assumes a leadership role in group work (voices opinion, speaks up) _______ Uses positive and respectful communication skills within a group with peers and adults _______ Enjoys school, enjoys learning, enjoys a challenge _______ Is dependable and reliable (turns work in on time, is prepared) _______ Is a self-starter and is self-motivated. He/she takes initiative to get things done _______ Thinks “outside the box” / is creative _______ Works well independently AND in groups _______ This student has shown commitment to his/her responsibilities for class and /or extra-curricular activities _______ Is conscientious and takes pride in his/her work _______ In my opinion, this student will do a good job representing Cherokee Trail Student Leadership _______ TOTAL POINTS This student has maintained a C or better in my class throughout the year. _______ Yes No Additional comments (use the back if necessary): Teacher Name: ___________________________ Teacher Signature: ___________________________ How long have you known this student? ___________________ Briefly describe how you know the studentt. (What class? Team? Club?) __________________________ *OPTIONAL* COACH/CLUB SPONSOR RECOMMENDATION FORM 2015-2016 CHEROKEE TRAIL STUDENT LEADERSHIP I do hereby give my consent that any and all written records created, used or maintained by the school in connection with the selection process for Student Leadership shall remain confidential from my child and myself, and I hereby waive and give up any and all rights that I may have under the Colorado Public Records Act, or any other statute, ordinance or law to gain access to or copies of such records or materials. STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________ (please print) 2015-2016 GRADE: ______ Student signature Signature of Parent/Guardian Date The teacher recommendations make up 1/3 of the application score to be admitted into Student Leadership. Recommendations are due in Mrs. Tammy Johnson’s mailbox by Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Based on observations in your classroom, please score the student for each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 = outstanding). Assumes a leadership role in group work (voices opinion, speaks up) _______ Uses positive and respectful communication skills within a group with peers and adults _______ Enjoys school, enjoys learning, enjoys a challenge _______ Is dependable and reliable (is punctual, comes to all practices/meetings, follow through) _______ Is a self-starter and is self-motivated. He/she takes initiative to get things done _______ Thinks “outside the box” / is creative _______ Works well independently AND in groups _______ This student has shown commitment to his/her responsibilities for class and /or extra-curricular activities _______ Is conscientious and takes pride in his/her work _______ In my opinion, this student will do a good job representing Cherokee Trail Student Leadership _______ TOTAL POINTS Student has been academically eligible throughout the year. Yes _______ No Additional comments (use the back if necessary): Teacher Name: ______________________________ Teacher Signature: _________________________ How long have you known this student? ___________________ Briefly describe how you know the student. (What class? Team? Club?) ______________________________ Dear Dean: Please circle your approval of the Student Leadership applicant. Feel free to add any additional comments or concerns in the space below. Please return to Mrs. Tammy Johnson’s mailbox by Wednesday, March 18, 2015. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO THE STUDENT! Student Name: ________________________________________ 2015-16 Grade: ________ Dean: _________________________________________________________________ This student has a 90% or better attendance rate YES NO This student is on time to class 90% of the time or better YES NO This student wears appropriate clothing, uses appropriate language and follows the rules and policies of CTHS. YES NO This student is seen representing him/herself well. He/she communicates positively and respectfully with adults and peers. YES NO The above student would like to apply for Student Leadership, I Approve / Do Not Approve Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
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