“Extracting and Transforming Viper Venom and other bio toxins into Lifesaving and Livelihood Activities in the Caribbean Region” 2nd Caribbean ABS Workshop, 25 - 29 November 2013, Kingston, Jamaica. By: Laurent Jean Pierre Introduction Biosphere (biological) & Ethnosphere (cultural) = Complete Web of Life Biodiversity + Culture = Biocultural Diversity. Our survival depends on the sustainable use of the Biocultural Diversity heritage The true web of life consist of: diversity in both nature and culture. It’s a living network made up of the millions of species of plants and animals that have evolved on Earth, and of the thousands of human cultures and languages that have developed over time. Languages, cultures, and ecosystems are interdependent. They’re bound together through the myriad ways in which people have interacted with the natural environment. Through a diversity of cultural traditions and practices, in a great variety of natural environments, human communities have acquired invaluable knowledge of how to achieve harmony with nature. Biocultural diversity is both the source and the expression of all the beauty and potential of life on Earth. - See more at: http://www.terralingua.org/#sthash.M8jziomz.dpuf Biosphere - Flora and Fauna are the main sources for lifesaving & livelihood Activities of Local Communities – Health & Wealth Examine and/or Discussion Five activities (Fauna and Flora) & TRAMIL Caribbean a biodiversity hotspot – high endemism • • • • • 1. Cuban Scorpion – anti–cancer venom 2. St. Lucia viper – antidote to snake venom 3. Aristolaca-twef – emesis (inducing Vomiting) etc 4. Cassava – Multipurpose, food security, medicine, etc 5. Anba Kontwè – Spice Rum (Case for Access & Benefit Sharing) Fauna Cuba - scorpions used as anti cancer Rophalorus junceus - Cuban Endemic Scorpion, Blue scorpion, Poison Scorpion The venom of the scorpion was used in traditional medicine to apply under the Cuban stomach in case of urinary retention and improvement of some diseases Recent Scientific Research – Vidatox is a drug produced from five protein peptides extracted from the venom of the blue scorpion (Rophalorus junceus), which is endemic to Cuba and which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect in more than 15 different cancer cell lines. The result of 15 years of research, by October 2010 Vidatox had been tested on more than 10,000 cancer patients, some 3,500 of them foreigners, with positive results both in improving quality of life and stopping tumour growth. Labiofam a Cuban pharmaceutical laboratory, is set to release a new homeopathic cancer drug to the international market. The Product is Marketed in Latin America, Canada – CD$200, Europe, Asia & the Caribbean Future - The Company is all set to register its homeopathic version soon and go for its commercial production. The medication, and Labiofam says that its homeopathic version should be registered soonest and could be commercially produced immediately. González added that the company would continue research to produce synthetic or biotechnological versions of the compound. * Farming for sustainability…. http:// littlemountainhomeopathy.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/effective-cancertreatment-with-popular-cuban-homeopathic-drug-vidatox/ Success story? Saint Lucia Viper - Venom for antivenom, research hypertension Bothrops caribbaeus -ST. Lucian Endemic – Local name: Fer de lance Status -Threatened species Distribution – Praslin, Louvette, Grand Anse, Anse La Raye, Barre de L’isle • Fer-de-lance, *Bothrops caribbaeus*, venom is now avaliable from the Kentucky Reptile Zoo (KRZ) at a price of US$250 per gram. KRZ also has a captive breeding program for venomous snakes and has bred *B. caribbaeus *from specimens captured in Saint Lucia. Their price list is at this link; http://www.kyreptilezoo.org/?Venom_Extraction:Venom_Price_List * Bothrops caribbaeus US$250 per gram Kentucky Reptile Zoo (KRZ-USA) – Ex - Situ * Private owners Jim Harrison & Kristen Wiley * No legal clarity - MOU, PIC & MAT * Research and Monitoring lacking… * Lack of Legal certainty, vigilance/check points? * Is this a case of Bio-Piracy? Price from US$75 to US$600 per gram * How can the trustees achieve Access & Benefit Sharing –fair & equitable? * People in St. Lucia are still dying from snake bites…Post Donation * How do we obtain access &/or share benefits – Product derived from genetic resources? • Future Measures – Implementation of Nagoya Protocol (ABS) to address benefit-sharing arising from the utilization of genetic resources. • IUCN Red list – Wildlife Protection Act, CITES • KRZ contract or repatriation Plants Manihot esculenta Crantz • • • • • • • Manyòk. Cassava Amerindian legacy – Toxicity transformation to edible staple crop Added value – cereal etc Alleged health benefits – anti cancerous (Colon cancer) Food security, safety, sovereignty Medicinal benefits – potential? R&D Toxic Substance – Cyanide for life? Detoxify for usage in medicine (In vivo & in vitro) Aristolaca-twef Aristolochiaceae • • • • • • • Aristolochia trilobata Linnaeus Twef (kawayib) Traditional Local uses - emesis (inducing Vomiting) stomach ache etc Present Research uses - For the first time an anti-microbial activity is reported for Aristolochia trilobata as well as for Syngonium podophyllum. The hexane extracts of Aristolochia trilobata leaves and bark were the most active extracts against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC=0.31 and 0.625mg/ml, respectively). Research Future – antipoison, detoxification? Toxicity warning! “They have reportedly been used in the past to poison humans.” Julia Morton, Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America, 1981 Anba Kontwè – Spice Rum • Mixture of several selected plants and sometimes centipedes and scorpions and caterpillars. • Traditional & Local use: aphrodisiac, anti-poison, tonic • Present Rum – St. Lucia Distillers Ltd. • Prices US$7.00 per bottle • Name Brands • Kwéyòl Spice Rum • Ingredients - infused with Bois Bandé Kwéyòl Spice Rum As part of Creole heritage our spice rum combines local spice such as nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla. Kweyol Spice contains a vanilla pod in the bottle and this imparts a rounded mellow flavour to the rum. We firmly believe this is one of the finest spice rums and have won numerous medals for the product. St Lucia Distillers Ltd. ABS - Benefit sharing from Inter and Intra bioprospecters for TK providers? Chairman’s Reserve Spiced • Ingredients – Authentic Caribbean spices, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla, and Richeria grandis, locally known as Bois Bandé to create a genuine St. Lucian Experience. • Traditional usage: In the French West Indies, an infusion of the crushed bark is taken as an aphrodisiac and as treatment for syphilis. Morton, 1981. Price US$30.00 Further study: Valorization possible for the following: Zanthoxylum spinifex -Rutaceae Chiococca alba - Rubiaceae Chione venosa – Rubiaceae • • • • • • • Benefit Sharing – Taxation for Local hospitals and alcohol rehabilitation (substance abuse) institutions – AA? List of TRAMIL Plants for Further and Future Investigation Research Opportunities Gave Birth to Phytobokaz (Guadeloupe) & Eden Herbs (St Lucia) • Crescentia cujete – Kalbas, calabash(blood clots) • Ricinus communis – Makwisti, Castrr oil plant • Argemone mexicana – Tramil • Mammea americana– Zabwiko, Apricot, Mammee apple - Tramil • Nicotiana tabacum- Tabak, Tobacco (asthma) • Capsicum frutescens – bird pepper, Piman Gwiv (insecticide) • Anacardium occidentale - Nwa, cashew nut (hernia in men) • Mangifera indica – mango (Tramil) • Gossypium barbadensis – kòtòn, cotton (gas) Multipurpose plants research Biocultural Research key for future Development? Large Scale Enterprises for Economic Impact? Conclusion/Recommendations • • Dig deep into our own natural and cultural heritage to unearth hidden treasures/solutions. Through research and the marriage of both ethnoscience and conventional system we may find the economic solutions to cushion and assist our local challenges. Tagore Quote….. Life, moral or physical, is not a completed fact, but a continual process, depending for its movement upon two contrary forces, the force of resistance and that of expression. Dividing these forces into two mutually opposing principles does not help us, for the truth dwells not in the opposition but in its continual reconciliation. • "Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds." - Norman Vincent Peale (1898 - 1993), American Author • "Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together." Robert Redford (1936 - ), American Film Director and Actor • Paradox – Perhaps the Cure is in the poison itself? Let the Exploration continue! Bibliography Morton, 1981, Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America, 1981 http://www.terralingua.org/ St Lucia Distilleries Ltd - http://www.saintluciarums.com/kweyol-spice.html Caribbean Herbal Pharmacopoeia – TRAMIL – www.tramil.net WWW.saintlucianplants.com WWW.vidatox RabindranathTagore - https://www.google.com/#q=tagore+quotes http://www.ted.com/talks/wade_davis_on_endangered_cultures.html http://www.kyreptilezoo.org/?Venom_Extraction:Venom_Price_List http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12787962 http://littlemountainhomeopathy.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/effective-cancertreatment-with-popular-cuban-homeopathic-drug-vidatox/ Robert Redford (1936 - ), American Film Director and Actor Norman Vincent Peale (1898 - 1993), American Author
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