Papers and Presentations - Center for Child & Family Policy

Papers and Presentations Employing Data from
the North Carolina Education Research Data Center
Minority Achievement Gap
Ladd, H. F., Clotfelter, C., & Vigdor. J. L. (Forthcoming). Racial and economic imbalance
in Charlotte’s schools, 1994-2002. R.A. Mickelson, S.S. Smith and A.H. Nelson
(eds), Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The Past, Present, and Future of School
(De)Segregation in Charlotte. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Fruehwirth, J. C. (2013). Identifying peer achievement spillovers: Implications for desegregation
and the achievement gap. Quantitative Economics, 4, 85-124.
Kinsler, J. (2013). School discipline: A source or salve for the racial achievement gap.
International Economic Review, 54(1), 355-383.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2012). New destinations, new trajectories? The
educational attainment and persistence of Hispanic youth in North Carolina.
Child Development, 83(5), 1608-1622.
Miranda, M. L., Maxson, P., & Kim, D. (2010). Early childhood lead exposure and
exceptionality designations for students. International Journal of Child and Adolescent
Health, 3(1), 77-84.
Southworth, S. (2010). Examining the effects of school composition on North Carolina student
achievement over time. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 18(29).
Jackson, C. K. (2009). Student demographics, teacher sorting, and teacher quality: Evidence
from the end of school desegregation. The Journal of Labor Economics, 27(2), 213-256.
Miranda, M. L., Kim, D., Reiter, J., Galeano, M. A. O., & Maxson, P. (2009). Environmental
contributors to the achievement gap. Neurotoxicology, 30(6), 1019–1024.
Xu, Z., Hannaway, J., & D’Souza, S. (2009). Student transience in North Carolina: The effect of
school mobility on student outcomes using longitudinal data (Working Paper 22).
National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research, The Urban
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2008). School segregation under color-blind
jurisprudence: The case of North Carolina. Virginia Journal of Social Policy &
the Law, 16(1), 46.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2008). The academic achievement gap in grades 3
to 8. Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(2), 398-419.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Minority Achievement Gap (cont.)
Cooley, J. (2007). Desegregation and the achievement gap: Do diverse peers help. Paper
prepared for American Educational Finance Meetings, Baltimore, MD.
Killeya-Jones, A. L., Costanzo, P., & Malone, P. (2007). Peer evaluation in a racially-balanced
sample of early adolescents: The role of aggression and academics.
Armor, D., & Duck, S. (2006). Unravelling Black peer effects on Black test scores. Paper
prepared for Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management meetings,
Madison, WI.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2005). Classroom-level segregation and
resegregation in North Carolina. In J.C. Boger and G. Orfield (Eds.), School
Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back? Chapel Hill, NC: University of
North Carolina Press.
Tyson, K., Darity, W., Jr., & Castellino, D. (2005). It’s not ‘a Black thing’: Understanding the
burden of acting White and other dilemmas of high achievement. American Sociological
Review, 70(4), 582-605.
Tyson, K. (2005). This is the house that Jim Crow built: Placement and course-taking patterns
among Black and White students. Paper prepared for American Sociological Association
annual meetings, Philadelphia, PA.
Castellino, D. R., Tyson, K. D., & Darity, W. (2004). High achieving African American students:
Individual, family, and school correlates to the success. Poster prepared for biennial
meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Castellino, D. R., Moore, J. A., Tyson, K. D., & Darity, W. (2003). Minority presence in
advanced curricula: A statewide investigation of school context effects. Poster prepared
for Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2003). Racial segregation in modern-day public
schools. Paper prepared for National Bureau of Economic Research Education Group
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2003). Segregation and resegregation in North
Carolina’s public school classrooms. North Carolina Law Review, 81(4), 1463-1512.
Diette, T. M. (2003). Choosing a course; race and the academic achievement gap. Paper
prepared for American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes
Gershenson, S. (2015). Performance standards and employee effort: Evidence from teacher
absences. Upjohn Institute Working Paper 15-217, Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn
Institute for Employment Research.
Ost, B., & Schiman, J. C. (2015). Grade-specific experience, grade reassignments, and
teacher turnover. Economics of Education Review, 46, 112-126.
Chingos, M. M., Whitehurst, G. J., & Gallaher, M. R. (Forthcoming). School districts and
student achievement. Education Finance and Policy.
Chingos, M. M., Whitehurst, G. J., & Lindquist, K. M. (2014). School superintendents: Vital or
irrelevant? Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings, Brookings Institution.
Gershenson, S. (Forthcoming). Linking teacher quality, student attendance, and student
achievement. Education Finance and Policy.
Goldhaber, D., Walch, J., & Gabele, B. (2014). Does the model matter? Exploring the
relationship between different student achievement-based teacher assessments.
Statistics, Politics, and Policy, 1(1), 28-39
Hansen, M. (2014). Characteristics of schools successful in STEM: Evidence from two states’
longitudinal data. Journal of Educational Research, 107(5), 374-391.
Hansen, M., & Gonzalez, T. (2014). Investigating the relationship between STEM learning
principles and student achievement in math and science. American Journal of Education,
120(2), 139-171.
Hansen, M. (2014). Right-sizing the classroom: Making the most of great teachers (CALDER
Working Paper 110). American Institutes for Research. Washington, DC.
Hansen, M. (2014). Right-sizing the classroom: Making the most of great teachers. Paper
prepared for the Association for Public Policy & Management Conference. Albuquerque,
Hansen, M. (2014). Right-sizing the classroom: Making the most of great teachers. Paper
prepared for the CALDER Conference. Washington, DC, January 2014.
Kinsler, J. (Forthcoming). Teacher complementarities in test score production: Evidence from
Primary School. Journal of Labor Economics.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes (cont.)
Means, B., House, A., Young, V., and Wang, H. (2014). The effects of attending an inclusive
STEM high school: A longitudinal study of North Carolina schools. Paper prepared for
the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Means, B., House, A., Young, V., Wang, H., & Tyler, N. (2014). Outcomes for graduates
of inclusive STEM-focused high schools. Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the
National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Pittsburgh, PA.
Ost, B. (2014). How do teachers improve? The relative importance of general and specific
human capital, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(2), 127-151.
Rothstein, J. (2014). Revisiting the impacts of teachers. (Under Review).
Shirrell, M. (2014). The effects of subgroup-specific accountability on teacher attrition. Paper
prepared for the meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy,
San Antonio, TX.
Xu, Z., Özek, U., & Hansen, M. (2014). Teacher performance trajectories in high and lowerpoverty schools. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
doi: 10.3102/0162373714561513
Xu, Z., Ozek, U., & Hansen, M. (2014). Teacher performance trajectories in high and lower
poverty schools. Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association. Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.
Cook, D. A. (2013). An engaged dialogue: Reflections on preparing African American
teachers for diverse classrooms. Multicultural Perspectives, 15(1), 46-51
Goldhaber, D., Cowan, J., & Walch, J. (2013). Is a good elementary teacher always
good: Assessing teacher performance estimates across subjects.
Economics of Education Review, 36, 216-228.
Hansen, M. (2013). Investigating the Role of human resources in school turnaround: A
decomposition of improving schools in two states (CALDER Working Paper 89).
American Institutes for Research. Washington, DC.
Hansen, M. (2013). Investigating the Role of human resources in school turnaround: A
decomposition of improving schools in two states. Paper prepared for the CALDER
Conference. Washington, DC.
Hansen, M. (2013). Investigating the Role of human resources in school turnaround: A
decomposition of improving schools in two states. Paper prepared for the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes (cont.)
Isenberg, E., Max, J., Gleason, P., Potamites, L., Santillano, R., Hock, H., & Hansen, M.
(2013). Access to effective teaching for disadvantaged students. U.S. Department of
Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation
and Regional Assistance. Washington, DC.
Mahler, P. (2013). Retaining a high quality teaching workforce: The effects of pension
design. Paper prepared for Allied Social Sciences Association, San Diego, CA.
Petty, T., Wang, C., & Harbaugh, A. (2013). Relationships between student, teacher, and school
characteristics and mathematics achievement. School Science and Mathematics,
113(7), 333-344.
Carruthers, C. (2012). The qualifications and classroom performance of teachers moving to
charter schools. The Association for Education Finance and Policy, 7(3), 233-268.
Hansen, M. (2012). Right-sizing the classroom: Making the most of great teachers. Paper
prepared for Thomas B. Fordham Institute. Washington, DC, January 2012.
Hansen, M. (2012). Investigating the Role of human resources in school turnaround: A
decomposition of improving schools in two states. Paper prepared for the University
of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA, March 2012.
Hansen, M. (2012). Investigating the Role of human resources in school turnaround: A
decomposition of improving schools in two states. Paper prepared for the Society for
Research on Educational Effectiveness Conference. Washington, DC, September 2012.
Kelly, H., & Cook, D. A. (2012). Black teachers theorizing. [Special Issue]. Educational
Studies, 48(3).
Kinsler, J. (2012). Assessing Rothstein’s critique of teacher value-added models. Quantitative
Economics 3, 333-362.
Kinsler, J. (2012). Beyond levels and growth: Estimating teacher value-added and its persistence.
Journal of Human Resources, 47(3), 722-753
Mehta, N. (2012). Competition in public school districts: Charter school entry, student sorting,
and school input determination (Working paper 2012-3). CIBC Centre for Human
Capital and Productivity.
Reamer, A., Ivy, J., Young, R., & Vila-Parrish, A. (2012). A Markov chain model of student
performance in mathematics. Paper prepared for Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research Conference, Orlando, FL.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes (cont.)
Ahn, T. (2011). Optimal matching of teachers and schools under accountability pressure.
Paper prepared for Association for Public Policy and Management, Washington, DC.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2011). Teacher mobility, school segregation, and
pay-based policies to level the playing field. Education, Finance and Policy, 6(3),
Ladd, H. F. (2011). Teachers’ perceptions of their working conditions: How predictive of
Planned and actual teacher movement? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,
33(2), 235-261.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2010). Teacher credentials and student
achievement in high school: A cross-subject analysis with student fixed effects.
Journal of Human Resources, 45(3), 655-681.
Goldhaber, D., & Hansen, M. (2010). Using performance on the job to inform teacher tenure
decisions. American Economic Review, 100(2), 250-255.
Goldhaber, D., & Hansen, M. (2010). Race, gender, and teacher testing: How informative a tool
is teacher licensure testing? American Educational Research Journal, 47(1), 218-251
Goldhaber, D., & Hansen, M. (2010). Assessing the potential of using value-added estimates
of teacher job performance for making high-stakes personnel decisions (Working
Paper 31). National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education
Research, The Urban Institute.
Goldhaber, D., Gross, B., & Player, D. (2010). Teacher career paths, teacher quality, and
persistence in the classroom: Are schools keeping their best? Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management, 30(1), 57-87.
Rothstein, J. (2010). Teacher quality in educational production: Tracking, decay, and student
achievement. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125(1), 175-214.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2009). Are teacher absences worth worrying about
in the U.S.? Education Finance and Policy, 4(2), 115-149.
Goldhaber, D., & Hansen, M. (2009). National Board Certification and teachers’ career paths:
Does NBPTS certification influence how long teachers remain in the profession and
where they teach? Education Finance and Policy, 4(3), 229-262.
Hansen, M. (2009). How career concerns influence public workers’ effort: Evidence from the
teacher labor market (Working Paper 40). National Center for the Analysis of
Longitudinal Data in Education Research, The Urban Institute.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes (cont.)
Jackson, C. K., & Bruegmann, E. (2009). Teaching students and teaching each other: The
importance of peer learning for teachers. American Economic Journal: Applied
Economics, 1(4), 85–108.
Clotfelter, C. T., Glennie, E. J., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2008). Teacher bonuses and teacher
retention in low-performing schools: Evidence from the North Carolina $1,800
Teacher Bonus Program. Public Finance Review, 36 (1), 63-87.
Clotfelter, C. T., Glennie, E. J., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2008). Would higher salaries keep
teachers in high-poverty schools? Evidence from a policy intervention in North
Carolina. Journal of Public Economics, 92(5-6), 1352-1370.
Figlio, D., & Ladd, H. F. (2008). School Accountability and Student Achievement, Handbook
of Research in Education Finance and Policy (H.F. Ladd and E.B. Fiske, eds),
Goldhaber, D., & Hansen, M. (2008). Is it just a bad class? Assessing the stability of measured
teacher performance (Working Paper 2008_5). Center on Reinventing Public
Education, Seattle, WA.
Ladd, H. F. (2008). Reflections on equity, adequacy, and weighted student funding,
Journal of Education Finance and Policy, 3(4), 402-423.
Ladd, H. F. (2008). Teacher effects: What do we know? In Greg Duncan, James Spillane, eds,
Teacher quality: Broadening and Deepening the debate. Web based publication,
Multidisciplinary Program in the Education Sciences, Northwestern University.
Vigdor, J. L. (2008). Teacher salary bonuses in North Carolina (Working Paper 15). National
Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research, The Urban
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., Vigdor, J.L, & Wheeler, J. (2007). High poverty schools and the
distribution of teachers and principals (Working Paper 1). National Center for the
Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research, The Urban Institute.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2007). Teacher credentials and student
achievement: Longitudinal analysis with student fixed effects. Economics of
Education Review, 26 (6), 673-682.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2007). How and why do teacher credentials
matter for student achievement? (Working Paper 12828). The National Bureau of
Economic Research.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes (cont.)
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., Vigdor, J. L., & Wheeler, J. (2007). High poverty schools and the
distribution of teachers and principals. North Carolina Law Review, 85(5), 1345-1380.
Glennie, E., Bonneau, K., Sherrill, M., & Dodge, K. (2007). Riding the Tide of School-Level
Accountability: Do Schools Experience a Rising Tide or Are Some Students Thrown
Overboard. Paper prepared for Southern Sociological Society Meetings, Atlanta, GA.
Goldhaber, D. (2007). Analysis of the distribution & career path of NBPTS-certified teachers.
Paper prepared for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards National
Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC.
Goldhaber, D. (2007). Analysis of the distribution & career path of NBPTS-certified teachers.
Paper prepared for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards National
Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC.
Goldhaber, D. (2007). Everyone’s doing it, but what does teacher testing tell us about teacher
effectiveness? Journal of Human Resources, 42(4), 765-794.
Goldhaber, D., Gross, B., & Player, D. (2007). Are public schools really losing their ‘best’?
Assessing the career transitions of teachers and their implications for the quality of
the teacher workforce (Working Paper 2007_2). Center on Reinventing Public
Goldhaber, D., & Anthony, E. (2007). Can teacher quality be effectively assessed? National
Board Certification as a signal of effective teaching. Review of Economics and Statistics,
89(1), 134-150.
Goldhaber, D., Choi, H.-J., & Cramer, L. (2007). A descriptive analysis of the distribution of
NBPTS certified teachers in North Carolina. Economics of Education Review, 26(2),
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2006). Teacher-student matching and the
assessment of teacher effectiveness. Journal of Human Resources 41(4), 778-820.
Goldhaber, D. (2006). Teacher licensure tests and student achievement: Is teacher testing
an effective policy? Paper prepared for American Educational Finance Association
Annual Conference, Denver, CO; and the American Education Research Association
Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Goldhaber, D. (2006). National Board Teachers are more effective, but are they in the
classrooms where they’re needed the most? Education Finance and Policy, 1(3),
Rev. 4/9/2015
Teacher Quality and Student Outcomes (cont.)
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2005). Who teaches whom? The assignment of
novice teachers in schools. Economics of Education Review, 24(2), 377-392.
Natkin, J., & Jurs, S. (2005). The effect of a professional learning team on middle school reading
achievement: An impact assessment. Report prepared for SERVECenter, The University
of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., Vigdor, J. L., & Alagia, R. A. (2004). Do school accountability
systems make it more difficult for low performing schools to attract and retain high
quality teachers? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23, 251-272. Reprinted
in C. Beldfield (Ed.) Modern Classics in the Economics of Education. Cheltenham,
UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Goldhaber, D., Perry, D., & Anthony, E. (2004). The National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards (NBPTS) Process: Who applies and what factors are associated with NBPTS
Certification? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 26(4), 259-280.
Glennie, E., & Coble, C. (2004). Teacher perceptions of the work environment in hard to staff
schools. Paper prepared for National Center for Education Statistics Summer Data
Conference, Washington, DC.
School Accountability and Choice
Figlio, D., & Ladd, H. F. (2010). The economics of school accountability. International
Encyclopedia of Education, 3, 374-379.
Cremata, E., Davis, D., Dickey, K., Lawyer, K., Negassi, Y., Raymond, M. E., &
Woodworth, J. L. (2013). The national charter school study. Paper prepared for
Center for Research on Education Outcomes, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Whitehurst, G. J., Chingos, M. M., & Gallaher, M. R. (2013). Do school districts matter? Brown
Center on Education Policy at Brookings.
Carruthers, C. K. (2012). New schools, new students, new teachers: Evaluating the effectiveness
of charter schools. Economics of Education Review, 31(2), 280-292.
Jackson, K. (2012). School competition and teacher labor markets: Evidence from charter school
entry in North Carolina. Journal of Public Economics, 96(2012), 431-448.
Lauen, D. L, & Gaddis, S. M. (2012). Shining a light or fumbling in the dark? The effects of
NCLB’s subgroup-specific accountability on student achievement. Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 34(2), 185–208.
Rev. 4/9/2015
School Accountability and Choice (cont.)
Ladd, H. F., & Lauen, D. L. (2010). Status versus growth: The distributional effects of school
accountability policies. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 29(3), 426-450.
Ahn, T., & Vigdor, J. (2009). Does no child left behind have teeth? Examining the impact of
federal accountability sanctions in North Carolina. Paper prepared for Institute for
Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (IFIR) and Martin School Workshop,
Lexington, KY.
Bifulco, R., Ladd, H. F., & Ross, S. R. (2009). Public school choice and integration. Evidence
from Durham, North Carolina. Social Science Research 38(1), 71-85.
Bifulco, R., Ladd, H. F., & Ross, S. (2009). The effects of public school choice on those left
behind: Evidence from Durham, NC. Peabody Journal of Education, 84(2), 130-149.
Corcoran, S. , Jennings, J. L., & Thomas, J. S. (2009). The gender gap in charter school
attendance. Paper prepared for School Choice and School Improvement: Research in
State, District, and Community Contexts, Vanderbilt University, October 25-27, 2009.
Godwin, K., Leland, S., Wilson, D., & Baxter, A. (2008). Testing tiebout: Intra-district public
school choice as a quasi-market. Paper prepared for the annual meetings of the Midwest
Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Bifulco, R., & Ladd, H. F. (2007). School choice, residential segregation and test-score gaps:
Evidence from North Carolina's Charter School Program. Journal of Policy Analysis
and Management, 26(1), 31-56.
Mickelson, R.A., & Everett, B.J. (2007). Neotracking in North Carolina: How high school
courses of study reproduce race and class-based stratification. Teachers College Record,
110(3), 535-570.
Bifulco, R., & Ladd, H. F. (2006). Institutional change and co-production of public services: The
effect of charter school on parental involvement. Journal of Public Administration
Research and Theory, 16, 553-576.
Bifulco, R., & Ladd, H. F. (2006). The impact of charter schools on student achievement:
Evidence from North Carolina. Journal of Education Finance and Policy, 1(1), 50-90.
Jones-Sanpei, H. A. (2006). Racial and socioeconomic segregation in a district with
Controlled school choice. Paper prepared for Association for Public Policy Analysis
and Management Fall Research Conference, Madison, WI.
Rev. 4/9/2015
School Accountability and Choice (cont.)
Southworth, S. (2006). Segregation in post-unitary Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools. Paper
prepared for the annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management Research Conference, Madison, WI.
Bifulco, R., & Ladd, H. F. (2005). Results [about charter schools] from the Tar Heel State.
Education Next, Fall, 60-66.
Mickelson, R. A., & Southworth, S. (2005). When opting out is not a choice: Implications for
NCLB’s transfer option from Charlotte, North Carolina. Equity & Excellence in
Education, 38, 1–15.
Southworth, S., & Barnshaw, J. (2005). No child left behind: Critical intersections in choice,
segregation and equity in American public education. Paper prepare for Annual
Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia, PA.
Ladd, H. F. (2003). School vouchers and student achievement: What we know so far. Center for
Child and Family Policy, Policy Brief, 3(1).
Fiske, E. B., & Ladd, H. F. (2002). The voucher debate after Zelman v. Simmons-Harris: The
need to focus on core education issues. Center for Child and Family Policy, Policy Brief,
Glennie, E. J., & Ladd, H. F. (2002). The No Child Left Behind Act and school-based
accountability: Lessons from North Carolina. Center for Child and Family Policy,
Policy Brief, 2(2).
Stearns, E. (2002). No Child Left Behind and the education achievement gap. Center for Child
and Family Policy, Policy Brief, 2(5).
Ladd, H. F., & Glennie, E. J. (2001). Claims for school voucher success in Florida not justified.
Center for Child and Family Policy, Policy Brief, 1(1).
Ladd, H. F., & Zelli, A. (2001). School-based accountability in North Carolina: The response of
school principals. Center for Child and Family Policy, Policy Brief, 1(2).
Rev. 4/9/2015
The Academic Performance of At-Risk Children
Muschkin, C. G., Ladd, H. F., & Dodge, K. A. (2015). Impact of North Carolina’s Early
Childhood Initiatives on special education placements in third grade. Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis. doi: 10.3102/0162373714559096
Schulte, A. C., & Stevens, J. J. (2015). Once, sometimes, or always in special education:
Mathematics growth and achievement gaps. Exceptional Children, 1-18.
doi: 10.1177/0014402914563695.
Schulte, A. C., Stevens, J. J., Elliott, S. N., Tindal, G., & Nese, J. F. T. (2015). Stable, widening,
or narrowing? Reading comprehension achievement gaps for students with and without
disabilities on a statewide test. (Submitted for Publication).
Stevens, J. J., Schulte, A. C., Elliott, S. N., Nese, J. F. T., & Tindal, G. (2015). Growth and
gaps in mathematics achievement of students with and without disabilities on a statewide
achievement test. Journal of School Psychology, 53(1), 45-62.
Stevens, J.J., & Elliott, S.N. (2015). Mathematics and reading proficiency rates for students in
specific exceptionality groups. Paper prepared for the Hawaii International Conference
on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Stevens, J. J., & Schulte, A. C. (2015). The interaction of learning disabilities status and student
demographic characteristics on mathematics growth (Submitted for Review). Journal of
Learning Disabilities.
Diette, T. M., & Oyelere, R. U. (2014). Gender and race heterogeneity: The impact of students
with limited English on native students' performance. American Economic Review:
104(5):412-17. doi: 10.1257/aer.104.5.412.
Fruehwirth, J. C. (2014). Can achievement peer effect estimates inform policy? A view from
Inside. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(3), 514-523.
Ladd, H., Dodge, K., & Muschkin, C. (2014). From birth to school: Early childhood initiatives
and third grade outcomes in North Carolina. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,
33(1), 162–187.
Miranda, M. L., Anthopolos, R., Edwards, S., & Kim, D. (2014). Educational test
performance according to birth weight, gestation, and prenatal smoking status.
(Submitted for Publication).
Schulte, A. C., & Erchul, W. P. (2014). Achievement growth by students with and without
disabilities. Research presentation prepared for the faculty associated with the Learning
Sciences Institute Australia, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia.
Rev. 4/9/2015
The Academic Performance of At-Risk Children (cont.)
Schulte, A. C., Murr, N.S., & Stevens, J. J. (2014). Accountability dilemmas for students
with disabilities and policy alternatives. Paper prepared for annual meeting of the
National Conference on Student Assessment, New Orleans, LA.
Stevens, J. J., Schulte, A. C. (2014). Who's really different? How learning disability status and
student socio-demographic characteristics interact with mathematics growth.
Manuscript Submitted for Publication.
Stevens, J. J., Nese, J. F. T., & Schulte, A. (2014). Mathematics achievement growth
and achievement gaps for students with disabilities. Paper prepared for annual
International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Stevens, J. J., & Zvoch, K. (2014). Testing and interpreting interaction effects in
multilevel models. Paper prepared for Biennial Educational Effectiveness Meeting of the
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Southampton,
Tindal, G., Stevens, J. J., Nese, J. F. T., Schulte, A. C., Elliott, S. N., Kurz, A., & Buckley, J.
(2014). Critical issues in studying growth on state tests for students with
disabilities. Paper prepared for meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children,
Philadelphia, PA.
Anthopolos, R., Edwards, S. E., & Miranda, M. L. (2013). Effects of maternal prenatal smoking
and birth outcomes extending into the normal range on academic performance in fourth
grade in North Carolina, USA. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 27(6): 564-574.
Biancarosa, G., Zvoch, K., Stevens, J. J., & Schulte, A. C. (2013). School effects on the
middle school reading achievement of students with disabilities: A multilevel,
longitudinal analysis. Paper prepared for annual meeting of the National Council for
Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA.
Lakin, J. M. (2013). Meeting the assessment needs of English learner students: The validity of
accountability-focused growth models. Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the
National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA.
Schulte, A., & Stevens, J. J. (2013). Special education growth: Contrasting stable and
variable identification of special education student status across grades. Paper prepared
for annual meeting of the National Council for Measurement in Education,
San Francisco, CA.
Rev. 4/9/2015
The Academic Performance of At-Risk Children (cont.)
Schulte, A., & Stevens, J. J. (2013). Special education mathematics growth: Contrasting
stable and variable identification of special education student status across grades.
Paper prepared for annual meeting of the National Council for Measurement in
Education, San Francisco, CA.
Stevens, J. J., & Schulte, A. (2013). Reading achievement growth at the student and
school levels for regular and special education elementary students. Paper prepared for
annual meeting of the National Council for Measurement in Education, San Francisco,
Glennie, E., Bonneau, K., Van Dellen, M., & Dodge, K. (2012). Addition by subtraction: The
relation between dropout rates and school-level accountability. Teachers College
Record, 114(8), 1–26.
Ananat, E., Gassman-Pines, A., & Gibson-Davis, C. M. (2011). The effects of plant
Closings on children’s educational achievement. In G. J. Duncan and
R. Murnane (Eds) Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality, Schools, and
Children’s Life Chances. New York: Russell Sage, 299-313.
Miranda, M. L., Kim, D., Galeano, M. A. O., Paul, C. J., Hull, A. P., & Morgan, S. P. (2007).
The relationship between early childhood blood lead levels and performance on end of
grade tests. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(8), 1242-1247.
Stearns, M. E., & Glennie, E. (2006). When and why dropouts leave school. Youth and Society,
38(1), 29-57.
Jentleson, B. (2005). Improving academic outcomes for at-risk students through communitybased afterschool program. Paper prepared for North Carolina Center for After School
Programs, Greensboro, NC.
Glennie, E. J., & Stearns, E. (2002). The relationship between ethnicity and early dropout:
Evidence from North Carolina’s public schools. Paper prepared for Southern
Sociological Society Meetings, Baltimore, MD.
Glennie, E. J., & Stearns, E. (2002). Why Hispanic students drop out of high school early:
Data from North Carolina. Center for Child and Family Policy, Policy Brief, 2(6).
Problem Behavior in Schools
Holbein, J. B., & Ladd, H. F. (2015). Accountability pressure and non-achievement student
behaviors. Social Science Research Network.
Gershenson, S., Jacknowitz, A., & Brannegan, A. (2014). Are student absences worth the worry
in U.S. primary schools? (Under review).
Rev. 4/9/2015
Problem Behavior in Schools (cont.)
Horoi, I., & Ost, B., (2014). Disruptive peers and the estimation of teacher value added.
(Submitted for Publication).
Muschkin, C. G., Beck, A.N., & Glennie, E. J. (2014). Peer contexts: Do old for grade and
retained peers influence student behavior in middle school? Teachers College Record,
116(4), 17405.
Beck, A. N., & Muschkin, C. G. (2012). The enduring impact of race: Understanding disparities
in student disciplinary infractions and achievement. Sociological Perspectives, 55(4),
Bowen, G. L., Hopson, L., Rose, R. A., & Glennie, E. (2012). Students’ perceived parental
school behavior expectations and their academic performance: A longitudinal analysis.
Family Relations, 61, 175–191.
Kinsler, J. (2011). Understanding the Black-White school discipline gap. Economics of
Education Review, 30(6), 1370-1383
Cook, P., MacCoun, R., Muschkin, C., & Vigdor, J. (2008). The negative impact of starting
middle school in sixth grade. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27(1),
MacCoun, R., Cook, P., Muschkin, C., & Vigdor, J. (2008). Distinguishing spurious and real
peer effects: Evidence from artificial societies, small-group experiments, and real
schoolyard. Review of Law & Economics, 4(3), 695-714.
Muschkin, C. G., & Beck, A. N. (2007). Race differences in student behavior and academic
achievement: A decomposition analysis of student, peer, and school effects. Paper
prepared for Population Association of America annual meeting, New York, NY.
Muschkin, C. G., & Beck, A. N. (2006). Explaining race differences in student behavior:
The relative contribution of student, peer, and school characteristics. Paper prepared
for annual meetings of the Southern Demographic Association, Durham, NC.
Cook, P., MacCoun, R., Muschkin, C., & Vigdor, J. (2005). Does the timing of the transition
to middle school affect substance abuse trajectories? Paper prepared for Society for
Prevention Research Meeting, Washington DC.
Muschkin, C. G., & Glennie, E. (2005). Peer effects of retention and old for grade students
on adolescent problem Behaviors. Paper prepared for Southern Sociological Society
Meetings, Charlotte, NC.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Linking Data and Policy
Ladd, H. F., & Muschkin, C. G. (2008). Research access to state education administrative
data: the North Carolina Education Research Data Center. Paper prepared for
Protecting Students' Records and Facilitating Education Research: A Workshop,
sponsored by the National Academies, National Research Council, Division of
Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Washington, DC.
Glennie, E. (2004). Integrating data for innovative analysis: The North Carolina Education
Research Data Center. Paper prepared for International Sociological Association
Research Committee on Logic and Methodology, Annual Conference on Social Science
Methodology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Berry, B., Barnes, G., & Glennie, E. J. (2003). Using data to make good teaching quality
decisions. Paper prepared for No Child Left Behind: Implications for Teacher and
Teaching Quality. Sponsored by the National Governors Association, the Education
Commission of the States, the Southeast Center for Teaching Quality, and the Southern
Regional Education Board. Atlanta, GA.
Glennie, E. J. (2003). Overcoming barriers to education policy research: The North Carolina
Education Research Data Center. Paper prepared for National Center for Education
Statistics Summer Data Conference, Washington, DC.
Dodge, K. A., et al. (2002). Preventing Chronic Violence in Schools. Presentation
at the White House Conference on Character and Community. Washington, DC.
Impact of Specific Policies on Student Outcomes
Ahn, T. (2014). A regression discontinuity analysis of graduation standards and their impact on
students’ academic trajectories. Economics of Education Review, 38, 64-75.
Arshavsky, N., Edmunds, J., Miller, L. C., & Corritore, M. (2014). Success in the college
preparatory mathematics pipeline: The role of policies and practices employed by
three high school reform models. School Effectiveness and School Improvement,
25(4): 531-554.
Gershenson, S., Langbein, L. (2014). The effect of primary school size on academic
achievement. (Under Review).
McMullen, S., Rouse, K., & Haan, J. (2014). The distributional effects of the multi-track yearround calendar: a quantile regression approach. (Submitted for Publication).
Southworth, S., & Denton, M. (2014). Desegregation, resegregation, and access to educational
opportunity in two North Carolina school districts: A comparison of Wake County
and Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools. Social Science Research. (Submitted for
Initial Review)
Rev. 4/9/2015
Impact of Specific Policies on Student Outcomes (cont.)
Southworth, S., & Denton, M. (2014). Race, after school, school composition and track
placement. (Submitted for Review)
Southworth, S., & Denton, M. School composition and social capital: Determinants of
Algebra II college bound course placement. Sociology of Education. (Submitted for
Initial Review)
Edmunds, J., Willse, J., Arshavsky, N., & Dallas, A. (2013). Mandated engagement: The impact
of early college high schools. Teachers College Record, 115(7), 1-31.
Ribar, D. C., Haldeman, L. A. (2013). Changes in meal participation, attendance, and
test scores associated with the availability of universal free school breakfasts.
Social Service Review, 354-385.
Southworth, S., & Hupp, R. (2013). Tracking in high school mathematics courses: The effects of
school composition and individual attributes. Paper prepared for annual meetings of the
Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, New York.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. L. (2012). The aftermath of accelerating algebra:
Evidence from a district policy initiative (NBER Working Paper). Revised and
resubmitted to Journal of Human Resources.
Edmunds, J. (2012). Early Colleges: A new model of schooling focusing on college readiness.
New Directions for Higher Education, 2012(158), 81-89.
Edmunds, J., Bernstein, L., Unlu, F., Glennie, E., & Willse, J. (2012). Expanding the start of the
college pipeline: Ninth grade findings from an experimental study of the impact of the
early college high school model. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness,
5(2), 136–159.
Ladd, H. F. (2012). Education and poverty: Confronting the evidence. Presidential address to
the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Policy Analysis
and Management, 31(2), 203-227.
Muschkin, C. G., Bonneau, K., & Hawkins, S. (2011). Easing the transition to high school:
Effects of a freshman academy on student success. Paper prepared for Annual meetings
of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 8-12.
Edmunds, J. A., Bernstein, L., Glennie, E., Willse, J., Arshavsky, N., Unlu, F., Bartz, D.,
Silberman, T., Scales, W. D., & Dallas, A. (2010). Preparing students for college: The
implementation and impact of the early college high school model. Peabody Journal of
Education, 85(3), 348-364.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Impact of Specific Policies on Student Outcomes (cont.)
Li, Y., Alfeld, C., Kennedy, R.P., & Putallaz, M. (2009). Effects of summer academic programs
in middle school on high school test scores, course-taking, and college major. Journal of
Advanced Academics, 20(3), 404-436.
Edmunds, J., Glennie, E., & Bernstein, L. (2008). Symposium: Early results and methodological
issues from an experimental study of early college high schools. Prepared for the
meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Wasilewski, Y., Gifford, B., & Bonneau, K. (2008). Evaluation of the school-wide positive
behavior support program in eight North Carolina elementary schools. Evaluation
Report, Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke University.
Clotfelter, C., Ladd, H. F., & Vigdor, J. (2006). Federal oversight, local control, and the spector
of ‘resegregation’in southern schools. American Law and Economics Review 8, 1-43.
Lansford, J. (2002). Educating American students for life in a global society. Center for Child
and Family Policy, Policy Brief. Volume 2, Number 4.
Outcomes beyond K-12
Totty, E. (2015). The lasting effects of high-school value-added. (Submitted for Publication).
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., Muschkin, C. G., & Vigdor, J. L. (2014). Developmental education
in North Carolina community colleges. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. doi:
Cook, P. J., & Songman, K. (2014). Birthdays, schooling, and crime: Regression-discontinuity
analysis of school performance, delinquency, dropout, and crime initiation. American
Economic Journal: Applied Economics. (Submitted for Publication).
Other Studies
Altonji, J. G., & Mansfield, R. K. (2014). Group-average observables as controls for sorting
on unobservables when estimating group treatment effects: the case of school
and neighborhood effects. (Submitted for Publication).
Anthopolos, R., & Miranda, M. L. (2014). BBBS and school performance: Assessing academic
achievement and school absenteeism by BBBS participation in North Carolina.
Summary Report. Children’s Environmental Health Initiative, University of Michigan.
(Submitted to the Duke Endowment)
Rev. 4/9/2015
Other Studies (cont.)
Gifford, E. J., Sloan, F. A., Eldred, L. M., & Evans, K. E. (2014). Intergenerational effects
of parental substance-related convictions and adult drug treatment court participation
on children’s school performance. (Under review).
Gregory, S. G., Anthopolos, R., Osgood, C., Grotegut, C. A., & Miranda, M. L. (2014).
Association of augmented childbirth and the incidence of autism.
(Submitted for Publication).
Holbein, J. B. (2014). Left behind: Does performance information promote democratic
accountability? (Submitted for Publication).
Means, B., Wang, H., Young, V., & Lynch, S. (2014). STEM-focused high schools as a
Strategy for enhancing readiness for postsecondary STEM programs. (Submitted for
Miranda, M. L., Anthopolos, R., & Gregory, S. G. (2014). Association of autism with induced or
augmented childbirth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(5): 492-493.
Miranda, M. L., Anthopolos, R., & Gregory, S. G. (2014). Induction or augmentation of labor
and autism. JAMA Pediatrics 168(2): 191-192.
Neelon, B., Gelfand, A., & Miranda, M. L. (2014). A multivariate spatial mixture model for areal
data: Examining regional differences in standardized test scores. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics). doi: 10.1111/rssc.12061.
Ouma, C. (2014). Consistency of value-added models: Comparison of CART versus HLM
multiple regressions.
Rauschenberg, S. (2014). How consistent are course grades? An examination of differential
grading. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(92).
Tan, P. L., & Cook, P. J. (2014). Like teenage mother, like daughter? Black-White differences
in maternal age effects on teenage childbearing. (Under review).
Tan, P. L. (2014). Re-examining the impact of education on teenage motherhood: Evidence
from North Carolina. (Under review).
Vigdor, J. L., & Ladd, H. F., & Martinez, E. (2014). Scaling the digital divide: Home computer
technology and student achievement. Economic Inquiry, 52(3):1103-1119.
Clotfelter, C. T., Ladd, H. F., Muschkin, C. G., & Vigdor, J. L. (2013). Success in community
college: Do institutions differ? Research in Higher Education, 54(7), 805-823.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Other Studies (cont.)
Fuller, S., & Ladd, H. F. (2013). School based accountability and the distribution of teacher
quality across grades in elementary school. Education Finance and Policy, 8(4), 528-559.
Gershenson, S., & Langbein, L. (2013). Panel-data evidence on the effect of school size on
academic performance. Powerpoint prepared for School of Public Affairs, American
University, Washington, DC.
Graves, J., McMullen, S., & Rouse, K. (2013). Year round schooling as cost savings reform:
Not just a matter of time. Education Finance and Policy, 8(3), 300-315
Gregory, S. G., Anthopolos, R., Osgood, C., Grotegut, C. A., & Miranda, M. L. (2013).
Association of autism with augmented or induced childbirth in North Carolina Record
(1990-1998) and Education Research (1997-2007) Databases. JAMA Pediatrics, 167(10),
Lauen, D. L., & Gaddis, S. M. (2013). Exposure to classroom poverty and test score
achievement: Contextual effects or selection? American Journal of Sociology, 118(4),
Lauen, D. L. (2013). Jumping at the chance: The effects of accountability incentives on student
achievement. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 6(2), 93-113.
Means, B., House, A., Young, V., and Wang, H. (2013). Expanding access to
STEM-focused education: What are the effects? In Storksdieck, M. &
Hamos, J. E. (chairs). Inclusive STEM-focused High Schools: STEM Education Policy
and Opportunity Structures. Symposium prepared for the 86th NARST
Annual International Conference, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Wells, R., & Gifford, E. J. (2013). Implementation of a school-based initiative for at-risk
children: The first five years. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(2013), 787-796.
Anthopolos, R., Miranda, M. L., Osgood, C., & Coakley, B. (2012). Assessing the effect of
Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) programs on academic achievement and school
absenteeism in North Carolina. Paper prepared for Children’s Environmental Health
Initiative, University of Michigan.
Corn, J., Faber, M., Howard, E., Lauen, D., & Gaddis, M. (2012). Golden LEAF STEM
Evaluation Baseline Report. Prepared for Consortium for Educational Research and
Evaluation – North Carolina.
Glennie, E. J., & Stearns, E. (2012). Opportunities to play the game: The effect of individual
and school attributes on participation in sports. Sociological Spectrum: Mid-South
Sociological Association, 32(6), 532-557.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Other Studies (cont.)
Lynch, S., & Means, B. (2012). Understanding emerging opportunity structures in
STEM education: New research efforts to explore school-level innovations.
Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Vancouver, Canada.
Means, B., House, A., Young, V., and Wang, H. (2012, April). Expanding access to
STEM-focused education: What are the effects? Paper prepared for meeting of Scaling
STEM: Transforming Education Matters. Research Triangle Park, NC.
McMullen, S. C., & Rouse, K. E. (2012). School crowding, year-round schooling, and mobile
classroom use: Evidence from North Carolina. Economics of Education Review, 31,
McMullen, S. C., & Rouse, K. E. (2012). The impact of year-round schooling on academic
achievement: Evidence from mandatory school calendar conversions.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(4), 230-252.
McMullen, S. C., Rouse, K. E., & Haan, J. (2012, March). Year round schooling and
achievement inequalities: Evidence from North Carolina calendar conversions.
Paper prepared for Association for Education Finance and Policy, Boston, MA.
Miller, L. C., & Mittleman, J. (2012). High schools that work and college preparedness:
Measuring the model’s impact on mathematics and science pipeline progression.
Economics of Education Review, 31(6), 1116-1135.
Miranda, M. L., Anthopolos, R., Edwards, S., & Kim, D. (2012, October). Educational test
performance according to birth weight, gestation, and prenatal smoking status. Abstract
prepared for The 2012 Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit, Maryland.
Rauschenberg, S. (2012). Differential grading in North Carolina public high schools? (Master’s
thesis). Available from Duke University Libraries. Retrieved from
Southworth, S., Wilkins, M., & Truitt, S. (2012). Math, science and frog ponds in North
Carolina schools. Paper prepared for annual meetings of the Southern Sociological
Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Vigdor, J. L. (2012) Solving America’s mathematics education problem. Paper prepared for
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy.
Zajonc, T. (2012). Bayesian inference for dynamic treatment regimes: Mobility, equity,
and efficiency in student tracking. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
107, 80-92.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Other Studies (cont.)
Bosworth, R. (2011). Class size, class composition, and the distribution of student achievement.
Education Economics, 1-25, iFirst Article.
Bosworth, R. (2011). What sort of school sorts students. Int. J. Quantitative Research in
Education, Vol. X, No. Y, pp.000–000.
Makel, M. C., Li, Y., Putallaz, M., & Wai, J. (2011). High-ability students’ time spent outside
the classroom. Journal of Advanced Academics, 22(5), 740-749.
Miranda, M. L., Anthopolos, R., Edwards, S., & Kim, D. (2011). Effect of maternal
smoking during pregnancy on children's educational test performance. Oral presentation
for 139th APHA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Southworth, S. (2011). Math and science achievement in North Carolina high schools. Paper
prepared for annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Las Vegas,
Xu, Z., Hannaway, J., & Taylor, C. (2011). Making a difference: The effect of Teach for
America on student performance in high school. Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management, 30(3): 447-469.
Cook, D. A. (2010). Research on black educators: What do we know, how do we know it and
where do we go from here. Paper prepared for the American Educational Studies
Association (AESA) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Fletcher, J. (2010). Spillover effects of inclusion of classmates with emotional problems on test
scores in early elementary school. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,
29(1), 69–83. Winter 2010.
Stearns, E., & Glennie, E. J. (2010). Opportunities to participate: Extracurricular activities’
distribution across and academic correlates in high schools. Social Science Research,
39(2), 296-309.
Corn, J. O. (2009). Evaluation report on the progress of the North Carolina 1:1 learning
technology initiative (year 2).
Muschkin, C. G. (2009). Research support for evidence-based education policy: The
North Carolina Education Research Data Center. Paper prepared for Annual Meetings
of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Rothstein, J. (2009). Student sorting and bias in value-added estimation: Selection on
observables and unobservables. Education Finance and Policy, 4(4), 537-571.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Other Studies (cont.)
Bowen, G., Rose, R., Powers, J., & Glennie, E. (2008). The joint effects of neighborhoods,
schools, peers, and families on changes in the school success of middle school students.
Family Relations, 57(4), 504-516.
Fiske, E. B., & Ladd, H. F. (2008). “Education equity in an international context” Handbook of
Research in Education Finance and Policy (H.F. Ladd and E.B. Fiske, eds),
Routledge, pp. 276-292.
Fiske, E. B., & Ladd, H. F. (2008). Introduction. Handbook of Research in Education Finance
and Policy, (H.F. Ladd and E.B. Fiske, eds) Routledge, pp. xvii–xxii.
Bifulco, R., & Ladd, H. F. (2007). Charter schools in North Carolina. In Charter School
Outcomes, edited by M. Berends, M. Springer and H.Walberg. New York: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 195-220.
Bowen, W. G. (2007). Extending opportunity in higher education: Starting and finishing at
public universities. Panel Discussion, New York University.
Glennie, E., & Stearns, M. E. (2007). Academic, arts and service clubs. In Gender and
Education: an Encyclopedia. Barbara Banks (ed). Greenwood Press.
Rothstein, J. (2007). Do value-added models add value? Tracking, fixed effects, and causal
inference (Working Paper 159). Center for Economic Policy Studies, Princeton
Vigdor, J., & Nechyba, T. (2007). Peer effects in North Carolina public schools. In P.E.
Peterson and L. Wößmann, (Eds.), Schools and the Equal Opportunity Problem,
MIT Press.
Fiske, E. B., & Ladd, H. F., (2006). Racial equity in education: How far has South Africa
come? Perspectives in Education, 24(2).
Matthews, M. S. (2006). Gifted students dropping out: Recent findings from a southeastern state.
Roeper Review, 28(4), 216-223.
Swartz, C. W., & Williamson, G. L. (2006). Using Lexiles to support instruction and
improvement in North Carolina schools. Paper prepared for North Carolina
Accountability Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Williamson, G. L., Thompson, C. L., & Baker, R. F. (2006). North Carolina's growth in reading
and mathematics. Paper prepared for annual meeting of the North Carolina Association
for Research in Education (NCARE), Hickory, NC.
Rev. 4/9/2015
Other Studies (cont.)
Glennie, E., Stearns, M. E., & Castellino, D. (2005). Girls and clubs: The influence of individual
and school attributes on types of extracurricular activity participation. Paper prepared
for American Sociological Association Meetings, Philadelphia, PA.
Guidry, V. T., & Margolis, L. H. (2005). Unequal GIS to explore hurricane-related flooding of
schools in eastern North Carolina. Environmental Research, 98(3), 383-89.
Rose, R. R., & Bowen, G. L. (2005). Power for sample size in the development of a longitudinal
study of a cluster randomized trial. Paper prepared for Annual Conference of the Society
for Social Work and Research, Miami, FL.
Stearns, E., & Glennie, E. (2005). Opportunities to join clubs: Modeling extracurricular activity
participation. Paper prepared for Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting,
Charlotte, NC.
Ladd, H. F. (2004). Balancing public and private resources for basic education: School fees in
post-apartheid South Africa. In Changing Class: Education and Social Change in PostApartheid South Africa, edited by Linda Chisholm (Cape Town: HSRC Press).
Nechyba, T., & Vigdor, J. L. (2004). Peer effects in North Carolina public schools. Paper
prepared for American Economic Association Annual Meeting and at Kennedy
School/CESifo Conference on the Economics of Education, Munich, Germany.
Vigdor, J., & Nechyba, T. (2004). Peer effects in elementary school: Learning from apparent
random assignment. Paper prepared for Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management Meetings, Atlanta, GA, and Harvard University Economics Dept.,
Cambridge, MA.
Glennie, E. J., Stearns, E., Castellino, D., & Bifulco, R. (2003). Extracurricular activity
participation in high schools by African American, Asian, Latino, Native American,
and White Teens. Paper prepared for Southern Sociological Society Meetings,
New Orleans, LA.
Stearns, E., Glennie, E., & Castellino, D. (2003). Contextualizing extracurricular activity
participation decisions. Paper prepared for Southern Sociological Society Meetings,
Atlanta, GA.
Rev. 4/9/2015