CHEM 234, Spring 2015 PRINTED FIRST NAME ANSWER Final Exam PRINTED LAST NAME KEY Ian R. Gould ASU ID or Posting ID Person on your RIGHT (or Aisle) Person on your LEFT (or Aisle) • PRINT YOUR NAME ON EACH PAGE! • READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY! • USE BLANK PAGES AS SCRATCH PAPER work on blank pages will not be graded... 1__________/12 •WRITE CLEARLY! 2__________/20 • MOLECULAR MODELS ARE ALLOWED 3__________/25 • DO NOT USE RED INK 4__________/12 • DON'T CHEAT, USE COMMON SENSE! 5__________/20 H 6__________/64 Li Be B N O F Ne a)_______/8 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar b)_______/8 K Ga Ge As Se Br Kr c)_______/8 Rb Sr Y In Sn Sb Te I Xe d)_______/8 Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn He Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg C e)_______/8 f)_______/8 g)_______/8 h)_______/8 7__________/8 8__________/12 9__________/28 10__________/10 11__________/18 12__________/20 13__________/36 a)________/20 b)________/16 14__________/40 a)________/20 b)________/15 c)________/15 15__________/40 a)________/20 b)________/20 Extra Credit_____/5 Total (incl Extra)________/375+5 CHM 234, Spring 2015, FINAL EXAM NAME - 2- Question 1 (12 pts.) Provide IUPAC names for the following structure, do not forget to use E/Z and R/S as appropriate. a) (2S),4-dimethyloct-(4E)-enoic acid CO2H Question 2 (20 pts.) For each of the structures A, B and C: a) Add the hydrogen atom to the line-angle structure that would be the most Bronsted acidic b) Rank A, B and C in order of increasing Bronsted acidity and give a brief explanation c) for structure A ONLY, draw the conjugate base, including all resonance contributors O O H O -H+ O O O A O O H H A weakest acid O B < C < B strongest acid C Bronsted acidity is determined by the stability of the conjugate base anion, the less stabvle teh conjugate base the weaker the acid in each case the conjugate bases are delocalized enolate anions in A the enolate is destabilzied by the electron donating oxygen atom of the ester, the base anion from A is thus the least stable, A is thus the weakest acid in B the oxygen is not electron donating, but it weakly stabilizes the conjugate base anion via the inductive effect, B is thus the strongest acid CHM 234, Spring 2015, FINAL EXAM -3 - NAME Question 3 (25 pts.) For the following acid/base equilibrium: a) draw the curved arrows showing bond making/breaking b) indicate which is the STRONGER and the WEAKER acid and base on each side c) Indicate which acid has the larger and which the smaller pKa d) give a BRIEF explanation for your choice of stronger/weaker that includes the phrase "energy of the electrons" H H H H H H slower N H N N N H H + H + faster weaker base weaker acid stronger acid stronger base larger pKa smaller pKa equilibrium lies on THIS side the weaker base has the lower energy electrons, the non-bonding electrons in A are stabilized by resonance, are this lower in energy e) Indicate which reaction (left to right or right to left) is faster and which is slower and indicate on which side the equilibrium lies f) Draw a PROPERLY labelled reaction energy diagram, indicate the position of the transition state and include a drawing of the transition state Energy H ‡ H H ‡ N N H H Reaction Coordinate Question 4 (12 pts) Explain why sodium borohydride (NaBH4) will reduce a ketone but will not reduce an ester. O O O O O NaBH4/EtOH OH O NaBH4/EtOH no reaction the BH4– anion is a Lewis base, the carbonyl carbon is Lewis acidic in the ester the oxygen atom acts as an electron donating group which decerases the Lewis acitity of the carbonyl carbon OR.... the minor resonance contributors show that the partial positive charge is delocalized onto the oxygen in the ester, which decreases its electrophilicity -4- CHM 234, Spring 2015, FINAL EXAM NAME Question 5 (20 pts) Give a curved arrow pushing mechanism for the following reaction • For each INTERMOLECULAR step, indicate the Lewis acid and base (LA or LB) and whether they are also Bronsted acids and bases (BA or BB) as appropriate • You MUST show where every proton comes from and goes to, no abbreviated +H+/-H+ notation you do NOT need to show resonance contributor for the intermediates in this case! H H O O H3O+ OCH3 HO H H O H H O H O OCH3 O O O OCH3 OCH3 H O H H H O O O H O H O OCH3 OCH3 O H H H H H OCH3 O H O H H H O H H H O + CH3OH H OR.... the order of the steps can be different, for example, in the first step you can protonate the -OCH3 and have it leave first and so on... Extra Credit Question (5 pts). Which functional group formed the basis of the new "twoelectron sensitizer" molecule that enhances the speed of motion picture film? amine ester amide aldehyde -5- CHM 234, Spring 2015, FINAL EXAM NAME Question 6 (64 pts) Provide the missing major organic products for the following reactions. Do not forget to include stereochemistry as appropriate and INDICATE ANY RACEMIC MIXTURES. O a) H2N OH Ph Cl NH Ph OH O 1 equivalent NMe2 NMe2 b) CO2CH3 heat + (±) CO2CH3 1 equivalent c) O O HO O O O O O H+ cat. O H O d) HCl cat. heat H OH Br 1. NaCN e) H or other isomer H H2N CH2 H 2. LiAlH4 3. H3O+ OH O 1. f) MgBr (±) 2. H3 O+ -6- CHM 234, Spring 2015 FINAL EXAM NAME Question 6, Contd... Provide the missing major organic products for the following reactions. Do not forget to include stereochemistry as appropriate and INDICATE ANY RACEMIC MIXTURES. O O + g) EtO OEt excess O 1. Na+ -OEt OEt EtO 2. H3O+ 1. O h) MgBr 2. H3O+ O OEt Ph Ph O O OH O Question 7 (8 pts) Give the reactants AND reagents/conditions that would allow you to synthesize the following structure in an Aldol condensation. O any reasonable acid/base O H heat O Question 8 (12 pts) Give the product of complete hydrolysis of the following structure (hydrolyze all functional groups that can be hydrolyzed) N C H3O+ CO2H heat O O O CHEMISTRY 234, Spring 2015 FINAL EXAM -7- NAME Question 9 (28 pts) The purpose of this question is to determine whether the provided product is allowed or forbidden using FMO theory a) First, give the curved arrow-pushing describing product formation Et Et Δ Me Me + Pr Pr Me A B Et Me Et b) Now, state whether the reaction to give the PROVIDED product (which may or may not be allowed) is suprafacial or antarafacial with respect to both reactants A and B antarafacial reaction to give the PROVIDED product was (supra or antara) __________________ for reactant A suprafacial reaction to give the PROVIDED product was (supra or antara) __________________ for reactant B c) On TOP OF THE structures below, draw the HOMO for reactant A and the LUMO for reactant B Et HOMO A Me Pr Me Et LUMO B d) USING F.M.O. theory, state whether the ALLOWED product of this reaction (which may or may not be the one that is provided) should be formed in a suprafacial/suprafacial or suprafacial/antarafacial reaction. suprafacial/suprafacial forbidden e) Is the PROVIDED product allowed or forbidden? _______________ Question 10 (10 pts.) Indicate which of the following two structures A and B you would expect to be the stronger Bronsted BASE, and give a brief explanation that includes the term "energy of the eletrons". Assume that both structures are completely FLAT. A B In A the electrons are in an aromatic system and are thus stabilized and lower in energy, less reactive, and thus a weaker base, in B the electrons are in an antiaromatic system CHEMISTRY 234, Spring 2015 FINAL EXAM NAME -8- Question 11 (18 pts.) Give a curved arrow-pushing mechanism for the following reaction that shows formation of BOTH products. There are no other reagents or catalysts in this reaction and the solvent is not involved. SHOW WHERE EVERY PROTON COMES FROM AND GOES TO (no +H+/-H+). Indicate the Lewis acid and base (LA or LB) at each INTERMOLECULAR step and whether they are also Brønsted acids and bases (LA/BA or BA/BB) O O O H NH2 N O + + HO O HO LB LA HO acetominophen - painkiller O O O O N H O N H H HO HO LB/BB H O LA/BA Question 12 (20 pts.) Give a curved arrow-pushing mechanism for the following reaction. You can use the abbreviated +H+/-H+ notation, but include all important resonance contributors for O the intermediates. O H+ cat. heat +H+ H O –H+ O O H H O O H H O H H H O •• OH2 O O O +H+ +H+ –H+ –H+ O O OH -9- CHM 234, Spring 2015, Final Exam NAME Question 13 (36 pts.) Give a curved arrow-pushing mechanism for the following two reactions • SHOW WHERE EVERY PROTON COMES FROM AND GOES TO • Indicate the Lewis acid and base (LA or LB) at each INTERMOLECULAR step and whether they are also Brønsted acids and bases (LA/BA or BA/BB) H LA/BA O O O LB/BB H3O+ H H + HOEt a) OEt OH heat O LA O H O OEt H H H H O LB/BB O H OH OH LA/BA OEt H OH H O O H O OH H LB/BB OH LB OEt OEt O LA/BA H HO b) LA/BA OH H OH O H H LB/BB O H LB/BB H2O/NaOH HO O H O H H O LA/BA Et CHM 234, Spring 2015 FINAL EXAM NAME - 10 - Question 14 (50 pts.) Show how you would make the target componds on the right from the starting compounds on the left. Show reagents and conditions where appropriate, and the structures of important intermediate compounds. Do not show any (arrow pushing) mechanisms. For question a) you must indicate steps that require separation of isomers. SO3H a) CH3 separate isomers CO/HCl AlCl3 NO2 CHO SO3/H2SO4 CHO CH3 Zn/Hg/HCl/H2O NO2 NO2 THE NEXT TWO SYNTHESIS PROBLEMS, b) and c), USE ONLY REACTIONS FROM THE "MINIMAL SET OF REACTIONS" PROVIDED RECENTLY ON THE CLASS WEB PAGE! ignore stereochemistry b) PCC NBS, hν Na+ –OH Br O 1. BH3.THF 2. –OH/H2O2 OH c) OH Br K+ –O-t-Bu O MCPBA Na CHM 234, Spring 2015 FINAL EXAM - 11 - NAME Question 15 (40 pts.) Synthesize the (target) molecule on the right from the starting molecule the left. this can not be done in one reaction. Give reagents and conditions and the intermediate molecules at each step. Do not show any mechanisms or transient intermediates. N a) 1. LiAlH4 2. H3O+ 1. HNMe2/H+ 2. H2/Pd/C HBr, ROOR O Br MgBr 1. Mg.THF H O OH O PCC 2. H3O+ N CO2H COCl O b) O NBS/hν EtOH COCl Br SOCl2 Mg.THF Br MgBr 1. CO2 2. H3O+ CO2H
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