Name ____________________________ Email or Phone # __________________ Instructions can be found at CHOOSE TO BE NICE BINGO BINGO CARD Deliver cookies to the fire or police station Help a younger kid Share something YOUR CHOICE Donate gently used toys Write someone a letter Teach someone something new YOUR CHOICE Clean your room without being asked Hold the door open for someone Surprise a relative with a phone call Donate outgrown clothes FREE SPACE Ask your parents how his or her day was YOUR CHOICE Do the dishes Help with dinner Compliment a classmate Spread something nice on social media Tell a parent 3 things you're grateful for YOUR CHOICE Cheer on a teammate Volunteer Pick up 5 pieces of litter on the ground 8Creative Forecasting, Inc. 2011 (719) 633-3174, Fax: (719) 632-4721, E-mail: [email protected] Optional: Which box was your favorite to do and why? Help a classmate who has dropped something
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