to the Pocketbook Bingo and Silent Auction information

Play Bingo with
Win Designer
Date: Friday, April 10th, 2015
Time: 7:30 – 11:00 pm (Bingo begins at 8:00)
Place: Raritan Valley Community College
(118 Lamington Road; Branchburg, NJ 08876 – Grand Room at Conference Center)
$30 per person
Admission includes: 10 rounds of Bingo, silent auction,
50/50 raffle, light fare, appetizers and desserts
Cash Bar
a Table
for up to
Visit to register or return form below with check payable to BEF.
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Name:_______________________________________________ Email:________________________________________
Address:_____________________________________________ Phone #:______________________________________
Reserve Table: Y / N Party Name:________________________ # in Party:_______
Register Early. This event sold out last year. Space is limited. Thank You!
Make checks ($30) payable to Branchburg Education Foundation. Return to school or mail to BEF; PO Box 5124; North Branch, NJ