MEMBERSHIP FORM Welcome to Christian Children’s Resource Harvest Ltd. Please participate in our programs. You are encouraged to attend our meetings, make advertisements, Sponsor programs or a child, volunteer or donate. We accept one item or as many as you wish. Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ Village __________________________ City/Town ___________________________________ Home phone _____________________________ Mobile Number________________________ Business phone _______________________ Email address _____________________________ Applicant’s Signature ___________________________________ Date ___________________ YEARLY MEMBERSHIP DUE DATE (1ST JANUARY - 31ST DECEMBER) New Membership for 6months Renewal Membership After six months Gift Membership (open) MEMBERSHIP LEVELS A B C D E F GOLD BRONZE SILVER TIN PLASTIC PLASTIC & WATER Uganda Shillings Above UGX 110,000 ( UGX 100,000 UGX 55,000 UGX 35,000 UGX 25,000 UGX 15,000 ) Gold membership has three stages (UGX 110,000 – UGX 490,000), (UGX 500,000- UGX 990,000), (UGX 1,000,000 and above) State any additional gift, if available _______________________ (Amount_______________) Adverts, Sponsors and Volunteers have a different form. Please state what you wish __________ All Membership will receive: Monthly Email /SMS about their packages. Meeting agendas Return with payment to: Christian Children’s Resource Harvest Ltd P.O Box 24360, Kampala. Plot 169, Jinja Road Kireka Trading centre, Kiira Town council Wakiso District,Uganda, East Africa Mobile Money Tel:+256 75 7 308680 Email:[email protected] For official Use Membership Date ____________ Paid Amount ________________ Date paid___________ Children Children’s terms and conditions shall apply.
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