SB MAy 15 - Christies Beach Surf Life Saving Club

Southern Breaks
Proudly Supported by:
May 2015
Club Dinner
The Christies Beach Surf Life Saving Club Inc
is a registered Good Sport Club
Promoting Responsible Service
and Consumption of Alcohol
March Birthdays:
Happy Birthday
Surf Life Saving and
Christies Beach SLSC
Events Dates
to the following club members:
May 2015
Sun 3rd IRB Carnival 1 - Moana
Sun 17th IRB Carnival 2 - Port Elliot
Christoper Bailey
Cassanda Deroussent
Debra Ellis
John Hall
June 2015
Sun 6th - Mon 8th IRB Carnival 3 Southern States Challenge Portland, Victoria
Tina Hards
Sun 21st IRB Carnival 4 - Brighton
Chris Heath
Sat 27th - Sun 28th - Pool Rescue State
Faradah Hudson
Linda MacKay
Andrew Miller
Sven Molenaar
Steve Pollard
July 2015
Sun 5th - IRB State Championships Christies Beach
Fri 17th - Sun 19th IRB National
Omar Ryan
Sidney Sweet
Tara Vivar
Antonio Vivar-Richichi
Michaela Wait
Rhyan Whitely
Our club’s facilities are available for hire
for private functions and events
such as
If you have any submissions for the
June edition of Southern Breaks,
please email them to
[email protected]
by Friday 5th of June.
Training Events
Corporate functions
Check the calendar on our website for availability.
MAY 2015
IRB Carnival 1
- Moana
IRB Carnival 2
- Port Elliot
JUNE 2015
IRB Carnival 3 Southern States
Challenge Portland, Victoria
IRB Carnival 3 Southern States
Challenge Portland, Victoria
IRB Carnival 3 Southern States
Challenge Portland, Victoria
IRB Carnival 4 Brighton
Pool Rescue State
Pool Rescue State
From The Prez
It continues to be a busy time for most around the club and I am
sure most of you have seen the new paint colours to the entrance. A
big thank you to all those who stepped forward to help and a big
thank you to Chris Heath for the donation of the paint. We have
some great new and old photo’s covering a number of walls in the
club. Thanks to Kerryn, Tina and Karla for arranging. The feedback
has been positive.
A great night was had by all at the Club Dinner. I hope everyone
caught up for a chat to plan next season.
The IRB team have started their competition season in nice conditions at Moana a couple
of weeks ago with some good surf making for some spectacular racing. I dropped in for a
while and saw Christies Beach leading the charge - very good to see. The beach looked
great and Danny Powell did a great job organising the event.
On Sunday, May 17, we held the Club planning day to discuss plans for future club extensions and opportunities currently available. The outcome of the meeting was very positive
and a clearer picture for all of us to move forward. More information will be made available as we progress.
On Sunday, July 5th, we are holding the IRB “Rubber Duck State Titles”. Last year was big!
Come down, help out and enjoy the racing.
Surf Life Saving offers so much for members to be involved; you can learn so many new
skills which can help you throughout your life. Gaining your Bronze Medallion or First Aid
Certificate can help you gain your fist job. Patrolling the beach will show prospective employers that you are responsible and can be trusted. Being involved in competition gives
you a healthy mind, body and attitude. Involvement on a committee teaches leadership
skills. If you are someone who is sitting back wanting to get more out of life but don’t
know where to start, just get involved, you never know where it may lead.
“Remember, treat others the way you want to be treated” Respect and you will be respected!
Grant Brown
From the Secretary
I would like to thank The Original Beach Road Markets, IGA Christies Beach and The City of
Onkaparinga for their support this season.
The Original Beach Road Markets
For over 5 years The Original Beach Road Markets has given us the opportunity to fundraise
via 4 allocated BBQ’s. We have been lucky to have a good time of year and have raised over
two thousand dollars each season. Many thanks to those that assist with theses BBQ’s. The
Original Beach Road Markets also have a preputial trophy for the unsung hero. The person
behind the scene always helping always there when needed. It is an award which has a lot of
debate but can only be awarded to one person. The Beach Rd Markets also made a donation
to the juniors to help with equipment this year
IGA Christies Beach
IGA Christies Beach has supported Christies Beach SLSC for over 10 years, sponsoring junior
shirts, the Peter George Surf Boat and the juniors through the Community Chest Program.
This is where a percentage of the profit from items which display the Community Chest label,
which are sold at IGA Christies Beach, goes into a fund and is distributed by IGA Christies
Beach to various sporting clubs and Charities. IGA Christies Beach also assist us with all our
BBQs by supplying all goods needed at cost price.
City of Onkaparinga
The City of Onkaparinga has been a major supporter of the Christies Beach SLSC for a long
time, providing grant opportunities, presentation of awards for services to community, supporting events and sponsoring events.
Richard Nurmi
From The Club Captain
The winter months are approaching and many members of the club
have settled into having their weekends back and getting the jobs done
around the house that have been put off over summer.
Although much of the activity at the club has quietened down, there are
several areas of the club which are still very active. The IRB team have
been busily training on Saturdays and Sundays and competed in their
first carnival of the season at Moana beach on the first weekend of May.
If you are interested in being involved in the team, please contact Kate
Southern for more details.
Patrick and Lee in action
Pool State Championships
Also over the winter period, SLSSA will hold the SLSSA Pool State Championships. This event
will be held at Adelaide Aquatic centre at Marion on the last weekend in June. The Pool
Championships is a State Title event involving U12, U13, U14, Open and Masters Competitors.
The pool events include straight forward freestyle races, obstacle races, relays, rope throws,
manikin and brick carrying races. Training has commenced and is on Thursday nights. We encourage any member who is interested in competing to start training now. For more information, please contact Tina 0408339637 or Grant Brown 0433001409.
Polar Bears
Another wintertime activity around the club is Polar bears. Polar Bears has a long tradition in
our club and has been continued on by Huee. Polar bears involves enjoying the cool winter
ocean, basically going for a dip in very cold ocean water and then enjoying a lovely warm
shower and some soup to warm up. Members are encouraged to brave the cold and only go
in with bathers and a rashie, but for a small gold coin fine, you may don a wetsuit. This winter
activity is open to all club members. Nippers and their parents are encouraged to join in. Polar Bears start on the first Sunday of Winter, meeting upstairs in the clubrooms at 9am to take
a plunge in the ocean at 9.15 - 9.30am.
Tina Hards
Club Captain
From the Bar Manager
Congratulations to the following new bar members who recently completed their RSA training: Rob Mackay, Niki Percival, Shonie Nurmi, Lee Heath,
Chris Pemberton and Sharyn Loller. They are now starting to work behind
the bar on a Friday night.
The bar is continuing to run well and a big thank you to Katie, Amy, Lorraine, Amanda, Lee, Chris and Holly working the bar!
Unfortunately we said good bye to Skye Harwood who has served the club
for a number of years behind the bar and Jo Walker also having to step
down last month. We wish them all the best for the future and appreciate their service over
the years.
Remember I am always on the lookout for volunteers to work behind the bar, so if you are interested in helping please contact me on 0425 323 065 and I can provide all the required information.
Thank you to Ray White Christies Beach (Shop 3, 33 Beach Road Christies Beach) for donating
a dozen bottles of red wine, which we have been including in the Friday night meat raffle as a
From the Function Coordinator
Functions are getting quieter now with the cooler months coming, but we still have a number
booked in, along with club events.
Remember the club is available to hire for your next function. With great club members’
rates and a variety of options to cater for your needs. If you have family and friends who are
looking for a venue, please don’t forget to recommend your club.
For more information please email [email protected] or ring 0411 474
166 with details and we can get back to you. Otherwise check out the website and calendar
for availability at .
Painting of the Club
You may have noticed the club has gone under a make over the past month with a new paint
I would like to thank Tina Hards, Chris Heath, Danny Powel and Kerryn Amos for assisting me
in painting the club. A big thank you also to Cameron Davidson from CD Commercial Painters
for donating the paint.
Nathan Amos
Bar Manager and Functions Coordinator
Expressions of Interest
Jet Rescue Boat (JRB) Crew
The JRB is a rapid, motorised response unit, which assists Surf Life Saving patrols by providing
regular coastal surveillance and by performing rescue missions.
SLSSA currently has two (2) JRBs allocated to patrol the following regions:
1 x JRB stored at West Beach, to patrol the metro region – also has a dedicated tow vehicle
1 x JRB stored at Lonsdale, to patrol the mid coast region – also has a dedicated tow vehicle
SLSSA is currently seeking applications from suitably qualified members (Surf Life Savers) to
undertake training and operational duties and to become a member of this Service.
Applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:
 Be physically fit;
 Be of the age of at least 18 years;
 Be a financial member of an affiliated Surf Life Saving Club;
 Be proficient in the minimum awards as outlined below;
 Attend and pass the JRB Operator’s fitness assessments.
To be considered for this position, you must hold and be proficient in the following awards:
 Bronze Medallion
 Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate
 Apply (Senior) First Aid Certificate [SLSA or other;
 Driver’s license (and the ability to tow a JRB trailer);
Demonstrated IRB crewing experience will be particularly well regarded, but not essential.
If interested contact Richard [email protected] or sms 0421122513.
RWC (Jet Ski) Operators
Applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:
 Be physically fit;
 Be of the age of at least 18 years;
 Be a financial member of an affiliated Surf Life Saving Club;
 Be proficient in the minimum awards as outlined below;
 Attend and pass the Rescue Water Craft (RWC) Operator’s fitness assessments as set.
To be considered for this position, you must hold and be proficient in the following awards:
 Bronze Medallion
 Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate
 Apply (Senior) First Aid Certificate [SLSA or other]
 Boat license
 Driver’s license (and the ability to tow a RWC trailer)
Demonstrated IRB driving experience will be particularly well regarded, but not essential.
If interested contact Richard at [email protected] or sms 0421122513.
Assessors Course
SLSSA will be conducting an Assessor Training Course which is scheduled for Sunday 28 June
and Saturday 4 July at Surf Central. This course is for people who are already current experienced training officers and who wish to become assessors.
There will be some pre-course work (questions to be responded to in the Learner Guide) and
three probationary assessments to be completed post-course. Candidates must attend both
If interested, please contact Richard at [email protected] or sms 0421122513.
Training Officers Course
SLSSA have will run a Training Officer Course on 18 July at Surf Central. Anyone interested in
becoming at training officer please contact Richard [email protected] or sms
0421122513. There are some prerequisites.
New SRCs and Bronzie
Congratulations to our new SRC’s - Steed Carter, Angus MacKay, Chloe Amos, Jessica Trezona
and our new Bronzie - Sayra Stevenson.
Thank you to Paul Trezona for instructing them.
Christies Beach SLSC 2014/2015 Awards
Congratulations to the following award winners whose achievements and services to the club
were celebrated at the annual Club Dinner on May 16th.
Best Club Person: Nathan Amos
Other nominees: Marco Ozzella, Jane Bristow, Ron Harwood, Julie Locker
President’s Trophy: Kerryn and Nathan Amos
Captain’s Trophy: Christine Hill
Aussie Home Loan Club Spirit Award: Linda MacKay
Other Nominee’s: Nathan Amos, Joanne Farry
Best First Year Member: Faridah Hudson
Other Nominee’s: Ebony Mango, Markos Kavarnos
The Original Beach Rd Markets Quiet Achiever Award: Joanne Farry
Other Nominee’s: Julie Locker, Linda MacKay
Most Outstanding Competitors:
Masters: Earl deLeeuw
Other Nominee’s: Julie Locker, Leroy Bang
Cadet: Karla Brown
Most Improved Competitors:
Masters Boat Crew
Female Cadet: Charly McMullan
Male Cadet: Billy Gregory
Most Patrol Hours: Richard Nurmi
Best Cadet Club Person: Daniel Birch-Smith
Other Nominee: Harrison Hards
Artie Fergusson Youth Recognition Award: Harrison Hards
Cadet Encouragement Awards: Ryelie McMullan and Abbey Bristow
Champion Patrol:
Captain - Nathan Amos
Vice-Captain - Julie Locker
IRB Driver – Chris Heath
IRB Crew – Dannion Hards
ARTC – Kerryn Amos
Bronze- Shona Dudley
Bronze – Chris Pemberton
Bronze- Ken Niemann
Bronze – Richard Nurmi
Bronze – Karla Brown
SRC – Caitlyn Rothwell
Appreciation Awards:
Stephen Hards, Peter deLeeuw, Robyn deLeeuw, Josh Farry, Ray Roberts, Kate Southern,
Linda MacKay, Lee Jones, Nathan Amos, Ron Harwood, Hubert Deroussent,
Cassie Deroussent, Chris Heath, Robert MacKay, Jane Bristow, Julie Locker.
Photo of the Month
Katrine Hildyard, member for Reynell and CBSLSC
member, presents Earl deLeeuw with the Club Champion’s trophy at the club dinner this month. Whilst
the award seems to glow as much as its donor and
recipient, behind them, the Club Captain informs
Earl’s brother, Russell, that he only missed out on the
award by one point.
Photo by Madeleine Nurmi.
From the History Preservation Project
Remember how things were done in the old days before WHS or even OHSW were common
acronyms in our vocabulary? Stuart Thomson recently submitted photos of some alterations
to the craft racks in the old club rooms during the mid to late 1980s just to remind us. Fortunately Stuart, Grant and Martin all survived unscathed.
Proudly Supported by:
Your Company’s
Logo Here
email Grant Brown at
[email protected]
for more information
on sponsoring
Christies Beach
Surf Life Saving Club
If you are a club member and would like to
list your business in the Business Directory,
please email your details to [email protected].