The Parish of Christ the King In Loving Memory Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: Veronica Mesilonis; Josephine & Joseph Lavezzo; Rose Nunes; Reginald Violett; William Doran; Peg Duclos; Florence Haggie; Doris Talma; Gennaro & Julia Cataldo; Margaret & Abraham MacDonald; Paul McGovern; Mary Jane Perry; Catherine Cotter; and all the faithful departed. Mass Intentions Saturday, April 18 4:00 PM Veronica Mesilonis / Msgr. Hoye Sunday, April 19 8:30 AM Josephine & Joseph Lavezzo / Msgr. Hoye 10:30 AM People of the Parish / Fr. Wyndham 5:30 PM Rose Nunes / Msgr. Hoye Monday, April 20 8:30 AM Reginald Violett / Msgr. Hoye Tuesday, April 21 8:30 AM William Doran / Msgr. Hoye Wednesday, April 22 8:30 AM Peg Duclos / Msgr. Hoye Thursday, April 23 8:30 AM Florence Haggie / Fr. Wyndham 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal This week you should have received information about the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal. Bishop da Cunha invites each of us to make a commitment to support the work of our diocesan apostolates and ministries that enhance our church by helping all of us to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with Him. This effort is a means by which we can all work together to care for the church and one another by sharing the gifts God has granted us. Our parish goal is 100% participation. We welcome you to join us in joyfully supporting the Catholic Charities Appeal. Please take time this week to reflect and pray about the blessing you are called to share with your Catholic family. Collection Weekend of April 11-12 FUNERAL MASS Sunday, April 26 8:30 AM Arthur Mulrain / Fr. Wyndham 10:30 AM Deceased of March / Msgr. Hoye 5:30 PM Norma Klein / Msgr. Hoye For A Special Intention The Sanctuary Light in St. Jude’s Chapel will be lit this week For A Special Intention 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER Additional Easter Memorial Flowers Yvonne Adamonis Laura Lee Baron John and Jacqueline Carleton Francis and Joan Griffin Edward and Patricia Keogh Anthony J. Marino Gerald and Janice Murphy WELCOME NEW PARISH FAMILIES Saturday, April 25 4:00 PM People of the Parish / Msgr. Hoye The Sanctuary Light in the Church will be lit this week CTK 50+ Club WILLIAMSBURG & PHILADELPHIA MAY 11 TO MAY 15 Edward W. Barron; Rev. Edward J. Barron S.J.; Ellen E. Barron; Deceased Members of the Campbell Family; Anna Ardito Chiota; Robert & Dorothy Conger; James & Isabelle Corsson; Wm. & Julia Daley; Wm. & Mary E. Daley; Jeff Donahue; Woowoo Grandma Donahue; Joseph & Margaret Duffy; Julia Therese Eckstein; Jack Farrington; Norma Farrington; Members of the Foley & Daley Families; Joseph & Lawrence Foley; Maurice & Isabelle Foley; Herbert Giddings; Steven Giddings; Crazy Jack; Rev. C.J. Keliher; Tina Lewis; Arthur J. Mullane; Mike Murphy; Nizam Oktem Family; Ann Pacheco; Wayne Phelan; Ernest A. Ratto; Sarah L. Ratto; Deceased Members of the Riley Family; Deceased Members of the Riordan Family; Leo Rodrigues; Manuel & Isabel Rodrigues; Joseph Slattery; Jakey Ullmann; Kris (Lavalee) Ullmann; Fred Walsh. Friday, April 24 8:30 AM Doris Talma / Fr. Wyndham Sanctuary Lights Calendar of Events First Collection: $12,070.00 (Offertory) Second Collection: $3,798.00 (Building Maintenance) Thank You –1– A funeral Mass will be celebrated Monday, April 27 at 10:00 AM in the church for ORAM (RAY) DUBEY. APRIL 19, 2015 The Parish of Christ the King St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry The Food Pantry will be open every WEDNESDAY MORNING from 10 AM until 12 Noon. – IN ADDITION – Christ the King Knights of Columbus Council 13388 — BULLETIN SCHEDULE — Sat., April 18 & Sun., April 19 After All Masses TWO EVENING PANTRIES the 2nd & LAST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. MEMBERSHIP BLITZ We are continuing our very busy pantry. We are serving an average of 325 FAMILIES EVERY MONTH. Please make a donation of any non-perishable food items of your choice. SUPERMARKET GIFT CARDS are also very useful. The gift cards allow us to purchase needed products. Thanks for any help you can provide. A “Gem” of an Idea from a “Jewel” of a Lady PLEASE DONATE DOG AND CAT FOOD SO PETS CAN REMAIN IN GOOD HOMES WITH PEOPLE WHO LOVE THEM. BEREAVEMENT A BEREAVEMENT Group Session will begin in the Parish of Christ the King in Mashpee, Tuesday, April 21, 2015. This group will last for six weeks and will be held every Tuesday from 3 to 5 PM. It is for anyone who has had a loved one die. Please contact the Parish Office at 508477-7700, if you are interested. The group is limited to ten participants. The facilitator is Elizabeth Mazzucchelli, RNFCN. CHRIST THE KING ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT SHOP WE WILL BE ACCEPTING DONATIONS TUESDAY - SATURDAY, 9 AM - 2 PM UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. DROP OFF ALL DONATIONS TO THE REAR OF THE BUILDING. 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER Conference Room Have you wanted to make a donation to the church but do not have the available cash? Josephine Campisi, who was our Jewelry Lady from St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop in Cotuit, came up with a “GEM” of an idea. Donate your unwanted, broken, gold or silver jewelry to the church. (Ex. one earring, a clasp from a bracelet, earrings you do not wear, necklaces with missing links, watches, rings, etc.). Put your jewelry into an envelope or bag with St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop on the front of the envelope. Also, include your name and address. Drop off at church office. We will sell the gold and silver for scrap and give the money to the church. No matter how big or small the amount, it is all appreciated. Any questions, call Mary at 774-238-2819. Such a great idea from a “JEWEL” of a lady! Mashpee Knights of Columbus Catholic High School SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1,000.00 to an 8th grade student in the parish of Christ the King, who will be attending a Catholic High School in the Fall of 2015. For an application, contact Grand Knight Mark Linse at 508-274-4764, or email to [email protected]. Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Tuesday, April 28 from 9:15 – 9:45 AM in the hall. Please call Eileen Cowley at 508-419-1178 if you know of someone who could use the comfort of a shawl. Statement of Contributions 2014 Please call the parish office 508-477-7700 if you would like a statement of your contributions for 2014. We do need 24 hour notice to obtain a printout. You can either pick up statement at the office the day following request, or we will send in the mail. What’s Missing? Attention: Parishioners of Christ the King Parish We have space available in our weekly bulletin to advertise your business. Your ad would appear in our weekly bulletin and also would be listed on our website. If interested in placing an ad, please call Deacon Paul Harney, in the parish office, at 508-477-7700, ext. 26 for further information. –2– Do you have questions about your Catholic faith? Do you know why you are Catholic? Religion and Faith may at times be confusing. Of course, God is mystery, and not all questions have an answer, however, the idea is to explore that area between black and white, to find the spiritual rainbow who is our Lord Jesus Christ. Please join us for discussion and prayer. This process is for those who want to bridge the gaps in their journey of faith. MEETING DATES: Monday, April 20 & May 4 Classroom B • 7 PM All invited to attend. APRIL 19, 2015 The Parish of Christ the King Parish Nursing Program . . . provides BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC the first Saturday and Sunday of each month after the 4 PM, 8:30 & 10:30 AM Masses. Our Parish nurse, Betty Mazzucchelli, RNFCN, is available by appointment for consult for Diabetes, Hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure and other medical concerns. Leave message at Parish Office. Words of Life That the Holy Spirit may continually inspire our words and actions to build up the culture of life; we pray to the Lord. Parish Library Christ the King Catholic Women’s Club SCHOLARSHIP Applications for the Catholic Women’s Club Scholarships are now available on the parish website ( in the Parish Office and at both entrances of the Church. One scholarship will be awarded, valued at $3,000. Applications must be submitted by May 15, 2015 Our Web Sites FACEBOOK E-mail Addresses: Msgr. Hoye / [email protected] Deacon Lemay / [email protected] Deacon Greg Beckel / [email protected] Faith Formation / [email protected] Sonny DeArcangelis / sddctk@cape. com Joanne Lemay / [email protected] Mary Becker / [email protected] Carol Daniels / [email protected] Youth Ministry / [email protected] From time to time members of the Library Staff are eager to share with you some of our marvelous materials that can be taken out for your reading and viewing pleasure. Today, we will focus on the DVD entitled SAINT PETER. The apostle Peter, portrayed by Omar Sharif, was a middleclass businessman in the occupation of fishing. Simon Peter was called to follow Jesus while fishing on the Sea of Galilee. Peter, demonstrated strengths and weaknesses in his character as he was courageous, impulsive, and stubborn. Peter was the first to confess the divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave Peter the authority to govern, guide, and rule as Vicar of Christ. In the fall of 64, shortly after the Great Fire of Rome, Peter (according to the apocryphal book, Acts of Peter) requested to be crucified upside down, emphasizing his fallen humanity and unworthiness to die in the same manner as did Jesus. The book selected is entitled, THE EAR OF THE HEART. This is a fascinating and interesting story of a beautiful, accomplished Hollywood actress named Dolores Hart. Dolores abandoned her acting career to become a bride of Christ. She is now called Mother Dolores Hart O.S.B. a prioress of the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut. The Library at Christ the King is opened whenever the Church is open. Support Group Meetings AA MEETING – Tuesday evenings, 5:30– 6:30 PM, Room B. This Meeting is open to anyone with a desire to stop drinking. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend this Meeting. AA MEETING – Tuesday evenings, 7:30– 8:30 PM, Room B, “Speaker’s Meeting”. MEN’S ALANON MEETING – Wednesday evenings, 6:45 PM, Room C. ALANON MEETING – Thursday evenings, 7:00–8:30 PM, Room A-1. AA MEETING – Saturday evenings, 7:30 PM, Room B. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS – at Christ the King, Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 PM, Wednesdays, Room A. Everyone welcome. GAMBLER’S ANONYMOUS – every Thursday, 11 AM – 12:30 PM, Room C. Meetings EXERCISE CLASS – for folks over 50, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:15 AM, Parish Hall. Call 508-477-4508. RESPECT LIFE MEETING – The Respect Life Ministry meets in Classroom C the 1st Monday of the month immediately following the 8:30 AM Mass. Everyone is invited. 50+ CLUB – A Parish organization for Seniors. Meetings and activities usually the 1st Tuesday of every other month in the Parish Hall at 1 PM. Day trips usually the 1st Monday of every other month. New members are always welcome. Call Peter and Joan Levesque at 617-281-8550 for further information. THIRD ORDER OF CARMELITES – meets the 3rd Sunday of the month, 10:30 AM. Mass followed by a teaching in Room A; daytime prayer in St. Jude’s Chapel. We meet every Sunday at 6:30 PM, St. Jude’s Chapel for evening prayer. We welcome your presence. The Lay Carmelite Order of St. John of the Cross. Eileen Sullivan 508432-8149 for more information. Parish Nurse Ministry / [email protected] 508-477-1110 Parish Office Hours: Mon.–Fri., 9 AM to 1 PM Sat. & Sun., 9 AM to 12 Noon 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER –3– APRIL 19, 2015 The Parish of Christ the King MASTER OF CEREMONIES Dear God, It is that time of the year again when the Parish invites those who are juniors in high school and are going to be promoted to senior and who would like to continue serving at the altar. Promotion to Master of Ceremonies will take place on Sunday, May 24 at the 10:30 AM Mass. when it comes to helping those in need, help me to see more than myself. I don’t think there is anyone who needs God’s grace and help more than I do. I feel so forsaken and confused at times. And I think that is exactly why God uses me, because I cannot claim any credit for what gets done. On the contrary I need His help twenty-four hours a day. It is requested that those who qualify contact the office at 508-477-7700 before May 17. Let the secretary know you are going to be a senior in high school and that you would like to continue on as a Master of Ceremonies. The Joy In Loving with Mother Teresa Community Calendar If you would like more information about how the Diocese is responding to the crisis of sexual abuse, please visit our website at It contains information on how to report an incident of abuse. Diocesan policies and procedures, and the Code of Conduct for all employees, clergy and volunteers. FALMOUTH CHORALE: GLORY, HALLELUJAH! Concerts Saturday, May 2 at 4 PM and Sunday, May 3 at 4 PM. Songs commemorating the end of the Civil War. John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford St., Falmouth. Tickets are $20 for adults and $5 for students online at At door, $25. More information at 774-392-2383. PARISH MISSION: May 4–7 at St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, Monday–Thursday, Noon and 7:00 PM. Speakers Father Kevin Scanlon, C.M. and Sister Briege McKenna, O.S.C. Fr. Kevin Scanlon is a Priest of the Vincentian Community. In 1985, he began full-time ministry to Priests with Sister Briege McKenna, her book “Miracles Do Happen” has been translated into many languages throughout the world. Invitation An on-going Parish Ministry To gather after daily mass in Classroom D to share a cup of Coffee or Tea. Everyone is welcome. Upcoming Weekly Readings for the Week of April 19, 2015 What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race. (Jn 1: 3-4) Sunday, April 19: Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19; Ps 4; 1John 2: 1-5a; Luke 24: 35-48. Mon., April 20: Acts 6: 8-15; Ps 119; John 6: 22-29. Tues., April 21: Acts 7: 51-8: 1a; Ps 31; John 6: 30-35. Wed., April 22: Acts 8: 1b-8; Ps 66; John 6: 35-40. Thurs., April 23: Acts 8: 26-40; Ps 66; John 6: 44-51. Fri., April 24: Acts 9: 1-20; Ps 117; John 6: 52-59. Sat., April 25: 1Pet 5: 5b-14; Ps 89; Mark 16: 15-20. Next Sunday, April 26: Acts 4: 8-12; Ps 118; 1John 3: 1-2; John 10: 11-18. 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER –4– An Invitation to Prayer, Praise and Worship All are welcome at Christ the King on Monday evenings, Classroom C from 7–8:30 PM. Please join us. For further information, contact Marie 508-539-4926 or Pam 508-681-8299. APRIL 19, 2015
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